コード例 #1
def main():
    filenames, outdir = parse_arguments() #filenames will be a list
    os.chdir(outdir) #change pwd to output directory
    start_time_overall = time.time()
    rt_grid_size = 50
    mz_grid_size = 50
    log_statement( "Number of mzml patient files: {}".format(len(filenames)) )
    #build empty np array to be filled with LCMS values for R prediction
        #dimension will be (# mzml files) by (# rt/mz bins + 1 for patient ID)
    floatD = np.zeros((len(filenames),rt_grid_size*mz_grid_size), dtype=float) #i vals
    strD = np.zeros((len(filenames),1), dtype='a6') #a6 is dtype for 6 char str
    respD = np.hstack((strD, floatD))

    #fill the array
    for filecount, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        if filecount<1000:
            respD = fill_row_of_lcms_matrix(respD, 
                    rt_grid_size, mz_grid_size, filecount, filename)
    print "\n Data to use in R: " , respD[0:5,0:20]

    log_statement("Time till beginning of R section: {} minutes".format(
    (time.time() - start_time_overall)/60. ) )

    #convert numpy array into data.frame recognized by R
    Rdf = robj.r['data.frame'](numpy2ri(respD))
    #use this dataframe in R prediction code 
    myRcode = """
    doR <- function(python_respD, lcms_run) {
        run_predictions_wrap(python_respD, lcms_run)
    Rpack = SignatureTranslatedAnonymousPackage(myRcode, "Rpack")
    print Rpack.doR(Rdf, lcms_run=2) #to run the function doR, found in Rpack
    log_statement("Total execution time: {} minutes".format(
        (time.time() - start_time_overall)/60. ) ) #40 min to create binned data using pickles