コード例 #1
def load_basic_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the personal profile,
    such as phone number, city, marital status, and date of birth.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. If a string \
    is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return a string \
    corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.
    :Dictionary Keys: * user
                      * address
                      * city
                      * state
                      * zipcode
                      * phone_number
                      * marital_status
                      * date_of_birth
                      * citizenship
                      * country_of_residence
                      * number_dependents
                      * signup_as_rhs
                      * tax_id_ssn
                      * updated_at

    url = urls.basic_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #2
def get_stock_quote_by_id(stock_id, info=None):
    Represents basic stock quote information

    :param stock_id: robinhood stock id
    :type stock_id: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. Possible options are url, instrument, execution_date, \
    divsor, and multiplier.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :return: [dict] If the info parameter is provided, then the function will extract the value of the key \
    that matches the info parameter. Otherwise, the whole dictionary is returned.
    :Dictionary Keys: * ask_price
                      * ask_size
                      * bid_price
                      * bid_size
                      * last_trade_price
                      * last_extended_hours_trade_price
                      * previous_close
                      * adjusted_previous_close
                      * previous_close_date
                      * symbol
                      * trading_halted
                      * has_traded
                      * last_trade_price_source
                      * updated_at
                      * instrument
    url = urls.marketdata_quotes(stock_id)
    data = helper.request_get(url)

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #3
def get_dividends(info=None):
    """Returns a list of dividend trasactions that include information such as the percentage rate,
    amount, shares of held stock, and date paid.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each divident payment. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * id
                      * url
                      * account
                      * instrument
                      * amount
                      * rate
                      * position
                      * withholding
                      * record_date
                      * payable_date
                      * paid_at
                      * state
                      * nra_withholding
                      * drip_enabled

    url = urls.dividends()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination')

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #4
def load_investment_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the investment profile.
    These are the answers to the questionaire you filled out when you made your profile.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. \
    If a string is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return \
    a string corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.
    :Dictionary Keys: * user
                      * total_net_worth
                      * annual_income
                      * source_of_funds
                      * investment_objective
                      * investment_experience
                      * liquid_net_worth
                      * risk_tolerance
                      * tax_bracket
                      * time_horizon
                      * liquidity_needs
                      * investment_experience_collected
                      * suitability_verified
                      * option_trading_experience
                      * professional_trader
                      * understand_option_spreads
                      * interested_in_options
                      * updated_at

    url = urls.investment_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #5
def find_options_by_strike(inputSymbols, strikePrice, optionType=None, info=None):
    """Returns a list of all the option orders that match the seach parameters

    :param inputSymbols: The ticker of either a single stock or a list of stocks.
    :type inputSymbols: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the strike price to filter for.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put' or leave blank to get both.
    :type optionType: Optional[str]
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all options of the stock that match the search parameters. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

        symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
        if optionType:
            optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return [None]

    data = []
    for symbol in symbols:
        filteredOptions = find_tradable_options(symbol, None, strikePrice, optionType, None)

        for item in filteredOptions:
            marketData = get_option_market_data_by_id(item['id'])


    return(helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #6
def load_user_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the user profile,
    such as username, email, and links to the urls for other profiles.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. \
    If a string is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return \
    a string corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.
    :Dictionary Keys: * url
                      * id
                      * id_info
                      * username
                      * email
                      * email_verified
                      * first_name
                      * last_name
                      * origin
                      * profile_name
                      * created_at

    url = urls.user_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #7
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: RhythmicGaming/piggybanker
def get_crypto_info(symbol, info=None):
    """Gets information about a crpyto currency.

    :param symbol: The crypto ticker.
    :type symbol: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [dict] If info parameter is left as None then will return a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a strings representing the value of the key.
    :Dictionary Keys: * asset_currency
                      * display_only
                      * id
                      * max_order_size
                      * min_order_size
                      * min_order_price_increment
                      * min_order_quantity_increment
                      * name
                      * quote_currency
                      * symbol
                      * tradability

    url = urls.crypto_currency_pairs()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results')
    data = [x for x in data if x['asset_currency']['code'] == symbol]
    if len(data) > 0:
        data = data[0]
        data = None
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #8
def get_option_market_data(inputSymbols, expirationDate, strikePrice, optionType, info=None):
    """Returns the option market data for the stock option, including the greeks,
    open interest, change of profit, and adjusted mark price.

