def __init__(self, address, dev_name, baud_rate, name, sample_time=0.1, last_time=0.00, current_time=0.00): self.ERRORS = { 0x0000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "Normal"), 0x0001: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M1 over current"), 0x0002: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M2 over current"), 0x0004: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Emergency Stop"), 0x0008: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Temperature1"), 0x0010: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Temperature2"), 0x0020: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Main batt voltage high"), 0x0040: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Logic batt voltage high"), 0x0080: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Logic batt voltage low"), 0x0100: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M1 driver fault"), 0x0200: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M2 driver fault"), 0x0400: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Main batt voltage high"), 0x0800: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Main batt voltage low"), 0x1000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Temperature1"), 0x2000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Temperature2"), 0x4000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "M1 home"), 0x8000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "M2 home") } self.claw = RoboClaw(address, dev_name, baud_rate) = name self.claw.ResetEncoders() self.sample_time = sample_time self.last_time = 0.00 self.current_time = 0.00
import time from roboclaw import RoboClaw import CalibrationMotorFunctions as CMF import brake rc = RoboClaw('COM7', 0x80) Nb= brake.initNebula() time.sleep(1) #roboclaw1.drive_to_position_raw(motor=1, accel=0, speed=0, deccel=0, position=25, buffer=1) #roboclaw1.stop_all() # print(roboclaw1.read_max_speed(1)) # print(roboclaw1.read_position(1)) brake.setTorque(Nb, 50) CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc,10) time.sleep(.6) print(CMF.readAvgCurrent(rc,10)) time.sleep(3) CMF.stopMotor(rc) brake.setTorque(Nb,0)
def motorModel(speed, torque): # Warning on tested for speed 5 # pwm = 0.0004 * (torque ** 2) + 0.0965 * torque + 1.666 + speed pwm = 0.0011 * (torque**2) + 0.0318 * torque + speed # B = 1.16 # M = .1404 # pwm = speed + B + M * torque return pwm # Initialize everything print('Initializing') tc = Ard_T('COM3', 1) rc = RoboClaw('COM11', 0x80) Nb, Mc = brake.initNebula() # desiredSpeed = 40 # guess = 52 # # Set Brake Torque # brake.setTorque(Mc, 1000) # # Slight Delay # time.sleep(.25) # # Turn On Motor Guess of Appropriate Speed # CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, guess) # # Wait to Speed Up # time.sleep(2) # # Read Speed # speed = CMF.readAcSpeed(rc)
from roboclaw import RoboClaw import time roboclaw1 = RoboClaw(port='/dev/ttyACM0', address=0x80) # Read the roboclaw manual to understand the trajectory parameters roboclaw1.drive_to_position_raw(motor=1, accel=0, speed=0, deccel=0, position=25, buffer=1) while True: print(roboclaw1.read_position(1)) time.sleep(0.5)
def collectBrakeData(trials, currdir, fname, timeLength=3, pts=150, atrials=0): """ For Specified number trials collect information in data data = trialsx3 array of columns input voltage, current, label """ # rc = RoboClaw('COM10', 0x80) # Nb = brake.initNebula() # # imports and set ups # data = np.zeros(trials, 3) # motorSpeedList = [50] # maxTorque = 100.0 # data[0, 2] = 0 # brake.setTorque(Nb, strength) # CMF.setMotorSpeed(motorSpeedList[0]) # noLoadCurrent = CMF.readAvgCurrent(rc, timeLength, pts) # for t in range(trials): # # Input random voltage for torque # strength = np.random.randint(0, 1001) # data[t, 0] = strength # brake.setTorque(Nb, strength) # # Set motor Speed based on estimate to reduce variance # CMF.setMotorSpeed(motorSpeedList[np.floor( # brake / maxTorque * len(motorSpeedList))]) # # Read value current I from controller # I, v = CMF.readAvgCurrent(rc, timeLength, pts) # # Do Interpolation to calculate Torque # data[t, 1] = np.nan # TODO math # # Make Array of