コード例 #1
class ShowRun():
    def __init__(self):

        #Take all data types categories
        self.RAW_RECORDS_TPC_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.RAW_RECORDS_MV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.RAW_RECORDS_NV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_TPC_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_MV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_NV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.HIGH_LEVEL_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig()['high_level_types']
        self.RECORDS_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig()['records_types']

        #Choose which data type you want to treat

        #Take the list of all XENON RSEs
        self.RSES = helper.get_hostconfig()['rses']

        #Take the RSE that is used to perform the upload
        self.UPLOAD_TO = helper.get_hostconfig()['upload_to']

        #Take the directory where datamanager has to upload data
        self.DATADIR = helper.get_hostconfig()['path_data_to_upload']

        # Get the sequence of rules to be created according to the data type
        self.RAW_RECORDS_TPC_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.RAW_RECORDS_MV_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.RAW_RECORDS_NV_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_TPC_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_MV_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_NV_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        self.HIGH_LEVEL_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig()["high_level_rses"]
        self.RECORDS_RSES = helper.get_hostconfig()["records_rses"]

        #Init the runDB
        self.db = ConnectMongoDB()

        #Init Rucio for later uploads and handling:
        self.rc = RucioSummoner()
        self.didclient = DIDClient()
        self.replicaclient = ReplicaClient()

        #Rucio Rule assignment priority
        self.priority = 3

        #Parameters to write warnings
        self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses = 2
        self.minimum_deltadays_allowed = 3

    def showrun(self, arg_number, arg_to, arg_dtypes, arg_compact,
                arg_dumpjson, arg_status, arg_latest, arg_pending):

        #Define data types
        RAW_RECORDS_TPC_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        RAW_RECORDS_MV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig()['raw_records_mv_types']
        RAW_RECORDS_NV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig()['raw_records_nv_types']
        LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_TPC_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_MV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_NV_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig(
        HIGH_LEVEL_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig()['high_level_types']
        RECORDS_TYPES = helper.get_hostconfig()['records_types']

        #Get other parameters
        DATADIR = helper.get_hostconfig()['path_data_to_upload']
        RSES = helper.get_hostconfig()['rses']

        minimum_number_acceptable_rses = 2
        minimum_deltadays_allowed = 3

        # Storing some backup hashes in case DID information is not available
        bkp_hashes = {
            'raw_records': 'rfzvpzj4mf',
            'raw_records_he': 'rfzvpzj4mf',
            'raw_records_mv': 'rfzvpzj4mf',
            'raw_records_aqmon': 'rfzvpzj4mf',
            'records': '56ausr64s7',
            'lone_hits': 'b7dgmtzaef'

        context = 'xenonnt_online'

        #Init the runDB
        db = ConnectMongoDB()

        #Init Rucio for later uploads and handling:
        rc = RucioSummoner(helper.get_hostconfig("rucio_backend"))


        # if arg_number has been given
        if arg_number != "":

            # if the "number" argument is a number, it is converted as integer
            if arg_number.isdigit():
                arg_number = int(arg_number)
            # otherwise it is assumed that a DID has been given and run number and other parameters are extracted from the DID
                arg_number, dtype, hash = get_did(arg_number)
                arg_dtypes = [dtype]

        # if no arg_number has been given, then the "latest" option is activated (with 5 run numbers by default) in compact modality
            if arg_latest == 0:
                arg_latest = 5
                arg_compact = True

        if arg_latest > 0:
            cursor = db.db.find({}).sort('number', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1)
            cursor = list(cursor)
            arg_to = cursor[0]['number']
            arg_number = arg_to - arg_latest + 1
            print('Processing latest {0} runs'.format(arg_latest))

        if arg_to > arg_number:
            cursor = db.db.find({
                'number': {
                    '$gte': arg_number,
                    '$lte': arg_to
            }).sort('number', pymongo.ASCENDING)
            print('Runs that will be processed are from {0} to {1}'.format(
                arg_number, arg_to))
            cursor = db.db.find({'number': arg_number})

        print('Run that will be processed is {0}'.format(arg_number))
        cursor = list(cursor)

