def go_position(self,desired_goal): # compensate using drift and vision position goal_position = np.zeros(3) goal_position[0] = desired_goal[0] + (self.position[0] - self.vision_pose[0]) goal_position[1] = desired_goal[1] + (self.position[1] - self.vision_pose[1]) goal_position[2] = desired_goal[2] self.command_pose[0] = goal_position[0] self.command_pose[1] = goal_position[1] self.command_pose[2] = goal_position[2] rate = rospy.Rate(20) start_time = while (self.position_error2(self.command_pose, self.px4_position) >= self.position_error_threshold ) or (( - start_time) < rospy.Duration(self.goal_wait_time)): if ((self.position_error2(self.command_pose, self.px4_position) >= self.position_error_threshold )): print("Position error: {:.4f} > {:.4f}".format(self.position_error2(self.command_pose, self.px4_position), self.position_error_threshold) ) self.publish_command(self.command_pose) rate.sleep() print("Finish ") return True
def main(): rospy.init_node('ur_driver', disable_signals=True) if rospy.get_param("use_sim_time", False): rospy.logwarn("use_sim_time is set!!!") global prevent_programming prevent_programming = rospy.get_param("prevent_programming", False) prefix = rospy.get_param("~prefix", "") print "Setting prefix to %s" % prefix global joint_names joint_names = [prefix + name for name in JOINT_NAMES] # Parses command line arguments parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="usage: %prog robot_hostname [reverse_port]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:]) if len(args) < 1: parser.error("You must specify the robot hostname") elif len(args) == 1: robot_hostname = args[0] reverse_port = DEFAULT_REVERSE_PORT elif len(args) == 2: robot_hostname = args[0] reverse_port = int(args[1]) if not (0 <= reverse_port <= 65535): parser.error("You entered an invalid port number") else: parser.error("Wrong number of parameters") # Reads the calibrated joint offsets from the URDF global joint_offsets joint_offsets = load_joint_offsets(joint_names) if len(joint_offsets) > 0: rospy.loginfo("Loaded calibration offsets from urdf: %s" % joint_offsets) else: rospy.loginfo("No calibration offsets loaded from urdf") # Reads the maximum velocity # The max_velocity parameter is only used for debugging in the ur_driver. It's not related to actual velocity limits global max_velocity max_velocity = rospy.get_param("~max_velocity", MAX_VELOCITY) # [rad/s] rospy.loginfo("Max velocity accepted by ur_driver: %s [rad/s]" % max_velocity) # Reads the minimum payload global min_payload min_payload = rospy.get_param("~min_payload", MIN_PAYLOAD) # Reads the maximum payload global max_payload max_payload = rospy.get_param("~max_payload", MAX_PAYLOAD) rospy.loginfo("Bounds for Payload: [%s, %s]" % (min_payload, max_payload)) # Sets up the server for the robot to connect to server = TCPServer(("", reverse_port), CommanderTCPHandler) thread_commander = threading.Thread(name="CommanderHandler", target=server.serve_forever) thread_commander.daemon = True thread_commander.start() with open(roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('ur_driver') + '/prog') as fin: program = % { "driver_hostname": get_my_ip(robot_hostname, PORT), "driver_reverseport": reverse_port } connection = URConnection(robot_hostname, PORT, program) connection.connect() connection.send_reset_program() connectionRT = URConnectionRT(robot_hostname, RT_PORT) connectionRT.connect() set_io_server() service_provider = None action_server = None try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Checks for disconnect if getConnectedRobot(wait=False): time.sleep(0.2) prevent_programming = rospy.get_param("prevent_programming", False) if prevent_programming: print "Programming now prevented" connection.send_reset_program() else: print "Disconnected. Reconnecting" if action_server: action_server.set_robot(None) rospy.loginfo("Programming the robot") while True: # Sends the program to the robot while not connection.ready_to_program(): print "Waiting to program" time.sleep(1.0) prevent_programming = rospy.get_param( "prevent_programming", False) connection.send_program() r = getConnectedRobot(wait=True, timeout=1.0) if r: break rospy.loginfo("Robot connected") #provider for service calls if service_provider: service_provider.set_robot(r) else: service_provider = URServiceProvider(r) if action_server: action_server.set_robot(r) else: action_server = URTrajectoryFollower( r, rospy.Duration(1.0)) action_server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: try: r = getConnectedRobot(wait=False) rospy.signal_shutdown("KeyboardInterrupt") if r: r.send_quit() except: pass raise
def __init__(self): self.homing_target = ['head/pan', 'body/body_rotate', 'body/arm_base', 'body/elevation'] for controller in self.homing_target: self.current_target = controller client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('%s/homing'%self.current_target, HomingAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = HomingActionGoal() client.send_goal(goal, done_cb=self.func_done, active_cb=self.func_active) if not client.wait_for_result(): rospy.logerr('%s homing failed. please check the error message'%self.current_target) quit() rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.sleep(2.0) rospy.loginfo("Move to initial pose.") # # Head Parts # pub = rospy.Publisher('/head/pan_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=0.0) rospy.sleep(1.0) pub = rospy.Publisher('/head/tilt_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=0.0) rospy.sleep(1.0) pub = rospy.Publisher('/head/screen_tilt_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=0.0) rospy.sleep(1.0) # # Body Parts # pub = rospy.Publisher('/body/arm_base_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=0.0) rospy.sleep(1.0) pub = rospy.Publisher('/body/gripper_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=0.0) rospy.sleep(1.5) pub = rospy.Publisher('/body/gripper_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=1.0) rospy.sleep(1.5) # Move arm to ready pose client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/body/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory.header.stamp = goal.trajectory.joint_names = ['body_rotate_joint', 'elevation_joint', 'arm1_joint', 'arm2_joint', 'arm3_joint', 'arm4_joint', 'arm5_joint', 'arm6_joint'] point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5708, -3.14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(1.0) goal.trajectory.points.append(point) client.send_goal(goal) client.wait_for_result() rospy.sleep(1.0) goal.trajectory.header.stamp = point.positions = [0.0, -0.215, 0.0, 1.57, -3.14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(4.0) client.send_goal(goal) client.wait_for_result() rospy.sleep(1.0) pub = rospy.Publisher('/body/arm_base_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(0.4) pub.publish(data=-0.15) rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo("All homing procedure was done successfully.") quit()
eef = MoveGroupCommander("endeffector") rospy.sleep(1) #Start State Gripper group_variable_values = eef.get_current_joint_values() # group_variable_values[0] = 0.0 eef.set_joint_value_target(group_variable_values) plan2 = eef.plan() arm.execute(plan2) # clean the scene scene.remove_world_object("pole") scene.remove_world_object("table") scene.remove_world_object("part") client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('gripper_controller/gripper_action', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!') # publish a demo scene k = PoseStamped() k.header.frame_id = robot.get_planning_frame() k.pose.position.x = 0.0 k.pose.position.y = 0.0 k.pose.position.z = -0.05 scene.add_box("table", k, (2, 2, 0.0001)) p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = robot.get_planning_frame() p.pose.position.x = 0.35 p.pose.position.y = 0.35 p.pose.position.z = 0.05
def tf_transform_pose(self, ps, frame): output_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(frame, ps.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(2.0)) output_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(frame, ps) return output_pose
def process_trajectory(self, traj): num_points = len(traj.points) # make sure the joints in the goal match the joints of the controller if set(self.joint_names) != set(traj.joint_names): res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.INVALID_JOINTS msg = 'Incoming trajectory joints do not match the joints of the controller' rospy.logerr(msg) rospy.logerr(' self.joint_names={%s}' % (set(self.joint_names))) rospy.logerr(' traj.joint_names={%s}' % (set(traj.joint_names))) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return # make sure trajectory is not empty if num_points == 0: msg = 'Incoming trajectory is empty' rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(text=msg) return # correlate the joints we're commanding to the joints in the message # map from an index of joint in the controller to an index in the trajectory lookup = [traj.joint_names.index(joint) for joint in self.joint_names] durations = [0.0] * num_points # find out the duration of each segment in the trajectory durations[0] = traj.points[0].time_from_start.to_sec() for i in range(1, num_points): durations[i] = (traj.points[i].time_from_start - traj.points[i - 1].time_from_start).to_sec() if not traj.points[0].positions: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.INVALID_GOAL msg = 'First point of trajectory has no positions' rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return trajectory = [] time = + rospy.Duration(0.01) for i in range(num_points): seg = Segment(self.num_joints) if traj.header.stamp == rospy.Time(0.0): seg.start_time = (time + traj.points[i].time_from_start ).to_sec() - durations[i] else: seg.start_time = ( traj.header.stamp + traj.points[i].time_from_start).to_sec() - durations[i] seg.duration = durations[i] # Checks that the incoming segment has the right number of elements. if traj.points[i].velocities and len( traj.points[i].velocities) != self.num_joints: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.INVALID_GOAL msg = 'Command point %d has %d elements for the velocities' % ( i, len(traj.points[i].velocities)) rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return if len(traj.points[i].positions) != self.num_joints: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.INVALID_GOAL msg = 'Command point %d has %d elements for the positions' % ( i, len(traj.points[i].positions)) rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return for j in range(self.num_joints): if traj.points[i].velocities: seg.velocities[j] = traj.points[i].velocities[lookup[j]] if traj.points[i].positions: seg.positions[j] = traj.points[i].positions[lookup[j]] trajectory.append(seg) rospy.loginfo('Trajectory start requested at %.3lf, waiting...', traj.header.stamp.to_sec()) rate = rospy.Rate(self.update_rate) while traj.header.stamp > time: time = rate.sleep() end_time = traj.header.stamp + rospy.Duration(sum(durations)) seg_end_times = [ rospy.Time.from_sec(trajectory[seg].start_time + durations[seg]) for seg in range(len(trajectory)) ] rospy.loginfo( 'Trajectory start time is %.3lf, end time is %.3lf, total duration is %.3lf', time.to_sec(), end_time.to_sec(), sum(durations)) self.trajectory = trajectory traj_start_time = for seg in range(len(trajectory)): rospy.logdebug( 'current segment is %d time left %f cur time %f' % (seg, durations[seg] - (time.to_sec() - trajectory[seg].start_time), time.to_sec())) rospy.logdebug('goal positions are: %s' % str(trajectory[seg].positions)) # first point in trajectories calculated by OMPL is current position with duration of 0 seconds, skip it if durations[seg] == 0: rospy.logdebug( 'skipping segment %d with duration of 0 seconds' % seg) continue multi_packet = {} for port, joints in self.port_to_joints.items(): vals = [] for joint in joints: j = self.joint_names.index(joint) start_position = self.joint_states[joint].current_pos if seg != 0: start_position = trajectory[seg - 1].positions[j] desired_position = trajectory[seg].positions[j] desired_velocity = max( self.min_velocity, abs(desired_position - start_position) / durations[seg]) self.msg.desired.positions[j] = desired_position self.msg.desired.velocities[j] = desired_velocity # probably need a more elegant way of figuring out if we are dealing with a dual controller if hasattr(self.joint_to_controller[joint], "master_id"): master_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].master_id slave_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].slave_id # added motor bias [AHC: 20171127] master_pos, slave_pos = self.joint_to_controller[ joint].pos_rad_to_raw(desired_position + self.joint_to_bias[joint]) spd = self.joint_to_controller[joint].spd_rad_to_raw( desired_velocity) vals.append((master_id, master_pos, spd)) vals.append((slave_id, slave_pos, spd)) else: motor_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].motor_id # added motor bias [AHC: 20171127] pos = self.joint_to_controller[joint].pos_rad_to_raw( desired_position + self.joint_to_bias[joint]) spd = self.joint_to_controller[joint].spd_rad_to_raw( desired_velocity) vals.append((motor_id, pos, spd)) multi_packet[port] = vals for port, vals in multi_packet.items(): self.port_to_io[port].set_multi_position_and_speed(vals) while time < seg_end_times[seg]: # check if new trajectory was received, if so abort current trajectory execution # by setting the goal to the current position if self.action_server.is_preempt_requested(): msg = 'New trajectory received. Aborting old trajectory.' multi_packet = {} for port, joints in self.port_to_joints.items(): vals = [] for joint in joints: cur_pos = self.joint_states[joint].current_pos motor_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].motor_id # added motor bias [AHC: 20171127] pos = self.joint_to_controller[ joint].pos_rad_to_raw( cur_pos + self.joint_to_bias[joint]) vals.append((motor_id, pos)) multi_packet[port] = vals for port, vals in multi_packet.items(): self.port_to_io[port].set_multi_position(vals) self.action_server.set_preempted(text=msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) return rate.sleep() time = # Verifies trajectory constraints for j, joint in enumerate(self.joint_names): if self.trajectory_constraints[ j] > 0 and self.msg.error.positions[ j] > self.trajectory_constraints[j]: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED msg = 'Unsatisfied position constraint for %s, trajectory point %d, %f is larger than %f' % \ (joint, seg, self.msg.error.positions[j], self.trajectory_constraints[j]) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return # let motors roll for specified amount of time rospy.sleep(self.goal_time_constraint) for i, j in enumerate(self.joint_names): rospy.logdebug( 'desired pos was %f, actual pos is %f, error is %f' % (trajectory[-1].positions[i], self.joint_states[j].current_pos, self.joint_states[j].current_pos - trajectory[-1].positions[i])) # Checks that we have ended inside the goal constraints for (joint, pos_error, pos_constraint) in zip(self.joint_names, self.msg.error.positions, self.goal_constraints): if pos_constraint > 0 and abs(pos_error) > pos_constraint: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED msg = 'Aborting because %s joint wound up outside the goal constraints, %f is larger than %f' % \ (joint, pos_error, pos_constraint) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) break else: msg = 'Trajectory execution successfully completed' rospy.loginfo(msg) res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult() res.error_code = FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL self.action_server.set_succeeded(result=res, text=msg)
rospy.init_node('rosbag_filter', anonymous=True) pubber = rospy.Publisher("/move_group/filtered_cloud", sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2, queue_size=5) time_now = rospy.get_rostime() time_prev = rospy.Time() # i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # i += 1 # rospy.loginfo(i) bag = rosbag.Bag('/home/ash/filtered_cloud1.bag') for topic, org_msg, t in bag.read_messages( topics='/move_group/filtered_cloud'): msg = copy.deepcopy(org_msg) if time_prev.secs == 0: d_time = rospy.Duration() time_prev = copy.deepcopy(msg.header.stamp) msg.header.stamp = copy.deepcopy(time_now) else: d_time = msg.header.stamp - time_prev time_now += d_time time_prev = copy.deepcopy(msg.header.stamp) msg.header.stamp = copy.deepcopy(time_now) # rospy.loginfo(msg.header.stamp.secs) rospy.sleep(d_time) try: pubber.publish(msg) except: break else: pass
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('Arduino', log_level=rospy.DEBUG) # Get the actual node name in case it is set in the launch file = rospy.get_name() # Cleanup when termniating the node rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) self.port = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/ttyACM0") self.baud = int(rospy.get_param("~baud", 57600)) self.timeout = rospy.get_param("~timeout", 0.5) self.base_frame = rospy.get_param("~base_frame", 'base_link') # Overall loop rate: should be faster than fastest sensor rate self.rate = int(rospy.get_param("~rate", 50)) r = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # Rate at which summary SensorState message is published. Individual sensors publish # at their own rates. self.sensorstate_rate = int(rospy.get_param("~sensorstate_rate", 10)) self.use_base_controller = rospy.get_param("~use_base_controller", False) # Set up the time for publishing the next SensorState message now = self.t_delta_sensors = rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.sensorstate_rate) self.t_next_sensors = now + self.t_delta_sensors # Initialize a Twist message self.cmd_vel = Twist() # A cmd_vel publisher so we can stop the robot when shutting down self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5) # The SensorState publisher periodically publishes the values of all sensors on # a single topic. self.sensorStatePub = rospy.Publisher('~sensor_state', SensorState, queue_size=5) # A service to position a PWM servo rospy.Service('~servo_write', ServoWrite, self.ServoWriteHandler) # A service to read the position of a PWM servo rospy.Service('~servo_read', ServoRead, self.ServoReadHandler) # A service to turn set the direction of a digital pin (0 = input, 1 = output) rospy.Service('~digital_set_direction', DigitalSetDirection, self.DigitalSetDirectionHandler) # A service to turn a digital sensor on or off rospy.Service('~digital_write', DigitalWrite, self.DigitalWriteHandler) # A service to set pwm values for the pins rospy.Service('~analog_write', AnalogWrite, self.AnalogWriteHandler) # Initialize the controlller self.controller = Arduino(self.port, self.baud, self.timeout) # Make the connection self.controller.connect() rospy.loginfo("Connected to Arduino on port " + self.port + " at " + str(self.baud) + " baud") # Reserve a thread lock mutex = thread.allocate_lock() # Initialize any sensors self.mySensors = list() sensor_params = rospy.get_param("~sensors", dict({})) for name, params in sensor_params.iteritems(): # Set the direction to input if not specified try: params['direction'] except: params['direction'] = 'input' if params['type'] == "Ping": sensor = Ping(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['echopin'], params['rate'], params['frame_id']) elif params['type'] == "PointCloudPing": sensor = PointCloudPing(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['echopin'],params['rate'], params['frame_id']) elif params['type'] == "GP2D12": sensor = GP2D12(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['rate']) elif params['type'] == 'Digital': sensor = DigitalSensor(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['rate'], self.base_frame, direction=params['direction']) elif params['type'] == 'Analog': sensor = AnalogSensor(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['rate'], self.base_frame, direction=params['direction']) elif params['type'] == 'PololuMotorCurrent': sensor = PololuMotorCurrent(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['rate'] ) elif params['type'] == 'PhidgetsVoltage': sensor = PhidgetsVoltage(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['rate']) elif params['type'] == 'PhidgetsCurrent': sensor = PhidgetsCurrent(self.controller, name, params['pin'], params['rate']) # if params['type'] == "MaxEZ1": # self.sensors[len(self.sensors)]['trigger_pin'] = params['trigger_pin'] # self.sensors[len(self.sensors)]['output_pin'] = params['output_pin'] try: self.mySensors.append(sensor) rospy.loginfo(name + " " + str(params) + " published on topic " + rospy.get_name() + "/sensor/" + name) except: rospy.logerr("Sensor type " + str(params['type']) + " not recognized.") # Initialize the base controller if used if self.use_base_controller: self.myBaseController = BaseController(self.controller, self.base_frame, + "_base_controller") # Start polling the sensors and base controller while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for sensor in self.mySensors: mutex.acquire() sensor.poll() mutex.release() if self.use_base_controller: mutex.acquire() self.myBaseController.poll() mutex.release() # Publish all sensor values on a single topic for convenience now = if now > self.t_next_sensors: msg = SensorState() msg.header.frame_id = 'sensor_base' msg.header.stamp = now for i in range(len(self.mySensors)):[i].name) msg.value.append(self.mySensors[i].value) try: self.sensorStatePub.publish(msg) except: pass self.t_next_sensors = now + self.t_delta_sensors r.sleep()
def update_average_detection(self, m_array): """ Using poses v1 """ if self.old_msg == m_array: # Message old return if not self.cf1_pose: # need pose return if self.is_measuring: return self.is_measuring = True self.old_msg = m_array kalman_gains = [] filtered_poses = [] n_markers = len(m_array.markers) #time_stamp = None for marker in m_array.markers: # TODO: make this general (no hardcoded Qs) if > 9: frame_detected = "sign_detected/stop" frame_marker = "sign/stop" print("Using stop sign!!!") Q = np.diag([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) else: frame_detected = "aruco/detected" + str( frame_marker = "aruco/marker" + str( Q = np.diag([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) try: # just to get correct time stamp time_stamp = self.tf_buf.lookup_transform( frame_marker, frame_detected, rospy.Time(0)).header.stamp except: print("Wait a bit...") self.is_measuring = False return try: believed_trans = self.tf_buf.lookup_transform( "map", "cf1/base_link", time_stamp, rospy.Duration(.1)) except: self.is_measuring = False print("Wait a bit...") return believed_pose = self.transform_to_pose_stamped(believed_trans) self.believed_pub.publish(believed_pose) believed_state = self.pose_stamped_to_state(believed_pose) measured_pose = self.get_measured_pose_filtered( believed_pose, frame_marker, frame_detected) #DEBUG THIS if not measured_pose: print("Nah") self.is_measuring = False return if len(m_array.markers) == 1: self.measurement_pub.publish( measured_pose) # for vizualisation if measured_pose is None: print("Failed1") self.is_measuring = False return measured_state = self.pose_stamped_to_state(measured_pose) diff = self.kf.inovation(believed_state * self.filter_config, measured_state * self.filter_config) maha_dist = self.maha_dist(diff, Q) print("Mahalanobis dist (kinda): {}".format(maha_dist)) if maha_dist > 5: # outlier print("Outlier") self.is_measuring = False return K = self.kf.kalman_gain(Q) kalman_gains.append(K) filtered_state = self.filter_state(believed_state, measured_state, K) #filtered_state = believed_state + self.kf.inovation(believed_state, measured_state)*self.filter_config*0.5 filtered_pose = self.state_to_pose_stamped( filtered_state, believed_pose.header.frame_id, time_stamp) filtered_poses.append(filtered_pose) print("Using {}/{} markers measurements".format( len(filtered_poses), n_markers)) K = sum(kalman_gains) / len(filtered_poses) filtered_pose = self.average_poses(filtered_poses) self.filtered_pub.publish(filtered_pose) # for visualization self.broadcast_pose_frame(filtered_pose, "cf1/base_link/filtered") odom_new_pose = self.get_odom_new_pose(believed_pose) if not odom_new_pose: print("Failed3") self.is_measuring = False return self.odom_new_pub.publish(odom_new_pose) map_to_odom = self.get_map_to_odom_transform(odom_new_pose) if map_to_odom: print("Updated") self.kf.update_with_gain(K) #self.last_transform = map_to_odom # remove if not using this as callback self.is_measuring = False return map_to_odom print("SOMETHING WENT WRONG") self.is_measuring = False
def main(): rospy.init_node('ur_driver', disable_signals=True) if rospy.get_param("use_sim_time", False): rospy.logwarn("use_sim_time is set!!!") global prevent_programming prevent_programming = rospy.get_param("prevent_programming", False) prefix = rospy.get_param("~prefix", "") print "Setting prefix to %s" % prefix global joint_names joint_names = [prefix + name for name in JOINT_NAMES] # Parses command line arguments parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog robot_hostname") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:]) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("You must specify the robot hostname") robot_hostname = args[0] # Reads the calibrated joint offsets from the URDF global joint_offsets joint_offsets = load_joint_offsets(joint_names) rospy.logerr("Loaded calibration offsets: %s" % joint_offsets) # Reads the maximum velocity global max_velocity max_velocity = rospy.get_param("~max_velocity", 2.0) # Sets up the server for the robot to connect to server = TCPServer(("", 50001), CommanderTCPHandler) thread_commander = threading.Thread(name="CommanderHandler", target=server.serve_forever) thread_commander.daemon = True thread_commander.start() with open(roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('ur_driver') + '/prog') as fin: program = % {"driver_hostname": get_my_ip(robot_hostname, PORT)} connection = UR5Connection(robot_hostname, PORT, program) connection.connect() connection.send_reset_program() srv_set_io = rospy.Service('set_io_state', SetIOState, handle_set_io_state) action_server = None try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Checks for disconnect if getConnectedRobot(wait=False): time.sleep(0.2) prevent_programming = rospy.get_param("prevent_programming", False) if prevent_programming: print "Programming now prevented" connection.send_reset_program() else: print "Disconnected. Reconnecting" if action_server: action_server.set_robot(None) rospy.loginfo("Programming the robot") while True: # Sends the program to the robot while not connection.ready_to_program(): print "Waiting to program" time.sleep(1.0) prevent_programming = rospy.get_param("prevent_programming", False) connection.send_program() r = getConnectedRobot(wait=True, timeout=1.0) if r: break rospy.loginfo("Robot connected") if action_server: action_server.set_robot(r) else: action_server = UR5TrajectoryFollower(r, rospy.Duration(1.0)) action_server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: try: r = getConnectedRobot(wait=False) rospy.signal_shutdown("KeyboardInterrupt") if r: r.send_quit() except: pass raise
joint_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/irp6ot_arm/spline_trajectory_action_joint', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) joint_client.wait_for_server() print 'server ok' # joint_client.cancel_all_goals() goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory.joint_names = [ 'joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3', 'joint4', 'joint5', 'joint6', 'joint7' ] goal.trajectory.points.append( JointTrajectoryPoint( [0.0, 0.0, -1.5418065817051163, 0.0, 1.5, 1.57, -1.57], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [], [], rospy.Duration(6.0))) goal.trajectory.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() + rospy.Duration(0.2) joint_client.send_goal(goal) joint_client.wait_for_result() command_result = joint_client.get_result() conmanSwitchIrp6ot([], ['Irp6otmSplineTrajectoryGeneratorJoint'], True) # # Cartesian coordinates motion # conmanSwitchIrp6ot(['Irp6otmPoseInt'], [], True)
def interp_cubic(p0, p1, t_abs): T = (p1.time_from_start - p0.time_from_start).to_sec() t = t_abs - p0.time_from_start.to_sec() q = [0] * 6 qdot = [0] * 6 qddot = [0] * 6 for i in range(len(p0.positions)): a = p0.positions[i] b = p0.velocities[i] c = (-3*p0.positions[i] + 3*p1.positions[i] - 2*T*p0.velocities[i] - T*p1.velocities[i]) / T**2 d = (2*p0.positions[i] - 2*p1.positions[i] + T*p0.velocities[i] + T*p1.velocities[i]) / T**3 q[i] = a + b*t + c*t**2 + d*t**3 qdot[i] = b + 2*c*t + 3*d*t**2 qddot[i] = 2*c + 6*d*t return JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=q, velocities=qdot, accelerations=qddot, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(t_abs))
def execute(self, userdata): #Construct goal and send it status, started, stopped = self.controller_manager.joint_mode(self.arm) goal = an.MoveArmGoal() goal.motion_plan_request.group_name = self.group_name goal.motion_plan_request.num_planning_attempts = 2 goal.motion_plan_request.allowed_planning_time = rospy.Duration(5.0) goal.motion_plan_request.planner_id = "" goal.planner_service_name = "ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path" for (joint_name, joint_angle) in zip(self.joint_names, self.joints): joint_constraint = an.JointConstraint() joint_constraint.joint_name = joint_name joint_constraint.position = joint_angle joint_constraint.tolerance_below = .1 joint_constraint.tolerance_above = .1 goal.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append( joint_constraint) self.move_arm_client.send_goal(goal) #Wait for action to finish r = rospy.Rate(30) start_time = rospy.get_time() state = self.move_arm_client.get_state() preempted = False succeeded = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #we have been preempted if self.preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('SafeMoveArmState: preempt requested') self.move_arm_client.cancel_goal() self.service_preempt() preempted = True break #we timed out if (rospy.get_time() - start_time) > SafeMoveArmStateSmach.TIME_OUT: self.move_arm_client.cancel_goal() rospy.loginfo('SafeMoveArmState: timed out!') break if (state not in [am.GoalStatus.ACTIVE, am.GoalStatus.PENDING]): result = self.move_arm_client.get_result() if state == am.GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: if result.error_code.val == 1: rospy.loginfo('SafeMoveArmState: Succeeded!') succeeded = True elif result.error_code.val == an.ArmNavigationErrorCodes.START_STATE_IN_COLLISION: return 'start_in_collision' elif result.error_code.val == an.ArmNavigationErrorCodes.GOAL_IN_COLLISION: return 'goal_in_collision' elif result.error_code.val == an.ArmNavigationErrorCodes.JOINT_LIMITS_VIOLATED: return 'joint_limit_violated' rospy.loginfo('Got error code %d' % result.error_code.val) break state = self.move_arm_client.get_state() r.sleep() if preempted: return 'preempted' if succeeded: return 'succeeded' return 'failed'
def go_hovering(self, height): self.command_pose[2] = height rate = rospy.Rate(20) start_time = while (self.hovering_error(self.command_pose, self.position) > self.position_error_threshold ) or (( - start_time) < rospy.Duration(self.goal_wait_time)): self.publish_command(self.command_pose) rate.sleep() return True
def wait(self, timeout=15.0): self._client.wait_for_result(timeout=rospy.Duration(timeout))
if __name__ == '__main__': global rb_num global flag11 rospy.init_node('PatrolServer', anonymous=True) print("start!!!!!!") rospy.Subscriber("/test", Meter, meter, queue_size=1) waypoint_store() #patrol() # start = 5 # cctv=[5,7,8,9] # search(start,cctv) #rospy.Subscriber("/trigger",Trigger,ALERT) rospy.Subscriber("/find", PoseStamped, Receive_Point) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), tic) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), tic2) rospy.Subscriber('/robot2/move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, arriverobot2) rospy.Subscriber('/robot3/move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, arriverobot3) rospy.Subscriber('/robot1/joint_states', JointState, angle) rospy.Publisher("robot3/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) goal_publisher = rospy.Publisher('robot2/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) goal_publisher1 = rospy.Publisher('robot3/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) rospy.Publisher('robot2/move_base/cancel', GoalID, queue_size=1) for i in range(0, 9):
navsat.position_covariance = [2.5, 0, 0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 2.5] if not origin_lat and not origin_lon: origin_lat = gpsd.fix.latitude origin_lon = gpsd.fix.longitude # print ('Odometry: ') # print (x, y) pub_navsat.publish(navsat) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("gps_comm") gpsp = GpsPoller() # create the thread pub_navsat = rospy.Publisher("/gps", NavSatFix, queue_size=1) timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), publish_gps) try: gpsp.start() # start it up while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pass except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): #when you press ctrl+c print "\nKilling Thread..." gpsp.running = False gpsp.join() # wait for the thread to finish what it's doing rospy.signal_shutdown() os._exit() print "Done.\nExiting."
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('turtlebot_mapping') ## Use simulation time (i.e. get time from rostopic /clock) rospy.set_param('use_sim_time', 'true') rate = rospy.Rate(10) while == rospy.Time(0): rate.sleep() ## Get transformation of camera frame with respect to the base frame self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tfListener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) while True: try: # notably camera_link and not camera_depth_frame below, not sure why self.raw_base_to_camera = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform( "base_footprint", "camera_link", rospy.Time()).transform break except tf2_ros.LookupException: rate.sleep() rotation = self.raw_base_to_camera.rotation translation = self.raw_base_to_camera.translation tf_theta = get_yaw_from_quaternion(rotation) self.base_to_camera = [translation.x, translation.y, tf_theta] ## Initial state for EKF self.EKF = None self.EKF_time = None self.current_control = np.zeros(2) self.latest_pose = None self.latest_pose_time = None self.controls = deque() self.scans = deque() N_map_lines = ArenaParams.shape[1] self.x0_map = ArenaParams.T.flatten() self.x0_map[4:] = self.x0_map[4:] + np.vstack(( NoiseParams["std_alpha"] * np.random.randn(N_map_lines - 2), # first two lines fixed NoiseParams["std_r"] * np.random.randn(N_map_lines - 2))).T.flatten() self.P0_map = np.diag( np.concatenate( (np.zeros(4), np.array([[ NoiseParams["std_alpha"]**2 for i in range(N_map_lines - 2) ], [NoiseParams["std_r"]**2 for i in range(N_map_lines - 2)]]).T.flatten()))) ## Set up publishers and subscribers self.tfBroadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.Subscriber('/scan', LaserScan, self.scan_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop', Twist, self.control_callback) rospy.Subscriber('/gazebo/model_states', ModelStates, self.state_callback) self.ground_truth_ct = 0 self.ground_truth_map_pub = rospy.Publisher("ground_truth_map", Marker, queue_size=10) self.ground_truth_map_marker = Marker() self.ground_truth_map_marker.header.frame_id = "/world" self.ground_truth_map_marker.header.stamp = self.ground_truth_map_marker.ns = "ground_truth" self.ground_truth_map_marker.type = 5 # line list self.ground_truth_map_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.ground_truth_map_marker.scale.x = .01 self.ground_truth_map_marker.scale.y = .01 self.ground_truth_map_marker.scale.z = .01 self.ground_truth_map_marker.color.r = 0.0 self.ground_truth_map_marker.color.g = 1.0 self.ground_truth_map_marker.color.b = 0.0 self.ground_truth_map_marker.color.a = 1.0 self.ground_truth_map_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1000) self.ground_truth_map_marker.points = sum( [[Point(p1[0], p1[1], 0), Point(p2[0], p2[1], 0)] for p1, p2 in ARENA], []) self.EKF_map_pub = rospy.Publisher("EKF_map", Marker, queue_size=10) self.EKF_map_marker = deepcopy(self.ground_truth_map_marker) self.EKF_map_marker.color.r = 1.0 self.EKF_map_marker.color.g = 0.0 self.EKF_map_marker.color.b = 0.0 self.EKF_map_marker.color.a = 1.0
