def test_unit_Q_conversion(auxiliary_function): results = auxiliary_function( E=Q_(1, "lbf/in**2"), G_s=Q_(1, "lbf/in**2"), rho=Q_(1, "lb/foot**3"), L=Q_(1, "inches"), idl=Q_(1, "inches"), idr=Q_(1, "inches"), odl=Q_(1, "inches"), odr=Q_(1, "inches"), speed=Q_(1, "RPM"), frequency=Q_(1, "RPM"), ) # check if all available units are tested assert len(results) == len(units) E, G_s, rho, L, idl, idr, odl, odr, speed, frequency = results assert E == 6894.7572931683635 assert G_s == 6894.7572931683635 assert_allclose(rho, 16.01846337396014) assert L == 0.0254 assert idl == 0.0254 assert idr == 0.0254 assert odl == 0.0254 assert odr == 0.0254 assert speed == 0.10471975511965977 assert frequency == 0.10471975511965977
def test_unit_Q_(auxiliary_function): results = auxiliary_function( E=Q_(1, "N/m**2"), G_s=Q_(1, "N/m**2"), rho=Q_(1, "kg/m**3"), L=Q_(1, "meter"), idl=Q_(1, "meter"), idr=Q_(1, "meter"), odl=Q_(1, "meter"), odr=Q_(1, "meter"), speed=Q_(1, "radian/second"), frequency=Q_(1, "radian/second"), ) # check if all available units are tested assert len(results) == len(units) E, G_s, rho, L, idl, idr, odl, odr, speed, frequency = results assert E == 1 assert G_s == 1 assert rho == 1 assert L == 1 assert idl == 1 assert idr == 1 assert odl == 1 assert odr == 1 assert speed == 1 assert frequency == 1
def cylindrical_units(): speed = Q_(900, "RPM") L = Q_(10.3600055944, "in") bearing = THDCylindrical( L=L, R=0.2, c_r=1.95e-4, n_theta=11, n_z=3, n_y=None, betha_s=176, mu_ref=0.02, speed=speed, Wx=0, Wy=-112814.91, k_t=0.15327, Cp=1915.24, rho=854.952, T_reserv=50, fat_mixt=[0.52, 0.48], T_muI=50, T_muF=80, mu_I=0.02, mu_F=0.01, sommerfeld_type=2, ) return bearing
def test_unit_Q__pint(auxiliary_function): results = auxiliary_function( E=Q_(1, "N/m**2"), G_s=Q_(1, "N/m**2"), rho=Q_(1, "kg/m**3"), L=Q_(1, "meter"), idl=Q_(1, "meter"), idr=Q_(1, "meter"), odl=Q_(1, "meter"), odr=Q_(1, "meter"), speed=Q_(1, "radian/second"), frequency=Q_(1, "radian/second"), ) # check if all available units are tested assert len(results) == len(units) E, G_s, rho, L, idl, idr, odl, odr, speed, frequency = results assert E.magnitude == 1 assert E.units == "newton/meter**2" assert G_s.magnitude == 1 assert G_s.units == "newton/meter**2" assert rho.magnitude == 1 assert rho.units == "kilogram/meter**3" assert L.magnitude == 1 assert L.units == "meter" assert idl.magnitude == 1 assert idl.units == "meter" assert idr.magnitude == 1 assert idr.units == "meter" assert odl.magnitude == 1 assert odl.units == "meter" assert odr.magnitude == 1 assert odr.units == "meter" assert speed.magnitude == 1 assert speed.units == "radian/second" assert frequency.magnitude == 1 assert frequency.units == "radian/second"
def test_unit_Q_conversion_pint(auxiliary_function): results = auxiliary_function( E=Q_(1, "lbf/in**2"), G_s=Q_(1, "lbf/in**2"), rho=Q_(1, "lb/foot**3"), L=Q_(1, "inches"), idl=Q_(1, "inches"), idr=Q_(1, "inches"), odl=Q_(1, "inches"), odr=Q_(1, "inches"), speed=Q_(1, "RPM"), frequency=Q_(1, "RPM"), ) # check if all available units are tested assert len(results) == len(units) E, G_s, rho, L, idl, idr, odl, odr, speed, frequency = results assert E.magnitude == 6894.7572931683635 assert E.units == "newton/meter**2" assert G_s.magnitude == 6894.7572931683635 assert G_s.units == "newton/meter**2" assert_allclose(rho.magnitude, 16.01846337396014) assert rho.units == "kilogram/meter**3" assert L.magnitude == 0.0254 assert L.units == "meter" assert idl.magnitude == 0.0254 assert idl.units == "meter" assert idr.magnitude == 0.0254 assert idr.units == "meter" assert odl.magnitude == 0.0254 assert odl.units == "meter" assert odr.magnitude == 0.0254 assert odr.units == "meter" assert speed.magnitude == 0.10471975511965977 assert speed.units == "radian/second" assert frequency.magnitude == 0.10471975511965977 assert frequency.units == "radian/second"
