def histogram_of_stop_point_elbow(self, subjects, labels): fig1 = plt.figure(4) fig2 = plt.figure(5) labels = ['good'] stop_locations = [] arm_lengths = [] for num, label in enumerate(labels): for subj_num, subject in enumerate(subjects): subject_stop_locations = [] paramlist = rosparam.load_file(''.join([data_path, '/', subject, '/params.yaml'])) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) arm_length = rosparam.get_param('crook_to_fist')/100. # fig1 = plt.figure(2*num+1) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_xlim(0.2, .4) # ax1.set_ylim(-10.0, 1.0) ax1.set_xlabel('Stop Position (m)', fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel('Number of trials', fontsize=20) ax1.set_title(''.join(['Difference between arm length and stop position at the elbow']), fontsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=20) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(431+subj_num) ax2.set_xlim(0.2, .4) # ax1.set_ylim(-10.0, 1.0) ax2.set_xlabel('Position (m)') ax2.set_ylabel('Number of trials') ax2.set_title(''.join(['Stop position for "Good" outcome']), fontsize=20) vel = 0.1 directory = ''.join([data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel),'mps/', label, '/']) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: # print directory+file_name loaded_data = load_pickle(directory+file_name) stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1])-arm_length) subject_stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1])-arm_length) arm_lengths.append(arm_length) vel = 0.15 directory = ''.join([data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel),'mps/', label, '/']) force_file_list = os.listdir(directory) for file_name in force_file_list: loaded_data = load_pickle(directory+file_name) stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1]-arm_length)) subject_stop_locations.append(np.max(loaded_data[:,1])-arm_length) ax2.hist(subject_stop_locations) mu = np.mean(stop_locations) sigma = np.std(stop_locations) print 'The minimum arm length is: ', np.min(arm_lengths) print 'The max arm length is: ', np.max(arm_lengths) print 'The mean arm length is: ', np.mean(arm_lengths) print 'The mean of the stop location is: ', mu print arm_lengths print 'The standard deviation of the stop location is: ', sigma n, bins, patches = ax1.hist(stop_locations, 10, color="green", alpha=0.75) points = np.arange(0, 10, 0.001) y = mlab.normpdf(points, mu, sigma) l = ax1.plot(points, y, 'r--', linewidth=2)
def main(): print("Starting HwBridge node.") rospy.init_node('HwBridge') actions_manifest_file = rospy.get_param( rospy.get_name() + "/actions_manifest", "actions_manifest") perceptions_manifest_file = rospy.get_param( rospy.get_name() + "/perceptions_manifest", "perceptions_manifest") agent_name = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + "/agent_name", "") args = arg_parser() if args["param"] is not None: import yaml with open(args["param"][0], 'r') as stream: try: yaml_file = yaml.safe_load(stream) rosparam.upload_params("/", yaml_file) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) if args["action"] is not None: actions_manifest_file = args["action"][0] if args["perception"] is not None: perceptions_manifest_file = args["perception"][0] action_controller = ActionController() action_controller.read_manifest(actions_manifest_file) jason_actions_status_pub = rospy.Publisher('jason/actions_status', jason_ros_msgs.msg.ActionStatus, queue_size=1, latch=False) jason_action_sub = rospy.Subscriber( 'jason/actions', jason_ros_msgs.msg.Action, act, (action_controller, jason_actions_status_pub, agent_name)) perception_controller = PerceptionController(agent_name) perception_controller.read_manifest(perceptions_manifest_file) perception_controller.start_perceiving() jason_percepts_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'jason/percepts', jason_ros_msgs.msg.Perception, queue_size=(2 * perception_controller.comm_len), latch=False) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) rate = rospy.Rate(perception_controller.rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): perception_controller.p_lock.acquire() for p in perception_controller.perceptions.items(): if p[1] is not None: jason_percepts_pub.publish(p[1]) perception_controller.perceptions[p[0]] = None perception_controller.p_lock.release() perception_controller.p_event.wait() perception_controller.p_event.clear() rate.sleep() rospy.spin()
def init(): try: data = rosparam.load_file("smach.yaml", default_namespace="smach") print "load yaml file success" #update to server for params, ns in data: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) time.sleep(0.5) except: print "load yaml file faile" sys.exit(0) try: slam = int(rospy.get_param('~/smach/slam')) navigation = int(rospy.get_param('~/smach/navigation')) control = int(rospy.get_param('~/smach/control')) print "load param success" time.sleep(0.5) print "**********************************************" print "value:" print("slam { %d }" % (slam)) #0:none, 1:open print("navigation { %d }" % (navigation) ) #0:none, 1:location1, 2:location2 ,etc print("control { %d }" % (control) ) #0:none, 1:front, 2:back, 3:left, 2:right print "**********************************************" time.sleep(0.1) except: print "load param faile" sys.exit(0)
def __init__(self): try: self._map = rospy.get_param("~map") except KeyError as e: rospy.logfatal("map param not set!: %s " % e) raise MapSetupException("map param not set") # Clean/delete params: try: rospy.delete_param("mmap") except: pass # Publish map_in_use (latched): self._map_in_use_pub = rospy.Publisher("map_in_use", String, queue_size=1, latch=True) self._map_in_use_pub.publish("submap_0") # Set params: rospy.set_param("map_package_in_use", "deprecated") rospy.set_param("nice_map_in_use", os.path.join(self._map, "map.bmp")) rospy.set_param("map_transformation_in_use", os.path.join(self._map, "transformation.xml")) # Load paramlist = rosparam.load_file(os.path.join(self._map, "mmap.yaml"), "mmap") for param, ns in paramlist: try: rosparam.upload_params(ns, param) except: pass # ignore empty params
