コード例 #1
def linear_fit(x, y):
    linear fitting function with -99999 error removal 
    Input:  x   --- independent variable array
            y   --- dependent variable array
    Output: intc --- intercept
            slope--- slope
    #--- first remove error entries (which is -99999)
    xn = []
    yn = []
    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        if float(y[i]) != -99999:

    if len(xn) > 3:
            (a, b, berr) = robust.robust_fit(xn, yn)
            return [a, b]
            return [0, 0]
        return [0, 0]
コード例 #2
ファイル: create_ede_plots.py プロジェクト: chandra-mta/MTA
def fit_line(x, y, xmin, xmax):
    fit robust fit line on the data on log-log plane
    input:  x       --- x data
            y       --- y data
            xmin    --- min of x
            xmax    --- max of x
    #--- convert the data into log
    xl = numpy.log10(x)
    yl = numpy.log10(y)
    #--- fit a line on log-log plane with robust fit
    if len(xl) > 4:
        [a, b, e] = robust.robust_fit(xl, yl)
        a = 0.0
        b = 0.0
        e = 0.0
#--- compute plotting data points on non-log plane; it is used by the plotting routine
    xsave = []
    ysave = []
    step = (xmax - xmin) / 100.0
    for k in range(0, 100):
        xe = xmin + step * k
        ye = 10**(a + b * math.log10(xe))

    return [xsave, ysave, a, b]
コード例 #3
def create_trend_data_plot(x, y, ccd, dtype, col_name, col_dname):
    create a trend plot
    input:  x           --- a list of x data
            y           --- a list of y data
            ccd         --- ccd name
            dytpe       --- data type
            col_name   --- short-hand column name
            col_dname  --- full column name
    output: <plot_dir>/<ccd>_<dtype>_<col_name>.png
    #--- fit a trend line
    [intc, slope, err] = robust.robust_fit(x, y)
    #--- set plotting range
    [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = set_plotting_range(x, y)

    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xbound(xmin, xmax)
    ax.set_xlim(left=xmin, right=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(bottom=ymin, top=ymax, auto=False)
    #--- plot data
    plt.plot(x, y, color='blue', marker='.', markersize='1', lw=0)
    #--- plot trending line
    yb = intc + slope * xmin
    ye = intc + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [yb, ye],
    #--- label axes
    plt.xlabel('Time (year)')
    #--- save the plot
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10, 5)

    outname = plot_dir + ccd + '_' + dtype + '_' + col_name + '.png'

    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=200)
コード例 #4
def plot_s2hvst_vt_ratio(sfile, indata):
    create s2hvst - valid rate/total rate plot
    input:  sfile   --- input file name
            indata  --- a list of lists of data
    output: <head_name>_s2hvst_vt_ratio.png
    #--- create ratio data from vald and total count rate
    [rdata, rerr] = compute_ratio(indata[12], indata[9], indata[14],
    #--- setting plotting surface
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)

    xmin = 4
    xmax = 9
    psize = 9
    fsize = 14
    tfsize = fsize + 2

    ymin = 0.20
    ymax = 0.50
    a1 = plt.subplot(111)
    plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
    plt.plot(indata[21], rdata, lw=0, marker='+', markersize=psize)
    #--- add fitting line
    (sint, slope, serror) = robust.robust_fit(indata[21], rdata, iter=100)
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], lw=2.0, marker='+', markersize=psize)

    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    xpos = xmin + 0.1 * xdiff
    ypos = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    text = 'Slope: ' + str(round(slope, 4)) + '+/-' + str(round(serror, 4))
    plt.text(xpos, ypos, text, size=tfsize, weight='bold')

    #--- add the legend and x axis name
    a1.set_xlabel("S2HVST", size=fsize)
    a1.set_ylabel("Valid Rate / Total Rate", size=fsize)
    #--- save the plot in file
    save_plot_in_file(sfile, 's2hvst_vt_ratio.png')
コード例 #5
def get_int_slope(x, y, xl, yl):
    estimate a + b * x line  with a robust method and then compare with a
    simple two point estimate and choose a shallower slope fitting
    input:  x       --- a list of x values
            y       --- a list of y values
            xl      --- a secondary list of x value
            yl      --- a seocndary list of y value
    output: a       --- intercept
            b       --- slope
    #--- choose the data only in the last one year
    bound = ecf.current_time() - 1.0

    xsave = []
    ysave = []

    for k in range(0, len(x)):
        if x[k] < bound:
#--- if there are not enough data, give up the fitting
    if len(xsave) < 6:
        return [999, 999]

        #--- robust fit
        [a, b, err] = rfit.robust_fit(xsave, ysave)
        #--- two point fit
        [al, bl] = get_int_slope_supl(xl, yl)
        #--- choose a shallower slope fit
        if abs(bl) < abs(b):
            a = al
            b = bl
        a = 999
        b = 999

    return [a, b]
コード例 #6
def get_int_slope(x, y, xl, yl):
    estimate a + b * x line  with a robust method and then compare with a
    simple two point estimate and choose a shallower slope fitting
    input:  x       --- a list of x values
            y       --- a list of y values
            xl      --- a secondary list of x value
            yl      --- a seocndary list of y value
    output: a       --- intercept
            b       --- slope
#--- choose the data only in the last one year
    bound = ecf.current_time() - 1.0

    xsave = []
    ysave = []

    for k in range(0, len(x)):
        if x[k] < bound:
#--- if there are not enough data, give up the fitting
    if len(xsave) < 6:
        return [999, 999]

#--- robust fit
        [a,b,err] = rfit.robust_fit(xsave, ysave)
#--- two point fit
        [al, bl]  = get_int_slope_supl(xl, yl)
#--- choose a shallower slope fit
        if abs(bl) < abs(b):
            a = al
            b = bl
        a = 999
        b = 999

    return [a,b]
コード例 #7
def linear_fit(x, y):

    linear fitting function with -99999 error removal 
    Input:  x   --- independent variable array
            y   --- dependent variable array
    Output: intc --- intercept
            slope--- slope

#--- first remove error entries (which is -99999)
    xn = []
    yn = []
    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        if float(y[i]) != -99999:

    if len(xn) > 3:
            (a, b, berr) = robust.robust_fit(xn, yn)
            return [a, b]
            return [0,0]
#--- modify array to numpy array
#        d = numpy.array(xn)
#        v = numpy.array(yn)
#--- kmpfit
#        param = [0, 1]
#        fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(d,v))
#        fitobj.fit(params0=paramsinitial)
#        return fitobj.params
#--- chauvenet exclusion and linear fit
#        try:
#            [a, b, ae, be] = chauv.run_chauvenet(d, v)
#            return [a, b]
#        except:
#            return [0, 0]
        return [0, 0]
コード例 #8
def linear_fit(x, y):
    linear fitting function with -99999 error removal 
    Input:  x   --- independent variable array
    y   --- dependent variable array
    Output: intc --- intercept
    slope--- slope

    #--- first remove error entries
    sum = 0
    sum2 = 0
    tot = 0
    for i in range(0, len(y)):
        if y[i] > 0:
            sum += y[i]
            sum2 += y[i] * y[i]
            tot += 1
    if tot > 0:
        avg = sum / tot
        sig = math.sqrt(sum2 / tot - avg * avg)
        avg = 3.0

    lower = 0.0
    upper = avg + 2.0
    xn = []
    yn = []

    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        if (y[i] > lower) and (y[i] < upper):

    if len(yn) > 10:
        [intc, slope, serr] = robust.robust_fit(xn, yn, iter=50)
        [intc, slope, serr] = [0, 0, 0]

    return [intc, slope, 0.0, serr]
コード例 #9
ファイル: ede_plot.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
def plot_single_panel(xmin,
    plot a single data set on a single panel
    Input:  xmin    --- min x
            xmax    --- max x
            ymin    --- min y
            ymax    --- max y
            xdata   --- independent variable
            ydata   --- dependent variable
            yerror  --- error in y axis
            xname   --- x axis label
            ynane   --- y axis label
            label   --- a text to indecate what is plotted
            outname --- the name of output file
            resolution-- the resolution of the plot in dpi
    Output: png plot named <outname>

    #--- fit line --- use robust method
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
    lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope, 3))
    #--- close everything opened before
    #--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)
    #--- set plotting range
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xbound(xmin, xmax)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)
    #--- plot data
    plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color='blue', marker='o', markersize=4.0, lw=0)
    #--- plot error bar
    plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror, lw=0, elinewidth=1)
    #--- plot fitted line
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color='red', lw=2)
    #--- label axes
    #--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos = xmin + 0.5 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos = ymax - 0.08 * ydiff

    label = label + ': Slope:  ' + str(lslope)

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label)

