def dissolve_by_points(groups, polys): progbar = ProgressBar(len(groups), 50, "Dissolving Polygons...") counter = 0 progbar.update(counter) dissolved_polys = {} # Original method # for key, group in groups.items(): # counter += 1 # progbar.update(counter) # intersected = [p for p in polys if any([p.contains(pt.point) for pt in group])] # dissolved_polys[key] = unary_union(intersected) # This method gradulally speeds up processing by removing polygons from the list. for key, group in groups.items(): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) intersected = [] indexes = [] for i, p in enumerate(polys): if any([p.contains(pt.point) for pt in group]): intersected.append(p) indexes.append(i) dissolved_polys[key] = unary_union( intersected) # MultiPolygon(intersected) #intersected polys = [p for i, p in enumerate(polys) if i not in indexes] progbar.finish() return dissolved_polys
def polygonize(raster_path: str, band: int, out_layer_path: str, epsg: int = None): # mapping between gdal type and ogr field type type_mapping = { gdal.GDT_Byte: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_UInt16: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_Int16: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_UInt32: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_Int32: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_Float32: ogr.OFTReal, gdal.GDT_Float64: ogr.OFTReal, gdal.GDT_CInt16: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_CInt32: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_CFloat32: ogr.OFTReal, gdal.GDT_CFloat64: ogr.OFTReal } with get_shp_or_gpkg(out_layer_path, write=True) as out_layer: out_layer.create_layer(ogr.wkbPolygon, epsg=epsg) src_ds = gdal.Open(raster_path) src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(band) out_layer.create_field('id', field_type=type_mapping[src_band.DataType]) progbar = ProgressBar(100, 50, "Polygonizing raster") def poly_progress(progress, _msg, _data): # double dfProgress, char const * pszMessage=None, void * pData=None progbar.update(int(progress * 100)) gdal.Polygonize(src_band, src_ds.GetRasterBand(band), out_layer.ogr_layer, 0, [], callback=poly_progress) progbar.finish() src_ds = None
def load_geometries(feature_class, id_field, epsg=None): log = Logger('Shapefile') # Get the input network driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') dataset = driver.Open(feature_class, 0) layer = dataset.GetLayer() in_spatial_ref = layer.GetSpatialRef() # Determine the transformation if user provides an EPSG transform = None if epsg: out_spatial_ref, transform = get_transform_from_epsg( in_spatial_ref, epsg) features = {} progbar = ProgressBar(layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Loading features") counter = 0 for inFeature in layer: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) reach = inFeature.GetField(id_field) geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() # Optional coordinate transformation if transform: geom.Transform(transform) new_geom = wkbload(geom.ExportToWkb()) geo_type = new_geom.GetGeometryType() if new_geom.is_empty: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning( 'Empty feature with FID={} cannot be unioned and will be ignored' .format(inFeature.GetFID())) elif not new_geom.is_valid: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning( 'Invalid feature with FID={} cannot be unioned and will be ignored' .format(inFeature.GetFID())) # Filter out zero-length lines elif geo_type in LINE_TYPES and new_geom.Length() == 0: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning('Zero Length for feature with FID={}'.format( inFeature.GetFID())) # Filter out zero-area polys elif geo_type in POLY_TYPES and new_geom.Area() == 0: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning('Zero Area for feature with FID={}'.format( inFeature.GetFID())) else: features[reach] = new_geom progbar.finish() dataset = None return features
def clip_polygons(clip_poly, polys): progbar = ProgressBar(len(polys), 50, "Clipping Polygons...") counter = 0 progbar.update(counter) out_polys = {} for key, poly in polys.items(): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) out_polys[key] = clip_poly.intersection(poly.buffer(0)) progbar.finish() return out_polys
def copy_attributes(src_path, featureclass, dest_path, join_field, attributes, attribute_filter): # Get the input layer in_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB") in_datasource = in_driver.Open(src_path, 0) in_layer = in_datasource.GetLayer(featureclass) # Get the output layer out_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") out_datasource = out_driver.Open(dest_path, 1) out_layer = out_datasource.GetLayer() if attribute_filter: in_layer.SetAttributeFilter(attribute_filter) # Delete any existing field and re-add to the output feature class [create_field(out_layer, field) for field in attributes] values = {} progbarIn = ProgressBar(in_layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Reading Features") counterIn = 0 for feature in in_layer: counterIn += 1 progbarIn.update(counterIn) key = feature.GetField(join_field) values[key] = {} for field in attributes: values[key][field] = feature.GetField(field) progbarIn.finish() in_datasource = None progbarOut = ProgressBar(out_layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Writing Features") counterOut = 0 for feature in out_layer: counterIn += 1 progbarOut.update(counterOut) key = feature.GetField(join_field) if key in values: for field in attributes: if field in values[key]: feature.SetField(field, values[key][field]) out_layer.SetFeature(feature) progbarOut.finish() out_datasource = None
def get_geometry_union(inpath, epsg, attribute_filter=None): """ TODO: Remove this method and replace all references to the get_geometry_unary_union method below Load all features from a ShapeFile and union them together into a single geometry :param inpath: Path to a ShapeFile :param epsg: Desired output spatial reference :return: Single Shapely geometry of all unioned features """ log = Logger('Shapefile') driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") data_source = driver.Open(inpath, 0) layer = data_source.GetLayer() in_spatial_ref = layer.GetSpatialRef() if attribute_filter: layer.SetAttributeFilter(attribute_filter) _out_spatial_ref, transform = get_transform_from_epsg(in_spatial_ref, epsg) geom = None progbar = ProgressBar(layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Unioning features") counter = 0 for feature in layer: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) new_geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() if new_geom is None: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning('Feature with FID={} has no geometry. Skipping'.format( feature.GetFID())) continue new_geom.Transform(transform) new_shape = wkbload(new_geom.ExportToWkb()) try: geom = geom.union(new_shape) if geom else new_shape except Exception as e: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning( 'Union failed for shape with FID={} and will be ignored'. format(feature.GetFID())) progbar.finish() data_source = None return geom
def calculate_neighbours(self): self.region_neighbour = [] # Find which regions are next to which other regions progbar = ProgressBar(len(self._vor.regions), 50, "baking in region adjacency") counter = 0 for idx, reg in enumerate(self._vor.regions): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) adj = [] for idy, reg2 in enumerate(self._vor.regions): # Adjacent if we have two matching vertices (neighbours share a wall) if idx != idy and len(set(reg) - (set(reg) - set(reg2))) >= 2: adj.append(idy) self.region_neighbour.append(adj) progbar.finish()
def merge_geometries(feature_classes, epsg): """ Load all features from multiple feature classes into a single list of geometries :param feature_classes: :param epsg: :return: """ log = Logger('Shapefile') driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") union = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiLineString) fccount = 0 for fc in feature_classes: fccount += 1"Merging Geometries for feature class {}/{}".format( fccount, len(feature_classes))) data_source = driver.Open(fc, 0) layer = data_source.GetLayer() in_spatial_ref = layer.GetSpatialRef() out_spatial_ref, transform = get_transform_from_epsg( in_spatial_ref, epsg) progbar = ProgressBar(layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Merging Geometries") counter = 0 for feature in layer: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() if geom is None: progbar.erase() # get around the progressbar log.warning( 'Feature with FID={} has no geoemtry. Skipping'.format( feature.GetFID())) continue geom.Transform(transform) union.AddGeometry(geom) progbar.finish() data_source = None return union
def admin_agency(database, reaches, ownership, results): log = Logger('Conflict') 'Calculating land ownership administrating agency for {:,} reach(es)'. format(len(reaches))) # Load the agency lookups with SQLiteCon(database) as database: database.curs.execute( 'SELECT AgencyID, Name, Abbreviation FROM Agencies') agencies = { row['Abbreviation']: { 'AgencyID': row['AgencyID'], 'Name': row['Name'], 'RawGeometries': [], 'GeometryUnion': None } for row in database.curs.fetchall() } with get_shp_or_gpkg(ownership) as ownership_lyr: progbar = ProgressBar(len(reaches), 50, "Calc administration agency") counter = 0 # Loop over stream reaches and assign agency for reach_id, polyline in reaches.items(): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) if reach_id not in results: results[reach_id] = {} mid_point = polyline.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True) results[reach_id]['AgencyID'] = None for feature, _counter, _progbar in ownership_lyr.iterate_features( clip_shape=mid_point): agency = feature.GetField('ADMIN_AGEN') if agency not in agencies: raise Exception( 'The ownership agency "{}" is not found in the BRAT SQLite database' .format(agency)) results[reach_id]['AgencyID'] = agencies[agency]['AgencyID'] progbar.finish()'Adminstration agency assignment complete')