def crack_example(): """Create an example to evaluate the influence of transverse cracks in a rotating shaft. This function returns an instance of a transversal crack defect. The purpose is to make available a simple model so that a doctest can be written using it. Returns ------- crack : ross.Crack Object An instance of a crack model object. Examples -------- >>> crack = crack_example() >>> crack.speed 125.66370614359172 """ rotor = base_rotor_example() crack = rotor.run_crack( dt=0.0001, tI=0, tF=0.5, depth_ratio=0.2, n_crack=18, speed=Q_(1200, "RPM"), unbalance_magnitude=np.array([5e-4, 0]), unbalance_phase=np.array([-np.pi / 2, 0]), crack_type="Mayes", print_progress=False, ) return crack
def crack_mayes_units(): unbalance_magnitudet = Q_(np.array([0.043398083107259365, 0]), "lb*in") unbalance_phaset = Q_(np.array([-90.0, 0.0]), "degrees") crack = rotor.run_crack( dt=0.01, tI=0, tF=0.5, depth_ratio=0.2, n_crack=18, speed=Q_(1200, "RPM"), unbalance_magnitude=unbalance_magnitudet, unbalance_phase=unbalance_phaset, crack_type="Mayes", print_progress=False, ) return crack
def rub_units(): unbalance_magnitudet = Q_(np.array([0.043398083107259365, 0]), "lb*in") unbalance_phaset = Q_(np.array([-90.0, 0.0]), "degrees") rubbing = rotor.run_rubbing( dt=0.001, tI=0, tF=0.5, deltaRUB=7.95e-5, kRUB=1.1e6, cRUB=40, miRUB=0.3, posRUB=12, speed=Q_(1200, "RPM"), unbalance_magnitude=unbalance_magnitudet, unbalance_phase=unbalance_phaset, print_progress=True, ) return rubbing
def plot_dfft(self, probe, probe_units="rad", range_freq=None, fig=None, **kwargs): """""" if fig is None: fig = go.Figure() for i, p in enumerate(probe): dofx = p[0] * self.rotor.number_dof dofy = p[0] * self.rotor.number_dof + 1 angle = Q_(p[1], probe_units).to("rad").m # fmt: off operator = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [np.cos(angle), +np.sin(angle)]]) row, cols = self.response.shape _probe_resp = operator @ np.vstack( (self.response[dofx, int(2 * cols / 3):], self.response[dofy, int(2 * cols / 3):])) probe_resp = (_probe_resp[0] * np.cos(angle)**2 + _probe_resp[1] * np.sin(angle)**2) # fmt: on amp, freq = self._dfft(probe_resp, self.dt) if range_freq is not None: amp = amp[(freq >= range_freq[0]) & (freq <= range_freq[1])] freq = freq[(freq >= range_freq[0]) & (freq <= range_freq[1])] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=freq, y=amp, mode="lines", name=f"Probe {i + 1}", legendgroup=f"Probe {i + 1}", showlegend=True, hovertemplate= f"Frequency (Hz): %{{x:.2f}}<br>Amplitude (m): %{{y:.2e}}", )) fig.update_xaxes(title_text=f"Frequency (Hz)") fig.update_yaxes(title_text=f"Amplitude (m)") fig.update_layout(**kwargs) return fig
def misalignment_flex_combined_example(): """Create an example of a flexible combined misalignment defect. This function returns an instance of a flexible combined misalignment defect. The purpose is to make available a simple model so that a doctest can be written using it. Returns ------- misalignment : ross.MisalignmentFlex Object An instance of a flexible combined misalignment model object. Examples -------- >>> misalignment = misalignment_flex_combined_example() >>> misalignment.speed 125.66370614359172 """ rotor = base_rotor_example() misalignment = rotor.run_misalignment( coupling="flex", dt=0.0001, tI=0, tF=0.5, kd=40 * 10**(3), ks=38 * 10**(3), eCOUPx=2 * 10**(-4), eCOUPy=2 * 10**(-4), misalignment_angle=5 * np.pi / 180, TD=0, TL=0, n1=0, speed=Q_(1200, "RPM"), unbalance_magnitude=np.array([5e-4, 0]), unbalance_phase=np.array([-np.pi / 2, 0]), mis_type="combined", print_progress=False, ) return misalignment