    #--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
    #--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #10
def plot_data(t_list, d_list, fid, xlabel, outname, xs=0):
    create plot
    input:  t_list  --- a list of x data
            d_list  --- a list of y data
            fid     --- fid light #
            xlabel  --- the label for x axis
            outname --- plot file name
            xs      --- indicator which way to set xaxis range
    output: outname --- png plot created

    [t_list, d_list] = remove_na_from_lists(t_list, d_list)
    tarray = numpy.array(t_list)
    darray = numpy.array(d_list)
    idx = ~numpy.isnan(darray)
    tarray = tarray[idx]
    darray = darray[idx]
    idx = (darray < 100) & (darray > -100)
    t_list = list(tarray[idx])
    d_list = list(darray[idx])
    #--- set plotting range
    if xs == 0:
        xmin = int(min(t_list)) - 1
        xmax = int(max(t_list)) + 1
        xmin = (int(10 * min(t_list)) - 0.5) / 10.0
        xmax = (int(10 * max(t_list)) + 1.5) / 10.0

    ymin = (int(10 * min(d_list)) - 0.5) / 10.0
    ymax = (int(10 * max(d_list)) + 1.5) / 10.0
    #--- y label
    ylabel = 'MAG_I_AVG_' + str(fid)
    #--- start plotting
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xbound(xmin, xmax)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)
    #--- plot data
    plt.plot(t_list, d_list, marker='D', markersize=2, lw=0)
    #--- compute fitting line and plot a fitted line
        if len(t_list) > 3:
            out = rlf.robust_fit(t_list, d_list)
            pstart = out[0] + out[1] * xmin
            pstop = out[0] + out[1] * xmax
            plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [pstart, pstop],

    #--- set the size of the plot
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(7, 3.5)
    #--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dip=300)
コード例 #11
def plot_multi_entries(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xSets, ySets, xname, yname, entLabels, outname, yerror = 0,fsize = 9, psize = 2.0,lsize=0, resolution=100, linefit=0, connect=0):

    This function plots multiple data in a single panel.
    Input:  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: plotting area
            xSets:      a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets:      a list of lists containing y-axis data
            xname:      a name of x-axis
            yname:      a name of y-axis
            entLabels:  a list of the names of each data
            outname:    a name of plotting file
            yerror:     a list of lists of y error, if it is '0', no error bar, default = 0
            fsize:      font size, default = 9
            psize:      plotting point size, default = 2.0
            lsize:      fitted line width, default = 1
            resolution: plotting resolution in dpi
            linefit  --- if it is 1, fit a line estimated by robust method
            connect:    connected line size. if it is '0', no connected line

    Output: a png plot: out.png

    colorList = ('lime', 'yellow', 'red', 'lime', 'green', 'blue', 'maroon', 'black', 'fushia', 'olive')
    markerList = ('o',    '*',     '+',   '^',    's',    'D',       '1',      '2',     '3',      '4')
#---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

#---- set a panel
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_autoscale_on(False)      #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but 
    ax.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)        #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)

    tot = len(entLabels)
#--- start plotting each data set
    lnamList = []
    for i in range(0, tot):
        xdata  = xSets[i]
        ydata  = ySets[i]
        color  = colorList[i]
        marker = markerList[0]
        label  = entLabels[i]

        if tot > 1:
            lnam = 'p' + str(i)
            exec '%s, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color="%s", lw =lsize , marker="%s", markersize=3, label=entLabels[i])' %(lnam, color, marker)

#--- if there is only one data set, ignore legend
            plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=color, lw =connect , marker='o', markersize=psize)

            if yerror != 0:
                p, = plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror[i], lw = 0, elinewidth=1)

            if linefit > 0:
                (sint, slope,serror) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
                start = sint + slope * xmin
                stop  = sint + slope * xmax
                plt.plot([xmin, xmax],[start,stop], color=color, lw =lsize )

#--- add legend
    if tot > 1:
        line = '['
        for ent in lnamList:
            if line == '[':
                line = line + ent
                line = line +', ' +  ent
        line = line + ']'

        exec "leg = legend(%s,  entLabels, prop=props)" % (line)

    ax.set_xlabel(xname, size=fsize)
    ax.set_ylabel(yname, size=fsize)

#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 5.0in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #12
ファイル: hrcveto_eph_plot.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
def plot_data(sdata, mdata, year, msid, oname, ymin, ymax, ydrange, msid_list):
    create two panel plots for tephin vs msid and its deviation
    input:  sdata   --- a list of tephin data
            mdata   --- a list of msid data (mid/min/max)
            year    --- year of the plot
            msid    --- msid
            oname   --- output name
            ymin    --- y min of the first plot
            ymax    --- y max of the first plot
            ydrange --- the range of the deviation y axis
            msid_list   --- msid list
    output: oname in png format


    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8,6))
    props   = font_manager.FontProperties(size=14)
    mpl.rcParams['font.size']   = 14
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold'

    xmin  = 1.5e4
    xmax  = 3.5e4
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos  = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    ax1 = plt.subplot(211)

    ax1.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    ax1.set_xlabel("Shevart (cnts)")
#--- set the size of plot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
#---- trending plots
    points = ax1.scatter(sdata, mdata, marker='o', s=4 ,lw=0)
#---- envelope
    period = 500
    [xmc, ymc, xmb, ymb, xmt, ymt] = create_trend_envelope(sdata, mdata, period)
#--- trending area
        ax1.fill_between(xmc, ymb, ymt, facecolor='#00FFFF', alpha=0.3, interpolate=True)
#--- center moving average
    ax1.plot(xmc, ymc, color='#E9967A', lw=4)

    plt.text(16500, ypos, str(year))

#---- derivative plot
    [xd, yd, ad]          = find_deriv(sdata, mdata, 'xxx', step=20)
    [dymin, dymax, dypos] = set_y_plot_range(yd)

    ymax = ydrange
    ymin = -1.0 * abs(ymax)

    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos  = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    ax2 = plt.subplot(212)

    ax2.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax2.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    ax2.set_xlabel("Shevart (cnts)")
    line = msid + '/ cnts'

    points = ax2.scatter(xd, yd, marker='o', s=4 ,lw=0)

        [xx, yy]  = remove_extreme_vals(xd, yd, p=96)
        [a, b, e] = rbl.robust_fit(xx, yy)
        [a, b, e] = least_sq(xd, yd, remove=1)

    ys = a + b * xmin
    ye = a + b * xmax

    ax2.plot([xmin, xmax], [ys, ye], color='green', lw=3)

    line = 'Slope: ' + "%3.3e" % (b)
    mpl.rcParams['font.size']   = 12
    plt.title('dy / d(Cnts)', loc='left')
    plt.text(16500, ypos, line)
#--- set the size of plot
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 10.0)
    plt.savefig(oname, format='png', dpi=100)

コード例 #13
def plot_panel2(data1,
    plotting dtheta information
    input:  data1   --- data for acis-i data is a list of list and the first is a list of time
            data2   --- data for acis-s
            data3   --- data for hrc-i 
            data4   --- data for hrc-s 
            ydpos   --- the index of the data you want to use
            ylim    --- a list of lists of y limits [(ymin ymax),...]
            ylab    --- a list of labels for each data set to be plotted
            outname --- a name of output file
            lfit    --- indicator of whether to fit line lfit=1: yes
    output: <web_dir>/Plots/<outname>.png
    dlen = len(ylab)
    mlen = dlen - 1
    #--- set panel parameters
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)
    #--- set xrange
    atime = []
    data = []
    [xlist, xmin, xmax, xlabel, xtext] = set_x_range(data1[0])

    [xlist, xmin, xmax, xlabel, xtext] = set_x_range(data2[0])

    [xlist, xmin, xmax, xlabel, xtext] = set_x_range(data3[0])

    [xlist, xmin, xmax, xlabel, xtext] = set_x_range(data4[0])

    xrange = [xmin, xmax]
    #--- plot each panel
    for k in range(0, dlen):
        j = k + 1
        line = str(dlen) + '1' + str(j)
        exec("ax%s = plt.subplot(%s)" % (str(k), line))
        exec("ax%s.set_xlim(left=xmin, right=xmax, auto=False)" % (str(k)))
        #--- if ymin and ymax are given, use them
        if len(ylims) == dlen:
            ymin = ylims[k][0]
            ymax = ylims[k][1]
            exec("ax%s.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)" % (str(k)))

        xdata = atime[k]
        ydata = data[k]
            "ax%s.plot(xdata, ydata, color='blue', marker='.', markersize=1, lw=0)"
            % (str(k)))
        #--- for the case that a fitting line is requested
        if lfit == 1:
            [xt, yt] = remove_out_layer(xdata, ydata, ymin, ymax)
                [a, b, e] = rfit.robust_fit(xt, yt)
                y1 = a + b * xmin
                y2 = a + b * xmax
                yrange = [y1, y2]
                exec("ax%s.plot(xrange, yrange, color='red', lw=2)" % (str(k)))

            ydiff = ymax - ymin
            ytext = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff
            line = "Slope: " + '%3.3f' % (round(b, 3))
            plt.text(xtext, ytext, line)
#--- y axis label
        exec("ax%s.set_ylabel('%s')" % (str(k), ylab[k]))
#--- x axis label
    exec('ax%s.set_xlabel("%s")' % (str(mlen), xlabel))
    #--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for k in range(0, dlen):
        ax = 'ax' + str(k)

        if k != mlen:
            line = eval("%s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax))
            for label in line:
#--- save the plot in a file
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = 2.0 * dlen + 0.5
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)

    outfile = web_dir + 'Plots/' + outname
    plt.savefig(outfile, format='png', dpi=100.0)
コード例 #14
def plotPanel(xmin, xmax, yMinSets, yMaxSets, xSets, ySets, eSets, xname, yname, entLabels, ydiv):

