class ROSLauncher(object): def __init__(self, rospackage_name, launch_file_name): self._rospackage_name = rospackage_name self._launch_file_name = launch_file_name self._path_launch_file_name = None self.rospack = rospkg.RosPack() # Check Package Exists try: pkg_path = self.rospack.get_path(rospackage_name) except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logwarn("Package NOT FOUND...") # If the package was found then we launch if pkg_path: launch_dir = os.path.join(pkg_path, "launch") self._path_launch_file_name = os.path.join(launch_dir, launch_file_name) self.uuid = roslaunch.rlutil.get_or_generate_uuid(None, False) roslaunch.configure_logging(self.uuid) self.launch = ROSLaunchParent(self.uuid, [self._path_launch_file_name]) self.launch.start() else: assert False, ("No Package Path was found for ROS apckage ==>" + str(self._rospackage_name)) def restart(self): if self._path_launch_file_name == None: assert False, ("No Package Path was found for ROS apckage ==>" + str(self._rospackage_name)) else: self.launch.shutdown() #a double check before starting launch file again self.uuid = roslaunch.rlutil.get_or_generate_uuid(None, False) roslaunch.configure_logging(self.uuid) self.launch = ROSLaunchParent(self.uuid, [self._path_launch_file_name]) self.launch.start()
def _subroslaunchParent(self): from roslaunch.parent import ROSLaunchParent pmon = self.pmon try: # if there is a core up, we have to use its run id run_id = get_param('/run_id') except: run_id = 'test-rl-parent-%s' % time.time() name = 'foo-bob' server_uri = 'http://localhost:12345' p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [], is_core=True, port=None, local_only=False) self.assertEquals(run_id, p.run_id) self.assertEquals(True, p.is_core) self.assertEquals(False, p.local_only) rl_dir = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('roslaunch') rl_file = os.path.join(rl_dir, 'resources', 'example.launch') self.assert_(os.path.isfile(rl_file)) # validate load_config logic p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [rl_file], is_core=False, port=None, local_only=True) self.assertEquals(run_id, p.run_id) self.assertEquals(False, p.is_core) self.assertEquals(True, p.local_only) self.assert_(p.config is None) p._load_config() self.assert_(p.config is not None) self.assert_(p.config.nodes) # try again with port override p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [rl_file], is_core=False, port=11312, local_only=True) self.assertEquals(11312, p.port) self.assert_(p.config is None) p._load_config() # - make sure port got passed into master _, port = p.config.master.uri) self.assertEquals(11312, port) # try again with bad file p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, ['non-existent-fake.launch']) self.assert_(p.config is None) try: p._load_config()"load config should have failed due to bad rl file") except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # try again with bad xml rl_dir = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('roslaunch') rl_file = os.path.join(rl_dir, 'test', 'xml', 'test-params-invalid-1.xml') self.assert_(os.path.isfile(rl_file)) p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [rl_file]) self.assert_(p.config is None) try: p._load_config()"load config should have failed due to bad rl file") except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # Mess around with internal repr to get code coverage on _init_runner/_init_remote p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [], is_core=False, port=None, local_only=True) # no config, _init_runner/_init_remote/_start_server should fail for m in ['_init_runner', '_init_remote', '_start_server']: try: getattr(p, m)()'should have raised') except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # - initialize p.config p.config = roslaunch.config.ROSLaunchConfig() # no pm, _init_runner/_init_remote/_start_server should fail for m in ['_init_runner', '_init_remote', '_start_server']: try: getattr(p, m)()'should have raised') except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # - initialize = pmon for m in ['_init_runner', '_init_remote']: try: getattr(p, m)()'should have raised') except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass from roslaunch.server import ROSLaunchParentNode p.server = ROSLaunchParentNode(p.config, pmon) p._init_runner() # roslaunch runner should be initialized self.assert_(p.runner is not None) # test _init_remote p.local_only = True p._init_remote() p.local_only = False # - this violates many abstractions to do this def ftrue(): return True p.config.has_remote_nodes = ftrue p._init_remote() self.assert_(p.remote_runner is not None) self.failIf(pmon.is_shutdown) p.shutdown() self.assert_(pmon.is_shutdown)
