def generate(self, project): LOG.debug("Generate started") root = project.root / "cmd" # project folder structure src = root / "resource" format_paths = [] LOG.debug("Writing Types") models = resolve_models(project.schema) template = self.env.get_template("types.go.tple") path = src / "{}.go".format("model") contents = template.render(models=models) project.overwrite(path, contents) format_paths.append(path) path = root / "main.go" LOG.debug("Writing project: %s", path) template = self.env.get_template("main.go.tple") importpath = Path(project.settings["importpath"]) contents = template.render(path=importpath / "cmd" / "resource") project.overwrite(path, contents) format_paths.append(path) # named files must all be in one directory for path in format_paths: try: subprocess_run(["go", "fmt", path], cwd=root, check=True) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as e: raise DownstreamError("go fmt failed") from e
def _build(self, base_path): LOG.debug("Dependencies build started from '%s'", base_path) # TODO: We should use the build logic from SAM CLI library, instead: # command = self._make_build_command(base_path, self._build_command) if self._use_docker: command = command + " --use-container" command = command + " " + MAIN_HANDLER_FUNCTION LOG.debug("command is '%s'", command) LOG.warning("Starting build.") try: completed_proc = subprocess_run( # nosec ["/bin/bash", "-c", command], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=base_path, check=True, ) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as e: raise DownstreamError("local build failed") from e LOG.debug("--- build stdout:\n%s", completed_proc.stdout) LOG.debug("--- build stderr:\n%s", completed_proc.stderr) LOG.debug("Dependencies build finished")
def generate(self, project): LOG.debug("Generate started") root = project.root / "cmd" # project folder structure src = root / "resource" format_paths = [] LOG.debug("Writing Types") models = resolve_models(project.schema) template = self.env.get_template("types.go.tple") path = src / "{}.go".format("model") contents = template.render(models=models) project.overwrite(path, contents) format_paths.append(path) path = root / "main.go" LOG.debug("Writing project: %s", path) template = self.env.get_template("main.go.tple") importpath = Path(project.settings["importpath"]) contents = template.render(path=importpath / "cmd" / "resource") project.overwrite(path, contents) format_paths.append(path) # Makefile path = project.root / "Makefile" LOG.debug("Writing Makefile: %s", path) template = self.env.get_template("Makefile") contents = template.render() project.overwrite(path, contents) # named files must all be in one directory for path in format_paths: try: subprocess_run(["go", "fmt", path], cwd=root, check=True, capture_output=True) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as e: raise DownstreamError("go fmt failed") from e # Update settings as needed need_to_write = False for key, new in DEFAULT_SETTINGS.items(): old = project.settings.get(key) if project.settings.get(key) != new: LOG.debug(f"{key} version change from {old} to {new}") project.settings[key] = new need_to_write = True if key == "pluginVersion": # Display any upgrade messages print(*check_version(old), sep="\n") if need_to_write: project.write_settings()
def _docker_build(cls, external_path): cls._check_for_support_lib_sdist(external_path) internal_path = PurePosixPath("/project") command = " ".join(cls._make_pip_command(internal_path)) LOG.debug("command is '%s'", command) volumes = { str(external_path): { "bind": str(internal_path), "mode": "rw" } } image = f"lambci/lambda:build-{cls.RUNTIME}" LOG.warning( "Starting Docker build. This may take several minutes if the " "image '%s' needs to be pulled first.", image, ) docker_client = docker.from_env() try: logs = image=image, command=command, auto_remove=True, volumes=volumes, stream=True, user=f"{os.geteuid()}:{os.getgid()}", ) except RequestsConnectionError as e: # it seems quite hard to reliably extract the cause from # ConnectionError. we replace it with a friendlier error message # and preserve the cause for debug traceback cause = RequestsConnectionError( "Could not connect to docker - is it running?") cause.__cause__ = e raise DownstreamError("Error running docker build") from cause except (ContainerError, ImageLoadError, APIError) as e: raise DownstreamError("Error running docker build") from e LOG.debug("Build running. Output:") for line in logs: LOG.debug(line.rstrip(b"\n").decode("utf-8"))
def _pip_build(cls, base_path): command = cls._make_pip_command(base_path) LOG.debug("command is '%s'", command) LOG.warning("Starting pip build.") try: completed_proc = subprocess_run( # nosec command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=base_path, check=True ) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError) as e: raise DownstreamError("pip build failed") from e LOG.debug("--- pip stdout:\n%s", completed_proc.stdout) LOG.debug("--- pip stderr:\n%s", completed_proc.stderr)
def raise_exception(_args): raise DownstreamError("ignored") from Exception(ERROR_MSG)