def make_constant(self, constbox): """Replace '' with a Const box.""" assert isinstance(constbox, Const) = constbox self.level = LEVEL_CONSTANT if isinstance(constbox, ConstInt): val = constbox.getint() self.intbound = IntBound(val, val) else: self.intbound = IntUnbounded()
def __init__(self, value, is_opaque=False): self.is_opaque = is_opaque self.known_class = value.get_known_class() self.level = value.getlevel() if value.getintbound() is None: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() else: self.intbound = value.getintbound().clone() if value.is_constant(): self.constbox = else: self.constbox = None self.position_in_notvirtuals = -1 self.lenbound = value.getlenbound()
def __init__(self, box, level=None, known_class=None, intbound=None): = box if level is not None: self.level = level self.known_class = known_class if intbound: self.intbound = intbound else: if isinstance(box, BoxInt): self.intbound = IntBound(MININT, MAXINT) else: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() if isinstance(box, Const): self.make_constant(box)
def bound(a, b): if a is None and b is None: return IntUnbounded() elif a is None: return IntUpperBound(b) elif b is None: return IntLowerBound(a) else: return IntBound(a, b)
def __init__(self, box, level=None, known_class=None, intbound=None): OptValue.__init__(self, box, level, None, None) if isinstance(box, Const): return if intbound: self.intbound = intbound else: if isinstance(box, BoxInt): self.intbound = IntBound(MININT, MAXINT) else: self.intbound = IntUnbounded()
def __init__(self, value, is_opaque=False): self.is_opaque = is_opaque self.known_class = value.known_class self.level = value.level if value.intbound is None: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() else: self.intbound = value.intbound.clone() if value.is_constant(): self.constbox = else: self.constbox = None self.position_in_notvirtuals = -1 self.lenbound = value.lenbound
def getintbound(self, op): assert op.type == 'i' op = get_box_replacement(op) if isinstance(op, ConstInt): return ConstIntBound(op.getint()) fw = op.get_forwarded() if fw is not None: if isinstance(fw, IntBound): return fw # rare case: fw might be a RawBufferPtrInfo return IntUnbounded() assert op.type == 'i' intbound = IntBound(MININT, MAXINT) op.set_forwarded(intbound) return intbound
class OptValue(object): __metaclass__ = extendabletype _attrs_ = ('box', 'known_class', 'last_guard', 'level', 'intbound', 'lenbound') last_guard = None level = LEVEL_UNKNOWN known_class = None intbound = ImmutableIntUnbounded() lenbound = None def __init__(self, box, level=None, known_class=None, intbound=None): = box if level is not None: self.level = level self.known_class = known_class if intbound: self.intbound = intbound else: if isinstance(box, BoxInt): self.intbound = IntBound(MININT, MAXINT) else: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() if isinstance(box, Const): self.make_constant(box) # invariant: box is a Const if and only if level == LEVEL_CONSTANT def make_len_gt(self, mode, descr, val): if self.lenbound: assert self.lenbound.mode == mode assert self.lenbound.descr == descr self.lenbound.bound.make_gt(IntBound(val, val)) else: self.lenbound = LenBound(mode, descr, IntLowerBound(val + 1)) def make_guards(self, box): guards = [] if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_VALUE, [box,], None) guards.append(op) elif self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) guards.append(op) op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_CLASS, [box, self.known_class], None) guards.append(op) else: if self.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) guards.append(op) self.intbound.make_guards(box, guards) if self.lenbound: lenbox = BoxInt() if self.lenbound.mode == MODE_ARRAY: op = ResOperation(rop.ARRAYLEN_GC, [box], lenbox, self.lenbound.descr) elif self.lenbound.mode == MODE_STR: op = ResOperation(rop.STRLEN, [box], lenbox, self.lenbound.descr) elif self.lenbound.mode == MODE_UNICODE: op = ResOperation(rop.UNICODELEN, [box], lenbox, self.lenbound.descr) else: debug_print("Unknown lenbound mode") assert False guards.append(op) self.lenbound.bound.make_guards(lenbox, guards) return guards def import_from(self, other, optimizer): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: assert other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT assert return assert self.level <= LEVEL_NONNULL if other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: self.make_constant(other.get_key_box()) optimizer.turned_constant(self) elif other.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: self.make_constant_class(other.known_class, None) else: if other.