コード例 #1
ファイル: find_pppp.py プロジェクト: benwing2/RuNounChanges
def process_page(index, page, save, verbose):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))

  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)


  parsed = blib.parse(page)
  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-conj", "ru-conj-old"] and getparam(t, "1").startswith("pf"):
      if tname == "ru-conj":
        tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms", unicode(t))
        tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj-old", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms|old=y", unicode(t))
      result = expand_text(tempcall)
      if not result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating forms, skipping")
      args = rulib.split_generate_args(result)
      for base in ["past_pasv_part", "ppp"]:
        for i in ["", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]:
          val = getparam(t, base + i)
          if val and val != "-":
            val = re.sub("//.*", "", val)
            pagemsg("Found perfective past passive participle: %s" % val)
コード例 #2
ファイル: infer_ppp.py プロジェクト: benwing2/RuNounChanges
def process_page(index, page, save, verbose):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))

  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)


  manual_ppp_forms = ["past_pasv_part", "past_pasv_part2", "past_pasv_part3",
    "past_pasv_part4", "ppp", "ppp2", "ppp3", "ppp4"]
  text = unicode(page.text)
  parsed = blib.parse(page)
  notes = []
  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    origt = unicode(t)
    tname = unicode(t.name)
    if tname == "ru-conj":
      manual_ppps = []
      for form in manual_ppp_forms:
        ppp = getparam(t, form)
        if ppp and ppp != "-":
      if not manual_ppps:
      if [x for x in t.params if unicode(x.value) == "or"]:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Skipping multi-arg conjugation: %s" % unicode(t))
      curvariant = getparam(t, "2")
      if "+p" in curvariant or "(7)" in curvariant or "(8)" in curvariant:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Found both manual PPP and PPP variant, something wrong: %s" %
      t2 = blib.parse_text(unicode(t)).filter_templates()[0]
      for form in manual_ppp_forms:
        rmparam(t2, form)
      variants_to_try = ["+p"]
      if u"ё" in re.sub(u"ённый$", "", manual_ppps[0]):
      if u"жденный" in manual_ppps[0] or u"ждённый" in manual_ppps[0]:
      notsamemsgs = []
      for variant in variants_to_try:
        t2.add("2", curvariant + variant)
        tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms", unicode(t2))
        result = expand_text(tempcall)
        if not result:
          pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating forms, skipping")
        args = rulib.split_generate_args(result)
        if "past_pasv_part" not in args:
          pagemsg("WARNING: Something wrong, no past passive participle generated: %s" % unicode(t))
        auto_ppps = []
        for form in manual_ppp_forms:
          if form in args:
            for ppp in re.split(",", args[form]):
              if ppp and ppp != "-":
        if manual_ppps == auto_ppps:
          pagemsg("Manual PPP's %s same as auto-generated PPP's, switching to auto"
              % ",".join(manual_ppps))
          for form in manual_ppp_forms:
            rmparam(t, form)
          t.add("2", curvariant + variant)
          notes.append("replaced manual PPP's with variant %s" % variant)
          notsamemsgs.append("WARNING: Manual PPP's %s not same as auto-generated PPP's %s: %s" %
            (",".join(manual_ppps), ",".join(auto_ppps), unicode(t)))
      else: # no break in for loop
        for m in notsamemsgs:

    newt = unicode(t)
    if origt != newt:
      pagemsg("Replaced %s with %s" % (origt, newt))

  new_text = unicode(parsed)

  if new_text != text:
    if verbose:
      pagemsg("Replacing <%s> with <%s>" % (text, new_text))
    assert notes
    comment = "; ".join(notes)
    if save:
      pagemsg("Saving with comment = %s" % comment)
      page.text = new_text
      pagemsg("Would save with comment = %s" % comment)
コード例 #3
def process_page(index, page, save, verbose):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))


  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)

  parsed = blib.parse(page)

  headword_template = None
  see_template = None
  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-noun+", "ru-proper noun+"]:
      if headword_template:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Multiple headword templates, skipping")
      headword_template = t
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-decl-noun-see"]:
      if see_template:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Multiple ru-decl-noun-see templates, skipping")
      see_template = t
  if not headword_template:
    pagemsg("WARNING: No ru-noun+ or ru-proper noun+ templates, skipping")
  if not see_template:
    pagemsg("WARNING: No ru-decl-noun-see templates, skipping")

  del see_template.params[:]
  for param in headword_template.params:
    see_template.add(param.name, param.value)
  see_template.name = "ru-noun-table"

  if unicode(headword_template.name) == "ru-proper noun+":
    # Things are trickier for proper nouns because they default to n=sg, whereas
    # ru-noun-table defaults to n=both. We have to expand both templates and
    # fetch the value of n, and set it in ru-noun-table if not the same.