class SmartShooter(sasc_scrimmage.Tactic): MAX_TIME_LATE = rospy.Duration(10.0) BDA_TIME_OUT = 3.0 RQD_IN_ENVELOPE = 1 def init(self, params): self._id = int(params['id']) self._target_id = None self._max_range = enums.MAX_RANGE_DEF self._fov_width = enums.HFOV_DEF self._fov_height = enums.VFOV_DEF self._own_pose = apbrg.Geodometry() self._blues = dict() self._reds = dict() self._shot = set() try: self._safe_waypoint = self._parent._safe_waypoint except AttributeError: self._safe_waypoint = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self._wp = self._safe_waypoint try: self._vehicle_type = int(params['vehicle_type']) except KeyError: self._vehicle_type = enums.AC_UNKNOWN self._action = ["None", 0] self._name = 'SmartShooter' self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt self.pursuit_status = False self.shot_pending = False self.overtime = False self.reds_pursued = [] self.wp_calc = \ pputils.PNInterceptCalculator( self, self._id, self._reds, max_time_late=self.MAX_TIME_LATE ) try: topic = 'network/send_swarm_behavior_data' # we dont need to create a subscriber here because this is taken care of in self.pubs[topic] = self._parent._behavior_data_publisher except AttributeError: self.pubs[topic] = \ self.createPublisher(topic, apmsg.BehaviorParameters, 1) self.subs[topic] = \ self.createSubscriber( topic, apmsg.BehaviorParameters, self._process_swarm_data_msg ) def identify_target(self, t): self._target_id = None self_pos = self._own_pose.pose.pose.position min_range = np.inf for uav_id in self._reds: red_veh_state = self._reds[uav_id] red_pos = red_veh_state.state.pose.pose.position shot = uav_id in self._shot pursued = uav_id in self.reds_pursued active_game = \ (red_veh_state.game_status == enums.GAME_ACTIVE_DEFENSE or red_veh_state.game_status == enums.GAME_ACTIVE_OFFENSE) recent_pose = \ (t - red_veh_state.state.header.stamp.to_sec() < self.MAX_TIME_LATE.to_sec()) if not shot and not pursued and recent_pose and active_game: d = gps.gps_distance(, self_pos.lon,, red_pos.lon) if d < min_range: self._target_id = uav_id self.target_dist = d min_range = d if self._target_id: self.pursuit_status = True self.wp_calc.set_params(self._target_id, 0.0, 0.0, self_pos.alt, pputils.InterceptCalculator.BASE_ALT_MODE) self.pursuit_status_update() def track_target(self, t): #intercept = self.wp_calc.compute_intercept_waypoint(None, t) tgt_pose = self.wp_calc.leader_state() if self._target_id in self._shot: self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt self.pursuit_status = False self.pursuit_status_update() elif self._id in self._shot: self.behavior_state = States.no_tgts self.pursuit_status = False self.pursuit_status_update() #if intercept: # self._wp = np.array([, intercept.lon, intercept.alt]) #else: # return False self._wp = self.intercept_target(self._target_id) return True def pursuit_status_update(self): if self.overtime: return parser = pursueBytes.PursuitMessageParser() parser.friendly_id = self._id if self._target_id != None: parser.target_id = self._target_id parser.target_distance = self.target_dist else: parser.target_id = 0 parser.target_distance = self._max_range parser.pursuit_status = self.pursuit_status data = parser.pack() net_msg = apmsg.BehaviorParameters() = pursueBytes.PURSUIT_MESSAGE net_msg.params = data for _ in range(1): # Hope to get at least one through self.pubs['network/send_swarm_behavior_data'].publish(net_msg) def intercept_target(self, target_id, alt_deconflict=True): '''Returns a waypoint that will intercept the target. If the vehicle is a fixed-wing, the waypoint will be extended beyond the waypoint loiter distance ''' own_pos = self._own_pose.pose.pose.position target_pos = self._reds[target_id].state.pose.pose.position own_lla = (, own_pos.lon, own_pos.alt) tgt_lla = (, target_pos.lon, target_pos.alt) lat = tgt_lla[0] lon = tgt_lla[1] if self._vehicle_type == enums.AC_FIXED_WING: # When using fixed wing, Set the waypoint past the current # target, so we don't go into a loiter mode bearing = gps.gps_bearing(own_lla[0], own_lla[1], tgt_lla[0], tgt_lla[1]) lat, lon = gps.gps_newpos(own_lla[0], own_lla[1], bearing, 1000) wp = np.array([lat, lon, tgt_lla[2]]) # Handle altitude deconfliction if alt_deconflict: wp[2] = self._last_ap_wp[2] return wp def target_hitable(self, target_id): sp = self._own_pose.pose.pose.position so = self._own_pose.pose.pose.orientation quat = (so.x, so.y, so.z, so.w) if target_id in self._reds: target_pos = self._reds[target_id].state.pose.pose.position return gps.hitable(, sp.lon, sp.alt, quat, self._max_range, self._fov_width, self._fov_height,, target_pos.lon, target_pos.alt) else: return False def step_autonomy(self, t, dt): self.wp_calc._swarm = self._reds.copy() self.wp_calc._swarm.update(self._blues) self._wp = self._safe_waypoint self._action = ["None", 0] for uav_id in self._reds: if uav_id not in self._shot and self.target_hitable(uav_id): self._action = ["Fire", uav_id] if self._target_id is not None and np.any(self._wp != 0): self.wp_calc.set_params(self._target_id, 0.0, 0.0, self._own_pose.pose.pose.position.alt, pputils.InterceptCalculator.BASE_ALT_MODE) if self.behavior_state == States.hunt_tgt: self.identify_target(t) self.shot_pending = False self.behavior_state = \ States.track_tgt if self._target_id is not None else States.no_tgts elif self.behavior_state == States.track_tgt: intercept = self.track_target(t) if intercept: if self.target_hitable(self._target_id): self.envelope_counter = 1 self.behavior_state = States.shoot_tgt else: self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt elif self.behavior_state == States.shoot_tgt: intercept = self.track_target(t) if intercept: if self._target_id in self._shot: self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt else: self.behavior_state = States.track_tgt else: self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt elif self.behavior_state == States.no_tgts: if len(self.reds_pursued) > 0: self.reds_pursued = [] self.overtime = True self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt else: self._wp = self._safe_waypoint self.behavior_state = States.terminal_standby elif self.behavior_state == States.terminal_standby: if self._id not in self._shot: self._target_id = self.identify_target(t) if self._target_id != None: self.shot_pending = False self.behavior_state = States.track_tgt return True def _process_swarm_data_msg(self, msg): if == pursueBytes.PURSUIT_MESSAGE: parser = pursueBytes.PursuitMessageParser() parser.unpack(msg.params) if parser.friendly_id in self._reds or parser.friendly_id == self._id: # dont process items from the other team return if parser.pursuit_status == True: if parser.target_id not in self.reds_pursued: self.reds_pursued.append(parser.target_id) if (parser.friendly_id != self._id and parser.target_id == self._target_id): if parser.target_distance < self.target_dist: self.pursuit_status = False self.pursuit_status_update() self._target_id = None self.behavior_state = States.hunt_tgt else: self.pursuit_status_update() else: if parser.target_id in self.reds_pursued: self.reds_pursued.remove(parser.target_id)
elif blueprint[layer][brickIndex] == "G": brickcubemarker.color.g = 1.0 brickcubemarker.scale.x = 0.6 elif blueprint[layer][brickIndex] == "R": brickcubemarker.color.r = 1.0 brickcubemarker.scale.x = 0.3 brickcubemarker.scale.y = 0.2 brickcubemarker.scale.z = 0.2 if blueprint[layer][brickIndex] == "O": brickcubemarker.color.r = 1.0 brickcubemarker.color.g = 0.5 brickcubemarker.scale.y = 1.8 brickcubemarker.scale.x = 0.2 brickcubemarker.scale.z = 0.2 brickcubemarker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0) marker_pub.publish(brickcubemarker) # rospy.sleep(1.0) thismarker.header.seq = 0 thismarker.header.frame_id = "map" thismarker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() thismarker.ns = "carpose" = idnum idnum += 1 thismarker.pose.position.x = target_trans[0] thismarker.pose.position.y = target_trans[1] thismarker.pose.position.z = 0 thismarker.pose.orientation.x = target_rot[0] thismarker.pose.orientation.y = target_rot[1]