class rmaics(object): def __init__(self, agent_num, render=True, sim_rate=20, update_display_every_n_epoch=1): self.car_num = agent_num = kernal( car_num=agent_num, render=render, update_display_every_n_epoch=update_display_every_n_epoch) self.sim_rate = sim_rate self.g_map = self.memory = [] self.is_game_start = False self.x_shift = 0.2 self.y_shift = 0.2 def reset(self): self.state = # state, object self.obs = self.get_observation(self.state) return self.obs def step(self, actions): state = obs = self.get_observation(state) rewards = self.get_reward(state) self.memory.append([self.obs, actions, rewards]) self.state = state return obs, rewards, state.done, None def get_observation(self, state): # personalize your observation here obs = state return obs def get_reward(self, state): # personalize your reward here rewards = None return rewards def play(self): def save_record(self, file): def init_pub_and_sub(self): rospy.init_node('Simulator_node') self.cmd_sub_blue1 = rospy.Subscriber(self.ns_names[0] + '/' + 'cmd_vel', Twist, callback=self.cmd_callback_blue1, queue_size=1) ###TODO self.cmd_sub_red1 = rospy.Subscriber(self.ns_names[1] + '/' + 'cmd_vel', Twist, callback=self.cmd_callback_red1, queue_size=1) self.cmd_sub_blue2 = rospy.Subscriber(self.ns_names[2] + '/' + 'cmd_vel', Twist, callback=self.cmd_callback_blue2, queue_size=1) self.cmd_sub_red2 = rospy.Subscriber(self.ns_names[3] + '/' + 'cmd_vel', Twist, callback=self.cmd_callback_red2, queue_size=1) self.start_signal_sub = rospy.Subscriber( '/start_signal', Int16, callback=self.game_start_callback, queue_size=1) = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.odom_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'odom', Odometry, queue_size=10) for ns in self.ns_names ] ## 2019 self.enemy_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] ### for cmd line use, not suitable in codes. self.gimbal_angle_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'cmd_gimbal_angle', GimbalAngle, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] ### for gimbal control self.game_status_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'game_status', GameStatus, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.game_result_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'game_result', GameResult, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.game_survival_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'game_survivor', GameSurvivor, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.bonus_status_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'field_bonus_status', BonusStatus, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.supplier_status_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'field_supplier_status', SupplierStatus, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.robot_status_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'robot_status', RobotStatus, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.robot_heat_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'robot_heat', RobotHeat, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.robot_bonus_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'robot_bonus', RobotBonus, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.robot_damage_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'robot_damage', RobotDamage, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.robot_shoot_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'robot_shoot', RobotShoot, queue_size=30) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.projectile_supply_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'projectile_supply', ProjectileSupply, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.partner_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'partner_msg', PartnerInformation, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.enemy_info_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'enemy_info', EnemyInfoVector, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] ## 