コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, value_index: NodeValueIndex, fixed_value_offset):
        # self.node_types = node_types

        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()
        self.value_index = value_index

        self.fixed_value_offset = fixed_value_offset
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, expr_gen: ExpressionGenerator):
        self.name = "AddMethodCallArguments"
        self.applied_positions = {}
        self.expr_gen = expr_gen

        self.null_id = "<null>"
        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, expr_gen: ExpressionGenerator):
        self.name = "AddExpressionStatement"
         we need to remove modifications in the reverse order they were added
         given a code, the new statement is added either before of after the existing one. E.g,:
         where stmt1 is the original statement and expr1 is newly generated
        self.applied_modifications = []
        self.applied_positions = set()
        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()

        self.null_id = "<null>"

        self.expr_gen = expr_gen
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, expr_gen: ExpressionGenerator):
        self.name = "AddObjExpressionStatement"
        self.applied_modifications = []
        self.applied_positions = set()
        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()

        self.null_id = "<null>"

        self.expr_gen = expr_gen
コード例 #5
    def process_ast(tree, idx=0, analyze=False, max_size=3000):
        excludes = ["<null>"]
        fields = ["target", "gold"]

        tree = AstTree.fromJson(
            analyzer=TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer() if analyze else None,
        if max_size > 0 and len(tree.nodes) > max_size:
            return None, None
        types = [node.type for node in tree.nodes]
        values = [
            str(node.value) if node.value else "<null>" for node in tree.nodes

        target = [node.fields.get("target", "<null>") for node in tree.nodes]
        mask_valid = [1 if t not in excludes else 0 for t in target]
        mask_gold = [1 if "gold" in node.fields else 0 for node in tree.nodes]
        gold_type = [node.fields.get("gold", "<null>") for node in tree.nodes]
        depth = [node.depth() for node in tree.nodes]
        pos = [min(16, node.pos_in_parent()) for node in tree.nodes]

        data = {
            "id": idx,
            "ast_values": values,
            "ast_types": types,
            "target_full": target,
            "mask_valid_full": mask_valid,
            "mask_gold": mask_gold,
            "gold_type": gold_type,
            "pos": pos,
            # debugging
            "depth": depth,
            # used by type inference
            "dependencies": [],
        if analyze:
            per_type_edges = tree.compute_all_edges()
            for edge_type, values in per_type_edges.items():
                data[edge_type + "_src"] = [v[0] for v in values]
                data[edge_type + "_tgt"] = [v[1] for v in values]
        return data, tree
コード例 #6
def tree_to_data(tree: AstTree, sample):
    if tree.analyzer is None:
        tree.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()
    Recompute the nodes since the tree structure was changed by modifications.    
    tree.nodes = list(tree.root.forEachNode())

    types = [node.fields.get("types", node.type) for node in tree.nodes]
    values = [node.fields.get("values", node.value) for node in tree.nodes]
    depth = [node.depth() for node in tree.nodes]
    target = [
                        sample.target[node.id] if node.id >= 0 else "<null>")
        for node in tree.nodes
    mask_valid = [
                        sample.mask_valid[node.id] if node.id >= 0 else 0)
        for node in tree.nodes

    data = {
        "id": "{}_mod".format(sample.id),
        "values": values,
        "types": types,
        "target": target,
        "mask_valid": mask_valid,
        "depth": depth,
        "order": sample.order,

    per_type_edges = tree.compute_all_edges()
    for edge_type, values in per_type_edges.items():
        data[edge_type + "_src"] = [v[0] for v in values]
        data[edge_type + "_tgt"] = [v[1] for v in values]
    return data
コード例 #7
class AdversarialNodeReplacement:
    def __init__(self, value_index: NodeValueIndex, fixed_value_offset):
        # self.node_types = node_types

        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()
        self.value_index = value_index

        self.fixed_value_offset = fixed_value_offset

    def property_declaration(node):
        "private x = ..."
        return (node.type == "Identifier" and node.pos_in_parent() == 1
                and node.has_up() and node.up().type == "PropertyDeclaration")

    def property_assignment_left(node):
        "{x: _}"
        return (node.has_up() and node.up().type == "PropertyAssignment"
                and node.is_first_child())

    def property_access(node):
        return (node.pos_in_parent() == 2 and node.left().type == "DotToken"
                and node.has_up()
                and node.up().type == "PropertyAccessExpression")