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: self.ensure_nonnull() self.intbound.intersect(other.intbound) if other.lenbound: if self.lenbound: assert other.lenbound.mode == self.lenbound.mode assert other.lenbound.descr == self.lenbound.descr self.lenbound.bound.intersect(other.lenbound.bound) else: self.lenbound = other.lenbound.clone() def force_box(self, optforce): return def get_key_box(self): return def force_at_end_of_preamble(self, already_forced, optforce): return self def get_args_for_fail(self, modifier): pass def make_virtual_info(self, modifier, fieldnums): #raise NotImplementedError # should not be called on this level assert fieldnums is None return modifier.make_not_virtual(self) def is_constant(self): return self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT def is_null(self): if self.is_constant(): box = assert isinstance(box, Const) return not box.nonnull() return False def same_value(self, other): if not other: return False if self.is_constant() and other.is_constant(): return return self is other def make_constant(self, constbox): """Replace '' with a Const box.""" assert isinstance(constbox, Const) = constbox self.level = LEVEL_CONSTANT if isinstance(constbox, ConstInt): val = constbox.getint() self.intbound = IntBound(val, val) else: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() def get_constant_class(self, cpu): level = self.level if level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: return self.known_class elif level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return cpu.ts.cls_of_box( else: return None def make_constant_class(self, classbox, guardop): assert self.level < LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS self.known_class = classbox self.level = LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS self.last_guard = guardop def make_nonnull(self, guardop): assert self.level < LEVEL_NONNULL self.level = LEVEL_NONNULL self.last_guard = guardop def is_nonnull(self): level = self.level if level == LEVEL_NONNULL or level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: return True elif level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: box = assert isinstance(box, Const) return box.nonnull() elif self.intbound: if self.intbound.known_gt(IntBound(0, 0)) or \ self.intbound.known_lt(IntBound(0, 0)): return True else: return False else: return False def ensure_nonnull(self): if self.level < LEVEL_NONNULL: self.level = LEVEL_NONNULL def is_virtual(self): # Don't check this with 'isinstance(_, VirtualValue)'! # Even if it is a VirtualValue, the 'box' can be non-None, # meaning it has been forced. return is None def is_forced_virtual(self): return False def getfield(self, ofs, default): raise NotImplementedError def setfield(self, ofs, value): raise NotImplementedError def getlength(self): raise NotImplementedError def getitem(self, index): raise NotImplementedError def setitem(self, index, value): raise NotImplementedError def getitem_raw(self, offset, length, descr): raise NotImplementedError def setitem_raw(self, offset, length, descr, value): raise NotImplementedError def getinteriorfield(self, index, ofs, default): raise NotImplementedError def setinteriorfield(self, index, ofs, value): raise NotImplementedError
class NotVirtualStateInfo(AbstractVirtualStateInfo): def __init__(self, value, is_opaque=False): self.is_opaque = is_opaque self.known_class = value.known_class self.level = value.level if value.intbound is None: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() else: self.intbound = value.intbound.clone() if value.is_constant(): self.constbox = else: self.constbox = None self.position_in_notvirtuals = -1 self.lenbound = value.lenbound def _generate_guards(self, other, value, state): if value is None or self.is_opaque: box = None # generating guards for opaque pointers isn't safe else: box = # XXX This will always retrace instead of forcing anything which # might be what we want sometimes? if not isinstance(other, NotVirtualStateInfo): raise VirtualStatesCantMatch( "The VirtualStates does not match as a " + "virtual appears where a pointer is needed " + "and it is too late to force it." ) extra_guards = state.extra_guards cpu = state.cpu if self.lenbound and not self.lenbound.generalization_of(other.lenbound): raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("length bound does not match") if self.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: # confusingly enough, this is done also for pointers # which have the full range as the "bound", so it always works return self._generate_guards_intbounds(other, box, extra_guards) # the following conditions often peek into the runtime value that the # box had when tracing. This value is only used as an educated guess. # It is used here to choose between either emitting a guard and jumping # to an existing compiled loop or retracing the loop. Both alternatives # will always generate correct behaviour, but performance will differ. elif self.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: if other.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: if box is not None and box.nonnull(): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other not known to be nonnull") elif other.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: return elif other.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: return # implies nonnull else: assert other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT assert other.constbox if not other.constbox.nonnull(): raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("constant is null") return elif self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: if other.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: if box and box.nonnull() and self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(box)): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) extra_guards.append(op) op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_CLASS, [box, self.known_class], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other's class is unknown") elif other.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: if box and self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(box)): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_CLASS, [box, self.known_class], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other's class is unknown") elif other.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: if self.known_class.same_constant(other.known_class): return raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("classes don't match") else: assert other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT if other.constbox.nonnull() and self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(other.constbox)): return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("classes don't match") else: assert self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT if other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: if self.constbox.same_constant(other.constbox): return raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("different constants") if box is not None and self.constbox.same_constant(box.constbox()): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_VALUE, [box, self.constbox], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other not constant") assert 0, "unreachable" def _generate_guards_intbounds(self, other, box, extra_guards): if self.intbound.contains_bound(other.intbound): return if box is not None and isinstance(box, BoxInt) and self.intbound.contains(box.getint()): # this may generate a few more guards than needed, but they are # optimized away when emitting them self.intbound.make_guards(box, extra_guards) return raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("intbounds don't match") def enum_forced_boxes(self, boxes, value, optimizer): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return assert 0 <= self.position_in_notvirtuals if optimizer: box = value.force_box(optimizer) else: if value.is_virtual(): raise BadVirtualState box = value.get_key_box() boxes[self.position_in_notvirtuals] = box def _enum(self, virtual_state): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return self.position_in_notvirtuals = virtual_state.numnotvirtuals virtual_state.numnotvirtuals += 1 def debug_print(self, indent, seen, bad, metainterp_sd=None): mark = "" if self in bad: mark = "*" if self.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: l = "Unknown" elif self.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: l = "NonNull" elif self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: addr = self.known_class.getaddr() if metainterp_sd: name = metainterp_sd.get_name_from_address(addr) else: name = "?" l = "KnownClass(%s)" % name else: assert self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT const = self.constbox if isinstance(const, ConstInt): l = "ConstInt(%s)" % (const.value,) elif isinstance(const, ConstPtr): if const.value: l = "ConstPtr" else: l = "ConstPtr(null)" else: assert isinstance(const, ConstFloat) l = "ConstFloat(%s)" % const.getfloat() lb = "" if self.lenbound: lb = ", " + self.lenbound.bound.__repr__() debug_print( indent + mark + "NotVirtualInfo(%d" % self.position + ", " + l + ", " + self.intbound.__repr__() + lb + ")" )
def getintbound(self): return IntUnbounded()
def test_make(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): lt = IntUnbounded() lt.make_lt(b1) lt.make_lt(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_le(c) or b2.known_le(c): assert lt.known_lt(c) else: assert not lt.known_lt(c) assert not lt.known_gt(c) assert not lt.known_ge(c) gt = IntUnbounded() gt.make_gt(b1) gt.make_gt(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_ge(c) or b2.known_ge(c): assert gt.known_gt(c) else: assert not gt.known_gt(c) assert not gt.known_lt(c) assert not gt.known_le(c) le = IntUnbounded() le.make_le(b1) le.make_le(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_le(c) or b2.known_le(c): assert le.known_le(c) else: assert not le.known_le(c) assert not le.known_gt(c) assert not le.known_ge(c) ge = IntUnbounded() ge.make_ge(b1) ge.make_ge(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_ge(c) or b2.known_ge(c): assert ge.known_ge(c) else: assert not ge.known_ge(c) assert not ge.known_lt(c) assert not ge.known_le(c) gl = IntUnbounded() gl.make_ge(b1) gl.make_le(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_ge(c): assert gl.known_ge(c) else: assert not gl.known_ge(c) assert not gl.known_gt(c) if b2.known_le(c): assert gl.known_le(c) else: assert not gl.known_le(c) assert not gl.known_lt(c)
