def main(args): vod = VO(int(args[1])) rospy.ready('vo') rospy.spin() vod.vo.summarize_timers() vod.dump()
def listener(): app = wx.PySimpleApp() rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) frame = MainWindow(None, -1, "Runtime Monitor") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def listener(): app = wx.PySimpleApp() rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) frame = MainWindow(None, -1, "PR2 Power Board") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def main(args): vod = lineperftest(args[1]) rospy.ready('lineperf_%s' % args[1]) rospy.spin() if args[1] == 'send':
def test_pointcloud(self): print "LNK\n" rospy.TopicSub("base_scan", LaserScan, self.pointInput) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) timeout_t = time.time() + 5.0 while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.success and time.time() < timeout_t: time.sleep(0.1) self.assert_(self.success)
def run_me_server(): sn = SegmentNode() hg.cvNamedWindow('image', 1) rospy.TopicSub('image', RImage, sn.set_image) rospy.ready(sys.argv[0]) segment_service = rospy.Service('hrl_grasp', srv.hrl_grasp, sn.segment) segment_service.register() rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title='PR2 GUI', pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(1280, 1024), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style) rospy.ready('pr2_gui', anonymous=True) self._config = wx.Config("pr2_gui") self._aui_manager = wx.aui.AuiManager(self) self._visualizer_panel = visualizer_panel.DefaultVisualizationPanel(self) media_path = rostools.packspec.get_pkg_dir( "gazebo_robot_description" ) media_path += "/world/Media/"; media_paths = [media_path] media_paths.append(media_path) media_paths.append(media_path + "fonts") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials/scripts") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials/programs") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials/textures") media_paths.append(media_path + "models") media_paths.append(media_path + "models/pr2") ogre_tools.initializeResources( media_paths ) self._visualizer_panel.createDefaultVisualizers() self._rosout_panel = wx_rosout.RosoutPanel(self) self._monitor_panel = MonitorPanel(self) self._monitor_panel.set_new_errors_callback(self.on_monitor_errors_received) self._interpreter = self._hardware_panel = hardware_panel.HardwarePanel(self) self._aui_manager.AddPane(self._visualizer_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().CenterPane().Center().Name('3dvis').Caption('3D Visualization'), '3D Visualization') self._aui_manager.AddPane(self._interpreter, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().BottomDockable().Bottom().Name('interpreter').Caption('Python Interpreter').Hide(), 'Python Interpreter') self._aui_manager.AddPane(self._rosout_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().BottomDockable().Bottom().Layer(1).BestSize(wx.Size(700, 200)).Name('rosout').Caption('Rosout'), 'Rosout') self._aui_manager.AddPane(self._monitor_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().BottomDockable().Bottom().Layer(1).BestSize(wx.Size(700,600)).Name('runtime_monitor').Caption('Runtime Monitor'), 'Runtime Monitor') self._aui_manager.AddPane(self._hardware_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().BottomDockable().Bottom().Layer(1).BestSize(wx.Size(300,200)).Name('hardware').Caption('Hardware'), 'Hardware') self.add_camera_pane("forearm_r", False) self.add_camera_pane("forearm_l", False) self.add_camera_pane("axis_r", True) self.add_camera_pane("axis_l", True) self.add_camera_pane("stereo_l", False) self._aui_manager.Update() self.load_config() self.create_menu_bar() self.Bind(wx.aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE, self.on_pane_close) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close)
def test_cloud(self): print "LNK\n" rospy.TopicSub("world_3d_map", PointCloudFloat32, self.pointInput) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) timeout_t = time.time() + 30.0 #30 seconds while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.success and time.time() < timeout_t: time.sleep(0.1) self.success = self.errorcheck os.system("killall gazebo") self.assert_(self.success)
def main(): vod = VODemo() if SEE: hg.cvNamedWindow("channel L", 1) hg.cvNamedWindow("channel R", 1) rospy.TopicSub("/videre/images", ImageArray, vod.display_array) rospy.TopicSub("/videre/cal_params", String, vod.display_params) rospy.TopicSub("image", Image, display_single) rospy.ready("camview_py") rospy.spin()