def cylindrical_bearing_example(): """Create an example of a cylindrical bearing with termo hydrodynamic effects. This function returns pressure and temperature field and dynamic coefficient. The purpose is to make available a simple model so that a doctest can be written using it. Returns ------- THDCylindrical : ross.THDCylindrical Object An instance of a termo-hydrodynamic cylendrical bearing model object. Examples -------- >>> bearing = cylindrical_bearing_example() >>> bearing.L 0.263144 """ bearing = THDCylindrical( L=0.263144, R=0.2, c_r=1.95e-4, n_theta=11, n_z=3, n_y=None, betha_s=176, mu_ref=0.02, speed=Q_(900, "RPM"), Wx=0, Wy=-112814.91, k_t=0.15327, Cp=1915.24, rho=854.952, T_reserv=50, fat_mixt=[0.52, 0.48], T_muI=50, T_muF=80, mu_I=0.02, mu_F=0.01, sommerfeld_type=2, ) return bearing
def rubbing_example(): """Create an example of a rubbing defect. This function returns an instance of a rubbing defect. The purpose is to make available a simple model so that a doctest can be written using it. Returns ------- rubbing : ross.Rubbing Object An instance of a rubbing model object. Examples -------- >>> rubbing = rubbing_example() >>> rubbing.speed 125.66370614359172 """ rotor = base_rotor_example() rubbing = rotor.run_rubbing( dt=0.0001, tI=0, tF=0.5, deltaRUB=7.95e-5, kRUB=1.1e6, cRUB=40, miRUB=0.3, posRUB=12, speed=Q_(1200, "RPM"), unbalance_magnitude=np.array([5e-4, 0]), unbalance_phase=np.array([-np.pi / 2, 0]), torque=False, print_progress=False, ) return rubbing
def misalignment_rigid_example(): """Create an example of a rigid misalignment defect. This function returns an instance of a rigid misalignment defect. The purpose is to make available a simple model so that a doctest can be written using it. Returns ------- misalignment : ross.MisalignmentRigid Object An instance of a rigid misalignment model object. Examples -------- >>> misalignment = misalignment_rigid_example() >>> misalignment.speed 125.66370614359172 """ rotor = base_rotor_example() misalignment = rotor.run_misalignment( coupling="rigid", dt=0.0001, tI=0, tF=0.5, eCOUP=2e-4, TD=0, TL=0, n1=0, speed=Q_(1200, "RPM"), unbalance_magnitude=np.array([5e-4, 0]), unbalance_phase=np.array([-np.pi / 2, 0]), print_progress=False, ) return misalignment
def test_cylindrical_hydrodynamic(): cylindrical = CylindricalBearing( n=0, speed=Q_([1500, 2000], "RPM"), weight=525, bearing_length=Q_(30, "mm"), journal_diameter=Q_(100, "mm"), radial_clearance=Q_(0.1, "mm"), oil_viscosity=0.1, ) expected_modified_sommerfeld = np.array([1.009798, 1.346397]) expected_sommerfeld = np.array([3.571429, 4.761905]) expected_eccentricity = np.array([0.266298, 0.212571]) expected_attitude_angle = np.array([0.198931, 0.161713]) expected_k = np.array([[12.80796, 16.393593], [-25.060393, 8.815303]]) expected_c = np.array([[232.89693, -81.924371], [-81.924371, 294.911619]]) assert_allclose( cylindrical.modified_sommerfeld, expected_modified_sommerfeld, rtol=1e-6 ) assert_allclose(cylindrical.sommerfeld, expected_sommerfeld, rtol=1e-6) assert_allclose(cylindrical.eccentricity, expected_eccentricity, rtol=1e-5) assert_allclose(cylindrical.attitude_angle, expected_attitude_angle, rtol=1e-5) assert_allclose(cylindrical.K(Q_(1500, "RPM")) / 1e6, expected_k, rtol=1e-6) assert_allclose(cylindrical.C(Q_(1500, "RPM")) / 1e3, expected_c, rtol=1e-6)