    # 1. Generate args for headword proper-noun template, using |ndef=sg
    #    because ru-proper noun+ defaults to sg and ru-generate-noun-args
    #    would otherwise default to both.
    headword_generate_template = re.sub(r"^\{\{ru-proper noun\+", "{{ru-generate-noun-args",
    headword_generate_template = re.sub(r"\}\}$", "|ndef=sg}}", headword_generate_template)
    headword_generate_result = expand_text(headword_generate_template)
    if not headword_generate_result:
      pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating ru-proper noun+ args")
      return None
    # 2. Fetch actual value of n.
    headword_args = ru.split_generate_args(headword_generate_result)
    headword_n = headword_args["n"]
    # 3. If sg, we always need to set n=sg explicitly in ru-noun-table.
    if headword_n == "s":
      see_template.add("n", "sg")
    # 4. If pl, leave alone, since both will default to plural only if the
    #    lemma is pl, else n=pl needs to be set for both.
    elif headword_n == "p":
    # 5. If both, n=both had to have been set explicitly in the headword,
    #    but it's the default in ru-noun-table unless the lemma is plural.
    #    So remove n=both, generate the arguments, and see if the actual
    #    value of args.n is b (for "both"); if not, set n=both.
      assert headword_n == "b"
      rmparam(see_template, "n")
      see_generate_template = re.sub(r"^\{\{ru-noun-table", "{{ru-generate-noun-args",
      see_generate_result = expand_text(see_generate_template)
      if not see_generate_result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating ru-noun-table args")
        return None
      see_args = ru.split_generate_args(see_generate_result)
      if see_args["n"] != "b":
        see_template.add("n", "both")

  comment = "Replace ru-decl-noun-see with ru-noun-table, taken from headword template (%s)" % unicode(headword_template.name)
  if save:
    pagemsg("Saving with comment = %s" % comment)
    page.text = unicode(parsed)
    pagemsg("Would save with comment = %s" % comment)
コード例 #4
def process_page_section(index, page, section, verbose):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  subpagetitle = re.sub("^.*:", "", pagetitle)
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))

  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)

  if not page.exists():
    pagemsg("WARNING: Page doesn't exist, skipping")
    return None

  parsed = blib.parse_text(section)

  noun_table_templates = []
  noun_old_templates = []

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) == "ru-decl-noun-see":
      pagemsg("Found ru-decl-noun-see, skipping")
      return None

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) == "ru-noun-table":
    if unicode(t.name) == "ru-noun-old":

  if len(noun_table_templates) > 1:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Found multiple ru-noun-table templates, skipping")
    return None
  if len(noun_old_templates) > 1:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Found multiple ru-noun-old templates, skipping")
    return None
  if len(noun_table_templates) < 1:
    if noun_old_templates:
      pagemsg("WARNING: No ru-noun-table templates but found ru-noun-old template(s): %s" %
          ", ".join(unicode(x) for x in noun_old_templates))
    return unicode(parsed), 0, 0, 0, 0

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-noun", "ru-proper noun"]:
      pagemsg("Found ru-noun or ru-proper noun, skipping")
      return None

  headword_templates = []

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-noun+", "ru-proper noun+"]:

  if len(headword_templates) > 1:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Found multiple headword templates, skipping")
    return None
  if len(headword_templates) < 1:
    return unicode(parsed), 0, 0, 0, 0

  noun_table_template = noun_table_templates[0]
  noun_old_template = noun_old_templates[0] if len(noun_old_templates) == 1 else None
  headword_template = headword_templates[0]
  decl_templates = [x for x in [noun_table_template, noun_old_template] if x]

  if verbose:
    pagemsg("Found headword template: %s" % unicode(headword_template))
    pagemsg("Found decl template: %s" % unicode(noun_table_template))
    if noun_old_template:
      pagemsg("Found old decl template: %s" % unicode(noun_old_template))