    This function plots multiple data in separate panels
    Input:  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: plotting area
            xSets: a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets: a list of lists containing y-axis data
            eSets: a list of lists containing error values of y-axis
            yMinSets: a list of ymin 
            yMaxSets: a list of ymax
            entLabels: a list of the names of each data
            ydiv:   a location of dividing spot

    Output: a png plot: out.png
#--- set line color list
    colorList = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon', 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
#--- clean up the plotting device
#---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 13
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

    tot = len(entLabels)
#--- start plotting each data
    for i in range(0, len(entLabels)):
        axNam = 'ax' + str(i)
#--- setting the panel position
        j = i + 1
        if i == 0:
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j) + ', sharex=ax0'
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)

        exec "%s = plt.subplot(%s)"       % (axNam, line)
        exec "%s.set_autoscale_on(False)" % (axNam)      #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but 
        exec "%s.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)"   % (axNam)      #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

        exec "%s.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)" % (axNam)
        exec "%s.set_ylim(ymin=yMinSets[i], ymax=yMaxSets[i], auto=False)" % (axNam)
#--- since the cti seems evolving after year <ydiv>, fit two different lines before and after that point
        xdata  = xSets[i]
        ydata  = ySets[i]
        edata  = eSets[i]
        xdata1 = []
        ydata1 = []
        edata1 = []
        xdata2 = []
        ydata2 = []
        edata2 = []
        for k in range(0, len(xdata)):
            if xdata[k] < ydiv:

#---- actual data plotting
        p, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=colorList[i], marker='*', markersize=4.0, lw =0)
        errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=edata, color=colorList[i],  markersize=4.0, fmt='*')
#--- fitting straight lines with robust method and plot the results
        xdata1 = numpy.array(xdata1)
        ydata1 = numpy.array(ydata1)
        edata1 = numpy.array(edata1)
        (intc, slope, err)  = robust.robust_fit(xdata1, ydata1)

        ystart = intc + slope * 2000
        ystop  = intc + slope * ydiv 
        lxdata = [2000, ydiv]
        lydata = [ystart, ystop]
        p, = plt.plot(lxdata, lydata, color=colorList[i], marker='', markersize=1.0, lw =2)

        xdata2 = numpy.array(xdata2)
        ydata2 = numpy.array(ydata2)
        edata2 = numpy.array(edata2)
        (intc2, slope2,err)  = robust.robust_fit(xdata2, ydata2)

        ystart = intc2 + slope2 * ydiv 
        ystop  = intc2 + slope2 * xmax 
        lxdata = [ydiv, xmax]
        lydata = [ystart, ystop]
        p, = plt.plot(lxdata, lydata, color=colorList[i], marker='', markersize=1.0, lw =2)

#--- add legend
        lslope = round(slope, 3)
        lslope2 = round(slope2, 3)
        line = entLabels[i] + ' Slope: ' + str(lslope) + ' (before '+ str(ydiv) + ') / ' + str(lslope2) + ' (after '+ str(ydiv) + ')'
        leg = legend([p],  [line], prop=props, loc=2)

        exec "%s.set_ylabel(yname, size=8)" % (axNam)

#--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for i in range(0, tot):
        ax = 'ax' + str(i)

        if i != tot-1: 
            exec "line = %s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax)
            for label in  line:


#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = (2.00 + 0.08) * tot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig('out.png', format='png', dpi=100)
コード例 #15
ファイル: plot_sim_temp_data.py プロジェクト: chandra-mta/MTA
def plot_step_delta(steps, delta, outname, title):
    plot a single data set on a single panel
    Input:  steps   --- translation steps
            delta   --- sim temperature difference before and after translation
            outname --- the name of output file
            title   --- title of the plot
    Output: png plot named <outname>
    fsize = 14  #--- font size
    fweight = 'bold'  #--- font weight
    psize = 3.0  #--- plotting point size
    marker = '.'  #--- marker shape
    pcolor = 7  #--- color of the point
    lcolor = 4  #--- color of the fitted lin
    lsize = 3.0  #--- fitted line width
    resolution = 300  #--- the resolution of the plot
    #--- close everything opened before
    #--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = fweight
    mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)

    [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = set_min_max(steps, delta)
    ymin = -5
    ymax = 20
    #--- set plotting range
    xlim((xmin, xmax))
    ylim((ymin, ymax))
    #--- plot data
    plt.plot(steps, delta, color='fuchsia', marker='*', markersize=psize, lw=0)
    #--- fit line --- use robust method
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(steps, delta)
    lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope * 10000, 3))
    #--- plot fitted line
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color=colorList[lcolor], lw=lsize)

    label = 'Slope:  ' + str(lslope) + ' ($^o$C / 10$^4$ steps)'
    #--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos = ymax - 0.10 * ydiff
    xpos3 = xmax - 0.20 * xdiff
    ypos3 = ymax + 0.005 * ydiff
    xpos4 = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label, size=fsize)
    #--- label axes
    yname = '$\Delta$ T ($^o$C)'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
    #--- label  x axis
    xname = 'Translation Steps'

    plt.xlabel(xname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
    #--- title
    plt.text(xpos3, ypos3, title, size=fsize)
    plt.text(xpos4, ypos3, 'TSC Motor Temp vs. Move Distance', size=fsize)
    #--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 5 in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()

    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
    #--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #16
def plot_multi_entries(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xSets, ySets, xname, yname, entLabels, outname, yerror = 0,fsize = 9, psize = 2.0,lsize=0, resolution=100, linefit=0, connect=0):

    This function plots multiple data in a single panel.
    Input:  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: plotting area
            xSets:      a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets:      a list of lists containing y-axis data
            xname:      a name of x-axis
            yname:      a name of y-axis
            entLabels:  a list of the names of each data
            outname:    a name of plotting file
            yerror:     a list of lists of y error, if it is '0', no error bar, default = 0
            fsize:      font size, default = 9
            psize:      plotting point size, default = 2.0
            lsize:      fitted line width, default = 1
            resolution: plotting resolution in dpi
            linefit  --- if it is 1, fit a line estimated by robust method
            connect:    connected line size. if it is '0', no connected line

    Output: a png plot: out.png

    colorList = ('green', 'blue', 'red', 'lime', 'line', 'yellow', 'maroon', 'black', 'fushia', 'olive')

    markerList = ('o',    '*',     '+',   '^',    's',    'D',       '1',      '2',     '3',      '4')
#---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

#---- set a panel
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_autoscale_on(False)      #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but 
    ax.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)        #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)

    tot = len(entLabels)
#--- start plotting each data set
    lnamList = []
    for i in range(0, tot):
        xdata  = xSets[i]
        ydata  = ySets[i]
        color  = colorList[i]
        marker = markerList[0]
        label  = entLabels[i]

        if tot > 1:
            lnam = 'p' + str(i)
            exec('%s, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color="%s", lw =lsize , marker="%s", markersize=3, label=entLabels[i])' %(lnam, color, marker))

#--- if there is only one data set, ignore legend
            plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=color, lw =connect , marker='o', markersize=psize)

            if yerror != 0:
                p, = plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror[i], lw = 0, elinewidth=1)

            if linefit > 0:
                (sint, slope,serror) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
                start = sint + slope * xmin
                stop  = sint + slope * xmax
                plt.plot([xmin, xmax],[start,stop], color=color, lw =lsize )

#--- add legend
    if tot > 1:
        line = '['
        for ent in lnamList:
            if line == '[':
                line = line + ent
                line = line +', ' +  ent
        line = line + ']'

        leg = eval("legend(%s,  entLabels, prop=props)" % (line))

    ax.set_xlabel(xname, size=fsize)
    ax.set_ylabel(yname, size=fsize)