        # Runs over all listed runs
        for run in cursor:


            # Gets run number
            number = run['number']
            print('Run: {0}'.format(number))

            # Gets the status
            if 'status' in run:
                print('Status: {0}'.format(run['status']))
                print('Status: {0}'.format('Not available'))

            if arg_status:

            # Extracts the correct Event Builder machine who processed this run
            # Then also the bootstrax state and, in case it was abandoned, the reason
            if 'bootstrax' in run:
                bootstrax = run['bootstrax']
                eb = bootstrax['host'].split('.')[0]
                print('Processed by: {0}'.format(eb))
                if 'state' in bootstrax:
                    print('Bootstrax state: {0}'.format(bootstrax['state']))
                    if bootstrax['state'] == 'abandoned':
                        if 'reason' in bootstrax:
                            print('Reason: {0}'.format(bootstrax['reason']))
                print('Not processed')

            # Gets the date
            if 'start' in run:
                start_time = run['start'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                print("Date: ", start_time.astimezone(tz=None))

                # Calculates the duration
                if 'end' in run:
                    if run['end'] is not None:
                        end_time = run['end'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                        duration = end_time - start_time
                        print("Duration: ", duration)
                        print("Duration: ", "unknown")

                # Prints if run is still enough recent (three days from now)
                now_time = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                delta_time = now_time - start_time
                if delta_time < timedelta(days=minimum_deltadays_allowed):
                    print("Less than {0} days old".format(
                print("Warning : no time info available")

            # Gets the comments
            if 'comments' in run:
                if len(run['comments']) > 0:
                    last_comment = run['comments'][-1]
                    print("Latest comment ({0}): {1}".format(
                        last_comment['user'], last_comment['comment']))

            # Dumps the entire rundoc under json format
            if arg_dumpjson:
                print(dumps(run, indent=4))

            if arg_compact:

            # Merges data and deleted_data

    #        if 'deleted_data' in run:
    #            data = run['data'] + run['deleted_data']
    #        else:
            data = run['data']

            # Check is there are more instances in more EventBuilders
            extra_ebs = set()
            for d in data:
                if 'eb' in d['host'] and eb not in d['host']:
            if len(extra_ebs) > 0:
                    '\t\t Warning : The run has been processed by more than one EventBuilder: {0}'

            # Runs over all data types to be monitored
            for dtype in data_types:

                if len(arg_dtypes) > 0:
                    if dtype not in arg_dtypes:

                # Take the official number of files accordingto run DB
                # and the eb status
                Nfiles = -1
                ebstatus = ""
                for d in data:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and eb in d['host']:
                        if 'file_count' in d:
                            Nfiles = d['file_count']
                        if 'status' in d:
                            ebstatus = d['status']

                if arg_pending:
                    if ebstatus in ["", "transferred"]:

                # Data type name

                if Nfiles == -1:
                    print('\t Number of files: missing in DB')
                    print('\t Number of files: {0}'.format(Nfiles))

                if ebstatus != "":
                    print('\t EB status: {0}'.format(ebstatus))
                    print('\t EB status: not available')

                # Check if data are still in the data list and not in deleted_data
                DB_InEB = False
                for d in run['data']:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and eb in d['host']:
                        DB_InEB = True
                DB_NotInEB = False
                if 'deleted_data' in run:
                    for d in run['deleted_data']:
                        if d['type'] == dtype and eb in d['host']:
                            DB_NotInEB = True
                if DB_InEB and not DB_NotInEB:
                    print('\t DB : still in EB')
                if not DB_InEB and DB_NotInEB:
                    print('\t DB : deleted from EB')
                if DB_InEB and DB_NotInEB:
                        '\t\t Incoherency in DB: it is both in data list and in deleted_data list'
                #if (DB_InEB and DB_NotInEB) or (not DB_InEB and not DB_NotInEB):
                #  print('\t\t incoherency in DB: it is neither in data list nor in deleted_data list')