def polygonize(raster_path, band, out_shp_path, epsg): # mapping between gdal type and ogr field type type_mapping = { gdal.GDT_Byte: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_UInt16: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_Int16: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_UInt32: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_Int32: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_Float32: ogr.OFTReal, gdal.GDT_Float64: ogr.OFTReal, gdal.GDT_CInt16: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_CInt32: ogr.OFTInteger, gdal.GDT_CFloat32: ogr.OFTReal, gdal.GDT_CFloat64: ogr.OFTReal } src_ds = gdal.Open(raster_path) src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(band) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") if os.path.exists(out_shp_path): driver.DeleteDataSource(out_shp_path) outDataSource = driver.CreateDataSource(out_shp_path) out_spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference() out_spatial_ref.ImportFromEPSG(epsg) outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer("polygonized", out_spatial_ref, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) raster_field = ogr.FieldDefn('id', type_mapping[src_band.DataType]) outLayer.CreateField(raster_field) progbar = ProgressBar(100, 50, "Polygonizing raster") def poly_progress(progress, msg, data): # double dfProgress, char const * pszMessage=None, void * pData=None progbar.update(int(progress * 100)) gdal.Polygonize(src_band, src_ds.GetRasterBand(band), outLayer, 0, [], callback=poly_progress) progbar.finish() outDataSource.Destroy() src_ds = None
def rasterize(in_lyr_path, out_raster_path, template_path): """Rasterizing an input Args: in_lyr_path ([type]): [description] out_raster_ ([type]): [description] template_path ([type]): [description] """ log = Logger('VBETRasterize') ds_path, lyr_path = VectorBase.path_sorter(in_lyr_path) progbar = ProgressBar(100, 50, "Rasterizing ") with as raster: t = raster.transform raster_bounds = raster.bounds def poly_progress(progress, _msg, _data): progbar.update(int(progress * 100)) # Rasterize the features (roads, rail etc) and calculate a raster of Euclidean distance from these features progbar.update(0) # Rasterize the polygon to a temporary file with TempRaster('vbet_rasterize') as tempfile: log.debug('Temporary file: {}'.format(tempfile.filepath)) gdal.Rasterize( tempfile.filepath, ds_path, layers=[lyr_path], xRes=t[0], yRes=t[4], burnValues=1, outputType=gdal.GDT_Int16, creationOptions=['COMPRESS=LZW'], # outputBounds --- assigned output bounds: [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] outputBounds=[ raster_bounds.left, raster_bounds.bottom, raster_bounds.right, ], callback=poly_progress) progbar.finish() # Now mask the output correctly mask_rasters_nodata(tempfile.filepath, template_path, out_raster_path)
def load_attributes(network, id_field, fields): """ Load ShapeFile attributes fields into a dictionary keyed by the id_field :param network: Full, absolute path to a ShapeFile :param id_field: Field that uniquely identifies each feature :param fields: List of fields to load into the dictionary :return: Dictionary with id_field as key and each feature as dictionary of values keyed by the field name """ # Get the input network driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') dataset = driver.Open(network, 0) layer = dataset.GetLayer() # Verify that all the fields are present or throw an exception [verify_field(layer, field) for field in fields] # Only calculate the combined FIS where all the inputs exist # [networkLr.SetAttributeFilter('{} is not null'.format(field)) for field in [veg_field, drain_field, hydq2_field, hydlow_field, length_field, slope_field]] # layer.SetAttributeFilter("iGeo_Slope > 0 and iGeo_DA > 0") driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") data_source = driver.Open(network, 0) layer = data_source.GetLayer() print('{:,} features in polygon ShapeFile {}'.format( layer.GetFeatureCount(), network)) feature_values = {} progbar = ProgressBar(layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Loading features") counter = 0 for inFeature in layer: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) reach = inFeature.GetField(id_field) feature_values[reach] = {} for field in fields: feature_values[reach][field] = inFeature.GetField(field) progbar.finish() return feature_values
def raster_buffer_stats2(polygons, raster): log = Logger('Buffer Stats') # Open the raster and then loop over all polyline features results = {} with as src:'Looping over {:,} polygon features...'.format(len(polygons))) progbar = ProgressBar(len(polygons), 50, "Buffer Stats") counter = 0 for reach_id, polygon in polygons.items(): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) # print('ReachID {}'.format(feature.GetField('ReachID'))) # retrieve an array for the cells under the polygon raw_raster, _out_transform = mask(src, [polygon], crop=True) mask_raster =, src.nodata) # print(mask_raster) mean = None maximum = None minimum = None if not mask_raster.mask.all(): mean = float(mask_raster.mean()) maximum = float(mask_raster.max()) minimum = float(mask_raster.min()) count = int(mask_raster.count()) rsum = float(mask_raster.sum()) results[reach_id] = { 'Mean': mean, 'Maximum': maximum, 'Minimum': minimum, 'Count': count, 'Sum': rsum } progbar.finish()'Process completed successfully.') return results
def extract_mean_values_by_polygon(polys, rasters, reference_raster): log = Logger('extract_mean_values_by_polygon') progbar = ProgressBar(len(polys), 50, "Extracting Mean values...") counter = 0 with as dataset: output_mean = {} output_unique = {} for reachid, poly in polys.items(): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) if poly.geom_type in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"] and poly.area > 0: values_mean = {} values_unique = {} reach_raster = features.rasterize( [poly], out_shape=dataset.shape, transform=dataset.transform, all_touched=True, fill=np.nan)) for key, raster in rasters.items(): if raster is not None: current_raster =, mask=reach_raster.mask) values_mean[key] = values_unique[key] = np.unique(, fill_value=0), return_counts=True) else: values_mean[key] = 0.0 values_unique[key] = [] output_mean[reachid] = values_mean output_unique[reachid] = values_unique # log.debug(f"Reach: {reachid} | {sum([v for v in values.values() if v is not None]):.2f}") else: progbar.erase() log.warning(f"Reach: {reachid} | WARNING no geom") progbar.finish() return output_mean, output_unique
def dissolve_by_property(self, property_name): """Group polygons by a property Args: property_name ([type]): [description] """ poly_groups = {} progbar1 = ProgressBar(len(self.point_region), 50, "Grouping Polygons...") counter = 0 progbar1.update(counter) for pt_id in range(len(self.point_region)): region_id = self.point_region[pt_id] fid = self.points[pt_id].properties[property_name] counter += 1 progbar1.update(counter) region = self.regions[region_id] if len(region) >= 3: region_verts = [self.vertices[ptidx] for ptidx in region if ptidx >= 0] if len(region_verts) >= 3: poly = Polygon(region_verts) if fid not in poly_groups: poly_groups[fid] = [] poly_groups[fid].append(poly) progbar1.finish() progbar2 = ProgressBar(len(poly_groups.values()), 50, "Dissolving...") counter = 0 progbar2.update(counter) dissolved = {} for fid, group in poly_groups.items(): dissolved[fid] = unary_union(group) return dissolved
def write_values_to_csv(csv_file, cols, values): # cols = list(next(iter(values)).keys()) # # Remove the date related columns # for unwanted_col in ['updated_on', 'created_on']: # if unwanted_col in cols: # del cols[cols.index(unwanted_col)] output_cols = [snake_to_pascal(col) for col in cols] progBar = ProgressBar(len(values), 50, 'Writing to {}'.format(os.path.basename(csv_file))) with open(csv_file, 'w') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(output_cols) counter = 0 for vals in values: counter += 1 progBar.update(counter) writer.writerow([vals[col] for col in cols]) progBar.finish()
def hand_rasterize(in_lyr_path: str, template_dem_path: str, out_raster_path: str): log = Logger('hand_rasterize') ds_path, lyr_path = VectorBase.path_sorter(in_lyr_path) g = gdal.Open(template_dem_path) geo_t = g.GetGeoTransform() width, height = g.RasterXSize, g.RasterYSize xmin = min(geo_t[0], geo_t[0] + width * geo_t[1]) xmax = max(geo_t[0], geo_t[0] + width * geo_t[1]) ymin = min(geo_t[3], geo_t[3] + geo_t[-1] * height) ymax = max(geo_t[3], geo_t[3] + geo_t[-1] * height) # Close our dataset g = None progbar = ProgressBar(100, 50, "Rasterizing for HAND") def poly_progress(progress, _msg, _data): progbar.update(int(progress * 100)) # # gdal.Rasterize( out_raster_path, ds_path, layers=[lyr_path], height=height, width=width, burnValues=1, outputType=gdal.GDT_CFloat32, creationOptions=['COMPRESS=LZW'], # outputBounds --- assigned output bounds: [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] outputBounds=[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], callback=poly_progress) progbar.finish() # Rasterize the features (roads, rail etc) and calculate a raster of Euclidean distance from these features progbar.update(0)