  orig_headword_template = unicode(headword_template)
  orig_noun_table_template = unicode(noun_table_template)

  genders = blib.fetch_param_chain(headword_template, "g", "g")
  masculines = blib.fetch_param_chain(headword_template, "m", "m")
  feminines = blib.fetch_param_chain(headword_template, "f", "f")
  notrcat = getparam(headword_template, "notrcat")
  filtered_headword_params = []
  for param in headword_template.params:
    name = unicode(param.name)
    if re.search("^[gmf][0-9]*$", name) or name == "notrcat":
      filtered_headword_params.append((param.name, param.value))
  filtered_headword_template = blib.parse_text("{{ru-noun+}}").filter_templates()[0]
  for name, value in filtered_headword_params:
    filtered_headword_template.add(name, value)

  ru_noun_table_cleaned = 0
  ru_noun_table_link_copied = 0
  ru_noun_changed = 0
  ru_proper_noun_changed = 0

  new_decl_params = []
  for param in noun_table_template.params:
    name = unicode(param.name)
    if re.search("^[gmf][0-9]*$", name):
      pagemsg("WARNING: Found g=, m= or f= in noun-table, removing: %s" %
      new_decl_params.append((param.name, param.value))
  del noun_table_template.params[:]
  for name, value in new_decl_params:
    noun_table_template.add(name, value)
  if orig_noun_table_template != unicode(noun_table_template):
    ru_noun_table_cleaned = 1

  modified_noun_table_template = blib.parse_text("{{ru-noun-table}}").filter_templates()[0]
  for param in noun_table_template.params:
    modified_noun_table_template.add(param.name, param.value)

  # If proper noun and n is both then we need to add n=both because
  # proper noun+ defaults to n=sg
  if unicode(headword_template.name) == "ru-proper noun+":
    generate_template = re.sub(r"^\{\{ru-noun-table", "{{ru-generate-noun-args",
    generate_result = expand_text(generate_template)
    if not generate_result:
      pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating noun args, skipping")
      return None
    args = ru.split_generate_args(generate_result)

    # If proper noun and n is both then we need to add n=both because
    # proper noun+ defaults to n=sg
    if args["n"] == "b" and not getparam(modified_noun_table_template, "n"):
      pagemsg("Adding n=both to headword template")
      modified_noun_table_template.add("n", "both")
    # Correspondingly, if n is sg then we can usually remove n=sg;
    # but we need to check that the number is actually sg with n=sg
    # removed because of the possibility of plurale tantum lemmas
    if args["n"] == "s":
      generate_template_with_ndef = generate_template.replace("}}", "|ndef=sg}}")
      generate_template_with_ndef = re.sub(r"\|n=s[^=|{}]*", "",
      generate_result = expand_text(generate_template_with_ndef)
      if not generate_result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating noun args, skipping")
        return None
      ndef_args = ru.split_generate_args(generate_result)
      if ndef_args["n"] == "s":
        existing_n = getparam(headword_template, "n")
        if existing_n and not re.search(r"^s", existing_n):
          pagemsg("WARNING: Something wrong: Found n=%s, not singular" %
        pagemsg("Removing n=sg from headword template")
        rmparam(modified_noun_table_template, "n")
        pagemsg("WARNING: Unable to remove n= from headword template because n=%s" %

  new_headword_template = re.sub(r"^\{\{ru-noun-table", "{{ru-noun+",
  existing_filtered_headword_template = unicode(filtered_headword_template)
  change_existing_headword = False
  if existing_filtered_headword_template != new_headword_template:
    if "[" in existing_filtered_headword_template and "[" not in new_headword_template:
      if blib.remove_links(existing_filtered_headword_template) == new_headword_template:
        pagemsg("Headword has links but decl doesn't and they're otherwise the same, copying headword to decl")
        del noun_table_template.params[:]
        for param in filtered_headword_template.params:
          noun_table_template.add(param.name, param.value)
        ru_noun_table_link_copied = 1
        ru_noun_table_cleaned = 0
        pagemsg("WARNING: Existing headword template %s would be overwritten with %s but links would be erased, not doing it, check manually"
            % (existing_filtered_headword_template, new_headword_template))
        return None
      pagemsg("WARNING: Existing headword template %s will be overwritten with %s"
          % (existing_filtered_headword_template, new_headword_template))
      change_existing_headword = True

