class Accountant(): def __init__( self, db: DBHandler, user_directory: FilePath, msg_aggregator: MessagesAggregator, create_csv: bool, ) -> None: self.db = db profit_currency = db.get_main_currency() self.msg_aggregator = msg_aggregator self.csvexporter = CSVExporter(profit_currency, user_directory, create_csv) = TaxableEvents(self.csvexporter, profit_currency) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.last_gas_price = FVal(0) self.started_processing_timestamp = Timestamp(-1) self.currently_processing_timestamp = Timestamp(-1) def __del__(self) -> None: del del self.csvexporter @property def general_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return @property def taxable_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return def _customize(self, settings: DBSettings) -> None: """Customize parameters after pulling DBSettings""" if settings.include_crypto2crypto is not None: = settings.include_crypto2crypto if settings.taxfree_after_period is not None: given_taxfree_after_period: Optional[int] = settings.taxfree_after_period if given_taxfree_after_period == -1: # That means user requested to disable taxfree_after_period given_taxfree_after_period = None = given_taxfree_after_period self.profit_currency = settings.main_currency = settings.main_currency self.csvexporter.profit_currency = settings.main_currency def get_fee_in_profit_currency(self, trade: Trade) -> Fee: """Get the profit_currency rate of the fee of the given trade May raise: - PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset if the from asset is known to miss from cryptocompare - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from the price oracle - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ fee_rate = PriceHistorian().query_historical_price( from_asset=trade.fee_currency, to_asset=self.profit_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) return Fee(fee_rate * trade.fee) def add_asset_movement_to_events(self, movement: AssetMovement) -> None: """ Adds the given asset movement to the processed events May raise: - PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset if the from asset is known to miss from cryptocompare - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ timestamp = movement.timestamp if timestamp < self.start_ts: return if movement.asset.identifier == 'KFEE': # There is no reason to process deposits of KFEE for kraken as it has only value # internal to kraken and KFEE has no value and will error at cryptocompare price query return fee_rate =, timestamp) cost = movement.fee * fee_rate self.asset_movement_fees += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for asset movement', sensitive_log=True, category=movement.category, asset=movement.asset, cost_in_profit_currency=cost, timestamp=timestamp, exchange_name=movement.location, ) self.csvexporter.add_asset_movement( exchange=movement.location, category=movement.category, asset=movement.asset, fee=movement.fee, rate=fee_rate, timestamp=timestamp, ) def account_for_gas_costs( self, transaction: EthereumTransaction, include_gas_costs: bool, ) -> None: """ Accounts for the gas costs of the given ethereum transaction May raise: - PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset if the from asset is known to miss from cryptocompare - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ if not include_gas_costs: return if transaction.timestamp < self.start_ts: return if transaction.gas_price == -1: gas_price = self.last_gas_price else: gas_price = transaction.gas_price self.last_gas_price = transaction.gas_price rate =, transaction.timestamp) eth_burned_as_gas = (transaction.gas_used * gas_price) / FVal(10 ** 18) cost = eth_burned_as_gas * rate self.eth_transactions_gas_costs += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for ethereum transaction gas cost', sensitive_log=True, gas_used=transaction.gas_used, gas_price=gas_price, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) self.csvexporter.add_tx_gas_cost( transaction_hash=transaction.tx_hash, eth_burned_as_gas=eth_burned_as_gas, rate=rate, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) def trade_add_to_sell_events(self, trade: Trade, loan_settlement: bool) -> None: """ Adds the given trade to the sell events May raise: - PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset if the from asset is known to miss from cryptocompare - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ selling_asset = trade.base_asset receiving_asset = trade.quote_asset receiving_asset_rate = receiving_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = receiving_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount if not loan_settlement: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=receiving_asset, receiving_amount=trade.amount * trade.rate, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) else: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, is_virtual=False, ) def process_history( self, start_ts: Timestamp, end_ts: Timestamp, trade_history: List[Union[Trade, MarginPosition]], loan_history: List[Loan], asset_movements: List[AssetMovement], eth_transactions: List[EthereumTransaction], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Processes the entire history of cryptoworld actions in order to determine the price and time at which every asset was obtained and also the general and taxable profit/loss. start_ts here is the timestamp at which to start taking trades and other taxable events into account. Not where processing starts from. Processing always starts from the very first event we find in the history. """ 'Start of history processing', start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, ), end_ts) self.last_gas_price = FVal("2000000000") self.start_ts = start_ts self.eth_transactions_gas_costs = FVal(0) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.csvexporter.reset_csv_lists() # Used only in the "avoid zerorpc remote lost after 10ms problem" self.last_sleep_ts = 0 # Ask the DB for the settings once at the start of processing so we got the # same settings through the entire task db_settings = self.db.get_settings() self._customize(db_settings) actions: List[TaxableAction] = list(trade_history) # If we got loans, we need to interleave them with the full history and re-sort if len(loan_history) != 0: actions.extend(loan_history) if len(asset_movements) != 0: actions.extend(asset_movements) if len(eth_transactions) != 0: actions.extend(eth_transactions) actions.sort( key=lambda action: action_get_timestamp(action), ) # The first ts is the ts of the first action we have in history or 0 for empty history first_ts = Timestamp(0) if len(actions) == 0 else action_get_timestamp(actions[0]) self.currently_processing_timestamp = first_ts self.started_processing_timestamp = first_ts prev_time = Timestamp(0) count = 0 for action in actions: try: ( should_continue, prev_time, count, ) = self.process_action(action, end_ts, prev_time, count, db_settings) except PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f' {timestamp_to_date(ts, formatstr="%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")} ' f'during history processing due to an asset unknown to ' f'cryptocompare being involved. Check logs for details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'cryptocompare not supporting an involved asset: {str(e)}', ) continue except NoPriceForGivenTimestamp as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f' {timestamp_to_date(ts, formatstr="%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")} ' f'during history processing due to inability to find a price ' f'at that point in time: {str(e)}. Check the logs for more details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'inability to query a price at that time: {str(e)}', ) continue except RemoteError as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f' {timestamp_to_date(ts, formatstr="%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")} ' f'during