2020 self.buff_info_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'BuffInfo', BuffInfo, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.robot_punish_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'RobotPunish', RobotPunish, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] self.bullet_status_pubs_ = [ rospy.Publisher(ns + '/' + 'BulletVacant', BulletVacant, queue_size=1) for ns in self.ns_names ] rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.sim_rate), self.timer_callback) rospy.on_shutdown(self.save_record_h) ###save game before shut down def launch_cars(self): launch_file_path = '/home/parallels/Documents/University/Robomaster/robo_2020_buff_ws/src/roborts_bringup/launch/' launch_file_name = launch_file_path + 'roborts_stage2020.launch' rviz_file_name = launch_file_path + 'rviz_robosim2020.launch' launch_file_names_and_args = [(launch_file_name, ['__ns:=' + tmp_ns]) for tmp_ns in self.ns_names] launch_file_names_and_args.append(rviz_file_name) self.cars_launch_parents = ROSLaunchParent('start_from_python', launch_file_names_and_args) self.cars_launch_parents.start() def game_start_callback(self, int16_msg): if not self.is_game_start: self.is_game_start = True print('Game start!!!!!') else: self.is_game_start = False print('Game paused!!!!!') def timer_callback(self, event): if self.is_game_start: self.step_ros(self.new_cmds) else: self.publish_every_thing() def save_record_h(self): print('saved this game in: ', self.file_name) def process_cmd(self, twist, car_index): ### simple orders consist of only x,y,rotate speeds and auto_aim self.new_cmds[car_index, 0] = twist.linear.x self.new_cmds[car_index, 1] = -twist.linear.y ## TODO:up down reverse self.new_cmds[car_index, 2] = -np.degrees(twist.angular.z) self.new_cmds[car_index, 3] = 1 def cmd_callback_blue1(self, twist): self.process_cmd(twist, 0) def cmd_callback_red1(self, twist): self.process_cmd(twist, 1) def cmd_callback_blue2(self, twist): self.process_cmd(twist, 2) def cmd_callback_red2(self, twist): self.process_cmd(twist, 3) def step_ros(self, actions): self.state = self.publish_every_thing() if self.state.done: self.cars_launch_parents.shutdown() self.parent.shutdown() rospy.signal_shutdown('Game end') ###shut down ros node def publish_every_thing(self): ### state(time,, buff_info, time <= 0, detect, vision) time, cars, buff_info, done, detect, vision = self.state.time, self.state.agents, self.state.buff, self.state.done, self.state.detect, # 2019 ## Game state game_state_msg = GameStatus() if done: game_state_msg.game_status = 5 else: game_state_msg.game_status = 4 game_state_msg.remaining_time = time for i in range(self.car_num): self.game_status_pubs_[i].publish(game_state_msg) ## Game result if done and self.car_num == 4: game_result_msg = GameResult() b1_hp = cars[0, 6] r1_hp = cars[1, 6] b2_hp = cars[2, 6] r2_hp = cars[3, 6] is_blue_done = ((b1_hp <= 0) and (b2_hp <= 0)) is_red_done = ((r1_hp <= 0) and (r2_hp <= 0)) if is_blue_done: game_result_msg.result = 1 elif is_red_done: game_result_msg.result = 2 else: if b1_hp + b2_hp > r1_hp + r2_hp: game_result_msg.result = 2 elif b1_hp + b2_hp < r1_hp + r2_hp: game_result_msg.result = 1 else: game_result_msg.result = 0 for i in range(self.car_num): self.game_result_pubs_[i].publish(game_result_msg) ## Game survival if self.car_num == 4: game_survival_msg = GameSurvivor() game_survival_msg.blue3 = cars[0, 6] > 0 game_survival_msg.red3 = cars[1, 6] > 0 game_survival_msg.blue4 = cars[2, 6] > 0 game_survival_msg.red4 = cars[3, 6] > 0 for i in range(self.car_num): self.game_survival_pubs_[i].publish(game_survival_msg) ## Robot status id_dict = {0: 13, 1: 3, 2: 14, 3: 4} for i in range(self.car_num): robot_status_msg = RobotStatus() = id_dict[i] robot_status_msg.remain_hp = cars[i, 6] robot_status_msg.max_hp = 2000 robot_status_msg.heat_cooling_limit = 360 robot_status_msg.heat_cooling_rate = 240 if cars[i, 6] < 400 else 120 self.robot_status_pubs_[i].publish(robot_status_msg) ## Robot heat for i in range(self.car_num): robot_heat_msg = RobotHeat() robot_heat_msg.shooter_heat = cars[i, 5] self.robot_heat_pubs_[i].publish(robot_heat_msg) ## Robot