コード例 #1
def test_files(temp_folder):
    # Exercise download code path
    sample = Path("README.txt")
    r = EXAMPLE.download("README", sample, fatal=False)
    assert r.status_code == 404
    assert r.url == "https://example.com/README"

    with EXAMPLE.mock({"README": "hello"}) as mm:
        assert str(mm) == "tests.test_http.test_files started, 1 specs"
        assert str(
            mm.stack) == "RequestsHandler mock active, 1 specs [depth: 5]"
        EXAMPLE.download("README", sample)
        assert list(runez.readlines(sample)) == ["hello"]

        # Use local README.txt, which should get opened/closed appropriately
        # Exercise data=Path(...) code path, headers are temporarily used
        r = EXAMPLE.post("README", headers={"foo": "bar"}, data=sample)
        assert isinstance(r, RestResponse)
        assert r.ok

        # Exercise filepaths= code path
        r = EXAMPLE.post("README", filepaths={"sample": sample})
        assert isinstance(r, RestResponse)
        assert r.ok
コード例 #2
def _find_top_level(base, dist):
    name = dist.key.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
    top_level = os.path.join(base, "%s-%s.dist-info" % (name, dist.version),
    for line in runez.readlines(top_level):
        if not line.startswith("_") and line:
            return line
コード例 #3
def test_pathlib(temp_folder):
    subfolder = Path("subfolder")
    assert runez.to_path(subfolder) is subfolder
    assert not subfolder.is_dir()
    assert subfolder.is_dir()

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        runez.to_path("foo bar", no_spaces=Exception)

    with runez.CurrentFolder(subfolder, anchor=True):
        path = Path("foo")
        assert runez.short(path) == "foo"
        assert runez.short(path.absolute()) == "foo"

        assert runez.resolved_path(path)
        assert runez.parent_folder(path) == os.path.join(temp_folder, "subfolder")
        assert runez.touch(path) == 1
        assert runez.copy(path, Path("bar")) == 1
        assert runez.copy(Path("bar"), Path("baz")) == 1

        foo_json = Path("foo.json")
        runez.write(path, '{"a": "b"}')
        runez.symlink(path, foo_json)
        assert runez.read_json(foo_json) == {"a": "b"}
        assert list(runez.readlines(foo_json)) == ['{"a": "b"}']

        assert runez.basename(foo_json.absolute()) == "foo"
コード例 #4
def test_download(temp_folder, logged):
    assert str(EXAMPLE) == "https://example.com"
    client = EXAMPLE.sub_client("test/")
    assert str(client) == "https://example.com/test/"
    r = client.put("README.txt", data=Path("foo"), fatal=False, dryrun=True)
    assert r.ok
    assert r.json() == {
        "message": "dryrun PUT https://example.com/test/README.txt"
    assert "Would PUT" in logged.pop()

    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        # fatal=False addresses http(s) communications only, not existence of files that are referred to by caller
        client.put("README.txt", data=Path("foo"), fatal=False, dryrun=False)
    assert not logged

    assert client.download("test.zip", "test.zip", dryrun=True).ok
    assert "Would download" in logged.pop()

    assert client.download("foo/test.zip", "test.zip",
                           fatal=False).status_code == 404
    assert "404" in logged.pop()

    assert client.download("README.txt", "README.txt", fatal=False).ok
    assert "GET https://example.com/test/README.txt [200]" in logged.pop()
    assert list(runez.readlines("README.txt")) == ["Hello"]

    # With checksum validation
    assert client.download("README.txt#sha256=a123", "README.txt",
                           fatal=False) is None
    assert "Deleted README.txt" in logged
    assert "sha256 differs for README.txt: expecting a123, got " in logged.pop(

    r = client.download(
    assert r.ok

    assert client.download("README.txt#md5=8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7",
    assert client.download(
    c = "3615f80c9d293ed7402687f94b22d58e529b8cc7916f8fac7fddf7fbd5af4cf777d3d795a7a00a16bf7e7f3fb9561ee9baae480da9fe7a18769e71886b03f315"
    assert client.download(f"README.txt#sha512={c}", "README.txt",

