def vehicle(vehicle_id, vehicle_class, x=0., y=0., yaw=0., speed_in_ms=0.): """ Initialize ROS-node 'vehicle' and register subs, pubs and services. @param vehicle_id: I{(int)} ID of the vehicle that is created. @param vehicle_class: I{(str)} Name of the vehicle class that should be created. @param x: I{(float)} x-coordinate at which the vehicle should be spawned. @param y: I{(float)} y-coordinate at which the vehicle should be spawned. @param yaw: I{(float)} Initial yaw with which the vehicle should be spawned. @param speed_in_ms: I{(float)} Initial speed whith which the vehicle should be spawned. """ rospy.init_node('vehicle', log_level=rospy.WARN) if vehicle_class == BaseVehicle.__name__: BaseVehicle(rospy.get_namespace(), vehicle_id, 20, x, y, yaw, speed_in_ms) elif vehicle_class == DummyVehicle.__name__: DummyVehicle(rospy.get_namespace(), vehicle_id, 20, x, y, yaw, speed_in_ms) elif vehicle_class == WifiVehicle.__name__: WifiVehicle(rospy.get_namespace(), vehicle_id, 20, x, y, yaw, speed_in_ms) else: raise Exception("ERROR: Unknown vehicle class '%s'." % vehicle_class) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, description_file): robot = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(description_file).getElementsByTagName('robot')[0] self.free_joints = {} self.warnings = {} self.latest_state = None self.last_time = rospy.get_time() # Create all the joints based off of the URDF and assign them joint limits # based on their properties for child in robot.childNodes: if child.nodeType is child.TEXT_NODE: continue if child.localName == 'joint': jtype = child.getAttribute('type') if jtype == 'fixed': continue name = child.getAttribute('name') if jtype == 'continuous': minval = -pi maxval = pi else: limit = child.getElementsByTagName('limit')[0] minval = float(limit.getAttribute('lower')) maxval = float(limit.getAttribute('upper')) if minval > 0 or maxval < 0: zeroval = (maxval + minval)/2 else: zeroval = 0 joint = {'min':minval, 'max':maxval, 'zero':zeroval, 'value':zeroval } self.free_joints[name] = joint #Setup the HuboState subscriber self.hubo_sub = rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_namespace() + "hubo_state", JointCommandState, self.hubo_cb) #Setup the joint state publisher self.hubo_pub = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_namespace() + "joint_states", JointState)
def test_subscriber_appears_disappears(self): topic_type = rospy.get_param('~input_topic_type') check_connected_topics = rospy.get_param('~check_connected_topics') wait_time = rospy.get_param('~wait_for_connection', 0) msg_class = roslib.message.get_message_class(topic_type) # Subscribe topic and bond connection sub = rospy.Subscriber('~input', msg_class, self._cb_test_subscriber_appears_disappears) print('Waiting for connection for {} sec.'.format(wait_time)) rospy.sleep(wait_time) # Check assumed topics are there master = rosgraph.Master('test_connection') _, subscriptions, _ = master.getSystemState() for check_topic in check_connected_topics: for topic, sub_node in subscriptions: if topic == rospy.get_namespace() + check_topic: break else: raise ValueError('Not found topic: {}'.format(check_topic)) sub.unregister() # FIXME: below test won't pass on hydro ROS_DISTRO = os.environ.get('ROS_DISTRO', 'indigo') if ord(ROS_DISTRO[0]) < ord('i'): sys.stderr.write('WARNING: running on rosdistro %s, and skipping ' 'test for disconnection.\n' % ROS_DISTRO) return rospy.sleep(1) # wait for disconnection # Check specified topics do not exist _, subscriptions, _ = master.getSystemState() for check_topic in check_connected_topics: for topic, sub_node in subscriptions: if topic == rospy.get_namespace() + check_topic: raise ValueError('Found topic: {}'.format(check_topic))
def wifi_test(self): message = None while message is None: message = self.w.receive() rospy.sleep(0.5) print rospy.get_namespace() + " got message: \"" + message + "\""
def ric_arm_rc(): global right_finger_pub,right_finger_min,right_finger_max global left_finger_pub,left_finger_min,left_finger_max global wrist_pub,wrist_min,wrist_max, wrist_ang global elbow2_pub,elbow2_min,elbow2_max, elbow2_ang global elbow1_pub,elbow1_min,elbow1_max, elbow1_ang global shoulder_pub,shoulder_min,shoulder_max, shoulder_ang global base_rotation_pub,base_rotation_min,base_rotation_max, base_rotation_ang global got_links_states global init init=False got_links_states=False; wrist_ang=0.0; elbow2_ang=0.0; elbow1_ang=0.0; shoulder_ang=0.0; base_rotation_ang=0.0; ns=rospy.get_namespace() rospy.init_node('ric_gui', anonymous=True) ns=rospy.get_namespace() right_finger_max = rospy.get_param("right_finger_controller/motor/max") right_finger_min = rospy.get_param("right_finger_controller/motor/min") left_finger_max = rospy.get_param("left_finger_controller/motor/max") left_finger_min = rospy.get_param("left_finger_controller/motor/min") wrist_max = rospy.get_param("wrist_controller/motor/max") wrist_min = rospy.get_param("wrist_controller/motor/min") elbow2_max = rospy.get_param("elbow2_controller/motor/max") elbow2_min = rospy.get_param("elbow2_controller/motor/min") elbow1_max = rospy.get_param("elbow1_controller/motor/max") elbow1_min = rospy.get_param("elbow1_controller/motor/min") shoulder_max = rospy.get_param("shoulder_controller/motor/max") shoulder_min = rospy.get_param("shoulder_controller/motor/min") base_rotation_max = rospy.get_param("base_rotation_controller/motor/max") base_rotation_min = rospy.get_param("base_rotation_controller/motor/min") rospy.Subscriber(ns+"RC",ric_rc, rc_callback) left_finger_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"left_finger_controller/command", Float64); right_finger_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"right_finger_controller/command", Float64) wrist_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"wrist_controller/command", Float64) elbow2_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"elbow2_controller/command", Float64) elbow1_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"elbow1_controller/command", Float64) shoulder_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"shoulder_controller/command", Float64) base_rotation_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns+"base_rotation_controller/command", Float64) rospy.Subscriber("joint_states", JointState, js_callback) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #rospy.loginfo("test") rospy.sleep(0.1)
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing......" %(self.node_name)) print "initializing" self.framerate = self.setupParam("~framerate",30.0) self.res_w = self.setupParam("~res_w",640) self.res_h = self.setupParam("~res_h",480) # For intrinsic calibration rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.config = self.setupParam("~config","baseline") self.cali_file_folder = rospack.get_path('duckietown') + "/config/" + self.config + "/calibration/camera_intrinsic/" self.frame_id = rospy.get_namespace().strip('/') + "/camera_optical_frame" self.has_published = False self.pub_img= rospy.Publisher("~image/compressed",CompressedImage,queue_size=1) # Create service (for camera_calibration) self.srv_set_camera_info = rospy.Service("~set_camera_info",SetCameraInfo,self.cbSrvSetCameraInfo) # Setup PiCamera = io.BytesIO() = PiCamera() = self.framerate = (self.res_w,self.res_h) self.is_shutdown = False # Setup timer self.gen = self.grabAndPublish(,self.pub_img) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initialized." %(self.node_name))
def __init__(self, list_odometry_callbacks=list(), sub_to_odometry=True, inertial_frame_id='world'): """Class constructor.""" assert inertial_frame_id in ['world', 'world_ned'] # Reading current namespace self._namespace = rospy.get_namespace() # Load the list of callback function handles to be called in the # odometry callback self._list_callbacks = list_odometry_callbacks self._inertial_frame_id = inertial_frame_id self._body_frame_id = None if self._inertial_frame_id == 'world': self._body_frame_id = 'base_link' else: self._body_frame_id = 'base_link_ned' tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer) tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None try: tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform( 'world', 'world_ned', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1)) except Exception, e: self._logger.error('No transform found between world and the ' 'world_ned ' + self.namespace) self._logger.error(str(e)) self.transform_ned_to_enu = None
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('relax_all_servos') dynamixel_namespace = rospy.get_namespace() if dynamixel_namespace == '/': dynamixel_namespace = rospy.get_param('~dynamixel_namespace', '/dynamixel_controller') dynamixels = rospy.get_param(dynamixel_namespace + '/dynamixels', dict()) servo_torque_enable = list() servo_set_speed = list() for name in sorted(dynamixels): torque_enable_service = dynamixel_namespace + '/' + name + '_controller/torque_enable' rospy.wait_for_service(torque_enable_service) servo_torque_enable.append(rospy.ServiceProxy(torque_enable_service, TorqueEnable)) set_speed_service = dynamixel_namespace + '/' + name + '_controller/set_speed' rospy.wait_for_service(set_speed_service) servo_set_speed.append(rospy.ServiceProxy(set_speed_service, SetSpeed)) # Give the servos an intial speed that is relatively slow for safety for set_speed in servo_set_speed: set_speed(0.3) # Relax all servos to give them a rest. for torque_enable in servo_torque_enable: torque_enable(False)
def _handle_save_data(self,req): if req.flag_save == True: # if GUI request data to be saved create file # namespace, e.g. /Iris1/ namespace = rospy.get_namespace() if not (namespace == ""): # remove / symbol to namespace: e.g, we get namespace= Iris1 namespace = namespace.replace("/", "") # string for time: used for generating files # time_stamp = str(int(rospy.get_time() - self.TimeSaveData)) time_stamp = str(int(rospy.get_time())) # file name provided by user in request file_name = req.file_name self.file_handle = file(self.package_save_path+'_'+time_stamp+'_'+file_name+namespace+'.txt', 'w') # if GUI request data to be saved, set flag to true self.SaveDataFlag = True else: # if GUI request data NOT to be saved, set falg to False self.SaveDataFlag = False # return message to Gui, to let it know resquest has been fulfilled return SaveDataResponse(True)
