コード例 #1
def calculateDistance( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'time' ],
        [ 'jerk', 'time' ],
        [ 'jounce', 'time' ]

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'distance\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    time = arguments[ 'time' ]

    if 'length' in arguments:
        distance = arguments[ 'length' ]
    elif 'acceleration' in arguments:
        # acceleration and time
        distance = getProduct( [ 0.5, arguments[ 'acceleration' ], time, time ] )
    elif 'jerk' in arguments:
        # jerk and time
        distance = calculateDistance( getProduct( [ 0.5, arguments[ 'jerk' ], time ] ), time )
    elif 'jounce' in arguments:
        # jounce and time
        distance = calculateDistance( getProduct( [ 0.5, arguments[ 'jounce' ], time ] ), time )
        # velocity and time
        distance = multiply( arguments[ 'velocity' ], time )

    return distance.convert( 'meter' )
コード例 #2
def calculateOrbitalVelocity( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve the velocity of a circular orbit, we need Newton's gravitational
    constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    m = planetary mass (i.e., mass of the thing being orbited)
    r = orbit radius (the distance from the center of mass)
    T = orbital period

    ---- velocity in terms of mass and radius
    v = sqrt( G*m/r )

    ---- velocity in terms of radius and period
    v = 2*pi*r/T

    ---- velocity in terms of mass and period
    v = ( 2*pi*cbrt( T^2*G*m/4*pi^2 ) ) / T
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'time' ],
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'mass', 'length' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_velocity\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            bRadius = True
            radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
            bRadius = False
            period = arguments[ 'time' ]
        # radius and period
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
        period = arguments[ 'time' ]
        velocity = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, radius ] ), period )
        return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )

    if bRadius:
        # mass and radius
        velocity = getRoot( divide( multiply( getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ), radius ), 2 )
        # mass and period
        term = divide( getProduct( [ period, period, getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ] ),
                       getProduct( [ 4, pi, pi ] ) )

        velocity = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, getRoot( term, 3 ) ] ), period )

    return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )
コード例 #3
def calculateOrbitalPeriod( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve the period of a circular orbit, we need Newton's gravitational
    constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    m = planetary mass (i.e., mass of the thing being orbited)
    r = orbit radius (the distance from the center of mass)
    v = orbital velocity

    ---- period in terms of radius and mass
    T = 2*pi*sqrt( r^3/G*m )

    ---- period in terms of radius and velocity
    T = 2*pi*r/v

    ---- period in terms of mass and velocity
    T = 2*pi*G*m/v^3
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'mass', 'velocity' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_period\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            bRadius = True
            radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
            bRadius = False
            velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        # radius and velocity
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        period = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, radius ] ), velocity )
        return period.convert( 'second' )

    if bRadius:
        # radius and mass
        term = divide( getPower( radius, 3 ), multiply( getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ) )
        period = getProduct( [ 2, pi, getRoot( term, 2 ) ] )
        # velocity and mass
        period = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ] ),
                         getPower( velocity, 3 ) )

    return period.convert( 'second' )
コード例 #4
def calculateOrbitalMass( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve for the planetary mass for an object in a circular orbit, we need
    Newton's gravitational constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    T = orbital period
    v = orbital velocity
    r = orbit radius (the distance from the center of mass)

    ---- mass in terms of period and velocity
    m = v^3*T/2*pi*G

    ---- mass in terms of period and radius
    m = 4*pi^2*r3/G*T^2

    ---- mass in terms of velocity and radius
    m = v^2*r/G
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'time', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'time', 'velocity' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_mass\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'time' in arguments:
        period = arguments[ 'time' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            bRadius = True
            radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
            bRadius = False
            velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        # velocity and radius
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        mass = divide( getProduct( [ velocity, velocity, radius ] ), getNewtonsConstant( ) )
        return mass.convert( 'kilogram' )

    if bRadius:
        # radius and period
        mass = divide( getProduct( [ 4, pi, pi, radius, radius, radius ] ),
                       getProduct( [ getNewtonsConstant( ), period, period ] ) )
        # velocity and period
        mass = divide( getProduct( [ velocity, velocity, velocity, period ] ),
                       getProduct( [ 2, pi, getNewtonsConstant( ) ] ) )

    return mass.convert( 'kilogram' )
コード例 #5
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getIcosahedronSurfaceArea( n ):
    if not isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getIcosahedronVolume( RPNMeasurement( real( n ), 'meter' ) )

    if n.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'icosahedron_area\' argument must be a length' )

    return getProduct( [ 5, sqrt( 3 ), getPower( n, 2 ) ] ).convert( 'meter^2' )
コード例 #6
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getIcosahedronVolume( n ):
    if not isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getIcosahedronVolume( RPNMeasurement( real( n ), 'meter' ) )

    if n.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'icosahedron_volume\' argument must be a length' )

    return getProduct( [ fdiv( 5, 12 ), fadd( 3, sqrt( 5 ) ), getPower( n, 3 ) ] ).convert( 'meter^3' )
コード例 #7
def calculateOrbitalRadius( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve the radius of a circular orbit, we need Newton's gravitational
    constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    m = planetary mass (i.e., mass of the thing being orbited)
    T = orbital period
    v = orbital velocity

    ---- radius in terms of period and mass
    r = cbrt( T^2*G*m/4*pi^2 )

    ---- radius in terms of velocity and mass
    r = G*m/v^2

    ---- radius in terms of velocity and period
    r = v*T/2*pi
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'time' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'mass', 'velocity' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_radius\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'time' in arguments:
            bPeriod = True
            period = arguments[ 'time' ]
            bPeriod = False
            velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        # period and velocity
        period = arguments[ 'time' ]
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        radius = divide( multiply( velocity, period ), fmul( 2, pi ) )
        return radius.convert( 'meter' )

    if bPeriod:
        # period and mass
        term = divide( getProduct( [ getPower( period, 2 ), getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ] ),
                       fmul( 4, power( pi, 2 ) ) )
        radius = getRoot( term, 3 )
        # velocity and mass
        radius = divide( multiply( getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ), getPower( velocity, 2 ) )

    return radius.convert( 'meter' )
コード例 #8
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getDodecahedronSurfaceArea( n ):
    if not isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getDodecahedronSurfaceArea( RPNMeasurement( real( n ), 'meter' ) )

    if n.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'dodecahedron_area\' argument must be a length' )

    area = getProduct( [ 3, getRoot( add( 25, fmul( 10, sqrt( 5 ) ) ), 2 ), getPower( n, 2 ) ] )
    return area.convert( 'meter^2' )
コード例 #9
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getPrismSurfaceArea( n, k, h ):
    if real( n ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the prism cannot be less than 3,' )

    if not isinstance( k, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getPrismSurfaceArea( n, RPNMeasurement( real( k ), 'meter' ), h )

    if not isinstance( h, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getPrismSurfaceArea( n, k, RPNMeasurement( real( h ), 'meter' ) )

    if k.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'prism_area\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    if h.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'prism_area\' argument 3 must be a length' )

    result = add( getProduct( [ fdiv( n, 2 ), getPower( k, 2 ), cot( fdiv( pi, n ) ) ] ),
                  getProduct( [ n, k, h ] ) )
    return result.convert( 'meter^2' )
コード例 #10
def calculateVelocity( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'length' ],
        [ 'jerk', 'length' ],
        [ 'jounce', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'time' ],
        [ 'jerk', 'time' ],
        [ 'jounce', 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if 'velocity' in arguments:
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
    elif 'length' in arguments:
        if 'time' in arguments:
            velocity = divide( arguments[ 'length' ], arguments[ 'time' ] )
        elif 'acceleration' in arguments:
            acceleration = arguments[ 'acceleration' ]
            time = getRoot( multiply( divide( arguments[ 'length' ], acceleration ), 2 ), 2 )
            velocity = multiply( acceleration, time )
        elif 'jerk' in arguments:
            jerk = arguments[ 'jerk' ]
            time = getRoot( multiply( divide( arguments[ 'length' ], jerk ), 6 ), 3 )
            velocity = getProduct( [ jerk, time, time, fdiv( 1, 2 ) ] )
        elif 'jounce' in arguments:
            jounce = arguments[ 'jounce' ]
            time = getRoot( multiply( divide( arguments[ 'length' ], jounce ), 24 ), 4 )
            velocity = getProduct( [ jounce, time, time, time, fdiv( 1, 6 ) ] )
    elif 'acceleration' in arguments:
        velocity = divide( multiply( arguments[ 'acceleration' ], arguments[ 'time' ] ), 2 )
    elif 'jerk' in arguments:
        velocity = divide( multiply( arguments[ 'jerk' ], getPower( arguments[ 'time' ], 2 ) ), 4 )
    elif 'jounce' in arguments:
        velocity = divide( multiply( arguments[ 'jounce' ], getPower( arguments[ 'time' ], 3 ) ), 8 )

    return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )
コード例 #11
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getTorusVolume( R, s ):
    if not isinstance( R, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getTorusVolume( RPNMeasurement( real( R ), 'meter' ), s )

    if R.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'torus_volume\' argument 1 must be a length' )

    if not isinstance( s, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getTorusVolume( R, RPNMeasurement( real( s ), 'meter' ) )

    if s.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'torus_volume\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    return getProduct( [ 2, power( pi, 2 ), R, getPower( s, 2 ) ] )
コード例 #12
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getConeVolume( r, h ):
    if not isinstance( r, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getConeVolume( RPNMeasurement( real( r ), 'meter' ), h )

