コード例 #1
ファイル: slotdefs.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
def wrap_getbuffer(space, w_self, w_args, func):
    func_target = rffi.cast(getbufferproc, func)
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(Py_buffer) as pybuf:
        _flags = 0
        if space.len_w(w_args) > 0:
            _flags = space.int_w(space.listview(w_args)[0])
        flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real,_flags)
        size = generic_cpy_call(space, func_target, w_self, pybuf, flags)
        if widen(size) < 0:
        ptr = pybuf.c_buf
        size = pybuf.c_len
        ndim = widen(pybuf.c_ndim)
        shape =   [pybuf.c_shape[i]   for i in range(ndim)]
        if pybuf.c_strides:
            strides = [pybuf.c_strides[i] for i in range(ndim)]
            strides = [1]
        if pybuf.c_format:
            format = rffi.charp2str(pybuf.c_format)
            format = 'B'
        return space.newbuffer(CPyBuffer(ptr, size, w_self, format=format,
                            ndim=ndim, shape=shape, strides=strides,
コード例 #2
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: moreati/pydgin
  def read( self, start_addr, num_bytes ):
    assert 0 < num_bytes <= 4
    word = start_addr >> 2
    byte = start_addr &  0b11

    if self.debug.enabled( "mem" ):
      print ':: RD.MEM[%s] = ' % pad_hex( start_addr ),
    if self.debug.enabled( "memcheck" ):
      self.bounds_check( start_addr, 'RD' )

    value = 0
    if   num_bytes == 4:  # TODO: byte should only be 0 (only aligned)
      value = widen( self.data[ word ] )
    elif num_bytes == 2:  # TODO: byte should only be 0, 1, 2, not 3
      mask = 0xFFFF << (byte * 8)
      value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask) >> (byte * 8)
    elif num_bytes == 1:
      mask = 0xFF   << (byte * 8)
      value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask) >> (byte * 8)
      raise Exception('Invalid num_bytes: %d!' % num_bytes)

    if self.debug.enabled( "mem" ):
      print '%s' % pad_hex( value ),

    return value
コード例 #3
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: moreati/pydgin
  def write( self, start_addr, num_bytes, value ):
    assert 0 < num_bytes <= 4
    word = start_addr >> 2
    byte = start_addr &  0b11

    if self.debug.enabled( "memcheck" ):
      self.bounds_check( start_addr, 'WR' )

    if   num_bytes == 4:  # TODO: byte should only be 0 (only aligned)
      pass # no masking needed
    elif num_bytes == 2:  # TODO: byte should only be 0, 1, 2, not 3
      mask  = ~(0xFFFF << (byte * 8)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
      value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
              | ( (value & 0xFFFF) << (byte * 8) )
    elif num_bytes == 1:
      mask  = ~(0xFF   << (byte * 8)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
      value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
              | ( (value & 0xFF  ) << (byte * 8) )
      raise Exception('Invalid num_bytes: %d!' % num_bytes)

    if self.debug.enabled( "mem" ):
      print ':: WR.MEM[%s] = %s' % ( pad_hex( start_addr ),
                                     pad_hex( value ) ),
    self.data[ word ] = r_uint32( value )
コード例 #4
 def gettimeofday(space, w_info=None):
         with lltype.scoped_alloc(TIMEVAL) as timeval:
             if GETTIMEOFDAY_NO_TZ:
                 errcode = c_gettimeofday(timeval)
                 void = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
                 errcode = c_gettimeofday(timeval, void)
             if rffi.cast(rffi.LONG, errcode) == 0:
                 if w_info is not None:
                     _setinfo(space, w_info, "gettimeofday()", 1e-6, False,
                 return space.newfloat(
                     widen(timeval.c_tv_sec) +
                     widen(timeval.c_tv_usec) * 1e-6)
     if HAVE_FTIME:
         with lltype.scoped_alloc(TIMEB) as t:
             result = (widen(t.c_time) + widen(t.c_millitm) * 0.001)
             if w_info is not None:
                 _setinfo(space, w_info, "ftime()", 1e-3, False, True)
         return space.newfloat(result)
         if w_info:
             _setinfo(space, w_info, "time()", 1.0, False, True)
         return space.newint(c_time(lltype.nullptr(rffi.TIME_TP.TO)))
コード例 #5
    def write(self, start_addr, num_bytes, value):
        assert 0 < num_bytes <= 4
        start_addr = r_uint(start_addr)
        value = r_uint(value)
        word = start_addr >> 2
        byte = start_addr & 0b11

        if self.debug.enabled("memcheck") and not self.suppress_debug:
            self.bounds_check(start_addr, 'WR')

        if num_bytes == 4:  # TODO: byte should only be 0 (only aligned)
            pass  # no masking needed
        elif num_bytes == 2:  # TODO: byte should only be 0, 1, 2, not 3
            mask = ~(0xFFFF << (byte * 8)) & r_uint(0xFFFFFFFF)
            value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
                    | ( (value & 0xFFFF) << (byte * 8) )
        elif num_bytes == 1:
            mask = ~(0xFF << (byte * 8)) & r_uint(0xFFFFFFFF)
            value = ( widen( self.data[ word ] ) & mask ) \
                    | ( (value & 0xFF  ) << (byte * 8) )
            raise Exception('Invalid num_bytes: %d!' % num_bytes)

        if self.debug.enabled("mem") and not self.suppress_debug:
            print ':: WR.MEM[%s] = %s' % (pad_hex(start_addr), pad_hex(value)),
        self.data[word] = r_uint32(value)
コード例 #6
ファイル: memoryobject.py プロジェクト: yuanleilei/pypy
def memory_realize(space, obj):
    Creates the memory object in the interpreter
    py_mem = rffi.cast(PyMemoryViewObject, obj)
    view = py_mem.c_view
    ndim = widen(view.c_ndim)
    shape = None
    if view.c_shape:
        shape = [view.c_shape[i] for i in range(ndim)]
    strides = None
    if view.c_strides:
        strides = [view.c_strides[i] for i in range(ndim)]
    format = 'B'
    if view.c_format:
        format = rffi.charp2str(view.c_format)
    buf = CPyBuffer(space,
                    from_ref(space, view.c_obj),
    # Ensure view.c_buf is released upon object finalization
    # Allow subclassing W_MemeoryView
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_MemoryView, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
コード例 #7
    def read(self, start_addr, num_bytes):
        assert 0 < num_bytes <= 4
        start_addr = r_uint(start_addr)
        word = start_addr >> 2
        byte = start_addr & 0b11

