def test_rosnode_kill(self): import rosnode cmd = 'rosnode' for n in ['to_kill/kill1', '/to_kill/kill2']: self.assert_(rosnode.rosnode_ping(n, max_count=1)) rosnode._rosnode_cmd_kill([cmd, 'kill', n]) self.failIf(rosnode.rosnode_ping(n, max_count=1))
def test_rosnode_ping(self): import rosnode cmd = 'rosnode' self.failIf(rosnode.rosnode_ping('/fake_node', max_count=1)) self.assert_(rosnode.rosnode_ping('/rosout', max_count=1)) self.assert_(rosnode.rosnode_ping('/rosout', max_count=2)) with fakestdout() as b: self.assert_(rosnode.rosnode_ping('/rosout', max_count=2, verbose=True)) s = b.getvalue() self.assert_('xmlrpc reply' in s, s) self.assert_('ping average:' in s, s) # test via command-line API rosnode._rosnode_cmd_ping([cmd, 'ping', '-c', '1', '/fake_node']) with fakestdout() as b: rosnode._rosnode_cmd_ping([cmd, 'ping', '-c', '1', '/rosout']) s = b.getvalue() self.assert_('xmlrpc reply' in s, s) with fakestdout() as b: rosnode._rosnode_cmd_ping([cmd, 'ping', '-c', '1', 'rosout']) s = b.getvalue() self.assert_('xmlrpc reply' in s, s) with fakestdout() as b: rosnode._rosnode_cmd_ping([cmd, 'ping', '-c', '2', 'rosout']) s = b.getvalue() self.assertEquals(2, s.count('xmlrpc reply'))
def test_rostest_detection(self): # check that pyros_utils/rostest_nose is usable even without delay import magic from pyros_utils import rostest_nose print("Checking rostest detection...") # checking detection works properly assert rostest_nose.is_rostest_enabled() # checking setup is done as expected # wait for the node to come up with timeout(5) as t: while not t.timed_out and not rosnode.rosnode_ping("string_pub_node", max_count=1): time.sleep(1) # TODO: improve this assert rosnode.rosnode_ping("string_pub_node", max_count=5)
def rosnode_ping_all(verbose=False): """ Ping all running nodes @return [str], [str]: pinged nodes, un-pingable nodes @raise ROSNodeIOException: if unable to communicate with master """ master = rosnode.rosgraph.Master(rosnode.ID) try: state = master.getSystemState() except rosnode.socket.error: raise rosnode.ROSNodeIOException("Unable to communicate with master!") nodes = [] for s in state: for t, l in s: nodes.extend(l) nodes = list(set(nodes)) #uniq if verbose: print("Will ping the following nodes: \n" + ''.join([" * %s\n" % n for n in nodes])) pinged = {} unpinged = [] for node in nodes: start = time.time() status = rosnode.rosnode_ping(node, max_count=1, verbose=verbose) end = time.time() dur = (end - start) * 1000. if status: pinged.update({node: dur}) else: unpinged.append(node) return pinged, unpinged
def _last_spin(self): if not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.did_spin: self._spin_count += 1 rospy.sleep(self.sleep_duration) self.ros.process_inbox() for node_name in self.cfg.nodes_under_test: assert rosnode_ping(node_name, max_count=1)
def _restart_robin_node(cls, node_path): #TODO try to simplify """Restarts robin bridge node.""" # if node alive if rosnode.rosnode_ping(node_path, max_count=3): # kill node if node_path not in rosnode.kill_nodes([node_path])[0]: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to kill robin node '{}'.".format(node_path)) else: master = rosgraph.Master(rosnode.ID) rosnode.cleanup_master_blacklist(master, [node_path]) node_name = node_path.split('/')[-1] cls._wait_for(lambda: cls._get_node_path(node_name) == '') namespace = '/'.join(node_path.split('/')[:-1]) cmd = '''bash -c " cd {} && . *devel*/setup.bash && rosrun robin_bridge_generated robin_node __ns:={} & " > /dev/null 2>&1'''.format(catkin_ws, namespace) # " > /dev/null 2>&1'''.format(catkin_ws, node_path[:-len('/' + node_name)]) if os.system(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to rerun robin node.') cls._wait_for(lambda: cls._get_node_path(node_name) != '', timeout=10)
def main_test_part(rostest_nose, roslaunch, rospy, rosnode): print("Entering main_test_part") # if running with rostest we cannot check the startup behavior from inside the test if not rostest_nose.is_rostest_enabled(): rostest_nose.rostest_nose_setup_module() # Start roslaunch # Ref : launch = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() launch.start() rospy.set_param('/string_pub_node/topic_name', '~test_str_topic') # private topic name to not mess things up too much rospy.set_param('/string_pub_node/test_message', 'testing topic discovery') package = 'pyros_test' executable = '' name = 'string_pub_node' node = roslaunch.core.Node(package, executable, name) talker_process = launch.launch(node) assert talker_process.is_alive() try: # wait for the node to come up (needed for both rostest and nosetest) with timeout(5) as t: while not t.timed_out and not rosnode.rosnode_ping("string_pub_node", max_count=1): time.sleep(1) # TODO: improve this # try a few times assert rosnode.rosnode_ping("string_pub_node", max_count=5) # we make sure this always run to avoid hanging with child processes finally: if not rostest_nose.is_rostest_enabled(): talker_process.stop() assert not talker_process.is_alive() # if running with rostest, we cannot check the shutdown behavior form inside the test # so we do it here assert not rosnode.rosnode_ping("string_pub_node", max_count=5) rostest_nose.rostest_nose_teardown_module() rospy.signal_shutdown('test complete') print("Exiting main_test_part")
def list() -> List[str]: # no freaking api for getting alive nodes, greato! active_nodes = rosnode.get_node_names() active_nodes = [ node for node in active_nodes if rosnode.rosnode_ping(node, max_count=1) ] return active_nodes
def timer_callback(event): if rospy.is_shutdown(): print("Unable to communicate with ROS_MASTER") if rosnode.rosnode_ping("/rosout"): print("Can communicate with this node") print("Timer callback")
def check(): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): bakim_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/agv1/bakim_ihtiyaci", 2, False) can2topic_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("agv1/can2topic", 2, False) topic2can_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/agv1/topic2can", 2, False) durum_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/agv1/durum", 2, False) odom_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("agv1/ota_odometry", 2, False) sick_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/agv1/sick_s300", 2, False) socketcan_node_check = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/agv1/socketcanbridge", 2, False) if bakim_node_check == False: print("Bakim node failed") if can2topic_node_check == False: print("Can2topic node failed") if topic2can_node_check == False: print("Topic2can node failed") if durum_node_check == False: print("Durum node failed") if odom_node_check == False: print("Odom node failed") if sick_node_check == False: print("Sick node failed") if socketcan_node_check == False: print("Socketcan node failed")
def testNodePing(self, node_name): #Simplemente una funcion que devuelve bool de nodo si activo o no. SI NECESITA PALITO. master = rosgraph.Master('/rosnode') node_api = rosnode.get_api_uri(master, node_name) node_is_active = False if node_api: node_is_active = rosnode.rosnode_ping( node_name, 1, verbose=False) #1: max ping request count return node_is_active
def get_node_status(self): size = len(self.nodes) self.status = [True] * size for i in range(size): try: self.status[i] = rosnode.rosnode_ping(self.nodes[i], max_count=1) except Exception: self.status[i] = False
def pingBlackboard(self, event): if self.pingLock.locked() is False: # check lock self.pingLock.acquire() self.bbState = rosnode_ping( self.bbAdress, 1) # ping blackboard node, assign result to bbstate if self.bbState is False: # if node is offline self.bbthread = Thread( target=self.bbBackupActivate ) # start backup function on a new thread self.pingLock.release()
def create_node_status(self): diag_status = DiagnosticStatus() = "BHG: Node Status" diag_status.message = "BHG: Normal" diag_status.hardware_id = socket.gethostname() for r_node in node_list: # self.node_state[r_node] = rosnode.rosnode_ping(r_node, 1, False) node_case_kv = KeyValue() node_case_kv.key = r_node node_case_kv.value = str(rosnode.rosnode_ping(r_node, 1, False)) diag_status.values.append(node_case_kv) return diag_status