Input voltage and corresponding torque # # Label Data based on if previous value was # if t > 0: # data[t, 2] = data[t - 1, 1] # # less than (0) or greater than (1) new value # # First value is always zero if type(trials) is list: brakeStrength = np.asarray(trials) trials = len(trials) elif isinstance(trials, np.ndarray): brakeStrength = trials trials = len(trials) else: brakeStrength = np.random.random_integers(0, 1000, (trials, )) / 10.0 if atrials > 0: step = 60 cutoff = 100 asymSteps = np.zeros(atrials) for i in range(1, atrials // 2, 2): asymSteps[i] = min( 1000 - cutoff, asymSteps[i - 1] + 2 * np.random.random_integers(0, step)) asymSteps[i + 1] = max( 0, asymSteps[i] - 1 * np.random.random_integers(0, step)) asymSteps[atrials // 2] = 1000 for i in range(atrials // 2 + 1, atrials - 1, 2): asymSteps[i] = max( 0 + cutoff, asymSteps[i - 1] - 2 * np.random.random_integers(0, step)) asymSteps[i + 1] = min( 1000, asymSteps[i] + 1 * np.random.random_integers(0, step)) asymSteps[-1] = max( 0 + cutoff, asymSteps[-2] - 2 * np.random.random_integers(0, step)) brakeStrength = np.append(brakeStrength, asymSteps / 10) print(np.shape(brakeStrength)) plt.plot(brakeStrength) currentScale = 1000 / 100 pause = 0 motorSpeed = 5 # [20, 20, 20, 20, 20] fullTime = timeLength * len(brakeStrength) rc = RoboClaw('COM11', 0x80) Nb, Mc = brake.initNebula() dt = 1.0 / pts P = 7 D = 15 I = .1 # P = 0 # D = 0 # I = 0 # Create List of Commands intError = 0 lastError = 0 data = np.full([int(fullTime * pts), 5], np.nan) if pause <= 0: CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, motorSpeed) time.sleep(1) for point in range(0, len(brakeStrength)): # initialize Data # Main Loop if pause > 0: intError = 0 lastError = 0 CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, motorSpeed) time.sleep(1) stepTime = 0.0 currTime = stepTime + timeLength * point start = time.time() while stepTime < timeLength: setSpeed = motorSpeed # [int(np.floor(currTime / timeLength))] acSpeed = CMF.readAcSpeed(rc) error = setSpeed - acSpeed derror = error - lastError intError += error command = P * error + D * derror + I * intError CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, command) lastError = error brakeTorque = int( round(currentScale * brakeStrength[int(np.floor(currTime / timeLength))])) brake.setTorque(Mc, brakeTorque) # Record Data here # TimeStamp data[int(np.floor(currTime / dt)), 0] = currTime # Brake Command data[int(np.floor(currTime / dt)), 1] = brakeStrength[int(np.floor(currTime / timeLength))] # Actual Brake Reading data[int(np.floor(currTime / dt)), 2] = brake.readCurrent(Mc) / currentScale # Motor Current data[int(np.floor(currTime / dt)), 3] = CMF.readInCurrent(rc) # Motor Speed data[int(np.floor(currTime / dt)), 4] = acSpeed # data[int(np.floor(currTime / dt)), 3] = setSpeed loopTime = time.time() - stepTime - start if loopTime < dt: time.sleep(dt - loopTime) stepTime = time.time() - start currTime = stepTime + timeLength * point if pause > 0: CMF.stopMotor(rc) time.sleep(pause * brakeStrength[point] / 100.0) CMF.stopMotor(rc) np.savetxt( currdir + fname + '.csv', data, fmt='%.2f', delimiter=',', newline='\n', header= ('Time, setPoint, Actual Brake Current, MotorCurrent, MotorSpeed, trials: %d , atrials: %d , pts: %d , timeLength: %0.2f' % (trials, atrials, pts, timeLength)), footer='', comments='# ') np.savetxt(currdir + 'BrakeCommands' + fname + '.csv', brakeStrength, fmt='%.1f', delimiter=',', newline='\n', header='', footer='', comments='# ') brake.setTorque(Mc, 0) print('brake command sent') brake.close(Nb, Mc) print('brake closed') return (data, brakeStrength)
self.dir2 = -1 elif ([6] < -10): self.speed =[6] * 25 *[6] / 800 self.dir1 = -1 self.dir2 = 1 if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("Differential node") rospy.loginfo("Starting differential node") r_time = rospy.Rate(1) for i in range(20): try: roboclaw2 = RoboClaw(0x81, "/dev/roboclaw2", 9600) except SerialException: rospy.logwarn("Could not connect to RoboClaw2, retrying...") r_time.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Connected to RoboClaw2") for i in range(20): try: roboclaw1 = RoboClaw(0x80, "/dev/roboclaw1", 9600) except SerialException: rospy.logwarn("Could not connect to RoboClaw1, retrying...") r_time.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Connected to RoboClaw1") diffClaw = DifferentialClaw(roboclaw1, roboclaw2)