def __init__(self): self.ns = 'arm_controller' #self.rate = 50.0 #rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/rate',50.0) #self.joints = rospy.get_param('~' + self.ns + '/arm_joints') #self.joints = [right_arm_tilt, right_arm_lift, right_arm_rotate, right_arm_elbow, right_arm_wrist_tilt] namespace = rospy.get_namespace() self.joints = rospy.get_param('right_arm/joints', '') #self.joints = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/joints') rospy.loginfo('Configured for ' + str(len(self.joints)) + 'joints') #rospy.logerr(self.joints) #self.joint_subs = [JointSubscriber(name + '_controller') for name in self.joints] #self.joint_pubs = [JointCommander(name + '_controller') for name in self.joints] self.joint_subs = [JointSubscriber(name) for name in self.joints] self.joint_pubs = [JointCommander(name) for name in self.joints] self.joints_names = [] for idx in range(0,len(self.joints)): self.joints_names.append(self.joints[idx]) #rospy.logerr(self.joints_names) # action server #name = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/action_name','follow_joint_trajectory') = self.ns + '/follow_joint_trajectory' self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(, FollowJointTrajectoryAction, execute_cb=self.actionCb, auto_start=False) rospy.loginfo("Started FollowController (""). Joints: " + str(self.joints))
def initialize(self): self.stopped = False self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.client.wait_for_server() self.circling = False #self.init_guess_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("init_guess_pub", InitGuess) self.sub_commands_robot = rospy.Subscriber("/commands_robot", String, self.cb_commands_robot) self.sub_position_share = rospy.Subscriber("/position_share", PoseTwistWithCovariance, self.cb_common_positions) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/goal", PoseStamped, self.cb_goal) self.sub_ground_truth = rospy.Subscriber("base_pose_ground_truth", Odometry, self.cb_ground_truth) self.pub_init_guess = rospy.Publisher("initialpose", PoseWithCovarianceStamped) self.pub_commands_robot = rospy.Publisher("/commands_robot", String) self.hostname = rospy.get_namespace() self.noise_std = rospy.get_param("/noise_std", 0.0) if (self.hostname == "/"): self.hostname = gethostname() self.goals = rospy.get_param("/%s/goals"%self.hostname,[]) else: self.goals = rospy.get_param("%sgoals"%self.hostname,[]) if len(self.goals)>0: rospy.loginfo("goals: %s"%str(self.goals)) self.cur_goal = 0 self.num_goals = len(self.goals["x"]) self.cur_goal_msg = self.return_cur_goal() rospy.loginfo("Name: %s",self.hostname)
def __init__(self): NaoNode.__init__(self) rospy.init_node('nao_camera') self.camProxy = self.getProxy("ALVideoDevice") if self.camProxy is None: exit(1) # ROS pub/sub self.pub_img_ = rospy.Publisher('image_raw', Image) self.pub_info_ = rospy.Publisher('camera_info', CameraInfo) self.set_camera_info_service_ = rospy.Service('set_camera_info', SetCameraInfo, self.set_camera_info) # Messages self.info_ = CameraInfo() self.set_default_params_qvga(self.info_) #default params should be overwritten by service call # parameters self.camera_switch = rospy.get_param('~camera_switch', 0) if self.camera_switch == 0: self.frame_id = "/CameraTop_frame" elif self.camera_switch == 1: self.frame_id = "/CameraBottom_frame" else: rospy.logerr('Invalid camera_switch. Must be 0 or 1') exit(1) print "Using namespace ", rospy.get_namespace() print "using camera: ", self.camera_switch #TODO: parameters self.resolution = kQVGA self.colorSpace = kBGRColorSpace self.fps = 30 # init self.nameId = '' self.subscribe()
def handle_Save_Data(self,req): if req.ToSave == True: # if GUI request data to be saved create file # namespace, e.g. /Iris1/ ns = rospy.get_namespace() # remove / symbol to namespace: e.g, we get ns= Iris1 ns = ns.replace("/", "") # string for time: used for generating files tt = str(int(rospy.get_time() - self.TimeSaveData)) # determine ROS workspace directory rp = RosPack() package_path = rp.get_path('quad_control') self.file_handle = file(package_path+'/../../'+ns+'_data_'+tt+'.txt', 'w') # if GUI request data to be saved, set falg to true self.SaveDataFlag = True else: # if GUI request data NOT to be saved, set falg to False self.SaveDataFlag = False # return message to Gui, to let it know resquest has been fulfilled return SaveDataResponse(True)
def __init__(self): = True self.first_timestamp = -1 # won't start unless it's None = [] self.capture_time = 1.0 # capture time self.capture_finished = True self.tinit = None self.trigger = False self.node_state = 0 self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.pub_detections = rospy.Publisher("~raw_led_detection",LEDDetectionArray,queue_size=1) self.pub_debug = rospy.Publisher("~debug_info",LEDDetectionDebugInfo,queue_size=1) self.veh_name = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") if not self.veh_name: # fall back on private param passed thru rosrun # syntax is: rosrun <pkg> <node> _veh:=<bot-id> if rospy.has_param('~veh'): self.veh_name = rospy.get_param('~veh') if not self.veh_name: raise ValueError('Vehicle name is not set.') rospy.loginfo('Vehicle: %s'%self.veh_name) self.sub_cam = rospy.Subscriber("camera_node/image/compressed",CompressedImage, self.camera_callback) self.sub_cam = rospy.Subscriber("~trigger",Byte, self.trigger_callback) self.sub_switch = rospy.Subscriber("~switch",BoolStamped,self.cbSwitch) print('Waiting for camera image...')
def relocateTopic(self, oldAddress, newAddress): '''This very important method is meant to change the topics from one name (or address) to another in runtime. Since that not possible in a literal way; "mux" tool is used to repeat them under the new name/address. PRECONDITION: the oldAddress is in fact an address, not a name, since it hasn't got any sense to have names at this level ### Here's a next step when they complete their project >>> callService("rosspawn/start", "") ''' myNamespace = '/'.join(rospy.get_namespace().split('/')[:-2]) newIndex = len(self.createdMuxes)+1 if not oldAddress in self.createdMuxes: ## In case that the oldAddress is a new address, the new "addressSub0" is the original one for addressSub0 in [j for j in self.createdMuxes if self.createdMuxes[j][1]==oldAddress]: oldAddress=addressSub0 if oldAddress in self.createdMuxes: ## In case the oldAddress is already relocated, the first node is killed newIndex = self.createdMuxes[oldAddress][0] rospy.loginfo(str("I will execute: rosnode kill " + myNamespace + '/mux' + str(newIndex))) subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('rosnode kill ' + myNamespace + '/mux' + str(newIndex)), close_fds=True) ## Postcondition: the index is up to date and the previous mux node is supposed to be already killed self.createdMuxes[oldAddress] = (newIndex, newAddress) ## Maybe the address should be checked first rospy.loginfo("Relocating from " + oldAddress + " to " + newAddress) rospy.loginfo('I will execute: roslaunch image_adaptor runMultiplexers.launch namespace:="' + myNamespace + '" node_id:="mux' + str(newIndex) + '" args:="' + newAddress + ' ' + oldAddress + '"') subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('roslaunch image_adaptor runMultiplexers.launch namespace:="' + myNamespace + '" node_id:="mux' + str(newIndex) + '" args:="' + newAddress + ' ' + oldAddress + '"'), close_fds=True) ## subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('rosrun topic_tools mux ... return True
def move_circ(pose_center, frame_id, start_angle, end_angle, radius, profile): action_name = rospy.get_namespace()+'cartesian_trajectory_action' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, CartesianControllerAction) rospy.logwarn("Waiting for ActionServer: %s", action_name) success = client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(2.0)) if(not success): return (success, "ActionServer not available within timeout") goal = CartesianControllerGoal() goal.move_type = CartesianControllerGoal.CIRC goal.move_circ.pose_center = pose_center goal.move_circ.frame_id = frame_id goal.move_circ.start_angle = start_angle goal.move_circ.end_angle = end_angle goal.move_circ.radius = radius goal.profile = profile # print goal client.send_goal(goal) print "goal sent" state = client.get_state() # print state client.wait_for_result() print "result received" result = client.get_result() return (result.success, result.message)
def handle_odometry(msg): #rospy.loginfo("Read it %s" , msg) #rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_namespace()[1:-1]) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() try: br.sendTransform((msg.pose.pose.position.x,msg.pose.pose.position.y,msg.pose.pose.position.z), (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,msg.pose.pose.orientation.w), - rospy.Duration(1.0), rospy.get_namespace()[1:-1], "world") except (TypeError): br.sendTransform((msg.pose.pose.position.x,msg.pose.pose.position.y,msg.pose.pose.position.z), (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,msg.pose.pose.orientation.w),, rospy.get_namespace()[1:-1], "world")
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() # Load parameters # self.pub_freq = self.setupParam("~pub_freq",1.0) self.config = self.setupParam("~config","baseline") self.cali_file_name = self.setupParam("~cali_file_name","default") # Setup publisher self.pub_camera_info = rospy.Publisher("~camera_info",CameraInfo,queue_size=1) # Get path to calibration yaml file rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.cali_file = rospack.get_path('duckietown') + "/config/" + self.config + "/calibration/camera_intrinsic/" + self.cali_file_name + ".yaml" self.camera_info_msg = None # Load calibration yaml file if not os.path.isfile(self.cali_file): rospy.logwarn("[%s] Can't find calibration file: %s.\nUsing default calibration instead." %(self.node_name,self.cali_file)) self.cali_file = rospack.get_path('duckietown') + "/config/" + self.config + "/calibration/camera_intrinsic/default.yaml" # Shutdown if no calibration file not found if not os.path.isfile(self.cali_file): rospy.signal_shutdown("Found no calibration file ... aborting") # Print out and prepare message rospy.loginfo("[%s] Using calibration file: %s" %(self.node_name,self.cali_file)) self.camera_info_msg = self.loadCameraInfo(self.cali_file) self.camera_info_msg.header.frame_id = rospy.get_namespace() + "camera_optical_frame" rospy.loginfo("[%s] CameraInfo: %s" %(self.node_name,self.camera_info_msg)) # self.timer_pub = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0/self.pub_freq),self.cbTimer) self.sub_img_compressed = rospy.Subscriber("~compressed_image",CompressedImage,self.cbCompressedImage,queue_size=1)