                # Check if data are still in the EB disks without using the DB
                upload_path = ""
                for d in run['data']:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and eb in d['host']:
                        file = d['location'].split('/')[-1]
                        upload_path = os.path.join(DATADIR, eb, file)
                path_exists = os.path.exists(upload_path)
                if upload_path != "" and path_exists:
                    path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(upload_path))
                    print('\t Disk: still in EB disk and with', len(files),
                    print('\t Disk: not in EB disk')
                if DB_InEB and not path_exists:
                        '\t\t Incoherency in DB and disk: it is in DB data list but it is not in the disk'
                if DB_NotInEB and path_exists:
                        '\t\t Incoherency in DB and disk: it is in DB deleted_data list but it is still in the disk'

                # The list of DIDs (usually just one)
                dids = set()
                for d in data:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and d['host'] == 'rucio-catalogue':
                        if 'did' in d:
                print('\t DID:', dids)

                # Check the presence in each available RSE
                Nrses = 0
                for rse in RSES:
                    is_in_rse = False
                    for d in run['data']:
                        if d['type'] == dtype and rse in d['location']:
                            if 'status' in d:
                                status = d['status']
                                status = 'Not available'
                            if 'did' in d:
                                hash = d['did'].split('-')[-1]
                                did = d['did']
                                    '\t\t Warning : DID information is absent in DB data list (old admix version). Using standard hashes for RSEs'
                                #hash = bkp_hashes.get(dtype)
                                #hash = utilix.db.get_hash(context, dtype)
                                hash = db.GetHashByContext(context, dtype)
                                did = make_did(number, dtype, hash)
                            rucio_rule = rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did,
                            files = list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash,
                            if rucio_rule['exists']:
                                print('\t', rse + ': DB Yes, Status', status,
                                      ', Rucio Yes, State',
                                      rucio_rule['state'], ",", len(files),
                                if len(files) < Nfiles and rucio_rule[
                                        'state'] != "REPLICATING":
                                        '\t\t Warning : Wrong number of files in Rucio!!!'
                                print('\t', rse + ': DB Yes, Status', status,
                                      ', Rucio No')
                            # print(files)
                            is_in_rse = True
                            Nrses += 1
                    if not is_in_rse:
                        #                    print('\t\t Warning : data information is absent in DB data list. Trying using standard hashes to query Rucio')
                        #                    hash = bkp_hashes.get(dtype)
                        #hash = utilix.db.get_hash(context, dtype)
                        hash = db.GetHashByContext(context, dtype)
                        did = make_did(number, dtype, hash)
                        print('\t Guessed DID:', did)
                        rucio_rule = rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse=rse)
                        files = list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash, rse)
                        if rucio_rule['exists']:
                            print('\t', rse + ': DB No, Rucio Yes, State',
                                  rucio_rule['state'], ",", len(files),
                            if len(files) < Nfiles and rucio_rule[
                                    'state'] != "REPLICATING":
                                    '\t\t Warning : Wrong number of files in Rucio!!!'
                            print('\t', rse + ': DB No, Rucio No')
                print('\t Number of sites: ', Nrses)

    def showrun_new(self, arg_number, arg_to, arg_dtypes, arg_compact,
                    arg_dumpjson, arg_status, arg_latest, arg_pending):

        # if arg_number has been given
        if arg_number != "":

            # if the "number" argument is a number, it is converted as integer
            if arg_number.isdigit():
                arg_number = int(arg_number)
            # otherwise it is assumed that a DID has been given and run number and other parameters are extracted from the DID
                arg_number, dtype, hash = get_did(arg_number)
                arg_dtypes = [dtype]

