def mapper(litX, bigX, litY, bigY, mapL, cRoom): drawL = [] distX = (-1) * litX distY = (-1) * litY for j in range(litY, bigY + 1): drawL.append([]) for i in range(litX, bigX + 1): if (i, j) in mapL: drawL[j + distY].append("O") else: drawL[j + distY].append(" ") dis = (bigX - litX - 2) // 2 if dis < 2: dis = 2 print(dis * "=" + " MAP " + dis * "=") print() for j in range(bigY, litY - 1, -1): spaceLine = " " print(" ", end="") for i in range(litX, bigX + 1): if cRoom.location == (i, j): print(, end='') else: print(colors.fg.cyan, end='') print(drawL[j + distY][i + distX], end='') print(colors.fg.cyan, end='') if (drawL[j + distY][i + distX] == "O") and ((i + distX) != (len(drawL[j + distY]) - 1)): if "east" in room.loadRoom("room" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)).possibleDirections.values(): print(colors.fg.cyan + "--", end='') else: print(" ", end='') else: print(" ", end='') if (drawL[j + distY][i + distX] == "O") and ((j + distY) != 0): if "south" in room.loadRoom( "room" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)).possibleDirections.values(): spaceLine += "| " else: spaceLine += " " else: spaceLine += " " print("", end="\n") print(spaceLine) print(colors.reset, end='') print(dis * "=" + " MAP " + dis * "=")
def move(self): possibleDirections = [] for c in room.loadRoom( 'room' + str(self.location[0]) + '_' + str(self.location[1])).possibleDirections.values(): possibleDirections.append(c) direction = random.choice(possibleDirections) if direction in possibleDirections: if direction == ('north' or 'n'): self.location = [self.location[0], self.location[1] + 1] elif direction == ('south' or 's'): self.location = [self.location[0], self.location[1] - 1] elif direction == ('east' or 'e'): self.location = [self.location[0] + 1, self.location[1]] elif direction == ('west' or 'w'): self.location = [self.location[0] - 1, self.location[1]] elif direction == 'northwest': self.location = [self.location[0] - 1, self.location[1] + 1] elif direction == 'southwest': self.location = [self.location[0] - 1, self.location[1] - 1] elif direction == 'northeast': self.location = [self.location[0] + 1, self.location[1] + 1] elif direction == 'southeast': self.location = [self.location[0] + 1, self.location[1] - 1] return
def move(self, direction): cRoomName = 'room' + str(self.location[0]) + '_' + str( self.location[1]) cRoom = room.loadRoom(cRoomName) if direction in cRoom.possibleDirections: direction = cRoom.possibleDirections[direction] if direction == ('north' or 'n'): self.location = [self.location[0], self.location[1] + 1] elif direction == ('south' or 's'): self.location = [self.location[0], self.location[1] - 1] elif direction == ('east' or 'e'): self.location = [self.location[0] + 1, self.location[1]] elif direction == ('west' or 'w'): self.location = [self.location[0] - 1, self.location[1]] elif direction == 'northwest': self.location = [self.location[0] - 1, self.location[1] + 1] elif direction == 'southwest': self.location = [self.location[0] - 1, self.location[1] - 1] elif direction == 'northeast': self.location = [self.location[0] + 1, self.location[1] + 1] elif direction == 'southeast': self.location = [self.location[0] + 1, self.location[1] - 1] elif direction == "": return else: print( "The creators of this game have f***** up and entered a non-existent actual direction. Go complain..." ) return
def loadCRoom(): roomName = "room" + str(cChar.location[0]) + "_" + str(cChar.location[1]) cRoom = room.loadRoom(roomName) return cRoom