def __init__(self): self.bInitialized = False # initialize = 'acquirevoltages2msg' rospy.init_node(, anonymous=False) self.nodename = rospy.get_name() self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() # Load the parameters. self.params = rospy.get_param('%s' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), {}) self.defaults = {'channels_ai':[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 'channels_di':[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]} SetDict().set_dict_with_preserve(self.params, self.defaults) rospy.set_param('%s' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), self.params) self.command = None # Messages & Services. self.topicAI = '%s/ai' % self.namespace.rstrip('/') self.pubAI = rospy.Publisher(self.topicAI, MsgAnalogIn) self.topicDI = '%s/di' % self.namespace.rstrip('/') self.pubDI = rospy.Publisher(self.topicDI, MsgDigitalIn) self.subCommand = rospy.Subscriber('%s/command' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), String, self.command_callback, queue_size=1000) self.get_ai = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_ai', SrvPhidgetsInterfaceKitGetAI) self.get_di = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_di', SrvPhidgetsInterfaceKitGetDI) rospy.sleep(1) # Allow time to connect. self.bInitialized = True
def __init__(self): self.first_timestamp = None = [] self.capture_time = 2.3 # capture time self.capture_finished = False self.tinit = None self.node_last_seen = -1 self.veh_name = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") if not self.veh_name: # fall back on private param passed thru rosrun # syntax is: rosrun <pkg> <node> _veh:=<bot-id> if rospy.has_param('~veh'): self.veh_name = rospy.get_param('~veh') if not self.veh_name: raise ValueError('Vehicle name is not set.') self.sub_info = rospy.Subscriber("/"+self.veh_name+"/LED_detector_node/debug_info", LEDDetectionDebugInfo, self.info_callback) self.sub_info = rospy.Subscriber("/"+self.veh_name+"/camera_node/image/compressed", CompressedImage, self.cam_callback) self.sub_info = rospy.Subscriber("/"+self.veh_name+"/LED_detector_node/raw_led_detection", LEDDetectionArray, self.result_callback) self.pub_trigger = rospy.Publisher("/"+self.veh_name+"/LED_detector_node/trigger",Byte,queue_size=1) self.hbtimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(.2), self.heartbeat_timer) win.set_trigger_pub(self.pub_trigger)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("enemy_manager") self.ns = rospy.get_namespace() self.launch = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() self.launch.start() names = ['t1', 't2', 't3'] self.nodes = {} self.processes = {} y = 0 for name in names: y += 1 param_name = "/" + name + "/y" if self.ns != "/": param_name = self.ns + param_name rospy.set_param(param_name, y) self.nodes[name] = roslaunch.core.Node("grid_defense", "", name=name, namespace=self.ns, args="") self.processes[name] = self.launch.launch(self.nodes[name]) # while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.spin() for name in names: rospy.loginfo("stopping " + name) self.processes[name].stop()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('clearpath_teleop') self.turn_scale = rospy.get_param('~turn_scale') self.drive_scale = rospy.get_param('~drive_scale') self.deadman_button = rospy.get_param('~deadman_button', 0) self.planner_button = rospy.get_param('~planner_button', 1) self.cmd = None = Joy() cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/teleops', String, latch=True) announce_pub.publish(rospy.get_namespace()); rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self.callback) rospy.Subscriber("plan_cmd_vel", Twist, self.planned_callback) self.planned_motion = Twist() rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~hz', 20)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() if self.cmd: cmd_pub.publish(self.cmd)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('ax12_joint_state_publisher', anonymous=True) ax12_namespace = rospy.get_namespace() rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 10) r = rospy.Rate(rate) self.servos = ('head_pan', 'head_tilt') self.joints = list() self.controllers = list() self.joint_states = dict({}) for s in self.servos: joint = s + "_joint" self.joint_states[joint] = JointStateMessage(joint, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.controllers.append(ax12_namespace + s + "_controller") # Start controller state subscribers [rospy.Subscriber(c + '/state', JointStateAX12, self.controller_state_handler) for c in self.controllers] # Start publisher self.joint_states_pub = rospy.Publisher('/joint_states', JointStatePR2) rospy.loginfo("Starting AX12 Joint State Publisher at " + str(rate) + "Hz") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.publish_joint_states() r.sleep()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("dynamixel_joint_state_publisher", anonymous=True) rate = rospy.get_param("~rate", 20) r = rospy.Rate(rate) # The namespace and joints parameter needs to be set by the servo controller # (The namespace is usually null.) namespace = rospy.get_namespace() self.joints = rospy.get_param(namespace + "/joints", "") self.servos = list() self.controllers = list() self.joint_states = dict({}) for controller in sorted(self.joints): self.joint_states[controller] = JointStateMessage(controller, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.controllers.append(controller) # Start controller state subscribers [rospy.Subscriber(c + "/state", JointStateDynamixel, self.controller_state_handler) for c in self.controllers] # Start publisher self.joint_states_pub = rospy.Publisher("/joint_states", JointStatePR2, queue_size=5) rospy.loginfo("Starting Dynamixel Joint State Publisher at " + str(rate) + "Hz") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.publish_joint_states() r.sleep()
def timer_one_cb(self, event): # check for start if self.start is None: return rospy.loginfo("aMussel %s: Current time in seconds is %s ", rospy.get_namespace(), rospy.get_time())
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('cmps09') # Opens up serial port self.port = rospy.get_param('~port', '') self.hz = rospy.get_param('~hz', 20) self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~timeout', 0.2) if self.port != '': rospy.loginfo("CMPS09 using port %s.",self.port) else: rospy.logerr("No port specified for CMPS09!") exit(1) try: self.transport = serial.Serial(port=self.port, baudrate=9600, timeout=self.timeout) except serial.serialutil.SerialException as e: rospy.logerr("CMPS09: %s" % e) exit(1) # Registers shutdown handler to close the serial port we just opened. rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown_handler) # Registers as publisher = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/teleops', String, latch=True) announce_pub.publish(rospy.get_namespace());
def _handle_get_nodelet_manager_name(self, req): resp = GetNodeletManagerNameResponse() resp.nodelet_manager_name = rospy.get_namespace() if not resp.nodelet_manager_name.endswith('/'): resp.nodelet_manager_name += "/" resp.nodelet_manager_name += self.__launch_manager.nodelet_manager_name return resp
def main(): debug = rospy.get_param('/debug') if debug: rospy.init_node('sensor_remap', log_level=rospy.DEBUG) else: rospy.init_node('sensor_remap') helpers.wait_for_services() global namespace namespace = rospy.get_namespace()[1:] # Set up publishers global imu_publisher global odom_publisher global noisy_odom_publisher imu_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu_data_remapped', Imu, queue_size=1) odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher('odom_remapped', Odometry, queue_size=1) noisy_odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher('noisy_odom_remapped', Odometry, queue_size=1) # subscribe to imu and odom from the robot imu_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('mobile_base/sensors/imu_data', Imu, imu_remap) odom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('odom_throttle', Odometry, odom_remap) noisy_odom_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('odom_throttle', Odometry, noisy_odom_remap) # Get the initial position of the robot # initial_position_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('initial_position', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, initial_position_callback) # just run this to pub/sub to the robot while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('ptu_teleop') pan_lim = rospy.get_param('~pan_lim', 2.775) tilt_hi_lim = rospy.get_param('~tilt_hi_lim', 0.82) tilt_lo_lim = -rospy.get_param('~tilt_lo_lim', -0.52) tilt_scale = rospy.get_param('~tilt_scale', 1) pan_scale = rospy.get_param('~pan_scale', 1) self.pan_speed = rospy.get_param('~pan_speed', 1) self.tilt_speed = rospy.get_param('~tilt_speed', 1) self.ptu_button = rospy.get_param('~ptu_button', 2) self.home_button = rospy.get_param('~home_button', 7) # Desired PTU behaviour - set by joystick callback self.des_pan_vel = 0 self.des_tilt_vel = 0 self.ptu_changed = False self.ptu_reset = False pan_setpt = 0 tilt_setpt = 0 cmd_ptu_pub = rospy.Publisher('ptu/cmd', JointState) announce_pub = rospy.Publisher('/clearpath/announce/teleops', String, latch=True) announce_pub.publish(rospy.get_namespace()); rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self.callback) freq = rospy.get_param('~hz',50) rate = rospy.Rate(freq) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() if self.ptu_reset or self.des_pan_vel != 0 or self.des_tilt_vel != 0: ptu = JointState()"Pan")"Tilt") # If we want to home, home if self.ptu_reset: pan_setpt = 0 tilt_setpt = 0 else: pan_setpt += pan_scale*self.des_pan_vel*freq/1000.0 tilt_setpt += tilt_scale*self.des_tilt_vel*freq/1000.0 pan_setpt = min(pan_lim,pan_setpt) pan_setpt = max(-pan_lim,pan_setpt) tilt_setpt = min(tilt_hi_lim,tilt_setpt) tilt_setpt = max(-tilt_lo_lim,tilt_setpt) ptu.position.append(pan_setpt) ptu.position.append(tilt_setpt) ptu.velocity.append(rad(self.pan_speed)) ptu.velocity.append(rad(self.tilt_speed)) cmd_ptu_pub.publish(ptu)
