コード例 #1
class RosettaBaseMixin(object):
    """A mixin class for Rosetta's class-based views. It provides:
    * security (see decorated dispatch() method)
    * a property for the 'po_filter' url argument

    # Handle security in our mixin
    # NOTE: after we drop support for Django 1.8, we can employ these decorators
    # more cleanly on the class itself, rather than the dispatch() method. (See
    # the Django docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/class-based-views/intro/#decorating-the-class)
    @method_decorator(user_passes_test(lambda user: can_translate(user), settings.LOGIN_URL))
    def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(RosettaBaseMixin, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

    def po_filter(self):
        """Return the filter applied to all of the .po files under consideration
        to determine which file is currently being translated. Options are:
        'all', 'django', 'third-party', 'project'.

        If the filter isn't in this list, throw a 404.
        po_filter = self.kwargs.get('po_filter')
        if po_filter not in {'all', 'django', 'third-party', 'project'}:
            raise Http404
        return po_filter
コード例 #2
from rosetta.conf import settings as rosetta_settings
from rosetta.polib import pofile
from rosetta.poutil import find_pos, pagination_range, timestamp_with_timezone
from rosetta.signals import entry_changed, post_save
from rosetta.storage import get_storage
from rosetta.access import can_translate
import re
import rosetta
import unicodedata
import hashlib
import os
import six

@user_passes_test(lambda user: can_translate(user), settings.LOGIN_URL)
def home(request):
    Displays a list of messages to be translated

    def fix_nls(in_, out_):
        """Fixes submitted translations by filtering carriage returns and pairing
        newlines at the begging and end of the translated string with the original
        if 0 == len(in_) or 0 == len(out_):
            return out_

        if "\r" in out_ and "\r" not in in_:
            out_ = out_.replace("\r", '')
コード例 #3
from rosetta.poutil import find_pos, pagination_range, timestamp_with_timezone
from rosetta.signals import entry_changed, post_save
from rosetta.storage import get_storage
from rosetta.access import can_translate, can_translate_language

import json
import re
import rosetta
import unicodedata
import hashlib
import os
import six

@user_passes_test(lambda user: can_translate(user), settings.LOGIN_URL)
def home(request):
    Displays a list of messages to be translated
    def fix_nls(in_, out_):
        """Fixes submitted translations by filtering carriage returns and pairing
        newlines at the begging and end of the translated string with the original
        if 0 == len(in_) or 0 == len(out_):
            return out_

        if "\r" in out_ and "\r" not in in_:
            out_ = out_.replace("\r", '')

        if "\n" == in_[0] and "\n" != out_[0]: