コード例 #1
    def plotNumLegend(self, colVecL, breakL, nb_breaks, filename=None, legendDir=None, type='png', int_labels=False):

        if filename is None:
            filename = 'legend_%i_%i_%i' % (len(colVecL), min(breakL), max(breakL))

        if legendDir is None:
            legendDir = self.legendDir
        full_filename = os.path.join(legendDir, filename)

        max_break = max(breakL)
        min_break = min(breakL)
        tickBreakL = [float(x) / (nb_breaks - 1) * (max_break - min_break) - min_break for x in range(nb_breaks)]
        if int_labels:
            labels = ['%i' % int(x) for x in tickBreakL]
            labels = ['%.3f' % x for x in tickBreakL]
        rdev = plot_utilities.RDevice(name = full_filename, title='', plotType=type, 
            width=640, height=120)
        r("par(mar=c(3,1,0,1), las=2)")
        #legendA = rpy.reshape(breakL, (len(breakL), 1))
        legendA = r.matrix(breakL, byrow=False, ncol=1)
        r.image(legendA, 1, legendA, col=colVecL, axes=False, ann=False)
        r.axis(1, at=tickBreakL, labels=labels, tick=True, line=0, cex=0.8, cex_axis=0.8)
コード例 #2
    def plotArray(self, hitDataParam, filename, plotDir=None, labeledPosD=None,
                  title='', type='png',
                  label_colors = True, colVecL=None, legend_plot = False, legend_filename=None, 
                  control_color='black', numeric_as_int = False,
                  grid=True, max_val=0.3, min_val=0.0, cut_data = True):
        if plotDir is None:
            plotDir = self.plotDir
        full_filename = os.path.join(plotDir, filename)
        #hitData = copy.deepcopy(hitDataParam)                
        hitData = hitDataParam
        #nrow = len(hitData)
        #ncol = len(hitData[0])
        nrow = self.nb_row
        ncol = self.nb_col
        xL = range(1, self.nb_col + 1)
        yL = range(1, self.nb_row + 1)
        rdev = plot_utilities.RDevice(name = full_filename, title=title, plotType=type, 
                                      width=640, height=250)

        if label_colors:
            # in this case, the data is considered to consist of labels
            labelL = []
            for i in range(nrow):
                for j in range(ncol):
                    if hitData[i][j] not in labelL:
            if colVecL is None:
                colVecL = r.rainbow(len(labelL))
            colBreaksL = range(len(colVecL) + 1)

            if legend_plot:
                self.plotLabelLegend(colVecL, plotType=type, filename=legend_filename)
            # in this case, the data is numeric.
            if cut_data:
                max_rel_cell_count = max_val
                min_rel_cell_count = 0.0
                for i in range(nrow):
                    for j in range(ncol):
                        hitData[i][j] = max(min_rel_cell_count, min(max_rel_cell_count, hitData[i][j])) 
                max_rel_cell_count = max([max(x) for x in hitData.tolist() ]) 
                min_rel_cell_count = min([min(x) for x in hitData.tolist() ])
            if numeric_as_int:
                nb_colors = max_rel_cell_count
                nb_colors = 500

            if colVecL is None:                    
                pattern = [(0,0,0),(0.7,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)]
                colVecL = colors.make_colors(pattern, nb_colors)
            colBreaksL = [1.0/ (len(colVecL) - 1) * x * (max_rel_cell_count - min_rel_cell_count) + min_rel_cell_count  for x in range(len(colVecL) + 1)]

            if legend_plot:
                self.plotNumLegend(colVecL, colBreaksL, 16, filename=legend_filename, type=type, int_labels=numeric_as_int, legendDir = plotDir)

        axisSize = .8
        r.image(xL, yL, r.t(hitData), axes = False, ann=False, cex=1, col=colVecL, breaks=colBreaksL)
        if not labeledPosD is None:
            for label in labeledPosD.keys():
                posL = labeledPosD[label]
                if len(posL) > 0:
                    xlL = [(int(x)-1) % self.nb_col + 1 for x in posL]
                    ylL = [(int(x)-1) / self.nb_col + 1 for x in posL]
                    r.points(xlL, ylL, pch=label, col=control_color, cex=axisSize)
                    print xlL
                    print ylL
        # grid
        if grid:
            for i in range(self.nb_col):
                r.abline(h=i+.5, lty=3, lwd=1, col='grey')
            for i in range(self.nb_row):
                r.abline(v=i+.5, lty=3, lwd=1, col='grey')
        r.axis(1, at=xL, labels=[str(x) for x in xL], tick=False, line=-1.0, cex_axis=axisSize)
        r.axis(2, at=yL, labels=[str(y) for y in yL], tick=False, line=-1.0, cex_axis=axisSize)