def hasInitialized(self): # TODO: add more checks (battery measurement etc) check1 = rospy.get_rostime( ) - self.mode_start_time > rospy.Duration.from_sec(INIT_TIME) check2 = self.pos is not None # check decawave and estimator check3 = rosnode.rosnode_ping(rospy.get_namespace() + rospy.get_param("ros_serial_node"), max_count=1) # check teensy if check1 and check2 and check3: return True return False
def ping_node(self, node_name, cmd): rate = rospy.Rate(1) ping_success = rosnode.rosnode_ping(node_name, 2) rate.sleep() # cmd_str = "This is the cmd: " + str(cmd[0]) # rospy.logwarn(cmd_str) if (ping_success == False): rospy.logerr("" + node_name + " is not runinng.") rospy.logerr("Relaunching " + node_name + " now...") for i in cmd: thread.start_new_thread(os.system, (i,)) # Make sure to keep comma. Must be a tuple for thread library to work
def _wait_for_nodes(self, timeout=60.0): now = rospy.get_rostime() to = rospy.Duration.from_sec(timeout) end = now + to rate = rospy.Rate(5) pending = set(self.cfg.nodes_under_test) while now < end and pending: for node_name in self.cfg.nodes_under_test: if node_name in pending: if rosnode_ping(node_name, max_count=1): pending.remove(node_name) rate.sleep() now = rospy.get_rostime() if pending: raise LookupError("Failed to find nodes " + str(pending))
def loop(self): r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): isNodeAlive = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/mybag", max_count=1, verbose=False) rospy.loginfo(isNodeAlive) if self.base_mode == ARDUPILOT_AUTO_BASE and self.custom_mode == ARDUPILOT_AUTO_CUSTOM: if isNodeAlive == False: p = subprocess.Popen( ["rosbag", "record", "-a", "__name:=mybag"]) else: if isNodeAlive == True: p = subprocess.Popen(["rosnode", "kill", "/mybag"]) r.sleep()
def kill_node(nodename): isNodeAlive = rosnode.rosnode_ping(nodename, max_count=1, verbose=False) if isNodeAlive: p2 = Popen(["rosnode", "list"], stdout=PIPE) p2.wait() nodelist = p2.communicate() nd = nodelist[0] nd = nd.split("\n") for i in range(len(nd)): tmp = nd[i] ind = tmp.find(nodename) if ind == 1: call(["rosnode", "kill", nd[i]]) return True else: return False
def launch_kinect(): record = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/camera/camera_nodelet_manager", 1e-2) print('Record:', record) if not record: return None # TODO: set arguments launch_path = os.path.abspath('utils/record_video.launch') #video_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DATA_DIRECTORY, 'video2.avi')) #cli_args = [launch_path, 'filename:={}'.format(video_path)] #roslaunch_args = roslaunch.rlutil.resolve_launch_arguments(cli_args) uuid = roslaunch.rlutil.get_or_generate_uuid(None, False) roslaunch.configure_logging(uuid) launch = roslaunch.parent.ROSLaunchParent(uuid, [launch_path]) #launch = roslaunch.parent.ROSLaunchParent(uuid, [(roslaunch_args[0], cli_args[1:])]) launch.start() return launch
def test_rviz_exists(self): rospy.logwarn("[{}] Check rviz node exists {}".format( rospy.get_name(), self.rviz_node_name)) subs = [] t_start = time.time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): t_now = time.time() t_elapsed = t_now - t_start if t_elapsed > self.test_duration: break # info = rosnode.rosnode_info(self.rviz_node_name) does not return values, so we need to expand functions node_api = rosnode.rosnode_ping(self.rviz_node_name, max_count=1, skip_cache=True) if not node_api: rospy.logerr( "[{}] Could not find rviz node api on rosmaster".format( rospy.get_name())) raise AssertionError rospy.logwarn("[{}] {:.3f} Rviz node found at {}".format( rospy.get_name(), t_elapsed, node_api)) # check if topic exists master = rosgraph.Master('/rosnode') state = master.getSystemState() subs.extend( sorted([t for t, l in state[1] if self.rviz_node_name in l])) subs = list(set(subs)) rospy.logwarn('[{}] rviz subscribes {}'.format( rospy.get_name(), subs)) time.sleep(0.5) for topic in self.topics: if topic in subs: rospy.logwarn('[{}] rviz subscribes {}'.format( rospy.get_name(), topic)) else: rospy.logerr('[{}] rviz did not subscribes {}'.format( rospy.get_name(), topic)) raise AssertionError rospy.logwarn("[{}] rviz keep alive for {}[sec] and found {}".format( rospy.get_name(), self.test_duration, self.topics)) self.assertTrue(True, "check {}/rviz alives".format(rospy.get_name()))
