コード例 #1
class W_List(W_AbstractObject):

    def __init__(self, strategy=None, size=0, elements=None):
        self.strategy = None
        if strategy:
            factory.set_initial_strategy(self, strategy, size, elements)

    def fetch(self, i):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.fetch(self, i)

    def store(self, i, value):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.store(self, i, value)

    def size(self):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.size(self)

    def insert(self, index0, list_w):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.insert(self, index0, list_w)

    def delete(self, start, end):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.delete(self, start, end)

    def append(self, list_w):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.append(self, list_w)

    def pop(self, index0):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.pop(self, index0)

    def slice(self, start, end):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.slice(self, start, end)

    def fetch_all(self):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.fetch_all(self)

    def store_all(self, elements):
        assert self.strategy
        return self.strategy.store_all(self, elements)
コード例 #2
ファイル: pointers.py プロジェクト: shiplift/RSqueakOnABoat
class W_PointersObject(W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash):
    """Common object."""
    _attrs_ = ['strategy', '_storage']
    # TODO -- is it viable to have these as pseudo-immutable?
    # Measurably increases performance, since they do change rarely.
    _immutable_attrs_ = ['strategy?', '_storage?']
    strategy = None
    repr_classname = "W_PointersObject"
    rstrat.make_accessors(strategy='strategy', storage='_storage')

    def __init__(self, space, w_class, size, weak=False):
        """Create new object with size = fixed + variable size."""
        self._initialize_storage(space, w_class, size, weak)

    def _initialize_storage(self, space, w_class, size, weak=False):
        storage_type = space.strategy_factory.empty_storage_type(
            self, size, weak)
        space.strategy_factory.set_initial_strategy(self, storage_type,
                                                    w_class, size)

    def trace_pointers(self, space):
        ptrs = W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash.trace_pointers(self, space)
        return ptrs + self.fetch_all(space)

    def fillin(self, space, g_self):
        W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash.fillin(self, space, g_self)
        # Recursive fillin required to enable specialized storage strategies.
        for g_obj in g_self.pointers:
        pointers = g_self.get_pointers()
        storage_type = space.strategy_factory.strategy_type_for(
            pointers, weak=False)  # do not fill in weak lists, yet
        space.strategy_factory.set_initial_strategy(self, storage_type,
                                                    len(pointers), pointers)

    def fillin_weak(self, space, g_self):
        assert g_self.isweak()  # when we get here, this is true
        pointers = self.fetch_all(space)
        storage_type = space.strategy_factory.strategy_type_for(pointers,
        space.strategy_factory.switch_strategy(self, storage_type)

    def is_weak(self):
        from rsqueakvm.storage import WeakListStrategy
        return isinstance(self._get_strategy(), WeakListStrategy)

    def has_class(self):
        return self.getclass(None) is not None

    def safe_getclass(self, space):
        return self.strategy.getclass()

    def getclass(self, space):
        if self._get_strategy() is None:
            return None
            return self._get_strategy().getclass()

    def is_class(self, space):
        from rsqueakvm.storage_classes import ClassShadow
        if isinstance(self._get_strategy(), ClassShadow):
            return True
        elif self.has_class():
            w_Metaclass = space.w_Metaclass
            w_class = self.getclass(space)
            if w_Metaclass.is_same_object(w_class):
                return True
            elif w_class.has_class():
                return w_Metaclass.is_same_object(w_class.getclass(space))
        return False

    def change_class(self, space, w_class):
        old_strategy = self._get_strategy()
        new_strategy = old_strategy.instantiate(self, w_class)
        old_strategy._convert_storage_to(self, new_strategy)

    def guess_classname(self):
        if self.has_class():
            if self.getclass(None).has_space():
                class_shadow = self.class_shadow(self.getclass(None).space())
                return class_shadow.name
                # We cannot access the class during the initialization sequence.
                return "?? (class not initialized)"
            return "? (no class)"

    def invariant(self):
        from rsqueakvm import storage_classes
        return (W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash.invariant(self)
                and isinstance(
                    self.getclass(None).strategy, storage_classes.ClassShadow))

    def assert_strategy(self):
        # Failing the following assert most likely indicates a bug. The strategy can only be absent during
        # the bootstrapping sequence. It will be initialized in the fillin() method. Before that, it should
        # not be switched to a specialized strategy, and the space is also not yet available here!
        # Otherwise, the specialized strategy will attempt to read information from an uninitialized object.
        strategy = self.strategy
        assert strategy, "The strategy has not been initialized yet!"
        return strategy

    def space(self):
        return self.assert_strategy().space

    def __str__(self):
        if self.has_strategy() and self.strategy.provides_getname:
            return self._get_strategy().getname()
            return W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash.__str__(self)

    def repr_content(self):
        strategy_info = "no strategy"
        name = ""
        if self.has_strategy():
            strategy_info = self.strategy.__repr__()
            if self.strategy.provides_getname:
                name = " [%s]" % self._get_strategy().getname()
        return '(%s) len=%d%s' % (strategy_info, self.size(), name)

    def unwrap_char(self, space):
        w_class = self.getclass(space)
        if not w_class.is_same_object(space.w_Character):
            raise error.UnwrappingError("expected Character")
        w_ord = self.fetch(space, constants.CHARACTER_VALUE_INDEX)
        if not isinstance(w_ord, W_SmallInteger):
            raise error.UnwrappingError("expected SmallInteger from Character")
        return chr(w_ord.value)