damage damage_source_dict = {0: 0, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1} for i in range(self.car_num): robot_damage_msg = RobotDamage() robot_damage_msg.damage_type = 4 #default value, unattacked robot_damage_msg.damage_source = 4 #default value, no armor if cars[i, 5] > 240: robot_damage_msg.damage_type = 2 if (cars[i, 11] != 4) and ( cars[i, 15] <= 100): #attacked during the last 0.5 second robot_damage_msg.damage_type = 0 robot_damage_msg.damage_source = damage_source_dict[int( cars[i, 11])] self.robot_damage_pubs_[i].publish(robot_damage_msg) ## Partner information ### ROS coordinate, origin: left_down_point; x:right; y:up ### Simulator coordinate, origin:left_up_point; x:right; y:down who_is_enemy = {0: [1, 3], 1: [0, 2], 2: [1, 3], 3: [0, 2]} for i in range(self.car_num): partner_info_msg = PartnerInformation() partner_info_msg.header.stamp = tmp_vision = vision[i] for enemy_ind in who_is_enemy[i]: if tmp_vision[enemy_ind]: partner_info_msg.enemy_detected = True one_enemy_info = EnemyInfo() one_enemy_info.num = 1 one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.position.x = cars[ enemy_ind, 1] / 100.0 + self.x_shift ##pixel to meter one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.position.y = (448 - cars[ enemy_ind, 2]) / 100.0 + self.y_shift ##pixel to meter yaw_at_ros = -np.radians(cars[enemy_ind, 3]) ## deg to radians one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.orientation.w = np.cos( yaw_at_ros / 2.0) one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.orientation.z = np.sin( yaw_at_ros / 2.0) partner_info_msg.enemy_info.append(one_enemy_info) partner_info_msg.partner_pose.pose.position.x = cars[ i, 1] / 100.0 + self.x_shift partner_info_msg.partner_pose.pose.position.y = ( 448 - cars[i, 2]) / 100.0 + self.y_shift yaw_at_ros = -np.radians(cars[i, 3]) partner_info_msg.partner_pose.pose.orientation.w = np.cos( yaw_at_ros / 2.0) partner_info_msg.partner_pose.pose.orientation.z = np.sin( yaw_at_ros / 2.0) partner_info_msg.bullet_num = cars[i, 10] self.partner_pubs_[i].publish( partner_info_msg ) ##TODO:it seems that no need to publish partner_info from simulation ### send tf tmp_translation = [ cars[i, 1] / 100.0 + self.x_shift, (448 - cars[i, 2]) / 100.0 + self.y_shift, 0 ] tmp_rotation = [ 0, 0, np.sin(yaw_at_ros / 2.0), np.cos(yaw_at_ros / 2.0) ][0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],, self.ns_names[i] + '/odom', 'map'), tmp_rotation,, self.ns_names[i] + '/base_footprint', self.ns_names[i] + '/odom')[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],, self.ns_names[i] + '/base_link', self.ns_names[i] + '/base_footprint') tmp_gimbal_translation = [0, 0, 0.15] tmp_gimbal_rotation = [ 0, 0, np.cos(np.radians(-cars[i, 4]) / 2), np.sin(np.radians(-cars[i, 4]) / 2) ], tmp_gimbal_rotation,, self.ns_names[i] + '/gimbal', self.ns_names[i] + '/base_footprint') odom_msg = Odometry() odom_msg.header.frame_id = self.ns_names[i] + '/odom' odom_msg.pose.pose.position = partner_info_msg.partner_pose.pose.position odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = partner_info_msg.partner_pose.pose.orientation odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = self.new_cmds[i, 0] odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = -self.new_cmds[i, 1] odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = -np.radians(self.new_cmds[i, 2]) self.odom_pubs_[i].publish(odom_msg) #, tmp_rotation,, self.ns_names[i]+'/base_link', self.ns_names[i]+'/odom') ### send enemy_info who_is_enemy = {0: [1, 3], 1: [0, 2], 2: [1, 3], 3: [0, 2]} for i in range(self.car_num): enemy_info_msg = EnemyInfoVector() for enemy_ind in who_is_enemy[i]: one_enemy_info = EnemyInfo() one_enemy_info.num = 1 one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.header.frame_id = 'map' one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.position.x = cars[ enemy_ind, 1] / 100.0 + self.x_shift ##pixel to meter one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.position.y = (448 - cars[ enemy_ind, 2]) / 100.0 + self.y_shift ##pixel to meter yaw_at_ros = -np.radians(cars[enemy_ind, 3]) ## deg to radians one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.orientation.w = np.cos( yaw_at_ros / 2.0) one_enemy_info.enemy_pos.pose.orientation.z = np.sin( yaw_at_ros / 