def OnInit(self): rospy.ready("TestPlotter", anonymous=True) self.data_topic = rospy.TopicSub("/test_data", TestData, self.OnData) # Configure the plot panel self.plot = wxmpl.PlotApp('Test Plot') self.plot.set_crosshairs(True) self.plot.set_selection(True) self.plot.set_zoom(True) return True
def OnInit(self): rospy.ready("Hysteresis", anonymous=True) self.data_dict = {} self.data_topic = rospy.TopicSub("/hysteresis_data", ChannelFloat32, self.OnData) # Configure the plot panel self.plot = wxmpl.PlotApp('Hysteresis Plot') self.plot.set_crosshairs(False) self.plot.set_selection(False) self.plot.set_zoom(False) return True
def testcameras(self): print " wait 3 sec for objects to settle " time.sleep(3) print " subscribe image from ROS " rospy.TopicSub("test_camera/image", Image, self.imageInput) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) #self.pollThread.start() timeout_t = time.time() + 10 #10 seconds delay for processing comparison while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.tested and time.time() < timeout_t: time.sleep(0.1) self.assert_(self.success)
def testslide(self): print "LINK\n" # rospy.TopicSub("Odom", RobotBase2DOdom, self.positionInput) rospy.TopicSub("base_pose_ground_truth", TransformWithRateStamped, self.positionInput) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) timeout_t = time.time() + 50.0 # 59 seconds while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.success and not and time.time() < timeout_t: time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(2.0) # os.system("killall gazebo") self.assert_(self.success)
def viewGraphMain(argv, stdout, env): # default arguments server = "http://localhost" server_port = rospy.DEFAULT_TEST_PORT #check arguments for a help flag optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h?p:s:", ["help","port=","server=","test"]) for o, a in optlist: if o in ("-h","-?","--help"): usage(stdout, argv[0]) return elif o in ("--test"): server_port = rospy.DEFAULT_TEST_PORT elif o in ("-p", "--port"): server_port = a elif o in ("-s", "--server"): server = a serverUri = '%s:%s/'%(server,server_port) print "Looking for server at %s"%serverUri os.environ[rospy.ROS_MASTER_URI] = serverUri os.environ[rospy.ROS_NODE] = "viewGraph" os.environ[rospy.ROS_PORT] = str(0) # any master = rospy.getMaster() rospy.ready() while 1: status_code, statusMessage, [nodes,flows] = master.getGraph() # print 'nodes' + str(nodes) # print 'flows ' + str(flows) print '--------------------------------------------' print 'This is the graph:' print 'refreshing every 10 seconds' print '--------------------------------------------' for anode in nodes: status_code, statusMessage, [machine, address, port] = master.getNodeAddress(anode) print 'NODE: ' + str(anode) + ' on ' + str(machine) + ' at ' + str(address) + ' on port: ' + str(port) for aflow in flows: aflow_split= str(aflow[1]).split(':') destination = aflow_split[0] aflow_split_source = str(aflow[0]).split(':') source = aflow_split_source[0] if destination == anode: print '\tINFLOW: ' + str(aflow_split[1]) + ' from: ' + str(aflow[0]) if source == anode: print '\tOUTFLOW: ' + str(aflow_split_source[1]) + ' to: ' + str(aflow[1]) print '--------------------------------------------' time.sleep(10.0)
def main(): pub = rospy.TopicPub('image', Image) rospy.ready('test_send') image = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(640,480), 8, 1) cv.cvSet(image, 133) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(Image(None, 'test', image.width, image.height, 'none', 'mono8', image.imageData)) time.sleep(.033) rospy.spin()
def OnInit(self): rospy.ready("SineSweep", anonymous=True) self.data_dict = {} self.count =0 self.data_topic = rospy.TopicSub("/sinesweep_data", ChannelFloat32, self.OnData) # Configure the plot panel self.plot = wxmpl.PlotApp('Sine Sweep Plot') self.plot.set_crosshairs(True) self.plot.set_selection(True) self.plot.set_zoom(True) return True
