def tree_to_recarray(trees, branches=None, include_weight=False, weight_name="weight", weight_dtype="f4"): """ Convert a tree or a list of trees into a numpy.recarray with fields corresponding to the tree branches """ if isinstance(trees, (list, tuple)): return np.concatenate( [ _add_weight_field(tree2rec(tree, branches), tree, include_weight, weight_name, weight_dtype) for tree in trees ] ) return _add_weight_field(tree2rec(trees, branches), trees, include_weight, weight_name, weight_dtype)
def loadntuples( datadir, ymlfile='', branches=[], vetolist=[], acceptlist=[], verbose=True, cuts='' ): msg.overridelevel = 1-int(verbose) allsamples = sample.loadcollection( ymlfile=ymlfile, tag=globalcfg.config( 'HWW', datadir ), vetolist=vetolist, acceptlist=acceptlist ) rec={} for smpl in allsamples: if cuts == '': cuts = smpl.get_cuts() else: cuts = '({0})*({1})'.format( smpl.get_cuts(), cuts ) if branches != []: rec[smpl.get_name()] = rootnp.tree2rec( smpl.get_tree(), branches=branches, selection = cuts ) else: rec[smpl.get_name()] = rootnp.tree2rec( smpl.get_tree(), selection = cuts ) return rec
def test_selection(): chain = TChain('tree') chain.Add(load('single1.root')) chain.Add(load('single2.root')) a = rnp.tree2rec(chain, selection="d_double > 100") assert_equal((a['d_double'] <= 100).any(), False) # selection with differing variables in branches and expression a = rnp.tree2array(chain, branches=['d_double'], selection="f_float < 100 && n_int%2 == 1") # selection with TMath a = rnp.tree2rec(chain, selection="TMath::Erf(d_double) < 0.5")
def loadEventRange( self, start, end ): """ load events between range from tree into pandas data frame """ # load event range from tree s = time.time() print "Getting Data between Event %d and %d" % ( start, end ) if start>end: # come on, man tmp = end end = start start = tmp if start<self.first_event: start = self.first_event # definie new event range self.event_range = [ start, end ] # we find position in tree start_entry = self.searchEntryHistory( start ) stop_entry = self.scanForEvent( end+1 ) print "start/stop entry in tree: ",start_entry,stop_entry # load data into pandas dataframe numpy_rec_array= tree2rec( self.ttree, selection="event>=%d && event<=%d"%(self.event_range[0], self.event_range[1]), start=start_entry, stop=stop_entry ) self.wf_df = pd.DataFrame(numpy_rec_array) # append the sample sizes of adc strings as a column to dataframe self.determineWaveformLengths() print "Time to load: ",time.time()-s
def getNextEntry(self): """ concrete instantiation of abc method """ # get next event if self.event is not None: nextevent = self.event+1 else: nextevent = self.first_event if self.maxevent is not None and nextevent>=self.maxevent: print "No events for ",nextevent,"! maxevent=",self.maxevent return False ok = True inc = 1 q = self.wf_df.query( "event>=%d"%(nextevent) ) if len( q )==0: print "empty query. must find next event number if tree" events = self.entry_points.keys() events.sort() last_tree_entry = self.entry_points[ events[-1] ] numpy_rec_array= tree2rec( self.ttree, selection="event>%d"%(self.event), start=last_tree_entry, stop=last_tree_entry+10 ) wf_df = pd.DataFrame(numpy_rec_array) nextevent = wf_df["event"].min() self.entry_points[ nextevent ] = last_tree_entry+1 print "loaded edge of new dataframe. nextevent now ",nextevent #raw_input() if len(wf_df)==0: return False # no more else: nextevent = q["event"].min() #print q["event"] print "next event is ",nextevent return self.gotoEvent( nextevent )
def main(infile, outfile): # open my data file f = root_open(infile) # build a dictionary of the file structure dic = {p: t for p, d, t in f if p != ''} # open a new file to put the data in after the cut is applied f_store = pd.HDFStore(outfile) # iterate over the directoies for d, tl in dic.iteritems(): # iterate over list of trees in the directory for t in tl: # tree is original data tree tree = f[d][t] #print tree.branchnames df = pd.DataFrame( tree2rec( tree, branches=tree.branchnames)) print "writing to: {}/{}".format(d, t), tree.GetEntries() f_store.append('{}/{}'.format(d, t), df) tree.IsA().Destructor(tree) f_store.close() f.close()
def getTreeToRec(tree): """ Convert and return a tree into a record numpy array Inputs: TTree object Return: rec array """ from root_numpy import tree2rec return tree2rec(treename)
def test_branch_status(): # test that original branch status is preserved chain = TChain('tree') chain.Add(load('single1.root')) chain.Add(load('single2.root')) chain.SetBranchStatus('d_double', False) a = rnp.tree2rec(chain, selection="d_double > 100") assert_equal(chain.GetBranchStatus('d_double'), False)
def make_JointPlot(plot, region, data, backgrounds) : sample_to_plot = [] if == plot.sample : sample_to_plot.append(data) if not len(sample_to_plot) : for bk in backgrounds : if == plot.sample : sample_to_plot.append(bk) if len(sample_to_plot) == 0 or len(sample_to_plot) > 1 : msg('ERROR make_JointPlot received %d samples to plot for plot with name %s'%(len(sample_to_plot), sys.exit() # turn this tree into an array :) sample_to_plot = sample_to_plot[0] selection_ = '(' + region.tcut + ') * eventweight * ' + str(sample_to_plot.scale_factor) tree_array = tree2rec(sample_to_plot.tree, branches=[plot.x_var, plot.y_var], selection=selection_) tree_array.dtype.names = (plot.x_var, plot.y_var) x_arr = tree_array[plot.x_var] y_arr = tree_array[plot.y_var] sns.set(style="white") # stats? stat_func_ = None if plot.stat_func == "kendalltau" : from