コード例 #1
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
    def dev_grids(self):
        Should use a separate class to manage grids 
        vm = readVM(get_example_file('1d.vm'))

        # should have the grid class 
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(vm, 'grids'))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(vm.grids, VMGrids))

        # should still have the 'sl' alias for the slowness grid
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(vm, 'sl'))
        sl0 = copy.copy(vm.sl) # save original slowness grid

        # modifying vm.sl should update vm.grids.slowness
        self.assertTrue(vm.sl is vm.grids.slowness)

        vm.sl = 999.99
        self.assertTrue(vm.grids.slowness == 999.99)

        # and visa versa
        vm.grids.slowness = 888.88
        self.assertTrue(vm.sl == 888.88)

        # grids should also have velocity and twt
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(vm.grids, 'velocity'))
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(vm.grids, 'twt'))

        # these grids should be the same shape as sl
        for n0, n1 in zip(vm.sl.shape, vm.grids.velocity.shape):
            self.assertEqual(n0, n1)
        for n0, n1 in zip(vm.sl.shape, vm.grids.twt.shape):
            self.assertEqual(n0, n1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
 def test_read_write_vm(self):
     Reading and writing in the VM format should not change data.
     # read data from the disk file
     vmfile = get_example_file(BENCHMARK_2D)
     vm = readVM(vmfile)
     # check values
     # write it to another file
     tmp = 'temp.vm'
     # read these data back in
     vm = readVM(tmp)
     # check values
     # clean up
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
 def test_boundary_flags(self):
     Should convert boundary flags from fortran to python index conventions
     for model in TEST_MODELS:
         # read anymodel with interfaces
         vm = readVM(get_example_file(model))
         # set all ir and ij flags to -1 (off)
         vm.ir = -1 * np.ones(vm.ir.shape)
         vm.ij = -1 * np.ones(vm.ij.shape)
         # reading and writing should not change flag values
         tempvm = 'temp123.vm'
         vm = readVM(tempvm)
         self.assertEqual(vm.ir.min(), -1)
         self.assertEqual(vm.ir.max(), -1)
         self.assertEqual(vm.ij.min(), -1)
         self.assertEqual(vm.ij.max(), -1)
         # cleanup
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
 def test__get_layers(self):
     Should return the layer index of each node on the grid.
     for model in TEST_MODELS:
         vm = readVM(get_example_file(model))
         layers = vm._get_layers()
         # should have an entry for each node
         self.assertEqual(layers.shape, (vm.nx, vm.ny, vm.nz))
         # should have nodes in each layer
         # assuming no complete pinchouts
         self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(layers)), vm.nr + 1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
 def test_define_stretched_layer_velocities(self):
     Should fit a 1D velocity function to a layer.
     for model in TEST_MODELS:
         vm = readVM(get_example_file(model))
         # should define constant velocities within layer
         for ilyr in range(vm.nr + 1):
             vm.sl = np.nan * np.ones((vm.nx, vm.ny, vm.nz))
             vm.define_stretched_layer_velocities(ilyr, [10])
             self.assertEqual(np.nanmax(vm.sl), 1. / 10)
             self.assertEqual(np.nanmin(vm.sl), 1. / 10)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_model.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
 def test_insert_layer_velocities(self):
     Should insert velocities into a layer.
     for model in TEST_MODELS:
         vm = readVM(get_example_file(model))
         # should define constant velocities within layer
         for ilyr in range(vm.nr + 1):
             vm.sl = np.nan * np.ones((vm.nx, vm.ny, vm.nz))
             sl = 10 * np.ones((vm.nx, vm.ny, vm.nz))
             vm.insert_layer_velocities(ilyr, sl, is_slowness=True)
             self.assertEqual(np.nanmax(vm.sl), 10)
             self.assertEqual(np.nanmin(vm.sl), 10)
コード例 #7
 def test_project_model_points(self):
     Should map 2d model points to points in the 3d model.
     phi = 30.
     vm3d = VM(r1=(100, 200, 0), r2=(500, 300, 30), dx=5, dy=5, dz=1)
     for model in TEST_MODELS:
         vm2d = readVM(get_example_file(model))
         # default should return valid coordinates
         x = project_model_points(vm2d, vm3d, phi)
         self.assertTrue(np.min(x) >= vm2d.r1[0])
         self.assertTrue(np.max(x) <= vm2d.r2[0])
         # indices = True should return valid indices
         ix = project_model_points(vm2d, vm3d, phi)
         self.assertTrue(np.min(ix) >= 0)
         self.assertTrue(np.max(ix) <= vm2d.nx)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_forward.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
    def test_raytrace_branch_id(self):
        Raytracing should honor branch ids
        #vmfile = get_example_file('jump1d.vm')
        vmfile = get_example_file('inactive_layers.vm')