def __init__(self): #initialize flows self.in_imageIn = InflowpyImageString("imageIn") #connect this node to the graph rospy.ready() # initialize Tkinter self.root = Tkinter.Tk() # setup the prompts at the top Tkinter.Label(text="Width:", anchor=Tkinter.E).grid(row=0,column=1) Tkinter.Label(text="Height:", anchor=Tkinter.E).grid(row=0,column=3) self.ewidth = Tkinter.StringVar() self.eheight = Tkinter.StringVar() self.ew = Tkinter.Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.ewidth) = Tkinter.Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.eheight) self.ew.grid(row=0, column= 2), column= 4) # A button to force resizing self.mb = Tkinter.Button(self.root, text="Click to resize", command=self.startup) self.mb.grid(row=0, column= 5) # A checkbox to turn on automatic resizing self.cbval = Tkinter.IntVar() self.mb2 = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.root, text="Click to Autosize", variable=self.cbval, onvalue="1", offvalue="0") self.mb2.grid(row=0, column= 0) # Set the default window size self.ewidth.set(1000) self.eheight.set(1000) self.width = 1000 # These don't need to be preset, they are filled in startup before use self.height = 1000 # but I kept them here for clarity self.mimage = 0; # This variable nees to be present for the canvas item to fill # space required for the header self.header_size = 40 #initialize the first canvas self.mcanvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self.root) #run the startup/resize script self.startup() # start the loop to recieve flows self.imageViewerLoop() # start the Tkinter event loop Tkinter.mainloop()
def test_wpc(self): rospy.TopicSub("groundtruthposition", Point32, self.positionInput) self.test.advertiseInitalPose2d(NAME) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) time.sleep(2.0) self.test.publishInitalPose2d(NAME) timeout_t = time.time() + 50.0 #59 seconds while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.success and time.time() < timeout_t: time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(2.0) os.system("killall trexfast") self.assert_(self.success)
def test_arm(self): pub = rospy.TopicPub("initialpose", Pose2DFloat32) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) time.sleep(10.0) start = Pose2DFloat32() start.x = 0 start.y = 0 = 0 pub.publish(start) timeout_t = time.time() + 110.0 #90 seconds while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.success and time.time() < timeout_t: self.test.readLogFile() self.success = self.test.getPassed() time.sleep(0.2) os.system("killall trex_fast") os.system("killall gazebo") self.assert_(self.success)
def main(args): f = open("pruned.pickle", "r") cam = pickle.load(f) db = pickle.load(f) f.close() print cam.params vo = VisualOdometer(cam) library = set() for (id, pose, kp, desc) in db: lf = LibraryFrame(id, pose, kp, desc) library.add(lf) corr = Corrector(vo, library) rospy.ready('corrector') try: corr.workloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "shutting down"
def main(args): time.sleep(3) optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args[1:], 'l') if ('-l', '') in optlist: mode = 'learn' else: mode = 'play' if mode == 'play': f = open("pruned.pickle", "r") cam = pickle.load(f) db = pickle.load(f) f.close() class LibraryFrame: def __init__(self, id, pose, kp, desc): = id self.pose = pose = kp self.descriptors = desc library = set() for (id, pose, kp, desc) in db: lf = LibraryFrame(id, pose, kp, desc) library.add(lf) else: library = None if SEE: hg.cvNamedWindow('channel L', 1) hg.cvNamedWindow('channel R', 1) vod = VODemo(mode, library) rospy.ready('camview_py') rospy.spin() vod.dump()
time.sleep(0.1) # listenerpublisher is supposed to repeat our messages back onto /listenerpublisher, # make sure we got it self.assert_(self.callback_data is not None, "no callback data from listenerpublisher") print "Got ", self.callback_data.time errorstr = "callback msg field [%s] from listenerpublisher does not match" self.assertEquals(2.0, self.callback_data.time, errorstr % "time") self.assertEquals(2, len(self.callback_data.joint_states)) self.assertEquals(2, len(self.callback_data.actuator_states)) self.assertEquals("name0", self.callback_data.joint_states[0].name) self.assertEquals("name0", self.callback_data.actuator_states[0].name) self.assertEquals("name1", self.callback_data.joint_states[1].name) self.assertEquals("name1", self.callback_data.actuator_states[1].name) self.assertEquals(0, self.callback_data.actuator_states[0].encoder_count) self.assertEquals(0, self.callback_data.actuator_states[0].calibration_reading) self.assertEquals(0, self.callback_data.actuator_states[0].last_calibration_high_transition) self.assertEquals(0, self.callback_data.actuator_states[0].num_encoder_errors) self.assertEquals(1, self.callback_data.actuator_states[1].encoder_count) self.assertEquals(1, self.callback_data.actuator_states[1].calibration_reading) self.assertEquals(1, self.callback_data.actuator_states[1].last_calibration_high_transition) self.assertEquals(1, self.callback_data.actuator_states[1].num_encoder_errors) if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.ready(NAME), NAME, TestMechanismState, sys.argv)