def adminer(cPlayer, cChar, cRoom, roomL): print( "Commands are: room, mob, map, quit, createitem, additem, addtoroom, addroomdir , changestats, crown <username>" ) while True: print() try: admIn = input( + ">> " + print(colors.reset, end='') commAdmin = "" splitMin = admIn.split(" ") for w in splitMin: w = w.lower() commAdmin = splitMin[0] print() if commAdmin == "room": coord = input( "Please enter the coordinates (seperate by space): ") room.newRoom(int(coord.split(' ')[0]), int(coord.split(' ')[1])) roomL = room.loadRooms() """ elif commAdmin == "mob": print("Creating new mob...") npc.newMob() """ elif commAdmin == "map": mapL = [] print(cChar.location) for o in roomL: oCoord = o[4:] x = oCoord.split("_")[0] y = oCoord.split("_")[1] mapL.append((int(x), int(y))) bigY = max(mapL, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] bigX = max(mapL, key=operator.itemgetter(0))[0] litY = min(mapL, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] litX = min(mapL, key=operator.itemgetter(0))[0] mapper(litX, bigX, litY, bigY, mapL, cRoom) elif commAdmin == "createitem": kind = input("weapon, armor or shield: ").lower() if kind == "weapon": item.newWeapon() elif kind == "shield": item.newShield() elif kind == "armor": item.newArmor() elif commAdmin == "changestats": changestats = 1 while changestats == 1: print( + 'Stats: ' + colors.fg.cyan + str(cChar.stats)) print( + 'MaxHealth: ' + + str(cChar.maxhealth)) print() print(colors.reset, end='') print('what stat do you wish to modify ? (' + + 'strength' + colors.reset + ' / ' + + 'agility' + colors.reset + ' / ' + + 'wit' + colors.reset + ' / ' + + 'luck' + colors.reset + ' / ' + + 'maxhealth' + colors.reset + ')') choice = input('>').lower() if choice in ['strength', 'agility', 'wit', 'luck']: confirm = 1 while confirm == 1: print('your ' + + str(choice) + colors.reset + ' is: ' + colors.fg.cyan + str(cChar.stats[str(choice)]) + colors.reset) print() print('input new value') value = input('>') try: if (int(value) >= 0): cChar.stats[str(choice)] = int(value) print('your new ' + + str(choice) + colors.reset + ' is: ' + colors.fg.cyan + str(cChar.stats[str(choice)]) + colors.reset) answer = '' while answer not in [ 'y', 'yes', 'n', 'no' ]: print() print( 'do you wish to continue modifying your stats ?' ) print("[" + + "yes" + colors.reset + "/" + + "no" + colors.reset + "]") answer = input('>').lower() if answer in ['y', 'yes']: changestats = 1 confirm = 0 elif answer in ['n', 'no']: changestats = 0 confirm = 0 Print('Quitting ...') elif answer not in [ 'y', 'yes', 'n', 'no' ]: print( str(answer) + ' is not a valid input, try again :' ) except Exception as e: print(e) print( "Very clever... C'mon, I need numbers dude! N U M B E R S!" ) if choice in ['maxhealth']: confirm = 1 while confirm == 1: print('your ' + + str(choice) + colors.reset + ' is: ' + colors.fg.cyan + str(cChar.maxhealth) + colors.reset) print() print('input new value') value = input('>') try: if (int(value) >= 0): cChar.maxhealth = int(value) = cChar.maxhealth print('your new ' + + str(choice) + colors.reset + ' is: ' + colors.fg.cyan + str(cChar.maxhealth) + colors.reset) answer = '' while answer not in [ 'y', 'yes', 'n', 'no' ]: print() print( 'do you wish to continue modifying your stats ?' ) print("[" + + "yes" + colors.reset + "/" + + "no" + colors.reset + "]") answer = input('>').lower() if answer in ['y', 'yes']: changestats = 1 confirm = 0 elif answer in ['n', 'no']: changestats = 0 confirm = 0 Print('Quitting ...') elif answer not in [ 'y', 'yes', 'n', 'no' ]: print( str(answer) + ' is not a valid input, try again :' ) except Exception as e: print(e) print( "Very clever... C'mon, I need numbers dude! N U M B E R S!" ) elif choice in ['q', 'quit']: quit = 1 while quit == 1: print('Are you sure you wish to quit ?') print("[" + + "yes" + colors.reset + "/" + + "no" + colors.reset + "]") answer = input('>').lower() if answer in ['y', 'yes']: print('Quitting ...') quit = 0 changestats = 0 confirm = 0 continue elif answer in ['n', 'no']: quit = 0 changestats = 1 confirm = 0 continue elif choice not in [ 'q', 'quit', 'strength', 'agility', 'wit', 'luck', 'health' ]: print( 'The status ' + + str(choice) + colors.reset + ' is not known to me or the game ... try again or enter' + + ' quit' + colors.reset + ' to abort') continue elif commAdmin == "additem": kind = input("weapon, armor or shield: ") if kind == "weapon": kind = 