def measurement_update(sensor_var, p_cov_check, y_k, p_check, v_check, q_check):
    # 3.1 Compute Kalman Gain
    # 3.2 Compute error state


    # 3.3 Correct predicted state

    # 3.4 Compute corrected covariance

    return p_hat, v_hat, q_hat, p_cov_hat
コード例 #2
ファイル: プロジェクト: zhorkay/SDC
def measurement_update(sensor_var, p_cov_check, y_k, p_check, v_check,
    # 3.1 Compute Kalman Gain
    R = np.eye(3) * sensor_var
    # 9x9 @ 9x3 @ (3x9 @ 9x9 @ 9x3 + 3x3)
    K = p_cov_check @ h_jac.T @ np.linalg.inv(h_jac @ p_cov_check @ h_jac.T +

    # 3.2 Compute error state
    Dx = K @ (y_k - p_check)

    # 3.3 Correct predicted state
    p_hat = p_check + Dx[0:3]
    v_hat = v_check + Dx[3:6]

    q_Phi = Quaternion(axis_angle=Dx[6:9])
    q_hat = q_Phi.quat_mult_left(q_check, out='Quaternion')

    # 3.4 Compute corrected covariance
    p_cov_hat = (np.eye(9) - K @ h_jac) @ p_cov_check

    return p_hat, v_hat, q_hat, p_cov_hat
コード例 #3
ファイル: プロジェクト: lewjae/ekf_vehicle
def measurement_update(sensor_var, p_cov_check, y_m, p_check, v_check, q_check):
    # Do some intialization
    P_k = p_cov_check
    #print("P_k: ", P_k)
    # 3.1 Compute Kalman Gain

    #H_k = np.zeros([3,9])
    #H_k[:,0:3] = np.eye(3)
    H_k = h_jac

    M_k = np.eye(3)

    R_k = sensor_var * np.eye(3)

    K_k = P_k @ H_k.T @ np.linalg.inv(H_k @ P_k @ H_k.T + R_k)
    #print("K_k: ", K_k)
    # 3.2 Compute error state
    y_k  = p_check
    dx_k = K_k @ (y_m - y_k).T
    print("dx_k: ", dx_k)
    # 3.3 Correct predicted state

    p_hat = p_check + dx_k[:3]
    v_hat = v_check + dx_k[3:6]
    q = Quaternion(axis_angle = dx_k[6:] )
    q_hat = q.quat_mult_left(q_check)

    # 3.4 Compute corrected covariance
    p_cov_hat = (np.eye(9) - K_k @ H_k) @ P_k

    return p_hat, v_hat, q_hat, p_cov_hat
コード例 #4
for k in range(1,[0]
               ):  # start at 1 b/c we have initial prediction from gt
    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs
    q_prev = Quaternion(
        *q_est[k - 1, :])  # previous orientation as a quaternion object
    q_curr = Quaternion(axis_angle=([k - 1] *
                                    delta_t))  # current IMU orientation
    c_ns = q_prev.to_mat()  # previous orientation as a matrix
    f_ns = (c_ns @[k - 1]) + g  # calculate sum of forces
    p_check = p_est[k - 1, :] + delta_t * v_est[k - 1, :] + 0.5 * (delta_t**
                                                                   2) * f_ns
    v_check = v_est[k - 1, :] + delta_t * f_ns
    q_check = q_prev.quat_mult_left(q_curr)

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians
    f_jac = np.eye(9)  # motion model jacobian with respect to last state
    f_jac[0:3, 3:6] = np.eye(3) * delta_t
    f_jac[3:6, 6:9] = -skew_symmetric(c_ns @[k - 1]) * delta_t

    # 2. Propagate uncertainty
    q_cov = np.zeros((6, 6))  # IMU noise covariance
    q_cov[0:3, 0:3] = delta_t**2 * np.eye(3) * var_imu_f
    q_cov[3:6, 3:6] = delta_t**2 * np.eye(3) * var_imu_w
    p_cov_check = f_jac @ p_cov[k -
                                1, :, :] @ f_jac.T + l_jac @ q_cov @ l_jac.T

    # 3. Check availability of GNSS and LIDAR measurements
    if imu_f.t[k] in gnss_t:
コード例 #5
    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]
    curr_t = imu_f.t[k]
    f_k_1 =[k - 1]
    w_k_1 =[k - 1]
    p_k_1 = p_est[k - 1]
    v_k_1 = v_est[k - 1]
    q_k_1 = Quaternion(q_est[k - 1, 0], q_est[k - 1, 1], q_est[k - 1, 2],
                       q_est[k - 1, 3])
    Cns = q_k_1.to_mat()

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs
    p_check = p_k_1 + delta_t * v_k_1 + (delta_t**2) / 2 * (Cns @ f_k_1 + g)

    v_check = v_k_1 + delta_t * (Cns @ f_k_1 + g)

    q_check = q_k_1.quat_mult_left(Quaternion(axis_angle=(w_k_1 * delta_t)))

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians
    F_k_1 = np.identity(9)
    F_k_1[0:3, 3:6] = np.identity(3) * delta_t
    F_k_1[3:6, 6:9] = -1 * skew_symmetric(Cns @ f_k_1) * delta_t

    # 2. Propagate uncertainty
    Q_k = np.identity(6)
    Q_k[0:3, 0:3] = delta_t**2 * var_imu_f * np.identity(3)
    Q_k[3:6, 3:6] = delta_t**2 * var_imu_w * np.identity(3)
    p_cov_check = F_k_1 @ p_cov[k - 1] @ F_k_1.T + l_jac @ Q_k @ l_jac.T

    # 3. Check availability of GNSS and LIDAR measurements
    gnss_idx = find_closest_measurement(curr_t, gnss.t, max(last_gnss_idx, 0))
    lidar_idx = find_closest_measurement(curr_t, lidar.t,
コード例 #6
ファイル: プロジェクト: lewjae/ekf_vehicle
# for our state in a loop.
from termcolor import colored

for k in range(1,[0]):  # start at 1 b/c we have initial prediction from gt

    delta_t = imu_f.t[k] - imu_f.t[k - 1]

    # 1. Update state with IMU inputs

    C_ns = Quaternion(*q_check).to_mat()
    p_check += delta_t * v_check  + delta_t**2*([k] + np.array([0, 0, -9.8]))/2
    v_check += delta_t*([k] + np.array([0, 0, -9.8]))
    q = Quaternion([k] * delta_t)
    q_check = q.quat_mult_left(q_check)

    # 1.1 Linearize the motion model and compute Jacobians
    F_k = np.eye(9)
    F_k[:3,3:6] = np.eye(3) * delta_t
    F_k[3:6,6:] = -skew_symmetric(C_ns @[k]) * delta_t

    #L_k = np.zeros([9,6])
    #L_k[3:6,:3] = np.eye(3)
    #L_k[6:,3:] = np.eye(3)
    L_k = l_jac

    # 2. Propagate uncertainty
    Q_k = np.zeros([6,6])
    Q_k[:3,:3] = var_imu_f * delta_t**2 * np.eye(3)
    Q_k[3:,3:] = var_imu_w * delta_t**2 * np.eye(3)  #input noise convariance