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda self, space: ((not self.class_shadow(
        space).isvariable()) or jit.isconstant(self.size())))
    def unwrap_array(self, space):
        # Check that our argument has pointers format and the class:
        if not self.getclass(space).is_same_object(space.w_Array):
            raise error.UnwrappingError
        return [self.at0(space, i) for i in range(self.size())]

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda self, space: ((not self.class_shadow(
        space).isvariable()) or jit.isconstant(self.size())))
    def fetch_all(self, space):
        return [self.fetch(space, i) for i in range(self.size())]

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda self, space, collection: (
        (not self.class_shadow(space).isvariable()) or len(collection) < 64))
    def store_all(self, space, collection):
        # Be tolerant: copy over as many elements as possible, set rest to nil.
        # The size of the object cannot be changed in any case.
        # TODO use store_all() provided by strategy?
        my_length = self.size()
        incoming_length = min(my_length, len(collection))
        i = 0
        while i < incoming_length:
            self.store(space, i, collection[i])
            i = i + 1
        while i < my_length:
            self.store(space, i, space.w_nil)
            i = i + 1

    def at0(self, space, index0):
        # To test, at0 = in varsize part
        return self.fetch(space, index0 + self.instsize())

    def atput0(self, space, index0, w_value):
        # To test, at0 = in varsize part
        self.store(space, index0 + self.instsize(), w_value)

    def fetch(self, space, n0):
        return self._get_strategy().fetch(self, n0)

    def store(self, space, n0, w_value):
        return self._get_strategy().store(self, n0, w_value)

    def size(self):
        if not self.has_strategy():
            # TODO - this happens only for objects bootstrapped in ObjSpace.
            # Think of a way to avoid this check. Usually, self.strategy is never None.
            return 0
        return self._get_strategy().size(self)

    def instsize(self):
        return self.class_shadow(self.space()).instsize()

    def store_strategy(self, strategy):
        self.strategy = strategy

    def _get_strategy(self):
        return self.strategy.promote_if_neccessary(
        ) if self.strategy is not None else None

    def as_special_get_shadow(self, space, TheClass):
        shadow = self._get_strategy()
        if not isinstance(shadow, TheClass):
            shadow = space.strategy_factory.switch_strategy(self, TheClass)
        assert isinstance(shadow, TheClass)
        return shadow

    def as_class_get_shadow(self, space):
        from rsqueakvm.storage_classes import ClassShadow
        return jit.promote(self.as_special_get_shadow(space, ClassShadow))

    def as_context_get_shadow(self, space):
        from rsqueakvm.storage_contexts import ContextPartShadow
        return self.as_special_get_shadow(space, ContextPartShadow)

    def as_methoddict_get_shadow(self, space):
        from rsqueakvm.storage_classes import MethodDictionaryShadow
        return self.as_special_get_shadow(space, MethodDictionaryShadow)

    def as_cached_object_get_shadow(self, space):
        from rsqueakvm.storage import CachedObjectShadow
        return self.as_special_get_shadow(space, CachedObjectShadow)

    def as_observed_get_shadow(self, space):
        from rsqueakvm.storage import ObserveeShadow
        return self.as_special_get_shadow(space, ObserveeShadow)

    def has_strategy(self):
        return self._get_strategy() is not None

    def has_space(self):
        # The space is accessed through the strategy.
        return self.has_strategy()

    def _become(self, w_other):
        if not isinstance(w_other, W_PointersObject):
            raise error.PrimitiveFailedError
        # Make sure our class shadow is initialized, we will need it
        if self.getclass(None) and self.getclass(None).has_space():
        if w_other.getclass(None) and w_other.getclass(None).has_space():
        # Only one strategy will handle the become (or none of them).
        # The receivers strategy gets the first shot.
        # If it doesn't want to, let the w_other's strategy handle it.
        if self.has_strategy() and self._get_strategy().handles_become():
        elif w_other.has_strategy() and w_other._get_strategy().handles_become(
        self.strategy, w_other.strategy = w_other.strategy, self.strategy
        self._storage, w_other._storage = w_other._storage, self._storage
        W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash._become(self, w_other)

    def pointers_become_one_way(self, space, from_w, to_w):
        ptrs = self.fetch_all(space)
        ptridx = 0
        for i, w_from in enumerate(from_w):
                ptridx = ptrs.index(w_from)
            except ValueError:
            w_to = to_w[i]
            ptrs[ptridx] = w_to
        self.store_all(space, ptrs)

    def clone(self, space):
        my_pointers = self.fetch_all(space)
        w_result = W_PointersObject(space, self.getclass(space),
        w_result.store_all(space, my_pointers)
        return w_result