  if change_existing_headword and (not lemmas or pagetitle in lemmas):
    del headword_template.params[:]
    for param in modified_noun_table_template.params:
      headword_template.add(param.name, param.value)
    blib.set_param_chain(headword_template, genders, "g", "g")
    blib.set_param_chain(headword_template, masculines, "m", "m")
    blib.set_param_chain(headword_template, feminines, "f", "f")
    if notrcat:
      headword_template.add("notrcat", notrcat)
  #genders = runoun.check_old_noun_headword_forms(headword_template, args,
  #    subpagetitle, pagemsg)
  #if genders == None:
  #  return None

  #new_params = []
  #for param in noun_table_template.params:
  #  new_params.append((param.name, param.value))

  #params_to_preserve = runoun.fix_old_headword_params(headword_template,
  #    new_params, genders, pagemsg)
  #if params_to_preserve == None:
  #  return None

  new_noun_table_template = unicode(noun_table_template)
  if new_noun_table_template != orig_noun_table_template:
    pagemsg("Replacing noun table %s with %s" % (orig_noun_table_template,

  new_headword_template = unicode(headword_template)
  if new_headword_template != orig_headword_template:
    pagemsg("Replacing headword %s with %s" % (orig_headword_template,
    if unicode(headword_template.name) == "ru-noun+":
      ru_noun_changed = 1
      ru_proper_noun_changed = 1

  return unicode(parsed), ru_noun_table_cleaned, ru_noun_table_link_copied, ru_noun_changed, ru_proper_noun_changed
コード例 #5
ファイル: fix_ru_noun.py プロジェクト: benwing2/RuNounChanges
def process_page_section(index, page, section, verbose):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  subpagetitle = re.sub("^.*:", "", pagetitle)
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))

  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)

  if not page.exists():
    pagemsg("WARNING: Page doesn't exist, skipping")
    return None

  parsed = blib.parse_text(section)

  noun_table_templates = []
  noun_old_templates = []

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) == "ru-decl-noun-see":
      pagemsg("Found ru-decl-noun-see, skipping")
      return None

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) == "ru-noun-table":
    if unicode(t.name) == "ru-noun-old":

  if len(noun_table_templates) > 1:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Found multiple ru-noun-table templates, skipping")
    return None
  if len(noun_old_templates) > 1:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Found multiple ru-noun-old templates, skipping")
    return None
  if len(noun_table_templates) < 1:
    if noun_old_templates:
      pagemsg("WARNING: No ru-noun-table templates but found ru-noun-old template(s): %s" %
          ", ".join(unicode(x) for x in noun_old_templates))
    return unicode(parsed), 0, 0, 0, []

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-noun+", "ru-proper noun+"]:
      pagemsg("Found ru-noun+ or ru-proper noun+, skipping")
      return None

  headword_templates = []

  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-noun", "ru-proper noun"]:

  if len(headword_templates) > 1:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Found multiple headword templates, skipping")
    return None
  if len(headword_templates) < 1:
    return unicode(parsed), 0, 0, 0, []

  noun_table_template = noun_table_templates[0]
  noun_old_template = noun_old_templates[0] if len(noun_old_templates) == 1 else None
  headword_template = headword_templates[0]
  frobbed_manual_translit = []
  decl_templates = [x for x in [noun_table_template, noun_old_template] if x]

  if verbose:
    pagemsg("Found headword template: %s" % unicode(headword_template))
    pagemsg("Found decl template: %s" % unicode(noun_table_template))
    if noun_old_template:
      pagemsg("Found old decl template: %s" % unicode(noun_old_template))