history processing due to inability to reach an external ' f'service at that point in time: {str(e)}. Check the logs for more details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'inability to reach an external service at that time: {str(e)}', ) continue if not should_continue: break Inquirer().save_historical_forex_data() sum_other_actions = ( + - - self.asset_movement_fees - self.eth_transactions_gas_costs ) total_taxable_pl = + sum_other_actions return { 'overview': { 'loan_profit': str(, 'margin_positions_profit_loss': str(, 'settlement_losses': str(, 'ethereum_transaction_gas_costs': str(self.eth_transactions_gas_costs), 'asset_movement_fees': str(self.asset_movement_fees), 'general_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'taxable_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'total_taxable_profit_loss': str(total_taxable_pl), 'total_profit_loss': str( + sum_other_actions, ), }, 'all_events': self.csvexporter.all_events, } def process_action( self, action: TaxableAction, end_ts: Timestamp, prev_time: Timestamp, count: int, db_settings: DBSettings, ) -> Tuple[bool, Timestamp, int]: """Processes each individual action and returns whether we should continue looping through the rest of the actions or not May raise: - PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset if the from asset is known to miss from cryptocompare - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ ignored_assets = self.db.get_ignored_assets() # Assert we are sorted in ascending time order. timestamp = action_get_timestamp(action) assert timestamp >= prev_time, ( "During history processing the trades/loans are not in ascending order" ) prev_time = timestamp if timestamp > end_ts: return False, prev_time, count self.currently_processing_timestamp = timestamp action_type = action_get_type(action) try: asset1, asset2 = action_get_assets(action) except UnknownAsset as e: self.msg_aggregator.add_warning( f'At history processing found trade with unknown asset {e.asset_name}. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time, count except UnsupportedAsset as e: self.msg_aggregator.add_warning( f'At history processing found trade with unsupported asset {e.asset_name}. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time, count except DeserializationError: self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'At history processing found trade with non string asset type. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time, count if asset1 in ignored_assets or asset2 in ignored_assets: log.debug( 'Ignoring action with ignored asset', action_type=action_type, asset1=asset1, asset2=asset2, ) return True, prev_time, count if action_type == 'loan': action = cast(Loan, action) gained_asset=action.currency, lent_amount=action.amount_lent, gained_amount=action.earned, fee_in_asset=action.fee, open_time=action.open_time, close_time=timestamp, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'asset_movement': action = cast(AssetMovement, action) self.add_asset_movement_to_events(action) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'margin_position': action = cast(MarginPosition, action) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'ethereum_transaction': action = cast(EthereumTransaction, action) self.account_for_gas_costs(action, db_settings.include_gas_costs) return True, prev_time, count # if we get here it's a trade trade = cast(Trade, action) # When you buy, you buy with the cost_currency and receive the other one # When you sell, you sell the amount in non-cost_currency and receive # costs in cost_currency if trade.trade_type == TradeType.BUY: bought_asset=trade.base_asset, bought_amount=trade.amount, paid_with_asset=trade.quote_asset, trade_rate=trade.rate, fee_in_profit_currency=self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade), fee_currency=trade.fee_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SELL: self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, False) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SETTLEMENT_SELL: # in poloniex settlements sell some asset to get BTC to repay a loan self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, True) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SETTLEMENT_BUY: # in poloniex settlements you buy some asset with BTC to repay a loan # so in essense you sell BTC to repay the loan selling_asset = A_BTC selling_asset_rate = selling_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount # Since the original trade is a buy of some asset with BTC, then the # when we invert the sell, the sold amount of BTC should be the cost # (amount*rate) of the original buy selling_amount = trade.rate * trade.amount selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=selling_amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_asset_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, ) else: # Should never happen raise AssertionError(f'Unknown trade type "{trade.trade_type}" encountered') return True, prev_time, count def get_calculated_asset_amount(self, asset: Asset) -> Optional[FVal]: """Get the amount of asset accounting has calculated we should have after the history has been processed """ if asset not in return None amount = FVal(0) for buy_event in[asset].buys: amount += buy_event.amount return amount
class Accountant(): def __init__( self, db: DBHandler, user_directory: Path, msg_aggregator: MessagesAggregator, create_csv: bool, ) -> None: self.db = db profit_currency = db.get_main_currency() self.msg_aggregator = msg_aggregator self.csvexporter = CSVExporter( database=db, user_directory=user_directory, create_csv=create_csv, ) = TaxableEvents(self.csvexporter, profit_currency) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.last_gas_price = 0 self.currently_processing_timestamp = -1 self.first_processed_timestamp = -1 def __del__(self) -> None: del del self.csvexporter @property def general_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return @property def taxable_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return def _customize(self, settings: DBSettings) -> None: """Customize parameters after pulling DBSettings""" if settings.include_crypto2crypto is not None: = settings.include_crypto2crypto if settings.taxfree_after_period is not None: given_taxfree_after_period: Optional[ int] = settings.taxfree_after_period if given_taxfree_after_period == -1: # That means user requested to disable taxfree_after_period given_taxfree_after_period = None = given_taxfree_after_period self.profit_currency = settings.main_currency = settings.main_currency self.csvexporter.profit_currency = settings.main_currency if settings.account_for_assets_movements is not None: = settings.account_for_assets_movements def get_fee_in_profit_currency(self, trade: Trade) -> Fee: """Get the profit_currency rate of the fee of the given trade May raise: - PriceQueryUnsupportedAsset if from/to asset is missing from all price oracles - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from the price oracle - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ fee_rate = PriceHistorian().query_historical_price( from_asset=trade.fee_currency, to_asset=self.profit_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) return Fee(fee_rate * trade.fee) def add_asset_movement_to_events(self, movement: AssetMovement) -> None: """ Adds the given asset movement to the processed events May raise: - PriceQueryUnsupportedAsset if from/to asset is missing from all price oracles - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ timestamp = movement.timestamp if timestamp < self.start_ts: return if movement.asset.identifier == 'KFEE' or not # There is no reason to process deposits of KFEE for kraken as it has only value # internal to kraken and KFEE has no value and will error at cryptocompare price query return fee_rate = movement.fee_asset, timestamp) cost = movement.fee * fee_rate self.asset_movement_fees += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for asset movement', sensitive_log=True, category=movement.category, asset=movement.asset, cost_in_profit_currency=cost, timestamp=timestamp, exchange_name=movement.location, ) self.csvexporter.add_asset_movement( exchange=movement.location, category=movement.category, asset=movement.asset, fee=movement.fee, rate=fee_rate, timestamp=timestamp, ) def account_for_gas_costs( self, transaction: EthereumTransaction, include_gas_costs: bool, ) -> None: """ Accounts for the gas costs of the given ethereum transaction May raise: - PriceQueryUnsupportedAsset if from/to assets are missing from all price oracles - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ if not include_gas_costs: return if transaction.timestamp < self.start_ts: return if transaction.gas_price == -1: gas_price = self.last_gas_price else: gas_price = transaction.gas_price self.last_gas_price = transaction.gas_price rate =, transaction.timestamp) eth_burned_as_gas = FVal(transaction.gas_used * gas_price) / FVal(10** 18) cost = eth_burned_as_gas * rate self.eth_transactions_gas_costs += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for ethereum transaction gas cost', sensitive_log=True, gas_used=transaction.gas_used, gas_price=gas_price, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) self.csvexporter.add_tx_gas_cost( transaction_hash=transaction.tx_hash, eth_burned_as_gas=eth_burned_as_gas, rate=rate, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) def trade_add_to_sell_events(self, trade: Trade, loan_settlement: bool) -> None: """ Adds the given trade to the sell events May raise: - PriceQueryUnsupportedAsset if from/to asset is missing from all price oracles - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from cryptocompare - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ selling_asset = trade.base_asset receiving_asset = trade.quote_asset receiving_asset_rate = receiving_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = receiving_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount if not loan_settlement: location=trade.location, selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=receiving_asset, receiving_amount=trade.amount * trade.rate, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) else: location=trade.location, selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, is_virtual=False, ) def process_history( self, start_ts: Timestamp, end_ts: Timestamp, trade_history: List[Union[Trade, MarginPosition, AMMTrade]], loan_history: List[Loan], asset_movements: List[AssetMovement], eth_transactions: List[EthereumTransaction], defi_events: List[DefiEvent], ledger_actions: List[LedgerAction], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Processes the entire history of cryptoworld actions in order to determine the price and time at which every asset was obtained and also the general and taxable profit/loss. start_ts here is the timestamp at which to start taking trades and other taxable events into account. Not where processing starts from. Processing always starts from the very first event we find in the history. """ 'Start of history processing', start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, ), end_ts) self.last_gas_price = 2000000000 self.start_ts = start_ts self.eth_transactions_gas_costs = FVal(0) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.csvexporter.reset() # Ask the DB for the settings once at the start of processing so we got the # same settings through the entire task db_settings = self.db.get_settings() self._customize(db_settings) actions: List[TaxableAction] = list(trade_history) # If we got loans, we need to interleave them with the full history and re-sort if len(loan_history) != 0: actions.extend(loan_history) if len(asset_movements) != 0: actions.extend(asset_movements) if len(eth_transactions) != 0: actions.extend(eth_transactions) if len(defi_events) != 0: actions.extend(defi_events) if len(ledger_actions) != 0: actions.extend(ledger_actions) actions.sort(key=action_get_timestamp) # The first ts is the ts of the first action we have in history or 0 for empty history first_ts = Timestamp(0) if len(actions) == 0 else action_get_timestamp( actions[0]) self.currently_processing_timestamp = first_ts self.first_processed_timestamp = first_ts prev_time = Timestamp(0) count = 0 ignored_actionids_mapping = self.db.get_ignored_action_ids( action_type=None) for action in actions: try: ( should_continue, prev_time, ) = self._process_action( action=action, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, prev_time=prev_time, db_settings=db_settings, ignored_actionids_mapping=ignored_actionids_mapping, ) except PriceQueryUnsupportedAsset as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f'{self.csvexporter.timestamp_to_date(ts)} ' f'during history processing due to an asset unknown to ' f'cryptocompare being involved. Check logs for details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'cryptocompare not supporting an involved asset: {str(e)}', ) continue except NoPriceForGivenTimestamp as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f'{self.csvexporter.timestamp_to_date(ts)} ' f'during history processing due to inability to find a price ' f'at that point in time: {str(e)}. Check the logs for more details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'inability to query a price at that time: {str(e)}', ) continue except RemoteError as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f'{self.csvexporter.timestamp_to_date(ts)} ' f'during history processing due to inability to reach an external ' f'service at that point in time: {str(e)}. Check the logs for more details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'inability to reach an external service at that time: {str(e)}', ) continue if not should_continue: break if count % 500 == 0: # This loop can take a very long time depending on the amount of actions # to process. We need to yield to other greenlets or else calls to the # API may time out gevent.sleep(0.5) count += 1 Inquirer().save_historical_forex_data() sum_other_actions = ( + + + - - self.asset_movement_fees - self.eth_transactions_gas_costs) total_taxable_pl = + sum_other_actions return { 'overview': { 'ledger_actions_profit_loss': str(, 'defi_profit_loss': str(, 'loan_profit': str(, 'margin_positions_profit_loss': str(, 'settlement_losses': str(, 'ethereum_transaction_gas_costs': str(self.eth_transactions_gas_costs), 'asset_movement_fees': str(self.asset_movement_fees), 'general_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'taxable_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'total_taxable_profit_loss': str(total_taxable_pl), 'total_profit_loss': str( + sum_other_actions, ), }, 'all_events': self.csvexporter.all_events, } @staticmethod def _should_ignore_action( action: TaxableAction, action_type: str, ignored_actionids_mapping: Dict[ActionType, List[str]], ) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: # TODO: These ifs/mappings of action type str to the enum # are only due to mix of new and old code. They should be removed and only # the enum should be used everywhere eventually should_ignore = False identifier: Optional[Any] = None if action_type == 'trade': trade = cast(Trade, action) identifier = trade.identifier should_ignore = identifier in ignored_actionids_mapping.get( ActionType.TRADE, []) elif action_type == 'asset_movement': movement = cast(AssetMovement, action) identifier = movement.identifier should_ignore = identifier in ignored_actionids_mapping.get( ActionType.ASSET_MOVEMENT, [], ) elif action_type == 'ethereum_transaction': tx = cast(EthereumTransaction, action) identifier = tx.identifier should_ignore = tx.identifier in ignored_actionids_mapping.get( ActionType.ETHEREUM_TX, [], ) elif