scipy.stats import kendalltau stat_func_ = kendalltau elif plot.stat_func == None : from scipy.stats import pearsonr stat_func_ = pearsonr j_plot_grid = None if plot.cmap == None or plot.cmap == "default" : j_plot_grid = sns.jointplot(x_arr, y_arr, kind = plot.kind, stat_func=stat_func_, color = plot.color, linewidth = plot.line_width, ylim=[plot.y_range_min,plot.y_range_max], xlim=[plot.x_range_min,plot.x_range_max]) #j_plot_grid = sns.jointplot(x_arr, y_arr, kind = plot.kind, stat_func=stat_func_, color = plot.color, linewidth = plot.line_width, joint_kws={"n_levels":plot.n_levels, "shade":True}, ylim=[plot.y_range_min,plot.y_range_max], xlim=[plot.x_range_min,plot.x_range_max]) elif plot.cmap == "cubehelix" : cmap_ = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True, dark=0, light=1, reverse = True) j_plot_grid = sns.jointplot(x_arr, y_arr, kind = plot.kind, stat_func=stat_func_, linewidth = plot.line_width, joint_kws={"cmap":cmap_, "n_levels":plot.n_levels, "shade":True}, ylim=[plot.y_range_min, plot.y_range_max], xlim=[plot.x_range_min,plot.x_range_max]) elif plot.cmap == "blues" : j_plot_grid = sns.jointplot(x_arr, y_arr, kind = plot.kind, stat_func=stat_func_, linewidth = 1.0, joint_kws={"cmap":"Blues", "n_levels":plot.n_levels, "shade":True, "shade_lowest":False}, ylim=[plot.y_range_min, plot.y_range_max], xlim=[plot.x_range_min,plot.x_range_max]) else : msg("cmap attribute of joint plot not yet added") sys.exit() j_plot_grid.fig.suptitle(plot.title) j_plot_grid.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.935) j_plot_grid.set_axis_labels(plot.x_label, plot.y_label) # save the plot to file outname = + ".eps" j_plot_grid.savefig(outname) out = indir + "/plots/" + outdir utils.mv_file_to_dir(outname, out, True) fullname = out + "/" + outname msg("%s saved to : %s"%(outname, os.path.abspath(fullname)))
def loadEvent( self, event ): start = time.time() print "loading event %d waveforms ..."%(event), self.current_rec = tree2rec( self.rawtree, selection="event==%d"%(event) ) if len(self.current_rec)>0: self.waveforms_cached = False print " ok." else: print "No waveforms found from event %d in the file" %(event) print "Loading time: ",time.time()-start," secs"
def test_weights(): f = TFile(load('test.root')) tree = f.Get('tree') tree.SetWeight(5.) rec = rnp.tree2rec(tree, include_weight=True, weight_name='treeweight') assert_array_equal(rec['treeweight'], np.ones(100) * 5) f = load(['single1.root', 'single2.root']) a = rnp.root2array(f, include_weight=True) assert_array_equal(a['weight'], np.concatenate((np.ones(100) * 2., np.ones(100) * 3.)))
def get_data(filename="~/AMSDeutons/test.root", treename="data"): """ Converts a ROOT tree to a pandas dataframe. Unwraps vectors.""" tfile = ROOT.TFile(filename) tree = tfile.Get(treename) data = root_numpy.tree2rec(tree) data = pd.DataFrame(data) row = data.ix[0] for c, t in data.dtypes.iteritems(): if c == "fStatus": continue if not t == np.object: continue for i in range(len(row[c])): newc = "{0}_{1}".format(c,i) data[newc] = data[c].str.get(i) del data[c] return data
def __init__(self, bdsimFileName="output.pickle", mad8TwissFileName="ebds1.twiss", mad8EnvelopeFileName="ebds1.envelope"): # load bdsim data if bdsimFileName.find("pickle") != -1: f = open(bdsimFileName) self.bdsimData = _pkl.load(f) self.bdsimOptics = self.bdsimData['optics'] f.close() elif bdsimFileName.find(".root") != -1: import ROOT as _ROOT import root_numpy as _root_numpy f = _ROOT.TFile(bdsimFileName) t = f.Get("optics") self.bdsimOptics = _root_numpy.tree2rec(t) # load mad8 data r = _pymad8.Mad8.OutputReader() [self.mad8Comm, self.mad8Envel] = r.readFile(mad8EnvelopeFileName, "envel") [self.mad8Comm, self.mad8Twiss] = r.readFile(mad8TwissFileName, "twiss")
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from root_numpy import rec2array, root2array, root2rec, tree2rec, tree2array sys.path.append('include/') from chargedHbranches import * # grab signal trees, merge them and assign a name filename_signal = 'data/341524_0.root' file_signal = ROOT.TFile(filename_signal) sigTree = file_signal.Get('NOMINAL') #convert signal tree to numpy array signal = tree2rec(sigTree, branches, 'met_et>100000.&&event_clean&&n_vx>=1&&bsm_tj_dirty_jet==0', start=0) # grab background trees, merge them and assign a name filename_bkg = 'data/410000_0.root' file_bkg = ROOT.TFile(filename_bkg) bkgTree = file_bkg.Get('NOMINAL') #convert background tree to numpy array bkg = tree2rec(bkgTree, branches, 'met_et>100000.&&event_clean&&n_vx>=1&&bsm_tj_dirty_jet==0', start=0) branchnames = bkg.dtype.names signal = rec2array(signal)
def root2hdf5(rfile, hfile, rpath="", entries=-1, userfunc=None, selection=None, show_progress=False): """ Convert all trees in a ROOT file into tables in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- rfile : string or asrootpy'd ROOT File A ROOT File handle or string path to an existing ROOT file. hfile : string or PyTables HDF5 File A PyTables HDF5 File handle or string path to an existing HDF5 file. rpath : string, optional (default='') Top level path to begin traversal through the ROOT file. By default convert everything in and below the root directory. entries : int, optional (default=-1) The number of entries to read at once while converting a ROOT TTree into an HDF5 table. By default read the entire TTree into memory (this may not be desired if your TTrees are large). userfunc : callable, optional (default=None) A function that will be called on every tree and