        if self.debug.enabled("mem") and not self.suppress_debug:
            print ':: RD.MEM[%s] = ' % pad_hex(start_addr),
        if self.debug.enabled("memcheck") and not self.suppress_debug:
            self.bounds_check(start_addr, 'RD')

        value = 0
        if num_bytes == 4:  # TODO: byte should only be 0 (only aligned)
            value = widen(self.data[word])
        elif num_bytes == 2:  # TODO: byte should only be 0, 1, 2, not 3
            mask = 0xFFFF << (byte * 8)
            value = (widen(self.data[word]) & mask) >> (byte * 8)
        elif num_bytes == 1:
            mask = 0xFF << (byte * 8)
            value = (widen(self.data[word]) & mask) >> (byte * 8)
            raise Exception('Invalid num_bytes: %d!' % num_bytes)

        if self.debug.enabled("mem"):
            print '%s' % pad_hex(value),

        return r_uint(value)
コード例 #8
ファイル: cdatetime.py プロジェクト: pointworld/pypy
def type_dealloc(space, py_obj):
    from pypy.module.cpyext.object import _dealloc
    state = space.fromcache(State)
    # cannot raise here, so just crash
    assert len(state.datetimeAPI) > 0
    if state.datetimeAPI[0].c_TimeType == py_obj.c_ob_type:
        py_datetime = rffi.cast(PyDateTime_Time, py_obj)
        if (widen(py_datetime.c_hastzinfo) != 0):
            decref(space, py_datetime.c_tzinfo)
    elif state.datetimeAPI[0].c_DateTimeType == py_obj.c_ob_type:
        py_datetime = rffi.cast(PyDateTime_DateTime, py_obj)
        if (widen(py_datetime.c_hastzinfo) != 0):
            decref(space, py_datetime.c_tzinfo)
    _dealloc(space, py_obj)
コード例 #9
def pthread_kill(space, tid, signum):
    "Send a signal to a thread."
    ret = c_pthread_kill(tid, signum)
    if widen(ret) < 0:
        raise exception_from_saved_errno(space, space.w_OSError)
    # the signal may have been send to the current thread
コード例 #10
ファイル: memoryobject.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
def PyObject_GetBuffer(space, w_obj, view, flags):
    """Export obj into a Py_buffer, view.  These arguments must
    never be NULL.  The flags argument is a bit field indicating what
    kind of buffer the caller is prepared to deal with and therefore what
    kind of buffer the exporter is allowed to return.  The buffer interface
    allows for complicated memory sharing possibilities, but some caller may
    not be able to handle all the complexity but may want to see if the
    exporter will let them take a simpler view to its memory.

    Some exporters may not be able to share memory in every possible way and
    may need to raise errors to signal to some consumers that something is
    just not possible. These errors should be a BufferError unless
    there is another error that is actually causing the problem. The
    exporter can use flags information to simplify how much of the
    Py_buffer structure is filled in with non-default values and/or
    raise an error if the object can't support a simpler view of its memory.

    0 is returned on success and -1 on error."""
    flags = widen(flags)
    buf = space.buffer_w(w_obj, flags)
        view.c_buf = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, buf.get_raw_address())
    except ValueError:
        raise BufferError("could not create buffer from object")
    ret = fill_Py_buffer(space, buf, view)
    view.c_obj = make_ref(space, w_obj)
    return ret
コード例 #11
ファイル: interp_curses.py プロジェクト: Mu-L/pypy
def setupterm(space, w_termname=None, fd=-1):
    _fd = fd
    if fd == -1:
        w_stdout = space.getattr(space.getbuiltinmodule('sys'),
        _fd = space.int_w(
                space.getattr(w_stdout, space.newtext('fileno'))))
    if space.is_none(w_termname):
        termname = None
        termname_err = 'None'
        termname = space.text_w(w_termname)
        termname_err = "'%s'" % termname

    p_errret = lltype.malloc(rffi.INTP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
        with rffi.scoped_str2charp(termname) as ll_term:
            _fd = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, _fd)
            errval = fficurses.setupterm(ll_term, _fd, p_errret)

        if errval == -1:
            errret = widen(p_errret[0])
            if errret == 0:
                msg_ext = 'could not find terminal'
            elif errret == -1:
                msg_ext = 'could not find termininfo database'
                msg_ext = 'unknown error'
            msg = ("setupterm(%s, %d) failed (err=%d): %s" %
                   (termname_err, fd, errret, msg_ext))
            raise curses_error(space, msg)
        lltype.free(p_errret, flavor='raw')
    space.fromcache(ModuleInfo).setupterm_called = True
コード例 #12
def fill_Py_buffer(space, buf, view):
    # c_buf, c_obj have been filled in
    ndim = buf.getndim()
    view.c_len = buf.getlength()
    view.c_itemsize = buf.getitemsize()
    rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_ndim', ndim)
    fmt = buf.getformat()
    n = len(fmt)
    view.c_format = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO,
                                  n + 1,
    flags = widen(view.c_flags)
    view.c_flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real, flags)
    for i in range(n):
        view.c_format[i] = fmt[i]
    view.c_format[n] = '\x00'
    if ndim > 0:
        view.c_shape = rffi.cast(Py_ssize_tP, view.c__shape)
        view.c_strides = rffi.cast(Py_ssize_tP, view.c__strides)
        shape = buf.getshape()
        strides = buf.getstrides()
        for i in range(ndim):
            view.c_shape[i] = shape[i]
            view.c_strides[i] = strides[i]
        view.c_shape = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
        view.c_strides = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_suboffsets = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_internal = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
    return 0
コード例 #13
def PyBuffer_FillInfo(space, view, obj, buf, length, readonly, flags):
    Fills in a buffer-info structure correctly for an exporter that can only
    share a contiguous chunk of memory of "unsigned bytes" of the given
    length. Returns 0 on success and -1 (with raising an error) on error.
    flags = widen(flags)
    if flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE and readonly:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "Object is not writable")
    view.c_buf = buf
    view.c_len = length
    view.c_obj = obj
    if obj:
        incref(space, obj)
    view.c_itemsize = 1
    rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_readonly', readonly)
    rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_ndim', 1)
    view.c_format = lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO)
    if (flags & PyBUF_FORMAT) == PyBUF_FORMAT:
        # NB: this needs to be a static string, because nothing frees it
        view.c_format = DEFAULT_FMT
    view.c_shape = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    if (flags & PyBUF_ND) == PyBUF_ND:
        view.c_shape = rffi.cast(Py_ssize_tP, view.c__shape)
        view.c_shape[0] = view.c_len
    view.c_strides = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    if (flags & PyBUF_STRIDES) == PyBUF_STRIDES:
        view.c_strides = rffi.cast(Py_ssize_tP, view.c__strides)
        view.c_strides[0] = view.c_itemsize
    view.c_suboffsets = lltype.nullptr(Py_ssize_tP.TO)
    view.c_internal = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)