def launch_platform_controls_spawner(self): rospack = rospkg.RosPack() srvss_bobcat_pkg_path = rospack.get_path('srvss_bobcat') srvss_bobcat_controllers_yaml = srvss_bobcat_pkg_path + "/controllers/srvss_bobcat_controllers.yaml" paramlist = rosparam.load_file(srvss_bobcat_controllers_yaml, default_namespace='', verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) # if the controllers do not load it possible to increase the time of waiting for the server in the spawner # it located in /home/userws3/gz_ros_cws/src/ros_control/controller_manager/scripts node = ROSNode("controller_manager", "spawner", name="platform_controllers_spawner", namespace="/srvss_bobcat", output="screen", respawn="false", args="joint_state_controller \ front_right_wheel_velocity_controller \ front_left_wheel_velocity_controller \ back_right_wheel_velocity_controller \ back_left_wheel_velocity_controller") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(10) node = ROSNode("srvss_bobcat", "srvss_bobcat_rate2effort_node", name="srvss_bobcat_RateToEffort_node", cwd="node", output="screen") self.launcher.launch(node) time.sleep(3)
def load_params_from_yaml(complete_file_path): from rosparam import upload_params from yaml import load f = open(complete_file_path, 'r') yamlfile = load(f) f.close() upload_params('/', yamlfile)
def load_params(self, req): ''' EXAMPLE OF LOADING PARAMETERS FROM A YAML FILE: paramlist=rosparam.load_file("/path/to/myfile",default_namespace="my_namespace") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) ''' resp = LoadResponse() if len(req.type) == 0: resp.status.result = Status.FAILURE resp.status.error = Status.TYPE_MISSING = "No type provided!" else: path = join(self._root, req.type) filename = join(path, if not os.path.exists(path): resp.status.result = Status.FAILURE resp.status.error = Status.NO_SUCH_TYPE = "Type %s does not exist!"%(req.type) elif not os.path.exists(filename): resp.status.result = Status.FAILURE resp.status.error = Status.FILE_MISSING = "File %s does not exist as a member of type %s!"%(, req.type) else: paramlist=rosparam.load_file(filename) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) resp.status.result = Status.SUCCESS return resp
def carefree_switch(self, arm, new_controller, param_file=None, possible_controllers=None): if '%s' in new_controller: new_controller = new_controller % arm if param_file is not None: params = rosparam.load_file( roslib.substitution_args.resolve_args(param_file)) rosparam.upload_params("", params[0][0]) if possible_controllers is None: possible_controllers = POSSIBLE_ARM_CONTROLLERS check_arm_controllers = [ controller % arm for controller in possible_controllers ] resp = self.list_controllers_srv() start_controllers, stop_controllers = [new_controller], [] for i, controller in enumerate(resp.controllers): if controller in check_arm_controllers and resp.state[ i] == 'running': stop_controllers.append(controller) self.load_controller(new_controller) rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] Starting controller %s" % (start_controllers[0]) + " and stopping controllers: [" + ",".join(stop_controllers) + "]") resp = self.switch_controller_srv(start_controllers, stop_controllers, 1) return resp.ok
def __init__(self): try: self._map = rospy.get_param("~map") except KeyError as e: rospy.logfatal("map param not set!: %s " % e) raise MapSetupException("map param not set") # Clean/delete params: try: rospy.delete_param("mmap") except: pass # Publish map_in_use (latched): self._map_in_use_pub = rospy.Publisher("map_in_use", String, queue_size=1, latch=True) self._map_in_use_pub.publish("submap_0") # Set params: rospy.set_param("map_package_in_use" , "deprecated") rospy.set_param("nice_map_in_use" , os.path.join(self._map, "map.bmp")) rospy.set_param("map_transformation_in_use", os.path.join(self._map, "transformation.xml")) # Load paramlist = rosparam.load_file(os.path.join(self._map, "mmap.yaml"), "mmap") for param, ns in paramlist: try: rosparam.upload_params(ns, param) except: pass # ignore empty params
def __init__(self): ''' connect to midi device and set up ros ''' pygame.midi.init() devices = pygame.midi.get_count() if devices < 1: rospy.logerr("No MIDI devices detected") exit(-1) rospy.loginfo("Found %d MIDI devices" % devices) input_dev = int(rospy.get_param("~input_dev", pygame.midi.get_default_input_id)) rospy.loginfo("Using input device %d" % input_dev) self.controller = pygame.midi.Input(input_dev) # load in default parameters if not set if not rospy.has_param('~modes'): rospack = rospkg.RosPack() paramlist = rosparam.load_file(rospack.get_path('korg_nanokontrol') + '/config/nanokontrol_config.yaml') for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) self.modes = rospy.get_param('~modes') # determine how axis should be interpreted self.center_axis = rospy.get_param('~center_axis', True) self.msg = Joy() self.mode = None = rospy.Publisher('joy', Joy, queue_size=10, latch=True)
def load_device_map(self, fname): try: params = rosparam.load_file(fname)[0][0] if 'lights' in params: lights = params for k, v in params['lights'].items(): try: light_id = int(k, 16) alias = v['alias_id'] except ValueError: rospy.logerr( f'Failed to load device map config: device ID should be hexadecimal, but \'{k}\' value was found instead' ) return False except KeyError: rospy.logerr( f'Failed to load device map config: missing alias_id key' ) return False rosparam.upload_params(rospy.get_name(), lights) else: rospy.logerr( f'Failed to load device map config: unable to find \'lights\' parameter' ) return False except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(f'Failed to load device map config: {e}') return False return True
