コード例 #1
ファイル: aircraft.py プロジェクト: zhangzl-nuaa/ardupilot
    def __init__(self):
        self.home_latitude = 0
        self.home_longitude = 0
        self.home_altitude = 0
        self.ground_level = 0
        self.frame_height = 0.0

        self.latitude = self.home_latitude
        self.longitude = self.home_longitude
        self.altitude = self.home_altitude

        self.dcm = Matrix3()

        # rotation rate in body frame
        self.gyro = Vector3(0, 0, 0)  # rad/s

        self.velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)  # m/s, North, East, Down
        self.position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)  # m North, East, Down
        self.mass = 0.0
        self.update_frequency = 50  # in Hz
        self.gravity = 9.80665  # m/s/s
        self.accelerometer = Vector3(0, 0, -self.gravity)

        self.wind = util.Wind('0,0,0')
        self.time_base = time.time()
        self.time_now = self.time_base + 100 * 1.0e-6
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, roll, pitch, yaw, timestamp):
     self.dcm = Matrix3()
     self.dcm.from_euler(radians(roll), radians(pitch), radians(yaw))
     self.gyro = Vector3()
     self.accel = Vector3()
     self.timestamp = timestamp
     (self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw) = self.dcm.to_euler()
コード例 #3
def pixel_position(xpos, ypos, height, pitch, roll, yaw, C):
    find the offset on the ground in meters of a pixel in a ground image
    given height above the ground in meters, and pitch/roll/yaw in degrees, the
    lens and image parameters

    The xpos,ypos is from the top-left of the image
    The height is in meters
    The yaw is from grid north. Positive yaw is clockwise
    The roll is from horiznotal. Positive roll is down on the right
    The pitch is from horiznotal. Positive pitch is up in the front
    lens is in mm
    sensorwidth is in mm
    xresolution and yresolution is in pixels
    return result is a tuple, with meters east and north of current GPS position

    This is only correct for small values of pitch/roll
    from rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3, Plane, Line
    from math import radians

    # get pixel sizes in meters, this assumes we are pointing straight down with square pixels
    pw = pixel_width(height,

    # ground plane
    ground_plane = Plane()

    # the position of the camera in the air, remembering its a right
    # hand coordinate system, so +ve z is down
    camera_point = Vector3(0, 0, -height)

    # get position on ground relative to camera assuming camera is pointing straight down
    ground_point = Vector3(-pw * (ypos - (C.yresolution / 2)),
                           pw * (xpos - (C.xresolution / 2)), height)

    # form a rotation matrix from our current attitude
    r = Matrix3()
    r.from_euler(radians(roll), radians(pitch), radians(yaw))

    # rotate ground_point to form vector in ground frame
    rot_point = r * ground_point

    # a line from the camera to the ground
    line = Line(camera_point, rot_point)

    # find the intersection with the ground
    pt = line.plane_intersection(ground_plane, forward_only=True)
    if pt is None:
        # its pointing up into the sky
        return None
    return (pt.y, pt.x)
コード例 #4
 def _euler_to_dcm(self, euler):
     Create DCM (Matrix3) from euler angles
     :param euler: array [roll, pitch, yaw] in rad
     :returns: Matrix3
     assert (len(euler) == 3)
     m = Matrix3()
     return m
コード例 #5
 def _dcm_array_to_matrix3(self, dcm):
     Converts dcm array into Matrix3
     :param dcm: 3x3 dcm array
     :returns: Matrix3
     assert (dcm.shape == (3, 3))
     a = Vector3(dcm[0][0], dcm[0][1], dcm[0][2])
     b = Vector3(dcm[1][0], dcm[1][1], dcm[1][2])
     c = Vector3(dcm[2][0], dcm[2][1], dcm[2][2])
     return Matrix3(a, b, c)
コード例 #6
def expected_mag(RAW_IMU, ATTITUDE, inclination, declination):
    '''return expected mag vector'''
    m_body = Vector3(RAW_IMU.xmag, RAW_IMU.ymag, RAW_IMU.zmag)
    field_strength = m_body.length()

    m = rotation(ATTITUDE)

    r = Matrix3()
    r.from_euler(0, -radians(inclination), radians(declination))
    m_earth = r * Vector3(field_strength, 0, 0)

    return m.transposed() * m_earth
コード例 #7
def mag_rotation(RAW_IMU, inclination, declination):
    '''return an attitude rotation matrix that is consistent with the current mag
    m_body = Vector3(RAW_IMU.xmag, RAW_IMU.ymag, RAW_IMU.zmag)
    m_earth = Vector3(m_body.length(), 0, 0)

    r = Matrix3()
    r.from_euler(0, -radians(inclination), radians(declination))
    m_earth = r * m_earth