    return 0
コード例 #14
ファイル: number.py プロジェクト: Mu-L/pypy
def PyNumber_ToBase(space, w_obj, base):
    """Returns the integer n converted to base as a string with a base
    marker of '0b', '0o', or '0x' if applicable.  When
    base is not 2, 8, 10, or 16, the format is 'x#num' where x is the
    base. If n is not an int object, it is converted with
    PyNumber_Index() first.
    base = widen(base)
    if not (base == 2 or base == 8 or base == 10 or base == 16):
        # In Python3.7 this becomes a SystemError. Before that, CPython would
        # assert in debug or segfault in release. bpo 38643
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "PyNumber_ToBase: base must be 2, 8, 10 or 16")
    w_index = space.index(w_obj)
    # A slight hack to call the internal _*_to_base method, which
    # accepts an int base rather than a str spec
    formatter = newformat.str_formatter(space, '')
        value = space.int_w(w_index)
    except OperationError as e:
        if not e.match(space, space.w_OverflowError):
        value = space.bigint_w(w_index)
        return space.newtext(formatter._long_to_base(base, value))
    return space.newtext(formatter._int_to_base(base, value))
コード例 #15
ファイル: slotdefs.py プロジェクト: SeraphRoy/PyPy-Functional
def wrap_lenfunc(space, w_self, w_args, func):
    func_len = rffi.cast(lenfunc, func)
    check_num_args(space, w_args, 0)
    res = generic_cpy_call(space, func_len, w_self)
    if widen(res) == -1:
    return space.newint(res)
コード例 #16
ファイル: slotdefs.py プロジェクト: SeraphRoy/PyPy-Functional
def wrap_getbuffer(space, w_self, w_args, func):
    func_target = rffi.cast(getbufferproc, func)
    py_obj = make_ref(space, w_self)
    py_type = py_obj.c_ob_type
    rbp = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, 0)
    if py_type.c_tp_as_buffer:
        rbp = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, py_type.c_tp_as_buffer.c_bf_releasebuffer)
    decref(space, py_obj)
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(Py_buffer) as pybuf:
        _flags = 0
        if space.len_w(w_args) > 0:
            _flags = space.int_w(space.listview(w_args)[0])
        flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real, _flags)
        size = generic_cpy_call(space, func_target, w_self, pybuf, flags)
        if widen(size) < 0:
        ptr = pybuf.c_buf
        size = pybuf.c_len
        ndim = widen(pybuf.c_ndim)
        shape = None
        if pybuf.c_shape:
            shape = [pybuf.c_shape[i] for i in range(ndim)]
        strides = None
        if pybuf.c_strides:
            strides = [pybuf.c_strides[i] for i in range(ndim)]
        if pybuf.c_format:
            format = rffi.charp2str(pybuf.c_format)
            format = 'B'
        # the CPython docs mandates that you do an incref whenever you call
        # bf_getbuffer; so, we pass needs_decref=True to ensure that we don't
        # leak we release the buffer:
        # https://docs.python.org/3.5/c-api/typeobj.html#c.PyBufferProcs.bf_getbuffer
        buf = CPyBuffer(space,
        return space.newbuffer(buf)
コード例 #17
ファイル: objspace.py プロジェクト: Qointum/pypy
 def wrap(self, x):
     "Wraps the Python value 'x' into one of the wrapper classes."
     # You might notice that this function is rather conspicuously
     # not RPython.  We can get away with this because the function
     # is specialized (see after the function body).  Also worth
     # noting is that the isinstance's involving integer types
     # behave rather differently to how you might expect during
     # annotation (see pypy/annotation/builtin.py)
     if x is None:
         return self.w_None
     if isinstance(x, OperationError):
         raise TypeError, ("attempt to wrap already wrapped exception: %s"%
     if isinstance(x, int):
         if isinstance(x, bool):
             return self.newbool(x)
             return self.newint(x)
     if isinstance(x, str):
         # this hack is temporary: look at the comment in
         # test_stdstdobjspace.test_wrap_string
             unicode_x = x.decode('ascii')
         except UnicodeDecodeError:
             # poor man's x.decode('ascii', 'replace'), since it's not
             # supported by RPython
             if not we_are_translated():
                 print 'WARNING: space.wrap() called on a non-ascii byte string: %r' % x
             lst = []
             for ch in x:
                 ch = ord(ch)
                 if ch > 127:
             unicode_x = u''.join(lst)
         return wrapunicode(self, unicode_x)
     if isinstance(x, unicode):
         return wrapunicode(self, x)
     if isinstance(x, float):
         return W_FloatObject(x)
     if isinstance(x, W_Root):
         w_result = x.__spacebind__(self)
         #print 'wrapping', x, '->', w_result
         return w_result
     if isinstance(x, base_int):
         if self.config.objspace.std.withsmalllong:
             from pypy.objspace.std.smalllongobject import W_SmallLongObject
             from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_ulonglong
             from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import longlongmax
             if (not isinstance(x, r_ulonglong)
                 or x <= r_ulonglong(longlongmax)):
                 return W_SmallLongObject(r_longlong(x))
         x = widen(x)
         if isinstance(x, int):
             return self.newint(x)
             return W_LongObject.fromrarith_int(x)
     return self._wrap_not_rpython(x)
コード例 #18
def PyType_GetSlot(space, typ, slot):
    """ Use the Py_tp* macros in typeslots.h to return a slot function
    slot = widen(slot)
    if slot < 0 or not typ.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE:
        raise oefmt(space.w_SystemError, "Bad internal call!")
    heapobj = rffi.cast(PyHeapTypeObject, typ)
    return get_ht_slot(heapobj, slot)
コード例 #19
 def call(self, space, w_self, __args__):
     self.check_args(__args__, 0)
     func = self.get_func_to_call()
     func_len = rffi.cast(lenfunc, func)
     res = generic_cpy_call(space, func_len, w_self)
     if widen(res) == -1:
     return space.newint(res)
コード例 #20
 def clock_settime(space, clk_id, secs):
     with lltype.scoped_alloc(TIMESPEC) as timespec:
         integer_secs = rffi.cast(TIMESPEC.c_tv_sec, secs)
         frac = secs - widen(integer_secs)
         rffi.setintfield(timespec, 'c_tv_sec', integer_secs)
         rffi.setintfield(timespec, 'c_tv_nsec', int(frac * 1e9))
         ret = c_clock_settime(clk_id, timespec)
         if ret != 0:
             raise exception_from_saved_errno(space, space.w_OSError)
コード例 #21
ファイル: rlist.py プロジェクト: Darriall/pypy
def _ll_zero_or_null(item):
    # Check if 'item' is zero/null, or not.
    T = typeOf(item)
    if T is Char or T is UniChar:
        check = ord(item)
    elif isinstance(T, Number):
        check = widen(item)
        check = item
    return not check
コード例 #22
 def call(self, space, __args__):
     func = llapi.cts.cast("HPyFunc_lenfunc", self.cfuncptr)
     self.check_args(space, __args__, 1)
     ctx = space.fromcache(State).ctx
     w_self = __args__.arguments_w[0]
     with handles.using(space, w_self) as h_self:
         result = func(ctx, h_self)
         if widen(result) == -1:
             raise NotImplementedError('write a test')
         return space.newint(result)
コード例 #23
def memory_dealloc(space, py_obj):
    mem_obj = rffi.cast(PyMemoryViewObject, py_obj)
    view = mem_obj.c_view
    if view.c_obj:
        decref(space, view.c_obj)
    view.c_obj = rffi.cast(PyObject, 0)
    flags = widen(view.c_flags)
        lltype.free(view.c_format, flavor='raw')
    _dealloc(space, py_obj)
コード例 #24
ファイル: rwin32.py プロジェクト: Mu-L/pypy
 def get_handle_inheritable(handle):
     assert lltype.typeOf(handle) is HANDLE
     pflags = lltype.malloc(LPDWORD.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
         if not _GetHandleInformation(handle, pflags):
             raise lastSavedWindowsError("GetHandleInformation")
         flags = widen(pflags[0])
         lltype.free(pflags, flavor='raw')
     return (flags & HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT) != 0
コード例 #25
ファイル: phpstruct.py プロジェクト: youaani/hippyvm
def pack_float(pack_obj, fmtdesc, count):
    for _ in xrange(count):
        value = pack_obj.space.float_w(pack_obj.pop_arg())
        floatval = r_singlefloat(value)
        value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
        value = widen(value)