def listener_with_user_data(): rospy.TopicSub("/diagnostics", DiagnosticMessage, callback) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) rospy.spin()
PKG = 'laser_interface' import sys, os, subprocess try: rostoolsDir = (subprocess.Popen(['rospack', 'find', 'rostools'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] or '').strip() sys.path.append(os.path.join(rostoolsDir, 'src')) import rostools.launcher rostools.launcher.updateSysPath(sys.argv[0], PKG, bootstrapVersion="0.6") except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, "\nERROR: Cannot locate rostools" sys.exit(1) #from pkg import * import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Position from std_msgs.msg import RobotBase2DOdom from std_msgs.msg import Pose2DFloat32 import sys import time pub = rospy.TopicPub('odom', RobotBase2DOdom) rospy.ready(sys.argv[0]) while not rospy.isShutdown(): odom = RobotBase2DOdom(None, Pose2DFloat32(1, 2, 3), Pose2DFloat32(1, 2, 4), 1) pub.publish(odom) time.sleep(.5) print 'published'
def run(self): rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) rospy.spin()
## @author Hai Nguyen/[email protected] PKG = 'laser_interface' import sys, os, subprocess try: rostoolsDir = (subprocess.Popen(['rospack', 'find', 'rostools'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] or '').strip() sys.path.append(os.path.join(rostoolsDir,'src')) import rostools.launcher rostools.launcher.updateSysPath(sys.argv[0], PKG, bootstrapVersion="0.6") except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, "\nERROR: Cannot locate rostools" sys.exit(1) #from pkg import * import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Position from std_msgs.msg import RobotBase2DOdom from std_msgs.msg import Pose2DFloat32 import sys import time pub = rospy.TopicPub('odom', RobotBase2DOdom) rospy.ready(sys.argv[0]) while not rospy.isShutdown(): odom = RobotBase2DOdom(None, Pose2DFloat32(1,2,3), Pose2DFloat32(1,2,4), 1) pub.publish(odom) time.sleep(.5) print 'published'
def listener(): pub = rospy.TopicPub("/diagnostics", DiagnosticMessage) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): loop(pub) time.sleep(1)
def listener_with_user_data(): rospy.TopicSub("/mechanism_state", MechanismState, callback) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) rospy.spin()
def monitorBatteriesMain(argv, stdout, env): # default arguments server = "http://localhost" server_port = rospy.DEFAULT_TEST_PORT #check arguments for a help flag optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h?p:s:", ["help", "port=", "server=", "test"]) for o, a in optlist: if o in ("-h", "-?", "--help"): usage(stdout, argv[0]) return elif o in ("--test"): server_port = rospy.DEFAULT_TEST_PORT elif o in ("-p", "--port"): server_port = a elif o in ("-s", "--server"): server = a serverUri = '%s:%s/' % (server, server_port) print "Looking for server at %s" % serverUri os.environ[rospy.ROS_MASTER_URI] = serverUri os.environ[rospy.ROS_NODE] = NAME os.environ[rospy.ROS_PORT] = str(0) # any master = rospy.getMaster() rospy.ready() setupPorts() #f= open('testfile.txt','r') f0 = open('/dev/ttyUSB0', 'r') f1 = open('/dev/ttyUSB1', 'r') f2 = open('/dev/ttyUSB2', 'r') f3 = open('/dev/ttyUSB3', 'r') # split on % to string and checksum # check checksum myPow = robotPower() start_time = time.time() last_time = start_time while True: current, blah, blah2 =[f0, f1, f2, f3], [], [], 1) for f in current: if f == f0: port = 0 port_string = 'f0' if f == f1: port = 1 port_string = 'f1' if f == f2: port = 2 port_string = 'f2' if f == f3: port = 3 port_string = 'f3' line = f.readline() halves = line.split('%') if len(halves) != 2: # print 'I did not split on \% correctly' continue halves[1] = halves[1].strip() halves[0] = halves[0].lstrip('$') # print line # print halves # print len(halves) # print checksum256(halves[0]) # print hex2dec(halves[1]) # print hex(255) # read first char and switch message = halves[0] # case C controller # split on commas # first element is controller number # for each pair # read index 01-07 # record value if len(message) < 