#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 5.0in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #17
def plot_multi_panel(xmin,
    This function plots multiple data in separate panels
    Input:  xmin, xmax  plotting range of x axis
            xSets:      a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets:      a list of lists containing y-axis data
            yMinSets:   a list of ymin 
            yMaxSets:   a list of ymax
            xname:      x axis label
            yname:      y axis label
            entLabels:  a list of the names of each data
            outname:    a name of plotting file
            yerror:     a list of lists of error on y, or if it is '0' no error bar on y, default = 0
            fsize:      font size, default = 9
            psize:      plotting point size, default = 2.0
            marker:     marker shape, defalut = 'o'
            pcolor:     color of the point, default= 7 ---> 'black'
            lcolor:     color of the fitted line, default = 7 ---> 'black'
                colorList = ('blue', 'red', 'green', 'aqua', 'fuchsia','lime', 'maroon', 'black', 'olive', 'yellow')
            lsize:      fitted line width, defalut = 1
            resolution: plotting resolution in dpi, default = 100
            linefit:    if 1, linear line is fitted, default: 0
            connect:    connected line size. if it is '0', no connected line

    Output: a png plot: outname
    #--- set line color list
    colorList = ('blue', 'red', 'green', 'aqua', 'fuchsia', 'lime', 'maroon',
                 'black', 'olive', 'yellow')
    #--- clean up the plotting device
    #---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

    tot = len(entLabels)
    #--- start plotting each data
    for i in range(0, tot):
        axNam = 'ax' + str(i)
        #--- setting the panel position
        j = i + 1
        if i == 0:
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j) + ', sharex=ax0'
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)

        exec("%s = plt.subplot(%s)" % (axNam, line))
        exec("%s.set_autoscale_on(False)" % (
            axNam))  #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but
        exec("%s.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)" %
             (axNam))  #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

        exec("%s.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)" % (axNam))
        exec("%s.set_ylim(ymin=yMinSets[i], ymax=yMaxSets[i], auto=False)" %

        xdata = xSets[i]
        ydata = ySets[i]

        #---- actual data plotting
        p, = plt.plot(xdata,

        if yerror != 0:
            p, = plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror[i], lw=0, elinewidth=1)

        if linefit > 0:
            (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
            start = sint + slope * xmin
            stop = sint + slope * xmax
            p, = plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop],

#--- add legend
        leg = legend([p], [entLabels[i]], prop=props, loc=2)

        exec("%s.set_ylabel(yname, size=fsize)" % (axNam))

#--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for i in range(0, tot):
        ax = 'ax' + str(i)

        if i != tot - 1:
            exec("line = %s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax))
            for label in line:


    #--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = (2.00 + 0.08) * tot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)
    #--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #18
def multi_section_linear_fit(x, y, xmin, xmax, bpoints, snum=100, shift=0):
    compute two line fit on a data and return lists of fitted line data
    input:  x           --- independent data
            y           --- dependent data
            xmin        --- min of x
            xmax        --- max of x
            bpoints     --- a list of breaking point e.g, [2000]
            snum        --- numbers of data points to return
            shift       --- whether shift data. useful when x is far from 0
    output: int_list    --- a list of intercept values
            slope_list  --- a list of slope values
            serr_list   --- a list of errors of slope
            xa_list     --- a list of x points for the fitted line
            ya_list     --- a list of y points for the fitted line
    #--- add xmax as the last "breaking" point
    bsets = []
    for ent in bpoints:
    bpnum = len(bsets)
    #--- separate data into sections
    xs = []
    ys = []
    for k in range(0, bpnum):
#--- when the x is far from 0, robust method does not work well;
#--- so add "shift" (possibly negative) to make the data near 0
    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        for k in range(0, bpnum):
            if x[i] <= bsets[k]:
                xs[k].append(x[i] + shift)
#--- compute intercept and slope for each section
    int_list = []
    slope_list = []
    serr_list = []
    xa_list = []
    ya_list = []
    for k in range(0, bpnum):
        #--- if the numbers of the data is too low, skip the section
        if len(xs[k]) < 3:

            (sint, slope, serror) = robust.robust_fit(xs[k], ys[k])
            sint = 0.0
            slope = 0.0
            serror = 0.0

        #--- create plotting data sets
        smin = min(xs[k])
        smax = max(xs[k])
        step = (smax - smin) / float(snum)
        if k > 0:
            add = bsets[k - 1] + shift
            add = 0

        tx_list = []
        ty_list = []

        for j in range(0, snum):
            tx = step * j + add
            ty = sint + slope * tx
            #--- shift back x value
            tx -= shift


    return [int_list, slope_list, serr_list, xa_list, ya_list]
コード例 #19
ファイル: sun_angle_plot.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
def plot_data(sdata, mdata, year, msid, oname, ymin, ymax, ydrange, msid_list,
    create two panel plots for msid vs sun angle and its deviation
    input:  sdata   --- a list of sun angle data
            mdata   --- a list of msid data (mid/min/max)
            year    --- year of the plot
            msid    --- msid
            oname   --- output name
            ymin    --- y min of the first plot
            ymax    --- y max of the first plot
            ydrange --- the range of the deviation y axis
            msid_list   --- msid list
            lupdate     --- if 1, update y plotting range.
    output: oname in png format


    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 6))
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=14)
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold'

    xmin = 40
    xmax = 170

    if ymax == -999:
        [ymin, ymax, ypos] = set_y_plot_range(mdata)
        #--- since we want to all years to be in the same plotting range, this scripts adjust
        #--- the plotting range. you may need to run a couple of times for the full range to
        #--- adjust plotting range for the all plot
        [ymin, ymax, ydev] = update_yrange(msid_list,
        if lupdate == 2:
            [ymint, ymaxt, ypos] = set_y_plot_range(mdata)
            mchk = 0
            if ymint < ymin:
                ymin = ymint
                mchk = 1
            if ymaxt > ymaxt:
                ymax = ymaxt
                mchk = 1
            if mchk == 1:
                [ymin, ymax, ydev] = update_yrange(msid_list,
        ydiff = ymax - ymin
        ypos = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    ax1 = plt.subplot(211)

    ax1.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    ax1.set_xlabel("Sun Angle")
    #--- set the size of plot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
    #---- trending plots
    points = ax1.scatter(sdata, mdata, marker='o', s=20, lw=0)
    #---- envelope
    period = 5
    [xmc, ymc, xmb, ymb, xmt,
     ymt] = create_trend_envelope(sdata, mdata, period)
    #--- trending area
#--- center moving average
    ax1.plot(xmc, ymc, color='#E9967A', lw=4)

    plt.text(50, ypos, str(year))

    #---- derivative plot
    [xd, yd, ad] = find_deriv(sdata, mdata, step=5)

    [dymin, dymax, dypos] = set_y_plot_range(yd)

    if lupdate == 2:
        if abs(dymin) > abs(dymax):
            dymax = abs(dymin)

    ymax = ydrange
    ymin = -1.0 * abs(ymax)

    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    ax2 = plt.subplot(212)

    ax2.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax2.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    ax2.set_xlabel("Sun Angle")
    line = msid + '/ Deg'

    points = ax2.scatter(xd, yd, marker='o', s=20, lw=0)

            [a, b, e] = rbl.robust_fit(xd, yd)
            [a, b, e] = least_sq(xd, yd, 96)
        a = 0
        b = 0

    ys = a + b * xmin
    ye = a + b * xmax
    ax2.plot([xmin, xmax], [ys, ye], color='green', lw=3)

    line = 'Slope: ' + "%3.3e" % (b)
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
    plt.title('dy / d(sun angle)', loc='left')
    plt.text(50, ypos, line)
    #--- set the size of plot
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 10.0)
    plt.savefig(oname, format='png', dpi=100)

コード例 #20
def linear_fit(x, y):
    linear fitting function with -99999 error removal 
    Input:  x   --- independent variable array
    y   --- dependent variable array
    Output: intc --- intercept
    slope--- slope

    #--- first remove error entries
    sum = 0
    sum2 = 0
    tot = 0
    for i in range(0, len(y)):
        if y[i] > 0:
            sum += y[i]
            sum2 += y[i] * y[i]
            tot += 1
    if tot > 0:
        avg = sum / tot
        sig = math.sqrt(sum2 / tot - avg * avg)
        avg = 3.0

    lower = 0.0
    upper = avg + 2.0
    xn = []
    yn = []

    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        #        if (y[i] > 0) and (y[i] < yupper):            #--- removing -99999/9999 error
        if (y[i] > lower) and (y[i] < upper):

    if len(yn) > 10:
        #        [intc, slope, serr] = robust.robust_fit(xn, yn, iter=50)
        [intc, slope, serr] = robust.robust_fit(xn, yn, iter=1)
        [intc, slope, serr] = [0, 0, 0]
#--- modify array to numpy array
#    d = numpy.array(xn)
#    v = numpy.array(yn)
#--- kmpfit
#    param = [0, 1]
#    fitobj = kmpfit.Fitter(residuals=residuals, data=(d,v))
#    fitobj.fit(params0=param)
#    [intc, slope] = fitobj.params
#    [ierr, serr]  = fitobj.stderr