        for i in range(fmtdesc.size):
            pack_obj.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
            value >>= 8
コード例 #26
def _ll_zero_or_null(item):
    # Check if 'item' is zero/null, or not.
    T = typeOf(item)
    if T is Char or T is UniChar:
        check = ord(item)
    elif isinstance(T, Number):
        check = widen(item)
        check = item
    return not check
コード例 #27
ファイル: memoryobject.py プロジェクト: dand-oss/pypy
def PyMemoryView_GetContiguous(space, w_obj, buffertype, order):
    Return a new memoryview object based on a contiguous exporter with
    buffertype={PyBUF_READ, PyBUF_WRITE} and order={'C', 'F'ortran, or 'A'ny}.
    The logical structure of the input and output buffers is the same
    (i.e. tolist(input) == tolist(output)), but the physical layout in
    memory can be explicitly chosen.

    As usual, if buffertype=PyBUF_WRITE, the exporter's buffer must be writable,
    otherwise it may be writable or read-only.

    If the exporter is already contiguous with the desired target order,
    the memoryview will be directly based on the exporter.

    Otherwise, if the buffertype is PyBUF_READ, the memoryview will be
    based on a new bytes object. If order={'C', 'A'ny}, use 'C' order,
    'F'ortran order otherwise.

    buffertype = widen(buffertype)
    if buffertype != PyBUF_READ and buffertype != PyBUF_WRITE:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "buffertype must be PyBUF_READ or PyBUF_WRITE")

    if order != 'C' and order != 'F' and order != 'A':
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "order must be in ('C', 'F', 'A')")

    w_mv = space.call_method(space.builtin, "memoryview", w_obj)
    mv = make_ref(space, w_mv)
    mv = rffi.cast(PyMemoryViewObject, mv)
    view = mv.c_view
    if buffertype == PyBUF_WRITE and widen(view.c_readonly):
        raise oefmt(space.w_BufferError, "underlying buffer is not writable")

    if PyBuffer_IsContiguous(space, view, order):
        return w_mv

    if buffertype == PyBUF_WRITE:
        raise oefmt(
            space.w_BufferError, "writable contiguous buffer requested "
            "for a non-contiguous object.")

    return memory_from_contiguous_copy(space, view, order)
コード例 #28
ファイル: nativefmttable.py プロジェクト: soIu/rpython
def pack_float(fmtiter):
    doubleval = fmtiter.accept_float_arg()
    floatval = r_singlefloat(doubleval)
    if std.pack_fastpath(rffi.FLOAT)(fmtiter, floatval):
    # slow path
    value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
    value = widen(value)
    value = intmask(value)
    pack_float_to_buffer(fmtiter.wbuf, fmtiter.pos, value, 4, fmtiter.bigendian)
コード例 #29
def clock(space, w_info=None):
    """clock() -> floating point number