class NotVirtualStateInfo(AbstractVirtualStateInfo): def __init__(self, value, is_opaque=False): self.is_opaque = is_opaque self.known_class = value.known_class self.level = value.level if value.intbound is None: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() else: self.intbound = value.intbound.clone() if value.is_constant(): self.constbox = else: self.constbox = None self.position_in_notvirtuals = -1 self.lenbound = value.lenbound def generalization_of(self, other, renum, bad): # XXX This will always retrace instead of forcing anything which # might be what we want sometimes? assert self.position != -1 if self.position in renum: if renum[self.position] == other.position: return True bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False renum[self.position] = other.position if not isinstance(other, NotVirtualStateInfo): bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False if other.level < self.level: bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: if not self.constbox.same_constant(other.constbox): bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False elif self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: if not self.known_class.same_constant(other.known_class): bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False if not self.intbound.contains_bound(other.intbound): bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False if self.lenbound and other.lenbound: if self.lenbound.mode != other.lenbound.mode or \ self.lenbound.descr != other.lenbound.descr or \ not self.lenbound.bound.contains_bound(other.lenbound.bound): bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False elif self.lenbound: bad[self] = None bad[other] = None return False return True def _generate_guards(self, other, box, cpu, extra_guards): if not isinstance(other, NotVirtualStateInfo): raise InvalidLoop('The VirtualStates does not match as a ' + 'virtual appears where a pointer is needed ' + 'and it is too late to force it.') if self.lenbound or other.lenbound: raise InvalidLoop('The array length bounds does not match.') if self.is_opaque: raise InvalidLoop('Generating guards for opaque pointers is not safe') if self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS and \ box.nonnull() and \ self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(box)): # Note: This is only a hint on what the class of box was # during the trace. There are actually no guarentees that this # box realy comes from a trace. The hint is used here to choose # between either eimtting a guard_class and jumping to an # excisting compiled loop or retracing the loop. Both # alternatives will always generate correct behaviour, but # performace will differ. op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) extra_guards.append(op) op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_CLASS, [box, self.known_class], None) extra_guards.append(op) return if (self.level == LEVEL_NONNULL and other.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN and isinstance(box, BoxPtr) and box.nonnull()): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) extra_guards.append(op) return if (self.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN and other.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN and isinstance(box, BoxInt) and self.intbound.contains(box.getint())): if self.intbound.has_lower: bound = self.intbound.lower if not (other.intbound.has_lower and other.intbound.lower >= bound): res = BoxInt() op = ResOperation(rop.INT_GE, [box, ConstInt(bound)], res) extra_guards.append(op) op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_TRUE, [res], None) extra_guards.append(op) if self.intbound.has_upper: bound = self.intbound.upper if not (other.intbound.has_upper and other.intbound.upper <= bound): res = BoxInt() op = ResOperation(rop.INT_LE, [box, ConstInt(bound)], res) extra_guards.append(op) op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_TRUE, [res], None) extra_guards.append(op) return # Remaining cases are probably not interesting raise InvalidLoop('Generating guards for making the VirtualStates ' + 'at hand match have not been implemented') def enum_forced_boxes(self, boxes, value, optimizer): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return assert 0 <= self.position_in_notvirtuals if optimizer: box = value.force_box(optimizer) else: if value.is_virtual(): raise BadVirtualState box = value.get_key_box() boxes[self.position_in_notvirtuals] = box def _enum(self, virtual_state): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return self.position_in_notvirtuals = len(virtual_state.notvirtuals) virtual_state.notvirtuals.append(self) def debug_print(self, indent, seen, bad): mark = '' if self in bad: mark = '*' if we_are_translated(): l = {LEVEL_UNKNOWN: 'Unknown', LEVEL_NONNULL: 'NonNull', LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: 'KnownClass', LEVEL_CONSTANT: 'Constant', }[self.level] else: l = {LEVEL_UNKNOWN: 'Unknown', LEVEL_NONNULL: 'NonNull', LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: 'KnownClass(%r)' % self.known_class, LEVEL_CONSTANT: 'Constant(%r)' % self.constbox, }[self.level] lb = '' if self.lenbound: lb = ', ' + self.lenbound.bound.__repr__() debug_print(indent + mark + 'NotVirtualInfo(%d' % self.position + ', ' + l + ', ' + self.intbound.__repr__() + lb + ')')