def main(): rospy.init_node('source', anonymous=True) pub_marker = rospy.Publisher('agents', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) pub_marker_field = rospy.Publisher('field', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz no_of_agents = 4 Xstart = 30.0 Ystart = 30.0 agentx = Xstart + numpy.random.rand(1, no_of_agents) agenty = Ystart + numpy.random.rand(1, no_of_agents) #creatng gap between the agents from th estart only # agentx[0][1] = agentx[0][1] + 5.0 # agenty[0][1] = agenty[0][1] agents = numpy.concatenate((agentx, agenty), axis=0) #acc to papaer C = 0 k = 1 k1 = 1 center_of_source = [0, 0] field_length = 100 field_width = 100 F = MarkerArray() point_shape = Marker.CYLINDER source_x = center_of_source[0] source_y = center_of_source[1] source = [source_x, source_y] r_big_circle = 100.0 r_small_circle = 5.0 no_of_circles = 20 thickness_of_circle = (r_big_circle - r_small_circle) / no_of_circles red_circles = no_of_circles / 2 blue_circles = no_of_circles / 2 for i1 in range(no_of_circles): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/multi_sheep_sheperd" marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() marker.ns = "field" = i1 marker.type = point_shape marker.action = Marker.ADD marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.pose.position.x = center_of_source[0] marker.pose.position.y = center_of_source[1] marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 marker.scale.x = 5 #(r_big_circle - thickness_of_circle*i1)*2 marker.scale.y = 5 #(r_big_circle - thickness_of_circle*i1)*2 marker.scale.z = 0.5 # if(i1 < red_circles): # marker.color.r = i1*(1.0)/red_circles # else: # marker.color.r = 1.0 # marker.color.b = (i1-red_circles)*(1.0)/blue_circles marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.lifetime = rospy.get_rostime() F.markers.append(marker) # for i1 in range(field_length): # for j1 in range(field_width): # if(j1%2 == 0): # marker.header.frame_id = "/multi_sheep_sheperd"; # marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() # marker.ns = "field" # = i1; # marker.type = point_shape # marker.action = Marker.ADD; # marker.color.a = 1.0 # marker.pose.position.x = field_width - j1*level # marker.pose.position.y = field_length - i1*level # marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 # marker.scale.x = M = MarkerArray() shape = Marker.CUBE for i1 in range(no_of_agents): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/multi_sheep_sheperd" marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() marker.ns = "agents" = i1 marker.type = Marker.CYLINDER marker.action = Marker.ADD marker.color.a = 1.0 if (i1 < no_of_agents): marker.pose.position.x = agents[0][i1] marker.pose.position.y = agents[1][i1] marker.pose.position.z = 0 marker.scale.x = 3.0 / 2 marker.scale.y = 3.0 / 2 marker.scale.z = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 #*(1-i1) #marker.color.r = i1*0.5 marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() M.markers.append(marker) #expected distance expected_inter_agent_dist = numpy.zeros([no_of_agents, no_of_agents]) #1xN #expected_inter_agent_dist[:no_of_agents/2][0] = 5.0 #expected_inter_agent_dist[0][1] = -5.0 dist = 5.0 / 2 for i in range(no_of_agents): for j in range(i + 1, no_of_agents): expected_inter_agent_dist[i][j] = dist for j in range(i - 1, 0, -1): expected_inter_agent_dist[i][j] = -dist q = numpy.zeros([no_of_agents, 2]) n = numpy.zeros([no_of_agents, 2]) s = numpy.ones([ 1, no_of_agents ]) #assuming all are same direction, we dont care of the diagnol vq = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) vn = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) Vx = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) Vy = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) ini_s = numpy.ones([1, no_of_agents]) theta = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) #angle with pos x alpha = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) #alpha in the paper alpha_dot = numpy.zeros(no_of_agents) #for source seeking, si = -sj, hence making s[0][1] = -1 as s[0][0] = 1 if (no_of_agents == 2): s[0][1] = -s[0][0] #made them same for testing circular movement ini_s[0][1] = -ini_s[0][0] time_step = 0.05 delta1 = pow(10, -4) delta2 = 1.0 count_of_algo_fail = 0 time_gap = numpy.zeros( [1, no_of_agents] ) #this represents after how much time we take the next conc. reading to compare and make decision time_after_conc_compared = 1 radius = 7.5 #time_gap[0][0] = 5 #time_gap[0][1] = 5 start_time = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub_marker_field.publish(F) for i in range(no_of_agents): M.markers[i].pose.position.x = agents[0][i] M.markers[i].pose.position.y = agents[1][i] #M.markers[i].scale.x = 10*get_conc(agents[:,i], source, thickness_of_circle, r_small_circle, r_big_circle, no_of_circles) #M.markers[i].scale.y = 10*get_conc(agents[:,i], source, thickness_of_circle, r_small_circle, r_big_circle, no_of_circles) pub_marker.publish(M) #print("agents position : " , agents) for i in range(no_of_agents): print("i: ", i, " s_i: ", s[0][i], " % ", numpy.arctan2(-1.0, -1.0)) ini_s[0][0] = s[0][0] ini_s[0][1] = s[0][1] # if(no_of_agents == 2): # q[i] = get_q(no_of_agents,agents,i,s) # else: q[i] = get_q_NAgents(no_of_agents, agents, i, radius, q[i], s) #for j in range(no_of_agents - 1): # temp_q = get_q(i,j,a); #will give the axis q #we can also put the inner loop in the function get_q as later on consensus is used for finding q #q[i] = temp_q # this 2x1, has x and y both n[i] = get_n(q[i]) #n[i] = temp_n , #do we even need n ?? theta[i] = get_theta(q[i]) # angle with x axis conc_t = get_conc(agents[:, i], source, thickness_of_circle, r_small_circle, r_big_circle, no_of_circles, center_of_source) vq[i] = get_vq( no_of_agents, agents, expected_inter_agent_dist, i, k1, q[i], s ) #k1*([a[0][j] - a[0][i] , a[1][j] - a[1][i]],[q[i]]) - a_expected[i,j]) vn[i] = get_vn(i, k, C, conc_t, agents[:, i]) # y = 0 print("q: ", q[i]) print("n: ", n[i]) print("Vn: ", vn[i]) print("Vq: ", vq[i]) print("theta: ", theta[i] / pi * 180) Vx[i] = get_Vx( vq[i], vn[i], theta[i] ) #q[i][0]*numpy.cos(temp_theta) - n[i][0]*numpy.sin(temp_theta) Vy[i] = get_Vy( vq[i], vn[i], theta[i] ) #q[i][0]*numpy.sin(temp_theta) + n[i][0]*numpy.cos(temp_theta) print("Vxi: ", Vx[i]) print("Vyi: ", Vy[i]) # vq[i] = vqi # vn[i] = vni # Vx[i] = Vxi # Vy[i] = Vyi #print("vqi : " , vqi , " vni : " , vni ) #print("Vxi : " , Vxi , " Vyi : " , Vyi) #CHANGE IN POSITION: agents[0][i] = agents[0][i] + Vx[i] * time_step agents[1][i] = agents[1][i] + Vy[i] * time_step time_gap[0][i] = time_gap[0][i] + 1 #swaitching the directions according to conc: change = get_conc(agents[:, i], source, thickness_of_circle, r_small_circle, r_big_circle, no_of_circles, center_of_source) - conc_t print("change :", change) if (change > 0 and time_gap[0][i] % 2 == 0): #meaning that agent moving towards high conc, we change the s #if(s[0][0] != s[0][1]): print("changing the direction:") print("initial s: ", s) s[0][i] = -1 * (s[0][i]) ini_s = s print("new s: ", s) #Switching Conditions print("time_gap : ", time_gap[0][i]) if (time_gap[0][i] % time_after_conc_compared == 0): #below condition implies, forward movment if (s[0][1] == -s[0][0] ): #as only two agents hence we can do this conc_t_1 = get_conc(agents[:, i], source, thickness_of_circle, r_small_circle, r_big_circle, no_of_circles, center_of_source) if (abs(conc_t_1 - conc_t) <= delta1): s[0][i] = s[0][i] * (-1) else: conc_t_1 = get_conc(agents[:, i], source, thickness_of_circle, r_small_circle, r_big_circle, no_of_circles, center_of_source) if (abs(conc_t_1 - conc_t) > delta2): s[0][i] = s[0][i] * (-1) print("change in conc: ", abs(conc_t_1 - conc_t)) if (s[0][0] != ini_s[0][0] and s[0][1] != ini_s[0][1] ): #algo fails when both agents change sign together count_of_algo_fail = count_of_algo_fail + 1 print("count_of_algo_fail: ", count_of_algo_fail) agent_in = 0 threshold = 2.0 / 2 for i in range(no_of_agents): if (numpy.linalg.norm(agents[:, i] - center_of_source) < threshold): agent_in += 1 if (agent_in >= floor(0.9 * no_of_agents)): print("STOPPPPPP") break rate.sleep() stop_time = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() print("total time taken: ", stop_time - start_time)
def send_move_command(self): #We want orientation to always be the same bMove = False #stopped if self.bstop: rospy.sleep(1) bMove = False #move to basket elif self.btoBasket: position = self.moveMethod[1](self) bMove = True #move to last cut location elif self.btoCut: position = self.moveMethod[2](self) bMove = True #move by camera elif self.bbyCamera: position = self.moveMethod[3](self) bMove = True #move by scan elif self.bbyScan: position = self.moveMethod[4](self) bMove = True if bMove: print position if self.bgripper: #make new message goal = kinova_msgs.msg.SetFingersPositionGoal() goal.fingers.finger1 = self.finger_turn goal.fingers.finger2 = goal.fingers.finger1 goal.fingers.finger3 = goal.fingers.finger1 print goal #send through client self.fingerClient.send_goal(goal) print "Attention: moving the gripper" if self.fingerClient.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(5.0)): print 'Success' else: self.fingerClient.cancel_all_goals() print ' Error: the cartesian action timed-out' self.bgripper = False if self.finger_turn == finger_minTurn: #if we just opened fingers return to last cut location self.btoBasket = False self.btoCut = True self.finger_turn = finger_maxTurn else: #if we just closed to fngers move to basket self.finger_turn = finger_minTurn self.btoBasket = True else: #basket has a different orientation orientation = EulerXYZ2Quaternion(self.currentRPY) if self.btoBasket: orientation = EulerXYZ2Quaternion(self.basketRPY) #send with Moveit using location gotten above to move to the new location goal = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() goal.position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point(x=position[0], y=position[1], z=position[2]) goal.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion( x=orientation[0], y=orientation[1], z=orientation[2], w=orientation[3]) # Moveit robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm") planning_scene_interface = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface( ) # Planning to a Pose goal group.set_pose_target(goal) # Now, we call the planner to compute the plan and visualize it. group.plan() # we should add something hear to handle failures # move the robot print "Attention: moving the arm" group.go()