#--- chauvenet exclusion of outlyers and linear fit
#    [intc, slope, ierr, serr] = chauv.run_chauvenet(d,v)

    return [intc, slope, 0.0, serr]
コード例 #21
def plot_data(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, inst, ychoice):
    plot data
    input:  x   --- a list of independent variable
            y   --- a list of dependent variable
            xmin    --- x min
            xmax    --- x max
            ymin    --- y min
            ymax    --- y max
            inst    --- instrument name
            ychoice --- y or z
    output: <web_dir>/Plots/inst_<ychoice>.png
#--- close everything opened before
#--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 16
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=16)
#--- set plotting range
    ax  = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)
#--- plot data
    plt.plot(x, y, color='blue', marker='.', markersize=8, lw=0)
#--- put y = 0 line
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [0, 0], color='black', linestyle='-.', lw=1)
#--- fit a line
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(x, y)
    ybeg = sint + slope * xmin
    yend = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [ybeg, yend], color='red', lw=2)
#--- add text
    line = 'Slope: %3.2f' % (slope)

    xpos = xmin + 0.05 * (xmax - xmin)
    ypos = 1.6
    plt.text(xpos, ypos, line, color='red')

    plt.xlabel('Time (Year)')
    ylabel = ychoice.upper() + ' Axis Error (arcsec)'
#--- save the plot in png format
    width      = 10.0
    height     = 5.0
    resolution = 200
    outname    = web_dir + 'Plots/' + inst + '_' + ychoice + '.png'

    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(width, height)
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #22
def plot_single_panel(xmin,
    plot a single data set on a single panel
    Input:  xmin    --- min x
            xmax    --- max x
            ymin    --- min y
            ymax    --- max y
            xdata   --- independent variable
            ydata   --- dependent variable
            yerror  --- error in y axis; if it is '0', no error bar
            xname   --- x axis label
            ynane   --- y axis label
            label   --- a text to indecate what is plotted
            outname --- the name of output file
            fsize   ---  font size, default = 9
            psize   ---  plotting point size, default = 2.0
            marker  ---  marker shape, defalut = 'o'
            pcolor  ---  color of the point, default= 7 ---> 'black'
            lcolor  ---  color of the fitted line, default = 7 ---> 'black'
                colorList = ('blue', 'red', 'green', 'aqua', 'fuchsia','lime', 'maroon', 'black', 'olive', 'yellow')
            lsize:      fitted line width, defalut = 1
            resolution-- the resolution of the plot in dpi
            linefit  --- if it is 1, fit a line estimated by robust method
            connect  --- if it is > 0, lsize data point with a line, the larger the value thinker the line
    Output: png plot named <outname>
    colorList = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon',
                 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
    #--- fit line --- use robust method
    if linefit == 1:
        (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
        lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope, 3))
#--- close everything opened before
    #--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)
    #--- set plotting range
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xbound(xmin, xmax)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)
    #--- plot data
    #--- plot error bar
    if yerror != 0:
        plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror, lw=0, elinewidth=1)
#--- plot fitted line
    if linefit == 1:
        start = sint + slope * xmin
        stop = sint + slope * xmax
        plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop],
#--- label axes
    plt.xlabel(xname, size=fsize)
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize)
    #--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos = xmin + 0.5 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos = ymax - 0.08 * ydiff

    if linefit == 1:
        label = label + ': Slope:  ' + str(lslope)

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label, size=fsize)

    #--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 5 in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
    #--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #23
def plot_single_panel(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xdata, ydata, yerror, xname, yname, label, outname, fsize = 9, psize = 2.0, marker = 'o', pcolor =7, lcolor=7,lsize=1, resolution=100, linefit=1, connect=0):

    plot a single data set on a single panel
    Input:  xmin    --- min x
            xmax    --- max x
            ymin    --- min y
            ymax    --- max y
            xdata   --- independent variable
            ydata   --- dependent variable
            yerror  --- error in y axis; if it is '0', no error bar
            xname   --- x axis label
            ynane   --- y axis label
            label   --- a text to indecate what is plotted
            outname --- the name of output file
            fsize   ---  font size, default = 9
            psize   ---  plotting point size, default = 2.0
            marker  ---  marker shape, defalut = 'o'
            pcolor  ---  color of the point, default= 7 ---> 'black'
            lcolor  ---  color of the fitted line, default = 7 ---> 'black'
                colorList = ('blue', 'red', 'green', 'aqua', 'fuchsia','lime', 'maroon', 'black', 'olive', 'yellow')
            lsize:      fitted line width, defalut = 1
            resolution-- the resolution of the plot in dpi
            linefit  --- if it is 1, fit a line estimated by robust method
            connect  --- if it is > 0, lsize data point with a line, the larger the value thinker the line
    Output: png plot named <outname>
    colorList = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon', 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
#--- fit line --- use robust method
    if linefit == 1:
        (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
        lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope, 3))
#--- close everything opened before
#--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)
#--- set plotting range
    ax  = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)
#--- plot data
    plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=colorList[pcolor], marker=marker, markersize=psize, lw = connect)
#--- plot error bar
    if yerror != 0:
        plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror, lw = 0, elinewidth=1)
#--- plot fitted line
    if linefit == 1:
        start = sint + slope * xmin
        stop  = sint + slope * xmax
        plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color=colorList[lcolor], lw = lsize)
#--- label axes
    plt.xlabel(xname, size=fsize)
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize)
#--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos  = xmin + 0.5 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos  = ymax - 0.08 * ydiff

    if linefit == 1:
        label = label + ': Slope:  ' + str(lslope)

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label, size=fsize)

#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 5 in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #24
def plotPanel(xmin, xmax, yMinSets, yMaxSets, xSets, ySets, eSets, xname, yname, entLabels, ydiv):

    This function plots multiple data in separate panels
    Input:  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: plotting area
            xSets: a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets: a list of lists containing y-axis data
            eSets: a list of lists containing error values of y-axis
            yMinSets: a list of ymin 
            yMaxSets: a list of ymax
            entLabels: a list of the names of each data
            ydiv:   a location of dividing spot

    Output: a png plot: out.png
#--- set line color list
    colorList = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon', 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
#--- clean up the plotting device
#---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 13
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

    tot = len(entLabels)
#--- start plotting each data
    for i in range(0, len(entLabels)):
        axNam = 'ax' + str(i)
#--- setting the panel position
        j = i + 1
        if i == 0:
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j) + ', sharex=ax0'
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)

        exec "%s = plt.subplot(%s)"       % (axNam, line)
        exec "%s.set_autoscale_on(False)" % (axNam)      #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but 
        exec "%s.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)"   % (axNam)      #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

        exec "%s.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)" % (axNam)
        exec "%s.set_ylim(ymin=yMinSets[i], ymax=yMaxSets[i], auto=False)" % (axNam)
#--- since the cti seems evolving after year <ydiv>, fit two different lines before and after that point
        xdata  = xSets[i]
        ydata  = ySets[i]
        edata  = eSets[i]
        xdata1 = []
        ydata1 = []
        edata1 = []
        xdata2 = []
        ydata2 = []
        edata2 = []
        for k in range(0, len(xdata)):
            if xdata[k] < ydiv:

#---- actual data plotting
        p, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=colorList[i], marker='*', markersize=4.0, lw =0)
        errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=edata, color=colorList[i],  markersize=4.0, fmt='*')
#--- fitting straight lines with robust method and plot the results
        xdata1 = numpy.array(xdata)
        ydata1 = numpy.array(ydata)
        edata1 = numpy.array(edata)
        (intc, slope, err)  = robust.robust_fit(xdata1, ydata1)

        ystart = intc + slope * 2000
        ystop  = intc + slope * xmax 
        lxdata = [2000, xmax]
        lydata = [ystart, ystop]
        p, = plt.plot(lxdata, lydata, color=colorList[i], marker='', markersize=1.0, lw =2)

#--- add legend
        lslope = round(slope, 3)
        line = entLabels[i] + ' Slope: ' + str(lslope) 
        leg = legend([p],  [line], prop=props, loc=2)

        exec "%s.set_ylabel(yname, size=8)" % (axNam)

#--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for i in range(0, tot):
        ax = 'ax' + str(i)

        if i != tot-1: 
            exec "line = %s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax)
            for label in  line:


#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = (2.00 + 0.08) * tot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig('out.png', format='png', dpi=100)
コード例 #25
def plot_multi_panel(xmin, xmax, yMinSets, yMaxSets, xSets, ySets, xname, yname, entLabels, outname, yerror=0, fsize = 9, psize = 2.0, marker = 'o', pcolor =7, lcolor=7,lsize=0, resolution=100, linefit=0, connect=0):