    r.from_two_vectors(m_earth, m_body)
    return r
コード例 #8
ファイル: mavextra.py プロジェクト: guillem-jornet/mavlink
 def __init__(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
     self.dcm = Matrix3()
     self.dcm2 = Matrix3()
     self.dcm.from_euler(radians(roll), radians(pitch), radians(yaw))
     self.dcm2.from_euler(radians(roll), radians(pitch), radians(yaw))
     self.mag = Vector3()
     self.gyro = Vector3()
     self.accel = Vector3()
     self.gps = None
     self.rate = 50.0
     self.kp = 0.2
     self.kp_yaw = 0.3
     self.omega_P = Vector3()
     self.omega_P_yaw = Vector3()
     self.omega_I = Vector3() # (-0.00199045287445, -0.00653007719666, -0.00714212376624)
     self.omega_I_sum = Vector3()
     self.omega_I_sum_time = 0
     self.omega = Vector3()
     self.ra_sum = Vector3()
     self.last_delta_angle = Vector3()
     self.last_velocity = Vector3()
     (self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw) = self.dcm.to_euler()
     (self.roll2, self.pitch2, self.yaw2) = self.dcm2.to_euler()
コード例 #9
    def accel(self, velocity, deltat=None):
        '''return current wind acceleration in ground frame.  The
           velocity is a Vector3 of the current velocity of the aircraft
           in earth frame, m/s'''
        from math import radians

        (speed, direction) = self.current(deltat=deltat)

        # wind vector
        v = Vector3(speed, 0, 0)
        m = Matrix3()
        m.from_euler(0, 0, radians(direction))
        wind = m.transposed() * v

        # relative wind vector
        relwind = wind - velocity

        # add in cross-section effect
        a = relwind * self.cross_section

        return a
コード例 #10
def quat_to_dcm(q1, q2, q3, q4):
    q3q3 = q3 * q3
    q3q4 = q3 * q4
    q2q2 = q2 * q2
    q2q3 = q2 * q3
    q2q4 = q2 * q4
    q1q2 = q1 * q2
    q1q3 = q1 * q3
    q1q4 = q1 * q4
    q4q4 = q4 * q4

    m = Matrix3()
    m.a.x = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q3q3 + q4q4)
    m.a.y = 2.0 * (q2q3 - q1q4)
    m.a.z = 2.0 * (q2q4 + q1q3)
    m.b.x = 2.0 * (q2q3 + q1q4)
    m.b.y = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q2q2 + q4q4)
    m.b.z = 2.0 * (q3q4 - q1q2)
    m.c.x = 2.0 * (q2q4 - q1q3)
    m.c.y = 2.0 * (q3q4 + q1q2)
    m.c.z = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q2q2 + q3q3)
    return m
コード例 #11
def rotation(ATTITUDE):
    '''return the current DCM rotation matrix'''
    r = Matrix3()
    r.from_euler(ATTITUDE.roll, ATTITUDE.pitch, ATTITUDE.yaw)
    return r
コード例 #12
ファイル: gimbal.py プロジェクト: xiaoduoli/px4
    def update(self):
        '''update the gimbal state'''

        # calculate delta time in seconds
        now = time.time()
        delta_t = now - self.last_update_t
        self.last_update_t = now

        if self.dcm is None:
            # start with copter rotation matrix
            self.dcm = self.vehicle.dcm.copy()

        # take a copy of the demanded rates to bypass the limiter function for testing
        demRateRaw = self.demanded_angular_rate

        # 1)  Rotate the copters rotation rates into the gimbals frame of reference
        # copterAngRate_G = transpose(DCMgimbal)*DCMcopter*copterAngRate
        copterAngRate_G = self.dcm.transposed(
        ) * self.vehicle.dcm * self.vehicle.gyro
        #print("copterAngRate_G ", copterAngRate_G)

        # 2) Subtract the copters body rates to obtain a copter relative rotational
        # rate vector (X,Y,Z) in gimbal sensor frame
        # relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = gimbalRateDemand - copterAngRate_G
        relativeGimbalRate = self.demanded_angular_rate - copterAngRate_G
        #print("relativeGimbalRate ", relativeGimbalRate)

        # calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
        # calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix
        rotmat_copter_gimbal = self.dcm.transposed() * self.vehicle.dcm
        self.joint_angles = Vector3(
        #print("joint_angles ", self.joint_angles)

        # 4)  For each of the three joints, calculate upper and lower rate limits
        # from the corresponding angle limits and current joint angles
        # upperRatelimit = (jointAngle - lowerAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain
        # lowerRatelimit = (jointAngle - upperAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain
        # travelLimitGain is equal to the inverse of the bump stop time constant and
        # should be set to something like 20 initially. If set too high it can cause
        # the rates to 'ring' when they the limiter is in force, particularly given
        # we are using a first order numerical integration.
        upperRatelimit = -(self.joint_angles -
                           self.upper_joint_limits) * self.travelLimitGain
        lowerRatelimit = -(self.joint_angles -
                           self.lower_joint_limits) * self.travelLimitGain