action_type == 'ledger_action': ledger_action = cast(LedgerAction, action) identifier = ledger_action.identifier should_ignore = identifier in ignored_actionids_mapping.get( ActionType.LEDGER_ACTION, [], ) return should_ignore, identifier def _process_action( self, action: TaxableAction, start_ts: Timestamp, end_ts: Timestamp, prev_time: Timestamp, db_settings: DBSettings, ignored_actionids_mapping: Dict[ActionType, List[str]], ) -> Tuple[bool, Timestamp]: """Processes each individual action and returns whether we should continue looping through the rest of the actions or not May raise: - PriceQueryUnsupportedAsset if from/to asset is missing from price oracles - NoPriceForGivenTimestamp if we can't find a price for the asset in the given timestamp from the price oracle - RemoteError if there is a problem reaching the price oracle server or with reading the response returned by the server """ ignored_assets = self.db.get_ignored_assets() # Assert we are sorted in ascending time order. timestamp = action_get_timestamp(action) assert timestamp >= prev_time, ( "During history processing the trades/loans are not in ascending order" ) prev_time = timestamp if not db_settings.calculate_past_cost_basis and timestamp < start_ts: # ignore older actions than start_ts if we don't want past cost basis return True, prev_time if timestamp > end_ts: # reached the end of the time period for the report return False, prev_time self.currently_processing_timestamp = timestamp action_type = action_get_type(action) try: asset1, asset2 = action_get_assets(action) except UnknownAsset as e: self.msg_aggregator.add_warning( f'At history processing found trade with unknown asset {e.asset_name}. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time except UnsupportedAsset as e: self.msg_aggregator.add_warning( f'At history processing found trade with unsupported asset {e.asset_name}. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time except DeserializationError: self.msg_aggregator.add_error( 'At history processing found trade with non string asset type. ' 'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time if isinstance(asset1, UnknownEthereumToken) or isinstance( asset2, UnknownEthereumToken): # type: ignore # noqa: E501 # TODO: Typing needs fixing here # type: ignore log.debug( # type: ignore 'Ignoring action with unknown token', action_type=action_type, asset1=asset1, asset2=asset2, ) return True, prev_time if asset1 in ignored_assets or asset2 in ignored_assets: log.debug( 'Ignoring action with ignored asset', action_type=action_type, asset1=asset1, asset2=asset2, ) return True, prev_time should_ignore, identifier = self._should_ignore_action( action=action, action_type=action_type, ignored_actionids_mapping=ignored_actionids_mapping, ) if should_ignore: f'Ignoring {action_type} action with identifier {identifier} ' f'at {timestamp} since the user asked to ignore it', ) return True, prev_time if action_type == 'loan': action = cast(Loan, action) location=action.location, gained_asset=action.currency, lent_amount=action.amount_lent, gained_amount=action.earned, fee_in_asset=action.fee, open_time=action.open_time, close_time=timestamp, ) return True, prev_time if action_type == 'asset_movement': action = cast(AssetMovement, action) self.add_asset_movement_to_events(action) return True, prev_time if action_type == 'margin_position': action = cast(MarginPosition, action) return True, prev_time if action_type == 'ethereum_transaction': action = cast(EthereumTransaction, action) self.account_for_gas_costs(action, db_settings.include_gas_costs) return True, prev_time if action_type == 'defi_event': action = cast(DefiEvent, action) return True, prev_time if action_type == 'ledger_action': action = cast(LedgerAction, action) return True, prev_time # else if we get here it's a trade trade = cast(Trade, action) # When you buy, you buy with the cost_currency and receive the other one # When you sell, you sell the amount in non-cost_currency and receive # costs in cost_currency if trade.trade_type == TradeType.BUY: location=trade.location, bought_asset=trade.base_asset, bought_amount=trade.amount, paid_with_asset=trade.quote_asset, trade_rate=trade.rate, fee_in_profit_currency=self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade), fee_currency=trade.fee_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SELL: self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, False) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SETTLEMENT_SELL: # in poloniex settlements sell some asset to get BTC to repay a loan self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, True) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SETTLEMENT_BUY: # in poloniex settlements you buy some asset with BTC to repay a loan # so in essense you sell BTC to repay the loan selling_asset = A_BTC selling_asset_rate = selling_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount # Since the original trade is a buy of some asset with BTC, then the # when we invert the sell, the sold amount of BTC should be the cost # (amount*rate) of the original buy selling_amount = trade.rate * trade.amount location=trade.location, selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=selling_amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_asset_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, ) else: # Should never happen raise AssertionError( f'Unknown trade type "{trade.trade_type}" encountered') return True, prev_time def get_calculated_asset_amount(self, asset: Asset) -> Optional[FVal]: """Get the amount of asset accounting has calculated we should have after the history has been processed """ if asset not in return None amount = FVal(0) for buy_event in[asset].buys: amount += buy_event.amount return amount
class Accountant(): def __init__( self, profit_currency: Asset, user_directory: FilePath, msg_aggregator: MessagesAggregator, create_csv: bool, ignored_assets: List[Asset], include_crypto2crypto: bool, taxfree_after_period: int, include_gas_costs: bool, ): self.msg_aggregator = msg_aggregator self.csvexporter = CSVExporter(profit_currency, user_directory, create_csv) = TaxableEvents(self.csvexporter, profit_currency) self.set_main_currency(profit_currency.identifier) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.last_gas_price = FVal(0) self.started_processing_timestamp = -1 self.currently_processing_timestamp = -1 # Customizable Options self.ignored_assets = ignored_assets self.include_gas_costs = include_gas_costs = include_crypto2crypto = taxfree_after_period def __del__(self): del del self.csvexporter @property def general_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return @property def taxable_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return def customize(self, settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if 'include_crypto2crypto' in settings: given_include_c2c = settings['include_crypto2crypto'] if not isinstance(given_include_c2c, bool): return False, 'Value for include_crypto2crypto must be boolean' = given_include_c2c if 'taxfree_after_period' in settings: given_taxfree_after_period = settings['taxfree_after_period'] if given_taxfree_after_period is not None: if not isinstance(given_taxfree_after_period, int): return False, 'Value for taxfree_after_period must be an integer' if given_taxfree_after_period == 0: return False, 'Value for taxfree_after_period can not be 0 days' # turn to seconds given_taxfree_after_period = given_taxfree_after_period * 86400 settings['taxfree_after_period'] = given_taxfree_after_period = given_taxfree_after_period return True, '' def set_main_currency(self, given_currency: str) -> None: currency = Asset(given_currency) msg = 'main currency checks should have happened at rotkehlchen.set_settings()' assert currency.is_fiat(), msg self.profit_currency = currency = currency @staticmethod def query_historical_price( from_asset: Asset, to_asset: Asset, timestamp: Timestamp, ) -> FVal: price = PriceHistorian().query_historical_price( from_asset, to_asset, timestamp) return price def get_rate_in_profit_currency(self, asset: Asset, timestamp: Timestamp) -> FVal: # TODO: Moved this to too. Is it still needed here? if asset == self.profit_currency: rate = FVal(1) else: rate = self.query_historical_price( asset, self.profit_currency, timestamp, ) assert isinstance(rate, (FVal, int)) # TODO Remove. Is temporary assert return rate def get_fee_in_profit_currency(self, trade: Trade) -> Fee: fee_rate = self.query_historical_price( from_asset=trade.fee_currency, to_asset=self.profit_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) return fee_rate * trade.fee def add_asset_movement_to_events( self, category: str, asset: Asset, timestamp: Timestamp, exchange: Exchange, fee: Fee, ) -> None: if timestamp < self.start_ts: return rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency(asset, timestamp) cost = fee * rate self.asset_movement_fees += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for asset movement', sensitive_log=True, category=category, asset=asset, cost_in_profit_currency=cost, timestamp=timestamp, exchange_name=exchange, ) self.csvexporter.add_asset_movement( exchange=exchange, category=category, asset=asset, fee=fee, rate=rate, timestamp=timestamp, ) def account_for_gas_costs(self, transaction: EthereumTransaction) -> None: if not self.include_gas_costs: return if transaction.timestamp < self.start_ts: return if transaction.gas_price == -1: gas_price = self.last_gas_price else: gas_price = transaction.gas_price self.last_gas_price = transaction.gas_price rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency(A_ETH, transaction.timestamp) eth_burned_as_gas = (transaction.gas_used * gas_price) / FVal(10**18) cost = eth_burned_as_gas * rate self.eth_transactions_gas_costs += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for ethereum transaction gas cost', sensitive_log=True, gas_used=transaction.gas_used, gas_price=gas_price, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) self.csvexporter.add_tx_gas_cost( transaction_hash=transaction.hash, eth_burned_as_gas=eth_burned_as_gas, rate=rate, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) def trade_add_to_sell_events(self, trade: Trade, loan_settlement: bool) -> None: selling_asset = trade.base_asset receiving_asset = trade.quote_asset receiving_asset_rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency( receiving_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = receiving_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount if not loan_settlement: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=receiving_asset, receiving_amount=trade.amount * trade.rate, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) else: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, is_virtual=False, ) def process_history( self, start_ts: Timestamp, end_ts: Timestamp, trade_history: List[Trade], loan_history: List[Loan], asset_movements: List[AssetMovement], eth_transactions: List[EthereumTransaction], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Processes the entire history of cryptoworld actions in order to determine the price and time at which every asset was obtained and also the general and taxable profit/loss. start_ts here is the timestamp at which to start taking trades and other taxable events into account. Not where processing starts from. Processing always starts from the very first event we find in the history. """ 'Start of history processing', start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, ), end_ts) self.last_gas_price = FVal("2000000000") self.start_ts = start_ts self.eth_transactions_gas_costs = FVal(0) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.csvexporter.reset_csv_lists() # Used only in the "avoid zerorpc remote lost after 10ms problem" self.last_sleep_ts = 0 actions: List[TaxableAction] = list(trade_history) # If we got loans, we need to interleave them with the full history and re-sort if len(loan_history) != 0: actions.extend(loan_history) if len(asset_movements) != 0: actions.extend(asset_movements) if len(eth_transactions) != 0: actions.extend(eth_transactions) actions.sort(key=lambda action: action_get_timestamp(action), ) # The first timestamp is the timestamp of the first action we have in history first_ts = action_get_timestamp(actions[0]) self.currently_processing_timestamp = first_ts self.started_processing_timestamp = first_ts prev_time = Timestamp(0) count = 0 for action in actions: try: ( should_continue, prev_time, count, ) = self.process_action(action, end_ts, prev_time, count) except PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f' {timestamp_to_date(ts, formatstr="%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")} ' f'during history processing due to an asset unknown to ' f'cryptocompare being involved. Check logs for details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'cryptocompare not supporting an involved asset: {str(e)}', ) continue except NoPriceForGivenTimestamp as e: ts = action_get_timestamp(action) self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'Skipping action at ' f' {timestamp_to_date(ts, formatstr="%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")} ' f'during history processing due to inability to find a price ' f'at that point in time: {str(e)}. Check the logs for more details', ) log.error( f'Skipping action {str(action)} during history processing due to ' f'inability to query a price at that time: {str(e)}', ) continue if not should_continue: break Inquirer().save_historical_forex_data() sum_other_actions = ( + - - self.asset_movement_fees - self.eth_transactions_gas_costs) total_taxable_pl = + sum_other_actions return { 'overview': { 'loan_profit': str(, 'margin_positions_profit_loss': str(, 'settlement_losses': str(, 'ethereum_transaction_gas_costs': str(self.eth_transactions_gas_costs), 'asset_movement_fees': str(self.asset_movement_fees), 'general_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'taxable_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'total_taxable_profit_loss': str(total_taxable_pl), 'total_profit_loss': str( + sum_other_actions, ), }, 'all_events': self.csvexporter.all_events, } def process_action( self, action: TaxableAction, end_ts: Timestamp, prev_time: Timestamp, count: int, ) -> Tuple[bool, Timestamp, int]: """Processes each individual action and returns whether we should continue looping through the rest of the actions or not""" # Hack to periodically yield back to the gevent IO loop to avoid getting # the losing remote after hearbeat error for the zerorpc client. (after 10s) # # TODO: Find better way to do this. Perhaps enforce this only if method # is a synced call, and if async don't do this yielding. In any case # this calculation should definitely be async now = ts_now() if now - self.last_sleep_ts >= 7: # choose 7 seconds to be safe self.last_sleep_ts = now gevent.sleep(0.01) # context switch # Assert we are sorted in ascending time order. timestamp = action_get_timestamp(action) assert timestamp >= prev_time, ( "During history processing the trades/loans are not in ascending order" ) prev_time = timestamp if timestamp > end_ts: return False, prev_time, count self.currently_processing_timestamp = timestamp action_type = action_get_type(action) try: asset1, asset2 = action_get_assets(action) except UnknownAsset as e: self.msg_aggregator.add_warning( f'At history processing found trade with unknown asset {e.asset_name}. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time, count except UnsupportedAsset as e: self.msg_aggregator.add_warning( f'At history processing found trade with unsupported asset {e.asset_name}. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time, count except DeserializationError: self.msg_aggregator.add_error( f'At history processing found trade with non string asset type. ' f'Ignoring the trade.', ) return True, prev_time, count if asset1 in self.ignored_assets or asset2 in self.ignored_assets: log.debug( 'Ignoring action with ignored asset', action_type=action_type, asset1=asset1, asset2=asset2, ) return True, prev_time, count if action_type == 'loan': action = cast(Loan, action) gained_asset=action.currency, lent_amount=action.amount_lent, gained_amount=action.earned, fee_in_asset=action.fee, open_time=action.open_time, close_time=timestamp, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'asset_movement': action = cast(AssetMovement, action) self.add_asset_movement_to_events( category=action.category, asset=action.asset, timestamp=action.timestamp,, fee=action.fee, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'margin_position': action = cast(MarginPosition, action) gain_loss_asset=action.pl_currency, gain_loss_amount=action.profit_loss, fee_in_asset=Fee(ZERO), margin_notes=action.notes, timestamp=action.close_time, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'ethereum_transaction': action = cast(EthereumTransaction, action) self.account_for_gas_costs(action) return True, prev_time, count # if we get here it's a trade trade = cast(Trade, action) # When you buy, you buy with the cost_currency and receive the other one # When you sell, you sell the amount in non-cost_currency and receive # costs in cost_currency if trade.trade_type == TradeType.BUY: bought_asset=trade.base_asset, bought_amount=trade.amount, paid_with_asset=trade.quote_asset, trade_rate=trade.rate, fee_in_profit_currency=self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade), fee_currency=trade.fee_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SELL: self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, False) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SETTLEMENT_SELL: # in poloniex settlements sell some asset to get BTC to repay a loan self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, True) elif trade.trade_type == TradeType.SETTLEMENT_BUY: # in poloniex settlements you buy some asset with BTC to repay a loan # so in essense you sell BTC to repay the loan selling_asset = A_BTC selling_asset_rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency( selling_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount # Since the original trade is a buy of some asset with BTC, then the # when we invert the sell, the sold amount of BTC should be the cost # (amount*rate) of the original buy selling_amount = trade.rate * trade.amount selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=selling_amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_asset_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, ) else: raise ValueError( f'Unknown trade type "{trade.trade_type}" encountered') return True, prev_time, count def get_calculated_asset_amount(self, asset: Asset) -> Optional[FVal]: """Get the amount of asset accounting has calculated we should have after the history has been processed """ if asset not in return None amount = FVal(0) for buy_event in[asset].buys: amount += buy_event.amount return amount
class Accountant(object): def __init__( self, price_historian: PriceHistorian, profit_currency: FiatAsset, user_directory: FilePath, create_csv: bool, ignored_assets: List[Asset], include_crypto2crypto: bool, taxfree_after_period: int, include_gas_costs: bool, ): self.price_historian = price_historian self.csvexporter = CSVExporter(profit_currency, user_directory, create_csv) = TaxableEvents(price_historian, self.csvexporter, profit_currency) self.set_main_currency(profit_currency) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.last_gas_price = FVal(0) # Customizable Options self.ignored_assets = ignored_assets self.include_gas_costs = include_gas_costs = include_crypto2crypto = taxfree_after_period def __del__(self): del del self.csvexporter del self.price_historian @property def general_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return @property def taxable_trade_pl(self) -> FVal: return def customize(self, settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[bool, str]: include_c2c = taxfree_after_period = if 'include_crypto2crypto' in settings: include_c2c = settings['include_crypto2crypto'] if not isinstance(include_c2c, bool): return False, 'Value for include_crypto2crypto must be boolean' if 'taxfree_after_period' in settings: taxfree_after_period = settings['taxfree_after_period'] if taxfree_after_period is not None: if not isinstance(taxfree_after_period, int): return False, 'Value for taxfree_after_period must be an integer' if taxfree_after_period == 0: return False, 'Value for taxfree_after_period can not be 0 days' # turn to seconds taxfree_after_period = taxfree_after_period * 86400 settings['taxfree_after_period'] = taxfree_after_period = include_c2c = taxfree_after_period return True, '' def set_main_currency(self, currency: FiatAsset) -> None: if currency not in FIAT_CURRENCIES: raise ValueError( 'Attempted to set unsupported "{}" as main currency.'.format( currency), ) self.profit_currency = currency = currency def query_historical_price( self, from_asset: Asset, to_asset: Asset, timestamp: Timestamp, ) -> FVal: price = self.price_historian.query_historical_price( from_asset, to_asset, timestamp) return price def get_rate_in_profit_currency(self, asset: Asset, timestamp: Timestamp) -> FVal: # TODO: Moved this to too. Is it still needed here? if asset == self.profit_currency: rate = FVal(1) else: rate = self.query_historical_price( asset, self.profit_currency, timestamp, ) assert isinstance(rate, (FVal, int)) # TODO Remove. Is temporary assert return rate def get_fee_in_profit_currency(self, trade: Trade) -> Fee: fee_rate = self.query_historical_price( trade.fee_currency, self.profit_currency, trade.timestamp, ) return fee_rate * trade.fee def add_asset_movement_to_events( self, category: str, asset: Asset, amount: FVal, timestamp: Timestamp, exchange: str, fee: Fee, ) -> None: if timestamp < self.start_ts: return rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency(asset, timestamp) cost = fee * rate self.asset_movement_fees += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for asset movement', sensitive_log=True, category=category, asset=asset, cost_in_profit_currency=cost, timestamp=timestamp, exchange_name=exchange, ) if category == 'withdrawal': assert fee != 0, 'So far all exchanges charge you for withdrawing' self.csvexporter.add_asset_movement( exchange=exchange, category=category, asset=asset, fee=fee, rate=rate, timestamp=timestamp, ) def account_for_gas_costs(self, transaction: EthereumTransaction) -> None: if not self.include_gas_costs: return if transaction.timestamp < self.start_ts: return if transaction.gas_price == -1: gas_price = self.last_gas_price else: gas_price = transaction.gas_price self.last_gas_price = transaction.gas_price rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency(S_ETH, transaction.timestamp) eth_burned_as_gas = (transaction.gas_used * gas_price) / FVal(10**18) cost = eth_burned_as_gas * rate self.eth_transactions_gas_costs += cost log.debug( 'Accounting for ethereum transaction gas cost', sensitive_log=True, gas_used=transaction.gas_used, gas_price=gas_price, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) self.csvexporter.add_tx_gas_cost( transaction_hash=transaction.hash, eth_burned_as_gas=eth_burned_as_gas, rate=rate, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) def trade_add_to_sell_events(self, trade: Trade, loan_settlement: bool) -> None: selling_asset = trade_get_other_pair(trade, trade.cost_currency) selling_asset_rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency( trade.cost_currency, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount if not