    CONSTANTS = set([
        "FirstTemplateToken",  # string
        "FalseKeyword",  # boolean
        "FirstLiteralToken",  # numbers

    def is_constant(node):
        return node.type in AdversarialNodeReplacement.CONSTANTS

    def compute_property_assignment_renaming(self, tree_id, tree: AstTree):
        rename_nodes = {}
        declarations = [
            node for node in tree.nodes
            if AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_assignment_left(node)
        decl_scopes = {
            decl.id: self.analyzer.get_scope(decl)
            for decl in declarations

        sample = self.value_index.dataset.get_sample_by_id(tree_id)
        for declaration in declarations:
            scope: AstNode = decl_scopes[declaration.id]
            rename_nodes[declaration.id] = declaration

            for node in scope.forEachNode():
                if node.value != declaration.value:

                if not AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_access(node):

                target_type = sample.target[node.left().left().id]
                if not (target_type[0] == "{" and target_type[-1] == "}"
                        and declaration.value in target_type):

                rename_nodes[node.id] = declaration

        return self.__process_decl(decl_scopes, rename_nodes, tree_id, tree)

    def compute_constant_replacement(self, tree_id, tree: AstTree):
        blacklist = ["number", "string", "boolean", "function"]
        blacklist = ['"' + v + '"'
                     for v in blacklist] + ["'" + v + "'" for v in blacklist]
        constants = [
            node for node in tree.nodes
            if AdversarialNodeReplacement.is_constant(node)
            and not AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_assignment_left(node)
            and node.value not in blacklist
        res = []

        # print('-' * 40)
        # print('Tree: {}'.format(tree_id))
        for node in constants:
            pos = NodeRenameRule(
                value="{:3d} {}".format(
        return res

    def compute_prop_declaration_renaming(self, tree_id, tree: AstTree):
        rename_nodes = {}
        declarations = [
            node for node in tree.nodes
            if AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_declaration(node)
        decl_scopes = {
            decl.id: self.analyzer.get_scope(decl)
            for decl in declarations

        sample = self.value_index.dataset.get_sample_by_id(tree_id)
        assert sample is not None

        def get_scope_type(node: AstNode):
            if node.type == "ClassExpression":
                raw_type = sample.target[node.id]
                node = node.down_first()
                while node.type not in ["ClassKeyword", "InterfaceKeyword"]:
                    if not node.has_right():
                    node = node.right()
                raw_type = sample.target[node.id]
            if "typeof" in raw_type:
                "'typeof Foo'"
                ["'typeof Foo'", "Foo"]
                return [raw_type, raw_type.split(" ")[-1]]
            # assert 'typeof' in raw_type, '{}\n{}, raw_type: {}'.format(base_node, node, raw_type)
            return [raw_type]

        for declaration in declarations:
            scope: AstNode = decl_scopes[declaration.id]
            assert scope.type in [
            ], (str(scope) + "\n" + tree.dumpAsString())
            allowed_types = get_scope_type(scope) + ["any"]

            # replace all occurrences that match the class type in the whole file
            scope = tree.root

            rename_nodes[declaration.id] = declaration
            for node in scope.forEachNode():
                if node.value != declaration.value:

                if not AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_access(node):

                if sample.target[node.left().left().id] not in allowed_types:
                    # Logger.debug('skipping with {} wrong type {} != {} (scope: {})'.format(
                    #     node.id, sample.target[node.left().left().id], allowed_types, scope.id))
                    # input()

                rename_nodes[node.id] = declaration

        return self.__process_decl(decl_scopes, rename_nodes, tree_id, tree)

    def compute_variable_renaming(self, tree_id, tree: AstTree):
        rename_nodes = {}
        declarations = [
            node for node in tree.nodes if self.analyzer.is_declaration(node)
            and not node.type.endswith("Keyword")
        decl_scopes = {
            decl.id: self.analyzer.get_scope(decl)
            for decl in declarations
        for declaration in declarations:
            scope: AstNode = decl_scopes[
                declaration.id]  # self.analyzer.get_scope(declaration)

            for node in scope.forEachNode():
                if node.value != declaration.value:
                if AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_access(node):
                if AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_declaration(node):
                all property assignments are strings, even if they have the same name
                e.g. {foo: 5} is equivalent to {'foo': 5}
                regardless of whether variable named foo exists in the scope
                if AdversarialNodeReplacement.property_assignment_left(node):

                if self.analyzer.method_decl_name(node):

                if node.type.endswith("Keyword"):

                rename_nodes[node.id] = declaration

        return self.__process_decl(decl_scopes, rename_nodes, tree_id, tree)

    def __process_decl(self, decl_scopes, rename_nodes, tree_id,
                       tree: AstTree):
        Int -> List[Int]

        Stores for each declaration list of other declarations that are in the same scope
        Each renaming should preserve the invariant the variable names in the same scope
        do not conflict with each other.