2: print "error message too short: \"%s\" from \"%s\"" % (message, line) print "This often indicates a misconfigured serial port check port:" print f continue if message[0] == 'C': controller_number = int(message[1]) #print 'Controller on port %s says:'%(port_string) splitmessage = message.split(',') #print 'batteries present' #print readmask(splitmessage[2]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[2]) for i in range(0, 8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].present = mask[i] #print 'batteries charging' #print readmask(splitmessage[4]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[2]) for i in range(0, 8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].charging = mask[i] #print 'batteries supplying power to system' #print readmask(splitmessage[6]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[6]) for i in range(0, 8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[ i].supplying_power = mask[i] #print 'batteries which have charge power present' #print readmask(splitmessage[10]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[10]) for i in range(0, 8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].w_charge_power = mask[ i] #print 'batteries with "Power no good"' #print readmask(splitmessage[12]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[12]) for i in range(0, 8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].power_no_good = mask[ i] #print 'batteries charge inhibited' #print readmask(splitmessage[14]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[14]) for i in range(0, 8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[ i].charge_inhibited = mask[i] else: pass if message[0] == 'B': controller_number = int(message[1]) battery_number = int(message[2]) #print 'Battery %d on Controller %d'%(battery_number, controller_number) splitmessage = message.split(',') for i in range(0, (len(splitmessage) - 1) / 2): key = splitmessage[i * 2 + 1] value = splitmessage[i * 2 + 2] # print 'key %s , value %s'%(splitmessage[i*2+1],splitmessage[i*2+2]) # print 'key %s , value dec %s'%(splitmessage[i*2+1],hex2dec(splitmessage[i*2+2])) if key == '09': #print 'voltage is %f'%(float(hex2dec(value))/1000.0) myPow.controllers[ port].batteries[battery_number].voltage = float( hex2dec(value)) / 1000.0 if key == '0A': intval = float(hex2dec(value)) if intval < 32767: val = intval else: val = (intval - 65636.0) #print 'current is %f'%(val/1000.0) myPow.controllers[port].batteries[ battery_number].current = val / 1000.0 # case B battery # split on commas # first number is battery number # foreach pair # lookup index # record value cast properly so pages 13 to 35 #case S system data if message[0] == 'S': splitmessage = message.split(',') #print 'System Message' for i in range(0, (len(splitmessage) - 1) / 2): key = splitmessage[i * 2 + 1] value = splitmessage[i * 2 + 2] # print 'key %s , value %s'%(key,value) # print 'key %s , value dec %s'%(key,hex2dec(value)) if key == '01': #print 'time until exhaustion = %s minutes'%hex2dec(value) myPow.controllers[port].time_remaining = int( hex2dec(value)) if key == '02': #reserved pass if key == '03': #print 'text message to the system %s'%value myPow.controllers[port].new_system_message(value) if key == '04': #print 'average charge percent %d'% hex2dec(value) myPow.controllers[port].average_charge = int( hex2dec(value)) #print time.time() increment = 1.0 if time.time() - last_time > increment: last_time = last_time + increment print "displaying to screen" myPow.print_remaining() print "updating param server" myPow.updateParamServer(master)
def listener_with_user_data(): print "Starting Listener" rospy.TopicSub("/phase_space_snapshot", PhaseSpaceSnapshot, callback) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) print "Spinning" rospy.spin()
def listener_publisher(): rospy.ready(NAME) rospy.TopicSub(IN, MSG, callback) rospy.spin()