def talker(): rospy.init_node('kitti_tf_pub', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() marker_pub_ = rospy.Publisher('viz_msgs_marker_publisher', vis_msg.Marker, latch=True, queue_size=10) pub = rospy.Publisher('kitti/transformStamped', TransformStamped, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/world', '/camera_left', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue xform = TransformStamped() now = xform.header = Header() xform.header.frame_id = '/world' xform.header.stamp = now xform.child_frame_id = '/camera_left' xform.transform.translation.x = trans[2] xform.transform.translation.y = trans[0] xform.transform.translation.z = trans[1] xform.transform.rotation.x = rot[0] xform.transform.rotation.y = rot[1] xform.transform.rotation.z = rot[2] xform.transform.rotation.w = rot[3] # hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time() # rospy.loginfo(hello_str) pub.publish(xform) marker = vis_msg.Marker(type=vis_msg.Marker.SPHERE, ns='xyz', action=vis_msg.Marker.ADD, id=0) marker.header.frame_id = '/world' marker.header.stamp = now marker.scale.x = 1000 marker.scale.y = 1000 marker.scale.z = 100 marker.colors = [ColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)] # XYZ marker.pose.position = xform.transform.translation marker.pose.orientation = xform.transform.rotation marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() marker_pub_.publish(marker) rate.sleep()
def test_locations(self): #get current location topic_address = '/' + prefix + '_driver/out/cartesian_command' rospy.Subscriber(topic_address, kinova_msgs.msg.KinovaPose, self.setcurrentCartesianCommand) rospy.wait_for_message(topic_address, kinova_msgs.msg.KinovaPose) print 'position listener obtained message for Cartesian pose. ' #move 10cm +z action_address = '/' + prefix + '_driver/pose_action/tool_pose' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_address, kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseAction) client.wait_for_server() print 'move 10cm +z' goal = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseGoal() goal.pose.header = std_msgs.msg.Header(frame_id=(prefix + '_link_base')) #goal.pose.pose.position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point( # x=self.currentLocation[0], y=self.currentLocation[1], z=(self.currentLocation[2])) goal.pose.pose.position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point(x=0.3, y=0.3, z=0.4) goal.pose.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1.0) client.send_goal(goal) if client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(20.0)): print 'Success' else: client.cancel_all_goals() print ' Error: the cartesian action timed-out' #move to position A goal = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseGoal() goal.pose.header = std_msgs.msg.Header(frame_id=(prefix + '_link_base')) goal.pose.pose.position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point(x=0.2, y=-0.1, z=0.3) goal.pose.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1.0) client.send_goal(goal) if client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(20.0)): print 'Success' else: client.cancel_all_goals() print ' Error: the cartesian action timed-out' #move back goal = kinova_msgs.msg.ArmPoseGoal() goal.pose.header = std_msgs.msg.Header(frame_id=(prefix + '_link_base')) goal.pose.pose.position = geometry_msgs.msg.Point(x=0.3, y=0.3, z=0.4) goal.pose.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1.0) client.send_goal(goal) if client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(20.0)): print 'Success' else: client.cancel_all_goals() print ' Error: the cartesian action timed-out'
def __init__(self): self.server = rospy.resolve_name('~server') self.config_file = rospy.get_param('~config_file') if not osp.exists(self.config_file): rospy.logfatal("config_file '{}' does not exist".format( self.config_file)) sys.exit(1) self.config = yaml.load(open(self.config_file)) self.req_marker = rospy.ServiceProxy( osp.join(self.server, 'request_marker_operate'), RequestMarkerOperate) self.req_color = rospy.ServiceProxy(osp.join(self.server, 'set_color'), SetTransformableMarkerColor) self.req_pose = rospy.ServiceProxy(osp.join(self.server, 'set_pose'), SetTransformableMarkerPose) self.req_dim = rospy.ServiceProxy( osp.join(self.server, 'set_dimensions'), SetMarkerDimensions) self.req_focus = rospy.ServiceProxy(osp.join(self.server, 'get_focus'), GetTransformableMarkerFocus) rospy.wait_for_service(self.req_marker.resolved_name) rospy.wait_for_service(self.req_color.resolved_name) rospy.wait_for_service(self.req_pose.resolved_name) rospy.wait_for_service(self.req_dim.resolved_name) rospy.wait_for_service(self.req_focus.resolved_name) self.object_poses = {} self.object_dimensions = {} # TODO: support other than box: ex. torus, cylinder, mesh # insert box boxes = self.config['boxes'] n_boxes = len(boxes) cmap = labelcolormap(n_boxes) for i in xrange(n_boxes): box = boxes[i] name = box['name'] frame_id = box.get('frame_id', '/map') self.insert_marker(name, frame_id, type=TransformableMarkerOperate.BOX) self.set_color(name, (cmap[i][0], cmap[i][1], cmap[i][2], 0.5)) dim = box.get('dimensions', [1, 1, 1]) self.set_dimensions(name, dim) pos = box.get('position', [0, 0, 0]) ori = box.get('orientation', [0, 0, 0, 1]) self.set_pose(box['name'], box['frame_id'], pos, ori) self.object_poses[box['name']] = Pose( position=Vector3(*pos), orientation=Quaternion(*ori), ) self.object_dimensions[box['name']] = Vector3(*dim) rospy.loginfo("Inserted transformable box '{}'.".format(name)) self.sub_dimensions = rospy.Subscriber( osp.join(self.server, 'marker_dimensions'), MarkerDimensions, self._dimensions_change_callback) self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber( osp.join(self.server, 'pose_with_name'), PoseStampedWithName, self._pose_change_callback) do_auto_save = rospy.get_param('~config_auto_save', True) if do_auto_save: self.timer_save = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self._save_callback) self.pub_bboxes = rospy.Publisher('~output/boxes', BoundingBoxArray, queue_size=1) self.timer_pub_bboxes = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self._pub_bboxes_callback)
def __init__(self, context): super(APCPlugin, self).__init__(context) # Give QObjects reasonable names self.setObjectName('APCPlugin') # Process standalone plugin command-line arguments from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() # Add argument(s) to the parser. parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="Put plugin in silent mode") args, unknowns = parser.parse_known_args(context.argv()) if not args.quiet: print 'arguments: ', args print 'unknowns: ', unknowns # Create QWidget self._widget = QMainWindow() # Get path to UI file which should be in the "resource" folder of this package ui_file = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path('rqt_apc'), 'resource', 'apc.ui') # Extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file loadUi(ui_file, self._widget) # Give QObjects reasonable names self._widget.setObjectName('APCPlugin') # Show _widget.windowTitle on left-top of each plugin (when # it's set in _widget). This is useful when you open multiple # plugins at once. Also if you open multiple instances of your # plugin at once, these lines add number to make it easy to # tell from pane to pane. if context.serial_number() > 1: self._widget.setWindowTitle(self._widget.windowTitle() + (' (%d)' % context.serial_number())) # Add widget to the user interface context.add_widget(self._widget) # Add function calls for each of the