コード例 #1
ファイル: ttr.py プロジェクト: GCantergiani/DES-Python
class events:
  time = None  #Event time
  type = None  #Event Type
  info = None  #Ancillary info
#############################################Main Program##########################
# i                          # loop parameter                         */
# j                          # index for the next event               */
nevents = 0                  # number of events during the simulation */
nsearches = 0                # number of event list searches          */
tnow = START                 # simulation clock                       */
# temp                       # used to find time of next event        */
ReceiveRate = 1.0 / 120.0    # time to transmit a character           */
event = [events() for i in range(0,N)]

tnow = START
for i in range(0,N): 
  event[i].time = GetThinkTime()
  event[i].type = 1
  event[i].info = 0

while (tnow < STOP): 
  nevents+= 1
  temp = 100.0 * STOP
  for i in range(0,N): 
    nsearches+= 1
    if (event[i].time <= temp):
      temp = event[i].time
      j = i
コード例 #2
ファイル: tri.py プロジェクト: van-ema/DES-Python

    p1 = (c-a)/(b-a)
    u = random()
    variate = 0

    if (u < p1):
        variate = a + (c-a)*pow(random(),.5)
        variate = b - (b-c)*pow((1-random()),.5)


######################################Main Program###################################


runs = 10000
a = 4
b = 8
c = 7

# generate 1000 with inverse */
invArray = [None for i in range(0,runs)]
sum = 0

for i in range(0,runs):
    invArray[i] = intri(a,b,c)
    sum += invArray[i]

invMean = sum/runs
コード例 #3
ファイル: ssms.py プロジェクト: GCantergiani/DES-Python
  service = 0.0 #service times
  interarrival = -1.0 #interarrival times

##############################Main Program################################

index = 0                    # job (machine failure) index */
arrival   = START                # time of arrival (failure)   */
delay = -1.0                           # delay in repair  queue      */
service = -1.0                         # service (repair) time       */
wait = -1.0                             # delay + service             */
departure = START                # time of service completion  */
m = 0                                # machine index 0,1,...(M-1)  */
failure = []                       # list of next failure times  */ 
sum = sumOf()


for m in range(0,M):                 # initial failures */
  failure.append(START + GetFailure())

m = [m] #convert to list to become mutable when passing to NextFailure

while (index < LAST):
  index += 1
  arrival      = NextFailure(failure,m)

  if (arrival < departure):
    delay      = departure - arrival  
    delay      = 0.0 
コード例 #4
ファイル: sis3.py プロジェクト: van-ema/DES-Python
class time:
    demand = 0  # next demand time                */
    arrive = 0  # next order arrival time init with no order  */
    current = 0  # current time                    */
    review = 0  # next inventory review time      */
    next = 0  # next (most imminent) event time */

############################Main Program##########################

inventory = MAXIMUM  # current inventory level */
order = 0  # current order level     */
t = time()
sum = sumOf()


t.current = START
t.demand = GetDemand()  #/* schedule the first demand */
t.review = t.current + 1.0  #/* schedule the first review */
t.arrive = INFINITY  #/* no order arrival pending  */

while (t.current < STOP):
    t.next = Min(t.demand, t.review, t.arrive)

    if (inventory > 0):
        sum.holding += (t.next - t.current) * inventory
        sum.shortage -= (t.next - t.current) * inventory
    t.current = t.next