    :param inputSymbols: The ticker of the stock.
    :type inputSymbols: str
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the price of the option.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put'.
    :type optionType: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs for the stock. \
    If info parameter is provided, the value of the key that matches info is extracted.

        symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
        if optionType:
            optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return [None]

    data = []
    for symbol in symbols:
        optionID = helper.id_for_option(symbol, expirationDate, strikePrice, optionType)
        marketData = get_option_market_data_by_id(optionID)

    return(helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #9
def get_option_instrument_data(symbol,
    """Returns the option instrument data for the stock option.

    :param symbol: The ticker of the stock.
    :type symbol: str
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the price of the option.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put'.
    :type optionType: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs for the stock. \
    If info parameter is provided, the value of the key that matches info is extracted.

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
        optionType = optionType.lower().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return [None]

    optionID = helper.id_for_option(symbol, expirationDate, strikePrice,
    url = urls.option_instruments(optionID)
    data = helper.request_get(url)

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #10
def get_ratings(symbol, info=None):
    """Returns the ratings for a stock, including the number of buy, hold, and sell ratings.

    :param symbol: The stock ticker.
    :type symbol: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to contain a dictionary of values that correspond to the key that matches info. \
    Possible values are summary, ratings, and instrument_id
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [dict] If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will contain the values that correspond to the keyword that matches info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * summary - value is a dictionary
                      * ratings - value is a list of dictionaries
                      * instrument_id - value is a string
                      * ratings_published_at - value is a string

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return None

    url = urls.ratings(symbol)
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    if not data:
        return (data)

    if (len(data['ratings']) == 0):
        return (data)
        for item in data['ratings']:
            oldText = item['text']
            item['text'] = oldText.encode('UTF-8')

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #11
def load_security_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the security profile.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. \
    If a string is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return \
    a string corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.
    :Dictionary Keys: * user
                      * object_to_disclosure
                      * sweep_consent
                      * control_person
                      * control_person_security_symbol
                      * security_affiliated_employee
                      * security_affiliated_firm_relationship
                      * security_affiliated_firm_name
                      * security_affiliated_person_name
                      * security_affiliated_address
                      * security_affiliated_address_subject
                      * security_affiliated_requires_duplicates
                      * stock_loan_consent_status
                      * agreed_to_rhs
                      * agreed_to_rhs_margin
                      * rhs_stock_loan_consent_status
                      * updated_at

    url = urls.security_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #12
def get_earnings(symbol, info=None):
    """Returns the earnings for the different financial quarters.

    :param symbol: The stock ticker.
    :type symbol: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value \
    of the key that matches info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * symbol
                      * instrument
                      * year
                      * quarter
                      * eps
                      * report
                      * call

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return None

    url = urls.earnings()
    payload = {'symbol': symbol}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #13
def get_all_positions(info=None):
    """Returns a list containing every position ever traded.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each ticker. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * url
                      * instrument
                      * account
                      * account_number
                      * average_buy_price
                      * pending_average_buy_price
                      * quantity
                      * intraday_average_buy_price
                      * intraday_quantity
                      * shares_held_for_buys
                      * shares_held_for_sells
                      * shares_held_for_stock_grants
                      * shares_held_for_options_collateral
                      * shares_held_for_options_events
                      * shares_pending_from_options_events
                      * updated_at
                      * created_at

    url = urls.positions()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination')

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #14
def get_splits(symbol, info=None):
    """Returns the date, divisor, and multiplier for when a stock split occureed.

    :param symbol: The stock ticker.
    :type symbol: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value. Possible options are \
    url, instrument, execution_date, divsor, and multiplier.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] Returns a list of dictionaries. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value \
    of the key that matches info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * url
                      * instrument
                      * execution_date
                      * multiplier
                      * divisor

        symbol = symbol.upper().strip()
    except AttributeError as message:
        print(message, file=helper.get_output())
        return None

    url = urls.splits(symbol)
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #15
def get_name_by_url(url):
    """Returns the name of a stock from the instrument url. Should be located at ``https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/<id>``
    where <id> is the id of the stock.

