コード例 #1
class BehaviorLibrary(object):
	Provides access to all known behaviors.
    def __init__(self):
        self._rp = RosPack()
        self._behavior_lib = dict()

    def parse_packages(self):
		Parses all ROS packages to update the internal behavior library.
        self._behavior_lib = dict()
        for pkg in self._rp.list():
            for export in self._rp._load_manifest(pkg).exports:
                if export.tag == "flexbe_behaviors":
                    self._add_behavior_manifests(self._rp.get_path(pkg), pkg)

    def _add_behavior_manifests(self, path, pkg=None):
		Recursively add all behavior manifests in the given folder to the internal library.
		If a package name is specified, only manifests referring to this package are added.

		@type path: string
		@param path: Path of the folder to be traversed.
		@type pkg: string
		@param pkg: Optional name of a package to only add manifests referring to this package.
        for entry in os.listdir(path):
            entry_path = os.path.join(path, entry)
            if os.path.isdir(entry_path):
                self._add_behavior_manifests(entry_path, pkg)
            elif entry.endswith(".xml") and not entry.startswith("#"):
                m = ET.parse(entry_path).getroot()
                # structure sanity check
                if m.tag != "behavior" \
                or len(m.findall(".//executable")) == 0 \
                or m.find("executable").get("package_path") is None \
                or len(m.find("executable").get("package_path").split(".")) != 2:
                e = m.find("executable")
                if pkg is not None and e.get("package_path").split(
                        ".")[0] != pkg:
                    continue  # ignore if manifest not in specified package
                be_id = zlib.adler32(e.get("package_path"))
                self._behavior_lib[be_id] = {
                    "name": m.get("name"),
                    "package": e.get("package_path").split(".")[0],
                    "file": e.get("package_path").split(".")[1],
                    "class": e.get("class")

    def get_behavior(self, be_id):
		Provides the library entry corresponding to the given ID.

		@type be_id: int
		@param be_id: Behavior ID to look up.

		@return Corresponding library entry or None if not found.
            return self._behavior_lib[be_id]
        except KeyError:
            rospy.logwarn("Did not find ID %d in libary, updating..." % be_id)
            return self._behavior_lib.get(be_id, None)

    def find_behavior(self, be_name):
		Searches for a behavior with the given name and returns it along with its ID.

		@type be_name: string
		@param be_name: Behavior ID to look up.

		@return Tuple (be_id, be_entry) corresponding to the name or (None, None) if not found.
        find = lambda: next((id, be)
                            for (id, be) in self._behavior_lib.items()
                            if be["name"] == be_name)
            return find()
        except StopIteration:
            rospy.logwarn("Did not find behavior '%s' in libary, updating..." %
            return find()

    def count_behaviors(self):
		Counts the available behaviors.

		@return Number of behaviors.
        return len(self._behavior_lib)

    def get_sourcecode_filepath(self, be_id, add_tmp=False):
		Constructs a file path to the source code of corresponding to the given ID.

		@type be_id: int
		@param be_id: Behavior ID to look up.

		@type add_tmp: bool
		@param add_tmp: Append "_tmp" to the file to consider a temporary version.

		@return String containing the absolute path to the source code file.
        be_entry = self.get_behavior(be_id)
        if be_entry is None:
            # rely on get_behavior to handle/log missing package
            return None
            module_path = __import__(be_entry["package"]).__path__[-1]
        except ImportError:
                "Cannot import behavior package '%s', using 'rospack find' instead"
                % be_entry["package"])
            # rp can find it because otherwise, the above entry would not exist
            module_path = os.path.join(self._rp.get_path(be_entry["package"]),
                                       "src", be_entry["package"])
        filename = be_entry["file"] + '.py' if not add_tmp else '_tmp.py'
        return os.path.join(module_path, filename)
コード例 #2
class BehaviorLibrary(object):
	Provides a list of all known behavior manifests.
    def __init__(self):
        self._rp = RosPack()
        self._behavior_lib = dict()

    def parse_packages(self):
		Parses all ROS packages to update the internal behavior library.
        self._behavior_lib = dict()
        for pkg in self._rp.list():
            for export in self._rp._load_manifest(pkg).exports:
                if export.tag == "flexbe_behaviors":
                    self._add_behavior_manifests(self._rp.get_path(pkg), pkg)

    def _add_behavior_manifests(self, path, pkg=None):
		Recursively add all behavior manifests in the given folder to the internal library.
		If a package name is specified, only manifests referring to this package are added.

		@type path: string
		@param path: Path of the folder to be traversed.
		@type pkg: string
		@param pkg: Optional name of a package to only add manifests referring to this package.
        for entry in os.listdir(path):
            entry_path = os.path.join(path, entry)
            if os.path.isdir(entry_path):
                self._add_behavior_manifests(entry_path, pkg)
            elif entry.endswith(".xml") and not entry.startswith("#"):
                m = ET.parse(entry_path).getroot()
                # structure sanity check
                if m.tag != "behavior" \
                or len(m.findall(".//executable")) == 0 \
                or m.find("executable").get("package_path") is None \
                or len(m.find("executable").get("package_path").split(".")) != 2:
                e = m.find("executable")
                if pkg is not None and e.get("package_path").split(
                        ".")[0] != pkg:
                    continue  # ignore if manifest not in specified package
                be_id = zlib.adler32(e.get("package_path"))
                self._behavior_lib[be_id] = {
                    "name": m.get("name"),
                    "package": e.get("package_path").split(".")[0],
                    "file": e.get("package_path").split(".")[1],
                    "class": e.get("class")

    def get_behavior(self, be_id):
		Provides the library entry corresponding to the given ID.

		@type be_id: int
		@param be_id: Behavior ID to look up.

		@return Corresponding library entry or None if not found.
            return self._behavior_lib[be_id]
        except KeyError:
            rospy.logwarn("Did not find ID %d in libary, updating..." % be_id)
            return self._behavior_lib.get(be_id, None)

    def find_behavior(self, be_name):
		Searches for a behavior with the given name and returns it along with its ID.

		@type be_name: string
		@param be_name: Behavior ID to look up.

		@return Tuple (be_id, be_entry) corresponding to the name or (None, None) if not found.
        find = lambda: next((id, be)
                            for (id, be) in self._behavior_lib.items()
                            if be["name"] == be_name)
            return find()
        except StopIteration:
            rospy.logwarn("Did not find behavior '%s' in libary, updating..." %
            return find()

    def count_behaviors(self):
		Counts the available behaviors.

		@return Number of behaviors.
        return len(self._behavior_lib)