    This function plots multiple data in separate panels
    Input:  xmin, xmax  plotting range of x axis
            xSets:      a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets:      a list of lists containing y-axis data
            yMinSets:   a list of ymin 
            yMaxSets:   a list of ymax
            xname:      x axis label
            yname:      y axis label
            entLabels:  a list of the names of each data
            outname:    a name of plotting file
            yerror:     a list of lists of error on y, or if it is '0' no error bar on y, default = 0
            fsize:      font size, default = 9
            psize:      plotting point size, default = 2.0
            marker:     marker shape, defalut = 'o'
            pcolor:     color of the point, default= 7 ---> 'black'
            lcolor:     color of the fitted line, default = 7 ---> 'black'
                colorList = ('blue', 'red', 'green', 'aqua', 'fuchsia','lime', 'maroon', 'black', 'olive', 'yellow')
            lsize:      fitted line width, defalut = 1
            resolution: plotting resolution in dpi, default = 100
            linefit:    if 1, linear line is fitted, default: 0
            connect:    connected line size. if it is '0', no connected line

    Output: a png plot: outname
#--- set line color list
    colorList = ('blue', 'red', 'green', 'aqua', 'fuchsia','lime', 'maroon', 'black', 'olive', 'yellow')
#--- clean up the plotting device
#---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize 
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

    tot = len(entLabels)
#--- start plotting each data
    for i in range(0, tot):
        axNam = 'ax' + str(i)
#--- setting the panel position
        j = i + 1
        if i == 0:
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j) + ', sharex=ax0'
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)

        exec "%s = plt.subplot(%s)"       % (axNam, line)
        exec "%s.set_autoscale_on(False)" % (axNam)      #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but 
        exec "%s.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)"   % (axNam)      #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

        exec "%s.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)" % (axNam)
        exec "%s.set_ylim(ymin=yMinSets[i], ymax=yMaxSets[i], auto=False)" % (axNam)

        xdata  = xSets[i]
        ydata  = ySets[i]
#---- actual data plotting
        p, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=colorList[pcolor], marker= marker, markersize=psize, lw =connect)

        if yerror != 0:
            p, = plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror[i], lw = 0, elinewidth=1)

        if linefit > 0:
            (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
            start = sint + slope * xmin
            stop  = sint + slope * xmax
            p, = plt.plot([xmin, xmax],[start,stop], color=colorList[lcolor], lw =lsize)

#--- add legend
        leg = legend([p],  [entLabels[i]], prop=props, loc=2)

        exec "%s.set_ylabel(yname, size=fsize)" % (axNam)

#--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for i in range(0, tot):
        ax = 'ax' + str(i)

        if i != tot-1: 
            exec "line = %s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax)
            for label in  line:


#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = (2.00 + 0.08) * tot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #26
ファイル: plot_sim_temp_data.py プロジェクト: chandra-mta/MTA
def plot_sim_temp_data(xmin, xmax, simtx, simtl, simth, mxs, mys, mxe, mye,\
                       delta, stime, angle, outname, yind, title,skip):
    plot  sim trend, temp delta, and pitch angle trends
    Input:  xmin    --- starting date, either in year or yday
            xmax    --- ending date, either in year or yday
            simtx   --- time in either year or yday
            simtl   --- starting sim temperature
            simth   --- ending sim temperature
            mxs     --- moving average time
            mys     --- moving average of simtl
            mye     --- moving average of simth
            delta   --- <sim ending temp> - <sim starting temp>
            stime   --- time in either year or yday of picthc angle data
            angle   --- pitch angle
            outname --- output file name
            yind    --- whether this is a full range plot or yearly plot
            title   --- title of the plot
            skip    --- if 1, skip moving averge plots
    Output: png plot named <outname>
    #--- several setting for plotting
    fsize = 14  #--- font size
    fweight = 'bold'  #--- font weight
    psize = 3.0  #--- plotting point size
    marker = '.'  #--- marker shape
    pcolor = 7  #--- color of the point
    lcolor = 4  #--- color of the fitted lin
    lsize = 3.0  #--- fitted line width
    resolution = 300  #--- the resolution of the plot
    #--- close everything opened before
    #--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = fsize
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = fweight
    mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)

    #--- set grid to 3 rows or height rtio 3:1:1
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1, 1])
    #--- first panel: moter temperature trend  ------------------------------
    #---- set ymin and ymax
    ymin = -40
    ymax = 60
    #--- set plotting range
    ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
    line = ax0.get_xticklabels()
    for label in line:

    xlim((xmin, xmax))
    ylim((ymin, ymax))
    #--- plot data

    for i in range(0, len(simtx)):
        xset = [simtx[i], simtx[i]]
        yset = [simtl[i], simth[i]]
        plt.plot(xset, yset, color=colorList[3], marker='', markersize=0, lw=1)

#--- plot moving average
    if skip == 0:
        plt.plot(mxs, mys, color=colorList[0], marker='', markersize=0, lw=2)
        plt.plot(mxe, mye, color=colorList[2], marker='', markersize=0, lw=2)
#--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos1 = ymax - 0.08 * ydiff
    ypos2 = ymax - 0.12 * ydiff
    xpos3 = xmax - 0.20 * xdiff
    ypos3 = ymax + 0.005 * ydiff
    xpos4 = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff

    val1 = numpy.mean(simtl)
    val1 = '%2.2f' % round(val1, 2)
    val2 = numpy.mean(simth)
    val2 = '%2.2f' % round(val2, 2)

    label = 'T Stop Average:  ' + str(val2) + ' $^o$C'
    plt.text(xpos, ypos1, label, size=fsize, color=colorList[2])

    label = 'T Start Average: ' + str(val1) + ' $^o$C'
    plt.text(xpos, ypos2, label, size=fsize, color=colorList[0])

    plt.text(xpos3, ypos3, title, size=fsize)
    plt.text(xpos4, ypos3, 'SIM TSC Moter Temperatures', size=fsize)
    #--- label axes
    yname = 'TSC Motor Temp ($^o$C)'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
    #--- second panel: temperature delta trend   -----------------------------
    #--- set plotting range
    ymin = -20
    ymax = 20
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
    line = ax1.get_xticklabels()
    for label in line:

    xlim((xmin, xmax))
    ylim((ymin, ymax))
    #--- plot data
    #--- fit line --- use robust method
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(simtx, delta)
    lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope, 3))
    #--- plot fitted line
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color=colorList[lcolor], lw=lsize)
    #--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos = xmin + 0.1 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos = ymin + 0.10 * ydiff

    label = 'Slope:  ' + str(lslope)

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label, size=fsize)
    #--- label axes
    yname = '$\Delta$ T ($^o$C)'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)

    #--- third panel: pitch angle trend       -------------------------------
    #--- set plotting range
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 180
    xlim((xmin, xmax))
    ylim((ymin, ymax))
    #--- plot data
    plt.plot(stime, angle, color=colorList[4], marker='', markersize=0, lw=0.5)
    #--- label axes
    yname = 'Pitch Angle'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)

    #--- label  x axis
    if yind == 0:
        xname = 'Time (year)'
        xname = 'Time (yday)'

    plt.xlabel(xname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
    #--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 15 in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()

    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 15.0)
    #--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #27
def plot_sim_temp_data(xmin, xmax, simtx, simtl, simth, mxs, mys, mxe, mye, delta, stime, angle, outname, yind, title,skip):

    plot  sim trend, temp delta, and pitch angle trends
    Input:  xmin    --- starting date, either in year or yday
            xmax    --- ending date, either in year or yday
            simtx   --- time in either year or yday
            simtl   --- starting sim temperature
            simth   --- ending sim temperature
            mxs     --- moving average time
            mys     --- moving average of simtl
            mye     --- moving average of simth
            delta   --- <sim ending temp> - <sim starting temp>
            stime   --- time in either year or yday of picthc angle data
            angle   --- pitch angle
            outname --- output file name
            yind    --- whether this is a full range plot or yearly plot
            title   --- title of the plot
            skip    --- if 1, skip moving averge plots
    Output: png plot named <outname>
#--- several setting for plotting
    fsize      = 14         #--- font size
    fweight    = 'bold'     #--- font weight
    psize      = 3.0        #--- plotting point size
    marker     = '.'        #--- marker shape
    pcolor     = 7          #--- color of the point
    lcolor     = 4          #--- color of the fitted lin
    lsize      = 3.0        #--- fitted line width
    resolution = 300        #--- the resolution of the plot

    colorList  = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon', 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
#--- close everything opened before
#--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size']  = fsize
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = fweight
    mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)

#--- set grid to 3 rows or height rtio 3:1:1
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,1,height_ratios=[3,1,1])
#--- first panel: moter temperature trend  ------------------------------
#---- set ymin and ymax
    ymin = -40
    ymax =  60
#--- set plotting range
    ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
    line = ax0.get_xticklabels()
    for label in line:

#--- plot data
    plt.plot(simtx, simtl, color=colorList[0], marker=marker, markersize=psize, lw = 0)
    plt.plot(simtx, simth, color=colorList[2], marker=marker, markersize=psize, lw = 0)

    for i in range (0, len(simtx)):
        xset = [simtx[i], simtx[i]]
        yset = [simtl[i], simth[i]]
        plt.plot(xset, yset, color=colorList[3], marker='', markersize=0, lw = 1)