def spin_phase(self): self.rate.sleep() for node_name in self.cfg.nodes_under_test: assert rosnode_ping(node_name, max_count=1) for cb, event in self.ros.get_event_queue(): try: if event.published: for trace in self.traces.itervalues(): trace.append(event) cb(event) else: self.traces[event.topic].append(event) cb(event) self.traces[event.topic] = [event] except BaseException: self.ros_trace = self.traces.get(event.topic, [event]) raise
def LaunchNode(packageName, launchFile, nodesList, timeOut=10): print "launching: " + launchFile my_env = os.environ.copy() my_env["TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR"] = "commonsense" my_env["TURTLEBOT_STACKS"] = "hexagons" proc = subprocess.Popen(['roslaunch', packageName, launchFile], env=my_env) allNodes = 0 while allNodes != len(nodesList) and timeOut > 0: allNodes = 0 sleep(1) for node in nodesList: if rosnode.rosnode_ping(node, 1, False) == True: allNodes = allNodes + 1 else: break timeOut = timeOut - 1 print "Process pid: " + str( return
def check_vital_nodes(self): alive_nodes = rosnode.get_node_names() self.__python_wrapper_nodes = { pywrapper_node for pywrapper_node in self.__python_wrapper_nodes if pywrapper_node in alive_nodes } missing_nodes = [ vital_node for vital_node in self.__vital_nodes if vital_node not in alive_nodes or not rosnode.rosnode_ping(vital_node, 1) ] self.__are_vital_nodes_alive = not bool(missing_nodes) self.__missing_vital_nodes = missing_nodes return self.__are_vital_nodes_alive
def initialize(): print("########### ROCKIE EXECUTIVE NODE ###########") print("Rockie executive node running...") # Test if nodes are alive print("Making sure nodes are alive...") # Add more node names to this string array dependent_nodes = ["cam_capture", "cam_display"] for node in dependent_nodes: print("Checking"), print(node), print("..."), ping_count = 0 while ping_count < 25: camera_capture_node_ALIVE = rosnode.rosnode_ping(node_name=node,max_count=1,verbose=False) if camera_capture_node_ALIVE: print("ALIVE") break else: if pint_count == 24: print("DEAD")
def wait_until_online(node_name, timeout=rospy.Duration(5)): """ blocks until a node has become online and can be pinged :param node_name: name of the node (including namespace) :param timeout: time to wait until failure is reported :return: true if contact was made with the node """ # wait until node is listed in rosmaster waitcount = 0 online = False while waitcount < 5 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): if node_name in rosnode.get_node_names(): online = True break waitcount += 1 rospy.sleep(timeout / 5.) if not online: return False # ping the node return rosnode.rosnode_ping(node_name, int(math.ceil(timeout.to_sec())))
import rospy import rosnode from std_msgs.msg import String def robotalker(): robotalker = rospy.Publisher('woz/robotcontrol', String) # valid commands valid = rospy.get_param('robot/validcommands', []) command_help = rospy.get_param('robot/commandhelp', 'Help is not available.') print command_help while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: cmd = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if not cmd in valid: print command_help robotalker.publish(String(cmd)) except IOError, e: pass if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('robotcontrol',anonymous=True) while not rosnode.rosnode_ping('charlie_robot', max_count=1, verbose=True): rospy.sleep(1) try: robotalker() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
def IsNodeRunning(nodeName): return rosnode.rosnode_ping(nodeName, 1, False)
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib roslib.load_manifest('rosnode') roslib.load_manifest('rospy') import rospy #from rospy import ROSException from rosnode import rosnode_ping from rospy import logerr if __name__ == '__main__': if rosnode_ping("morse", 5, 0) == 1: pass else: logerr("Could not find MORSE-rosnode. Please make sure it is running.") if rosnode_ping("morse_tf_broadcaster_navstack", 5, 0) == 1: pass else: logerr("Could not find MORSE-TF-BROADCASTER. Please make sure it is running.") if rosnode_ping("robot_state_publisher", 5, 0) == 1: pass else: logerr("Could not find ROBOT_STATE_PUBLISHER. Please make sure it is running and the JointStates are published on the correct topic!")