  # Retrieve headword translit and maybe transfer to decl
  headword_tr = getparam(headword_template, "tr")
  if headword_tr:
    if verbose:
      pagemsg("Found headword manual translit tr=%s" % headword_tr)
    if "," in headword_tr:
      pagemsg("WARNING: Comma in headword manual translit, skipping: %s" %
      return None
    # Punt if multi-arg-set, can't handle yet
    for decl_template in decl_templates:
      for param in decl_template.params:
        if not param.showkey:
          val = unicode(param.value)
          if val == "or":
            pagemsg("WARNING: Manual translit and multi-decl templates, can't handle, skipping: %s" % unicode(decl_template))
            return None
          if val == "-" or val == "_" or val.startswith("join:"):
            pagemsg("WARNING: Manual translit and multi-word templates, can't handle, skipping: %s" % unicode(decl_template))
            return None
      for i in xrange(2, 10):
        if getparam(headword_template, "tr%s" % i):
          pagemsg("WARNING: Headword template has translit param tr%s, can't handle, skipping: %s" % (
            i, unicode(headword_template)))
          return None
      if runoun.arg1_is_stress(getparam(decl_template, "1")):
        lemma_arg = "2"
        lemma_arg = "1"
      lemmaval = getparam(decl_template, lemma_arg)
      if not lemmaval:
        lemmaval = subpagetitle
      if "//" in lemmaval:
        m = re.search("^(.*?)//(.*)$", lemmaval)
        if m.group(2) != headword_tr:
          pagemsg("WARNING: Found existing manual translit in decl template %s, but doesn't match headword translit %s; skipping" % (
            lemmaval, headword_tr))
          return None
          pagemsg("Already found manual translit in decl template %s" %
        lemmaval += "//" + headword_tr
        orig_decl_template = unicode(decl_template)
        decl_template.add(lemma_arg, lemmaval)
        pagemsg("Replacing decl %s with %s" % (orig_decl_template,
        frobbed_manual_translit = [headword_tr]

  genders = blib.fetch_param_chain(headword_template, "2", "g")

  bian_replaced = 0

  # Change a=bi in decl to a=ia or a=ai, depending on order of anim/inan in
  # headword template
  for decl_template in decl_templates:
    if getparam(decl_template, "a") in ["b", "bi", "bian", "both"]:
      saw_in = -1
      saw_an = -1
      for i,g in enumerate(genders):
        if re.search(r"\bin\b", g) and saw_in < 0:
          saw_in = i
        if re.search(r"\ban\b", g) and saw_an < 0:
          saw_an = i
      if saw_in >= 0 and saw_an >= 0:
        orig_decl_template = unicode(decl_template)
        if saw_in < saw_an:
          pagemsg("Replacing a=bi with a=ia in decl template")
          decl_template.add("a", "ia")
          bian_replaced = 1
          pagemsg("Replacing a=bi with a=ai in decl template")
          decl_template.add("a", "ai")
          bian_replaced = 1
        pagemsg("Replacing decl %s with %s" % (orig_decl_template,

  generate_template = re.sub(r"^\{\{ru-noun-table", "{{ru-generate-noun-args",
  generate_result = expand_text(generate_template)
  if not generate_result:
    pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating noun args, skipping")
    return None
  args = ru.split_generate_args(generate_result)

  genders = runoun.check_old_noun_headword_forms(headword_template, args,
      subpagetitle, pagemsg)
  if genders == None:
    return None

  new_params = []
  for param in noun_table_template.params:
    new_params.append((param.name, param.value))

  orig_headword_template = unicode(headword_template)
  params_to_preserve = runoun.fix_old_headword_params(headword_template,
      new_params, genders, pagemsg)
  if params_to_preserve == None:
    return None

  if unicode(headword_template.name) == "ru-proper noun":
    # If proper noun and n is both then we need to add n=both because
    # proper noun+ defaults to n=sg
    if args["n"] == "b" and not getparam(headword_template, "n"):
      pagemsg("Adding n=both to headword tempate")
      headword_template.add("n", "both")
    # Correspondingly, if n is sg then we can usually remove n=sg;
    # but we need to check that the number is actually sg with n=sg
    # removed because of the possibility of plurale tantum lemmas
    if args["n"] == "s":
      generate_template_with_ndef = generate_template.replace("}}", "|ndef=sg}}")
      generate_template_with_ndef = re.sub(r"\|n=s[^=|{}]*", "",
      generate_result = expand_text(generate_template_with_ndef)
      if not generate_result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating noun args, skipping")
        return None
      ndef_args = ru.split_generate_args(generate_result)
      if ndef_args["n"] == "s":
        existing_n = getparam(headword_template, "n")
        if existing_n and not re.search(r"^s", existing_n):
          pagemsg("WARNING: Something wrong: Found n=%s, not singular" %
          pagemsg("Removing n=sg from headword tempate")
          rmparam(headword_template, "n")
        pagemsg("WARNING: Unable to remove n= from headword template because n=%s" %