#--- plot moving average
    if skip == 0:
        plt.plot(mxs, mys, color=colorList[0],  marker='', markersize=0, lw=2)
        plt.plot(mxe, mye, color=colorList[2],  marker='', markersize=0, lw=2)
#--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos  = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos1 = ymax - 0.08 * ydiff
    ypos2 = ymax - 0.12 * ydiff
    xpos3 = xmax - 0.20 * xdiff
    ypos3 = ymax + 0.005 * ydiff
    xpos4 = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff

    val1  = numpy.mean(simtl)
    val1  = '%2.2f' %round(val1, 2)
    val2  = numpy.mean(simth)
    val2  = '%2.2f' %round(val2, 2)

    label = 'T Stop Average:  ' + str(val2) + ' $^o$C'
    plt.text(xpos, ypos1, label, size=fsize, color=colorList[2])

    label = 'T Start Average: ' + str(val1) + ' $^o$C'
    plt.text(xpos, ypos2, label, size=fsize, color=colorList[0])

    plt.text(xpos3, ypos3, title, size=fsize)
    plt.text(xpos4, ypos3, 'SIM TSC Moter Temperatures', size=fsize)
#--- label axes
    yname = 'TSC Motor Temp ($^o$C)'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
#--- second panel: temperature delta trend   -----------------------------
#--- set plotting range
    ymin = -20
    ymax =  20
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
    line = ax1.get_xticklabels()
    for label in line:

#--- plot data
    plt.plot(simtx, delta, color=colorList[0], marker=marker, markersize=3, lw = 0)
#--- fit line --- use robust method
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(simtx, delta)
    lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope, 3))
#--- plot fitted line
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop  = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color=colorList[lcolor], lw = lsize)
#--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos  = xmin + 0.1 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos  = ymin + 0.10 * ydiff

    label = 'Slope:  ' + str(lslope)

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label, size=fsize)
#--- label axes
    yname = '$\Delta$ T ($^o$C)'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)

#--- third panel: pitch angle trend       -------------------------------
#--- set plotting range
    ymin =  0
    ymax =  180
#--- plot data
    plt.plot(stime, angle, color=colorList[4], marker='', markersize=0, lw = 0.5)
#--- label axes
    yname = 'Pitch Angle'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)

#--- label  x axis
    if yind == 0:
        xname = 'Time (year)'
        xname = 'Time (yday)'

    plt.xlabel(xname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 15 in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()

    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 15.0)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #28
ファイル: tephin_plot.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
def plot_data(sdata, mdata, year, msid, oname, ymin, ymax, ydrange, msid_list,
    create two panel plots for tephin vs msid and its deviation
    input:  sdata   --- a list of tephin data
            mdata   --- a list of msid data (mid/min/max)
            year    --- year of the plot
            msid    --- msid
            oname   --- output name
            ymin    --- y min of the first plot
            ymax    --- y max of the first plot
            ydrange --- the range of the deviation y axis
            msid_list   --- msid list
            lupdate     --- if 1, update y plotting range.
    output: oname in png format


    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 6))
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=14)
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold'

    xmin = 260
    xmax = 360

    if ymax == -999:
        [ymin, ymax, ypos] = set_y_plot_range(mdata)
        #--- since we want to all years to be in the same plotting range, this scripts adjust
        #--- the plotting range. you may need to run a couple of times for the full range to
        #--- adjust plotting range for the all plot
        [ymin, ymax, ydev] = update_yrange(msid_list,
        ydiff = ymax - ymin
        ypos = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    ax1 = plt.subplot(211)

    ax1.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    ax1.set_xlabel("5ephin (K)")
    #--- set the size of plot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
    #---- trending plots
    points = ax1.scatter(sdata, mdata, marker='o', s=4, lw=0)
    #---- envelope
    period = 1.0
    [xmc, ymc, xmb, ymb, xmt,
     ymt] = create_trend_envelope(sdata, mdata, period)
    #--- trending area
#--- center moving average
    ax1.plot(xmc, ymc, color='#E9967A', lw=4)

    plt.text(270, ypos, str(year))

    #---- derivative plot
    [xd, yd, ad] = find_deriv(sdata, mdata, 'xxx', step=20)
    [dymin, dymax, dypos] = set_y_plot_range(yd)

    if lupdate == 1:
        if abs(dymin) > abs(dymax):
            dymax = abs(dymin)

        if dymax > ydrange:
            update_yrange(msid_list, msid, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, ydev=dymax)
            ydrange = dymax

    ymax = ydrange
    ymin = -1.0 * abs(ymax)
    #---- temporarily set ymin <--> ymax value (Jan 24, 2018)
    ymin = -50.0
    ymax = 50.0
    mc = re.search('sc', msid)
    if mc is not None:
        ymin = -300.0
        ymax = 300.0

    if msid in ['scp25gm', 'scp4gm', 'scp8gm']:
        ymin = -3000.0
        ymax = 3000.0
    elif msid in ['sce150', 'sce300']:
        ymin = -30000.0
        ymax = 30000.0


    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff

    ax2 = plt.subplot(212)

    ax2.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax2.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

    ax2.set_xlabel("5ephin (K)")
    line = msid + '/ K'

    points = ax2.scatter(xd, yd, marker='o', s=4, lw=0)

    if mc is not None:
            #[xs, ys]  = remove_extreme_vals(xd, yd, 96)
            [xs, ys] = remove_extreme_vals(xd, yd, 75)
            [a, b, e] = rbl.robust_fit(xs, ys)
            [a, b, e] = least_sq(xd, yd, remove=1)
            [a, b, e] = rbl.robust_fit(xd, yd)
            [a, b, e] = least_sq(xd, yd)
#--- if b == 999, it means that it could not get the slope; so set it to 0
    if b == 999.0:
        a = 0
        b = 0

    ys = a + b * xmin
    ye = a + b * xmax
    ax2.plot([xmin, xmax], [ys, ye], color='green', lw=3)

    line = 'Slope: ' + "%3.3e" % (b)
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
    plt.title('dy / d(Temp)', loc='left')
    plt.text(270, ypos, line)
    #--- set the size of plot
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 10.0)
    plt.savefig(oname, format='png', dpi=100)

コード例 #29
def plot_step_delta(steps, delta, outname, title):

    plot a single data set on a single panel
    Input:  steps   --- translation steps
            delta   --- sim temperature difference before and after translation
            outname --- the name of output file
            title   --- title of the plot
    Output: png plot named <outname>
    fsize      = 14         #--- font size
    fweight    = 'bold'     #--- font weight
    psize      = 3.0        #--- plotting point size
    marker     = '.'        #--- marker shape
    pcolor     = 7          #--- color of the point
    lcolor     = 4          #--- color of the fitted lin
    lsize      = 3.0        #--- fitted line width
    resolution = 300        #--- the resolution of the plot

    colorList  = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon', 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
#--- close everything opened before
#--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size']  = fsize
    mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = fweight
    mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)

    [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ] =  set_min_max(steps, delta)
    ymin = -5
    ymax = 20
#--- set plotting range
#--- plot data
    plt.plot(steps, delta, color='fuchsia', marker='*', markersize=psize, lw = 0)
#--- fit line --- use robust method
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(steps, delta)
    lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope * 10000, 3))
#--- plot fitted line
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop  = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color=colorList[lcolor], lw = lsize)

    label = 'Slope:  ' + str(lslope)  + ' ($^o$C / 10$^4$ steps)'
#--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos  = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos  = ymax - 0.10 * ydiff
    xpos3 = xmax - 0.20 * xdiff
    ypos3 = ymax + 0.005 * ydiff
    xpos4 = xmin + 0.05 * xdiff

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label, size=fsize)
#--- label axes
    yname = '$\Delta$ T ($^o$C)'
    plt.ylabel(yname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
#--- label  x axis
    xname = 'Translation Steps'

    plt.xlabel(xname, size=fsize, weight=fweight)
#--- title
    plt.text(xpos3, ypos3, title, size=fsize)
    plt.text(xpos4, ypos3, 'TSC Motor Temp vs. Move Distance', size=fsize)
#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 5 in)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()