    Return the CPU time or real time since the start of the process or since
    the first call to clock().  This has as much precision as the system
    if _WIN:
            return win_perf_counter(space, w_info=w_info)
        except ValueError:
    value = widen(_clock())
    if value == widen(rffi.cast(rposix.CLOCK_T, -1)):
        raise oefmt(
            "the processor time used is not available or its value"
            "cannot be represented")
    if w_info is not None:
        _setinfo(space, w_info, "clock()", 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, True, False)
    return space.newfloat(float(value) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
コード例 #30
 def call(self, space, __args__):
     func = llapi.cts.cast("HPyFunc_objobjproc", self.cfuncptr)
     self.check_args(space, __args__, 2)
     ctx = space.fromcache(State).ctx
     w_self = __args__.arguments_w[0]
     w_key = __args__.arguments_w[1]
     with handles.using(space, w_self, w_key) as (h_self, h_key):
         res = func(ctx, h_self, h_key)
         res = widen(res)
         if res == -1:
             raise NotImplementedError('write a test')
         return space.newbool(bool(res))
コード例 #31
 def call(self, space, __args__):
     func = llapi.cts.cast("HPyFunc_ssizeobjargproc", self.cfuncptr)
     self.check_args(space, __args__, 2)
     ctx = space.fromcache(State).ctx
     w_self = __args__.arguments_w[0]
     w_idx = __args__.arguments_w[1]
     idx = sq_getindex(space, w_self, w_idx)
     with handles.using(space, w_self) as h_self:
         result = func(ctx, h_self, idx, llapi.HPy_NULL)
         if widen(result) == -1:
             raise NotImplementedError('write a test')
         return space.w_None
コード例 #32
ファイル: objspace.py プロジェクト: xen0n/pypy
 def newint(self, intval):
     if self.config.objspace.std.withsmalllong and isinstance(intval, base_int):
         from pypy.objspace.std.smalllongobject import W_SmallLongObject
         from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_ulonglong
         from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import longlongmax
         if (not isinstance(intval, r_ulonglong)
             or intval <= r_ulonglong(longlongmax)):
             return W_SmallLongObject(r_longlong(intval))
     intval = widen(intval)
     if not isinstance(intval, int):
         return W_LongObject.fromrarith_int(intval)
     return wrapint(self, intval)
コード例 #33
ファイル: nativefmttable.py プロジェクト: charred/pypy
def pack_float(fmtiter):
    doubleval = fmtiter.accept_float_arg()
    floatval = r_singlefloat(doubleval)
    value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
    value = widen(value)
    if fmtiter.bigendian:
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            x = (value >> (8*i)) & 0xff
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            fmtiter.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
            value >>= 8
コード例 #34
ファイル: nativefmttable.py プロジェクト: fhalde/pypy
def pack_float(fmtiter):
    doubleval = fmtiter.accept_float_arg()
    floatval = r_singlefloat(doubleval)
    value = longlong2float.singlefloat2uint(floatval)
    value = widen(value)
    if fmtiter.bigendian:
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            x = (value >> (8 * i)) & 0xff
        for i in range_4_unroll:
            fmtiter.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
            value >>= 8
コード例 #35
def PyMemoryView_FromMemory(space, mem, size, flags):
    """Expose a raw memory area as a view of contiguous bytes. flags can be
    PyBUF_READ or PyBUF_WRITE. view->format is set to "B" (unsigned bytes).
    The memoryview has complete buffer information.
    readonly = int(widen(flags) == PyBUF_WRITE)
    view = CPyBuffer(space,
                     cts.cast('void*', mem),
    w_mview = W_MemoryView(view)
    return w_mview
コード例 #36
ファイル: memoryobject.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
def _IsCContiguous(view):
    ndim = widen(view.c_ndim)
    if ndim == 0:
        return 1
    if not view.c_strides:
        return ndim == 1
    sd = view.c_itemsize
    if ndim == 1:
        return view.c_shape[0] == 1 or sd == view.c_strides[0]
    for i in range(ndim - 1, -1, -1):
        dim = view.c_shape[i]
        if dim == 0:
            return 1
        if view.c_strides[i] != sd:
            return 0
        sd *= dim
    return 1
コード例 #37
ファイル: memoryobject.py プロジェクト: yuanleilei/pypy
def _IsCContiguous(view):
    ndim = widen(view.c_ndim)
    if ndim == 0:
        return 1
    if not view.c_strides:
        return ndim == 1
    sd = view.c_itemsize
    if ndim == 1:
        return view.c_shape[0] == 1 or sd == view.c_strides[0]
    for i in range(ndim - 1, -1, -1):
        dim = view.c_shape[i]
        if dim == 0:
            return 1
        if view.c_strides[i] != sd:
            return 0
        sd *= dim
    return 1
コード例 #38
ファイル: selection.py プロジェクト: abhinavthomas/pypy
 def getitem(self, item):
     if count < 2:
         v = raw_storage_getitem(TP, self.values, item * self.stride_size
                             + self.start)
         v = []
         for i in range(count):
             _v = raw_storage_getitem(TP, self.values, item * self.stride_size
                             + self.start + step * i)
     if comp_type == 'int':
         v = widen(v)
     elif comp_type == 'float':
         v = float(v)
     elif comp_type == 'complex':
         v = [float(v[0]),float(v[1])]
         raise NotImplementedError('cannot reach')
     return (v)
コード例 #39
ファイル: slotdefs.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
 def buff_w(space, w_self, view, flags):
     args = Arguments(space, [space.newint(flags)])
     w_obj = space.call_args(space.get(buff_fn, w_self), args)
     if view:
         #like PyObject_GetBuffer
         flags = widen(flags)
         buf = space.buffer_w(w_obj, flags)
             view.c_buf = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, buf.get_raw_address())
             view.c_obj = make_ref(space, w_obj)
         except ValueError:
