コード例 #1
def upload_hash_content_to_blobstore(
    generate_upload_url, data, hash_key, content):
  """Uploads the given hash contents directly to the blobstore via a generated

    generate_upload_url: The url to get the new upload url from.
    data: extra POST data.
    hash_key: sha1 of the uncompressed version of content.
    content: The contents to upload. Must fit in memory for now.
  logging.debug('Generating url to directly upload file to blobstore')
  assert isinstance(hash_key, str), hash_key
  assert isinstance(content, str), (hash_key, content)
  # TODO(maruel): Support large files. This would require streaming support.
  content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(
      data, [('content', hash_key, content)])
  for attempt in xrange(run_isolated.URL_OPEN_MAX_ATTEMPTS):
    # Retry HTTP 50x here.
    upload_url = run_isolated.url_read(generate_upload_url, data=data)
    if not upload_url:
      raise run_isolated.MappingError(
          'Unable to connect to server %s' % generate_upload_url)

    # Do not retry this request on HTTP 50x. Regenerate an upload url each time
    # since uploading "consumes" the upload url.
    result = run_isolated.url_read(
        upload_url, data=body, content_type=content_type, retry_50x=False)
    if result is not None:
      return result
    if attempt != run_isolated.URL_OPEN_MAX_ATTEMPTS - 1:
      run_isolated.HttpService.sleep_before_retry(attempt, None)
  raise run_isolated.MappingError(
      'Unable to connect to server %s' % generate_upload_url)
コード例 #2
def url_read(url, **kwargs):
  result = run_isolated.url_read(url, **kwargs)
  if result is None:
    # If we get no response from the server, assume it is down and raise an
    # exception.
    raise run_isolated.MappingError('Unable to connect to server %s' % url)
  return result
コード例 #3
  def test_url_read(self):
    # Successfully reads the data.
    self.mock(run_isolated, 'url_open',
              lambda url, **_kwargs: fake_http_response('111', url))
    self.assertEqual(run_isolated.url_read('https://fake_url.com/test'), '111')

    # Respects url_open connection errors.
    self.mock(run_isolated, 'url_open', lambda _url, **_kwargs: None)

    # Respects read timeout errors.
    def timeouting_http_response(url):
      def read_mock(_size=None):
        raise run_isolated.TimeoutError()
      stream = StringIO.StringIO('')
      stream.headers = {'content-length': 0}
      response = run_isolated.HttpResponse(stream, url)
      response.read = read_mock
      return response

    self.mock(run_isolated, 'url_open',
              lambda url, **_kwargs: timeouting_http_response(url))