def srv_callback(self, request): label = request.label response = SaveSpotServiceMessageResponse() """ --- bool navigation_successfull string message # Direction """ os.chdir("/home/zulhafiz/catkin_ws/src/kasimx_navigation/spots") paramlist = rosparam.load_file("spots.yaml", default_namespace=None) for params, ns in paramlist: #ns,param for key, value in params.items(): if key == request.label: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) #ns,param response.message = "Correctly uploaded parameters" send_coordinates = SendCoordinates(request.label) response.navigation_successfull = True return response
def load_params(self, req): ''' EXAMPLE OF LOADING PARAMETERS FROM A YAML FILE: paramlist=rosparam.load_file("/path/to/myfile",default_namespace="my_namespace") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) ''' resp = LoadResponse() if len(req.type) == 0: resp.status.result = Status.FAILURE resp.status.error = Status.TYPE_MISSING = "No type provided!" else: path = join(self._root, req.type) filename = join(path, if not os.path.exists(path): resp.status.result = Status.FAILURE resp.status.error = Status.NO_SUCH_TYPE = "Type %s does not exist!" % (req.type) elif not os.path.exists(filename): resp.status.result = Status.FAILURE resp.status.error = Status.FILE_MISSING = "File %s does not exist as a member of type %s!" % (, req.type) else: paramlist = rosparam.load_file(filename) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) resp.status.result = Status.SUCCESS return resp
def loadYaml(self, file, namespace): ''' Load all the parameters on the parameter server @return: True if OK, False otherwise ''' parameters = rosparam.load_file("file") rosparam.upload_params(namespace, parameters[0][0][namespace])
def load_parameters(self, file_name): try: param_file = open(rospkg.RosPack().get_path('borealis_dashboard')+"/config/" + file_name + ".yaml") yaml_file = yaml.load(param_file) param_file.close() rosparam.upload_params(rospy.get_name()+'/', yaml_file) except Exception as ex: rospy.logerr(str(ex))
def load_params_from_yaml(full_path): f = open(full_path, 'r') yamlfile = load(f) f.close() upload_params('/', yamlfile) for key in yamlfile: print key,':', yamlfile[key] return yamlfile
def load_params_from_yaml(full_path): f = open(full_path, "r") yamlfile = load(f) f.close() upload_params("/", yamlfile) for key in yamlfile: print key, ":", yamlfile[key] return yamlfile
def __init__(self, name, configFilePath): params = rosparam.load_file(configFilePath) for param, ns in params: try: rosparam.upload_params(ns, param) except ROSParamException, e: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: " + str(e) pass # ignore empty params
def rosmodel2owl(configFilePath): # the file path should be given as argument, alternatively a ns can be added # params = rosparam.load_file(rospack.get_path('mros1_reasoner')+'/config/nav_config.yaml', '') # loads individuals to specify a single function and QalityAttributeTypes from the domain_ontology_file params = rosparam.load_file(configFilePath) for param, ns in params: try: rosparam.upload_params(ns, param) except: pass # ignore empty params ontology_pkg = rospy.get_param('ontology_pkg') ontology_path = rospy.get_param('ontology_path') ontology_file = os.path.join( rospack.get_path(ontology_pkg) + '/' + ontology_path) domain_ontology_pkg = rospy.get_param('domain_ontology_pkg') domain_ontology_path = rospy.get_param('domain_ontology_path') domain_ontology_file = os.path.join( rospack.get_path(domain_ontology_pkg) + '/' + domain_ontology_path) function = rospy.get_param('function') configs = rospy.get_param('configs') result_file = rospy.get_param('result_file') tomasys = get_ontology(ontology_file).load() onto = get_ontology(domain_ontology_file).load() rospy.loginfo('Loaded domain ontology: ' + domain_ontology_file) function_ = onto.search_one(iri='*' + function + '*') if function_ == None: print('The domain ontology provided does not contain a Function ', function) sys.exit(0) for config in configs: config_name = config file_name = config_name + '.rossystem' file_path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path(config_name), file_name) parser = RosSystemModelParser(file_path) model = parser.parse() sys_name = model.system_name[0] # create a FunctionDesign fd = tomasys.FunctionDesign(sys_name, namespace=onto, solvesF=function_) # create a QualityAttribute expected value for the FunctionDesign with the type indicated by the name of the param in the RosSystem and the value of the param (e.g. 0.5) for qa_param in model.global_parameters: qa_string = qa_param.param_name[0].replace('qa_', '') value = qa_param.param_value[0] qa = tomasys.QAvalue('{0}_{1}'.format(qa_param.param_name[0], sys_name), namespace=onto, isQAtype=onto.search_one(iri='*' + qa_string), hasValue=value) fd.hasQAestimation.append(qa) # save the ontology to a file, format='rdfxml')
def file_open(self): os.chdir("/home/user/catkin_ws/src/navigation_exam/params") paramlist = rosparam.load_file("task2.yaml", default_namespace=None) for params, ns in paramlist: #ns,param for key, value in params.items(): rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) return self.point(key, value)
def save_params(pos, rot, filename): rot_homo = np.eye(4) rot_homo[:3, :3] = rot rot_quat = tf_trans.quaternion_from_matrix(rot_homo) optitrak_params = {"position": pos.T.A[0].tolist(), "orientation": rot_quat.tolist()} print optitrak_params rosparam.upload_params("optitrak_calibration", optitrak_params) rospy.sleep(0.5) rosparam.dump_params(filename, "optitrak_calibration")