             w_s = space.newbytes(buf.as_str())
             view.c_obj = make_ref(space, w_s)
             view.c_buf = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, rffi.str2charp(
                             space.str_w(w_s), track_allocation=False))
             rffi.setintfield(view, 'c_readonly', 1)
         ret = fill_Py_buffer(space, buf, view)
         return ret
     return 0
コード例 #40
ファイル: rlist.py プロジェクト: yuyichao/pypy
def ll_alloc_and_set(LIST, count, item):
    if count < 0:
        count = 0
    l = LIST.ll_newlist(count)
    T = typeOf(item)
    if T is Char or T is UniChar:
        check = ord(item)
    elif isinstance(T, Number):
        check = widen(item)
        check = item
    # as long as malloc is known to zero the allocated memory avoid zeroing
    # twice
    if jit.we_are_jitted() or (not malloc_zero_filled) or check:
        i = 0
        while i < count:
            l.ll_setitem_fast(i, item)
            i += 1
    return l
コード例 #41
ファイル: interp_array.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
 def _mul_helper(space, self, w_repeat, is_inplace):
         repeat = space.getindex_w(w_repeat, space.w_OverflowError)
     except OperationError as e:
         if e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
             return space.w_NotImplemented
     repeat = max(repeat, 0)
         newlen = ovfcheck(self.len * repeat)
     except OverflowError:
         raise MemoryError
     oldlen = self.len
     if is_inplace:
         a = self
         start = 1
         a = mytype.w_class(space)
         start = 0
     # <a performance hack>
     if oldlen == 1:
         if mytype.unwrap == 'str_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'unicode_w':
             zero = not ord(self.buffer[0])
         elif mytype.unwrap == 'int_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'bigint_w':
             zero = not widen(self.buffer[0])
         #elif mytype.unwrap == 'float_w':
         #    value = ...float(self.buffer[0])  xxx handle the case of -0.0
             zero = False
         if zero:
             a.setlen(newlen, zero=True, overallocate=False)
             return a
         a.setlen(newlen, overallocate=False)
         item = self.buffer[0]
         for r in range(start, repeat):
             a.buffer[r] = item
         return a
     # </a performance hack>
     a.setlen(newlen, overallocate=False)
     for r in range(start, repeat):
         for i in range(oldlen):
             a.buffer[r * oldlen + i] = self.buffer[i]
     return a
コード例 #42
ファイル: interp_pwd.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
def getpwuid(space, w_uid):
    getpwuid(uid) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,
    Return the password database entry for the given numeric user ID.
    See pwd.__doc__ for more on password database entries.
    msg = "getpwuid(): uid not found"
        uid = uid_converter(space, w_uid)
    except OperationError as e:
        if e.match(space, space.w_OverflowError):
            raise oefmt(space.w_KeyError, msg)
    pw = c_getpwuid(uid)
    if not pw:
        raise OperationError(space.w_KeyError, space.wrap(
            "%s: %d" % (msg, widen(uid))))
    return make_struct_passwd(space, pw)
コード例 #43
 def wrap(self, x):
     "Wraps the Python value 'x' into one of the wrapper classes."
     # You might notice that this function is rather conspicuously
     # not RPython.  We can get away with this because the function
     # is specialized (see after the function body).  Also worth
     # noting is that the isinstance's involving integer types
     # behave rather differently to how you might expect during
     # annotation (see pypy/annotation/builtin.py)
     if x is None:
         return self.w_None
     if isinstance(x, OperationError):
         raise TypeError, ("attempt to wrap already wrapped exception: %s"%
     if isinstance(x, int):
         if isinstance(x, bool):
             return self.newbool(x)
             return self.newint(x)
     if isinstance(x, str):
         return wrapstr(self, x)
     if isinstance(x, unicode):
         return wrapunicode(self, x)
     if isinstance(x, float):
         return W_FloatObject(x)
     if isinstance(x, W_Root):
         w_result = x.__spacebind__(self)
         #print 'wrapping', x, '->', w_result
         return w_result
     if isinstance(x, base_int):
         if self.config.objspace.std.withsmalllong:
             from pypy.objspace.std.smalllongobject import W_SmallLongObject
             from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong, r_ulonglong
             from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import longlongmax
             if (not isinstance(x, r_ulonglong)
                 or x <= r_ulonglong(longlongmax)):
                 return W_SmallLongObject(r_longlong(x))
         x = widen(x)
         if isinstance(x, int):
             return self.newint(x)
             return W_LongObject.fromrarith_int(x)
     return self._wrap_not_rpython(x)
コード例 #44
     newlen = ovfcheck(self.len * repeat)
 except OverflowError:
     raise MemoryError
 oldlen = self.len
 if is_inplace:
     a = self
     start = 1
     a = mytype.w_class(space)
     start = 0
 # <a performance hack>
 if oldlen == 1:
     if mytype.unwrap == 'str_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'unicode_w':
         zero = not ord(self.buffer[0])
     elif mytype.unwrap == 'int_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'bigint_w':
         zero = not widen(self.buffer[0])
     #elif mytype.unwrap == 'float_w':
     #    value = ...float(self.buffer[0])  xxx handle the case of -0.0
         zero = False
     if zero:
         a.setlen(newlen, zero=True, overallocate=False)
         return a
     a.setlen(newlen, overallocate=False)
     item = self.buffer[0]
     for r in range(start, repeat):
         a.buffer[r] = item
     return a
 # </a performance hack>
 a.setlen(newlen, overallocate=False)
 for r in range(start, repeat):
コード例 #45
ファイル: interp_array.py プロジェクト: charred/pypy
def make_array(mytype):
    W_ArrayBase = globals()['W_ArrayBase']