def listener_with_user_data(): rospy.TopicSub("/pressure", PressureState, callback) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title='PR2 GUI', pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(1280, 1024), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style) rospy.ready('pr2_gui', anonymous=True) self._config = wx.Config("pr2_gui") self._aui_manager = wx.aui.AuiManager(self) self._visualizer_panel = visualizer_panel.DefaultVisualizationPanel( self) media_path = rostools.packspec.get_pkg_dir("gazebo_robot_description") media_path += "/world/Media/" media_paths = [media_path] media_paths.append(media_path) media_paths.append(media_path + "fonts") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials/scripts") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials/programs") media_paths.append(media_path + "materials/textures") media_paths.append(media_path + "models") media_paths.append(media_path + "models/pr2_new") ogre_tools.initializeResources(media_paths) self._visualizer_panel.createDefaultVisualizers() self._rosout_panel = wx_rosout.RosoutPanel(self) self._monitor_panel = MonitorPanel(self) self._monitor_panel.set_new_errors_callback( self.on_monitor_errors_received) self._aui_manager.AddPane( self._visualizer_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().CenterPane().Center().Name('3dvis').Caption( '3D Visualization'), '3D Visualization') self._aui_manager.AddPane( self._rosout_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().BottomDockable().Bottom().Name( 'rosout').Caption('Rosout'), 'Rosout') self._aui_manager.AddPane( self._monitor_panel, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().BottomDockable().Bottom().BestSize( wx.Size( 500, 600)).Name('runtime_monitor').Caption('Runtime Monitor'), 'Runtime Monitor') self.add_camera_pane("forearm_right", False) self.add_camera_pane("forearm_left", False) self.add_camera_pane("axis_right", True) self.add_camera_pane("axis_left", True) self.add_camera_pane("stereo_left", False) self._aui_manager.Update() self.load_config() self.create_menu_bar() self.Bind(wx.aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE, self.on_pane_close) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close)
def monitorBatteriesMain(argv, stdout, env): # default arguments server = "http://localhost" server_port = rospy.DEFAULT_TEST_PORT #check arguments for a help flag optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h?p:s:", ["help","port=","server=","test"]) for o, a in optlist: if o in ("-h","-?","--help"): usage(stdout, argv[0]) return elif o in ("--test"): server_port = rospy.DEFAULT_TEST_PORT elif o in ("-p", "--port"): server_port = a elif o in ("-s", "--server"): server = a serverUri = '%s:%s/'%(server,server_port) print "Looking for server at %s"%serverUri os.environ[rospy.ROS_MASTER_URI] = serverUri os.environ[rospy.ROS_NODE] = NAME os.environ[rospy.ROS_PORT] = str(0) # any master = rospy.getMaster() rospy.ready() setupPorts() #f= open('testfile.txt','r') f0 = open('/dev/ttyUSB0','r') f1 = open('/dev/ttyUSB1','r') f2 = open('/dev/ttyUSB2','r') f3 = open('/dev/ttyUSB3','r') # split on % to string and checksum # check checksum myPow = robotPower() start_time = time.time() last_time = start_time while True: current, blah, blah2 =[f0,f1,f2,f3],[],[],1) for f in current: if f == f0: port = 0; port_string = 'f0' if f == f1: port = 1; port_string = 'f1' if f == f2: port = 2; port_string = 'f2' if f == f3: port = 3; port_string = 'f3' line = f.readline() halves = line.split('%') if len(halves) != 2: # print 'I did not split on \% correctly' continue halves[1]=halves[1].strip() halves[0]=halves[0].lstrip('$') # print line # print halves # print len(halves) # print checksum256(halves[0]) # print hex2dec(halves[1]) # print hex(255) # read first char and switch message = halves[0] # case C controller # split on commas # first element is controller number # for each pair # read index 01-07 # record value if len(message) < 2: print "error message too short: \"%s\" from \"%s\""%(message, line) print "This often indicates a misconfigured serial port check port:" print f continue if message[0] == 'C': controller_number = int(message[1]) #print 'Controller on port %s says:'%(port_string) splitmessage = message.split(',') #print 'batteries present' #print readmask(splitmessage[2]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[2]) for i in range(0,8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].present = mask[i] #print 'batteries charging' #print readmask(splitmessage[4]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[2]) for i in range(0,8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].charging = mask[i] #print 'batteries supplying power to system' #print readmask(splitmessage[6]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[6]) for i in range(0,8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].supplying_power = mask[i] #print 'batteries which have charge power present' #print