def __init__(self): ########### load yaml file ########### try: = rosparam.load_file("location.yaml", default_namespace="artag") print "load yaml file success" #update to server for params, ns in rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) time.sleep(1) except: print "load yaml file faile" sys.exit(0) ########### load param ########### try: self.local1_con = int( rospy.get_param('~/artag/location1/Confidence')) self.local1_x = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location1/x')) self.local1_y = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location1/y')) self.local2_con = int( rospy.get_param('~/artag/location2/Confidence')) self.local2_x = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location2/x')) self.local2_y = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location2/y')) self.local3_con = int( rospy.get_param('~/artag/location3/Confidence')) self.local3_x = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location3/x')) self.local3_y = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location3/y')) self.local4_con = int( rospy.get_param('~/artag/location4/Confidence')) self.local4_x = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location4/x')) self.local4_y = float(rospy.get_param('~/artag/location4/y')) print "load param success" time.sleep(1) print "**********************************************" print "value:" print("local1 { con %d , x %.4f , y %.4f }" % (self.local1_con, self.local1_x, self.local1_y)) print("local2 { con %d , x %.4f , y %.4f }" % (self.local2_con, self.local2_x, self.local2_y)) print("local3 { con %d , x %.4f , y %.4f }" % (self.local3_con, self.local3_x, self.local3_y)) print("local4 { con %d , x %.4f , y %.4f }" % (self.local4_con, self.local4_x, self.local4_y)) print "**********************************************" time.sleep(1) except: print "load param faile" sys.exit(0) self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.listener2 = tf.TransformListener() self.listener3 = tf.TransformListener() self.listener4 = tf.TransformListener()
def _get_map_params(self): paramlist=rosparam.load_file(self.map_path + ".yaml",default_namespace="map_params") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) origin = rospy.get_param('/map_params/origin') resolution = rospy.get_param('/map_params/resolution') return (origin, resolution)
def main(): rospy.init_node("netft_gravity_zeroing") from optparse import OptionParser p = OptionParser() p.add_option('-f', '--file', dest="filename", default="", help="YAML file to save parameters in.") p.add_option('-l', '--load', dest="is_load", action="store_true", default=False, help="Load parameters from file.") p.add_option('-r', '--run', dest="is_run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Publish a zeroed wrench.") p.add_option('-t', '--train', dest="is_train", action="store_true", default=False, help="Train by moving the gripper to different poses and measuring the wrenches.") p.add_option('-p', '--pr2', dest="is_pr2", action="store_true", default=False, help="Will run automated data collection if this is the PR2.") p.add_option('-z', '--start_zero', dest="start_zero", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use the first value in to zero the sensor.") p.add_option('-n', '--ntrials', dest="n_trials", default="6,6,4", help="Number of trials for each of the last 3 joint angles to move through. (default: 6,6,4)") (opts, args) = p.parse_args() try: n_4, n_5, n_6 = [int(n_str) for n_str in opts.n_trials.split(',')] except: print "Bad --ntrials parameter (format: --ntrials 6,6,4)" p.print_help() return if opts.is_load: params = rosparam.load_file(opts.filename, rospy.get_name())[0][0] rosparam.upload_params(rospy.get_name(), params) if opts.is_run: rospy.sleep(0.1) nft_z = NetFTZeroer(start_zero=opts.start_zero, is_pr2=opts.is_pr2) rospy.spin() return if opts.is_train: if opts.is_pr2: data = collect_data_pr2(n_4, n_5, n_6) param_vector = process_data(data, True) save_params(param_vector, opts.filename) return else: data = collect_data_tool() param_vector = process_data(data, False) save_params(param_vector, opts.filename) return
def main(): rospy.init_node("optitrak_odom_remap") from optparse import OptionParser p = OptionParser() p.add_option('-f', '--file', dest="filename", default="", help="YAML file to save parameters in.") p.add_option('-l', '--load', dest="is_load", action="store_true", default=False, help="Load parameters from file.") p.add_option( '-t', '--train', dest="is_train", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Train by moving the head to different poses and capturing the relative positions." ) p.add_option( '-p', '--publish', dest="is_pub", action="store_true", default=False, help="Publish the transformation from optitrak to base_footprint.") (opts, args) = p.parse_args() if opts.filename == "": print "Bad command line parameters" p.print_help() return if opts.is_load: print "hi" params = rosparam.load_file(opts.filename, "optitrak_calibration")[0][0] rosparam.upload_params("optitrak_calibration", params) rospy.sleep(0.1) if opts.is_pub: publish_transform() return if opts.is_train: opti_mat, robot_mat = capture_data() opti_mat = np.mat(opti_mat).T robot_mat = np.mat(robot_mat).T pos, rot = umeyama_method(opti_mat, robot_mat) print np.linalg.norm(robot_mat - (rot * opti_mat + pos)) save_params(pos, rot, opts.filename) return
def upload_output_params(upload_str, output_path=None, upload=True, ns_=None): if upload: paramlist = rosparam.load_str(upload_str, "generated", default_namespace=ns_) for params, namespace in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(namespace, params) if output_path is not None: file_writer = open(output_path, "wb") file_writer.write(upload_str) file_writer.close()
def LoadYamlFileParamsTest(rospackage_name, rel_path_from_package_to_file, yaml_file_name): rospack = rospkg.RosPack() pkg_path = rospack.get_path(rospackage_name) config_dir = os.path.join(pkg_path, rel_path_from_package_to_file) path_config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, yaml_file_name) paramlist=rosparam.load_file(path_config_file) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params)