        Note that it is possible that the same variable name is declared multiple times, e.g.:

        var x = ...
        var x = ...

        in this case, we merge the rules into a single rules that always renames both variables into the same value.
        This is a safe option (compared to removing the conflicting constraints) that keeps the program semantics unchanged.
        merged_declarations = {}
        per_scope_decls = collections.defaultdict(set)

        def try_merge_declaration(idx, other_decl_ids):
            for other_decl_id in other_decl_ids:
                if tree.nodes[idx].value == tree.nodes[other_decl_id].value:
                    merged_declarations[idx] = other_decl_id
                    return True
            return False

        for decl_id, scope in decl_scopes.items():
            if not try_merge_declaration(decl_id, per_scope_decls[scope.id]):

        # print('per_scope_decls', per_scope_decls)
        per_decl_conflits = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for scope_id, decl_ids in per_scope_decls.items():
            for decl_id in decl_ids:
                per_decl_conflits[decl_id].update(decl_ids - {decl_id})
        Note that the declaration can shadow each other in which case rename_nodes 
        can be reassigned to match the inner most scope.
        As a result, the per_decl_usages are computed only at the end

        per_decl_usages: Int -> List[Int]
            Map from a declaration site to all usage positions

        per_decl_usages = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for node_id, declaration in rename_nodes.items():
            # print(node_id, declaration.id)
            merged_declaration_id = merged_declarations.get(
                declaration.id, declaration.id)

        # print('merged_decl', merged_declarations)
        Consistency Check

        def check_consistency():
            for decl_id, conflicts in per_decl_conflits.items():
                assert all(
                    tree.nodes[idx].value != tree.nodes[decl_id].value for idx
                    in conflicts), "conflicts not satisfiable {}: {}".format(
                        ",".join("{}: {}".format(idx, tree.nodes[idx].value)
                                 for idx in conflicts),

            assert all(decl_id in usage_ids
                       for decl_id, usage_ids in per_decl_usages.items())
            for decl_id, usage_ids in per_decl_usages.items():
                decl = tree.nodes[decl_id]
                assert all(tree.nodes[uid].value == decl.value
                           and tree.nodes[uid].type == decl.type
                           for uid in usage_ids), "{} vs {}".format(
                               decl, " ".join(
                                   str(tree.nodes[uid]) for uid in usage_ids))

            dataset = self.value_index.dataset
            sample = dataset.id_to_sample[tree_id]
            for decl_id, node_ids in per_decl_usages.items():
                if (dataset.TARGET.vocab.stoi[sample.target[decl_id]] ==
                Currently, the cases that fail the following consistency check are either due to:
                  - type refinement
                  - assignment of different type. This is often done by shadowing variable from the same scope. e.g.:
                    def foo(x: int):
                        x = 'test'
                if not all(sample.target[node_id] == sample.target[decl_id]
                           or sample.target[node_id] ==
                           "never"  # type refinement in switch statement
                           for node_id in node_ids):
                    # print(tree.root.dumpAsString(label=node_label))
                    # print('{} {}'.format(decl_id, node_ids))
                    # input()
                    # num_inconsistencies += 1


        res = []
        for decl_id, usage_ids in per_decl_usages.items():
            decl = tree.nodes[decl_id]
            candidate_values = self.value_index.values_for_type(decl.type)
            value = "{:3d} {}".format(

            pos = NodeRenameRule(

        return res

    def make_rules(self, dataset: Dataset, trees: Dict[int, AstTree],
                   trees_num: Dict[int, AstTree]):
        num_valid = 0
        num_pos = 0
        index = RenameRulesIndex()
        for tree_id, tree in trees.items():
            sample = dataset.id_to_sample[tree_id]
            rules = RenameRulesForTree(tree_id, trees_num[tree_id])
                rules.update(self.compute_constant_replacement(tree_id, tree))
                rules.update(self.compute_variable_renaming(tree_id, tree))
                    self.compute_prop_declaration_renaming(tree_id, tree))
                    self.compute_property_assignment_renaming(tree_id, tree))
            except Exception as e:
                    tree.root.dumpAsString(label=lambda node: "{:<20s}".format(
                        trim(sample.target[node.id], 20))))
                raise e