that must return a tree or list of trees that will be converted instead of the original tree. selection : string, optional (default=None) A ROOT selection expression to be applied on all trees before conversion. show_progress : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then display and update a progress bar on stdout as each tree is converted. """ show_progress = show_progress and check_tty(sys.stdout) if show_progress: widgets = [Percentage(), " ", Bar(), " ", ETA()] own_rootfile = False if isinstance(rfile, basestring): rfile = root_open(rfile) own_rootfile = True own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, basestring): hfile = tables_open(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True for dirpath, dirnames, treenames in rfile.walk(rpath, class_pattern="TTree"): # skip root if not dirpath and not treenames: continue # skip directories w/o trees or subdirs if not dirnames and not treenames: continue where_group = "/" + os.path.dirname(dirpath) current_dir = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not current_dir: group = hfile.root else: group = hfile.createGroup(where_group, current_dir, "") ntrees = len(treenames)"Will convert {0:d} tree{1} in this directory".format(ntrees, "s" if ntrees != 1 else "")) for treename in treenames: input_tree = rfile.Get(os.path.join(dirpath, treename)) if userfunc is not None: tmp_file = TemporaryFile() # call user-defined function on tree and get output trees"Calling user function on tree '{0}'".format(input_tree.GetName())) trees = userfunc(input_tree) if not isinstance(trees, list): trees = [trees] else: trees = [input_tree] tmp_file = None for tree in trees:"Converting tree '{0}' with {1:d} entries ...".format(tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) if tree.GetName() in group: log.warning("skipping tree '{0}' that already exists " "in the output file".format(tree.GetName())) continue total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if show_progress and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks start = 0 while start < total_entries or start == 0: if start > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", tables.NaturalNameWarning) recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray, warn=False) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) start += entries if start <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(start) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() input_tree.Delete() if userfunc is not None: for tree in trees: tree.Delete() tmp_file.Close() if own_h5file: hfile.close() if own_rootfile: rfile.Close()
def tree2hdf5(tree, hfile, group=None, entries=-1, selection=None, show_progress=False): """ Convert a TTree into a HDF5 table. Parameters ---------- tree : ROOT.TTree A ROOT TTree. hfile : string or PyTables HDF5 File A PyTables HDF5 File handle or string path to an existing HDF5 file. group : string or PyTables Group instance, optional (default=None) Write the table at this location in the HDF5 file. entries : int, optional (default=-1) The number of entries to read at once while converting a ROOT TTree into an HDF5 table. By default read the entire TTree into memory (this may not be desired if your TTrees are large). selection : string, optional (default=None) A ROOT selection expression to be applied on the TTree before conversion. show_progress : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then display and update a progress bar on stdout as the TTree is converted. """ show_progress = show_progress and check_tty(sys.stdout) if show_progress: widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()] own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, basestring): hfile = tables_open(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True"Converting tree '{0}' with {1:d} entries ...".format( tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) if not group: group = hfile.root elif isinstance(group, basestring): group_where = '/' + os.path.dirname(group) group_name = os.path.basename(group) if TABLES_NEW_API: group = hfile.create_group(group_where, group_name, createparents=True) else: group = hfile.createGroup(group_where, group_name) if tree.GetName() in group: log.warning( "Tree '{0}' already exists " "in the output file".format(tree.GetName())) return total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if show_progress and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks start = 0 while start < total_entries or start == 0: if start > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", tables.NaturalNameWarning) recarray = tree2rec( tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray, warn=False) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec( tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) start += entries if start <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(start) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() if own_h5file: hfile.close()
# define the model class Event(TreeModel): x = FloatCol() y = FloatCol() z = FloatCol() i = IntCol() tree = Tree("test", model=Event) # fill the tree for i in xrange(100000): tree.x = gauss(.5, 1.) tree.y = gauss(.3, 2.) tree.z = gauss(13., 42.) tree.i = i tree.fill() tree.write() # convert tree into a numpy record array from root_numpy import tree2rec array = tree2rec(tree) print array print array.x print array.i print tree.to_array() f.close()
f = root_open("test.root", "recreate") # define the model #class Event(TreeModel): # x = FloatCol() # y = FloatCol() # z = FloatCol() # i = IntCol() # #tree = Tree("test", model=Event) # ## fill the tree #for i in xrange(100): # tree.x = gauss(.5, 1.) # tree.y = gauss(.3, 2.) # tree.z = gauss(13., 42.) # tree.i = i # tree.fill() #tree.write() # convert tree into a numpy record array from root_numpy import tree2rec array = tree2rec(tree) print array print array.x print array.i print tree.to_array() f.close()