        # Create pick database
        pickdbfile = 'temp.sqlite'
        if os.path.isfile(pickdbfile):
        pickdb = PickDatabaseConnection(pickdbfile)
        pickdb.update_pick(event='P1', ensemble=100, trace=1,
                           branch=1, subbranch=0,
                           time=5.0, source_x=10, source_y=0.0, source_z=0.006,
                           receiver_x=40, receiver_y=0.0, receiver_z=4.9)
        pickdb.update_pick(event='P2', ensemble=100, trace=1,
                           branch=2, subbranch=0, time=5.0)
        pickdb.update_pick(event='P3', ensemble=100, trace=1,
                           branch=3, subbranch=0, time=5.0)

        # Raytrace
        vm = readVM(vmfile)
        rayfile = 'temp.ray'
        for branch in range(1, 4):
            if os.path.isfile(rayfile):
            pick_keys = {'branch' : branch}
            raytrace(vmfile, pickdb, rayfile, **pick_keys) 
            # Should have created a rayfile
            # Load rayfans
            rays = readRayfanGroup(rayfile)
            # Should have traced just one ray
            self.assertEqual(len(rays.rayfans), 1)
            rfn = rays.rayfans[0]
            self.assertEqual(len(rfn.paths), 1)
            # Rays should turn in specified layer
            zmax = max([p[2] for p in rfn.paths[0]])
            self.assertGreaterEqual(zmax, vm.rf[branch - 1][0][0])

        # cleanup
        for filename in [rayfile, pickdbfile]:
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
コード例 #9
 def test_two2three(self, sol=(0, 0), theta=39):
     Should create a 3D model from a 2D model.
     for test_model in TEST_MODELS:
         vm2d = readVM(get_example_file(test_model))
         # calculate example endpoints
         line_len = np.sqrt((vm2d.r2[0] - vm2d.r1[0]) ** 2 +\
                           (vm2d.r2[1] - vm2d.r1[1]) ** 2)
         eol = (sol[0] + line_len * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)),
                sol[1] + line_len * np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)))
         # should create 3d model
         vm3d = two2three(vm2d, sol, eol, dx=1, dy=1)
         # check bounds
         self.assertAlmostEqual(vm3d.r1[0], sol[0], 0)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(vm3d.r1[1], sol[1], 0)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(vm3d.r2[0], eol[0], 0)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(vm3d.r2[1], eol[1], 0)
         # spot check some values
         for iref in range(0, vm3d.nr):
                                    vm2d.rf[iref].min(), 1)
                                    vm2d.rf[iref].max(), 1)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_locate.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
 def test_locate_on_surface(self):
     Should locate a receiver on a surface.
     inst_id = 100
     dx = 1
     iref = 0
     for _vmfile in TEST_MODELS:
         vmfile = get_example_file(_vmfile)
         vm = readVM(vmfile)
         # calculate synthetic times
         pickdb = PickDatabaseConnection(':memory:')
         x0 = np.mean(vm.x)
         y0 = np.mean(vm.y)
         picks = []
         xsearch = vm.xrange2i(max(vm.r1[0], x0 - dx),
                               min(vm.r2[0], x0 + dx))
         for i, ix in enumerate(xsearch):
             x = vm.x[ix]
             iy = vm.x2i([y0])[0]
             z0 = vm.rf[iref][ix][iy]
             pickdb.add_pick(event='Pw', ensemble=inst_id,
                             trace=i, time=1e30,
                             source_x=x, source_y=y0, source_z=0.006,
                             receiver_x=x0, receiver_y=y0, receiver_z=z0,
                             vm_branch=1, vm_subid=0)
         rayfile = 'temp.ray'
         raytrace(vmfile, pickdb, rayfile)
         raydb = rayfan2db(rayfile, 'temp.syn.sqlite', synthetic=True)
         # run locate
         x, y, z, rms = locate_on_surface(vmfile, raydb, 0, x0=x0,
                                     y0=y0, dx=dx, dy=dx)
         # compare result
         self.assertAlmostEqual(x, x0, 0)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(y, y0, 0)
コード例 #11
ファイル: locate.py プロジェクト: rvbelefonte/Rockfish
def locate_on_surface(vmfile, pickdb, iref, pick_keys={}, x0=None, y0=None,
                      dx=None, dy=None, plot=False):
    Locate a receiver on a surface.