def __init__(self, node_name): rospy.logdebug("YoubotProxy __init__") super(YoubotProxy,self).__init__() self.init_done = False # indicates that the object was initialized # init ros node rospy.init_node(node_name, anonymous=True, log_level=rospy.INFO) rospy.loginfo("ROS node initialized: " + rospy.get_name()) rospy.loginfo("node namespace is : " + rospy.get_namespace()) rospy.loginfo("node uri is : " + rospy.get_node_uri()) # init object attributes self.arm_num = rospy.get_param("~arm_num",1) rospy.loginfo("arm number: " + str(self.arm_num)) self.gripper_move_duration = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~gripper_move_duration",600.0)) rospy.loginfo("gripper move duration: " + str(self.gripper_move_duration)) self.arm_move_duration = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param("~arm_move_duration",600.0)) rospy.loginfo("arm move duration: " + str(self.arm_move_duration)) # init joint_states subscriber self._joint_positions_arm = [0]*5 self._joint_velocities_arm = [0]*5 self._joint_positions_gripper = [0]*2 # todo: create thread event object for joint_states variable self._joint_states_topic = rospy.get_param("~joint_states_topic", "/arm_" + str(self.arm_num) + "/joint_states") self._joint_states_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self._joint_states_topic, JointState, self.joint_states_cb) # Gripper distance tolerance: 1 mm self.gripper_distance_tol = rospy.get_param("~gripper_distance_tol", 0.05) # Joint distance tolerance: 1/10 radian tolerance (1.2 degrees) self.arm_joint_distance_tol = rospy.get_param("~joint_distance_tol",0.025) rospy.loginfo("arm joint position tolerance: " + str(self.arm_joint_distance_tol)) self.arm_joint_velocity_tol = rospy.get_param("~joint_velocity_tol",0.05) rospy.loginfo("arm joint velocity tolerance: " + str(self.arm_joint_velocity_tol)) # connect to modbus service rospy.wait_for_service('youbot_modbus_server/get_station_status') rospy.wait_for_service('youbot_modbus_server/get_button_status') self.get_station_status = rospy.ServiceProxy('youbot_modbus_server/get_station_status', YoubotModbusSensorMsg) self.get_button_status = rospy.ServiceProxy('youbot_modbus_server/get_button_status', YoubotModbusButtonMsg) rospy.loginfo("modbus clients started") print "I have made it here!" # init arm publisher self._arm_pub = rospy.Publisher("arm_" + str(self.arm_num) + "/arm_controller/position_command", JointPositions) rospy.loginfo("Created arm joint position publisher ") # init gripper action client self._gripper_pub = rospy.Publisher("arm_" + str(self.arm_num) + "/gripper_controller/position_command", JointPositions) rospy.loginfo("Created gripper joint position publisher ") rospack = rospkg.RosPack() path_to_posedict_yaml = rospy.get_param('~joint_pose_dict', rospack.get_path('twoarm_cage') + "/config/joint_pos_defs.yaml") path_to_cmds_yaml = rospy.get_param('~cmd_seq', rospack.get_path('twoarm_cage') + "/config/arm" + str(self.arm_num) + "_commands.yaml") self.load_control_plan(path_to_posedict_yaml, path_to_cmds_yaml) # set init done flag self.init_done = True
def env_init(self, env_info): """Setup for the environment called when the experiment first starts. Note: Initialize a tuple with the reward, first state observation, boolean indicating if it's terminal. """ # initialize try: name = 'gazebo_env' rospy.init_node(name, anonymous=False) except rospy.ROSInitException: print "Error: 初始化节点失败,检查gazebo环境是否提前运行。" self.trajectory = [] # -----------Default Robot State----------------------- self.randomFlag = env_info.get('random_flag', False) self.robot_name = env_info.get('robot_name', 'uav1') self.target_x = env_info.get('target_x', 0.0) self.target_y = env_info.get('target_y', 0.0) self.leader_name = 'uav1' self.init_robot_state = ModelState() self.init_robot_state.model_name = self.robot_name self.init_robot_state.pose.position.x = 0.0 self.init_robot_state.pose.position.y = 0.0 self.init_robot_state.pose.position.z = 1.5 self.init_robot_state.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 self.init_robot_state.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 self.init_robot_state.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 self.init_robot_state.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.init_robot_state.twist.linear.x = 0. self.init_robot_state.twist.linear.y = 0. self.init_robot_state.twist.linear.z = 0. self.init_robot_state.twist.angular.x = 0. self.init_robot_state.twist.angular.y = 0. self.init_robot_state.twist.angular.z = 0. self.init_robot_state.reference_frame = 'world' # ----------- Parameters in RL env class ----------- self.maze_dim = [11, 11] self.target_position = (self.target_x, self.target_y, self.init_robot_state.pose.position.z) # self.end_state = [0, 0] self.end_radius = env_info["end_radius"] # meters # The robot's pose and twist information under world frame self.current_state = ModelState() # The leader's pose and twist information under world frame if self.leader_name != self.robot_name: self.leader_state = ModelState() # -----------Publisher and Subscriber------------- self.sub_state = rospy.Subscriber('/gazebo/model_states', ModelStates, self.state_callback) self.set_state = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_model_state', ModelState, queue_size=10) self.pub_command = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_namespace() + 'pose_cmd', Twist, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(2.) # # What function to call when you ctrl + c # rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) self.reward_obs_term = [0.0, None, False]
def VelSend(self): # Globals global vec_x global vec_y global vec_z global dis2form_x, dis2form_y, dis2form_z # initialization Out = NodeDeps.Init_Graph() Opt = NodeDeps.Swarm_Optimization(Out[1]) c = Opt[0] B = Opt[1] F = Opt[2] # init Node rospy.init_node('Formation', anonymous=True) ns = rospy.get_namespace() # Publishers pub_vel = rospy.Publisher('command/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10, latch=True) # Subscribes diff_topic = ns[0:-1] + "/command/diff_vec" rospy.Subscriber(diff_topic, State, self.Diff_callback) time.sleep(3) # Rate speed_rate = 50.0 rate = rospy.Rate(speed_rate) node = int(ns[-2:-1]) msg = Twist() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: #print ns, c*B*F, Out[0][node-1,:], self.vec_x, self.vec_y #print ns + "UX = ",c*B*F*dot(Out[0][node-1,:], asarray(vec_x)) #print ns + "UY = ",c*B*F*dot(Out[0][node-1,:], asarray(vec_y)) #print ns, self.dis2form_x, self.dis2form_y, self.dis2form_z ux_sig = -c * B * F * dot( Out[0][node - 1, :], asarray( self.vec_x)) + 0.5 * (self.dis2form_x) uy_sig = -c * B * F * dot( Out[0][node - 1, :], asarray( self.vec_y)) + 0.5 * (self.dis2form_y) uz_sig = -c * B * F * dot( Out[0][node - 1, :], asarray( self.vec_z)) + 0.25 * (self.dis2form_z) #print ux_sig msg.linear.x = ux_sig msg.linear.y = uy_sig msg.linear.z = uz_sig except: msg.linear.x = 0 msg.linear.y = 0 msg.linear.z = 0 #print msg pub_vel.publish(msg) #rospy.spinOnce() # I dont need a spinOnce in rospy. rate.sleep has the same effect in rospy as ros::spinOnce in roscpp rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, total_num_obs): self.state = State() name = rospy.get_namespace() = name[1:-1] #self.num_of_objects = 0; = MovingForest(total_num_obs) available_meshes_static = [ "package://mader/meshes/ConcreteDamage01b/model3.dae", "package://mader/meshes/ConcreteDamage01b/model2.dae" ] available_meshes_dynamic = [ "package://mader/meshes/ConcreteDamage01b/model4.dae" ] # available_meshes=["package://mader/meshes/ConcreteDamage01b/model3.dae"] self.x_all = [] self.y_all = [] self.z_all = [] self.offset_all = [] self.slower = [] self.meshes = [] self.type = [] #"dynamic" or "static" self.bboxes = [] for i in range( self.x_all.append( random.uniform(, self.y_all.append( random.uniform(, self.z_all.append( random.uniform(, self.offset_all.append(random.uniform(-2 * math.pi, 2 * math.pi)) self.slower.append( random.uniform(, self.type.append("dynamic") self.meshes.append(random.choice(available_meshes_dynamic)) self.bboxes.append( for i in range( bbox_i = [] if (i < * bbox_i = self.z_all.append(bbox_i[2] / 2.0) #random.uniform(, for sphere sim self.type.append("static_vert") self.meshes.append(random.choice(available_meshes_static)) else: bbox_i = self.z_all.append(random.uniform(0.0, 3.0)) #-3.0, 3.0 for sphere sim self.type.append( "static_horiz" ) #They are actually dynamic (moving in z) //TODO (change name) self.meshes.append(random.choice(available_meshes_dynamic)) self.x_all.append( random.uniform( -, + self.y_all.append( random.uniform( -, + self.offset_all.append(random.uniform(-2 * math.pi, 2 * math.pi)) self.slower.append( random.uniform(, # self.type.append("static") self.bboxes.append(bbox_i) self.pubTraj = rospy.Publisher('/trajs', DynTraj, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.pubShapes_static = rospy.Publisher('/shapes_static', Marker, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.pubShapes_static_mesh = rospy.Publisher('/shapes_static_mesh', MarkerArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.pubShapes_dynamic_mesh = rospy.Publisher('/shapes_dynamic_mesh', MarkerArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.pubShapes_dynamic = rospy.Publisher('/shapes_dynamic', Marker, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.pubGazeboState = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/set_model_state', ModelState, queue_size=1) self.already_published_static_shapes = False rospy.sleep(0.5)
def setUpClass(self): = MoveGroupInterface(self.PLANNING_GROUP, "robot_description", rospy.get_namespace())
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import tf import geometry_msgs.msg from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from std_msgs.msg import Empty import os import time update_odom = True test = rospy.get_namespace() t = tf.Transformer(True, rospy.Duration(20.0)) def kill_odom_transform(): os.system("rosnode kill /map_2_odom >/dev/null &") def launch_static(x,y,qz,qw): command = "roslaunch grbils map_2_odom.launch " command += "x:=" +str(x) + " y:=" +str(y) + " qx:=0.0 qy:=0.0 qz:=" + str(qz) + " qw:=" + str(qw) +" >/dev/null &" print command os.system(command) def set_transform(from_a,to_b,x,y,qz,qw): m = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped() m.header.frame_id = from_a m.child_frame_id = to_b m.transform.translation.x = x m.transform.translation.y = y
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import rospy import sys from uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs.srv import SetThrusterEfficiency if __name__ == '__main__': print 'Set the thruster output efficiency for vehicle, namespace=', rospy.get_namespace( ) rospy.init_node('set_thrusters_states') if rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.ROSException('ROS master not running!') starting_time = 0.0 if rospy.has_param('~starting_time'): starting_time = rospy.get_param('~starting_time') print 'Starting time= %fs' % starting_time duration = 0.0 if rospy.has_param('~duration'): duration = rospy.get_param('~duration')