def threshold(evidence_raster_path: str, thr_val: float, thresh_raster_path: str): """Threshold a raster to greater than or equal to a threshold value Args: evidence_raster_path (str): [description] thr_val (float): [description] thresh_raster_path (str): [description] """ log = Logger('threshold') with as fval_src: out_meta = fval_src.meta out_meta['count'] = 1 out_meta['compress'] = 'deflate' out_meta['dtype'] = rasterio.uint8 out_meta['nodata'] = 0'Thresholding at {}'.format(thr_val)) with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: progbar = ProgressBar(len(list(fval_src.block_windows(1))), 50, "Thresholding at {}".format(thr_val)) counter = 0 for ji, window in fval_src.block_windows(1): progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 fval_data =, window=window, masked=True) # Fill an array with "1" values to give us a nice mask for polygonize fvals_mask = np.full(fval_data.shape, np.uint8(1)) # Create a raster with 1.0 as a value everywhere in the same shape as fvals new_fval_mask =, fval_data < thr_val) masked_arr =, mask=[new_fval_mask ]) # & ch_data.mask]) dest.write(, out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) progbar.finish()
def simple_save(list_geoms, ogr_type, srs, layer_name, gpkg_path): with GeopackageLayer(gpkg_path, layer_name, write=True) as lyr: lyr.create_layer(ogr_type, spatial_ref=srs) progbar = ProgressBar(len(list_geoms), 50, f"Saving {gpkg_path}/{layer_name}") counter = 0 progbar.update(counter) lyr.ogr_layer.StartTransaction() for geom in list_geoms: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) feature = ogr.Feature(lyr.ogr_layer_def) geom_ogr = VectorBase.shapely2ogr(geom) feature.SetGeometry(geom_ogr) # if attributes: # for field, value in attributes.items(): # feature.SetField(field, value) lyr.ogr_layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature = None progbar.finish() lyr.ogr_layer.CommitTransaction()
def inverse_mask(nodata_raster_path, out_raster_path): """Apply the nodata values of one raster to another of identical size Args: in_raster_path ([type]): [description] nodata_raster_path ([type]): [description] out_raster_path ([type]): [description] """ log = Logger('mask_rasters_nodata') with as nd_src: # All 3 rasters should have the same extent and properties. They differ only in dtype out_meta = nd_src.meta if 'nodata' not in out_meta or out_meta['nodata'] is None: out_meta['nodata'] = -9999 out_meta['compress'] = 'deflate' with, 'w', **out_meta) as out_src: progbar = ProgressBar(len(list(nd_src.block_windows(1))), 50, "Applying inverse nodata mask") counter = 0 # Again, these rasters should be orthogonal so their windows should also line up for ji, window in nd_src.block_windows(1): progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 # These rasterizations don't begin life with a mask. mask =, window=window, masked=True).mask # Fill everywhere the mask reads true with a nodata value mask_vals = np.full(mask.shape, 1) output =, np.logical_not(mask)) out_src.write(output.filled(out_meta['nodata']).astype( out_meta['dtype']), window=window, indexes=1) progbar.finish()'Complete')
def load_idaho(shapefile, database): conn = sqlite3.connect(database) # Clear the database first conn.execute('DELETE FROM Reaches') conn.commit() lookup = { 'oPBRC_CR': load_lookup(database, 'DamOpportunities', 'OpportunityID'), 'oPBRC_UI': load_lookup(database, 'DamRisks', 'RiskID'), 'oPBRC_UD': load_lookup(database, 'DamLimitations', 'LimitationID'), 'ADMIN_AGEN': load_lookup(database, 'Agencies', 'AgencyID', 'Abbreviation') } db_fields = [] for field in fields: if field == 'HUC_ID': db_fields.append('WatershedID') elif field == 'FCode': db_fields.append('ReachCode') elif field == 'ADMIN_AGEN': db_fields.append('AgencyID') elif field == 'oPBRC_CR': db_fields.append('OpportunityID') elif field == 'oPBRC_UI': db_fields.append('RiskID') elif field == 'oPBRC_UD': db_fields.append('LimitationID') else: db_fields.append(field) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') dataset = driver.Open(shapefile, 0) layer = dataset.GetLayer() sr_idaho = layer.GetSpatialRef() out_spatial_ref, transform = get_transform_from_epsg(sr_idaho, 4326) progbar = ProgressBar(layer.GetFeatureCount(), 50, "Loading features") counter = 0 for feature in layer: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() geom.Transform(transform) reach_values = [geom.ExportToJson()] for field in fields: if field in lookup: value = feature.GetField(field) if field == 'oPBRC_UI' and str.isdigit(value[0]): value = value[1:] elif value == '4PVT': value = 'PVT' reach_values.append(lookup[field][value]) else: reach_values.append(feature.GetField(field)) conn.execute('INSERT INTO Reaches (Geometry, {}) Values (?, {})'.format(','.join(db_fields), ','.join('?' * len(db_fields))), reach_values) conn.commit() progbar.finish() print('Process complete')
def vbet(huc, flowlines_orig, flowareas_orig, orig_slope, json_transforms, orig_dem, hillshade, max_hand, min_hole_area_m, project_folder, reach_codes: List[str], meta: Dict[str, str]): """[summary] Args: huc ([type]): [description] flowlines_orig ([type]): [description] flowareas_orig ([type]): [description] orig_slope ([type]): [description] json_transforms ([type]): [description] orig_dem ([type]): [description] hillshade ([type]): [description] max_hand ([type]): [description] min_hole_area_m ([type]): [description] project_folder ([type]): [description] reach_codes (List[int]): NHD reach codes for features to include in outputs meta (Dict[str,str]): dictionary of riverscapes metadata key: value pairs """ log = Logger('VBET')'Starting VBET v.{}'.format(cfg.version)) project, _realization, proj_nodes = create_project(huc, project_folder) # Incorporate project metadata to the riverscapes project if meta is not None: project.add_metadata(meta) # Copy the inp _proj_slope_node, proj_slope = project.add_project_raster( proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['SLOPE_RASTER'], orig_slope) _proj_dem_node, proj_dem = project.add_project_raster( proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['DEM'], orig_dem) _hillshade_node, hillshade = project.add_project_raster( proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['HILLSHADE'], hillshade) # Copy input shapes to a geopackage inputs_gpkg_path = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].rel_path) intermediates_gpkg_path = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'].rel_path) flowlines_path = os.path.join( inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOWLINES'].rel_path) flowareas_path = os.path.join( inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOW_AREA'].rel_path) # Make sure we're starting with a fresh slate of new geopackages GeopackageLayer.delete(inputs_gpkg_path) GeopackageLayer.delete(intermediates_gpkg_path) copy_feature_class(flowlines_orig, flowlines_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG) copy_feature_class(flowareas_orig, flowareas_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG) project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['INPUTS']) # Create a copy of the flow lines with just the perennial and also connectors inside flow areas network_path = os.path.join( intermediates_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'].sub_layers['VBET_NETWORK'].rel_path) vbet_network(flowlines_path, flowareas_path, network_path, cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG, reach_codes) # Generate HAND from dem and vbet_network # TODO make a place for this temporary folder. it can be removed after hand is generated. temp_hand_dir = os.path.join(project_folder, "intermediates", "hand_processing") safe_makedirs(temp_hand_dir) hand_raster = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['HAND_RASTER'].rel_path) create_hand_raster(proj_dem, network_path, temp_hand_dir, hand_raster) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['HAND_RASTER']) # Build Transformation Tables with sqlite3.connect(intermediates_gpkg_path) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Build tables with open( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'database', 'vbet_schema.sql')) as sqlfile: sql_commands = cursor.executescript(sql_commands) conn.commit() # Load tables for sqldata in glob.glob(os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'database', 'data', '**', '*.sql'), recursive=True): with open(sqldata) as sqlfile: sql_commands = cursor.executescript(sql_commands) conn.commit() # Load transforms from table transforms = load_transform_functions(json_transforms, intermediates_gpkg_path) # Get raster resolution as min buffer and apply bankfull width buffer to reaches with as raster: t = raster.transform min_buffer = (t[0] + abs(t[4])) / 2"Buffering Polyine by bankfull width buffers") network_path_buffered = os.path.join( intermediates_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES']. sub_layers['VBET_NETWORK_BUFFERED'].rel_path) buffer_by_field(network_path, network_path_buffered, "BFwidth", cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG, min_buffer) # Rasterize the channel polygon and write to raster'Writing channel raster using slope as a template') flow_area_raster = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['FLOW_AREA_RASTER'].rel_path) channel_buffer_raster = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['CHANNEL_BUFFER_RASTER'].rel_path) rasterize(network_path_buffered, channel_buffer_raster, proj_slope) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['CHANNEL_BUFFER_RASTER']) rasterize(flowareas_path, flow_area_raster, proj_slope) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['FLOW_AREA_RASTER']) channel_dist_raster = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['CHANNEL_DISTANCE'].rel_path) fa_dist_raster = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['FLOW_AREA_DISTANCE'].rel_path) proximity_raster(channel_buffer_raster, channel_dist_raster) proximity_raster(flow_area_raster, fa_dist_raster) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes["Intermediates"], LayerTypes['CHANNEL_DISTANCE']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes["Intermediates"], LayerTypes['FLOW_AREA_DISTANCE']) slope_transform_raster = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_SLOPE'].rel_path) hand_transform_raster = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_HAND'].rel_path) chan_dist_transform_raster = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_CHANNEL_DISTANCE'].rel_path) fa_dist_transform_raster = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_FLOWAREA_DISTANCE'].rel_path) topo_evidence_raster = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['EVIDENCE_TOPO'].rel_path) channel_evidence_raster = os.path.join( project_folder, LayerTypes['EVIDENCE_CHANNEL'].rel_path) evidence_raster = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['VBET_EVIDENCE'].rel_path) # Open evidence rasters concurrently. We're looping over windows so this shouldn't affect # memory consumption too much with as slp_src, \ as hand_src, \ as cdist_src, \ as fadist_src: # All 3 rasters should have the same extent and properties. They differ only in dtype out_meta = slp_src.meta # Rasterio can't write back to a VRT so rest the driver and number of bands for the output out_meta['driver'] = 'GTiff' out_meta['count'] = 1 out_meta['compress'] = 'deflate' # out_meta['dtype'] = rasterio.uint8 # We use this to buffer the output cell_size = abs(slp_src.get_transform()[1]) with, 'w', **out_meta) as dest_evidence, \, "w", **out_meta) as dest, \, 'w', **out_meta) as dest_channel, \, "w", **out_meta) as slope_ev_out, \, 'w', **out_meta) as hand_ev_out, \, 'w', **out_meta) as chan_dist_ev_out, \, 'w', **out_meta) as fa_dist_ev_out: progbar = ProgressBar(len(list(slp_src.block_windows(1))), 50, "Calculating evidence layer") counter = 0 # Again, these rasters should be orthogonal so their windows should also line up for _ji, window in slp_src.block_windows(1): progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 slope_data =, window=window, masked=True) hand_data =, window=window, masked=True) cdist_data =, window=window, masked=True) fadist_data =, window=window, masked=True) slope_transform =["Slope"](, mask=slope_data.mask) hand_transform =["HAND"](, mask=hand_data.mask) channel_dist_transform = transforms["Channel"](, mask=cdist_data.mask) fa_dist_transform =["Flow Areas"](, mask=fadist_data.mask) fvals_topo = slope_transform * hand_transform fvals_channel = np.maximum(channel_dist_transform, fa_dist_transform) fvals_evidence = np.maximum(fvals_topo, fvals_channel) # Fill the masked values with the appropriate nodata vals # Unthresholded in the base band (mostly for debugging) dest.write(, out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) slope_ev_out.write(slope_transform.astype('float32').filled( out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) hand_ev_out.write(hand_transform.astype('float32').filled( out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) chan_dist_ev_out.write( channel_dist_transform.astype('float32').filled( out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) fa_dist_ev_out.write( fa_dist_transform.astype('float32').filled( out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) dest_channel.write(, out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) dest_evidence.write(, out_meta['nodata']), window=window, indexes=1) progbar.finish() # The remaining rasters get added to the project project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes["Intermediates"], LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_SLOPE']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes["Intermediates"], LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_HAND']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes["Intermediates"], LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_CHANNEL_DISTANCE']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes["Intermediates"], LayerTypes['NORMALIZED_FLOWAREA_DISTANCE']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['EVIDENCE_TOPO']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['EVIDENCE_CHANNEL']) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['VBET_EVIDENCE']) # Get the length of a meter (roughly) degree_factor = GeopackageLayer.rough_convert_metres_to_raster_units( proj_slope, 1) buff_dist = cell_size min_hole_degrees = min_hole_area_m * (degree_factor**2) # Get the full paths to the geopackages intermed_gpkg_path = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'].rel_path) vbet_path = os.path.join(project_folder, LayerTypes['VBET_OUTPUTS'].rel_path) for str_val, thr_val in thresh_vals.items(): plgnize_id = 'THRESH_{}'.format(str_val) with TempRaster('vbet_raw_thresh_{}'.format(plgnize_id)) as tmp_raw_thresh, \ TempRaster('vbet_cleaned_thresh_{}'.format(plgnize_id)) as tmp_cleaned_thresh: log.debug('Temporary threshold raster: {}'.format( tmp_raw_thresh.filepath)) threshold(evidence_raster, thr_val, tmp_raw_thresh.filepath) raster_clean(tmp_raw_thresh.filepath, tmp_cleaned_thresh.filepath, buffer_pixels=1) plgnize_lyr = RSLayer('Raw Threshold at {}%'.format(str_val), plgnize_id, 'Vector', plgnize_id.lower()) # Add a project node for this thresholded vector LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'].add_sub_layer(plgnize_id, plgnize_lyr) vbet_id = 'VBET_{}'.format(str_val) vbet_lyr = RSLayer('Threshold at {}%'.format(str_val), vbet_id, 'Vector', vbet_id.lower()) # Add a project node for this thresholded vector LayerTypes['VBET_OUTPUTS'].add_sub_layer(vbet_id, vbet_lyr) # Now polygonize the raster'Polygonizing') polygonize( tmp_cleaned_thresh.filepath, 1, '{}/{}'.format(intermed_gpkg_path, plgnize_lyr.rel_path), cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG)'Done') # Now the final sanitization sanitize(str_val, '{}/{}'.format(intermed_gpkg_path, plgnize_lyr.rel_path), '{}/{}'.format(vbet_path, vbet_lyr.rel_path), buff_dist, network_path)'Completed thresholding at {}'.format(thr_val)) # Now add our Geopackages to the project XML project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES']) project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['VBET_OUTPUTS']) report_path = os.path.join(project.project_dir, LayerTypes['REPORT'].rel_path) project.add_report(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['REPORT'], replace=True) report = VBETReport(report_path, project) report.write()'VBET Completed Successfully')
def floodplain_connectivity(vbet_network: Path, vbet_polygon: Path, roads: Path, railroads: Path, output_dir: Path, debug_gpkg: Path = None): """[summary] Args: vbet_network (Path): Filtered Flowline network used to generate VBET. Final selection is based on this intersection. vbet_polygon (Path): Vbet polygons with clipped NHD Catchments roads (Path): Road network railroads (Path): railroad network out_polygon (Path): Output path and layer name for floodplain polygons debug_gpkg (Path, optional): geopackage for saving debug layers (may substantially increase processing time). Defaults to None. """ log = Logger('Floodplain Connectivity')"Starting Floodplain Connectivity Script") out_polygon = os.path.join(output_dir, 'fconn.gpkg/outputs') # Prepare vbet and catchments geom_vbet = get_geometry_unary_union(vbet_polygon) geoms_raw_vbet = list(load_geometries(vbet_polygon, None).values()) listgeoms = [] for geom in geoms_raw_vbet: if geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": for g in geom: listgeoms.append(g) else: listgeoms.append(geom) geoms_vbet = MultiPolygon(listgeoms) # Clip Transportation Network by VBET"Merging Transportation Networks") # merge_feature_classes([roads, railroads], geom_vbet, os.path.join(debug_gpkg, "Transportation")) TODO: error when calling this method geom_roads = get_geometry_unary_union(roads) geom_railroads = get_geometry_unary_union(railroads) geom_transportation = geom_roads.union( geom_railroads) if geom_railroads is not None else geom_roads"Clipping Transportation Network by VBET") geom_transportation_clipped = geom_vbet.intersection(geom_transportation) if debug_gpkg: quicksave(debug_gpkg, "Clipped_Transportation", geom_transportation_clipped, ogr.wkbLineString) # Split Valley Edges at transportation intersections"Splitting Valley Edges at transportation network intersections") geom_vbet_edges = MultiLineString( [geom.exterior for geom in geoms_vbet] + [g for geom in geoms_vbet for g in geom.interiors]) geom_vbet_interior_pts = MultiPoint([ Polygon(g).representative_point() for geom in geom_vbet for g in geom.interiors ]) if debug_gpkg: quicksave(debug_gpkg, "Valley_Edges_Raw", geom_vbet_edges, ogr.wkbLineString) vbet_splitpoints = [] vbet_splitlines = [] counter = 0 for geom_edge in geom_vbet_edges: counter += 1'Splitting edge features {}/{}'.format( counter, len(geom_vbet_edges))) if geom_edge.is_valid: if not geom_edge.intersects(geom_transportation): vbet_splitlines = vbet_splitlines + [geom_edge] continue pts = geom_transportation.intersection(geom_edge) if pts.is_empty: vbet_splitlines = vbet_splitlines + [geom_edge] continue if isinstance(pts, Point): pts = [pts] geom_boundaries = [geom_edge] progbar = ProgressBar(len(geom_boundaries), 50, "Processing") counter = 0 for pt in pts: # TODO: I tried to break this out but I'm not sure new_boundaries = [] for line in geom_boundaries: if line is not None: split_line = line_splitter(line, pt) += len(split_line) for new_line in split_line: counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) if new_line is not None: new_boundaries.append(new_line) geom_boundaries = new_boundaries # TODO: Not sure this is having the intended effect # geom_boundaries = [new_line for line in geom_boundaries if line is not None for new_line in line_splitter(line, pt) if new_line is not None] progbar.finish() vbet_splitlines = vbet_splitlines + geom_boundaries vbet_splitpoints = vbet_splitpoints + [pt for pt in pts] if debug_gpkg: quicksave(debug_gpkg, "Split_Points", vbet_splitpoints, ogr.wkbPoint) quicksave(debug_gpkg, "Valley_Edges_Split", vbet_splitlines, ogr.wkbLineString) # Generate Polygons from lines"Generating Floodplain Polygons") geom_lines = unary_union( vbet_splitlines + [geom_tc for geom_tc in geom_transportation_clipped]) geoms_areas = [ geom for geom in polygonize(geom_lines) if not any(geom.contains(pt) for pt in geom_vbet_interior_pts) ] if debug_gpkg: quicksave(debug_gpkg, "Split_Polygons", geoms_areas, ogr.wkbPolygon) # Select Polygons by flowline intersection"Selecting connected floodplains") geom_vbet_network = get_geometry_unary_union(vbet_network) geoms_connected = [] geoms_disconnected = [] progbar = ProgressBar(len(geoms_areas), 50, f"Running polygon selection") counter = 0 for geom in geoms_areas: progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 if geom_vbet_network.intersects(geom): geoms_connected.append(geom) else: geoms_disconnected.append(geom)"Union connected floodplains") geoms_connected_output = [ geom for geom in list(unary_union(geoms_connected)) ] geoms_disconnected_output = [ geom for geom in list(unary_union(geoms_disconnected)) ] # Save Outputs"Save Floodplain Output") with GeopackageLayer(out_polygon, write=True) as out_lyr: out_lyr.create_layer(ogr.wkbPolygon, epsg=4326) out_lyr.create_field("Connected", ogr.OFTInteger) progbar = ProgressBar( len(geoms_connected_output) + len(geoms_disconnected_output), 50, f"saving {out_lyr.ogr_layer_name} features") counter = 0 for shape in geoms_connected_output: progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 out_lyr.create_feature(shape, attributes={"Connected": 1}) for shape in geoms_disconnected_output: progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 out_lyr.create_feature(shape, attributes={"Connected": 0})
def verify_areas(raster_path, boundary_shp): """[summary] Arguments: raster_path {[type]} -- path boundary_shp {[type]} -- path Raises: Exception: [description] if raster area is zero Exception: [description] if shapefile area is zero Returns: [type] -- rastio of raster area over shape file area """ log = Logger('Verify Areas')'Verifying raster and shape areas') # This comes back in the raster's unit raster_area = 0 with as ds: cell_count = 0 gt = ds.get_transform() cell_area = math.fabs(gt[1]) * math.fabs(gt[5]) # Incrememntally add the area of a block to the count progbar = ProgressBar(len(list(ds.block_windows(1))), 50, "Calculating Area") progcount = 0 for _ji, window in ds.block_windows(1): r =, window=window, masked=True) progbar.update(progcount) cell_count += r.count() progcount += 1 progbar.finish() # Multiply the count by the area of a given cell raster_area = cell_area * cell_count log.debug('raster area {}'.format(raster_area)) if (raster_area == 0): raise Exception('Raster has zero area: {}'.format(raster_path)) # We could just use Rasterio's CRS object but it doesn't seem to play nice with GDAL so.... raster_ds = gdal.Open(raster_path) raster_srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=raster_ds.GetProjection()) # Load and transform ownership polygons by adminstration agency driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") data_source = driver.Open(boundary_shp, 0) layer = data_source.GetLayer() in_spatial_ref = layer.GetSpatialRef() # raster_srs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(in_spatial_ref.GetAxisMappingStrategy()) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(in_spatial_ref, raster_srs) shape_area = 0 for polygon in layer: geom = polygon.GetGeometryRef() geom.Transform(transform) shape_area = shape_area + geom.GetArea() log.debug('shape file area {}'.format(shape_area)) if (shape_area == 0): raise Exception('Shapefile has zero area: {}'.format(boundary_shp)) area_ratio = raster_area / shape_area if (area_ratio < 0.99 and area_ratio > 0.9): log.warning('Raster Area covers only {0:.2f}% of the shapefile'.format( area_ratio * 100)) if (area_ratio <= 0.9): log.error('Raster Area covers only {0:.2f}% of the shapefile'.format( area_ratio * 100)) else:'Raster Area covers {0:.2f}% of the shapefile'.format( area_ratio * 100)) return area_ratio
def update_watersheds(curs, watershed_csv): # Load all the watersheds from the database in a PREDICTABLE ORDER (so git diff is useful for previewing changes) curs.execute("""SELECT * FROM watersheds ORDER BY watershed_id""") watersheds = [row for row in curs.fetchall()] # Validate the hydrologic equations. The following dictionary will be keyed by python exception concatenated to produce # a unique string for each type of error for each equation. These will get printed to the screen for easy cut and paste # into a GitHub issue for USU to resolve. unique_errors = {} for q in ['qlow', 'q2']: progbar = ProgressBar(len(watersheds), 50, 'Verifying {} equations'.format(q)) counter = 0 for values in watersheds: watershed = values['watershed_id'] counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) # proceed if the watershed has a hydrologic formula defined if not values[q]: continue # Load the hydrologic parameters for this watershed and substitute a placeholder for drainage area curs.execute('SELECT * FROM vw_watershed_hydro_params WHERE watershed_id = %s', [watershed]) params = {row['name']: row['value'] for row in curs.fetchall()} params['DRNAREA'] = 1.0 try: equation = values[q] equation = equation.replace('^', '**') value = eval(equation, {'__builtins__': None}, params) _float_val = float(value) except Exception as ex: # NoneType is not subscriptable means a watershed parameter is missing. exception_id = repr(ex) + values[q] if exception_id in unique_errors: unique_errors[exception_id]['watersheds'][watershed] = params else: unique_errors[exception_id] = { 'watersheds': {watershed: params}, 'exception': repr(ex), 'equation': values[q], } progbar.finish() if len(unique_errors) > 0: for exception_id, values in unique_errors.items(): print('\n## Hydrologic equation Error\n```') print('Equation:', values['equation']) print('Exception:', values['exception']) print('Watersheds:') for watershed, params in values['watersheds'].items(): print('\t{}:'.format(watershed)) [print('\t\t{}: {}'.format(key, val)) for key, val in params.items()] print('```') raise Exception('Aborting due to {} hydrology equation errors'.format(len(unique_errors))) cols = list(next(iter(watersheds)).keys()) del cols[cols.index('updated_on')] del cols[cols.index('created_on')] del cols[cols.index('geom')] write_values_to_csv(watershed_csv, cols, watersheds)
def raster_clean(in_raster_path: str, out_raster_path: str, buffer_pixels=1): """This method grows and shrinks the raster by n pixels Args: in_raster_path (str): [description] out_raster_path (str): [description] buffer_pixels (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1. """ log = Logger('raster_clean') with TempRaster('vbet_clean_prox_out') as tmp_prox_out, \ TempRaster('vbet_clean_buff_out') as tmp_buff_out, \ TempRaster('vbet_clean_prox_in') as tmp_prox_in, \ TempRaster('vbet_clean_mask') as inv_mask: # 1. Find the proximity raster proximity_raster(in_raster_path, tmp_prox_out.filepath, preserve_nodata=False) # 2. Logical and the prox > 1 with the mask for the input raster with as prox_out_src, \ as in_data_src: # All 3 rasters should have the same extent and properties. They differ only in dtype out_meta = in_data_src.meta # Rasterio can't write back to a VRT so rest the driver and number of bands for the output out_meta['driver'] = 'GTiff' out_meta['count'] = 1 out_meta['compress'] = 'deflate' with, 'w', **out_meta) as out_data: progbar = ProgressBar( len(list(out_data.block_windows(1))), 50, "Growing the raster by {} pixels".format(buffer_pixels)) counter = 0 # Again, these rasters should be orthogonal so their windows should also line up for _ji, window in out_data.block_windows(1): progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 prox_out_block =, window=window) in_data_block =, window=window, masked=True) new_data = np.full(in_data_block.shape, 1) new_mask = np.logical_and(in_data_block.mask, prox_out_block > buffer_pixels) output =, new_mask) out_data.write(output.filled(out_meta['nodata']).astype( out_meta['dtype']), window=window, indexes=1) progbar.finish() # 3. Invert the product of (2) and find the inwards proximity inverse_mask(tmp_buff_out.filepath, inv_mask.filepath) proximity_raster(inv_mask.filepath, tmp_prox_in.filepath, preserve_nodata=False) # 4. Now do the final logical and to shrink back a pixel with as prox_in_src: # Note: we reuse outmeta from before with, 'w', **out_meta) as out_data_src: progbar = ProgressBar( len(list(out_data.block_windows(1))), 50, "Shrinking the raster by {} pixels".format(buffer_pixels)) counter = 0 # Again, these rasters should be orthogonal so their windows should also line up for _ji, window in out_data.block_windows(1): progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 prox_in_block =, window=window) new_data = np.full(prox_in_block.shape, 1) new_mask = np.logical_not(prox_in_block > buffer_pixels) output =, new_mask) out_data_src.write(output.filled( out_meta['nodata']).astype(out_meta['dtype']), window=window, indexes=1) progbar.finish()'Cleaning finished')