            num_valid += sum(sample.mask_valid)
            for valid, node in zip(sample.mask_valid, tree.nodes):
                if valid and node.id in rules.nodes_to_rule:
                    num_pos += 1

            def node_label(node: AstNode):
                pos = rules.nodes_to_rule.get(node.id, None)
                s = "{:<20s}".format(trim(sample.target[node.id], 20))
                if pos is not None:
                    return s + "{:>6s} {:6d} {} {}".format(
                            for c in pos.candidate_values
                return s

        print("{:7d}/{:7d} ({:.2f}%)".format(num_pos, num_valid,
                                             acc(num_pos, num_valid)))
        return index
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, expr_gen: ExpressionGenerator):
     self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()
     self.expr_gen = expr_gen
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "AddFunctionArgument"
        self.applied_positions = {}
        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()

        self.null_id = "<null>"
コード例 #10
class AddFunctionArgumentRule:
    adds additional unused function arguments

    function foo(x) {


    function foo(x, arg1, arg2) {
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "AddFunctionArgument"
        self.applied_positions = {}
        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()

        self.null_id = "<null>"

    def revert_all_changes(self):
        for original_node, swapped_node in self.applied_positions.values():

    def matches(self, node: AstNode):
        return self.analyzer.is_function_def(node)

    def apply(self, tree_id, node: AstNode):
        assert self.matches(node)

        def find_params(function_def: AstNode):
            assert function_def.down_first() is not None
            c = function_def.down_first()
            while c.type != "OpenParenToken":
                c = c.right()
            assert c.has_right() and c.right().type == "SyntaxList"
            return c.right()

        params = find_params(node)
        new_params = params.deepCopy(parent=params.parent)
        for i in range(random.randint(1, 3)):
            param = AstNode(idx=-1, type="Parameter", value=self.null_id)
            # TODO: enable adversarial modifications of the added identifier
            ident = AstNode(idx=-1,

            if new_params.children:
                comma_token = AstNode(idx=-1, type="CommaToken", value=",")

        assert params.id != -1
        key = (tree_id, params.id)
        assert key not in self.applied_positions
        "remember where the change was applied such that it can be reverted later"
        self.applied_positions[key] = (params, new_params)
コード例 #11
class AddMethodCallArgumentsRule:
    adds additional unused method call arguments

    console.log("hello world!")


    console.log("hello world!", expr1, expr2)

    where expr1, expr2 are randomly generated expressions.
    In JavaScript, additional arguments are ignored at runtime.
    Note however this change is not semantic preserving since the method could
    declare additional parameters in which case the generated expressions will be used.

    def __init__(self, expr_gen: ExpressionGenerator):
        self.name = "AddMethodCallArguments"
        self.applied_positions = {}
        self.expr_gen = expr_gen

        self.null_id = "<null>"
        self.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()

    def revert_all_changes(self):
        for original_node, swapped_node in self.applied_positions.values():

    def matches(self, node: AstNode):
        return self.analyzer.is_function_def(node)

===================    146       CallExpression	                    	                                     
====================   147 PropertyAccessExpr..	                    	                                     
=====================  148           Identifier	                 div	                 any            div  
=====================  149             DotToken	                   .	                                  .  
=====================  150           Identifier	             getText	                            getText  
====================   151       OpenParenToken	                   (	                                  (  
====================   152           SyntaxList	                    	                                     
====================   153      CloseParenToken	                   )	                                  )

===================    122       CallExpression	                    	                                     
====================   123 PropertyAccessExpr..	                    	                                     
=====================  124           Identifier	                  by	                 any          <unk>  
=====================  125             DotToken	                   .	                                  .  
=====================  126           Identifier	                 css	                                css  
====================   127       OpenParenToken	                   (	                                  (  
====================   128           SyntaxList	                    	                                     
=====================  129        StringLiteral	             'input'	              string        'input'  
====================   130      CloseParenToken	                   )	                                  )

    def apply(self, tree_id, node: AstNode):
        assert self.matches(node)

        def find_args(function_def: AstNode):
            assert function_def.down_first() is not None
            c = function_def.down_first()
            while c.type != "OpenParenToken":
                c = c.right()
            assert c.has_right() and c.right().type == "SyntaxList"
            return c.right()

        args = find_args(node)
        new_args = args.deepCopy(parent=args.parent)
        for i in range(random.randint(1, 2)):
            if new_args.children:
                comma_token = AstNode(idx=-1, type="CommaToken", value=",")
            expr = self.expr_gen.gen_bin_expr(depth=random.randint(0, 2))

        assert args.id != -1
        key = (tree_id, args.id)
        assert key not in self.applied_positions
        "remember where the change was applied such that it can be reverted later"
        self.applied_positions[key] = (args, new_args)
コード例 #12
def main():
    with gzip.open(
            "rb") as f:
        for line in f:
            data = json.loads(line)