    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)
コード例 #30
def plot_panel(data, ylims, ylab, outname, lfit=0):
    plot sim twist and sim information trends
    input:  data    --- data: [time, dy, dz, dthera] for sim twist plots
                              [time, sim_x, sim_y, sim_z, pithcamp, yawamp] for sim infor plot
            ylims   --- a list of y limits [(ymin, ymax),....]
            ylab    ----a list of ylabel 
            outname --- output file name (without png)
            lfit    --- the indicator to show whether to fit a line. 1: yes
    output: <web_dir>/Plots/<outname>.png
    #--- data are separated into a few sections. here we set the end of the each
    #--- section in fractional year. the last closing data is set to year 4000
    #--- see b_period for the starting date (in fractional year)
    s_period = b_period
    r_len = len(b_period)
    e_period = []
    for k in range(1, r_len):


    dlen = len(ylab)
    mlen = dlen - 1
    #--- set panel parameters
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)
    #--- set xrange
    [atime, xmin, xmax, xlabel, xtext] = set_x_range(data[0])
    xrange = [xmin, xmax]
    #--- plot each panel
    for k in range(0, dlen):
        j = k + 1
        line = str(dlen) + '1' + str(j)
        exec("ax%s = plt.subplot(%s)" % (str(k), line))
        exec("ax%s.set_xlim(left=xmin, right=xmax, auto=False)" % (str(k)))
        #--- if ymin and ymax are given, use them
        if len(ylims) == dlen:
            ymin = ylims[k][0]
            ymax = ylims[k][1]
            exec("ax%s.set_ylim(bottom=ymin, top=ymax, auto=False)" % (str(k)))

        ydata = data[k + 1]
            "ax%s.plot(atime, ydata, color='blue', marker='.', markersize=1, lw=0)"
            % (str(k)))
        #--- for the case that a fitting line is requested
        if lfit == 1:
            [a, b, e] = rfit.robust_fit(atime, ydata)
            y1 = a + b * xmin
            y2 = a + b * xmax
            yrange = [y1, y2]
            exec("ax%s.plot(xrange, yrange, color='red', lw=2)" % (str(k)))

            ydiff = ymax - ymin
            ytext = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff
            line = "Slope: " + '%3.3f' % (round(b, 3))
            plt.text(xtext, ytext, line)

        elif lfit > 1:
            for m in range(0, r_len):
                [xrange, yrange, ytext, line] \
                    = fit_line_period(atime, ydata, b_period[m], e_period[m],  m,  ymin, ymax, bot=0)
                exec("ax%s.plot(xrange, yrange, color='red', lw=2)" % (str(k)))
                plt.text(xtext, ytext, line)
#--- y axis label
        exec("ax%s.set_ylabel('%s')" % (str(k), ylab[k]))
#--- x axis label
    exec('ax%s.set_xlabel("%s")' % (str(mlen), xlabel))
    #--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for k in range(0, dlen):
        ax = 'ax' + str(k)

        if k != mlen:
            line = eval("%s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax))
            for label in line:
#--- save the plot in a file
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = 2.0 * dlen + 0.5
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)

    outfile = web_dir + 'Plots/' + outname
    plt.savefig(outfile, format='png', dpi=100.0)
コード例 #31
ファイル: ccd_comb_plot.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
def plotPanel(xmin, xmax, yMinSets, yMaxSets, xSets, ySets, xname, yname, entLabels, outname, psize=1.0):

    This function plots multiple data in separate panels
    Input:  xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: plotting area
            xSets: a list of lists containing x-axis data
            ySets: a list of lists containing y-axis data
            yMinSets: a list of ymin 
            yMaxSets: a list of ymax
            entLabels: a list of the names of each data

    Output: a png plot: out.png
#--- set line color list
    colorList = ('blue', 'green', 'red', 'aqua', 'lime', 'fuchsia', 'maroon', 'black', 'yellow', 'olive')
#--- clean up the plotting device
#---- set a few parameters
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 9
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)

    tot = len(entLabels)
#--- start plotting each data
    for i in range(0, len(entLabels)):
        axNam = 'ax' + str(i)
#--- setting the panel position
        j = i + 1
        if i == 0:
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j) + ', sharex=ax0'
            line = str(tot) + '1' + str(j)

        exec "%s = plt.subplot(%s)"       % (axNam, line)
        exec "%s.set_autoscale_on(False)" % (axNam)      #---- these three may not be needed for the new pylab, but 
        exec "%s.set_xbound(xmin,xmax)"   % (axNam)      #---- they are necessary for the older version to set

        exec "%s.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)" % (axNam)
        exec "%s.set_ylim(ymin=yMinSets[i], ymax=yMaxSets[i], auto=False)" % (axNam)

        xdata  = xSets[i]
        ydata  = ySets[i]
#---- actual data plotting
        p, = plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color=colorList[i], marker='.', markersize=psize, lw =0)

#---- compute fitting line
        (intc, slope, berr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)

        cslope = str('%.4f' % round(slope, 4))

        ystart = intc + slope * xmin
        yend   = intc + slope * xmax

        plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [ystart, yend], color=(colorList[i+2]), lw=1)
#--- add legend
        tline = entLabels[i] + ' Slope: ' + cslope
        leg = legend([p],  [tline], prop=props, loc=2)

        exec "%s.set_ylabel(yname, size=8)" % (axNam)

#--- add x ticks label only on the last panel
    for i in range(0, tot):
        ax = 'ax' + str(i)

        if i != tot-1: 
            exec "line = %s.get_xticklabels()" % (ax)
            for label in  line:


#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    height = (2.00 + 0.08) * tot
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, height)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=100)
コード例 #32
def fit_line_period(x, y, x_start, x_stop, m, ymin, ymax, bot=0):
    fit a line on the given data section and return the result
    input:  x       --- x data
            y       --- y data
            x_start --- a list of the starting points
            x_stop  --- a list of the stopping points
            m       --- section position of the lists above
            ymin    --- y min
            yax     --- y max
            bot     --- an indicator of where to print the text. bot =1 to bottom side
    output: xrange  --- a list of start and stop position of the line in x 
            yrange  --- a list of start and stop position of the line in y
            ytext   --- y position of the text
            line    --- a line to be printed
    dlen = len(x)
    xn = []
    yn = []
    #--- select data for the limited range
    for k in range(0, dlen):
        if x[k] >= x_start and x[k] < x_stop:
            if y[k] >= ymin and y[k] <= ymax:
        #--- compute the fitted line with robust method
        [a, b, e] = rfit.robust_fit(list(xn), list(yn))
        y1 = a + b * x_start
        y2 = a + b * x_stop
        xrange = [x_start, x_stop]
        yrange = [y1, y2]
        #--- set the text postion and create the text to be printed
        ydiff = ymax - ymin
        if bot == 0:
            ytext = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff * (m + 1)
            ytext = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff * (m + 1) - 0.5 * ydiff

        if x_start < 2000:
            line = "Slope (%4.1f < year):  %3.3f" % (x_stop, round(b, 3))
        elif x_stop > 3000:
            line = "Slope (year > %4.1f):  %3.3f" % (x_start, round(b, 3))
            line = "Slope (%4.1f <  year < %4.1f): %3.3f" % (x_start, x_stop,
                                                             round(b, 3))
#--- for the case the fitting failed
        ydiff = ymax - ymin
        if bot == 0:
            ytext = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff * (m + 1)
            ytext = ymax - 0.1 * ydiff * (m + 1) - 0.5 * ydiff

        xrange = [0, 0]
        yrange = [0, 0]
        line = 'NA'

    return [xrange, yrange, ytext, line]
コード例 #33
ファイル: ede_plot.py プロジェクト: tisobe/EdE_Trends
def plot_single_panel(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xdata, ydata, yerror, xname, yname, label, outname, resolution=100):

    plot a single data set on a single panel
    Input:  xmin    --- min x
            xmax    --- max x
            ymin    --- min y
            ymax    --- max y
            xdata   --- independent variable
            ydata   --- dependent variable
            yerror  --- error in y axis
            xname   --- x axis label
            ynane   --- y axis label
            label   --- a text to indecate what is plotted
            outname --- the name of output file
            resolution-- the resolution of the plot in dpi
    Output: png plot named <outname>

#--- fit line --- use robust method
    (sint, slope, serr) = robust.robust_fit(xdata, ydata)
    lslope = '%2.3f' % (round(slope, 3))
#--- close everything opened before
#--- set font size
    mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
    props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)
#--- set plotting range
    ax  = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, auto=False)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, auto=False)
#--- plot data
    plt.plot(xdata, ydata, color='blue', marker='o', markersize=4.0, lw =0)
#--- plot error bar
    plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerror, lw = 0, elinewidth=1)
#--- plot fitted line
    start = sint + slope * xmin
    stop  = sint + slope * xmax
    plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [start, stop], color='red', lw = 2)
#--- label axes
#--- add what is plotted on this plot
    xdiff = xmax - xmin
    xpos  = xmin + 0.5 * xdiff
    ydiff = ymax - ymin
    ypos  = ymax - 0.08 * ydiff

    label = label + ': Slope:  ' + str(lslope)

    plt.text(xpos, ypos, label)

#--- set the size of the plotting area in inch (width: 10.0in, height 2.08in x number of panels)
    fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
    fig.set_size_inches(10.0, 5.0)
#--- save the plot in png format
    plt.savefig(outname, format='png', dpi=resolution)