def write_and_start(filename, buffer_string, task): filename += task + ".yaml" print "filename: %s" % filename f = open(filename, "w+") f.write(buffer_string) f.close() pub.publish(Empty()) paramlist = rosparam.load_file(filename) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params)
def save_params(pos, rot, filename): rot_homo = np.eye(4) rot_homo[:3, :3] = rot rot_quat = tf_trans.quaternion_from_matrix(rot_homo) optitrak_params = { "position": pos.T.A[0].tolist(), "orientation": rot_quat.tolist() } print optitrak_params rosparam.upload_params("optitrak_calibration", optitrak_params) rospy.sleep(0.5) rosparam.dump_params(filename, "optitrak_calibration")
def __init__(self): f = rospy.get_param("pololu_controller/sub_yaml/") paramlist = rosparam.load_file(f,default_namespace="motors") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) port = rospy.get_param("pololu_controller/port_name/") baud = rospy.get_param("pololu_controller/baud_rate/") self.port = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=0.5) self.port.flush() self.kill_all() self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('motor_controllers/pololu_control/command', Float64MultiArray, self.command_callback, queue_size=40)
def spawn_inserter(launch, name, xyz): # Spawn a namespaced inserter bot at the xyz position base_path = 'src/inserter_detector/' # Resolve the xacro file xml = subprocess.check_output([ 'xacro', '--inorder', base_path + 'simulation/inserter/inserter2.xacro', 'robot_name:={name}'.format(name=name) ]) # Load the URDF into the ROS Parameter Server - this must be done for each robot # in order for the gazebo_ros_control plugin to have a different namespace for each robot. rospy.set_param('/' + name + '/robot_description', xml) # Spawn the model model_args = '-urdf -model {name} -param /{name}/robot_description -x {xyz[0]:.2f} -y {xyz[1]:.2f} -z {xyz[2]:.2f}'.format( name=name, xyz=xyz) model_node = roslaunch.core.Node('gazebo_ros', 'spawn_model', namespace=name, respawn=False, output='screen', args=model_args) launch.launch(model_node) # Load the joints yaml file paramlist = rosparam.load_file(base_path + 'config/joints.yaml', default_namespace=name, verbose=True) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params, verbose=True) # Start the joint state controller within the namespace joint_node = roslaunch.core.Node( 'controller_manager', 'spawner', namespace=name, args='joint_state_controller arm_controller') launch.launch(joint_node) # Publish the static transform from the world to the robot tf_args = '{xyz[0]:.2f} {xyz[1]:.2f} {xyz[2]:.2f} 0 0 0 world /{name}/base_link 100'.format( name=name, xyz=xyz) tf_node = roslaunch.core.Node('tf', 'static_transform_publisher', namespace=name, respawn=False, output='screen', args=tf_args) launch.launch(tf_node)
def save_params(p, filename): ft_params = { "mass" : p[0], "force_zero_x" : p[1], "force_zero_y" : p[2], "force_zero_z" : p[3], "com_pos_x" : p[4], "com_pos_y" : p[5], "com_pos_z" : p[6], "torque_zero_x" : p[7], "torque_zero_y" : p[8], "torque_zero_z" : p[9] } rosparam.upload_params(rospy.get_name(), ft_params) rospy.sleep(0.5) rosparam.dump_params(filename, rospy.get_name())
def __init__(self): f = rospy.get_param("/controller/arm_yaml/") paramlist = rosparam.load_file(f, default_namespace="motors") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) port = rospy.get_param("/controller/port_name/") baud = rospy.get_param("/controller/baud_rate/") self.port = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=0.5) self.port.flush() self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('pololu/command', MotorCommand, self.command_callback, queue_size=40)
def save_params(p, filename): ft_params = { "mass": p[0], "force_zero_x": p[1], "force_zero_y": p[2], "force_zero_z": p[3], "com_pos_x": p[4], "com_pos_y": p[5], "com_pos_z": p[6], "torque_zero_x": p[7], "torque_zero_y": p[8], "torque_zero_z": p[9] } rosparam.upload_params(rospy.get_name(), ft_params) rospy.sleep(0.5) rosparam.dump_params(filename, rospy.get_name())
def __init__(self, *args): super(TestAddAnalyzer, self).__init__(*args) rospy.init_node('test_add_analyzer') self.namespace = rospy.get_name() paramlist = rosparam.load_file(rospy.myargv()[1]) # expect to receive these paths in the added analyzers self.expected = [paramlist[0][1] + analyzer['path'] for name, analyzer in paramlist[0][0]['analyzers'].iteritems()] self._mutex = threading.Lock() self.agg_msgs = {} # put parameters in the node namespace so they can be read by the aggregator for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(rospy.get_name() + '/' + ns, params) rospy.Subscriber('/diagnostics_agg', DiagnosticArray, self.agg_cb) = rospy.Publisher('/diagnostics', DiagnosticArray, queue_size=1)
def main(): rospy.init_node("optitrak_odom_remap") from optparse import OptionParser p = OptionParser() p.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", default="", help="YAML file to save parameters in.") p.add_option("-l", "--load", dest="is_load", action="store_true", default=False, help="Load parameters from file.") p.add_option( "-t", "--train", dest="is_train", action="store_true", default=False, help="Train by moving the head to different poses and capturing the relative positions.", ) p.add_option( "-p", "--publish", dest="is_pub", action="store_true", default=False, help="Publish the transformation from optitrak to base_footprint.", ) (opts, args) = p.parse_args() if opts.filename == "": print "Bad command line parameters" p.print_help() return if opts.is_load: print "hi" params = rosparam.load_file(opts.filename, "optitrak_calibration")[0][0] rosparam.upload_params("optitrak_calibration", params) rospy.sleep(0.1) if opts.is_pub: publish_transform() return if opts.is_train: opti_mat, robot_mat = capture_data() opti_mat = np.mat(opti_mat).T robot_mat = np.mat(robot_mat).T pos, rot = umeyama_method(opti_mat, robot_mat) print np.linalg.norm(robot_mat - (rot * opti_mat + pos)) save_params(pos, rot, opts.filename) return