2.0) enemy_info_msg.enemy_info.append(one_enemy_info) self.enemy_info_pubs_[i].publish(enemy_info_msg) # 2020 ## Bullet vacant for i in range(self.car_num): bullet_vacant_msg = BulletVacant() bullet_vacant_msg.bullet_vacant = (cars[i, 10] <= 0) bullet_vacant_msg.remaining_number = cars[i, 10] self.bullet_status_pubs_[i].publish(bullet_vacant_msg) ## Buff info buff_info_msg = BuffInfo() buff_info_msg.F1.type = int(buff_info[0, 0]) buff_info_msg.F1.used = False if buff_info[0, 1] else True buff_info_msg.F2.type = int(buff_info[1, 0]) buff_info_msg.F2.used = False if buff_info[1, 1] else True buff_info_msg.F3.type = int(buff_info[2, 0]) buff_info_msg.F3.used = False if buff_info[2, 1] else True buff_info_msg.F4.type = int(buff_info[3, 0]) buff_info_msg.F4.used = False if buff_info[3, 1] else True buff_info_msg.F5.type = int(buff_info[4, 0]) buff_info_msg.F5.used = False if buff_info[4, 1] else True buff_info_msg.F6.type = int(buff_info[5, 0]) buff_info_msg.F6.used = False if buff_info[5, 1] else True for i in range(self.car_num): self.buff_info_pubs_[i].publish(buff_info_msg) ## Robot punish for i in range(self.car_num): robot_punish_msg = RobotPunish() robot_punish_msg.type = cars[i, 8] robot_punish_msg.remaining_time = cars[ i, 7] / 200.0 ##epoch to second self.robot_punish_pubs_[i].publish(robot_punish_msg) # Unuseful ## Robot shoot, Unused robot_shoot_msg = RobotShoot() robot_shoot_msg.frequency = 6 robot_shoot_msg.speed = 18 for i in range(self.car_num): self.robot_shoot_pubs_[i].publish(robot_shoot_msg) ## Projectile_supply, Unused projectile_supply_msg = ProjectileSupply() projectile_supply_msg.number = 0 for i in range(self.car_num): self.projectile_supply_pubs_[i].publish(projectile_supply_msg) ## Robot bonus, Unused robot_bonus_msg = RobotBonus() for i in range(self.car_num): self.robot_bonus_pubs_[i].publish(robot_bonus_msg) ## Bonus status, Unused bonus_status_msg = BonusStatus() for i in range(self.car_num): self.bonus_status_pubs_[i].publish(bonus_status_msg) ## Supplier status, Unused supplier_status_msg = SupplierStatus() for i in range(self.car_num): self.supplier_status_pubs_[i].publish(supplier_status_msg) def play_using_ros(self, save_file_name='./records/record1.npy'): self.parent = ROSLaunchParent('start_from_python', [], is_core=True) # run_id can be any string self.parent.start() self.file_name = save_file_name self.ns_names = ['blue1', 'red1', 'blue2', 'red2' ] ### {0:'blue1', 1:'red1', 2:'blue2', 3:'red2'} self.new_cmds = np.zeros((4, 4)) self.init_pub_and_sub() self.launch_cars() rospy.spin()
class core_bringup_manager(): def __init__(self, path_to_bringup, shutdown_topic_name): ### get path to agv_v2_bringup.launch self.path_to_bringup = path_to_bringup ### get shutdown topic's name self.shutdown_topic_name = shutdown_topic_name self.shutdown_count = 0 self.count_to_shutdown = 5 ### node name for shutdown subscriber self.node_name = 'wait_for_shutdown' ### create ROSLaunchParent instance for roscore and agv_v2_bringup # self.roscore = ROSLaunchParent('core', [], is_core=True) self.bringup = ROSLaunchParent('bringup', [self.path_to_bringup], is_core=True) ### set this flag to True after self node killed self.shutdown_finished = False ### shutdown ros then shutdown computer def shutdown_all(self): self.shutdown_ros() self.shutdown_computer() ### kill all rosnodes except self --> shutdown bringup --> shutdown roscore --> kill self node def shutdown_ros(self): self.sub.unregister() neo = neopixel() neo.execute() print("---start killing nodes---") nodes_list = rosnode.get_node_names() nodes_list.remove('/' + self.node_name) rosnode.kill_nodes(nodes_list) print("---other nodes killed---") self.bringup.shutdown() print("---core shutdown---") rosnode.kill_nodes(['/' + self.node_name]) print("---self node killed---") self.shutdown_finished = True # self.roscore.shutdown() ### function for shutdown computer def shutdown_computer(self): sudopass = "******" command = "shutdown now" p = os.system('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % (sudopass, command)) ### callback for shutdown message (twist: /debug_val.linear.y) def shutdown_callback_twist(self, data): if (data.linear.y == 0): self.shutdown_ros() ### callback for shutdown message (bool: /shutdown) def shutdown_callback_bool(self, data): if ( self.shutdown_ros() def shutdown_callback_uint8(self, data): if ( == 4): self.shutdown_ros() elif ( == 0): self.shutdown_count += 1 if (self.shutdown_count >= self.count_to_shutdown): self.shutdown_ros() else: self.shutdown_count = 0 ### start roscore and bringup and then start node subscribe for shutdown message def start_ros(self): # self.roscore.start() self.bringup.start() sleep(5) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.shutdown_topic_name, UInt8, self.shutdown_callback_uint8, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node(self.node_name)