from plots.common.cuts import Cuts, Cut from root_numpy import tree2rec f = ROOT.TFile("exclusive/step3.root") tree = f.Get("trees/Events") interesting = [ 1798880, 1808687, 1838545 ] #interesting = [1837809] for ev in tree: if ev.event_id in interesting: print "id =",ev.event_id, " pt =",ev.mu_pt, " iso =",ev.mu_iso, " eta =",ev.mu_eta print "all events" arr = tree2rec(tree, branches=["event_id"]) for i in interesting: if i in arr["event_id"]: print "%d is in tree" % i print "HLT selection" arr = tree2rec(tree, branches=["event_id"], selection=str(Cuts.hlt_isomu)) for i in interesting: if i in arr["event_id"]: print "%d passes HLT" % i
def test_tree2rec(): chain = TChain('tree') chain.Add(load('single1.root')) check_single(rnp.tree2rec(chain))
# interactive matplotlib plt.ion() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14}) fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(13,13)) scale2 = axarr[1,1].twinx() f = ROOT.TFile(fin) t = f.Get( 'out_tree' ) arr = tree2rec(t,branches=['_michel_clustered_charge', '_michel_Z','_michel_X','_X', '_Z','_q_v','_s_v','_chi_v','_t_dqds_v', '_t_q_v','_mean_chi','_lowest_chi', '_rms_chi','_boundary','_chi_at_boundary', '_event','_run','_subrun','_clus_idx','_forward']) ismc = False; if f.GetListOfKeys().Contains('_mc_tree'): ismc = True all_hits = False if (f.GetListOfKeys().Contains('_hit_tree')): all_hits = True #hit tree hit_tree = f.Get('_hit_tree') # get hit information
producers = [] efficiencies = [[], [], []] purities = [[], [], []] for line in txtfile: fname = line.split()[0] f = ROOT.TFile(fname) t = f.Get("fMMQualityTree") cluster_producer = fname.split("_")[3] producers.append(cluster_producer) print 'examining producer %s' % cluster_producer t_py = tree2rec(t) eff = [[], [], []] pur = [[], [], []] high_eff = [[], [], []] high_pur = [[], [], []] for n in xrange(len(t_py)): for pl in xrange(3): # efficiency for i in xrange(len(t_py['BestEff_%i' % pl][n])): eff_val = t_py['BestEff_%i' % pl][n][i] eff[pl].append(eff_val)
if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print print "Incorrect Use" print "Please provide the path to the file containing the tree which stores info on the reco'ed Michel" print sys.exit(0) f = ROOT.TFile(sys.argv[-1]) t = f.Get( 'out_tree' ) arr = tree2rec(t,branches=['_michel_clustered_charge', '_michel_n_hits', 'michel_start_X','michel_start_Z', '_michel_Z','_michel_X','_X', '_Z','_q_v','_s_v','_chi_v','_t_dqds_v', '_t_q_v','_mean_chi','_lowest_chi', '_rms_chi','_boundary','_chi_at_boundary', '_event','_run','_subrun','_clus_idx','_forward']) icarus_f = open('/home/david/Desktop/icarus_data.csv','r') icarus_energies = [] icarus_numbers = [] icarus_errors = [] icarus_area = 0 e_prev = 0 for line in icarus_f:
lambda x:y1,\ lambda x:x*((1-y1)/(x3-x2)) + (1-x3*((1-y1)/(x3-x2))),\ lambda x:1\ ]) BNB_events = 1127678 + 795004 EXT_events = 36206 + 9551 NUMI_events = 276205 + 91004 # POT: [4000,4500] : BNB 1.41E18, NUMI 2.46E18 # POT: [4500,4700] : BNB 3.10E18, NUMI 2.37E18 pot_BNB = 1.41+3.10 pot_NUMI = 2.46+2.37 f = ROOT.TFile("/Users/tiamiceli/Data/TimingNeutrinos/daq_hist_small.root") t = f.Get("opflash_tree_filtered") df = pd.DataFrame(tree2rec(t,selection='pe_total > 50 & dt<23 & dt>0')) del t df_BNB = df.query('trig_word == 2048') df_NUMI = df.query('trig_word == 4096') df_EXT = df.query('trig_word == 512') dt_BNB = df_BNB['dt'].ravel() dt_NUMI = df_NUMI['dt'].ravel() dt_EXT = df_EXT['dt'].ravel() # 20 is the usec that we are saving flashed for # rate in counts / usec EXT_rate = float(len(dt_EXT)) / ( 23. * float(EXT_events) ) # uncertainty on the EXT rate:
def convert(rfile, hfile, rpath='', entries=-1, userfunc=None, selection=None): isatty = check_tty(sys.stdout) if isatty: widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()] own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, basestring): hfile = tables.openFile(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True own_rootfile = False if isinstance(rfile, basestring): rfile = root_open(rfile) own_rootfile = True for dirpath, dirnames, treenames in utils.walk(rfile, rpath, class_pattern='TTree'): # skip root if not dirpath and not treenames: continue # skip directories w/o trees or subdirs if not dirnames and not treenames: continue where_group = '/' + os.path.dirname(dirpath) current_dir = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not current_dir: group = hfile.root else: group = hfile.createGroup(where_group, current_dir, "") ntrees = len(treenames) if ntrees > 1:"Will convert %i trees in this directory" % ntrees) else:"Will convert 1 tree in this directory") for treename in treenames: input_tree = rfile.Get(os.path.join(dirpath, treename)) if userfunc is not None: tmp_file = TemporaryFile() # call user-defined function on tree and get output trees"Calling user function on tree '%s'" % input_tree.GetName()) trees = userfunc(input_tree) if not isinstance(trees, list): trees = [trees] else: trees = [input_tree] tmp_file = None for tree in trees:"Converting tree '%s' with %i entries ..." % (tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if isatty and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks offset = 0 while offset < total_entries or offset == 0: if offset > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) recarray = tree2rec(tree, entries=entries, offset=offset, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray, warn=False) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec(tree, entries=entries, offset=offset, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) offset += entries if offset <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(offset) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() input_tree.Delete() if userfunc is not None: for tree in trees: tree.Delete() tmp_file.Close() if own_h5file: hfile.close() if own_rootfile: rfile.Close()