        # if no arg_number has been given, then the "latest" option is activated (with 5 run numbers by default) in compact modality
            if arg_latest == 0:
                arg_latest = 5
                arg_compact = True

        if arg_latest > 0:
            cursor = self.db.db.find({}).sort('number',
            cursor = list(cursor)
            arg_to = cursor[0]['number']
            arg_number = arg_to - arg_latest + 1
            print('Processing latest {0} runs'.format(arg_latest))

        if arg_to > arg_number:
            cursor = self.db.db.find({
                'number': {
                    '$gte': arg_number,
                    '$lte': arg_to
            }).sort('number', pymongo.ASCENDING)
            print('Runs that will be processed are from {0} to {1}'.format(
                arg_number, arg_to))
            cursor = self.db.db.find({'number': arg_number})
            print('Run that will be processed is {0}'.format(arg_number))

        cursor = list(cursor)

        # Runs over all listed runs
        for run in cursor:


            # Gets run number
            number = run['number']
            print('Run: {0}'.format(number))

            # Gets the status
            if 'status' in run:
                print('Status: {0}'.format(run['status']))
                print('Status: {0}'.format('Not available'))

            if arg_status:

            # Extracts the correct Event Builder machine who processed this run
            # Then also the bootstrax state and, in case it was abandoned, the reason
            if 'bootstrax' in run:
                bootstrax = run['bootstrax']
                eb = bootstrax['host'].split('.')[0]
                print('Processed by: {0}'.format(eb))
                if 'state' in bootstrax:
                    print('Bootstrax state: {0}'.format(bootstrax['state']))
                    if bootstrax['state'] == 'abandoned':
                        if 'reason' in bootstrax:
                            print('Reason: {0}'.format(bootstrax['reason']))
                print('Not processed by EB')

            # Gets the date
            if 'start' in run:
                start_time = run['start'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                print("Date: ", start_time.astimezone(tz=None))

                # Calculates the duration
                if 'end' in run:
                    if run['end'] is not None:
                        end_time = run['end'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                        duration = end_time - start_time
                        print("Duration: ", duration)
                        print("Duration: ", "unknown")

                # Prints if run is still enough recent (three days from now)
                now_time = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                delta_time = now_time - start_time
                if delta_time < timedelta(days=self.minimum_deltadays_allowed):
                    print("Less than {0} days old".format(
                print("Warning : no time info available")

            # Gets the comments
            if 'comments' in run:
                if len(run['comments']) > 0:
                    last_comment = run['comments'][-1]
                    print("Latest comment ({0}): {1}".format(
                        last_comment['user'], last_comment['comment']))

            # Dumps the entire rundoc under json format
            if arg_dumpjson:
                print(dumps(run, indent=4))

            if arg_compact:

            # Runs over all data types stored in data and deleted_data fields
            alldata = run['data']
            if 'deleted_data' in run:
                alldata = alldata + run['deleted_data']

            for datum in alldata:

                if arg_pending:
                    ebstatus = ""
                    if 'status' in datum:
                        ebstatus = datum['status']
                    if ebstatus in ["", "transferred"]:

                if len(arg_dtypes) > 0:
                    if datum['type'] not in arg_dtypes:

                if eb in datum['host']:
                    self.showdataset(run, datum)

    def showdataset(self, run, datum):

        #print(dumps(datum, indent=4))

        # skip dataset if it does not have location
        if 'location' not in datum:
            print('Dataset: type {0} without location. Skipping'.format(

        # Dataset name
        number = run['number']
        dtype = datum['type']
        hash = datum['location'].split('-')[-1]
        did = make_did(number, dtype, hash)
        print('Dataset: {0}'.format(did))

        # Event builder who treated it
        eb = datum['host'].split('.')[0]

        # Directory name
        directory = datum['location'].split('/')[-1]

        # Take the official number of files according to run DB
        Nfiles = -1
        if 'file_count' in datum:
            Nfiles = datum['file_count']
        if Nfiles == -1:
            print('\t Number of files: missing in DB')
            print('\t Number of files: {0}'.format(Nfiles))

        # Take the status of the EB dataset according to run DB
        ebstatus = ""
        if 'status' in datum:
            ebstatus = datum['status']
        if ebstatus != "":
            print('\t EB status: {0}'.format(ebstatus))
            print('\t EB status: not available')

        # Check if there are double entries in the DB
        Copies = 0
        for d in run['data']:
            if d['type'] == dtype and eb in d['host'] and hash in d['location']:
                Copies = Copies + 1
        if Copies > 1:
            print('\t\t Warning {0}: EB datum has a double entry in the DB'.