def test_node(self): """ Verify that we can ping the node. """ result = rosnode_ping('test_spacenav_inverter', max_count=1) self.assertTrue(result)
if os.path.exists(_fol + sound + ".wav"): sender.playWave(_fol + sound + ".wav") elif os.path.exists(_fol + sound + ".mp3"): sender.playWave(_fol + sound + ".mp3") else: pass if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("presentation") if not rospy.has_param("/speech_root"): rospy.set_param( "/speech_root", os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/speeches") makesrv = rospy.Service("make_presentation_waves", Presentation, make_handle) runsrv = rospy.Service("do_presentation", Presentation, pres_handle) soundstatus = rospy.Subscriber("diagnostics", DiagnosticArray, sound_status) #wait for sound service to be operational (take 1) #while _sound_running is None: # pass # rospy. #Need to spin to fire the subscriber callback, but python doesn't have spinOnce(). Because it's a bad language #take 2 while not rosnode.rosnode_ping("soundplay_node", 1, False): rospy.sleep(1) pass rospy.loginfo("Presentation server running") rospy.spin()
def check_node_ping(name): try: return rosnode.rosnode_ping(name, 1) except: return False
def _monitor_nodes(self): for nodename in self._nodes_monitored: is_node_running = rosnode_ping(nodename, 1) #TODO: segfault occurs here most of every time the plugin shut down self._signal.emit(is_node_running, nodename)
def __init__(self, name): self.running = True rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) print('Looking for section...') self.section = None try: self.section = (rospy.get_param('~section') or '').upper() # head|torso assert self.section in (c.HEAD, c.TORSO, '') if self.section == 'none': self.section = '' except KeyError: pass if self.section: print('Checking section %s.' % self.section) else: print('No section specified. Checking all sections.') print('Looking for part...') self.part = None try: self.part = (rospy.get_param('~part') or '').lower().strip() if self.part == 'none': self.part = '' except KeyError: pass if self.part: print('Checking part %s.' % self.part) else: print('No part specified. Checking all part.') skip_device = int(rospy.get_param('~skip_device_check', 0)) print('skip_device:', skip_device) if not skip_device: if not self.section or self.section == c.HEAD: while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.running: try: print('Looking for head...') device = utils.find_serial_device(c.HEAD) break except DeviceNotFound: self.wait_until_continue('Attach the head via USB.') if not self.section or self.section == c.TORSO: while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.running: try: print('Looking for torso...') device = utils.find_serial_device(c.TORSO) break except DeviceNotFound: self.wait_until_continue('Attach the torso via USB.') if not self.section or self.section == c.HEAD: print('Pinging head node...') assert rosnode.rosnode_ping('/head_arduino', max_count=1, verbose=True), \ 'Head arduino node not detected.' if not self.section or self.section == c.TORSO: print('Pinging torso node...') assert rosnode.rosnode_ping('/torso_arduino', max_count=1, verbose=True), \ 'Torso arduino node not detected.' if (not self.section or self.section == c.HEAD) and (not self.part or self.part == 'lrf'): print('Pinging LRF node...') assert rosnode.rosnode_ping('homebot_lrf', max_count=1, verbose=True), \ 'LRF node not detected.' print('Pinging Raspicam node...') assert rosnode.rosnode_ping('raspicam_node', max_count=1, verbose=True), \ 'Raspicam node not detected.' self.check_results = {} # {name: success} self.checks = [] self.handlers = {} # {msg: latch} # Torso arduino subscriptions. self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_BUMPER) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_EDGE) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_ULTRASONIC) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_STATUS_BUTTON) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_IMU_ACCELEROMETER) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_IMU_EULER) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_IMU_MAGNETOMETER) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_ARDUINO_TEMP) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_BATTERY_VOLTAGE) self.subscribe_torso(c.ID_EXTERNAL_POWER) # Head arduino subscriptions. self.subscribe_head(c.ID_PAN_CENTERMARK) self.subscribe_head(c.ID_PAN_ANGLE) # Other head subscriptions. self.handlers[ros_homebot_msgs.msg.LaserLineColumns] = MessageHandler() rospy.Subscriber( '/homebot_lrf/line/columns', ros_homebot_msgs.msg.LaserLineColumns, self.record_topic) print('Subscribed to topics.') self.add_checks() self.wait_until_continue( 'Place the torso on struts so the treads are at least 3cm off the ground.') # Run all checks. total = len(self.checks) passed = 0 for i, check in enumerate(self.checks): sys.stdout.write('%02i/%02i ' % (i+1, total)) passed += check.success if rospy.is_shutdown(): sys.exit() print('-'*80) print('Passed %i of %i checks.' % (passed, total)) score = passed/float(total)*100 print('Score: %.02f%%' % score)
def pingNode(self): res = rosnode.rosnode_ping(,2,1) return res
def kill_node(nodename): p2 = Popen(['rosnode', 'list'], stdout=PIPE) p2.wait() nodelist = p2.communicate() nd = nodelist[0] nd = nd.split("\n") for i in range(len(nd)): tmp = nd[i] ind = tmp.find(nodename) if ind == 1: call(['rosnode', 'kill', nd[i]]) break rospy.init_node('tester3', anonymous=True) #cmd = ["rosrun","pcl_ros","pointcloud_to_pcd","input:=camera/depth/points"] cmd = ["roslaunch", "pir2_description", "pir2_description.launch"] proc = Popen(cmd) #proc = call(cmd) #time.sleep(1) # maybe needed to wait the process to do something useful print "finish" time.sleep(5) #proc.kill() isNodeAlive = rosnode.rosnode_ping("/rviz", max_count=1, verbose=False) print isNodeAlive if isNodeAlive: kill_node('rviz')
def __call__(self): """ Ping the node. """ return rosnode.rosnode_ping(self._name, max_count=1, verbose=False)