def calculate_combined_fis(feature_values: dict, veg_fis_field: str, capacity_field: str, dam_count_field: str, max_drainage_area: float): """ Calculate dam capacity and density using combined FIS :param feature_values: Dictionary of features keyed by ReachID and values are dictionaries of attributes :param veg_fis_field: Attribute containing the output of the vegetation FIS :param com_capacity_field: Attribute used to store the capacity result in feature_values :param com_density_field: Attribute used to store the capacity results in feature_values :param max_drainage_area: Reaches with drainage area greater than this threshold will have zero capacity :return: Insert the dam capacity and density values to the feature_values dictionary """ log = Logger('Combined FIS')'Initializing Combined FIS') if not max_drainage_area: log.warning( 'Missing max drainage area. Calculating combined FIS without max drainage threshold.' ) # get arrays for fields of interest feature_count = len(feature_values) reachid_array = np.zeros(feature_count, np.int64) veg_array = np.zeros(feature_count, np.float64) hydq2_array = np.zeros(feature_count, np.float64) hydlow_array = np.zeros(feature_count, np.float64) slope_array = np.zeros(feature_count, np.float64) drain_array = np.zeros(feature_count, np.float64) counter = 0 for reach_id, values in feature_values.items(): reachid_array[counter] = reach_id veg_array[counter] = values[veg_fis_field] hydlow_array[counter] = values['iHyd_SPLow'] hydq2_array[counter] = values['iHyd_SP2'] slope_array[counter] = values['iGeo_Slope'] drain_array[counter] = values['iGeo_DA'] counter += 1 # Adjust inputs to be within FIS membership range veg_array[veg_array < 0] = 0 veg_array[veg_array > 45] = 45 hydq2_array[hydq2_array < 0] = 0.0001 hydq2_array[hydq2_array > 10000] = 10000 hydlow_array[hydlow_array < 0] = 0.0001 hydlow_array[hydlow_array > 10000] = 10000 slope_array[slope_array > 1] = 1 # create antecedent (input) and consequent (output) objects to hold universe variables and membership functions ovc = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 45, 0.01), 'input1') sp2 = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 10000, 1), 'input2') splow = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 10000, 1), 'input3') slope = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 1, 0.0001), 'input4') density = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 45, 0.01), 'result') # build membership functions for each antecedent and consequent object ovc['none'] = fuzz.trimf(ovc.universe, [0, 0, 0.1]) ovc['rare'] = fuzz.trapmf(ovc.universe, [0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.5]) ovc['occasional'] = fuzz.trapmf(ovc.universe, [0.5, 1.5, 4, 8]) ovc['frequent'] = fuzz.trapmf(ovc.universe, [4, 8, 12, 25]) ovc['pervasive'] = fuzz.trapmf(ovc.universe, [12, 25, 45, 45]) sp2['persists'] = fuzz.trapmf(sp2.universe, [0, 0, 1000, 1200]) sp2['breach'] = fuzz.trimf(sp2.universe, [1000, 1200, 1600]) sp2['oblowout'] = fuzz.trimf(sp2.universe, [1200, 1600, 2400]) sp2['blowout'] = fuzz.trapmf(sp2.universe, [1600, 2400, 10000, 10000]) splow['can'] = fuzz.trapmf(splow.universe, [0, 0, 150, 175]) splow['probably'] = fuzz.trapmf(splow.universe, [150, 175, 180, 190]) splow['cannot'] = fuzz.trapmf(splow.universe, [180, 190, 10000, 10000]) slope['flat'] = fuzz.trapmf(slope.universe, [0, 0, 0.0002, 0.005]) slope['can'] = fuzz.trapmf(slope.universe, [0.0002, 0.005, 0.12, 0.15]) slope['probably'] = fuzz.trapmf(slope.universe, [0.12, 0.15, 0.17, 0.23]) slope['cannot'] = fuzz.trapmf(slope.universe, [0.17, 0.23, 1, 1]) density['none'] = fuzz.trimf(density.universe, [0, 0, 0.1]) density['rare'] = fuzz.trapmf(density.universe, [0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.5]) density['occasional'] = fuzz.trapmf(density.universe, [0.5, 1.5, 4, 8]) density['frequent'] = fuzz.trapmf(density.universe, [4, 8, 12, 25]) density['pervasive'] = fuzz.trapmf(density.universe, [12, 25, 45, 45]) # build fis rule table'Building FIS rule table') comb_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem([ ctrl.Rule(ovc['none'], density['none']), ctrl.Rule(splow['cannot'], density['none']), ctrl.Rule(slope['cannot'], density['none']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['none']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['rare'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['none']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['occasional'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & ~slope['cannot'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['frequent'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['pervasive']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['pervasive']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['persists'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['pervasive']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['pervasive']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['breach'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['pervasive']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['frequent']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['oblowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['can'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['can'] & slope['probably'], density['rare']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['flat'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['can'], density['occasional']), ctrl.Rule( ovc['pervasive'] & sp2['blowout'] & splow['probably'] & slope['probably'], density['rare']) ]) comb_fis = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(comb_ctrl) # calculate defuzzified centroid value for density 'none' MF group # this will be used to re-classify output values that fall in this group # important: will need to update the array (x) and MF values (mfx) if the # density 'none' values are changed in the model x_vals = np.arange(0, 45, 0.01) mfx = fuzz.trimf(x_vals, [0, 0, 0.1]) defuzz_centroid = round(fuzz.defuzz(x_vals, mfx, 'centroid'), 6) progbar = ProgressBar(len(reachid_array), 50, "Combined FIS") counter = 0 for i, reach_id in enumerate(reachid_array): capacity = 0.0 # Only compute FIS if the reach has less than user-defined max drainage area. # this enforces a stream size threshold above which beaver dams won't persist and/or won't be built if not max_drainage_area or drain_array[i] < max_drainage_area: comb_fis.input['input1'] = veg_array[i] comb_fis.input['input2'] = hydq2_array[i] comb_fis.input['input3'] = hydlow_array[i] comb_fis.input['input4'] = slope_array[i] comb_fis.compute() capacity = comb_fis.output['result'] # Combined FIS result cannot be higher than limiting vegetation FIS result if capacity > veg_array[i]: capacity = veg_array[i] if round(capacity, 6) == defuzz_centroid: capacity = 0.0 count = capacity * (feature_values[reach_id]['iGeo_Len'] / 1000.0) count = 1.0 if 0 < count < 1 else count feature_values[reach_id][capacity_field] = round(capacity, 2) feature_values[reach_id][dam_count_field] = round(count, 2) counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) progbar.finish()'Done')
def import_shapefile(shapefile, host, port, user_name, password, database): log = Logger('Import') conn = psycopg2.connect(user=user_name, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=database) curs = conn.cursor() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI ShapeFile') data_source = driver.Open(shapefile) layer = data_source.GetLayer() total_features = layer.GetFeatureCount() _spatial_ref, transform = get_transform_from_epsg( layer.GetSpatialRef(), 4326) curs.execute('INSERT INTO uploads (added_by, file_name, remarks) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id', [getpass.getuser(), os.path.basename(shapefile), 'Python Script Import']) upload_id = curs.fetchone()[0] curs.execute('SELECT name, id FROM observation_types') obs_types = {row[0].replace('Dam', '').replace(' ', '').lower(): row[1] for row in curs.fetchall()} certainties = {'Low': 1, 'Medium': 2, 'High': 3} # Reach statistics for each reach in our batch progbar = ProgressBar(total_features, 50, "Importing features") try: observations = [] for feature in layer: geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() geom.Transform(transform) geom.FlattenTo2D() metadata = {field: feature.GetField(field) for field in [ 'Feature_Ty', 'Certainty', 'Year', 'Dam_Type', 'CreationDa', 'Creator', 'EditDate', 'Editor', 'Snapped', 'Imagery_Ye'] } # print(metadata) clean_type = feature.GetField('Feature_Ty').replace('_', '').replace('Dam', '').lower() if feature.GetField('Feature_Ty') else 'Unknown'.lower() obs_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(feature.GetField('CreationDa'), '%Y/%m/%d') year = int(feature.GetField('Year')) if feature.GetField('Year') else None certainty = certainties[feature.GetField('Certainty')] if feature.GetField('Certainty') in certainties else 0 observations.append(( upload_id, geom.ExportToWkb(), obs_date, feature.GetField('Creator'), year, obs_types[clean_type], True, certainty, json.dumps(metadata) )) progbar.update(len(observations)) progbar.finish() curs.executemany(""" INSERT INTO observations ( upload_id, geom, obs_date, observer, obs_year, obs_type_id, is_public, confidence, metadata ) VALUES (%s, ST_GeomFromWKB(%s, 4326), %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""", observations) conn.commit() except Exception as ex: conn.rollback() log.error(ex)'Shapefile import complete')
