コード例 #1
ファイル: classify_xyz.py プロジェクト: AndySer37/pcl
	def call_back(self, msg):
		obj_list = ObjectPoseList()
		obj_list.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
		obj_list.size = 0
		cluster_num = len(msg.list)
		#pcl_size = len(msg.poses)
		for i in range(cluster_num):
			self.image = np.zeros((int(self.height), int(self.width), 3), np.uint8)
			img = []
			pcl_size = len(msg.list[i].poses)
			avg_x = avg_y = avg_z = 0
			for j in range(pcl_size): # project to XY, YZ, XZ plane
				avg_x = avg_x + msg.list[i].poses[j].position.x
				avg_y = avg_y + msg.list[i].poses[j].position.y
				avg_z = avg_z + msg.list[i].poses[j].position.z
				img.append([msg.list[i].poses[j].position.x, msg.list[i].poses[j].position.y, msg.list[i].poses[j].position.z])
			self.toIMG(pcl_size, img, 'img')
			model_type = self.classify()
			# ***************************************************************
			# Add to object list
			# ***************************************************************
			obj = ObjectPose()
			obj.position.x = float(avg_x/pcl_size)
			obj.position.y = float(avg_y/pcl_size)
			obj.position.z = float(avg_z/pcl_size)
			obj.type = model_type
			#cv2.imwrite( "Image.jpg", self.image)
			#self.index = self.index + 1
			#print "Save image"
		obj_list.size = cluster_num
コード例 #2
ファイル: classify_rot.py プロジェクト: AndySer37/pcl
	def call_back(self, msg):
		tf_points = PCL_points()
		tf_points = msg
		obj_list = ObjectPoseList()
		obj_list.header.frame_id = tf_points.header.frame_id
		obj_list.size = 0
		cluster_num = len(tf_points.list)
		#pcl_size = len(msg.poses)
		for i in range(cluster_num):
			self.image = np.zeros((int(self.height), int(self.width), 3), np.uint8)
			plane_xy = []
			plane_yz = []
			plane_xz = []
			pcl_size = len(tf_points.list[i].poses)

			# ======= Coordinate transform for better project performance ======
			position = [0, 0, 0]
			rad = math.atan2(tf_points.centroids[i].y, tf_points.centroids[i].x)
			quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0., 0., -rad)
			transformer = tf.TransformerROS()
			transpose_matrix = transformer.fromTranslationRotation(position, quaternion)
			for m in range(pcl_size):
				new_x = tf_points.list[i].poses[m].position.x
				new_y = tf_points.list[i].poses[m].position.y
				new_z = tf_points.list[i].poses[m].position.z
				orig_point = np.array([new_x, new_y, new_z, 1])
				new_center = np.dot(transpose_matrix, orig_point)
				tf_points.list[i].poses[m].position.x = new_center[0]
				tf_points.list[i].poses[m].position.y = new_center[1]
				tf_points.list[i].poses[m].position.z = new_center[2]

			# ======= project to XY, YZ, XZ plane =======
			for j in range(pcl_size):
				plane_xy.append([tf_points.list[i].poses[j].position.x, tf_points.list[i].poses[j].position.y])
				plane_yz.append([tf_points.list[i].poses[j].position.y, tf_points.list[i].poses[j].position.z])
				plane_xz.append([tf_points.list[i].poses[j].position.x, tf_points.list[i].poses[j].position.z])
			self.toIMG(pcl_size, plane_xy, 'xy')
			self.toIMG(pcl_size, plane_yz, 'yz')
			self.toIMG(pcl_size, plane_xz, 'xz')
			model_type = self.classify()

			# ***************************************************************
			# Add to object list
			# ***************************************************************
			obj = ObjectPose()
			obj.position.x = msg.centroids[i].x
			obj.position.y = msg.centroids[i].y
			obj.position.z = msg.centroids[i].z
			obj.varianceX = msg.varianceX
			obj.varianceY = msg.varianceY
			obj.type = model_type
			#cv2.imwrite( "Image" + str(self.index) + ".jpg", self.image)
			#self.index = self.index + 1
			#print "Save image"
		obj_list.size = cluster_num