def write_and_start(filename, buffer_string): f = open(filename, "w+") f.write(buffer_string) f.close() paramlist = rosparam.load_file(filename) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) if ON: # send start command to smach! start = rospy.ServiceProxy("/start_SMACH", Empty) try: rospy.wait_for_service('/start_SMACH') start() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e
def switch(self, old_controller, new_controller, param_file=None): if param_file is None: self.load_controller(new_controller) resp = self.switch_controller_srv([new_controller], [old_controller], 1) self.unload_controller(old_controller) return resp.ok else: params = rosparam.load_file(roslib.substitution_args.resolve_args(param_file)) rosparam.upload_params("", params[0][0]) self.switch_controller_srv([], [old_controller], 1) self.unload_controller(old_controller) if old_controller != new_controller: self.unload_controller(new_controller) self.load_controller(old_controller) if old_controller != new_controller: self.load_controller(new_controller) resp = self.switch_controller_srv([new_controller], [], 1) return resp.ok
def __loadparam_main(self, casedir, vehicleid_param): os.environ["ROS_MASTER_URI"] = "" + self.ros_port os.environ["ROS_IP"] = "" self.__clean_paramserver() params = self.__init_nodeyaml(casedir) try: if "vehicle_id" in params["aw_simulation_vehicle"]: vehicle_id = params["aw_simulation_vehicle"]["vehicle_id"] print("vhicle id: %s " % vehicle_id) else: vehicle_id = params["vehicle_pose_collector"]["vehicle_id"] ###制定了仿真的车辆 if vehicleid_param is not None: vehicle_id = vehicleid_param if "park_id" in params["aw_simulation_vehicle"]: park_id = params["aw_simulation_vehicle"]["park_id"] print("park id: %s " % park_id) else: park_id = params["aw"]["planning"]["aw_planning"]["itinerary"][ "park_id"] aw_config = AW_Config() setup_filename = aw_config.GenSetup(vehicle_id, park_id, None) parse_shell( os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".autowise", "simu", setup_filename)) except KeyError as err: rospy.logerr( err.message + " Something missed in the planning.yaml; Should create the test case again." ) sys.exit(-1) os.environ["ROS_MASTER_URI"] = "" + self.ros_port os.environ["ROS_IP"] = "" node_yaml_file = os.path.join(casedir, self.param_file) with open(node_yaml_file) as f: node = load(f) upload_params("/", node) with open(casedir + '/goal.yaml', 'r') as f: yamlfile = load(f) upload_params('/', yamlfile) #Pload = subprocess.Popen("rosparam load %s" % node_yaml_file, shell=True) return True
def carefree_switch(self, arm, new_controller, param_file=None, possible_controllers=None): if '%s' in new_controller: new_controller = new_controller % arm if param_file is not None: params = rosparam.load_file(roslib.substitution_args.resolve_args(param_file)) rosparam.upload_params("", params[0][0]) if possible_controllers is None: possible_controllers = POSSIBLE_ARM_CONTROLLERS check_arm_controllers = [controller % arm for controller in possible_controllers] resp = self.list_controllers_srv() start_controllers, stop_controllers = [new_controller], [] for i, controller in enumerate(resp.controllers): if controller in check_arm_controllers and resp.state[i] == 'running': stop_controllers.append(controller) self.load_controller(new_controller) rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] Starting controller %s" % (start_controllers[0]) + " and stopping controllers: [" + ",".join(stop_controllers) + "]") resp = self.switch_controller_srv(start_controllers, stop_controllers, 1) return resp.ok
def carefree_switch(self, arm, new_controller, param_file=None, reset=True): if '%s' in new_controller: new_ctrl = new_controller % arm else: new_ctrl = new_controller if param_file is not None: params = rosparam.load_file(roslaunch.substitution_args.resolve_args(param_file)) if new_ctrl not in params[0][0]: rospy.logwarn("[pr2_controller_switcher] Controller not in parameter file.") return else: rosparam.upload_params("", {new_ctrl : params[0][0][new_ctrl]}) possible_controllers = rosparam.get_param(LOADED_CTRLS_PARAMS[arm]) if new_ctrl not in possible_controllers: possible_controllers.append(new_ctrl) rosparam.set_param_raw(LOADED_CTRLS_PARAMS[arm], possible_controllers) check_arm_controllers = [] for controller in possible_controllers: if '%s' in controller: controller = controller % arm if controller[0] == arm: check_arm_controllers.append(controller) resp = self.list_controllers_srv() start_controllers, stop_controllers = [new_ctrl], [] for i, controller in enumerate(resp.controllers): if controller in check_arm_controllers and resp.state[i] == 'running': stop_controllers.append(controller) if controller == new_ctrl: if resp.state[i] == 'running': if not reset: rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] Specified controller is already running.") return True self.switch_controller_srv([], [new_ctrl], 1) self.unload_controller(new_ctrl) self.load_controller(new_ctrl) rospy.loginfo("[pr2_controller_switcher] Starting controller %s" % (start_controllers[0]) + " and stopping controllers: [" + ",".join(stop_controllers) + "]") resp = self.switch_controller_srv(start_controllers, stop_controllers, 1) return resp.ok