def test_unit_Q_(auxiliary_function): results = auxiliary_function( E=Q_(1, "N/m**2"), G_s=Q_(1, "N/m**2"), rho=Q_(1, "kg/m**3"), L=Q_(1, "meter"), idl=Q_(1, "meter"), idr=Q_(1, "meter"), odl=Q_(1, "meter"), odr=Q_(1, "meter"), speed=Q_(1, "radian/second"), frequency=Q_(1, "radian/second"), m=Q_(1, "kg"), mx=Q_(1, "kg"), my=Q_(1, "kg"), Ip=Q_(1, "kg*m**2"), Id=Q_(1, "kg*m**2"), width=Q_(1, "meter"), depth=Q_(1, "meter"), i_d=Q_(1, "meter"), o_d=Q_(1, "meter"), kxx=Q_(1, "N/m"), kxy=Q_(1, "N/m"), kxz=Q_(1, "N/m"), kyx=Q_(1, "N/m"), kyy=Q_(1, "N/m"), kyz=Q_(1, "N/m"), kzx=Q_(1, "N/m"), kzy=Q_(1, "N/m"), kzz=Q_(1, "N/m"), cxx=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), cxy=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), cxz=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), cyx=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), cyy=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), cyz=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), czx=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), czy=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), czz=Q_(1, "N*s/m"), unbalance_magnitude=Q_(1, "kg*m"), unbalance_phase=Q_(1, "rad"), ) # check if all available units are tested assert len(results) == len(units) # fmt: off (E, G_s, rho, L, idl, idr, odl, odr, speed, frequency, m, mx, my, Ip, Id, width, depth, i_d, o_d, kxx, kxy, kxz, kyx, kyy, kyz, kzx, kzy, kzz, cxx, cxy, cxz, cyx, cyy, cyz, czx, czy, czz, unbalance_magnitude, unbalance_phase) = results # fmt: on assert E == 1 assert G_s == 1 assert rho == 1 assert L == 1 assert idl == 1 assert idr == 1 assert odl == 1 assert odr == 1 assert speed == 1 assert frequency == 1 assert m == 1 assert mx == 1 assert my == 1 assert Ip == 1 assert Id == 1 assert width == 1 assert depth == 1 assert i_d == 1 assert o_d == 1 assert kxx == 1 assert kxy == 1 assert kxz == 1 assert kyx == 1 assert kyy == 1 assert kyz == 1 assert kzx == 1 assert kzy == 1 assert kzz == 1 assert cxx == 1 assert cxy == 1 assert cxz == 1 assert cyx == 1 assert cyy == 1 assert cyz == 1 assert czx == 1 assert czy == 1 assert czz == 1 unbalance_magnitude == 1 unbalance_phase == 1
def test_new_units_loaded(): speed = Q_(1, "RPM") assert speed.magnitude == 1
def test_units_pickle(): speed = Q_(1, "RPM") speed_pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(speed)) assert speed == speed_pickled
def test_unit_Q_conversion(auxiliary_function): results = auxiliary_function( E=Q_(1, "lbf/in**2"), G_s=Q_(1, "lbf/in**2"), rho=Q_(1, "lb/foot**3"), L=Q_(1, "inches"), idl=Q_(1, "inches"), idr=Q_(1, "inches"), odl=Q_(1, "inches"), odr=Q_(1, "inches"), speed=Q_(1, "RPM"), frequency=Q_(1, "RPM"), m=Q_(1, "lb"), mx=Q_(1, "lb"), my=Q_(1, "lb"), Ip=Q_(1, "lb*in**2"), Id=Q_(1, "lb*in**2"), width=Q_(1, "inches"), depth=Q_(1, "inches"), i_d=Q_(1, "inches"), o_d=Q_(1, "inches"), kxx=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kxy=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kxz=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kyx=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kyy=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kyz=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kzx=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kzy=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), kzz=Q_(1, "lbf/in"), cxx=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), cxy=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), cxz=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), cyx=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), cyy=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), cyz=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), czx=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), czy=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), czz=Q_(1, "lbf*s/in"), unbalance_magnitude=Q_(1, "lb*in"), unbalance_phase=Q_(1, "deg"), ) # check if all available units are tested assert len(results) == len(units) # fmt: off (E, G_s, rho, L, idl, idr, odl, odr, speed, frequency, m, mx, my, Ip, Id, width, depth, i_d, o_d, kxx, kxy, kxz, kyx, kyy, kyz, kzx, kzy, kzz, cxx, cxy, cxz, cyx, cyy, cyz, czx, czy, czz, unbalance_magnitude, unbalance_phase) = results # fmt: on assert E == 6894.7572931683635 assert G_s == 6894.7572931683635 assert_allclose(rho, 16.01846337396014) assert L == 0.0254 assert idl == 0.0254 assert idr == 0.0254 assert odl == 0.0254 assert odr == 0.0254 assert speed == 0.10471975511965977 assert frequency == 0.10471975511965977 assert m == 0.4535923700000001 assert mx == 0.4535923700000001 assert my == 0.4535923700000001 assert Ip == 0.0002926396534292 assert Id == 0.0002926396534292 assert width == 0.0254 assert depth == 0.0254 assert i_d == 0.0254 assert o_d == 0.0254 assert kxx == 175.12683524647645 assert kxy == 175.12683524647645 assert kxz == 175.12683524647645 assert kyx == 175.12683524647645 assert kyy == 175.12683524647645 assert kyz == 175.12683524647645 assert kzx == 175.12683524647645 assert kzy == 175.12683524647645 assert kzz == 175.12683524647645 assert cxx == 175.12683524647645 assert cxy == 175.12683524647645 assert cxz == 175.12683524647645 assert cyx == 175.12683524647645 assert cyy == 175.12683524647645 assert cyz == 175.12683524647645 assert czx == 175.12683524647645 assert czy == 175.12683524647645 assert czz == 175.12683524647645 assert unbalance_magnitude == 0.011521246198000002 assert unbalance_phase == 0.017453292519943295
def test_unit_Q_conversion(auxiliary_function): kwargs = {k: Q_(v.single_value, v.other_unit) for k, v in arguments.items()} results = auxiliary_function(**kwargs) results_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(arguments.keys(), results)} for arg, actual in results_dict.items(): assert_allclose(actual, arguments[arg].expected_converted_value)
def test_new_units_loaded(): speed = Q_(1, "RPM") assert speed.m == 1 # check if h is hour instead of planck constant v = Q_(3600, "m/h") assert"m/s").m == 1
def plot_dfft(self, probe, probe_units="rad", range_freq=None, fig=None, **kwargs): """Plot response in frequency domain (dFFT - discrete Fourier Transform) using Plotly. Parameters ---------- probe : list of tuples List with tuples (node, orientation angle, tag). node : int indicate the node where the probe is located. orientation : float probe orientation angle about the shaft. The 0 refers to +X direction. tag : str, optional probe tag to be displayed at the legend. probe_units : str, option Units for probe orientation. Default is "rad". range_freq : list, optional Units for the x axis. Default is "Hz" fig : Plotly graph_objects.Figure() The figure object with the plot. kwargs : optional Additional key word arguments can be passed to change the plot layout only (e.g. width=1000, height=800, ...). *See Plotly Python Figure Reference for more information. Returns ------- fig : Plotly graph_objects.Figure() The figure object with the plot. """ if fig is None: fig = go.Figure() for i, p in enumerate(probe): dofx = p[0] * self.rotor.number_dof dofy = p[0] * self.rotor.number_dof + 1 angle = Q_(p[1], probe_units).to("rad").m # fmt: off operator = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [np.cos(angle), +np.sin(angle)]]) row, cols = self.response.shape _probe_resp = operator @ np.vstack( (self.response[dofx, int(2 * cols / 3):], self.response[dofy, int(2 * cols / 3):])) probe_resp = (_probe_resp[0] * np.cos(angle)**2 + _probe_resp[1] * np.sin(angle)**2) # fmt: on amp, freq = self._dfft(probe_resp, self.dt) if range_freq is not None: amp = amp[(freq >= range_freq[0]) & (freq <= range_freq[1])] freq = freq[(freq >= range_freq[0]) & (freq <= range_freq[1])] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=freq, y=amp, mode="lines", name=f"Probe {i + 1} - Node {p[0]}", legendgroup=f"Probe {i + 1} - Node {p[0]}", showlegend=True, hovertemplate= f"Frequency (Hz): %{{x:.2f}}<br>Amplitude (m): %{{y:.2e}}", )) fig.update_xaxes(title_text=f"Frequency (Hz)") fig.update_yaxes(title_text=f"Amplitude (m)") fig.update_layout(**kwargs) return fig