loan_settlement: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=trade.cost_currency, receiving_amount=trade.cost, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) else: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, is_virtual=False, ) def process_history( self, start_ts: Timestamp, end_ts: Timestamp, trade_history: List[Trade], margin_history: List[Trade], loan_history: Dict, asset_movements: List[AssetMovement], eth_transactions: List[EthereumTransaction], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Processes the entire history of cryptoworld actions in order to determine the price and time at which every asset was obtained and also the general and taxable profit/loss. """ 'Start of history processing', start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, ), end_ts) self.last_gas_price = FVal("2000000000") self.start_ts = start_ts self.eth_transactions_gas_costs = FVal(0) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.csvexporter.reset_csv_lists() actions: List[TaxableAction] = list(trade_history) # If we got loans, we need to interleave them with the full history and re-sort if len(loan_history) != 0: actions.extend(loan_history) if len(asset_movements) != 0: actions.extend(asset_movements) if len(margin_history) != 0: actions.extend(margin_history) if len(eth_transactions) != 0: actions.extend(eth_transactions) actions.sort(key=lambda action: action_get_timestamp(action), ) prev_time = Timestamp(0) count = 0 for action in actions: try: ( should_continue, prev_time, count, ) = self.process_action(action, end_ts, prev_time, count) except PriceQueryUnknownFromAsset as e: log.error( f'Skipping trade during history processing: {str(e)}') continue if not should_continue: break self.price_historian.inquirer.save_historical_forex_data() sum_other_actions = ( + - - self.asset_movement_fees - self.eth_transactions_gas_costs) total_taxable_pl = + sum_other_actions return { 'overview': { 'loan_profit': str(, 'margin_positions_profit_loss': str(, 'settlement_losses': str(, 'ethereum_transaction_gas_costs': str(self.eth_transactions_gas_costs), 'asset_movement_fees': str(self.asset_movement_fees), 'general_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'taxable_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'total_taxable_profit_loss': str(total_taxable_pl), 'total_profit_loss': str( + sum_other_actions, ), }, 'all_events': self.csvexporter.all_events, } def process_action( self, action: TaxableAction, end_ts: Timestamp, prev_time: Timestamp, count: int, ) -> Tuple[bool, Timestamp, int]: """Processes each individual action and returns whether we should continue looping through the rest of the actions or not""" # Hack to periodically yield back to the gevent IO loop to avoid getting # the losing remote after hearbeat error for the zerorpc client. # # TODO: Find better way to do this. Perhaps enforce this only if method # is a synced call, and if async don't do this yielding. In any case # this calculation should definitely by async count += 1 if count % 500 == 0: gevent.sleep(0.01) # context switch # Assert we are sorted in ascending time order. timestamp = action_get_timestamp(action) assert timestamp >= prev_time, ( "During history processing the trades/loans are not in ascending order" ) prev_time = timestamp if timestamp > end_ts: return False, prev_time, count action_type = action_get_type(action) asset1, asset2 = action_get_assets(action) if asset1 in self.ignored_assets or asset2 in self.ignored_assets: log.debug( 'Ignoring action with ignored asset', action_type=action_type, asset1=asset1, asset2=asset2, ) return True, prev_time, count if action_type == 'loan': action = cast(Dict, action) gained_asset=action['currency'], lent_amount=action['amount_lent'], gained_amount=action['earned'], fee_in_asset=action['fee'], open_time=action['open_time'], close_time=timestamp, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'asset_movement': action = cast(AssetMovement, action) self.add_asset_movement_to_events( category=action.category, asset=action.asset, amount=action.amount, timestamp=action.timestamp,, fee=action.fee, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'margin_position': action = cast(MarginPosition, action) gain_loss_asset=action.pl_currency, gain_loss_amount=action.profit_loss, fee_in_asset=Fee(ZERO), margin_notes=action.notes, timestamp=action.close_time, ) return True, prev_time, count elif action_type == 'ethereum_transaction': action = cast(EthereumTransaction, action) self.account_for_gas_costs(action) return True, prev_time, count # if we get here it's a trade trade = cast(Trade, action) # if the cost is not equal to rate * amount then the data is somehow corrupt if not trade.cost.is_close(trade.amount * trade.rate, max_diff="1e-4"): raise CorruptData( "Trade found with cost {} which is not equal to trade.amount" "({}) * trade.rate({})".format(trade.cost, trade.amount, trade.rate), ) # When you buy, you buy with the cost_currency and receive the other one # When you sell, you sell the amount in non-cost_currency and receive # costs in cost_currency if trade.type == 'buy': bought_asset=trade_get_other_pair(trade, trade.cost_currency), bought_amount=trade.amount, paid_with_asset=trade.cost_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, fee_in_profit_currency=self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade), fee_currency=trade.fee_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) elif trade.type == 'sell': self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, False) elif trade.type == 'settlement_sell': # in poloniex settlements sell some asset to get BTC to repay a loan self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, True) elif trade.type == 'settlement_buy': # in poloniex settlements you buy some asset with BTC to repay a loan # so in essense you sell BTC to repay the loan selling_asset = S_BTC selling_asset_rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency( selling_asset, trade.timestamp, ) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_in_profit_currency = self.get_fee_in_profit_currency(trade) gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount selling_amount = trade.cost selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=selling_amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=fee_in_profit_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_asset_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, ) else: raise ValueError('Unknown trade type "{}" encountered'.format( trade.type)) return True, prev_time, count def get_calculated_asset_amount(self, asset: Asset) -> Optional[FVal]: """Get the amount of asset accounting has calculated we should have after the history has been processed """ if asset not in return None amount = FVal(0) for buy_event in[asset].buys: amount += buy_event.amount return amount