  ru_noun_changed = 0
  ru_proper_noun_changed = 0
  if unicode(headword_template.name) == "ru-noun":
    headword_template.name = "ru-noun+"
    ru_noun_changed = 1
    headword_template.name = "ru-proper noun+"
    ru_proper_noun_changed = 1

  pagemsg("Replacing headword %s with %s" % (orig_headword_template, unicode(headword_template)))

  return unicode(parsed), ru_noun_changed, ru_proper_noun_changed, bian_replaced, frobbed_manual_translit
コード例 #6
        "{{ru-noun+", proposed_template_text)
  proposed_decl = blib.parse_text("{{ru-noun-table}}").filter_templates()[0]
  for param in generate_template.params:
    proposed_decl.add(param.name, param.value)

  def pagemsg_with_proposed(text):
    pagemsg("Proposed new template (WARNING, omits explicit gender and params to preserve from old template): %s" % proposed_template_text)

  if headword_is_proper:
    generate_template.add("ndef", "sg")
  generate_result = expand_text(unicode(generate_template))
  if not generate_result:
    pagemsg_with_proposed("WARNING: Error generating noun args, skipping")
  genargs = ru.split_generate_args(generate_result)
  if headword_is_proper and genargs["n"] == "s" and not getparam(proposed_decl, "n"):
    proposed_decl.add("n", "sg")

  # This will check number mismatch (and animacy mismatch, but that shouldn't
  # occur as we've taken the animacy directly from the headword)
  new_genders = runoun.check_old_noun_headword_forms(headword_template, genargs,
      subpagetitle, pagemsg_with_proposed, laxer_comparison=True)
  if new_genders == None:
    return None

  orig_headword_template = unicode(headword_template)
  params_to_preserve = runoun.fix_old_headword_params(headword_template,
      params, new_genders, pagemsg_with_proposed)
  if params_to_preserve == None:
    return None
コード例 #7
def process_page(index, page, save, verbose, fix_pages):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))

  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)


  text = unicode(page.text)
  parsed = blib.parse(page)
  notes = []
  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    tname = unicode(t.name)
    if tname in ["ru-conj", "ru-conj-old"]:
      if [x for x in t.params if unicode(x.value) == "or"]:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Skipping multi-arg conjugation: %s" % unicode(t))
      conjtype = getparam(t, "2")
      if tname == "ru-conj":
        tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms", unicode(t))
        tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj-old", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms|old=y", unicode(t))
      result = expand_text(tempcall)
      if not result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating forms, skipping")
      args = rulib.split_generate_args(result)
      for base in ["past_pasv_part", "ppp"]:
        forms_to_remove = []
        if args[base] == "-":
        for form in re.split(",", args[base]):
          origform = form
          form = re.sub("//.*", "", form)
          fix_form = False
          if not re.search(ur"([аяеё]́?нный|тый)$", form):
            pagemsg("WARNING: Past passive participle doesn't end correctly: %s" % form)
            fix_form = True
          unstressed_page = rulib.make_unstressed(pagetitle)
          unstressed_form = rulib.make_unstressed(form)
          warned = False
          if unstressed_form[0] != unstressed_page[0]:
            pagemsg("WARNING: Past passive participle doesn't begin with same letter, probably for wrong aspect: %s"
                % form)
            warned = True
            fix_form = True
          if form.endswith(u"нный"):
            if pagetitle.endswith(u"ать"):
              good_ending = u"анный"
            elif pagetitle.endswith(u"ять"):
              good_ending = u"янный"
              good_ending = u"енный"
            if not unstressed_form.endswith(good_ending):
              pagemsg("WARNING: Past passive participle doesn't end right, probably for wrong aspect: %s"
                  % form)
              warned = True
              fix_form = True
          if not warned:
            correct_form = form_ppp(conjtype, pagetitle, args)
            if correct_form and unstressed_form != correct_form:
              pagemsg("WARNING: Past passive participle not formed according to rule, probably wrong: found %s, expected %s"
                  % (unstressed_form, correct_form))
              fix_form = True
          if fix_form:
        if forms_to_remove and pagetitle in fix_pages:
          curvals = []
          for i in ["", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]:
            val = getparam(t, base + i)
            if val:
          newvals = [x for x in curvals if x not in forms_to_remove]
          if len(curvals) - len(newvals) != len(forms_to_remove):
            pagemsg("WARNING: Something wrong, couldn't remove all PPP forms %s"
                % ",".join(forms_to_remove))
          curindex = 1
          origt = unicode(t)
          for newval in newvals:
            t.add(base + ("" if curindex == 1 else str(curindex)), newval)
            curindex += 1
          for i in xrange(curindex, 10):
            rmparam(t, base + ("" if i == 1 else str(i)))
          pagemsg("Replacing %s with %s" % (origt, unicode(t)))
          notes.append("removed bad past pasv part(s) %s"
              % ",".join(forms_to_remove))
コード例 #8
ファイル: fix_3a.py プロジェクト: benwing2/RuNounChanges
def process_page(index, page, direc, delete_bad, fix_verbs, save, verbose):
  pagetitle = unicode(page.title())
  def pagemsg(txt):
    msg("Page %s %s: %s" % (index, pagetitle, txt))