readmask(splitmessage[10]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[10]) for i in range(0,8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].w_charge_power = mask[i] #print 'batteries with "Power no good"' #print readmask(splitmessage[12]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[12]) for i in range(0,8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].power_no_good = mask[i] #print 'batteries charge inhibited' #print readmask(splitmessage[14]) mask = readmask(splitmessage[14]) for i in range(0,8): myPow.controllers[port].batteries[i].charge_inhibited = mask[i] else: pass if message[0] == 'B': controller_number = int(message[1]) battery_number = int(message[2]) #print 'Battery %d on Controller %d'%(battery_number, controller_number) splitmessage = message.split(',') for i in range(0,(len(splitmessage)-1)/2): key = splitmessage[i*2+1] value = splitmessage[i*2+2] # print 'key %s , value %s'%(splitmessage[i*2+1],splitmessage[i*2+2]) # print 'key %s , value dec %s'%(splitmessage[i*2+1],hex2dec(splitmessage[i*2+2])) if key == '09': #print 'voltage is %f'%(float(hex2dec(value))/1000.0) myPow.controllers[port].batteries[battery_number].voltage = float(hex2dec(value))/1000.0 if key == '0A': intval = float(hex2dec(value)) if intval < 32767: val = intval else: val = (intval - 65636.0) #print 'current is %f'%(val/1000.0) myPow.controllers[port].batteries[battery_number].current = val/1000.0 # case B battery # split on commas # first number is battery number # foreach pair # lookup index # record value cast properly so pages 13 to 35 #case S system data if message[0] == 'S': splitmessage = message.split(',') #print 'System Message' for i in range(0,(len(splitmessage)-1)/2): key = splitmessage[i*2+1] value = splitmessage[i*2+2] # print 'key %s , value %s'%(key,value) # print 'key %s , value dec %s'%(key,hex2dec(value)) if key == '01': #print 'time until exhaustion = %s minutes'%hex2dec(value) myPow.controllers[port].time_remaining = int(hex2dec(value)) if key == '02': #reserved pass if key == '03': #print 'text message to the system %s'%value myPow.controllers[port].new_system_message(value) if key == '04': #print 'average charge percent %d'% hex2dec(value) myPow.controllers[port].average_charge = int(hex2dec(value)) #print time.time() increment = 1.0 if time.time() - last_time > increment: last_time = last_time + increment print "displaying to screen" myPow.print_remaining() print "updating param server" myPow.updateParamServer(master)
# make sure we got it self.assert_(len(self.callback_data), "no callback data from %s" % PUBNODE) for d in self.callback_data: errorstr = "callback msg field [%%s] from %s does not match" % PUBNODE self.assertAlmostEqual(3.14, d.time, 2, errorstr % "time") self.assertEquals(250, len(d.joint_states)) self.assertEquals(260, len(d.actuator_states)) for f in d.joint_states: self.assertEquals("jointstate", self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, f.position, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, f.velocity, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, f.applied_effort, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, f.commanded_effort, 1) for i in xrange(0, len(d.actuator_states)): f = d.actuator_states[i] self.assertEquals("actuatorstate", self.assertEquals(1.0, f.motor_voltage) self.assertEquals(i, f.encoder_count) self.assertEquals(0, f.calibration_reading) self.assertEquals(i + 1, f.last_calibration_falling_edge) self.assertEquals(i + 2, f.last_calibration_rising_edge) self.assertEquals(0, f.num_encoder_errors) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.ready(NAME), NAME, TestMechanismState, sys.argv)
def listener_with_user_data(): rospy.TopicSub("/goal", Planner2DGoal, callback) rospy.ready(NAME, anonymous=True) rospy.spin()
import sys import time from std_msgs.msg import Image from std_msgs.msg import ImageArray import rospy import pyrob.util as ut import opencv.highgui as hg def display_array(iar): left = ut.ros2cv(iar.images[0]) right = ut.ros2cv(iar.images[1]) hg.cvShowImage('channel 1', left) hg.cvShowImage('channel 2', right) hg.cvWaitKey(5) def display_single(im): imcv = ut.ros2cv(im) hg.cvShowImage('channel 1', imcv) hg.cvWaitKey(5) if __name__ == '__main__': hg.cvNamedWindow('channel 1', 1) hg.cvNamedWindow('channel 2', 1) rospy.TopicSub('images', ImageArray, display_array) rospy.TopicSub('image', Image, display_single) rospy.ready('camview_py') rospy.spin()