import os import shutil import subprocess from geometry_msgs.msg._PoseWithCovarianceStamped import PoseWithCovarianceStamped # Loading the parameters depending on which robot we are using. # Reduce the size of image file robot = os.environ.get('PAL_ROBOT') if robot == 'rh2c' or robot == 'rh2m': IMAGE_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('reemh2_maps') + '/config/' RH2_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('reemh2_maps') paramlist = rosparam.load_file(RH2_PATH+"/config/map.yaml", default_namespace="emergency_situation") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) elif robot == 'reemh3c' or robot == 'reemh3m': IMAGE_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('reem_maps') + '/config/' REEMH3_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('reem_maps') paramlist = rosparam.load_file(REEMH3_PATH+'/config/map.yaml', default_namespace="emergency_situation") for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) else: #IMAGE_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('robocup_iworlds') + '/navigation/' IMAGE_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('emergency_situation') + '/config/' #ROBOCUP_PATH = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('robocup_worlds') #paramlist = rosparam.load_file(ROBOCUP_PATH+"/navigation/subMap1.yaml", default_namespace="emergency_situation") paramlist = rosparam.load_file(IMAGE_PATH+"/subMap1.yaml",default_namespace="emergency_situation") for params, ns in paramlist:
def format_data_three_categories(self, subject, result): # print subject # print result print 'Now editing files to insert position data and storing them in labeled folders.' paramlist = rosparam.load_file(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/params.yaml'])) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) arm_length = rosparam.get_param('crook_to_fist') fist_length = arm_length - rosparam.get_param('crook_to_wrist') print 'Fist length: ', fist_length, ' cm' position_of_initial_contact = (44.0 - arm_length)/100. position_profile = None for ind_i in xrange(len(result)): for ind_j in xrange(len(result[0])): if ind_j == 2: continue else: if result[ind_i][ind_j] is not None: if ind_i < len(result)/2: load_num = ind_i vel = 0.1 else: load_num = ind_i - len(result)/2 vel = 0.15 if vel == 0.1: # print ''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl']) position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl'])) # print 'Position profile loaded!' elif vel == 0.15: position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_15mps.pkl'])) # print ''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_15mps.pkl']) # print 'Position profile loaded!' else: print 'There is no saved position profile for this velocity! Something has gone wrong!' return None ft_threshold_was_exceeded = False # current_data = np.array([map(float,line.strip().split()) for line in open(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(load_num), '.log']))]) # while os.path.isfile(''.join([self.pkg_path, '/data/', subject, '/',str(vel),'mps/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.pkl'])): ft_threshold_was_exceeded = False # print ''.join([self.pkg_path, '/data/', subject, '/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.pkl']) current_data = np.array([map(float,line.strip().split()) for line in open(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', str(vel), 'mps/height', str(ind_j), '/ft_sleeve_', str(load_num), '.log']))]) del_index = [] for k in xrange(len(current_data)): if current_data[k][0] < 5.0: del_index.append(k) current_data = np.delete(current_data, del_index, 0) position_of_stop = 0. del_index = [] time_of_initial_contact = None # current_data = load_pickle(''.join([self.pkg_path, '/data/', subject, '/', input_classes[class_num], '/ft_sleeve_', str(i), '.pkl'])) # if np.max(current_data[:, 2]) >= 10. or np.max(current_data[:, 3]) >= 10. \ # or np.max(current_data[:, 4]) >= 10.: # ft_threshold_was_exceeded = True position_of_stop = 0. del_index = [] for num, j in enumerate(current_data): j[2] = -j[2] j[3] = -j[3] j[4] = -j[4] j[0] = j[0] - 2.0 # if j[0] < 0.5: # j[1] = 0 if np.max(np.abs(j[2:5])) > 10. and not ft_threshold_was_exceeded: time_of_stop = j[0] ft_threshold_was_exceeded = True for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: position_of_stop = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) j[1] = new_position elif ft_threshold_was_exceeded: del_index.append(num) # j[1] = position_of_stop else: for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: new_position = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) j[1] = new_position if abs(new_position - position_of_stop) < 0.0005 and new_position > 0.8: del_index.append(num) elif new_position < position_of_initial_contact: del_index.append(num) else: if time_of_initial_contact is None: time_of_initial_contact = j[0] position_of_stop = new_position # if result[ind_i][ind_j] == 'good' current_data = np.delete(current_data, del_index, 0) output_data = [] for item in current_data: output_data.append([item[0]-time_of_initial_contact, item[1]-position_of_initial_contact, item[2], item[3], item[4]]) output_data = np.array(output_data) save_number = 0 if result[ind_i][ind_j] == 'caught_fist' or result[ind_i][ind_j] == 'caught_other': save_file = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel), 'mps/', 'caught', '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl']) else: save_file = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel), 'mps/', result[ind_i][ind_j], '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl']) while os.path.isfile(save_file): save_number += 1 if result[ind_i][ind_j] == 'caught_fist' or result[ind_i][ind_j] == 'caught_other': save_file = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel), 'mps/', 'caught', '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl']) else: save_file = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/formatted_three/', str(vel), 'mps/', result[ind_i][ind_j], '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl']) print 'Saving with file name', save_file save_pickle(output_data, save_file) print 'Done editing files!'
