コード例 #1
ファイル: Remote.py プロジェクト: gaoxiaofeng/robotframework
 def _handle_binary_in_string(self, arg):
         if not is_bytes(arg):
             arg = arg.encode('ASCII')
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError('Cannot represent %r as binary.' % arg)
     return xmlrpclib.Binary(arg)
コード例 #2
 def _handle_binary_in_string(self, arg):
         if not is_bytes(arg):
             arg = arg.encode('ASCII')
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError('Cannot represent %r as binary.' % arg)
     return xmlrpclib.Binary(arg)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Remote.py プロジェクト: moto-timo/robotframework
 def _handle_binary_in_string(self, arg):
         # FIXME: This doesn't currently handle bytearray correctly
         if not is_bytes(arg):
             arg = arg.encode('ASCII')
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError('Cannot represent %r as binary.' % arg)
     return xmlrpclib.Binary(arg)
コード例 #4
 def _handle_binary_in_string(self, arg):
         # FIXME: This doesn't currently handle bytearray correctly
         if not is_bytes(arg):
             arg = arg.encode('ASCII')
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError('Cannot represent %r as binary.' % arg)
     return xmlrpclib.Binary(arg)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Remote.py プロジェクト: SaileshPraveen89/robot
 def _handle_binary_in_string(self, arg):
         if not is_bytes(arg):
             # Map Unicode code points to bytes directly
             arg = arg.encode('latin-1')
     except UnicodeError:
         raise ValueError('Cannot represent %r as binary.' % arg)
     return xmlrpc.client.Binary(arg)
コード例 #6
ファイル: String.py プロジェクト: oboehmer/robotframework
    def should_be_byte_string(self, item, msg=None):
        """Fails if the given ``item`` is not a byte string.

        Use `Should Be String` if you want to verify the ``item`` is a string.

        The default error message can be overridden with the optional ``msg`` argument.
        if not is_bytes(item):
            self._fail(msg, "'%s' is not a byte string.", item)
 def _to_string(self, value, allow_tuple=False, allow_none=False):
     if is_unicode(value):
         return value
     if is_bytes(value):
         return value.decode('UTF-8')
     if allow_tuple and is_list_like(value) and len(value) > 0:
         return tuple(value)
     if allow_none and value is None:
         return value
     or_tuple = ' or a non-empty tuple' if allow_tuple else ''
     raise DataError('Return value must be a string%s, got %s.' %
                     (or_tuple, type_name(value)))
コード例 #8
 def _encode_value(self, value, message, little_endian=False):
     if isinstance(value, Field):
         value = value._value
         if not is_bytes(value):
             value = str(value or '')
             if PY3:
                 value = BuiltIn().convert_to_bytes(value)
         value += self._terminator
     length, aligned_length = self.length.find_length_and_set_if_necessary(
         message, len(value))
     return value.ljust(length, b'\x00'), aligned_length
コード例 #9
ファイル: String.py プロジェクト: alexandrul/robotframework
    def should_be_byte_string(self, item, msg=None):
        """Fails if the given ``item`` is not a byte string.

        Use `Should Be Unicode String` if you want to verify the ``item`` is a
        Unicode string, or `Should Be String` if both Unicode and byte strings
        are fine. See `Should Be String` for more details about Unicode strings
        and byte strings.

        The default error message can be overridden with the optional
        ``msg`` argument.
        if not is_bytes(item):
            self._fail(msg, "'%s' is not a byte string.", item)
コード例 #10
    def should_be_byte_string(self, item, msg=None):
        """Fails if the given ``item`` is not a byte string.

        Use `Should Be Unicode String` if you want to verify the ``item`` is a
        Unicode string, or `Should Be String` if both Unicode and byte strings
        are fine. See `Should Be String` for more details about Unicode strings
        and byte strings.

        The default error message can be overridden with the optional
        ``msg`` argument.
        if not is_bytes(item):
            self._fail(msg, "'%s' is not a byte string.", item)
コード例 #11
 def validate(self, parent, paramdict, name=None):
     name = name or self.name
     field = parent[name]
     value = field.bytes
     forced_value = self._get_element_value_and_remove_from_params(
         paramdict, name)
     forced_value_unicode = forced_value
     if PY3 and is_bytes(forced_value):
         forced_value_unicode = BuiltIn().convert_to_string(forced_value)
         if not forced_value_unicode or forced_value_unicode == 'None':
             return []
         elif forced_value_unicode.startswith('('):
             return self._validate_pattern(forced_value_unicode, value,
     except AttributeError as e:
         e.args = (
             'Validating {}:{} failed. {}.\n    Did you set default value as numeric object instead of string?'
             .format(name, forced_value_unicode, e.args[0]), )
         raise e
     if forced_value_unicode.startswith('REGEXP'):
         return self._validate_regexp(forced_value_unicode, value, field)
     return self._validate_exact_match(forced_value, value, field)
コード例 #12
    def should_be_title_case(self, string, msg=None, exclude=None):
        """Fails if given ``string`` is not title.