# parsing input arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Redundancy Resolution') parser.add_argument('-q','--q_angle_change', default=-90.0, metavar='[degrees]', type=float,help='desired joint angle change in degrees') parser.add_argument('-i','--index', default=1, metavar='[ith joint]', type=int, help='which joint to set the desired angle (starting from 1st)') parser.add_argument('-a','--alpha', default=-0.5, metavar='[value]', type=float,help='stepsize scaling parameter alpha') args = parser.parse_args() q_angle_change_rad = args.q_angle_change/180.0*np.pi q_index = args.index alpha = -abs(args.alpha) moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize('') rospy.init_node('robot_jogging') client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/xarm/xarm7_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() arm_group_name = "xarm7" robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander("robot_description") scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface(ns=rospy.get_namespace()) arm_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(arm_group_name, ns=rospy.get_namespace()) display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_namespace() + 'move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) redundancy_resolution(q_angle_change_rad, q_index, alpha, client)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from el2425_bitcraze.srv import SetTargetPosition from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped from geometry_msgs.msg import Point # ===== Simulate CF position === # Simple simulation: Assumes CF is at the goal position # Publishes the goal points on the crazyflie_position topic # posPub = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_namespace() + "crazyflie_position", Point, queue_size=10, latch=True) def callback(data): point = Point() point.x = data.pose.position.x point.y = data.pose.position.y point.z = data.pose.position.z posPub.publish(point) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('position_sim') goalURI = rospy.get_namespace() + "goal" rospy.Subscriber(goalURI, PoseStamped, callback) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): # Save the name of the node self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.car_name = rospy.get_namespace() self.user_name = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name self.mode = None #Exit condition for the node self.calib_done = False #Params for U-Turn self.lane_follow_override = False self.last_tag = 0 self.timer_called = False #Tags to do a U-turn at self.tag_id_inter_1 = 316 self.tag_id_inter_2 = 320 #Standing at stopline self.stopped = False #Node active? = False #Publishers self.pub_car_cmd = rospy.Publisher("~car_cmd", Twist2DStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_start = rospy.Publisher("~calibration_start", BoolStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_stop = rospy.Publisher("~calibration_stop", BoolStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_calc_start = rospy.Publisher("~calibration_calculation_start", BoolStamped, queue_size=1) self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) # Subscribers self.sub_mode = rospy.Subscriber("~mode", FSMState, self.cbFSMState, queue_size=1) self.sub_car_cmd_in = rospy.Subscriber("~car_cmd_in", Twist2DStamped, self.publishControl, queue_size=1) self.sub_topic_tag = rospy.Subscriber("~tag", AprilTagsWithInfos, self.cbTag, queue_size=1) self.sub_at_stop_line = rospy.Subscriber("~at_stop_line", BoolStamped, self.cbStop, queue_size=1) self.sub_in_calibration_area = rospy.Subscriber("~in_calib", BoolStamped, self.cbCalib, queue_size=1) self.sub_switch = rospy.Subscriber("~switch", BoolStamped, self.cbSwitch, queue_size=1) self.sub_calc_stop = rospy.Subscriber("~calibration_calculation_stop", BoolStamped, self.CalibrationDone, queue_size=1)
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu, Temperature from std_msgs.msg import Float32 import random mock = thrust_command_msg() def mock_catch(msg): global mock mock = msg if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node('mock_prop') ns = rospy.get_namespace() # This should return /surface status_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ns + 'thrust_mock', thrust_command_msg, mock_catch) # Publishers out onto the ROS System thrust_pub = rospy.Publisher(ns + 'thrust_command', thrust_command_msg, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(50) # 50hz # TODO: I2C related activities while not rospy.is_shutdown(): thrust_pub.publish(mock) rate.sleep()
def spin(self): r = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace() + 'rate', 5)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.update() r.sleep()
def __init__(self, node_name): # Initialize the DTROS parent class super(ATLocalizationNode, self).__init__( node_name=node_name, node_type=NodeType.PERCEPTION) self.veh = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") # bridge between opencv and ros self.bridge = CvBridge() # construct subscriber for images self.camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber( 'camera_node/image/compressed', CompressedImage, self.callback, queue_size=1, buff_size=(20*(1024**2))) # self.debug_pub = rospy.Publisher( # '~debug_image/compressed', CompressedImage) # tf broadcasters self.static_tf_br = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() self.tf_br = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() # april-tag detector self.at_detector = Detector(searchpath=['apriltags'], families='tag36h11', nthreads=4, quad_decimate=4.0, quad_sigma=0.0, refine_edges=1, decode_sharpening=0.25, debug=0) # keep track of the ID of the landmark tag self.at_id = None # get camera calibration parameters (homography, camera matrix, distortion parameters) intrinsics_file = '/data/config/calibrations/camera_intrinsic/' + \ rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") + ".yaml" extrinsics_file = '/data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic/' + \ rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") + ".yaml" rospy.loginfo('Reading camera intrinsics from {}'.format( intrinsics_file)) rospy.loginfo('Reading camera extrinsics from {}'.format( extrinsics_file)) intrinsics = readYamlFile(intrinsics_file) extrinsics = readYamlFile(extrinsics_file) self.h = intrinsics['image_height'] self.w = intrinsics['image_width'] cam_mat = np.array( intrinsics['camera_matrix']['data']).reshape(3, 3) distortion_coeff = np.array( intrinsics['distortion_coefficients']['data']) H_ground2img = np.linalg.inv( np.array(extrinsics['homography']).reshape(3, 3)) # precompute some quantities new_cam_mat, _ = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix( cam_mat, distortion_coeff, (640, 480), 1.0) self.map1, self.map2, = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( cam_mat, distortion_coeff, np.eye(3), new_cam_mat, (640, 480), cv2.CV_32FC1) self.camera_params = ( new_cam_mat[0, 0], new_cam_mat[1, 1], new_cam_mat[0, 2], new_cam_mat[1, 2]) # define and broadcast static tfs self.camloc_camcv = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) self.atcv_atloc = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) camcv_base_estimated = estimateTfFromHomography( H_ground2img, new_cam_mat) theta = 15.0 / 180.0 * np.pi base_camloc_nominal = np.array([[np.cos(theta), 0.0, np.sin(theta), 0.0582], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-np.sin(theta), 0.0, np.cos(theta), 0.1072], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) self.camloc_base = self.camloc_camcv @ camcv_base_estimated # self.camloc_base = np.linalg.inv(base_camloc_nominal) self.map_atloc = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.085], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) broadcastTF(self.map_atloc, 'map', 'april_tag', self.static_tf_br)
alt, # alt - Altitude in meters in AMSL altitude, not WGS84 if absolute or relative, above terrain if GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT 0, # X velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, # Y velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, # Z velocity in NED frame in m/s 0, 0, 0, # afx, afy, afz acceleration (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not supported yet, ignored in GCS_Mavlink) # send command to vehicle vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) if __name__ == '__main__': time.sleep(1) S = int(rospy.get_namespace()[-2]) # Address on which vehicle is communicating MasterPort = sys.argv[1] #'tcp:'# sim RosInterfacePort = '' + str( 17000 + S) # Loop back and pass to ros QGCInterfacePort = '' + str( 18000 + S) #''+str(18000+S) #IP of system running QGC t = threading.Thread(target=NodeDeps.launchMAVProxy, args=( MasterPort, RosInterfacePort, QGCInterfacePort, )) # Start mavproxy t.setDaemon(False) # thread SHOULD exit when main thread is killed
def handle_take_sample(self): sample_list = self.handeye_client.take_sample() self.samples_taken += 1 print("{} Sample {} taken ".format(rospy.get_namespace(), self.samples_taken)) self.state = AutomaticMovements.SAMPLE_TOOK
def __init__(self, inertial_frame_id='world'): """Class constructor.""" assert inertial_frame_id in ['world', 'world_ned'] # Reading current namespace self._namespace = rospy.get_namespace() self._inertial_frame_id = inertial_frame_id self._body_frame_id = None self._logger = get_logger() if self._inertial_frame_id == 'world': self._body_frame_id = 'base_link' else: self._body_frame_id = 'base_link_ned' try: import tf2_ros tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer) tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform( 'world', 'world_ned', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(10)) self.q_ned_to_enu = np.array([ tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.x, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.y, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.z, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w ]) except Exception as ex: self._logger.warning('Error while requesting ENU to NED transform' ', message={}'.format(ex)) self.q_ned_to_enu = quaternion_from_euler(2 * np.pi, 0, np.pi) self.transform_ned_to_enu = quaternion_matrix(self.q_ned_to_enu)[0:3, 0:3] if self.transform_ned_to_enu is not None:'Transform world_ned (NED) to world (ENU)=\n' + str(self.transform_ned_to_enu)) self._mass = 0 if rospy.has_param('~mass'): self._mass = rospy.get_param('~mass') if self._mass <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Mass has to be positive') self._inertial = dict(ixx=0, iyy=0, izz=0, ixy=0, ixz=0, iyz=0) if rospy.has_param('~inertial'): inertial = rospy.get_param('~inertial') for key in self._inertial: if key not in inertial: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid moments of inertia') self._inertial = inertial self._cog = [0, 0, 0] if rospy.has_param('~cog'): self._cog = rospy.get_param('~cog') if len(self._cog) != 3: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid center of gravity vector') self._cob = [0, 0, 0] if rospy.has_param('~cog'): self._cob = rospy.get_param('~cob') if len(self._cob) != 3: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid center of buoyancy vector') self._body_frame = 'base_link' if rospy.has_param('~base_link'): self._body_frame = rospy.get_param('~base_link') self._volume = 0.0 if rospy.has_param('~volume'): self._volume = rospy.get_param('~volume') if self._volume <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid volume') # Fluid density self._density = 1028.0 if rospy.has_param('~density'): self._density = rospy.get_param('~density') if self._density <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid fluid density') # Bounding box self._height = 0.0 self._length = 0.0 self._width = 0.0 if rospy.has_param('~height'): self._height = rospy.get_param('~height') if self._height <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid height') if rospy.has_param('~length'): self._length = rospy.get_param('~length') if self._length <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid length') if rospy.has_param('~width'): self._width = rospy.get_param('~width') if self._width <= 0: raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid width') # Calculating the rigid-body mass matrix self._M = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6), dtype=float) self._M[0:3, 0:3] = self._mass * np.eye(3) self._M[0:3, 3:6] = - self._mass * \ cross_product_operator(self._cog) self._M[3:6, 0:3] = self._mass * \ cross_product_operator(self._cog) self._M[3:6, 3:6] = self._calc_inertial_tensor() # Loading the added-mass matrix self._Ma = np.zeros((6, 6)) if rospy.has_param('~Ma'): self._Ma = np.array(rospy.get_param('~Ma')) if self._Ma.shape != (6, 6): raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid added mass matrix') # Sum rigid-body and added-mass matrices self._Mtotal = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) self._calc_mass_matrix() # Acceleration of gravity self._gravity = 9.81 # Initialize the Coriolis and centripetal matrix self._C = np.zeros((6, 6)) # Vector of restoring forces self._g = np.zeros(6) # Loading the linear damping coefficients self._linear_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) if rospy.has_param('~linear_damping'): self._linear_damping = np.array(rospy.get_param('~linear_damping')) if self._linear_damping.shape == (6, ): self._linear_damping = np.diag(self._linear_damping) if self._linear_damping.shape != (6, 6): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Linear damping must be given as a 6x6 matrix or the diagonal coefficients' ) # Loading the nonlinear damping coefficients self._quad_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6, )) if rospy.has_param('~quad_damping'): self._quad_damping = np.array(rospy.get_param('~quad_damping')) if self._quad_damping.shape != (6, ): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Quadratic damping must be given defined with 6 coefficients' ) # Loading the linear damping coefficients proportional to the forward speed self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6)) if rospy.has_param('~linear_damping_forward_speed'): self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.array( rospy.get_param('~linear_damping_forward_speed')) if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape == (6, ): self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.diag( self._linear_damping_forward_speed) if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape != (6, 6): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Linear damping proportional to the ' 'forward speed must be given as a 6x6 ' 'matrix or the diagonal coefficients') # Initialize damping matrix self._D = np.zeros((6, 6)) # Vehicle states self._pose = dict(pos=np.zeros(3), rot=quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)) # Velocity in the body frame self._vel = np.zeros(6) # Acceleration in the body frame self._acc = np.zeros(6) # Generalized forces self._gen_forces = np.zeros(6)
def handle_compute_calibration(self): result = self.handeye_client.compute_calibration() if result.valid: print("{} Calibration successful".format(rospy.get_namespace())) else: print("{} Calibration failed".format(rospy.get_namespace()))
#!/usr/bin/env python import json # talk to watson import watson_developer_cloud # connect to watson from unicodereplace import asciiFixerFactory import rospy from assistant.msg import ChatbotAnswer from rtspeech.msg import RealtimeTranscript loglevel = rospy.get_param('/debug/loglevel', rospy.INFO) rospy.init_node('assistant', anonymous=False, log_level=loglevel) credfilepath = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace() + 'assistant_cred', '/home/corobi/.cloudkeys/chatbot_cred.json') minimumconfidence = rospy.get_param( rospy.get_namespace() + 'minimumconfidence', 0.6) language = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace() + 'language', 'en-US') asciifix = asciiFixerFactory(language) class WatsonChatbot: def __init__(self, credfile): with open(credfile, 'rb') as infile: creds = json.load(infile) self._assistant = watson_developer_cloud.AssistantV1( '2018-02-16', url=creds['url'], username=creds['username'],
def handle_save_calibration(self): print("{} Calibration saved".format(rospy.get_namespace()))
def __init__(self, context,namespace = None): # it is either "" or the input given at creation of plugin self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace()[1:] self.name_others = rospy.get_param("/" + self.namespace + "name_others", '').rsplit(' ') super(ChooseLTLPlanPlugin, self).__init__(context) # Give QObjects reasonable names self.setObjectName('ChooseLTLPlanPlugin') # Process standalone plugin command-line arguments from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() # Add argument(s) to the parser. parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="Put plugin in silent mode") args, unknowns = parser.parse_known_args(context.argv()) if not args.quiet: print 'arguments: ', args print 'unknowns: ', unknowns # Create QWidget self._widget = QWidget() # Get path to UI file which is a sibling of this file # in this example the .ui and .py file are in the same folder ui_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'choose_ltl_plan.ui') # Extend the widget with all attributes and children from UI file loadUi(ui_file, self._widget) # Give QObjects reasonable names self._widget.setObjectName('ChooseLTLPlannerUi') # Show _widget.windowTitle on left-top of each plugin (when # it's set in _widget). This is useful when you open multiple # plugins at once. Also if you open multiple instances of your # plugin at once, these lines add number to make it easy to # tell from pane to pane. if context.serial_number() > 1: self._widget.setWindowTitle(self._widget.windowTitle() + (' (%d)' % context.serial_number())) # Add widget to the user interface context.add_widget(self._widget) # ---------------------------------------------- # self._widget.open_file.clicked.connect(self.open_file) self.filename = "" self._widget.load_lmks.clicked.connect(self.load_lmks) self._widget.update_initial_pose.clicked.connect(self.update_initial_pose) self._widget.stop.clicked.connect(self.stop) self._widget.start_planner.clicked.connect(self.start_speed_control) self._widget.goto_initial_position.clicked.connect(self.goto_initial_position) self._widget.slow_take_off.clicked.connect(self.slow_take_off) self._widget.sim_cube_3quads.clicked.connect(self.load_sim_cube_3quads) self._widget.sim_1quad_sim.clicked.connect(self.load_sim_1quad_sim) self._widget.sim_1quad_real.clicked.connect(self.load_sim_1quad_real) self._widget.savedata_3quads_check.stateChanged.connect(self.save_3quads) self._widget.savedata_1quad_sim_check.stateChanged.connect(self.save_1quad_sim) self.current_position = numpy.array([0.]*3) self.current_yaw = 0. self.initial_position = numpy.array([0.,0.,1.]) self.initial_v_psi = 0 self.initial_v_theta = 0 # package = 'quad_control' # executable = '' # args = "" # self.firefly = False # if self.namespace: # args = "--namespace "+self.namespace # if self.firefly: # args += "firefly" # node = roslaunch.core.Node(package, executable,args=args,output="screen", namespace=self.namespace) # launch = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() # launch.start() # self.process = launch.launch(node) # launch collision avoidance node if it is active # collision_av_active = rospy.get_param("collision_avoidance_active", True) # if (collision_av_active): # package = 'quad_control' # executable = '' # node = roslaunch.core.Node(package, executable, output = "screen", namespace=self.namespace) # launcher = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() # launcher.start() # launcher.launch(node) # package = 'quad_control' # executable = '' # node = roslaunch.core.Node(package, executable, output = "screen", namespace=self.namespace) # launcher = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() # launcher.start() # launcher.launch(node) self.trace = [] self.canvas = None self.fig = None self.RotorSObject = RotorSConverter() rospy.Subscriber("quad_state", quad_state, self.update_trace)
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib import sys import rospy from referee_modules.referee_interface import GetInfoClient, ShootClient, AmmoConsumeClient if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('simulate_shooter') ns = rospy.get_namespace() rospy.Rate(0.3).sleep() rate = rospy.Rate(8) ##Shooting rate in hz count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: info = GetInfoClient(ns) if info["is_enemy_1_detected"] and info["ammo"] > 0 and info[ "game_state"] == 2: if count % 2 == 1: ShootClient(info["enemy_pose1"]["pose"]["position"]["x"], info["enemy_pose1"]["pose"]["position"]["y"], ns) count += 1 AmmoConsumeClient(1, ns) else: ShootClient(-5.0, -5.0, ns) count += 1 rate.sleep() except: rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): self.bInitialized = False self.bRunning = False # initialize = 'Flystate2ledpanels' rospy.init_node(, anonymous=True) self.nodename = rospy.get_name() self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() # Load the parameters. self.params = rospy.get_param('%s' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), {}) self.defaults = {'method': 'voltage', # 'voltage' or 'usb'; How we communicate with the panel controller. 'pattern_id': 1, 'mode': 'velocity', # 'velocity' or 'position'; Fly is controlling vel or pos. 'axis': 'x', # 'x' or 'y'; The axis on which the frames move. 'coeff_voltage':{ 'adc0':1, # When using voltage method, coefficients adc0-3 and funcx,y determine how the panels controller interprets its input voltage(s). 'adc1':0, # e.g. xvel = adc0*bnc0 + adc1*bnc1 + adc2*bnc2 + adc3*bnc3 + funcx*f(x) + funcy*f(y); valid on [-128,+127], and 10 corresponds to 1.0. 'adc2':0, 'adc3':0, 'funcx':0, 'funcy':0, }, 'coeff_usb':{ # When using usb method, coefficients x0,xl1,xl2, ... ,yaa,yar,yxi determine the pos or vel command sent to the controller over USB. 