class Accountant(object): def __init__( self, price_historian, profit_currency, user_directory, create_csv, ignored_assets, include_crypto2crypto, taxfree_after_period, ): self.price_historian = price_historian self.csvexporter = CSVExporter(profit_currency, user_directory, create_csv) = TaxableEvents(price_historian, self.csvexporter, profit_currency) self.set_main_currency(profit_currency) # Customizable Options self.ignored_assets = ignored_assets = include_crypto2crypto = taxfree_after_period @property def general_trade_pl(self): return @property def taxable_trade_pl(self): return def customize(self, settings): include_c2c = taxfree_after_period = if 'include_crypto2crypto' in settings: include_c2c = settings['include_crypto2crypto'] if not isinstance(include_c2c, bool): return False, 'Value for include_crypto2crypto must be boolean' if 'taxfree_after_period' in settings: taxfree_after_period = settings['taxfree_after_period'] if taxfree_after_period is not None: if not isinstance(taxfree_after_period, int): return False, 'Value for taxfree_after_period must be an integer' if taxfree_after_period == 0: return False, 'Value for taxfree_after_period can not be 0 days' # turn to seconds taxfree_after_period = taxfree_after_period * 86400 settings['taxfree_after_period'] = taxfree_after_period = include_c2c = taxfree_after_period return True, '' def set_main_currency(self, currency): if currency not in FIAT_CURRENCIES: raise ValueError( 'Attempted to set unsupported "{}" as main currency.'.format( currency)) self.profit_currency = currency = currency def query_historical_price(self, from_asset, to_asset, timestamp): price = self.price_historian.query_historical_price( from_asset, to_asset, timestamp) return price def get_rate_in_profit_currency(self, asset, timestamp): # TODO: Moved this to too. Is it still needed here? if asset == self.profit_currency: rate = 1 else: rate = self.query_historical_price(asset, self.profit_currency, timestamp) assert isinstance(rate, (FVal, int)) # TODO Remove. Is temporary assert return rate def add_asset_movement_to_events(self, category, asset, amount, timestamp, exchange, fee): rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency(asset, timestamp) self.asset_movement_fees += fee * rate if category == 'withdrawal': assert fee != 0, "So far all exchanges charge you for withdrawing" self.csvexporter.add_asset_movement( exchange=exchange, category=category, asset=asset, fee=fee, rate=rate, timestamp=timestamp, ) def account_for_gas_costs(self, transaction): if transaction.gas_price == -1: gas_price = self.last_gas_price else: gas_price = transaction.gas_price self.last_gas_price = transaction.gas_price rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency('ETH', transaction.timestamp) eth_burned_as_gas = (transaction.gas_used * gas_price) / FVal(10**18) self.eth_transactions_gas_costs += eth_burned_as_gas * rate self.csvexporter.add_tx_gas_cost( transaction_hash=transaction.hash, eth_burned_as_gas=eth_burned_as_gas, rate=rate, timestamp=transaction.timestamp, ) def trade_add_to_sell_events(self, trade, loan_settlement): selling_asset = trade_get_other_pair(trade, trade.cost_currency) selling_asset_rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency( trade.cost_currency, trade.timestamp) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_rate = self.query_historical_price(trade.fee_currency, self.profit_currency, trade.timestamp) total_sell_fee_cost = fee_rate * trade.fee gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount if not loan_settlement: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=trade.cost_currency, receiving_amount=trade.cost, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=total_sell_fee_cost, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, ) else: selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.amount, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=total_sell_fee_cost, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True, is_virtual=False) def process_history(self, start_ts, end_ts, trade_history, margin_history, loan_history, asset_movements, eth_transactions): """Processes the entire history of cryptoworld actions in order to determine the price and time at which every asset was obtained and also the general and taxable profit/loss. """, end_ts) self.last_gas_price = FVal("2000000000") self.eth_transactions_gas_costs = FVal(0) self.asset_movement_fees = FVal(0) self.csvexporter.reset_csv_lists() actions = list(trade_history) # If we got loans, we need to interleave them with the full history and re-sort if len(loan_history) != 0: actions.extend(loan_history) if len(asset_movements) != 0: actions.extend(asset_movements) if len(margin_history) != 0: actions.extend(margin_history) if len(eth_transactions) != 0: actions.extend(eth_transactions) actions.sort(key=lambda action: action_get_timestamp(action)) prev_time = 0 count = 0 for action in actions: # Hack to periodically yield back to the gevent IO loop to avoid getting # the losing remote after hearbeat error for the zerorpc client. # # TODO: Find better way to do this. Perhaps enforce this only if method # is a synced call, and if async don't do this yielding. In any case # this calculation should definitely by async count += 1 if count % 500 == 0: gevent.sleep(0.01) # context switch # Assert we are sorted in ascending time order. timestamp = action_get_timestamp(action) assert timestamp >= prev_time, ( "During history processing the trades/loans are not in ascending order" ) prev_time = timestamp if timestamp > end_ts: break action_type = action_get_type(action) asset1, asset2 = action_get_assets(action) if asset1 in self.ignored_assets or asset2 in self.ignored_assets: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Ignoring {} with {} {}".format( action_type, asset1, asset2)) continue if action_type == 'loan': gained_asset=action['currency'], lent_amount=action['amount_lent'], gained_amount=action['earned'], fee_in_asset=action['fee'], open_time=action['open_time'], close_time=timestamp, ) continue elif action_type == 'asset_movement': self.add_asset_movement_to_events(category=action.category, asset=action.asset, amount=action.amount, timestamp=action.timestamp,, fee=action.fee) continue elif action_type == 'margin_position': gained_asset='BTC', gained_amount=action['btc_profit_loss'], fee_in_asset=0, margin_notes=action['notes'], timestamp=timestamp) continue elif action_type == 'ethereum_transaction': self.account_for_gas_costs(action) continue # if we get here it's a trade trade = action # if the cost is not equal to rate * amount then the data is somehow corrupt if not trade.cost.is_close(trade.amount * trade.rate, max_diff="1e-5"): raise CorruptData( "Trade found with cost {} which is not equal to trade.amount" "({}) * trade.rate({})".format(trade.cost, trade.amount, trade.rate)) # When you buy, you buy with the cost_currency and receive the other one # When you sell, you sell the amount in non-cost_currency and receive # costs in cost_currency if trade.type == 'buy': bought_asset=trade_get_other_pair(trade, trade.cost_currency), bought_amount=trade.amount, paid_with_asset=trade.cost_currency, trade_rate=trade.rate, trade_fee=trade.fee, fee_currency=trade.fee_currency, timestamp=trade.timestamp) elif trade.type == 'sell': self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, False) elif trade.type == 'settlement_sell': # in poloniex settlements sell some asset to get BTC to repay a loan self.trade_add_to_sell_events(trade, True) elif trade.type == 'settlement_buy': # in poloniex settlements you buy some asset with BTC to repay a loan # so in essense you sell BTC to repay the loan selling_asset = 'BTC' selling_asset_rate = self.get_rate_in_profit_currency( selling_asset, trade.timestamp) selling_rate = selling_asset_rate * trade.rate fee_rate = self.query_historical_price(trade.fee_currency, self.profit_currency, trade.timestamp) total_sell_fee_cost = fee_rate * trade.fee gain_in_profit_currency = selling_rate * trade.amount selling_asset=selling_asset, selling_amount=trade.cost, receiving_asset=None, receiving_amount=None, gain_in_profit_currency=gain_in_profit_currency, total_fee_in_profit_currency=total_sell_fee_cost, trade_rate=trade.rate, rate_in_profit_currency=selling_rate, timestamp=trade.timestamp, loan_settlement=True) else: raise ValueError('Unknown trade type "{}" encountered'.format( trade.type)) sum_other_actions = ( + - - self.asset_movement_fees - self.eth_transactions_gas_costs) total_taxable_pl = + sum_other_actions return { 'overview': { 'loan_profit': str(, 'margin_positions_profit': str(, 'settlement_losses': str(, 'ethereum_transaction_gas_costs': str(self.eth_transactions_gas_costs), 'asset_movement_fees': str(self.asset_movement_fees), 'general_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'taxable_trade_profit_loss': str(, 'total_taxable_profit_loss': str(total_taxable_pl), 'total_profit_loss': str( + sum_other_actions), }, 'all_events': self.csvexporter.all_events, }