buttons. self._widget.button_component_general.clicked.connect( self.button_component_general_clicked) self._widget.button_component_0.clicked.connect( self.button_component_0_clicked) self._widget.button_component_1.clicked.connect( self.button_component_1_clicked) self._widget.button_component_2.clicked.connect( self.button_component_2_clicked) self._widget.button_calibration_0.clicked.connect( self.button_calibration_0_clicked) self._widget.button_calibration_1.clicked.connect( self.button_calibration_1_clicked) self._widget.button_calibration_2.clicked.connect( self.button_calibration_2_clicked) self._widget.toggle_arm_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.toggle_arm_button_clicked) self._widget.home_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.home_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_a_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_a_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_b_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_b_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_c_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_c_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_d_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_d_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_e_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_e_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_f_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_f_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_g_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_g_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_h_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_h_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_i_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_i_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_j_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_j_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_k_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_k_button_clicked) self._widget.bin_l_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.bin_l_button_clicked) self._widget.move_to_bin_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.move_to_bin_button_clicked) self._widget.left_gripper_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.left_gripper_button_clicked) self._widget.right_gripper_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.right_gripper_button_clicked) self._widget.left_suction_off_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.left_suction_off_button_clicked) self._widget.right_suction_off_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.right_suction_off_button_clicked) self._widget.start_bt_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.start_bt_button_clicked) self._widget.pause_bt_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.pause_bt_button_clicked) self._widget.click_to_pick_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.click_to_pick_button_clicked) self._widget.place_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.place_button_clicked) #Set icons to buttons self._widget.button_component_general.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_component_diagn.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_component_0.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_component_1.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_component_2.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_calibration_0.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_calibration_1.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._widget.button_calibration_2.setIcon(self._icon_node_start) self._json_data = None # for storing the joint states self._left_joint_state = [0.0 for x in xrange(7)] self._right_joint_state = [0.0 for x in xrange(7)] # for selecting the arm self._arm = 'left_arm' # subscribers self._joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/robot/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_state_cb) self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self._move_arm_action_server_name = '/apc/manipulation/move_arm' self._move_arm_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( self._move_arm_action_server_name, MoveArmAction) self._pick_object_action_server_name = '/apc/manipulation/pick_object' self._pick_object_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( self._pick_object_action_server_name, PickObjectAction) self._place_object_action_server_name = '/apc/manipulation/place_object' self._place_object_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( self._place_object_action_server_name, PlaceObjectAction) # baxter grippers self._grippers_initialized = False self._timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0), self.timer_cb)
# A simple action client calling the pose_manager # # Author: Armin Hornung, University of Freiburg import rospy import sys import actionlib from nao_msgs.msg import BodyPoseAction, BodyPoseGoal if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit('\nUSAGE: %s pose_name\n\n' % sys.argv[0]) rospy.init_node('execute_pose') poseClient = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("body_pose", BodyPoseAction) if not poseClient.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(3.0)): rospy.logfatal("Could not connect to required \"body_pose\" action server, is the pose_manager node running?"); rospy.signal_shutdown(); goal = BodyPoseGoal goal.pose_name = str(sys.argv[1]) rospy.loginfo("Calling pose_manager for pose %s...", goal.pose_name) poseClient.send_goal_and_wait(goal, rospy.Duration(5.0)) #TODO: check for errors exit(0)
def add_point(self, positions, time): point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = copy(positions) point.velocities = [0.0] * len(self._goal.trajectory.joint_names) point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time) self._goal.trajectory.points.append(point)
def get_3d_feature(self, y1_bboxes, pointcloud_upper, pointcloud_lower): start = time.time() #rospy.loginfo('Processing Pointcloud with FPointNet') # Assumed that pointclouds have 64 bit floats! pc_upper = ros_numpy.numpify(pointcloud_upper).astype({'names':['x','y','z','intensity','ring'], 'formats':['f4','f4','f4','f4','f4'], 'offsets':[0,4,8,16,20], 'itemsize':32}) pc_lower = ros_numpy.numpify(pointcloud_lower).astype({'names':['x','y','z','intensity','ring'], 'formats':['f4','f4','f4','f4','f4'], 'offsets':[0,4,8,16,20], 'itemsize':32}) pc_upper = torch.from_numpy(pc_upper.view(np.float32).reshape(pc_upper.shape + (-1,)))[:, [0,1,2,4]] pc_lower = torch.from_numpy(pc_lower.view(np.float32).reshape(pc_lower.shape + (-1,)))[:, [0,1,2,4]] # move onto gpu if available try: pc_upper = pc_upper.cuda() pc_lower = pc_lower.cuda() except: pass # translate and rotate into camera frame using calib object # in message pointcloud has x pointing forward, y pointing to the left and z pointing upward # need to transform this such that x is pointing to the right, y pointing downwards, z pointing forward # also done inside calib pc_upper = self.calib.move_lidar_to_camera_frame(pc_upper, upper=True) pc_lower = self.calib.move_lidar_to_camera_frame(pc_lower, upper=False) pc =[pc_upper, pc_lower], dim = 0) pc[:, 3] = 1 # pc = pc.cpu().numpy() # self.publish_pointcloud_from_array(pc, self.pc_transform_pub, header = pointcloud_upper.header) # idx = torch.randperm(pc.shape[0]).cuda() # pc = pc[idx] detections_2d = [] frame_det_ids = [] count = 0 for y1_bbox in y1_bboxes.bounding_boxes: if y1_bbox.Class == 'person': xmin = y1_bbox.xmin xmax = y1_bbox.xmax ymin = y1_bbox.ymin ymax = y1_bbox.ymax probability = y1_bbox.probability frame_det_ids.append(count) count += 1 detections_2d.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, probability, -1, -1]) features_3d = detection3d_with_feature_array() features_3d.header.stamp = y1_bboxes.header.stamp features_3d.header.frame_id = 'occam' boxes_3d_markers = MarkerArray() if not detections_2d: self.marker_box_pub.publish(boxes_3d_markers) self.feature_3d_pub.publish(features_3d) return boxes_3d, valid_3d, rot_angles, _, depth_features, frustums = \ generate_detections_3d(self.depth_model, detections_2d, pc, self.calib, (3, 480, 3760), omni=True, peds=True) depth_features = convert_depth_features(depth_features, valid_3d) for box, feature, i in zip(boxes_3d, depth_features, frame_det_ids): #frustum = frustums[i] #frustum[:, [0,2]] = np.squeeze(np.matmul( # np.array([[np.cos(rot_angles[i]), np.sin(rot_angles[i])], # [-np.sin(rot_angles[i]), np.cos(rot_angles[i])]]), # np.expand_dims(frustum[:, [0,2]], 2)), 2) # frustum[:, 3] = np.amax(logits[i], axis = 1) #self.publish_pointcloud_from_array(frustum, self.pc_pub, header = pointcloud_upper.header) det_msg = detection3d_with_feature() det_msg.header.frame_id = 'occam' det_msg.header.stamp = features_3d.header.stamp det_msg.valid = True if valid_3d[i] != -1 else False det_msg.frame_det_id = i if det_msg.valid: det_msg.x = box[0] det_msg.y = box[1] det_msg.z = box[2] det_msg.l = box[3] det_msg.h = box[4] det_msg.w = box[5] det_msg.theta = box[6] det_msg.feature = feature features_3d.detection3d_with_features.append(det_msg) pose_msg = Pose() marker_msg = Marker() marker_msg.header.stamp = pointcloud_lower.header.stamp marker_msg.header.frame_id = 'occam' marker_msg.action = 0 = i marker_msg.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.2) marker_msg.type = 1 marker_msg.scale = Vector3(box[3], box[4], box[5]) pose_msg.position.x = det_msg.x pose_msg.position.y = det_msg.y - det_msg.h/2 pose_msg.position.z = det_msg.z marker_msg.pose = pose_msg marker_msg.color = ColorRGBA(g=1, a =0.5) boxes_3d_markers.markers.append(marker_msg) else: det_msg.y = -1 det_msg.x = -1 det_msg.z = -1 det_msg.l = -1 det_msg.w = -1 det_msg.h = -1 det_msg.theta = -1 det_msg.feature = [-1] features_3d.detection3d_with_features.append(det_msg) self.marker_box_pub.publish(boxes_3d_markers) self.feature_3d_pub.publish(features_3d)
def wait_steady(self, time): start_time = while (( - start_time) < rospy.Duration(time)): self.publish_command(self.command_pose)