EXT_events = 62666 NUMI_events = 290771 # POT: [4000,4500] : BNB 1.41E18, NUMI 2.46E18 # POT: [4500,4700] : BNB 3.10E18, NUMI 2.37E18 pot_NUMI = 2.46+2.37 TMIN = 3 TMAX = 23 PEMIN = 50 PEMAX = 800 f_numi = ROOT.TFile("/Users/tiamiceli/Data/TimingNeutrinos/beam_timing_run2_numi.root") t_numi = f_numi.Get("_tree") df_NUMI = pd.DataFrame(tree2rec(t_numi,selection='_pe_total > %i & _pe_total < %i & dt<%i & dt>%i'%(PEMIN,PEMAX,TMAX,TMIN))) f_ext = ROOT.TFile("/Users/tiamiceli/Data/TimingNeutrinos/beam_timing_run2_ext.root") t_ext = f_ext.Get("_tree") print f_ext print t_ext df_EXT = pd.DataFrame(tree2rec(t_ext,selection='_pe_total > %i & _pe_total < %i & dt<%i & dt>%i'%(PEMIN,PEMAX,TMAX,TMIN))) dt_NUMI = df_NUMI['_dt'].ravel() dt_EXT = df_EXT['_dt'].ravel() # 20 is the usec that we are saving flashed for
def tree2hdf5(tree, hfile, group=None, entries=-1, selection=None, show_progress=False): """ Convert a TTree into a HDF5 table. Parameters ---------- tree : ROOT.TTree A ROOT TTree. hfile : string or PyTables HDF5 File A PyTables HDF5 File handle or string path to an existing HDF5 file. group : string or PyTables Group instance, optional (default=None) Write the table at this location in the HDF5 file. entries : int, optional (default=-1) The number of entries to read at once while converting a ROOT TTree into an HDF5 table. By default read the entire TTree into memory (this may not be desired if your TTrees are large). selection : string, optional (default=None) A ROOT selection expression to be applied on the TTree before conversion. show_progress : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then display and update a progress bar on stdout as the TTree is converted. """ show_progress = show_progress and check_tty(sys.stdout) if show_progress: widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()] own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, string_types): hfile = tables_open(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True"Converting tree '{0}' with {1:d} entries ...".format( tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) if not group: group = hfile.root elif isinstance(group, string_types): group_where = '/' + os.path.dirname(group) group_name = os.path.basename(group) if TABLES_NEW_API: group = hfile.create_group(group_where, group_name, createparents=True) else: group = hfile.createGroup(group_where, group_name) if tree.GetName() in group: log.warning("Tree '{0}' already exists " "in the output file".format(tree.GetName())) return total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if show_progress and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks start = 0 while start < total_entries or start == 0: if start > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", tables.NaturalNameWarning) recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray, warn=False) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) start += entries if start <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(start) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() if own_h5file: hfile.close()
def root2hdf5(rfile, hfile, rpath='', entries=-1, userfunc=None, selection=None, show_progress=False): show_progress = show_progress and check_tty(sys.stdout) if show_progress: widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()] own_rootfile = False if isinstance(rfile, basestring): rfile = root_open(rfile) own_rootfile = True own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, basestring): hfile = tables.openFile(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True for dirpath, dirnames, treenames in rfile.walk( rpath, class_pattern='TTree'): # skip root if not dirpath and not treenames: continue # skip directories w/o trees or subdirs if not dirnames and not treenames: continue where_group = '/' + os.path.dirname(dirpath) current_dir = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not current_dir: group = hfile.root else: group = hfile.createGroup(where_group, current_dir, "") ntrees = len(treenames) "Will convert {0:d} tree{1} in this directory".format( ntrees, 's' if ntrees != 1 else '')) for treename in treenames: input_tree = rfile.Get(os.path.join(dirpath, treename)) if userfunc is not None: tmp_file = TemporaryFile() # call user-defined function on tree and get output trees"Calling user function on tree '{0}'".format( input_tree.GetName())) trees = userfunc(input_tree) if not isinstance(trees, list): trees = [trees] else: trees = [input_tree] tmp_file = None for tree in trees:"Converting tree '{0}' with {1:d} entries ...".format( tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) if tree.GetName() in group: log.warning( "skipping