        ``string`` is a title cased string if there is at least one uppercase
        letter in each word.

        For example, ``'This Is Title'`` and ``'OK, Give Me My iPhone'``
        would pass. ``'all words lower'`` and ``'Word In lower'`` would fail.

        This logic changed in Robot Framework 4.0 to be compatible with
        `Convert to Title Case`. See `Convert to Title Case` for title case
        algorithm and reasoning.

        The default error message can be overridden with the optional
        ``msg`` argument.

        Words can be explicitly excluded with the optional ``exclude`` argument.

        Explicitly excluded words can be given as a list or as a string with
        words separated by a comma and an optional space. Excluded words are
        actually considered to be regular expression patterns, so it is
        possible to use something like "example[.!?]?" to match the word
        "example" on it own and also if followed by ".", "!" or "?".
        See `BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp` for more information about Python
        regular expression syntax in general and how to use it in Robot
        Framework test data in particular.

        See also `Should Be Uppercase` and `Should Be Lowercase`.
        if PY2 and is_bytes(string):
                string = string.decode('ASCII')
            except UnicodeError:
                raise TypeError('This keyword works only with Unicode strings '
                                'and non-ASCII bytes.')
        if string != self.convert_to_title_case(string, exclude):
            self._fail(msg, "'%s' is not title case.", string)
コード例 #13
 def _to_string(self, value):
     if is_unicode(value):
         return value
     if is_bytes(value):
         return value.decode('UTF-8')
     raise DataError('Return value must be string.')
コード例 #14
 def _string_contains_binary(self, arg):
     return (self.binary.search(arg)
             or is_bytes(arg) and self.non_ascii.search(arg))
コード例 #15
 def _contains_binary(self, arg):
     return (self.binary.search(arg) or is_bytes(arg) and not IRONPYTHON
             and self.non_ascii.search(arg))
コード例 #16
 def _to_string(self, value):
     if is_unicode(value):
         return value
     if is_bytes(value):
         return value.decode('UTF-8')
     raise DataError('Return value must be string.')
コード例 #17
ファイル: Remote.py プロジェクト: gaoxiaofeng/robotframework
 def _string_contains_binary(self, arg):
     return (self.binary.search(arg) or
             is_bytes(arg) and self.non_ascii.search(arg))
コード例 #18
ファイル: Remote.py プロジェクト: RoyeeW/robotframework
 def _contains_binary(self, arg):
     return (self.binary.search(arg) or
             is_bytes(arg) and not IRONPYTHON and
コード例 #19
 def test_bytes(self):
     for thing in [b'bytes', bytearray(b'ba'), b'', bytearray()]:
         assert_equal(is_bytes(thing), True, thing)
         assert_equal(is_string(thing), False, thing)
コード例 #20
 def test_strings(self):
     for thing in ['string', 'hyvä', '']:
         assert_equal(is_string(thing), True, thing)
         assert_equal(is_bytes(thing), False, thing)
コード例 #21
 def test_strings(self):
     for thing in ['string', u'unicode', '', u'']:
         assert_equal(is_string(thing), True, thing)
         assert_equal(is_bytes(thing), isinstance(thing, bytes), thing)
コード例 #22
 def _to_string(self, value):
     if not (is_string(value) or is_bytes(value)):
         raise DataError("Return value must be string.")
     return value if is_unicode(value) else unic(value, "UTF-8")
コード例 #23
 def test_bytes(self):
     for thing in [b'bytes', bytearray(b'ba'), b'', bytearray()]:
         assert_equal(is_bytes(thing), True, thing)
         assert_equal(is_string(thing), isinstance(thing, str), thing)
コード例 #24
 def test_strings(self):
     for thing in ['string', u'unicode', '', u'']:
         assert_equal(is_string(thing), True, thing)
         assert_equal(is_bytes(thing), isinstance(thing, bytes), thing)
コード例 #25
 def test_bytes(self):
     for thing in [b'bytes', bytearray(b'ba'), b'', bytearray()]:
         assert_equal(is_bytes(thing), True, thing)
         assert_equal(is_string(thing), isinstance(thing, str), thing)
コード例 #26
 def _to_string(self, value):
     if not (is_string(value) or is_bytes(value)):
         raise DataError('Return value must be string.')
     return value if is_unicode(value) else unic(value, 'UTF-8')