    :param url: The url of the stock as a string.
    :type url: str
    :returns: [str] Returns the simple name of the stock. If the simple name does not exist then returns the full name.

    data = helper.request_get(url)
    if not data:
        return (None)
    # If stock doesn't have a simple name attribute then get the full name.
    filter = helper.filter_data(data, info='simple_name')
    if not filter or filter == "":
        filter = helper.filter_data(data, info='name')
    return (filter)
コード例 #16
def load_account_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the accounts profile,including day
    trading information and cash being held by Robinhood.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. \
    If a string is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return \
    a string corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.
    :Dictionary Keys: * url
                      * portfolio_cash
                      * can_downgrade_to_cash
                      * user
                      * account_number
                      * type
                      * created_at
                      * updated_at
                      * deactivated
                      * deposit_halted
                      * only_position_closing_trades
                      * buying_power
                      * cash_available_for_withdrawal
                      * cash
                      * cash_held_for_orders
                      * uncleared_deposits
                      * sma
                      * sma_held_for_orders
                      * unsettled_funds
                      * unsettled_debit
                      * crypto_buying_power
                      * max_ach_early_access_amount
                      * cash_balances
                      * margin_balances
                      * sweep_enabled
                      * instant_eligibility
                      * option_level
                      * is_pinnacle_account
                      * rhs_account_number
                      * state
                      * active_subscription_id
                      * locked
                      * permanently_deactivated
                      * received_ach_debit_locked
                      * drip_enabled
                      * eligible_for_fractionals
                      * eligible_for_drip
                      * eligible_for_cash_management
                      * cash_management_enabled
                      * option_trading_on_expiration_enabled
                      * cash_held_for_options_collateral
                      * fractional_position_closing_only
                      * user_id
                      * rhs_stock_loan_consent_status

    url = urls.account_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'indexzero')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #17
def get_linked_bank_accounts(info=None):
    """Returns all linked bank accounts.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each bank.

    url = urls.linked()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #18
def get_symbol_by_url(url):
    """Returns the symbol of a stock from the instrument url. Should be located at ``https://api.robinhood.com/instruments/<id>``
    where <id> is the id of the stock.

    :param url: The url of the stock as a string.
    :type url: str
    :returns: [str] Returns the ticker symbol of the stock.

    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return helper.filter_data(data, info='symbol')
コード例 #19
def get_all_watchlists(info=None):
    """Returns a list of all watchlists that have been created. Everyone has a 'My First List' watchlist.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of the watchlists. Keywords are 'url', 'user', and 'name'.

    url = urls.watchlists()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'result')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #20
def get_fundamentals(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns fundamental information
    about the stock such as what sector it is in, a description of the company, dividend yield, and market cap.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] If info parameter is left as None then the list will contain a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * open
                      * high
                      * low
                      * volume
                      * average_volume_2_weeks
                      * average_volume
                      * high_52_weeks
                      * dividend_yield
                      * float
                      * low_52_weeks
                      * market_cap
                      * pb_ratio
                      * pe_ratio
                      * shares_outstanding
                      * description
                      * instrument
                      * ceo
                      * headquarters_city
                      * headquarters_state
                      * sector
                      * industry
                      * num_employees
                      * year_founded
                      * symbol

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.fundamentals()
    payload = {'symbols': ','.join(symbols)}
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    if (data == None or data == [None]):
        return data

    for count, item in enumerate(data):
        if item is None:
            item['symbol'] = symbols[count]

    data = [item for item in data if item is not None]

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #21
def get_all_option_positions(info=None):
    """Returns all option positions ever held for the account.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each option. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    url = urls.option_positions()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #22
def get_subscription_fees(info=None):
    """Returns a list of subscription fees.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each fee. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    url = urls.subscription()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #23
def get_aggregate_positions(info=None):
    """Collapses all option orders for a stock into a single dictionary.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each order. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    url = urls.aggregate()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #24
def get_option_market_data_by_id(id, info=None):
    """Returns the option market data for a stock, including the greeks,
    open interest, change of profit, and adjusted mark price.