tree '{0}' that already exists " "in the output file".format(tree.GetName())) continue total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if show_progress and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks start = 0 while start < total_entries or start == 0: if start > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) recarray = tree2rec( tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray, warn=False) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec( tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) start += entries if start <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(start) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() input_tree.Delete() if userfunc is not None: for tree in trees: tree.Delete() tmp_file.Close() if own_h5file: hfile.close() if own_rootfile: rfile.Close()
def chainer( dtype='cf', izip=1, base='/tera2/data3/cdmsbatsProd/R133/dataReleases/Prodv5-3_June2013/merged/', data='all', productions=['all'], rqs=[], eventrqs=[], rrqs=[], eventrrqs=[], cuts=[], eventcuts=[], selections=[], cutrev='current', load_cut_to_ram=False): # time call t1 = time() # deal with data chains dchain = ROOT.TChain() # initialize data chain dlist = [] # initialize first chain with calibebent trees (because they are small) dpaths = expander( dtype=dtype, tree='rrqDir/calibevent', base=base, data=data, productions=productions) map(dchain.Add, dpaths) # then make a list of chains for the other types for i, v in { 'rrqDir/calibzip{}': rrqs, 'rqDir/zip{}': rqs, 'rqDir/eventTree': eventrqs}.iteritems(): if len(v) != 0: tmp = ROOT.TChain() dpaths = expander( dtype=dtype, tree=i.format(izip), base=base, productions=productions) map(tmp.Add, dpaths) dlist.append(tmp) # friend each other data tree with the original chain map(dchain.AddFriend, dlist) # deal with cuts clist = {} for i, v in { 'cutDir/cutzip{}': cuts, 'cutDir/cutevent': eventcuts}.iteritems(): for c in v: cpaths = expander( data='cuts', dtype=dtype, tree=i.format(izip), base=base, productions=productions, cut=c + '/', cutrev='current/') tmp = ROOT.TChain() #print "cpaths ", cpaths map(tmp.Add, cpaths) clist[c] = tmp #print "adding cuts: ", clist [dchain.AddFriend(v, k) for k, v in clist.iteritems()] # build cut selection cut_string = None if len(selections) != 0: cut_string = reduce( lambda x, y: x & y, map( Cut, selections)) # extract the desired variables from the file turn into a Data Frame rows = ['SeriesNumber', 'EventNumber'] branches = rrqs+rqs+eventrqs+eventrrqs+rows if load_cut_to_ram: branches += cuts+eventcuts df = pd.pivot_table( pd.DataFrame( tree2rec( dchain, branches=list(set(branches)), selection=cut_string)), rows=rows) t2 = time() print "Load time: ", t2-t1, "s" return df
def get_event_ids(tree, cut): arr = root_numpy.tree2rec(tree, branches=["event_id"], selection=cut)["event_id"] arr.sort() return arr
def convert(rfile, hfile, rpath='', entries=-1, userfunc=None, selection=None): isatty = check_tty(sys.stdout) if isatty: widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()] if isinstance(hfile, basestring): hfile = tables.openFile(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") if isinstance(rfile, basestring): rfile = ropen(rfile) for dirpath, dirnames, treenames in utils.walk( rfile, rpath, class_pattern='TTree'): # skip root if not dirpath and not treenames: continue # skip directories w/o trees or subdirs if not dirnames and not treenames: continue where_group = '/' + os.path.dirname(dirpath) current_dir = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not current_dir: group = hfile.root else: group = hfile.createGroup(where_group, current_dir, "") ntrees = len(treenames) if ntrees > 1:"Will convert %i trees in this directory" % ntrees) else:"Will convert 1 tree in this directory") for treename in treenames: tree = rfile.Get(os.path.join(dirpath, treename)) if userfunc is not None: tmp_file = TemporaryFile() # call user-defined function on tree and get output trees"Calling user function on tree '%s'" % tree.GetName()) trees = userfunc(tree) if not isinstance(trees, list): trees = [trees] else: trees = [tree] tmp_file = None for tree in trees:"Converting tree '%s' with %i entries ..." % ( tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if isatty and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) table.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks offset = 0 while offset < total_entries or offset == 0: if offset > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) recarray = tree2rec(tree, entries=entries, offset=offset, selection=selection) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec(tree, entries=entries, offset=offset, selection=selection) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) offset += entries if offset <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(offset) table.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() if tmp_file is not None: tmp_file.Close()
print "You pressed Ctrl+C. Exiting!" sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # interactive matplotlib plt.ion() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14}) fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(13,13)) f = ROOT.TFile(fin) t = f.Get('out_tree') arr = tree2rec(t,branches=['_michel_clustered_charge','_michel_Z','_michel_X','_X','_Z','_q_v','_s_v', '_boundary','_event','_run','_subrun','_clus_idx','_forward']) all_hits = False if (f.GetListOfKeys().Contains('_hit_tree')): all_hits = True #hit tree hit_tree = f.Get('_hit_tree') # get hit information hits = pd.DataFrame(tree2rec(hit_tree,branches=['_run','_subrun','_event','_q_v','_w_v','_t_v'])) # fill a dictionary that goes from (run,subrun,event) -> data frame with hit info for that event hitDict = {} for n in xrange(len(hits)): run = hits['_run'][n] subrun = hits['_subrun'][n] event = hits['_event'][n] hitDict[(run,subrun,event)] = hits.query('_event == %i and _run == %i and _subrun == %i'%(event,run,subrun))