        # Check if there are other entries in the deleted_data (even with different EBs)
        #DeletedCopies = []
        #for d in run['deleted_data']:
        #    if d['type'] == dtype and hash in d['location']:
        #        DeletedCopies.append(d['host'].split('.')[0])
        #if len(DeletedCopies)>0:
        #    print('\t Previously deleted data processed with those EBs: {0}'.format(DeletedCopies))

        # Read the real number of files present in EB disks
        upload_path = os.path.join(self.DATADIR, eb, directory)
        path_exists = os.path.exists(upload_path)
        Nfiles_disk = 0
        if path_exists:
            path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(upload_path))
            Nfiles_disk = len(files)

        # If data are supposed to be (according to DB) still present in EB, check if they are there
        if datum in run['data']:
            print('\t Still in EB')
            if Nfiles_disk != Nfiles:
                    '\t\t Warning {0}: number of files in EB disk ({1}) does not match with the DB info ({2})'
                    .format(did, Nfiles_disk, Nfiles))

        # Otherwise, if data are supposed to be (according to DB) deleted, check if they are really absent
        elif datum in run['deleted_data']:
            print('\t Deleted from EB')
            if Nfiles_disk > 0:
                    '\t\t Warning {0}: files are still in EB disk (nfiles={1}) while DB says they are deleted '
                    .format(did, Nfiles_disk))

        # Query rucio to see how many RSEs have those data
        rules = list(
        rses_with_data = []
        for rule in rules:
        if len(rses_with_data) > 0:
            print('\t Rucio replicas in {0} RSEs : {1}'.format(
                len(rses_with_data), rses_with_data))
            print('\t No replicas in Rucio')

        # Check the presence of data in each available RSE and compatibility with DB

        # Step 1: prepare the dictionary
        rses = []
        for rse in self.RSES:
            r = {}
            r['name'] = rse

        Nrses = 0

        # Step 2: filling the dictionary with RSEs info from DB and from Rucio
        for rse in rses:
            is_in_rse = False

            # Get info available in the DB
            rse['DBentries'] = 0
            rse['DBStatus'] = ""
            for d in run['data']:
                if 'rucio' in d['host']:
                    if d['did'] == did and rse['name'] in d['location']:
                        if 'status' in d:
                            rse['DBStatus'] = d['status']
                        rse['DBentries'] = rse['DBentries'] + 1

            # Get info available in Rucio
            rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse=rse['name'])
            #            files = list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash, rse['name'])
            #            files = list(self.rc.ListFileReplicas(did,rse['name'],localpath=True).values())
            did_dictionary = [{
                'scope': did.split(':')[0],
                'name': did.split(':')[1]
            replicas = list(
            #print(dumps(replicas, indent=4))
            rse['RucioExists'] = rucio_rule['exists']
            rse['RucioNFiles'] = len(replicas)

        # Step 3: analysis of data
        for rse in rses:


            # analysis specific for uploading
            if rse['name'] == self.UPLOAD_TO:

                # Case 1 : loss of Rucio connection at the end of the upload before creating the rule
                if rse['RucioNFiles'] == Nfiles and not rse[
                        'RucioExists'] and rse['DBStatus'] == "" and rse[
                            'DBentries'] == 0 and len(rses_with_data) == 0:
                        '\t\t Warning: files have been uploaded but the rule has not been created'
                        '\t\t Hint: create the rule manually, then continue uploading, using the following three commands:'
                    print('\t\t\t rucio add-rule {0} 1 {1}'.format(
                        did, rse['name']))
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --fix_upload_db {0}'.format(did))
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --create_upload_rules {0}'.format(
#                    os.system('rucio add-rule {0} 1 {1}'.format(did,rse['name']))
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --fix_upload_db {0}'.format(did))
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --create_upload_rules {0}'.format(did))