    if r.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'cone_volume\' argument 1 must be a length' )

    if not isinstance( h, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getConeVolume( r, RPNMeasurement( real( h ), 'meter' ) )

    if h.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'cone_volume\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    return getProduct( [ pi, getPower( r, 2 ), divide( h, 3 ) ] )
コード例 #13
def calculateKineticEnergy( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'velocity', 'mass' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'kinetic_energy\' requires velocity and mass measurements' )

    mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]
    velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
    energy = getProduct( [ 0.5, mass, velocity, velocity ] )
    return energy.convert( 'joule' )
コード例 #14
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getConeSurfaceArea( r, h ):
    if not isinstance( r, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getConeSurfaceArea( RPNMeasurement( real( r ), 'meter' ), h )

    if r.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'cone_area\' argument 1 must be a length' )

    if not isinstance( h, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getConeSurfaceArea( r, RPNMeasurement( real( h ), 'meter' ) )

    if h.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'cone_area\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    hypotenuse = getRoot( add( getPower( r, 2 ), getPower( h, 2 ) ), 2 )

    return getProduct( [ pi, r, add( r, hypotenuse ) ] )
コード例 #15
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getAntiprismVolume( n, k ):
    if real( n ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the prism cannot be less than 3,' )

    if not isinstance( k, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getAntiprismVolume( n, RPNMeasurement( real( k ), 'meter' ) )

    if k.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'antiprism_volume\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    result = getProduct( [ fdiv( fprod( [ n, sqrt( fsub( fmul( 4, cos( cos( fdiv( pi, fmul( n, 2 ) ) ) ) ), 1 ) ),
                                   sin( fdiv( fmul( 3, pi ), fmul( 2, n ) ) ) ] ),
                           fmul( 12, sin( sin( fdiv( pi, n ) ) ) ) ),
                           sin( fdiv( fmul( 3, pi ), fmul( 2, n ) ) ),
                           getPower( k, 3 ) ] )

    return result.convert( 'meter^3' )
コード例 #16
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getPrismVolume( n, k, h ):
    if real( n ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the prism cannot be less than 3,' )

    if not isinstance( k, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getPrismVolume( n, RPNMeasurement( real( k ), 'meter' ), h )

    if not isinstance( h, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getPrismVolume( n, k, RPNMeasurement( real( h ), 'meter' ) )

    if k.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'prism_volume\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    if h.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'prism_volume\' argument 3 must be a length' )

    return getProduct( [ fdiv( n, 4 ), h, getPower( k, 2 ), cot( fdiv( pi, n ) ) ] ).convert( 'meter^3' )
コード例 #17
ファイル: rpnGeometry.py プロジェクト: flawr/rpn
def getTriangleArea( a, b, c ):
    if not isinstance( a, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getTriangleArea( RPNMeasurement( real( a ), 'meter' ), b, c )

    if a.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'triangle_area\' argument 1 must be a length' )

    if not isinstance( b, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getTriangleArea( a, RPNMeasurement( real( b ), 'meter' ), c )

    if b.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'triangle_area\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    if not isinstance( c, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getTriangleArea( a, b, RPNMeasurement( real( c ), 'meter' ) )

    if b.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'triangle_area\' argument 3 must be a length' )

    if add( a, b ).isNotLarger( c ) or add( b, c ).isNotLarger( a ) or add( a, c ).isNotLarger( b ):
        raise ValueError( 'invalid triangle, the sum of any two sides must be longer than the third side' )

    s = divide( getSum( [ a, b, c ] ), 2 )   # semi-perimeter
    return getRoot( getProduct( [ s, subtract( s, a ), subtract( s, b ), subtract( s, c ) ] ), 2 )
コード例 #18
def calculateEscapeVelocity( mass, radius ):
    validateUnits( mass, 'mass' )
    validateUnits( radius, 'length' )

    velocity = getRoot( getProduct( [ 2, getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ] ).divide( radius ), 2 )
    return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )
コード例 #19
def calculateEnergyEquivalence( mass ):
    validateUnits( mass, 'mass' )

    energy = getProduct( [ mass, getSpeedOfLight( ), getSpeedOfLight( ) ] )
    return energy.convert( 'joule' )
コード例 #20
def calculateHorizonDistance( altitude, radius ):
    validateUnits( altitude, 'length' )
    validateUnits( radius, 'length' )

    distance = getRoot( getProduct( [ 2, radius, altitude ] ), 2 )
    return distance.convert( 'meter' )
コード例 #21
def calculateSchwarzchildRadius( mass ):
    validateUnits( mass, 'mass' )

    radius = getProduct( [ 2, getNewtonsConstant( ), mass ] ).divide( getPower( getSpeedOfLight( ), 2 ) )
    return radius.convert( 'meter' )