    class W_Array(W_ArrayBase):
        itemsize = mytype.bytes
        typecode = mytype.typecode

        _attrs_ = ('space', 'len', 'allocated', '_lifeline_', 'buffer')

        def __init__(self, space):
            W_ArrayBase.__init__(self, space)
            self.buffer = lltype.nullptr(mytype.arraytype)

        def item_w(self, w_item):
            space = self.space
            unwrap = getattr(space, mytype.unwrap)
            item = unwrap(w_item)
            if mytype.unwrap == 'bigint_w':
                    item = item.touint()
                except (ValueError, OverflowError):
                    msg = 'unsigned %d-byte integer out of range' % \
                    raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
                return rffi.cast(mytype.itemtype, item)
            if mytype.unwrap == 'str_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'unicode_w':
                if len(item) != 1:
                    msg = 'array item must be char'
                    raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(msg))
                item = item[0]
                return rffi.cast(mytype.itemtype, item)
            # "regular" case: it fits in an rpython integer (lltype.Signed)
            result = rffi.cast(mytype.itemtype, item)
            if mytype.canoverflow:
                if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) != item:
                    # overflow.  build the correct message
                    if item < 0:
                        msg = ('signed %d-byte integer is less than minimum' %
                        msg = ('signed %d-byte integer is greater than maximum'
                               % mytype.bytes)
                    if not mytype.signed:
                        msg = 'un' + msg      # 'signed' => 'unsigned'
                    raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
            return result

        def __del__(self):
            # note that we don't call clear_all_weakrefs here because
            # an array with freed buffer is ok to see - it's just empty with 0
            # length

        def setlen(self, size, zero=False, overallocate=True):
            if size > 0:
                if size > self.allocated or size < self.allocated / 2:
                    if overallocate:
                        if size < 9:
                            some = 3
                            some = 6
                        some += size >> 3
                        some = 0
                    self.allocated = size + some
                    if zero:
                        new_buffer = lltype.malloc(mytype.arraytype,
                                                   self.allocated, flavor='raw',
                        new_buffer = lltype.malloc(mytype.arraytype,
                                                   self.allocated, flavor='raw',
                        for i in range(min(size, self.len)):
                            new_buffer[i] = self.buffer[i]
                    self.len = size
                assert size == 0
                self.allocated = 0
                new_buffer = lltype.nullptr(mytype.arraytype)

            if self.buffer:
                lltype.free(self.buffer, flavor='raw')
            self.buffer = new_buffer
            self.len = size

        def fromsequence(self, w_seq):
            space = self.space
            oldlen = self.len
                new = space.len_w(w_seq)
                self.setlen(self.len + new)
            except OperationError:

            i = 0
                if mytype.typecode == 'u':
                    myiter = space.unpackiterable
                    myiter = space.listview
                for w_i in myiter(w_seq):
                    if oldlen + i >= self.len:
                        self.setlen(oldlen + i + 1)
                    self.buffer[oldlen + i] = self.item_w(w_i)
                    i += 1
            except OperationError:
                self.setlen(oldlen + i)
            self.setlen(oldlen + i)

        def extend(self, w_iterable, accept_different_array=False):
            space = self.space
            if isinstance(w_iterable, W_Array):
                oldlen = self.len
                new = w_iterable.len
                self.setlen(self.len + new)
                i = 0
                while i < new:
                    if oldlen + i >= self.len:
                        self.setlen(oldlen + i + 1)
                    self.buffer[oldlen + i] = w_iterable.buffer[i]
                    i += 1
                self.setlen(oldlen + i)
            elif (not accept_different_array
                  and isinstance(w_iterable, W_ArrayBase)):
                msg = "can only extend with array of same kind"
                raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(msg))

        def _charbuf_start(self):
            return rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, self.buffer)

        def _buffer_as_unsigned(self):
            return rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, self.buffer)

        def _charbuf_stop(self):

        def w_getitem(self, space, idx):
            item = self.buffer[idx]
            if mytype.typecode in 'bBhHil':
                item = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, item)
            elif mytype.typecode == 'f':
                item = float(item)
            return space.wrap(item)

        # interface

        def descr_append(self, space, w_x):
            x = self.item_w(w_x)
            self.setlen(self.len + 1)
            self.buffer[self.len - 1] = x

        # List interface
        def descr_count(self, space, w_val):
            cnt = 0
            for i in range(self.len):
                # XXX jitdriver
                w_item = self.w_getitem(space, i)
                if space.is_true(space.eq(w_item, w_val)):
                    cnt += 1
            return space.wrap(cnt)

        def descr_index(self, space, w_val):
            for i in range(self.len):
                w_item = self.w_getitem(space, i)
                if space.is_true(space.eq(w_item, w_val)):
                    return space.wrap(i)
            msg = 'array.index(x): x not in list'
            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(msg))

        def descr_reverse(self, space):
            b = self.buffer
            for i in range(self.len / 2):
                b[i], b[self.len - i - 1] = b[self.len - i - 1], b[i]

        def descr_pop(self, space, i):
            if i < 0:
                i += self.len
            if i < 0 or i >= self.len:
                msg = 'pop index out of range'
                raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError, space.wrap(msg))
            w_val = self.w_getitem(space, i)
            while i < self.len - 1:
                self.buffer[i] = self.buffer[i + 1]
                i += 1
            self.setlen(self.len - 1)
            return w_val

        def descr_remove(self, space, w_val):
            w_idx = self.descr_index(space, w_val)
            self.descr_pop(space, space.int_w(w_idx))

        def descr_insert(self, space, idx, w_val):
            if idx < 0:
                idx += self.len
            if idx < 0:
                idx = 0
            if idx > self.len:
                idx = self.len

            val = self.item_w(w_val)
            self.setlen(self.len + 1)
            i = self.len - 1
            while i > idx:
                self.buffer[i] = self.buffer[i - 1]
                i -= 1
            self.buffer[i] = val

        def getitem_slice(self, space, w_idx):
            start, stop, step, size = space.decode_index4(w_idx, self.len)
            w_a = mytype.w_class(self.space)
            w_a.setlen(size, overallocate=False)
            assert step != 0
            j = 0
            for i in range(start, stop, step):
                w_a.buffer[j] = self.buffer[i]
                j += 1
            return w_a

        def setitem(self, space, w_idx, w_item):
            idx, stop, step = space.decode_index(w_idx, self.len)
            if step != 0:
                msg = 'can only assign array to array slice'
                raise OperationError(self.space.w_TypeError,
            item = self.item_w(w_item)
            self.buffer[idx] = item

        def setitem_slice(self, space, w_idx, w_item):
            if not isinstance(w_item, W_Array):
                raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(
                    "can only assign to a slice array"))
            start, stop, step, size = self.space.decode_index4(w_idx, self.len)
            assert step != 0
            if w_item.len != size or self is w_item:
                # XXX this is a giant slow hack
                w_lst = self.descr_tolist(space)
                w_item = space.call_method(w_item, 'tolist')
                space.setitem(w_lst, w_idx, w_item)
                j = 0
                for i in range(start, stop, step):
                    self.buffer[i] = w_item.buffer[j]
                    j += 1