# Case 2 : loss of Rucio connection at the end of the upload before updating the DB
                if rse['RucioNFiles'] == Nfiles and rse['RucioExists'] and rse[
                        'DBStatus'] == "" and rse['DBentries'] == 0 and len(
                            rses_with_data) == 1:
                        '\t\t Warning: the upload is completed, but DB needs to be updated and rules have to be created abroad'
                    print('\t\t Hint: fix it manually with the two commands:')
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --fix_upload_db {0}'.format(did))
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --create_upload_rules {0}'.format(
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --fix_upload_db {0}'.format(did))
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --create_upload_rules {0}'.format(did))

# Case 3 : loss of Rucio connection at the end of the upload before creating the rules abroad
                if rse['RucioNFiles'] == Nfiles and rse['RucioExists'] and rse[
                        'DBStatus'] == "transferred" and rse[
                            'DBentries'] == 1 and len(rses_with_data) == 1:
                        '\t\t Warning: the upload is completed and the DB updated, but rules have to be created abroad'
                    print('\t\t Hint: fix it manually with the command:')
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --create_upload_rules {0}'.format(
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --create_upload_rules {0}'.format(did))

# Case 4 : data still to be uploaded but the value if the EB status is not empty so admix cannot upload it
                if rse['RucioNFiles'] == 0 and not rse['RucioExists'] and rse[
                        'DBStatus'] == "" and rse['DBentries'] == 0 and len(
                            rses_with_data) == 0 and ebstatus not in [
                                "", "transferred"
                        '\t\t Warning: the upload never started but the EB status is not empty, hence admix cannot upload it'
                        '\t\t Hint: fix it manually with the following command to allow admix upload manager to take care of it:'
                        '\t\t\t admix-fix --set_eb_status {0} eb_ready_to_upload'
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --set_eb_status {0} eb_ready_to_upload'.format(did))

# Case 4 : data still to be uploaded but the value if the EB status is not empty so admix cannot upload it
                if rse['RucioNFiles'] == Nfiles and rse['RucioExists'] and rse[
                        'DBStatus'] == "transferred" and rse[
                            'DBentries'] == 1 and len(
                                rses_with_data) > 0 and ebstatus not in [
                                    "", "transferred"
                        '\t\t Warning: the upload is completed and there are also copies abroad'
                        '\t\t Hint: fix it manually with the command below to flag the EB datum as transferred:'
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --set_eb_status {0} transferred'.
#                    os.system('~/.local/bin/admix-fix --set_eb_status {0} transferred'.format(did))

# Case 5 : data still to be uploaded but the value if the EB status is not empty so admix cannot upload it
                if rse['RucioNFiles'] != Nfiles and rse['RucioExists'] and rse[
                        'DBStatus'] == "" and rse['DBentries'] == 0 and len(
                        ) == 1 and ebstatus == "transferring":
                        '\t\t Warning: the upload has been interrupted during the copy'
                        '\t\t Hint: fix it manually with the command below to resume the upload:'
                    print('\t\t\t admix-fix --fix_upload {0}'.format(did))

            # analysis for all RSEs other than datamanager

                if not ((rse['RucioNFiles'] == Nfiles and rse['RucioExists']
                         and rse['DBentries'] == 1
                         and rse['DBStatus'] == 'transferred') or
                        (rse['RucioNFiles'] == 0 and not rse['RucioExists']
                         and rse['DBentries'] == 0
                         and rse['DBStatus'] != 'transferred')):
                        '\t\t Warning {0}: data in RSE {1} are inconsistent:'.
                        format(did, rse['name']))
                    print('\t\t ', rse)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_list_rules.py プロジェクト: ChengHsi/rucyio
This is a script to test the difference of list-dids and list-rules