            # Print the content
            for key, values in data.items():
                print(key, values)
            Each json samples corresponds to a single source file.
            The json format is as follows (printed by running the above):
            # path of the source file, including the project
            'id': 'SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts/ICustomBusinessObjectsPnPJsState.ts'
            # ast values
            'ast_values': ['<null>', '<null>', '<null>', 'import', '<null>', '<null>', '{', '<null>', '<null>', 'MyDocument', '}', 'from', '"../model/MyDocument"', ';', '<null>', '<null>', 'export', 'interface', 'ICustomBusinessObjectsPnPJsState', '{', '<null>', '<null>', 'myDocuments', ';', '<null>', 'errors', ';', '}']
            # ast types:
            'ast_types': ['SourceFile', 'SyntaxList', 'ImportDeclaration', 'ImportKeyword', 'ImportClause', 'NamedImports', 'FirstPunctuation', 'SyntaxList', 'ImportSpecifier', 'Identifier', 'CloseBraceToken', 'FromKeyword', 'StringLiteral', 'SemicolonToken', 'InterfaceDeclaration', 'SyntaxList', 'ExportKeyword', 'InterfaceKeyword', 'Identifier', 'FirstPunctuation', 'SyntaxList', 'PropertySignature', 'Identifier', 'SemicolonToken', 'PropertySignature', 'Identifier', 'SemicolonToken', 'CloseBraceToken']
            # inferred type when running typescript analyzer on the full project
            target_full ['<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', 'typeof MyDocument', 'typeof MyDocument', '<null>', '<null>', 'string', '<null>', 'ICustomBusinessObjectsPnPJsState', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', 'any', '<null>', '<null>', 'MyDocument[]', 'MyDocument[]', '<null>', 'string[]', 'string[]', '<null>', '<null>']
            # mask containing 1 for locations with inferred types
            mask_valid_full [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
            # mask containing 1 for locations manually annotated by users
            mask_gold [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
            # user annotations, note that it does not necessarily matches the inferred type
            gold_type ['<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', '<null>', 'MyDocument[]', '<null>', '<null>', 'string[]', '<null>', '<null>']
            # position in the parent. 0 denotes the first child, 1 the second child, etc.
            pos [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 5]
            # depth in the tree. 0 denotes the root
            depth [0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3]
            # dependencies used by type inference to obtain ground truth files.
            # useful when the type inference file is run as part of the evaluation/training to make it faster             
            dependencies ['Repos/SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts/samples/react-sp-pnp-js-property-decorators/src/webparts/customBusinessObjectsPnPJs/components/ICustomBusinessObjectsPnPJsState.ts', 'SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts/samples/react-sp-pnp-js-property-decorators/src/webparts/customBusinessObjectsPnPJs/model/MyDocument.ts', 'typescript/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts']
            # various edge types supported by the current analyzer
            child_edges_src [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 8, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 20, 20, 21, 21, 24, 24]
            child_edges_tgt [1, 2, 14, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 5, 6, 7, 10, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 16, 21, 24, 22, 23, 25, 26]
            next_token_edges_src [3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26]
            next_token_edges_tgt [6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27]
            last_lexical_usage_edges_src []
            last_lexical_usage_edges_tgt []
            computed_from_edges_src []
            computed_from_edges_tgt []
            returns_to_edges_src []
            returns_to_edges_tgt []
            guard_by_edges_src []
            guard_by_edges_tgt []
            guard_by_negation_edges_src []
            guard_by_negation_edges_tgt []
            last_write_edges_src []
            last_write_edges_tgt []
            last_read_edges_src []
            last_read_edges_tgt []

            # parse that sample as AST Tree
            tree = AstTree.fromTensor(
                {"target": data["target_full"]},
            )  # 'gold': sample.gold,
            tree.analyzer = TypeScriptGraphAnalyzer()

            # use analyzer to compute edges
            per_type_edges = tree.compute_all_edges()
            for edge_type, values in per_type_edges.items():
                print("edge_type", edge_type)
                print("\t source nodes:", [v[0] for v in values])
                print("\t target nodes:", [v[1] for v in values])