outfname = "fulldata." + str(n) + ".csv.gz" print "Current target is " + outfname if os.path.exists(workdir + outfname): print " already exists skipping." continue os.system("touch " + workdir + outfname) data = [] for filename in filenames[i:j]: print "Reading " + filename.split('/')[-1] sys.stdout.flush() f = ROOT.TFile(filename) if f.IsZombie(): continue tree = f.Get("selections") data.append(pd.DataFrame(root_numpy.tree2rec(tree))) data = pd.concat(data) print "Writing " + str(len(data)) + " rows into " + outfname + " ... ", sys.stdout.flush() with, 'w') as csvOut: data.to_csv(csvOut) print " done." print "Copying ...", sys.stdout.flush() os.system("cp " + outfname + " " + workdir) print " done." print "Cleanup ...", sys.stdout.flush() os.system("rm " + outfname)
#print "cut %.3f sig_eff=%.3f Nbg=%i bg_eff=%.3f"%(cut_value, # Nsig_pass/float(Nsig), # Nbg_pass, # Nbg_pass/float(Nbg)) results.append((method, Nsig_pass/float(Nsig), Nbg_pass/float(Nbg))) for res in sorted(results, key=operator.itemgetter(2)): print res if __name__ == "__main__": import sys tmva_fname = sys.argv[1] f = R.TFile(tmva_fname) test_tree = f.TestTree train_tree = f.TrainTree test = root_numpy.tree2rec(test_tree) train = root_numpy.tree2rec(train_tree) bdt_name = "BDT_ada_640_2_1" for bdt_name in (bdt_name, "BDT_grad_40_2_1", "BDT_random_320_2"): #draw_all(test, train) #rank_all(test, sig_eff=0.9) draw_overtraining(bdt_name, test, train) draw_roccurve(bdt_name, test)
tree = 'mytree' # getting 5 branches, but we're only going to make a histogram of the E branches = ['jet_AntiKt10LCTopo_%s' % col for col in ['E', 'pt', 'm', 'eta', 'phi']] # set up bins for the histogram (10 GeV bins) bins = np.arange(0.,2010.,10.) # initialize to zero, since we're going to accumulate when we loop over hist_data = np.zeros(len(bins)-1).astype(float) # open up the file and grab the tree f = TFile.Open(args.filename) t = f.Get('%s/%s' % (directory,tree)) startTime_wall = time.time() startTime_processor = time.clock() for event_num in xrange(args.event_start, args.event_start+args.num_events, args.step_size): data = rnp.tree2rec(t, branches=branches, start=(event_num), stop=(event_num+args.step_size)) # grab 0th element since there's only one event for energies in data['jet_AntiKt10LCTopo_E']/1000.: # accumulate, np.histogram's first argument is the histogram data hist_data = map(add, hist_data, np.histogram(energies, bins=bins)[0] ) endTime_wall = time.time() endTime_processor = time.clock() print "Finished job %d in:\n\t Wall time: %0.2f s \n\t Clock Time: %0.2f s" % (args.process_num, (endTime_wall - startTime_wall), (endTime_processor - startTime_processor)) # dump results into file uniquely named by the process number of Condor job pickle.dump({'hist': hist_data, 'bins': bins}, file('hist_jet_AntiKt10LCTopo_E_%d.pkl' % args.process_num, 'w+') )
# set up bins for the histogram (10 GeV bins) bins = np.arange(0., 2010., 10.) # initialize to zero, since we're going to accumulate when we loop over hist_data = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1).astype(float) # open up the file and grab the tree f = TFile.Open(args.filename) t = f.Get('%s/%s' % (directory, tree)) startTime_wall = time.time() startTime_processor = time.clock() for event_num in xrange(args.event_start, args.event_start + args.num_events, args.step_size): data = rnp.tree2rec(t, branches=branches, start=(event_num), stop=(event_num + args.step_size)) # grab 0th element since there's only one event for energies in data['jet_AntiKt10LCTopo_E'] / 1000.: # accumulate, np.histogram's first argument is the histogram data hist_data = map(add, hist_data, np.histogram(energies, bins=bins)[0]) endTime_wall = time.time() endTime_processor = time.clock() print "Finished job %d in:\n\t Wall time: %0.2f s \n\t Clock Time: %0.2f s" % ( args.process_num, (endTime_wall - startTime_wall), (endTime_processor - startTime_processor)) # dump results into file uniquely named by the process number of Condor job pickle.dump({ 'hist': hist_data,
def root2hdf5(rfile, hfile, rpath='', entries=-1, userfunc=None, selection=None, show_progress=False): """ Convert all trees in a ROOT file into tables in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- rfile : string or asrootpy'd ROOT File A ROOT File handle or string path to an existing ROOT file. hfile : string or PyTables HDF5 File A PyTables HDF5 File handle or string path to an existing HDF5 file. rpath : string, optional (default='') Top level path to begin traversal through the ROOT file. By default convert everything in and below the root directory. entries : int, optional (default=-1) The number of entries to read at once while converting a ROOT TTree into an HDF5 table. By default read the entire TTree into memory (this may not be desired if your TTrees are large). userfunc : callable, optional (default=None) A function that will be called on every tree and that must return a tree or list of trees that will be converted instead of the original tree. selection : string, optional (default=None) A ROOT selection expression to be applied on all trees before conversion. show_progress : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then display and update a progress bar on stdout as each tree is converted. """ show_progress = show_progress and check_tty(sys.stdout) if show_progress: widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()] own_rootfile = False if isinstance(rfile, basestring): rfile = root_open(rfile) own_rootfile = True own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, basestring): hfile = tables_open(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True for dirpath, dirnames, treenames in rfile.walk(rpath, class_pattern='TTree'): # skip root if not dirpath and not treenames: continue # skip directories w/o trees or subdirs if not dirnames and not treenames: continue where_group = '/' + os.path.dirname(dirpath) current_dir = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not current_dir: group = hfile.root else: group = hfile.createGroup(where_group, current_dir, "") ntrees = len(treenames)"Will convert {0:d} tree{1} in this directory".format( ntrees, 's' if ntrees != 1 else '')) for treename in treenames: input_tree = rfile.Get(os.path.join(dirpath, treename)) if userfunc is not None: tmp_file = TemporaryFile() # call user-defined function on tree and get output trees"Calling user function on tree '{0}'".format( input_tree.GetName())) trees = userfunc(input_tree) if not isinstance(trees, list): trees = [trees] else: trees = [input_tree] tmp_file = None for tree in trees:"Converting tree '{0}' with {1:d} entries ...".format( tree.GetName(), tree.GetEntries())) if tree.GetName() in group: log.warning("skipping tree '{0}' that already exists " "in the output file".format(tree.GetName())) continue total_entries = tree.GetEntries() pbar = None if show_progress and total_entries > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries) if entries <= 0: # read the entire tree if pbar is not None: pbar.start() recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable(group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() else: # read the tree in chunks start = 0 while start < total_entries or start == 0: if start > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", tables.NaturalNameWarning) recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray, warn=False) table.append(recarray) else: recarray = tree2rec(tree, selection=selection, start=start, stop=start + entries) recarray = _drop_object_col(recarray) if pbar is not None: # start after any output from root_numpy pbar.start() if TABLES_NEW_API: table = hfile.create_table( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) else: table = hfile.createTable( group, tree.GetName(), recarray, tree.GetTitle()) start += entries if start <= total_entries and pbar is not None: pbar.update(start) # flush data in the table table.flush() # flush all pending data hfile.flush() if pbar is not None: pbar.finish() input_tree.Delete() if userfunc is not None: for tree in trees: tree.Delete() tmp_file.Close() if own_h5file: hfile.close() if own_rootfile: rfile.Close()
#!/usr/bin/python -i from ROOT import * #import it all who gives a hoot import numpy as np #from looks import * #from methods import * from root_numpy import root2array, root2rec, tree2rec #looks_minos() tfile = TFile("outfile.root", "READ") ttree = tfile.Get("data") rec = tree2rec(ttree) c1 = TCanvas() tg = TGraph() tg.SetTitle("") c = 0 for e in ttree: for o in xrange(len(e.y)): tg.SetPoint(c, e.x[o], e.y[o]) c += 1 tg.Draw("AL") tg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.0) c1.Update()
outfname = "fulldata." + str(n) + ".csv.gz" print "Current target is " + outfname if os.path.exists(workdir + outfname): print " already exists skipping." continue os.system("touch " + workdir + outfname) data = [] for filename in filenames[i:j]: print "Reading " + filename.split('/')[-1] sys.stdout.flush() f = ROOT.TFile(filename) if f.IsZombie(): continue tree = f.Get("selections") data.append(pd.DataFrame(root_numpy.tree2rec(tree))) data = pd.concat(data) print "Writing " + str(len(data)) + " rows into " + outfname + " ... ", sys.stdout.flush() with, 'w') as csvOut: data.to_csv(csvOut) print " done." print "Copying ...", sys.stdout.flush() os.system("cp " + outfname + " " + workdir) print " done." print "Cleanup ...", sys.stdout.flush()
lambda x:y1,\ lambda x:x*((1-y1)/(x3-x2)) + (1-x3*((1-y1)/(x3-x2))),\ lambda x:1\ ]) BNB_events = 1127678 + 795004 EXT_events = 36206 + 9551 NUMI_events = 276205 + 91004 # POT: [4000,4500] : BNB 1.41E18, NUMI 2.46E18 # POT: [4500,4700] : BNB 3.10E18, NUMI 2.37E18 #f = ROOT.TFile("beam_timing.root") f = ROOT.TFile("/Users/tiamiceli/Data/TimingNeutrinos/beam_timing_run2_bnb.root") t = f.Get("_tree") df = pd.DataFrame(tree2rec(t))#,selection='_pe_total > 50 and _dt<23 and _dt>0')) print df.shape good_runs = [8317,8318,8319,8320,8321,8322,8324,8325,8329,8330,8331,8333,8336,8338,8346,8347,8348,8349,8350,8351,8352,8354,8355,8356,8357,8358,8383,8385,8386,8388,8393,8394] good_string = '(_run == %i) '%good_runs[0] for n in xrange(1,len(good_runs)): good_string += ' or (_run == %i)'%(good_runs[n]) print good_string #df = df.query(good_string) #df = df.query('(_run == 8317) or (_run == 8318) or (_run == 8319) or (_run == 8320) or (_run == 8321) or (_run == 8322) or (_run == 8324) or (_run == 8325) or (_run == 8329) or (_run == 8330) or (_run == 8331) or (_run == 8333) or (_run == 8336) or (_run == 8338)')