        # We can't look into this function until ptradd works with things (in the
        # JIT) other than rffi.CCHARP
        def delitem(self, space, i, j):
            if i < 0:
                i += self.len
            if i < 0:
                i = 0
            if j < 0:
                j += self.len
            if j < 0:
                j = 0
            if j > self.len:
                j = self.len
            if i >= j:
                return None
            oldbuffer = self.buffer
            self.buffer = lltype.malloc(mytype.arraytype,
                          max(self.len - (j - i), 0), flavor='raw',
            if i:
                    rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, self.buffer),
                    rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, oldbuffer),
                    i * mytype.bytes
            if j < self.len:
                    rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, rffi.ptradd(self.buffer, i)),
                    rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, rffi.ptradd(oldbuffer, j)),
                    (self.len - j) * mytype.bytes
            self.len -= j - i
            self.allocated = self.len
            if oldbuffer:
                lltype.free(oldbuffer, flavor='raw')

        # Add and mul methods

        def descr_add(self, space, w_other):
            if not isinstance(w_other, W_Array):
                return space.w_NotImplemented
            a = mytype.w_class(space)
            a.setlen(self.len + w_other.len, overallocate=False)
            for i in range(self.len):
                a.buffer[i] = self.buffer[i]
            for i in range(w_other.len):
                a.buffer[i + self.len] = w_other.buffer[i]
            return a

        def descr_inplace_add(self, space, w_other):
            if not isinstance(w_other, W_Array):
                return space.w_NotImplemented
            oldlen = self.len
            otherlen = w_other.len
            self.setlen(oldlen + otherlen)
            for i in range(otherlen):
                self.buffer[oldlen + i] = w_other.buffer[i]
            return self

        def descr_mul(self, space, w_repeat):
            return _mul_helper(space, self, w_repeat, False)

        def descr_inplace_mul(self, space, w_repeat):
            return _mul_helper(space, self, w_repeat, True)

    def _mul_helper(space, self, w_repeat, is_inplace):
            repeat = space.getindex_w(w_repeat, space.w_OverflowError)
        except OperationError, e:
            if e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
                return space.w_NotImplemented
        repeat = max(repeat, 0)
            newlen = ovfcheck(self.len * repeat)
        except OverflowError:
            raise MemoryError
        oldlen = self.len
        if is_inplace:
            a = self
            start = 1
            a = mytype.w_class(space)
            start = 0
        # <a performance hack>
        if oldlen == 1:
            if mytype.unwrap == 'str_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'unicode_w':
                zero = not ord(self.buffer[0])
            elif mytype.unwrap == 'int_w' or mytype.unwrap == 'bigint_w':
                zero = not widen(self.buffer[0])
            #elif mytype.unwrap == 'float_w':
            #    value = ...float(self.buffer[0])  xxx handle the case of -0.0
                zero = False
            if zero:
                a.setlen(newlen, zero=True, overallocate=False)
                return a
            a.setlen(newlen, overallocate=False)
            item = self.buffer[0]
            for r in range(start, repeat):
                a.buffer[r] = item
            return a
        # </a performance hack>
        a.setlen(newlen, overallocate=False)
        for r in range(start, repeat):
            for i in range(oldlen):
                a.buffer[r * oldlen + i] = self.buffer[i]
        return a
コード例 #46
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: xingdl2007/pydgin
    def float2bits(flt):

        # See note above for bits2float. We're doing the reverse:
        # Python Float (64-bit) -> r_singlefloat -> r_uint32 -> Python Int (64-bit)
        bits = widen(singlefloat2uint(rffi.cast(lltype.SingleFloat, flt)))
        return bits
コード例 #47
ファイル: interp_pwd.py プロジェクト: Darriall/pypy
    getpwuid(uid) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,
    Return the password database entry for the given numeric user ID.
    See pwd.__doc__ for more on password database entries.
    msg = "getpwuid(): uid not found"
        uid = uid_converter(space, w_uid)
    except OperationError, e:
        if e.match(space, space.w_OverflowError):
            raise oefmt(space.w_KeyError, msg)
    pw = c_getpwuid(uid)
    if not pw:
        raise OperationError(space.w_KeyError, space.wrap(
            "%s: %d" % (msg, widen(uid))))
    return make_struct_passwd(space, pw)

def getpwnam(space, name):
    getpwnam(name) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,
    Return the password database entry for the given user name.
    See pwd.__doc__ for more on password database entries.
    pw = c_getpwnam(name)
    if not pw:
        raise oefmt(space.w_KeyError, "getpwnam(): name not found: %s", name)
    return make_struct_passwd(space, pw)
コード例 #48
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: moreati/pydgin
 def iread( self, start_addr, num_bytes ):
   assert start_addr & 0b11 == 0  # only aligned accesses allowed
   return widen( self.data[ start_addr >> 2 ] )
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_rlist.py プロジェクト: yuyichao/pypy
 def f(i):
     l = [r_short(0)] * 10
     l[i+1] = r_short(3)
     return rarithmetic.widen(l[i])
コード例 #50
ファイル: handler.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
 def is_enabled(self):
     return bool(widen(cintf.pypy_faulthandler_is_enabled()))
コード例 #51
ファイル: interp_random.py プロジェクト: mozillazg/pypy
 def getstate(self, space):
     state = [None] * (rrandom.N + 1)
     for i in range(rrandom.N):
         state[i] = space.wrap(widen(self._rnd.state[i]))
     state[rrandom.N] = space.newlong(self._rnd.index)
     return space.newtuple(state)