    :param id: The id of the stock.
    :type id: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs for the stock. \
    If info parameter is provided, the value of the key that matches info is extracted.

    instrument = get_option_instrument_data_by_id(id)
    url = urls.marketdata_options()
    payload = {
        "instruments" : instrument['url']
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'results', payload)

    if not data:
        data= {

    return(helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #25
def get_day_trades(info=None):
    """Returns recent day trades.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each day trade. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    account = profiles.load_account_profile('account_number')
    url = urls.daytrades(account)
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'regular')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #26
def get_documents(info=None):
    """Returns a list of documents that have been released by Robinhood to the account.

    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for each document. If info parameter is provided, \
    a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    url = urls.documents()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'pagination')

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #27
def find_options_by_specific_profitability(inputSymbols, expirationDate=None, strikePrice=None, optionType=None, typeProfit="chance_of_profit_short", profitFloor=0.0, profitCeiling=1.0, info=None):
    """Returns a list of option market data for several stock tickers that match a range of profitability.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param expirationDate: Represents the expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Leave as None to get all available dates.
    :type expirationDate: str
    :param strikePrice: Represents the price of the option. Leave as None to get all available strike prices.
    :type strikePrice: str
    :param optionType: Can be either 'call' or 'put' or leave blank to get both.
    :type optionType: Optional[str]
    :param typeProfit: Will either be "chance_of_profit_short" or "chance_of_profit_long".
    :type typeProfit: str
    :param profitFloor: The lower percentage on scale 0 to 1.
    :type profitFloor: int
    :param profitCeiling: The higher percentage on scale 0 to 1.
    :type profitCeiling: int
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries of key/value pairs for all stock option market data. \
    If info parameter is provided, a list of strings is returned where the strings are the value of the key that matches info.

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    data = []

    if (typeProfit != "chance_of_profit_short" and typeProfit != "chance_of_profit_long"):
        print("Invalid string for 'typeProfit'. Defaulting to 'chance_of_profit_short'.", file=helper.get_output())
        typeProfit = "chance_of_profit_short"

    for symbol in symbols:
        tempData = find_tradable_options(symbol, expirationDate, strikePrice, optionType, info=None)
        for option in tempData:
            if expirationDate and option.get("expiration_date") != expirationDate:

            market_data = get_option_market_data_by_id(option['id'])
            if len(market_data):

                    floatValue = float(option[typeProfit])
                    if (floatValue >= profitFloor and floatValue <= profitCeiling):

    return(helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #28
def get_bank_account_info(id, info=None):
    """Returns a single dictionary of bank information

    :param id: The bank id.
    :type id: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a dictinoary of key/value pairs for the bank. If info parameter is provided, \
    the value of the key that matches info is extracted.

    url = urls.linked(id)
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #29
def get_option_instrument_data_by_id(id, info=None):
    """Returns the option instrument information.

    :param id: The id of the stock.
    :type id: str
    :param info: Will filter the results to get a specific value.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs for the stock. \
    If info parameter is provided, the value of the key that matches info is extracted.

    url = urls.option_instruments(id)
    data = helper.request_get(url)
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
コード例 #30
def get_instruments_by_symbols(inputSymbols, info=None):
    """Takes any number of stock tickers and returns information held by the market
    such as ticker name, bloomberg id, and listing date.

    :param inputSymbols: May be a single stock ticker or a list of stock tickers.
    :type inputSymbols: str or list
    :param info: Will filter the results to have a list of the values that correspond to key that matches info.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: [list] If info parameter is left as None then the list will a dictionary of key/value pairs for each ticker. \
    Otherwise, it will be a list of strings where the strings are the values of the key that corresponds to info.
    :Dictionary Keys: * id
                      * url
                      * quote
                      * fundamentals
                      * splits
                      * state
                      * market
                      * simple_name
                      * name
                      * tradeable
                      * tradability
                      * symbol
                      * bloomberg_unique
                      * margin_initial_ratio
                      * maintenance_ratio
                      * country
                      * day_trade_ratio
                      * list_date
                      * min_tick_size
                      * type
                      * tradable_chain_id
                      * rhs_tradability
                      * fractional_tradability
                      * default_collar_fraction

    symbols = helper.inputs_to_set(inputSymbols)
    url = urls.instruments()
    data = []
    for item in symbols:
        payload = {'symbol': item}
        itemData = helper.request_get(url, 'indexzero', payload)

        if itemData:

    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))