def output_vegetation_raster(gpkg_path, raster_path, output_path, epoch, prefix, ecoregion): """Output a vegetation suitability raster. This has no direct use in the process but it's useful as a reference layer and visual aid. Arguments: database {str} -- Path to BRAT SQLite database raster_path {str} -- path to input raster output_path {str} -- path to output raster epoch {str} -- Label identifying either 'existing' or 'historic'. Used for log messages only. prefix {str} -- Either 'EX' for existing or 'HPE' for historic. ecoregion {int} -- Database ID of the ecoregion associated with the watershed """ log = Logger('Veg Suitability Rasters')'Epoch: {}'.format(epoch)) with SQLiteCon(gpkg_path) as database: # Get the database epoch that has the prefix 'EX' or 'HPE' in the metadata database.curs.execute('SELECT EpochID FROM Epochs WHERE Metadata = ?', [prefix]) epochid = database.curs.fetchone()['EpochID'] if not epochid: raise Exception( 'Missing epoch in database with metadata value of "{}"'.format( epoch)) database.curs.execute( 'SELECT VegetationID, EffectiveSuitability ' 'FROM vwVegetationSuitability ' 'WHERE EpochID = ? AND EcoregionID = ?', [epochid, ecoregion]) results = { row['VegetationID']: row['EffectiveSuitability'] for row in database.curs.fetchall() } def translate_suit(in_val, in_nodata, out_nodata): if in_val == in_nodata: return out_nodata elif in_val in results: return results[in_val] log.warning('Could not find {} VegetationID={}'.format(prefix, in_val)) return -1 vector = np.vectorize(translate_suit) with as source_ds: out_meta = source_ds.meta out_meta['dtype'] = 'int16' out_meta['nodata'] = -9999 out_meta['compress'] = 'deflate' with, "w", **out_meta) as dest_ds: progbar = ProgressBar( len(list(source_ds.block_windows(1))), 50, "Writing Vegetation Raster: {}".format(epoch)) counter = 0 for ji, window in dest_ds.block_windows(1): progbar.update(counter) counter += 1 in_data =, window=window, masked=True) # Fill the masked values with the appropriate nodata vals # Unthresholded in the base band (mostly for debugging) out_data = vector(in_data, source_ds.meta['nodata'], out_meta['nodata']) dest_ds.write(np.int16(out_data), window=window, indexes=1) progbar.finish()
def rvd(huc: int, flowlines_orig: Path, existing_veg_orig: Path, historic_veg_orig: Path, valley_bottom_orig: Path, output_folder: Path, reach_codes: List[str], flow_areas_orig: Path, waterbodies_orig: Path, meta=None): """[Generate segmented reaches on flowline network and calculate RVD from historic and existing vegetation rasters Args: huc (integer): Watershed ID flowlines_orig (Path): Segmented flowlines feature layer existing_veg_orig (Path): LANDFIRE version 2.00 evt raster, with adjacent xml metadata file historic_veg_orig (Path): LANDFIRE version 2.00 bps raster, with adjacent xml metadata file valley_bottom_orig (Path): Vbet polygon feature layer output_folder (Path): destination folder for project output reach_codes (List[int]): NHD reach codes for features to include in outputs flow_areas_orig (Path): NHD flow area polygon feature layer waterbodies (Path): NHD waterbodies polygon feature layer meta (Dict[str,str]): dictionary of riverscapes metadata key: value pairs """ log = Logger("RVD")'RVD v.{}'.format(cfg.version)) try: int(huc) except ValueError: raise Exception('Invalid HUC identifier "{}". Must be an integer'.format(huc)) if not (len(huc) == 4 or len(huc) == 8): raise Exception('Invalid HUC identifier. Must be four digit integer') safe_makedirs(output_folder) project, _realization, proj_nodes = create_project(huc, output_folder) # Incorporate project metadata to the riverscapes project if meta is not None: project.add_metadata(meta)'Adding inputs to project') _prj_existing_path_node, prj_existing_path = project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['EXVEG'], existing_veg_orig) _prj_historic_path_node, prj_historic_path = project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['HISTVEG'], historic_veg_orig) # TODO: Don't forget the att_filter # _prj_flowlines_node, prj_flowlines = project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['INPUTS'], flowlines, att_filter="\"ReachCode\" Like '{}%'".format(huc)) # Copy in the vectors we need inputs_gpkg_path = os.path.join(output_folder, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].rel_path) intermediates_gpkg_path = os.path.join(output_folder, LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'].rel_path) outputs_gpkg_path = os.path.join(output_folder, LayerTypes['OUTPUTS'].rel_path) # Make sure we're starting with empty/fresh geopackages GeopackageLayer.delete(inputs_gpkg_path) GeopackageLayer.delete(intermediates_gpkg_path) GeopackageLayer.delete(outputs_gpkg_path) # Copy our input layers and also find the difference in the geometry for the valley bottom flowlines_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOWLINES'].rel_path) vbottom_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['VALLEY_BOTTOM'].rel_path) copy_feature_class(flowlines_orig, flowlines_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG) copy_feature_class(valley_bottom_orig, vbottom_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG) with GeopackageLayer(flowlines_path) as flow_lyr: # Set the output spatial ref as this for the whole project out_srs = flow_lyr.spatial_ref meter_conversion = flow_lyr.rough_convert_metres_to_vector_units(1) distance_buffer = flow_lyr.rough_convert_metres_to_vector_units(1) # Transform issues reading 102003 as espg id. Using sr wkt seems to work, however arcgis has problems loading feature classes with this method... raster_srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() ds = gdal.Open(prj_existing_path, 0) raster_srs.ImportFromWkt(ds.GetProjectionRef()) raster_srs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) transform_shp_to_raster = VectorBase.get_transform(out_srs, raster_srs) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() cell_area = ((gt[1] / meter_conversion) * (-gt[5] / meter_conversion)) # Create the output feature class fields with GeopackageLayer(outputs_gpkg_path, layer_name='ReachGeometry', delete_dataset=True) as out_lyr: out_lyr.create_layer(ogr.wkbMultiLineString, spatial_ref=out_srs, options=['FID=ReachID'], fields={ 'GNIS_NAME': ogr.OFTString, 'ReachCode': ogr.OFTString, 'TotDASqKm': ogr.OFTReal, 'NHDPlusID': ogr.OFTReal, 'WatershedID': ogr.OFTInteger }) metadata = { 'RVD_DateTime':, 'Reach_Codes': reach_codes } # Execute the SQL to create the lookup tables in the RVD geopackage SQLite database watershed_name = create_database(huc, outputs_gpkg_path, metadata, cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'database', 'rvd_schema.sql')) project.add_metadata({'Watershed': watershed_name}) geom_vbottom = get_geometry_unary_union(vbottom_path, spatial_ref=raster_srs) flowareas_path = None if flow_areas_orig: flowareas_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOW_AREA'].rel_path) copy_feature_class(flow_areas_orig, flowareas_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG) geom_flow_areas = get_geometry_unary_union(flowareas_path) # Difference with existing vbottom geom_vbottom = geom_vbottom.difference(geom_flow_areas) else: del LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOW_AREA'] waterbodies_path = None if waterbodies_orig: waterbodies_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['WATERBODIES'].rel_path) copy_feature_class(waterbodies_orig, waterbodies_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG) geom_waterbodies = get_geometry_unary_union(waterbodies_path) # Difference with existing vbottom geom_vbottom = geom_vbottom.difference(geom_waterbodies) else: del LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['WATERBODIES'] # Add the inputs to the XML _nd, _in_gpkg_path, _sublayers = project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['INPUTS']) # Filter the flow lines to just the required features and then segment to desired length # TODO: These are brat methods that need to be refactored to use VectorBase layers cleaned_path = os.path.join(outputs_gpkg_path, 'ReachGeometry') build_network(flowlines_path, flowareas_path, cleaned_path, waterbodies_path=waterbodies_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG, reach_codes=reach_codes, create_layer=False) # Generate Voroni polygons"Calculating Voronoi Polygons...") # Add all the points (including islands) to the list flowline_thiessen_points_groups = centerline_points(cleaned_path, distance_buffer, transform_shp_to_raster) flowline_thiessen_points = [pt for group in flowline_thiessen_points_groups.values() for pt in group] simple_save([pt.point for pt in flowline_thiessen_points], ogr.wkbPoint, raster_srs, "Thiessen_Points", intermediates_gpkg_path) # Exterior is the shell and there is only ever 1 myVorL = NARVoronoi(flowline_thiessen_points) # Generate Thiessen Polys myVorL.createshapes() # Dissolve by flowlines"Dissolving Thiessen Polygons") dissolved_polys = myVorL.dissolve_by_property('fid') # Clip Thiessen Polys"Clipping Thiessen Polygons to Valley Bottom") clipped_thiessen = clip_polygons(geom_vbottom, dissolved_polys) # Save Intermediates simple_save(clipped_thiessen.values(), ogr.wkbPolygon, raster_srs, "Thiessen", intermediates_gpkg_path) simple_save(dissolved_polys.values(), ogr.wkbPolygon, raster_srs, "ThiessenPolygonsDissolved", intermediates_gpkg_path) simple_save(myVorL.polys, ogr.wkbPolygon, raster_srs, "ThiessenPolygonsRaw", intermediates_gpkg_path) _nd, _inter_gpkg_path, _sublayers = project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES']) # OLD METHOD FOR AUDIT # dissolved_polys2 = dissolve_by_points(flowline_thiessen_points_groups, myVorL.polys) # simple_save(dissolved_polys2.values(), ogr.wkbPolygon, out_srs, "ThiessenPolygonsDissolved_OLD", intermediates_gpkg_path) # Load Vegetation Rasters"Loading Existing and Historic Vegetation Rasters") vegetation = {} vegetation["EXISTING"] = load_vegetation_raster(prj_existing_path, outputs_gpkg_path, True, output_folder=os.path.join(output_folder, 'Intermediates')) vegetation["HISTORIC"] = load_vegetation_raster(prj_historic_path, outputs_gpkg_path, False, output_folder=os.path.join(output_folder, 'Intermediates')) for epoch in vegetation.keys(): for name in vegetation[epoch].keys(): if not f"{epoch}_{name}" == "HISTORIC_LUI": project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes[f"{epoch}_{name}"]) if vegetation["EXISTING"]["RAW"].shape != vegetation["HISTORIC"]["RAW"].shape: raise Exception('Vegetation raster shapes are not equal Existing={} Historic={}. Cannot continue'.format(vegetation["EXISTING"]["RAW"].shape, vegetation["HISTORIC"]["RAW"].shape)) # Vegetation zone calculations riparian_zone_arrays = {} riparian_zone_arrays["RIPARIAN_ZONES"] = ((vegetation["EXISTING"]["RIPARIAN"] + vegetation["HISTORIC"]["RIPARIAN"]) > 0) * 1 riparian_zone_arrays["NATIVE_RIPARIAN_ZONES"] = ((vegetation["EXISTING"]["NATIVE_RIPARIAN"] + vegetation["HISTORIC"]["NATIVE_RIPARIAN"]) > 0) * 1 riparian_zone_arrays["VEGETATION_ZONES"] = ((vegetation["EXISTING"]["VEGETATED"] + vegetation["HISTORIC"]["VEGETATED"]) > 0) * 1 # Save Intermediate Rasters for name, raster in riparian_zone_arrays.items(): save_intarr_to_geotiff(raster, os.path.join(output_folder, "Intermediates", f"{name}.tif"), prj_existing_path) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes[name]) # Calculate Riparian Departure per Reach riparian_arrays = {f"{epoch.capitalize()}{(name.capitalize()).replace('Native_riparian', 'NativeRiparian')}Mean": array for epoch, arrays in vegetation.items() for name, array in arrays.items() if name in ["RIPARIAN", "NATIVE_RIPARIAN"]} # Vegetation Cell Counts raw_arrays = {f"{epoch}": array for epoch, arrays in vegetation.items() for name, array in arrays.items() if name == "RAW"} # Generate Vegetation Conversions vegetation_change = (vegetation["HISTORIC"]["CONVERSION"] - vegetation["EXISTING"]["CONVERSION"]) save_intarr_to_geotiff(vegetation_change, os.path.join(output_folder, "Intermediates", "Conversion_Raster.tif"), prj_existing_path) project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['VEGETATION_CONVERSION']) # load conversion types dictionary from database conn = sqlite3.connect(outputs_gpkg_path) conn.row_factory = dict_factory curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute('SELECT * FROM ConversionTypes') conversion_classifications = curs.fetchall() curs.execute('SELECT * FROM vwConversions') conversion_ids = curs.fetchall() # Split vegetation change classes into binary arrays vegetation_change_arrays = { c['FieldName']: (vegetation_change == int(c["TypeValue"])) * 1 if int(c["TypeValue"]) in np.unique(vegetation_change) else None for c in conversion_classifications } # Calcuate average and unique cell counts per reach progbar = ProgressBar(len(clipped_thiessen.keys()), 50, "Extracting array values by reach...") counter = 0 discarded = 0 with as dataset: unique_vegetation_counts = {} reach_average_riparian = {} reach_average_change = {} for reachid, poly in clipped_thiessen.items(): counter += 1 progbar.update(counter) # we can discount a lot of shapes here. if not poly.is_valid or poly.is_empty or poly.area == 0 or poly.geom_type not in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]: discarded += 1 continue raw_values_unique = {} change_values_mean = {} riparian_values_mean = {} reach_raster = features.rasterize( [poly], out_shape=dataset.shape, transform=dataset.transform, all_touched=True, fill=np.nan)) for raster_name, raster in raw_arrays.items(): if raster is not None: current_raster =, mask=reach_raster.mask) raw_values_unique[raster_name] = np.unique(, fill_value=0), return_counts=True) else: raw_values_unique[raster_name] = [] for raster_name, raster in riparian_arrays.items(): if raster is not None: current_raster =, mask=reach_raster.mask) riparian_values_mean[raster_name] = else: riparian_values_mean[raster_name] = 0.0 for raster_name, raster in vegetation_change_arrays.items(): if raster is not None: current_raster =, mask=reach_raster.mask) change_values_mean[raster_name] = else: change_values_mean[raster_name] = 0.0 unique_vegetation_counts[reachid] = raw_values_unique reach_average_riparian[reachid] = riparian_values_mean reach_average_change[reachid] = change_values_mean progbar.finish() with SQLiteCon(outputs_gpkg_path) as gpkg: # Ensure all reaches are present in the ReachAttributes table before storing RVD output values gpkg.curs.execute('INSERT INTO ReachAttributes (ReachID) SELECT ReachID FROM ReachGeometry;') errs = 0 for reachid, epochs in unique_vegetation_counts.items(): for epoch in epochs.values(): insert_values = [[reachid, int(vegetationid), float(count * cell_area), int(count)] for vegetationid, count in zip(epoch[0], epoch[1]) if vegetationid != 0] try: gpkg.curs.executemany('''INSERT INTO ReachVegetation ( ReachID, VegetationID, Area, CellCount) VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', insert_values) # Sqlite can't report on SQL errors so we have to print good log messages to help intuit what the problem is except sqlite3.IntegrityError as err: # THis is likely a constraint error. errstr = "Integrity Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0]))) log.error(errstr) errs += 1 except sqlite3.Error as err: # This is any other kind of error errstr = "SQL Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {} ERROR: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0])), str(err)) log.error(errstr) errs += 1 if errs > 0: raise Exception('Errors were found inserting records into the database. Cannot continue.') gpkg.conn.commit() # load RVD departure levels from DepartureLevels database table with SQLiteCon(outputs_gpkg_path) as gpkg: gpkg.curs.execute('SELECT LevelID, MaxRVD FROM DepartureLevels ORDER BY MaxRVD ASC') departure_levels = gpkg.curs.fetchall() # Calcuate Average Departure for Riparian and Native Riparian riparian_departure_values = riparian_departure(reach_average_riparian, departure_levels) write_db_attributes(outputs_gpkg_path, riparian_departure_values, departure_type_columns) # Add Conversion Code, Type to Vegetation Conversion with SQLiteCon(outputs_gpkg_path) as gpkg: gpkg.curs.execute('SELECT LevelID, MaxValue, NAME FROM ConversionLevels ORDER BY MaxValue ASC') conversion_levels = gpkg.curs.fetchall() reach_values_with_conversion_codes = classify_conversions(reach_average_change, conversion_ids, conversion_levels) write_db_attributes(outputs_gpkg_path, reach_values_with_conversion_codes, rvd_columns) # # Write Output to GPKG table #'Insert values to GPKG tables') # # TODO move this to write_attirubtes method # with get_shp_or_gpkg(outputs_gpkg_path, layer_name='ReachAttributes', write=True, ) as in_layer: # # Create each field and store the name and index in a list of tuples # field_indices = [(field, in_layer.create_field(field, field_type)) for field, field_type in { # "FromConifer": ogr.OFTReal, # "FromDevegetated": ogr.OFTReal, # "FromGrassShrubland": ogr.OFTReal, # "FromDeciduous": ogr.OFTReal, # "NoChange": ogr.OFTReal, # "Deciduous": ogr.OFTReal, # "GrassShrubland": ogr.OFTReal, # "Devegetation": ogr.OFTReal, # "Conifer": ogr.OFTReal, # "Invasive": ogr.OFTReal, # "Development": ogr.OFTReal, # "Agriculture": ogr.OFTReal, # "ConversionCode": ogr.OFTInteger, # "ConversionType": ogr.OFTString}.items()] # for feature, _counter, _progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Writing Attributes", write_layers=[in_layer]): # reach = feature.GetFID() # if reach not in reach_values_with_conversion_codes: # continue # # Set all the field values and then store the feature # for field, _idx in field_indices: # if field in reach_values_with_conversion_codes[reach]: # if not reach_values_with_conversion_codes[reach][field]: # feature.SetField(field, None) # else: # feature.SetField(field, reach_values_with_conversion_codes[reach][field]) # in_layer.ogr_layer.SetFeature(feature) # # Create each field and store the name and index in a list of tuples # field_indices = [(field, in_layer.create_field(field, field_type)) for field, field_type in { # "EXISTING_RIPARIAN_MEAN": ogr.OFTReal, # "HISTORIC_RIPARIAN_MEAN": ogr.OFTReal, # "RIPARIAN_DEPARTURE": ogr.OFTReal, # "EXISTING_NATIVE_RIPARIAN_MEAN": ogr.OFTReal, # "HISTORIC_NATIVE_RIPARIAN_MEAN": ogr.OFTReal, # "NATIVE_RIPARIAN_DEPARTURE": ogr.OFTReal, }.items()] # for feature, _counter, _progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Writing Attributes", write_layers=[in_layer]): # reach = feature.GetFID() # if reach not in riparian_departure_values: # continue # # Set all the field values and then store the feature # for field, _idx in field_indices: # if field in riparian_departure_values[reach]: # if not riparian_departure_values[reach][field]: # feature.SetField(field, None) # else: # feature.SetField(field, riparian_departure_values[reach][field]) # in_layer.ogr_layer.SetFeature(feature) # with sqlite3.connect(outputs_gpkg_path) as conn: # cursor = conn.cursor() # errs = 0 # for reachid, epochs in unique_vegetation_counts.items(): # for epoch in epochs.values(): # insert_values = [[reachid, int(vegetationid), float(count * cell_area), int(count)] for vegetationid, count in zip(epoch[0], epoch[1]) if vegetationid != 0] # try: # cursor.executemany('''INSERT INTO ReachVegetation ( # ReachID, # VegetationID, # Area, # CellCount) # VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', insert_values) # # Sqlite can't report on SQL errors so we have to print good log messages to help intuit what the problem is # except sqlite3.IntegrityError as err: # # THis is likely a constraint error. # errstr = "Integrity Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0]))) # log.error(errstr) # errs += 1 # except sqlite3.Error as err: # # This is any other kind of error # errstr = "SQL Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {} ERROR: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0])), str(err)) # log.error(errstr) # errs += 1 # if errs > 0: # raise Exception('Errors were found inserting records into the database. Cannot continue.') # conn.commit() # Add intermediates and the report to the XML # project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES']) already # added above project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['OUTPUTS']) # Add the report to the XML report_path = os.path.join(project.project_dir, LayerTypes['REPORT'].rel_path) project.add_report(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['REPORT'], replace=True) report = RVDReport(report_path, project) report.write()'RVD complete')