def __init__(self, address, dev_name, baud_rate, name, kp1=0.7, kp2=0.7, ki1=0.2, ki2=0.2, kd1=30, kd2=30, int_windout1=20, int_windout2=20, qpps1=1, qpps2=1, deadzone1=3, deadzone2=3, kon1=0, kon2=0, sample_time=0.01, last_time=0.00, curren_time=0.00): self.ERRORS = { 0x0000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "Normal"), 0x0001: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M1 over current"), 0x0002: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M2 over current"), 0x0004: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Emergency Stop"), 0x0008: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Temperature1"), 0x0010: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Temperature2"), 0x0020: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Main batt voltage high"), 0x0040: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Logic batt voltage high"), 0x0080: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.ERROR, "Logic batt voltage low"), 0x0100: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M1 driver fault"), 0x0200: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "M2 driver fault"), 0x0400: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Main batt voltage high"), 0x0800: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Main batt voltage low"), 0x1000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Temperature1"), 0x2000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.WARN, "Temperature2"), 0x4000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "M1 home"), 0x8000: (diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticStatus.OK, "M2 home") } self.claw = RoboClaw(address, dev_name, baud_rate) = name self.claw.ResetEncoders() self.targetAngleM1 = 0 self.targetAngleM2 = 0 self.kp1 = kp1 self.kp2 = kp2 self.ki1 = ki1 self.ki2 = ki2 self.kd1 = kd1 self.kd2 = kd2 self.qpps1 = qpps1 self.qpps2 = qpps2 self.deadzone1 = deadzone1 self.deadzone2 = deadzone2 self.int_windout1 = int_windout1 self.int_windout2 = int_windout2 self.kon1 = kon1 self.kon2 = kon2 self.sample_time = sample_time self.last_time = 0.00 self.last_error1 = 0.00 self.last_error2 = 0.00 self.PTerm1 = 0.00 self.ITerm1 = 0.00 self.DTerm1 = 0.00 self.PTerm2 = 0.00 self.ITerm2 = 0.00 self.DTerm2 = 0.00 self.diff_ITerm1 = 0.00 self.diff_ITerm2 = 0.00 self.last_Ierr1 = 0.00 self.last_Ierr2 = 0.00 self.delta_error1 = 0.00 self.delta_error2 = 0.00 self.diff1 = 0.00 self.diff2 = 0.00 self.enc1Pos = 0.00 self.enc2Pos = 0.00 self.finalEnc1Val = 0.00 self.finalEnc2Val = 0.00 self.initialAngleM1 = 0 self.initialAngleM2 = 0
def __init__(self, address, dev_name, baud_rate, reset_encoders=False): self.claw = RoboClaw(address, dev_name, baud_rate) if(reset_encoders): self.claw.ResetEncoders()
def warmup(runtime=1200): rc = RoboClaw('COM11', 0x80) CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, 5) time.sleep(runtime) CMF.stopMotor(rc) print('Warmup Script Complete')
import brake import time from roboclaw import RoboClaw import CalibrationMotorFunctions as CMF print("starting") # Nb, Mc = brake.initNebula() # print((Nb,Mc)) # for i in range(1): # brake.setTorque(Mc, 0) # time.sleep(.2) # brake.setTorque(Mc, 1000) # time.sleep(5) # brake.setTorque(Mc, 0) # print('Stress Test Passed') # brake.close(Nb, Mc) # print('Motor Closed without Fault') # print('All Tests Passed') # rc = RoboClaw('COM7', 0x80) # # Nb = brake.initNebula() # time.sleep(1) # CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc,90) # time.sleep(2) # CMF.stopMotor(rc) rc = RoboClaw('COM10', 0x80) CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, 0) CMF.setMotorSpeed(rc, 20) time.sleep(3) CMF.stopMotor(rc)
from roboclaw import RoboClaw import time roboclaw1 = RoboClaw('/dev/ttyACM0', 0x80) roboclaw1.drive_to_position_raw(motor=1, accel=0, speed=0, deccel=0, position=25, buffer=1) while True: print(roboclaw1.read_position(1)) time.sleep(0.5)