'x0': 0.0, 'xl1':1.0, 'xl2':0.0, 'xr1':-1.0, 'xr2':0.0, 'xha':0.0, 'xhr':0.0, 'xaa':0.0, 'xar':0.0, 'xxi':0.0, 'y0': 0.0, 'yl1':0.0, 'yl2':0.0, 'yr1':0.0, 'yr2':0.0, 'yha':0.0, 'yhr':0.0, 'yaa':0.0, 'yar':0.0, 'yxi':0.0, } } SetDict().set_dict_with_preserve(self.params, self.defaults) self.update_coefficients_from_params() rospy.set_param('%s' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), self.params) self.msgpanels = MsgPanelsCommand(command='all_off', arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0) # Publishers. self.pubPanelsCommand = rospy.Publisher('/ledpanels/command', MsgPanelsCommand) # Subscriptions. self.subFlystate = rospy.Subscriber('%s/flystate' % self.namespace.rstrip('/'), MsgFlystate, self.flystate_callback, queue_size=1000) self.subCommand = rospy.Subscriber('%s/command' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), String, self.command_callback, queue_size=1000) rospy.sleep(1) # Time to connect publishers & subscribers. self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='set_posfunc_id', arg1=1, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) # Set default function ch1. self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='set_posfunc_id', arg1=2, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) # Set default function ch2. self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='set_pattern_id', arg1=self.params['pattern_id'], arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='set_mode', arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) # xvel=funcx, yvel=funcy self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='set_position', arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) # Set position to 0 self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='send_gain_bias', arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) # Set vel to 0 self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='stop', arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command='all_off', arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, arg4=0, arg5=0, arg6=0)) if (self.params['method'] == 'voltage'): # Assemble a command: set_mode_(pos|vel)_custom_(x|y) cmd = 'set_mode' if (self.params['mode'] == 'velocity'): cmd += '_vel' elif (self.params['mode'] == 'position'): cmd += '_pos' else: rospy.logwarn('%s: mode must be ' 'velocity' ' or ' 'position' '.' % if (self.params['axis'] == 'x'): cmd += '_custom_x' elif (self.params['axis'] == 'y'): cmd += '_custom_y' else: rospy.logwarn('%s: axis must be ' 'x' ' or ' 'y' '.' % # Set the panels controller to the custom mode, with the specified coefficients. self.pubPanelsCommand.publish( MsgPanelsCommand(command=cmd, arg1=self.params['coeff_voltage']['adc0'], arg2=self.params['coeff_voltage']['adc1'], arg3=self.params['coeff_voltage']['adc2'], arg4=self.params['coeff_voltage']['adc3'], arg5=self.params['coeff_voltage']['funcx'], arg6=self.params['coeff_voltage']['funcy'])) self.bInitialized = True
self.enemy_scored_dict[target[ "name"]] = self.target_pos_dict[target["name"]] def getPosition(self): now = self.__listener.waitForTransform("{}/odom".format(, "{}/base_link".format(, now, rospy.Duration(1.0)) position, quaternion = self.__listener.lookupTransform( "{}/odom".format(, "{}/base_link".format(, now) return position, quaternion if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("simple_navigation_goals") my_bot = MyBot(rospy.get_namespace().replace("/", "")) current_goal = [] # main loop while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # check current score my_bot.updateScore() # retarget position, quaternion = my_bot.getPosition() new_goal = [] targets_dict = my_bot.unscored_dict targets_dict.update(my_bot.enemy_scored_dict) #print(targets_dict)
import optparse parser =\ optparse.OptionParser( usage="usage: --diag-hostname=com-X") parser.add_option("--diag-hostname", dest="diag_hostname", help="Computer name in diagnostics output (ex: 'com-1')", metavar="DIAG_HOSTNAME", action="store", default = hostname) options, args = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()) try: rospy.init_node('net_monitor_%s' % hostname) except rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException: print >> sys.stderr,\ 'Network monitor is unable to initialize node. Master may not be running.' sys.exit(0) namespace = rospy.get_namespace() or hostname net_node = NetMonitor(hostname, namespace, options.diag_hostname) rate = rospy.Rate(1.0) try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() net_node.publish_stats() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() rospy.logerr(traceback.format_exc()) net_node.cancel_timers() sys.exit(0)
#! /usr/bin/env python import rospy import actionlib from cob_cartesian_controller.msg import CartesianControllerAction, CartesianControllerGoal from cob_cartesian_controller.msg import Profile if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('test_move_lin') action_name = rospy.get_namespace() + 'cartesian_trajectory_action' client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, CartesianControllerAction) rospy.logwarn("Waiting for ActionServer: %s", action_name) client.wait_for_server() rospy.logwarn("...done") # Fill in the goal here goal = CartesianControllerGoal() goal.move_type = CartesianControllerGoal.LIN goal.move_lin.pose_goal.position.x = -0.9 goal.move_lin.pose_goal.position.y = 0.0 goal.move_lin.pose_goal.position.z = 0.0 goal.move_lin.pose_goal.orientation.x = 0.0 goal.move_lin.pose_goal.orientation.y = 0.0 goal.move_lin.pose_goal.orientation.z = 0.0 goal.move_lin.pose_goal.orientation.w = 1.0 goal.move_lin.frame_id = 'world' goal.profile.vel = 0.2 goal.profile.accl = 0.1
def __init__(self): """Class constructor.""" # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is # available self._ready = False # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() if self.namespace != '': if self.namespace[-1] != '/': self.namespace += '/' if self.namespace[0] != '/': self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'): raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not ' 'initialized for uuv_name=' + self.namespace) # Load all parameters self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager') robot_description_param = self.namespace + 'robot_description' self.use_robot_descr = False self.axes = {} if rospy.has_param(robot_description_param): self.use_robot_descr = True self.parse_urdf(rospy.get_param(robot_description_param)) if self.config['update_rate'] < 0: self.config['update_rate'] = 50 self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer) tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None try: if self.namespace != '': target = '{}base_link'.format(self.namespace) target = target[1::] source = '{}base_link_ned'.format(self.namespace) else: target = 'base_link' source = 'base_link_ned' source = source[1::] tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform( target, source, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1)) except Exception as e: rospy.loginfo('No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned' ' for vehicle {}, message={}'.format(self.namespace, e)) self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None: self.base_link_ned_to_enu = transformations.quaternion_matrix( (tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.x, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.y, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.z, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3] rospy.loginfo('base_link transform NED to ENU=\n' + str(self.base_link_ned_to_enu)) rospy.loginfo( 'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate'])) # Set the tf_prefix parameter rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace) # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM # matrix for future use self.output_dir = None if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'): self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir') if not isdir(self.output_dir): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir) rospy.loginfo('output_dir=' + self.output_dir) # Number of thrusters self.n_thrusters = 0 # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command self.thrusters = list() # Thrust forces vector self.thrust = None # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque self.configuration_matrix = None if rospy.has_param('~tam'): tam = rospy.get_param('~tam') self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam) # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1] # Create publishing topics to each thruster params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'] if type(params) == list and type(conv_fcn) == list: if len(params) != self.n_thrusters or len(conv_fcn) != self.n_thrusters: raise rospy.ROSException('Lists conversion_fcn and ' 'conversion_fcn_params must have ' 'the same number of items as of ' 'thrusters') for i in range(self.n_thrusters): topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] if list not in [type(params), type(conv_fcn)]: thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn, i, topic, None, None, **params) else: thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn[i], i, topic, None, None, **params[i]) if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) rospy.loginfo('Thruster allocation matrix provided!') rospy.loginfo('TAM=') rospy.loginfo(self.configuration_matrix) self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) if not self.update_tam(): raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found') # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None if self.configuration_matrix is not None: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) else: rospy.loginfo('Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=' + str(self.output_dir)) self.ready = True rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: ready')