class NotVirtualStateInfo(AbstractVirtualStateInfo): def __init__(self, value, is_opaque=False): self.is_opaque = is_opaque self.known_class = value.get_known_class() self.level = value.getlevel() if value.getintbound() is None: self.intbound = IntUnbounded() else: self.intbound = value.getintbound().clone() if value.is_constant(): self.constbox = else: self.constbox = None self.position_in_notvirtuals = -1 self.lenbound = value.getlenbound() def _generate_guards(self, other, value, state): if value is None or self.is_opaque: box = None # generating guards for opaque pointers isn't safe else: box = # XXX This will always retrace instead of forcing anything which # might be what we want sometimes? if not isinstance(other, NotVirtualStateInfo): raise VirtualStatesCantMatch( 'The VirtualStates does not match as a ' + 'virtual appears where a pointer is needed ' + 'and it is too late to force it.') extra_guards = state.extra_guards cpu = state.cpu if self.lenbound and not self.lenbound.generalization_of(other.lenbound): raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("length bound does not match") if self.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: # confusingly enough, this is done also for pointers # which have the full range as the "bound", so it always works return self._generate_guards_intbounds(other, box, extra_guards) # the following conditions often peek into the runtime value that the # box had when tracing. This value is only used as an educated guess. # It is used here to choose between either emitting a guard and jumping # to an existing compiled loop or retracing the loop. Both alternatives # will always generate correct behaviour, but performance will differ. elif self.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: if other.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: if box is not None and box.nonnull(): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL, [box], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other not known to be nonnull") elif other.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: return elif other.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: return # implies nonnull else: assert other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT assert other.constbox if not other.constbox.nonnull(): raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("constant is null") return elif self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: if other.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: if (box and box.nonnull() and self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(box))): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NONNULL_CLASS, [box, self.known_class], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other's class is unknown") elif other.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: if box and self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(box)): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_CLASS, [box, self.known_class], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other's class is unknown") elif other.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: if self.known_class.same_constant(other.known_class): return raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("classes don't match") else: assert other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT if (other.constbox.nonnull() and self.known_class.same_constant(cpu.ts.cls_of_box(other.constbox))): return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("classes don't match") else: assert self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT if other.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: if self.constbox.same_constant(other.constbox): return raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("different constants") if box is not None and self.constbox.same_constant(box.constbox()): op = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_VALUE, [box, self.constbox], None) extra_guards.append(op) return else: raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("other not constant") assert 0, "unreachable" def _generate_guards_intbounds(self, other, box, extra_guards): if self.intbound.contains_bound(other.intbound): return if (box is not None and isinstance(box, BoxInt) and self.intbound.contains(box.getint())): # this may generate a few more guards than needed, but they are # optimized away when emitting them self.intbound.make_guards(box, extra_guards) return raise VirtualStatesCantMatch("intbounds don't match") def enum_forced_boxes(self, boxes, value, optimizer): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return assert 0 <= self.position_in_notvirtuals if optimizer: box = value.force_box(optimizer) else: if value.is_virtual(): raise BadVirtualState box = value.get_key_box() boxes[self.position_in_notvirtuals] = box def _enum(self, virtual_state): if self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT: return self.position_in_notvirtuals = virtual_state.numnotvirtuals virtual_state.numnotvirtuals += 1 def debug_print(self, indent, seen, bad, metainterp_sd=None): mark = '' if self in bad: mark = '*' if self.level == LEVEL_UNKNOWN: l = "Unknown" elif self.level == LEVEL_NONNULL: l = "NonNull" elif self.level == LEVEL_KNOWNCLASS: addr = self.known_class.getaddr() if metainterp_sd: name = metainterp_sd.get_name_from_address(addr) else: name = "?" l = "KnownClass(%s)" % name else: assert self.level == LEVEL_CONSTANT const = self.constbox if isinstance(const, ConstInt): l = "ConstInt(%s)" % (const.value, ) elif isinstance(const, ConstPtr): if const.value: l = "ConstPtr" else: l = "ConstPtr(null)" else: assert isinstance(const, ConstFloat) l = "ConstFloat(%s)" % const.getfloat() lb = '' if self.lenbound: lb = ', ' + self.lenbound.bound.__repr__() debug_print(indent + mark + 'NotVirtualInfo(%d' % self.position + ', ' + l + ', ' + self.intbound.__repr__() + lb + ')')