コード例 #1
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/ROPgadget
    def __getAllgadgets(self):

        if self.__checksBeforeManipulations() == False:
            return False

        G = Gadgets(self.__binary, self.__options, self.__offset)
        execSections = self.__binary.getExecSections()

        # Find ROP/JOP/SYS gadgets
        self.__gadgets = []
        for section in execSections:
            if not self.__options.norop: self.__gadgets += G.addROPGadgets(section)
            if not self.__options.nojop: self.__gadgets += G.addJOPGadgets(section)
            if not self.__options.nosys: self.__gadgets += G.addSYSGadgets(section)

        # Pass clean single instruction and unknown instructions
        self.__gadgets = G.passClean(self.__gadgets, self.__options.multibr)

        # Delete duplicate gadgets
        if not self.__options.all:
            self.__gadgets = rgutils.deleteDuplicateGadgets(self.__gadgets)

        # Applicate some Options
        self.__gadgets = Options(self.__options, self.__binary, self.__gadgets).getGadgets()

        # Sorted alphabetically
        self.__gadgets = rgutils.alphaSortgadgets(self.__gadgets)

        return True
コード例 #2
    def __getGadgets(self):
        if self.__checksBeforeManipulations() == False:
            return False

        G = Gadgets(self.__binary, self.__options, self.__offset)
        execSections = self.__binary.getExecSections()

        # Find ROP/JOP/SYS gadgets
        self.__gadgets = []
        for section in execSections:
            section = self._sectionInRange(section)
            if not section: continue
            if not self.__options.norop: self.__gadgets += G.addROPGadgets(section)
            if not self.__options.nojop: self.__gadgets += G.addJOPGadgets(section)
            if not self.__options.nosys: self.__gadgets += G.addSYSGadgets(section)

        # Delete duplicate gadgets
        if not self.__options.all and not self.__options.noinstr:
            self.__gadgets = rgutils.deleteDuplicateGadgets(self.__gadgets)

        # Applicate some Options
        self.__gadgets = Options(self.__options, self.__binary, self.__gadgets).getGadgets()

        # Sorted alphabetically
        if not self.__options.noinstr:
            self.__gadgets = rgutils.alphaSortgadgets(self.__gadgets)

        return True
コード例 #3
    config = [
        os.path.join(pe_dir, f),
    rg_args = Args(config).getArgs()
    rg_bin = Binary(rg_args)
    G = Gadgets(rg_bin, rg_args, rg_offset)
    exec_sections = rg_bin.getExecSections()
    rg_gadgets = []
    for section in exec_sections:
        rg_gadgets += G.addROPGadgets(section)
    rg_gadgets = G.passClean(rg_gadgets, rg_args.multibr)
    rg_gadgets = Options(rg_args, rg_bin, rg_gadgets).getGadgets()
    # ---------------------

    if not ropper_parsing_error:
        rs.setArchitectureFor(name=f, arch='x86')
        rp_gadgets = rs.getFileFor(f).gadgets
        print 'Found {} gadgets!'.format(len(rp_gadgets))
        rs.setImageBaseFor(name=f, imagebase=0x0)
        rp_gadgets = []

    rp_len = len(rp_gadgets)
    rg_len = len(rg_gadgets)
    rp = True