        # 5) Calculate the gimbal joint rates (roll, elevation, azimuth)
        # gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth) = Matrix*relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z)
        # where matrix =
        # +-                                                                  -+
        # |          cos(elevAngle),        0,         sin(elevAngle)          |
        # |                                                                    |
        # |  sin(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle), 1, -cos(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle)  |
        # |                                                                    |
        # |           sin(elevAngle)                   cos(elevAngle)          |
        # |         - --------------,       0,         --------------          |
        # |           cos(rollAngle)                   cos(rollAngle)          |
        # +-                                                                  -+
        rollAngle = self.joint_angles.x
        elevAngle = self.joint_angles.y
        matrix = Matrix3(
            Vector3(cos(elevAngle), 0, sin(elevAngle)),
                sin(elevAngle) * tan(rollAngle), 1,
                -cos(elevAngle) * tan(rollAngle)),
            Vector3(-sin(elevAngle) / cos(rollAngle), 0,
                    cos(elevAngle) / cos(rollAngle)))
        gimbalJointRates = matrix * relativeGimbalRate
        #print("lowerRatelimit ", lowerRatelimit)
        #print("upperRatelimit ", upperRatelimit)
        #print("gimbalJointRates ", gimbalJointRates)

        # 6) Apply the rate limits from 4)
        gimbalJointRates.x = constrain(gimbalJointRates.x, lowerRatelimit.x,
        gimbalJointRates.y = constrain(gimbalJointRates.y, lowerRatelimit.y,
        gimbalJointRates.z = constrain(gimbalJointRates.z, lowerRatelimit.z,

        # 7) Convert the modified gimbal joint rates to body rates (still copter
        # relative)
        # relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = Matrix * gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth)
        # where Matrix =
        #   +-                                                   -+
        #   |  cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle) sin(elevAngle)  |
        #   |                                                     |
        #   |         0,       1,         sin(rollAngle)          |
        #   |                                                     |
        #   |  sin(elevAngle), 0,  cos(elevAngle) cos(rollAngle)  |
        #   +-                                                   -+
        matrix = Matrix3(
            Vector3(cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle) * sin(elevAngle)),
            Vector3(0, 1, sin(rollAngle)),
            Vector3(sin(elevAngle), 0,
                    cos(elevAngle) * cos(rollAngle)))
        relativeGimbalRate = matrix * gimbalJointRates

        # 8) Add to the result from step 1) to obtain the demanded gimbal body rates
        # in an inertial frame of reference
        # demandedGimbalRatesInertial(X,Y,Z)  = relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) + copterAngRate_G
        demandedGimbalRatesInertial = relativeGimbalRate + copterAngRate_G
        #if now - self.last_print_t >= 1.0:
        #    print("demandedGimbalRatesInertial ", demandedGimbalRatesInertial)

        # for the moment we will set gyros equal to demanded_angular_rate
        self.gimbal_angular_rate = demRateRaw  #demandedGimbalRatesInertial + self.true_gyro_bias - self.supplied_gyro_bias

        # update rotation of the gimbal
        self.dcm.rotate(self.gimbal_angular_rate * delta_t)

        # calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix
        rotmat_copter_gimbal = self.dcm.transposed() * self.vehicle.dcm

        # calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
        self.joint_angles = Vector3(

        # update observed gyro
        self.gyro = self.gimbal_angular_rate + self.true_gyro_bias

        # update delta_angle (integrate)
        self.delta_angle += self.gyro * delta_t

        # calculate accel in gimbal body frame
        copter_accel_earth = self.vehicle.dcm * self.vehicle.accel_body
        accel = self.dcm.transposed() * copter_accel_earth

        # integrate velocity
        self.delta_velocity += accel * delta_t

        # see if we should do a report
        if now - self.last_report_t >= 1.0 / self.reporting_rate:
            self.last_report_t = now

        if now - self.last_print_t >= 1.0:
            self.last_print_t = now
            # calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
            Euler312 = Vector3(*self.dcm.to_euler312())
            print("Euler Angles 312 %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f" % (degrees(
                Euler312.z), degrees(Euler312.x), degrees(Euler312.y)))
コード例 #13
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: zbr3550/CopyFromArdupilot
def toVec(magnitude, angle):
    v = Vector3(magnitude, 0, 0)
    m = Matrix3()
    m.from_euler(0, 0, angle)
    return m.transposed() * v
コード例 #14
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: linzha0/ardupoilot
def toVec(magnitude, angle):
    """Converts a magnitude and angle (radians) to a vector in the xy plane."""
    v = Vector3(magnitude, 0, 0)
    m = Matrix3()
    m.from_euler(0, 0, angle)
    return m.transposed() * v
コード例 #15
ファイル: mavextra.py プロジェクト: monkeypants/mavlink
def rotation2(AHRS2):
    '''return the current DCM rotation matrix'''
    r = Matrix3()
    r.from_euler(AHRS2.roll, AHRS2.pitch, AHRS2.yaw)
    return r
コード例 #16
ファイル: mavextra.py プロジェクト: monkeypants/mavlink
def rotation_df(ATT):
    '''return the current DCM rotation matrix'''
    r = Matrix3()
    r.from_euler(radians(ATT.Roll), radians(ATT.Pitch), radians(ATT.Yaw))
    return r