def __init__(self, namespace=None, arm_name=None): if None in [namespace, arm_name]: ns = [ item for item in rospy.get_namespace().split('/') if len(item) > 0 ] if len(ns) != 2: rospy.ROSException( 'The controller must be called inside the manipulator namespace' ) self._namespace = ns[0] self._arm_name = ns[1] else: self._namespace = namespace self._arm_name = arm_name if self._namespace[0] != '/': self._namespace = '/' + self._namespace if self._namespace[-1] != '/': self._namespace += '/' if not rospy.has_param('~gripper'): raise rospy.ROSException('Gripper configuration not given') # Retrieve gripper configuration information self._gripper_config = rospy.get_param('~gripper') print self._gripper_config # Retrive gripper type if 'type' not in self._gripper_config: raise ROSException('Gripper type not defined') if self._gripper_config['type'] not in self.TYPE: raise ROSException('Gripper type not defined') self._gripper_type = self._gripper_config['type'] self._closed_limit = 'upper' if 'closed_limit' in self._gripper_config: self._closed_limit = self._gripper_config['closed_limit'] self._full_open_limit = 'upper' if 'full_open_limit' in self._gripper_config: self._full_open_limit = self._gripper_config['full_open_limit'] rospy.loginfo('Gripper type=' + self._gripper_type) # Chain groups self._groups = dict() # Loading the kinematic chain for each finger for group in self._gripper_config['groups']: chain = self._gripper_config['groups'][group] self._groups[group] = KinChainInterface( name=group, base=self._gripper_config['base'], ee_link=chain['ee'], namespace=self._namespace, arm_name=self._arm_name, compute_fk_for_all=False) # Published topics self._pubTopics = dict() # Subscribed topics self._subTopics = dict() # Subscribe to the joint states topic self._subTopics['joint_states'] = rospy.Subscriber( self._namespace + 'joint_states', JointState, self._on_joint_states, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True) # Publish end-effector state self._pubTopics['state'] = rospy.Publisher( self._namespace + self._arm_name + '/ee_state', EndeffectorState, queue_size=1) # Set gripper state self._gripper_state = 'ready' # Retrieving the name of the control joint self._control_joint = None self._control_joint_group = None if 'control_joint' in self._gripper_config: self._control_joint = self._gripper_config['control_joint'] # Correct the name including the namespace in TF for name in self._groups: for joint in self._groups[name].joint_names: if self._gripper_config['control_joint'] in joint: self._control_joint = joint self._control_joint_group = name break if self._control_joint is not None: break self._pubTopics['command'] = rospy.Publisher( self._namespace + self._control_joint + '/controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo(self._control_joint_group + ' - ' + self._control_joint) # Publishing rate for state topics self._publish_rate = 50 # Set timer to regularly publish the state self._publish_state_timer = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration(1.0 / self._publish_rate), self._publish_endeffector_state) rospy.on_shutdown(self._on_shutdown)
class Rhino: #instance of servomotor on a specified port __myMotor = ServoMotor( rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace() + 'port', '/dev/ttyUSB0')) __rpm = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace() + 'rpm', 200) #constructor def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('motor', anonymous=True) #setting up encoder data publisher self.encoder_pub = rospy.Publisher('encoderTicks', Int32, queue_size=10) Rhino.__myMotor.openSerialPort() Rhino.__myMotor.isAvailable() self.maxSpeed = Rhino.__myMotor.getMaxMotorSpeed() #setting up subscribers rospy.Subscriber('motor_speed', Float64, self.setSpeed) rospy.Subscriber('absolute_cmd', Float64, self.setAbsolute) rospy.Subscriber('relative_cmd', Float64, self.setRelative) #setting up services self.read_damping = rospy.Service('read_damping', readDamping, self.dampingRead) self.write_damping = rospy.Service('write_damping', writeDamping, self.dampingWrite) self.load_factory_settings = rospy.Service('load_factory_settings', loadFactorySettings, self.loadFactory) self.set_position_encoder = rospy.Service('set_position_encoder', setPositionEncoder, self.setPositionEnc) self.get_absolute_position = rospy.Service('get_absolute_position', getAbsolutePosition, self.getAbsPos) self.set_feedback_gain = rospy.Service('set_feedback_gain', setFeedbackGain, self.setFG) self.get_feedback_gain = rospy.Service('get_feedback_gain', getFeedbackGain, self.getFG) self.set_proportionate_gain = rospy.Service('set_proportionate_gain', setProportionateGain, self.setPG) self.get_proportionate_gain = rospy.Service('get_proportionate_gain', getProportionateGain, self.getPG) self.get_integral_gain = rospy.Service('get_integral_gain', getIntegralGain, self.getIG) self.set_integral_gain = rospy.Service('set_integral_gain', setIntegralGain, self.setIG) self.set_max_motor_speed = rospy.Service('set_max_motor_speed', setMaxMotorSpeed, self.setMaxSpeed) get_max_motor_speed = rospy.Service('get_max_motor_speed', getMaxMotorSpeed, self.getMaxSpeed) self.auto_calibrate = rospy.Service('auto_calibrate', autoCalibrate, self.autoC) def spin(self): r = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace() + 'rate', 5)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.update() r.sleep() def update(self): = Int32() = Rhino.__myMotor.getPositionEncoder() if self.encoder_pub.publish( def __del__(self): Rhino.__myMotor.closeSerialPort() def setSpeed(self, msg): rospy.loginfo(msg) self.speed = * 9.5492965855137 * 65000 / Rhino.__rpm / self.maxSpeed #255 Rhino.__myMotor.writeMotorSpeed(self.speed) def setAbsolute(self, msg): self.position = * 286.4788976 Rhino.__myMotor.setAbsolutePostion(self.position) def setRelative(self, msg): self.position = * 286.4788976 Rhino.__myMotor.setRelativePostion(self.position) def dampingRead(self, request): return readDampingResponse(Rhino.__myMotor.readDamping()) def dampingWrite(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.writeDamping(request.damp) return [] def loadFactory(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.loadFactorySettings() return [] def setPositionEnc(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.setPositionEncoder(request.encoder) return [] def getAbsPos(self, request): return getAbsolutePositionResponse( Rhino.__myMotor.getAbsolutePostion()) def setFG(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.setFeedbackGain(request.gain) return [] def getFG(self, request): return getFeedbackGainResponse(Rhino.__myMotor.getFeedbackGain()) def setPG(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.setProportionateGain(request.pgain) return [] def getPG(self, request): return getProportionateGainResponse( Rhino.__myMotor.getProportionateGain()) def setIG(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.setIntegralGain(request.igain) return [] def getIG(self, request): return getIntegralGainResponse(Rhino.__myMotor.getIntegralGain()) def setMaxSpeed(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.setMaxMotorSpeed(request.mspeed) return [] def getMaxSpeed(self, request): return getMaxMotorSpeedResponse(Rhino.__myMotor.getMaxMotorSpeed()) def autoC(self, request): Rhino.__myMotor.autoCalibrate() return []
def add_gazebo_model(model_name, model_xml, initial_pose): rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") spawn_sdf_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) spawn_sdf_model(model_name, model_xml, rospy.get_namespace(), initial_pose, "")
def __init__(self): """Class constructor.""" # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is # available self._ready = False # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() if self.namespace[-1] != '/': self.namespace += '/' if self.namespace[0] != '/': self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'): raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not ' 'initialized for uuv_name=' + self.namespace) # Load all parameters self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager') if self.config['update_rate'] < 0: self.config['update_rate'] = 50 rospy.loginfo( 'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate'])) # Set the tf_prefix parameter rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace) # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM # matrix for future use self.output_dir = None if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'): self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir') if not isdir(self.output_dir): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir) print 'output_dir=', self.output_dir # Number of thrusters self.n_thrusters = 0 # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command self.thrusters = list() # Thrust forces vector self.thrust = None # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque self.configuration_matrix = None if rospy.has_param('~tam'): tam = rospy.get_param('~tam') self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam) # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1] # Create publishing topics to each thruster params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'] if type(params) == list and type(conv_fcn) == list: if len(params) != self.n_thrusters or len(conv_fcn) != self.n_thrusters: raise rospy.ROSException('Lists conversion_fcn and ' 'conversion_fcn_params must have ' 'the same number of items as of ' 'thrusters') for i in range(self.n_thrusters): topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] if list not in [type(params), type(conv_fcn)]: thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn, i, topic, None, None, **params) else: thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn[i], i, topic, None, None, **params[i]) if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) print 'Thruster allocation matrix provided!' print 'TAM=' print self.configuration_matrix self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) if not self.update_tam(): raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found') # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None if self.configuration_matrix is not None: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) else: print 'Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=', self.output_dir self.ready = True print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
def handle_robot_pose(msg, robot_name): br = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() t = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped() t.header.stamp = t.header.frame_id = "world" t.child_frame_id = robot_name + '/map' t.transform.translation = msg.pose.pose.position t.transform.rotation = msg.pose.pose.orientation try: trans = tfBuffer.lookup_transform(robot_name + '/odom', robot_name + '/map', rospy.Time()) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException) as e: t.child_frame_id = robot_name + '/odom' # if can't find robot#/map to robot#/odom tf, then connect world to robot#/odom instead br.sendTransform(t) # [INITIALIZE NODE] rospy.init_node('tf_broadcaster') tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer) robot_name = rospy.get_namespace()[1:-1] rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, handle_robot_pose, robot_name) # [MAIN CONTROL LOOP] if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.spin()