  pagemsg("WARNING: Script no longer applies and would need fixing up")

  def expand_text(tempcall):
    return blib.expand_text(tempcall, pagetitle, pagemsg, verbose)


  text = unicode(page.text)
  parsed = blib.parse(page)
  notes = []
  direc = direc.replace("3oa", u"3°a")
  for t in parsed.filter_templates():
    origt = unicode(t)
    if unicode(t.name) in ["ru-conj"]:
      conjtype = getparam(t, "1")
      if not conjtype.startswith("3olda"):
      if conjtype.startswith("3olda") and conjtype != "3olda":
        pagemsg("WARNING: Found 3a-old with variant, can't process: %s" % unicode(t))
      tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms", unicode(t))
      result = expand_text(tempcall)
      if not result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating forms, skipping")
      oldargs = rulib.split_generate_args(result)
      rmparam(t, "6")
      rmparam(t, "5")
      rmparam(t, "4")
      t.add("1", direc)
      tempcall = re.sub(r"\{\{ru-conj", "{{ru-generate-verb-forms", unicode(t))
      result = expand_text(tempcall)
      if not result:
        pagemsg("WARNING: Error generating forms, skipping")
      if delete_bad:
        newargs = rulib.split_generate_args(result)
        for form in ["past_m", "past_f", "past_n", "past_pl", "past_m_short",
            "past_f_short", "past_n_short", "past_pl_short"]:
          oldforms = re.split(",", oldargs[form]) if form in oldargs else []
          newforms = re.split(",", newargs[form]) if form in newargs else []
          for oldform in oldforms:
            if oldform not in newforms:
              formpagename = rulib.remove_accents(oldform)
              formpage = pywikibot.Page(site, formpagename)
              if not formpage.exists():
                pagemsg("WARNING: Form page %s doesn't exist, skipping" % formpagename)
              elif formpagename == pagetitle:
                pagemsg("WARNING: Attempt to delete dictionary form, skipping")
                text = unicode(formpage.text)
                if "Etymology 1" in text:
                  pagemsg("WARNING: Found 'Etymology 1', skipping form %s" % formpagename)
                elif "----" in text:
                  pagemsg("WARNING: Multiple languages apparently in form, skippin form %s" % formpagename)
                  numinfls = len(re.findall(r"\{\{inflection of\|", text))
                  if numinfls < 1:
                    pagemsg("WARNING: Something wrong, no 'inflection of' templates on page for form %s" % formpagename)
                  elif numinfls > 1:
                    pagemsg("WARNING: Multiple 'inflection of' templates on page for form %s, skipping" % formpagename)
                    comment = "Delete erroneously created long form of %s" % pagetitle
                    pagemsg("Existing text for form %s: [[%s]]" % (
                      formpagename, text))
                    if save:
                      pagemsg("Would delete page %s with comment=%s" %
                          (formpagename, comment))

      notes.append("fix 3olda -> %s" % direc)
    newt = unicode(t)
    if origt != newt:
      pagemsg("Replaced %s with %s" % (origt, newt))

  new_text = unicode(parsed)

  if new_text != text and fix_verbs:
    if verbose:
      pagemsg("Replacing <%s> with <%s>" % (text, new_text))
    assert notes
    comment = "; ".join(notes)
    if save:
      pagemsg("Saving with comment = %s" % comment)
      page.text = new_text
      pagemsg("Would save with comment = %s" % comment)