    :param vmfile: Filename of the VM Tomography slowness model to
    :param pickdb: :class:`rockfish.picking.database.PickDatabaseConnection`
        to get picks from for raytracing.
    :param iref: index of the surface to move the receiver on
    :param pick_keys: Optional. ``dict`` of keys and values to use for
        selecting picks from ``pickdb``.  Default is to use all picks.
    :param x0, y0: Optional. Initial guess at x and y locations. Default is
        center of the model.
    :param dx, dy: Optional. Distance in x and y to search from ``x0, y0``.
        Default is to search the entire model.
    :param plot: Optional. Plot results of the location. Default is false.
    # Load model
    print "Loading VM model..."
    vm = readVM(vmfile)
    # Setup search domain
    print "Setting up search domain..."
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = np.mean(vm.x)
    if y0 is None:
        y0 = np.mean(vm.y)
    if dx is None:
        xsearch = vm.x
        ix = vm.xrange2i(max(vm.r1[0], x0 - dx), min(vm.r2[0], x0 + dx))
        xsearch = vm.x[ix]
    if dy is None:
        ysearch = vm.y
        iy = vm.yrange2i(max(vm.r1[1], y0 - dy), min(vm.r2[1], y0 + dy))
        ysearch = vm.y[iy]
    # trace each point in the search region
    print "Building traveltime database for {:}x{:} search grid..."\
            .format(len(xsearch), len(ysearch))
    zz = vm.rf[iref]
    ipop = -1
    population = []
    db = PickDatabaseConnection(':memory:')
    for x in xsearch:
        for y in ysearch:
            z = zz[vm.x2i([x])[0], vm.y2i([y])[0]]
            ipop += 1
            for _p in pickdb.get_picks(**pick_keys):
                p = dict(_p)
                p['ensemble'] = ipop 
                p['receiver_x'] = x
                p['receiver_y'] = y
                p['receiver_z'] = z
            population.append((x, y, z))
    print "Raytracing..."
    rayfile = '.locate.ray'
    raytrace(vmfile, db, rayfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
    rays = readRayfanGroup(rayfile)
    imin = np.argmin([rfn.rms for rfn in rays.rayfans]) 
    ipop = [rfn.start_point_id for rfn in rays.rayfans][imin]
    rms = [rfn.rms for rfn in rays.rayfans][imin]
#    # warn if fit point is on edge of search domain
#    if (vm.ny > 1) and ((yfit == ysearch[0]) or (yfit == ysearch[-1])):
#        on_edge = True
#    elif (xfit == xsearch[0]) or (xfit == xsearch[-1]):
#        on_edge = True
#    else:
#        on_edge = False
#    if on_edge:
#        msg = 'Best-fit location ({:},{:}) is on edge of model domain:'\
#                .format(xfit, yfit)
#        msg += ' x=[{:},{:}], y=[{:},{:}].'.format(xsearch[0], xsearch[-1],
#                                                   ysearch[0], ysearch[-1])
#        msg += ' Try using a larger search region.'
#        warnings.warn(msg)
    # plot
    if plot:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        if vm.ny == 1:
            ax.plot([p[0] for p in population], 
                    [rfn.rms for rfn in rays.rayfans], '.k')
            ax.plot(population[ipop][0], rms, '*r')
            plt.xlabel('x (km)')
            plt.ylabel('RMS error (s)')
            ax.plot([p[0] for p in population], [p[1] for p in population],
            ax.plot(population[ipop][0], population[ipop][1], '*r')
            ax.plot(x0, y0, 'og')
            plt.xlabel('x (km)')
            plt.xlabel('y (km)')
        plt.title('Results of locate_on_surface()')
    return population[ipop][0], population[ipop][1], population[ipop][2], rms