from rucio.db import models
from rucio.db.session import read_session, transactional_session, stream_session
from rucio.db.constants import DIDType
from rucio.common import exception
from rucio.client.didclient import DIDClient
dc = DIDClient()
import sys
# del sys.modules['rucio']
# # import imp
# # rucio = imp.load_source('rucio','/opt/rucio/lib/rucio/__init__.py')
filename = sys.argv[1]

for x in dc.list_did_rules('ams-user-chenghsi', filename):
    print x[u'name']
# print get_did('ams-user-chenghsi', 'd2')
# dc.detach_dids('ams-user-chenghsi', 'd1', ['file3'])

# print non_attached('ams-user-chenghsi', ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file4'])

コード例 #3
ファイル: test_rule.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/rucio
class TestReplicationRuleClient():

    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Add test RSE
        cls.rse1 = 'MOCK'
        cls.rse3 = 'MOCK3'
        cls.rse4 = 'MOCK4'
        cls.rse5 = 'MOCK5'

        cls.rse1_id = get_rse(cls.rse1).id
        cls.rse3_id = get_rse(cls.rse3).id
        cls.rse4_id = get_rse(cls.rse4).id
        cls.rse5_id = get_rse(cls.rse5).id

        # Add Tags
        cls.T1 = tag_generator()
        cls.T2 = tag_generator()
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3, cls.T1, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4, cls.T2, True)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5, cls.T1, True)

        # Add fake weights
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse1, "fakeweight", 10)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse3, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse4, "fakeweight", 0)
        add_rse_attribute(cls.rse5, "fakeweight", 0)

    def setup(self):
        self.rule_client = RuleClient()
        self.did_client = DIDClient()
        self.subscription_client = SubscriptionClient()
        self.account_client = AccountClient()
        self.lock_client = LockClient()

    def test_add_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Add a replication rule """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        ret = self.rule_client.add_replication_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE')
        assert_is_instance(ret, list)

    def test_delete_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Delete a replication rule """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        ret = self.rule_client.delete_replication_rule(rule_id=rule_id)
        assert(ret is True)
        assert_raises(RuleNotFound, self.rule_client.delete_replication_rule, rule_id)

    def test_list_rules_by_did(self):
        """ DID (CLIENT): List Replication Rules per DID """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        rule_id_2 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse3, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        ret = self.did_client.list_did_rules(scope=scope, name=dataset)
        ids = [rule['id'] for rule in ret]

        assert_in(rule_id_1, ids)
        assert_in(rule_id_2, ids)

    def test_get_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Get Replication Rule by id """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        ret = self.rule_client.add_replication_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE')
        get = self.rule_client.get_replication_rule(ret[0])
        assert(ret[0] == get['id'])

    def test_get_rule_by_account(self):
        """ ACCOUNT (CLIENT): Get Replication Rule by account """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        ret = self.rule_client.add_replication_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE')
        get = self.account_client.list_account_rules('jdoe')
        rules = [rule['id'] for rule in get]

        assert_in(ret[0], rules)

    def test_locked_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Delete a locked replication rule"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=True, subscription_id=None)[0]

        assert_raises(AccessDenied, delete_rule, rule_id_1)
        self.rule_client.update_replication_rule(rule_id=rule_id_1, options={'locked': False})

    def test_dataset_lock(self):
        """ DATASETLOCK (CLIENT): Get a datasetlock for a specific dataset"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=True, subscription_id=None)[0]

        rule_ids = [lock['rule_id'] for lock in self.lock_client.get_dataset_locks(scope=scope, name=dataset)]
        assert_in(rule_id_1, rule_ids)

    def test_change_rule_lifetime(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Change rule lifetime"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=150, locked=True, subscription_id=None)[0]

        get = self.rule_client.get_replication_rule(rule_id_1)

        self.rule_client.update_replication_rule(rule_id_1, options={'lifetime': 10000})

        get2 = self.rule_client.get_replication_rule(rule_id_1)

        assert(get['expires_at'] != get2['expires_at'])