'wpn' elif kind == "shield": kind = 'shd' elif kind == "armor": kind = 'arm' print('Input the name of the item') name = input('>') cChar.inventory[name] = item.loadItem(name, kind).description print() if len(cChar.inventory) > 0: items = cChar.inventory print( + "Inventory: ") print("-----------" + colors.fg.cyan) for key in items: print(str(key)[0].upper() + str(key)[1:]) print(colors.reset, end='') print() else: print("Your inventory is empty") print() elif commAdmin == "addtoroom": rom = input("Room coords (<x> <y>): ") itemName = input("Item-name: ").lower() descr = input("Enter a description: ") addToInv = input("Add to inventory (y/n): ") coords = rom.split(" ") room.loadRoom("room" + coords[0] + "_" + coords[1]).stuffDescription[itemName] = descr if addToInv == "y": rom = room.loadRoom("room" + coords[0] + "_" + coords[1]) rom.inventory[itemName] = descr print("Added " + itemName + " to " + "room" + coords[0] + "_" + coords[1] + ".") elif commAdmin == "addroomdir": rom = input("Room coords (<x> <y>): ") pointerDir = input("Direction: ") actualDir = input("Whereto: ") coords = rom.split(" ") rom = room.loadRoom("room" + coords[0] + "_" + coords[1]) rom.possibleDirections[pointerDir] = actualDir elif commAdmin == "crown": cPlayer.admin = True if cPlayer.admin: print("Player " + cPlayer.username + " is now admin.") elif commAdmin == "quit": print() print("Returning to game...") print() return else: print( "Possible commands are \"room\", \"mob\", \"map\", \"createitem\", \"additem\", \"addtoroom\", \"changestats\", \"crown <username>\" and \"quit\"." ) except Exception as e: print(e) print( "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Samfing diiidn't wörk." )
def fight(char, npc): draw(npc) damageToll = 0 while True: print() action = input("\033[31mo\033[33m-\033[90m(\033[37m==> ") print() if action in ["hit", "slash", "lunge", "stab"]: if item.loadItem(char.onPerson["weapon"], "wpn").health > 0: damageToll += hit(char, npc) time.sleep(1) if <= 0: char.exp += npc.level * 50 levelBefore = char.level character.checkLevel(char) print('\033[08m') os.system("clear") print('\033[0m') print() print("You are victorious!") print() drawDead(npc) print("Gained " + str(npc.level * 50) + " EXP.") if char.level > levelBefore: time.sleep(1) job.jobLevelUp(char) os.system("rm ../data/npcs/mob_" + + ".txt") del npc return "mob" else: print("Your weapon is broken and useless. You desperately try to punch a better equipped opponent, but fail miserably.") elif action in ["flee", "retreat", "run", "turn tail"]: chance = random.randint(0, 2 + char.stats["luck"]) if chance == 0: print("You manage to flee the scene and sit in a corner, shivering like the coward that you are.") char.move(random.choice(room.loadRoom('room' + str(char.location[0]) + '_' + str(char.location[1])).possibleDirections.values())) return "none" else: print("The enemy hit you back into the room.") elif action in ["dodge", "roll", "parry", "evade"]: if char.job == 'rogue' and char.level >= 2: #(@lvl 2, rogue gains passive evasion buff) chance = random.randint(0, 2 + char.stats["agility"]) if chance in range(1 + npc.level*2 - char.level, 2 + char.stats["agility"]): print("You evade the enemy's attack.") continue else: chance = random.randint(0, 2 + char.stats["agility"]) if chance in range(1 + npc.level*2 - char.level, 2 + char.stats["agility"]): print("You evade the enemy's attack.") continue else: print("Bad luck. The enemy hit you anyways.") elif not char.job == 'rogue': chance = random.randint(0, 2 + char.stats["agility"]) if chance in range(1 + npc.level*2 - char.level, 2 + char.stats["agility"]): print("You evade the enemy's attack.") continue else: print("Bad luck. The enemy hit you anyways.") else: print("That is not an option...") continue hit(npc, char) if <= 0: print("You have died.") char.location = [0,0] = 500 print() print("You have returned to the start-room.") print("".center(os.get_terminal_size().columns, "-")) return "char"