def _subtest_ROSLaunchParent(self): from roslaunch.parent import ROSLaunchParent pmon = self.pmon import roslib.params try: # if there is a core up, we have to use its run id run_id = roslib.params.get_param('/run_id') except: run_id = 'test-rl-parent-%s'%time.time() name = 'foo-bob' server_uri = 'http://localhost:12345' p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [], is_core = True, port=None, local_only=False) self.assertEquals(run_id, p.run_id) self.assertEquals(True, p.is_core) self.assertEquals(False, p.local_only) import roslib.packages rl_dir = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('roslaunch') rl_file = os.path.join(rl_dir, 'example.launch') self.assert_(os.path.isfile(rl_file)) # validate load_config logic p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [rl_file], is_core = False, port=None, local_only=True) self.assertEquals(run_id, p.run_id) self.assertEquals(False, p.is_core) self.assertEquals(True, p.local_only) self.assert_(p.config is None) p._load_config() self.assert_(p.config is not None) self.assert_(p.config.nodes) # try again with port override p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [rl_file], is_core = False, port=11312, local_only=True) self.assertEquals(11312, p.port) self.assert_(p.config is None) p._load_config() # - make sure port got passed into master _, port = self.assertEquals(11312, port) # try again with bad file p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, ['non-existent-fake.launch']) self.assert_(p.config is None) try: p._load_config()"load config should have failed due to bad rl file") except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # try again with bad xml rl_dir = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('test_roslaunch') rl_file = os.path.join(rl_dir, 'test', 'xml', 'test-params-invalid-1.xml') self.assert_(os.path.isfile(rl_file)) p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [rl_file]) self.assert_(p.config is None) try: p._load_config()"load config should have failed due to bad rl file") except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # run an empty launch if 0: p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [], is_core = False, port=None, local_only=True) self.assertEquals(run_id, p.run_id) self.assertEquals(False, p.is_core) self.assertEquals(True, p.local_only) thread.start_new_thread(kill_parent, (p,)) p.start() p.spin() # Mess around with internal repr to get code coverage on _init_runner/_init_remote p = ROSLaunchParent(run_id, [], is_core = False, port=None, local_only=True) # no config, _init_runner/_init_remote/_start_server should fail for m in ['_init_runner', '_init_remote', '_start_server']: try: getattr(p, m)()'should have raised') except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # - initialize p.config p.config = roslaunch.config.ROSLaunchConfig() # no pm, _init_runner/_init_remote/_start_server should fail for m in ['_init_runner', '_init_remote', '_start_server']: try: getattr(p, m)()'should have raised') except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass # - initialize = pmon for m in ['_init_runner', '_init_remote']: try: getattr(p, m)()'should have raised') except roslaunch.core.RLException: pass from roslaunch.server import ROSLaunchParentNode p.server = ROSLaunchParentNode(p.config, pmon) p._init_runner() # roslaunch runner should be initialized self.assert_(p.runner is not None) # test _init_remote p.local_only = True p._init_remote() p.local_only = False # - this violates many abstractions to do this def ftrue(): return True p.config.has_remote_nodes = ftrue p._init_remote() self.assert_(p.remote_runner is not None) self.failIf(pmon.is_shutdown) p.shutdown() self.assert_(pmon.is_shutdown)