def autolabel_and_set_position(self, subject, result): print 'Now inserting position data and labeling results automatically according to where they stopped.' paramlist = rosparam.load_file(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/params.yaml'])) for params, ns in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns, params) arm_length = rosparam.get_param('crook_to_fist') fist_length = arm_length - rosparam.get_param('crook_to_wrist') print 'Fist length: ', fist_length, ' cm' position_of_initial_contact = (44.0 - arm_length)/100. position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl'])) vel = 0.1 ft_threshold_was_exceeded = False reference_data = np.array([map(float,line.strip().split()) for line in open(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', str(vel), 'mps/height3/ft_sleeve_0.log']))]) del_index = [] for k in xrange(len(reference_data)): if reference_data[k][0] < 5.0: del_index.append(k) reference_data = np.delete(reference_data, del_index, 0) del_index = [] for num, j in enumerate(reference_data): j[2] = -j[2] j[3] = -j[3] j[4] = -j[4] j[0] = j[0] - 2.0 # if j[0] < 0.5: # j[1] = 0 if np.max(np.abs(j[2:5])) > 10. and not ft_threshold_was_exceeded: time_of_stop = j[0] ft_threshold_was_exceeded = True for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: success_position_of_stop = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) elif ft_threshold_was_exceeded: del_index.append(num) # j[1] = position_of_stop else: for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: new_position = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) j[1] = new_position print 'The stop position when the sleeve reaches the elbow is: ', success_position_of_stop position_profile = None for ind_i in xrange(len(result)): for ind_j in xrange(len(result[0])): if result[ind_i][ind_j] is not None: if ind_i < len(result)/2: load_num = ind_i vel = 0.1 else: load_num = ind_i - len(result)/2 vel = 0.15 if vel == 0.1: # print ''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl']) position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_1mps.pkl'])) # print 'Position profile loaded!' elif vel == 0.15: position_profile = load_pickle(''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_15mps.pkl'])) # print ''.join([self.data_path, '/position_profiles/position_combined_0_15mps.pkl']) # print 'Position profile loaded!' else: print 'There is no saved position profile for this velocity! Something has gone wrong!' return None ft_threshold_was_exceeded = False current_data = np.array([map(float,line.strip().split()) for line in open(''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/', str(vel), 'mps/height', str(ind_j), '/ft_sleeve_', str(load_num), '.log']))]) del_index = [] for k in xrange(len(current_data)): if current_data[k][0] < 5.0: del_index.append(k) current_data = np.delete(current_data, del_index, 0) position_of_stop = 0. del_index = [] time_of_initial_contact = None for num, j in enumerate(current_data): j[2] = -j[2] j[3] = -j[3] j[4] = -j[4] j[0] = j[0] - 2.0 # if j[0] < 0.5: # j[1] = 0 if np.max(np.abs(j[2:5])) > 10. and not ft_threshold_was_exceeded: time_of_stop = j[0] ft_threshold_was_exceeded = True for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: position_of_stop = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) j[1] = new_position elif ft_threshold_was_exceeded: del_index.append(num) # j[1] = position_of_stop else: for k in xrange(len(position_profile)-1): if position_profile[k, 0] <= j[0] < position_profile[k+1, 0]: new_position = position_profile[k, 1] + \ (position_profile[k+1, 1] - position_profile[k, 1]) * \ (j[0]-position_profile[k, 0])/(position_profile[k+1, 0] - position_profile[k, 0]) j[1] = new_position if abs(new_position - position_of_stop) < 0.0005 and new_position > 0.8: del_index.append(num) elif new_position < position_of_initial_contact: del_index.append(num) else: if time_of_initial_contact is None: time_of_initial_contact = j[0] position_of_stop = new_position # if num > 8 and 0.05 < new_position < 0.4 and position_of_initial_contact is None: # prev_f_x_average = np.mean(current_data[num-7:num,2]) # curr_f_x_average = np.mean(current_data[num-6:num+1,2]) # prev_f_z_average = np.mean(current_data[num-7:num,4]) # curr_f_z_average = np.mean(current_data[num-6:num+1,4]) # if curr_f_x_average < -0.08 and curr_f_x_average < prev_f_x_average and curr_f_z_average < prev_f_z_average and curr_f_z_average < -0.03: # position_of_initial_contact = copy.copy(new_position) # if position_of_initial_contact is None: # print 'Position of initial contact was not detected for ', subject, ' and trial ', ind_j, 'at height ', ind_i # position_of_initial_contact = 0. # # return # else: # print 'Position of initial contact is: ', position_of_initial_contact # current_data = np.delete(current_data, del_index, 0) # del_index = [] # for i in xrange(len(current_data)): # if current_data[i, 1] < position_of_initial_contact: # del_index.append(i) current_data = np.delete(current_data, del_index, 0) output_data = [] for item in current_data: output_data.append([item[0]-time_of_initial_contact, item[1]-position_of_initial_contact, item[2], item[3], item[4]]) output_data = np.array(output_data) print 'This trial failed at: ', position_of_stop this_label = None if not ft_threshold_was_exceeded: this_label = 'missed' elif abs(position_of_stop - success_position_of_stop) < 0.015 or position_of_stop >= success_position_of_stop: this_label = 'good' else: if abs(position_of_stop - success_position_of_stop) + fist_length/100. + 0.05 >= arm_length/100.: this_label = 'caught_fist' else: this_label = 'caught_other' save_number = 0 save_file = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/auto_labeled/', str(vel), 'mps/', this_label, '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl']) while os.path.isfile(save_file): save_number += 1 save_file = ''.join([self.data_path, '/', subject, '/auto_labeled/', str(vel), 'mps/', this_label, '/force_profile_', str(save_number), '.pkl']) print 'Saving with file name', save_file save_pickle(output_data, save_file) print 'Done editing files!'