    # Not considered checksum, url fragment left as-is
    assert client.download("README.txt#sha2=bar", "README.txt",
                           fatal=False).status_code == 404

    client.decompress("foo/test.tar.gz#sha256=123", "my-folder", dryrun=True)
    assert "Would untar test.tar.gz -> my-folder" in logged.pop()
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_delivery.py プロジェクト: reallistic/pickley
def test_relocate_venv(temp_base):
    with patch("pickley.delivery.relocate_venv", return_value=-1):
        assert _relocator("source", "destination") == " (relocation failed)"

    with runez.CaptureOutput() as logged:
        original = "line 1: source\nline 2\n"
        runez.write("foo/bar/bin/baz", original, logger=logging.debug)
        runez.write("foo/bar/bin/empty", "", logger=logging.debug)
        runez.write("foo/bar/bin/python", "", logger=logging.debug)
        assert "Created" in logged.pop()

        # Simulate already seen
        expected = ["line 1: source", "line 2"]
        assert relocate_venv("foo",
                             _seen={"foo"}) == 0
        assert list(runez.readlines("foo/bar/bin/baz")) == expected
        assert not logged

        # Simulate failure to write
        with patch("runez.write", return_value=-1):
            assert relocate_venv("foo", "source", "dest", fatal=False) == -1
        assert list(runez.readlines("foo/bar/bin/baz")) == expected
        assert not logged

        # Simulate effective relocation, by folder
        expected = ["line 1: dest", "line 2"]
        assert relocate_venv("foo", "source", "dest", fatal=False) == 1
        assert list(runez.readlines("foo/bar/bin/baz")) == expected
        assert not logged

        # Second relocation is a no-op
        assert relocate_venv("foo", "source", "dest", fatal=False) == 0

        # Test relocating a single file
        runez.write("foo/bar/bin/baz", original, logger=logging.debug)
        assert relocate_venv("foo/bar/bin/baz", "source", "dest",
                             fatal=False) == 1
        assert list(runez.readlines("foo/bar/bin/baz")) == expected
コード例 #6
ファイル: lock.py プロジェクト: reallistic/pickley
    def _locked(self):
        :return bool: True if lock is held by another process
        if not runez.file.is_younger(self.lock, self.invalid):
            # Lock file does not exist or invalidation age reached
            return False

        # Consider locked if pid stated in lock file is still valid
        for line in runez.readlines(self.lock, errors="ignore", fatal=False):
            return runez.check_pid(runez.to_int(line))
コード例 #7
def check_is_wrapper(path, is_wrapper):
    if is_wrapper:
        assert not os.path.islink(path)
        contents = runez.readlines(path)
        assert WRAPPER_MARK in contents

        assert os.path.islink(path)

    r = runez.run(path, "--version")
    assert r.succeeded
コード例 #8
    def is_venv_exe(self, path):
            path (str): Path to file to examine

            (bool): True if 'path' points to a python executable part of this venv
        if runez.is_executable(path):
            for line in runez.readlines(path, first=1):
                if line.startswith("#!"):
                    if path.startswith(self.folder):
                        return True
コード例 #9
ファイル: delivery.py プロジェクト: reallistic/pickley
def relocate_venv(path, source, destination, fatal=True, _seen=None):
    :param str path: Path of file or folder to relocate (change mentions of 'source' to 'destination')
    :param str source: Where venv used to be
    :param str destination: Where venv is moved to
    :param bool fatal: Abort execution on failure if True
    :return int: Number of relocated files (0 if no-op, -1 on failure)
    original_call = False
    if _seen is None:
        original_call = True
        _seen = set()

    if not path or path in _seen:
        return 0

    if os.path.isdir(path):
        relocated = 0
        if original_call:
            for bin_folder in find_venvs(path):
                for name in os.listdir(bin_folder):
                    fpath = os.path.join(bin_folder, name)
                    r = relocate_venv(fpath,
                    if r < 0:
                        return r
                    relocated += r
        return relocated

    modified = False
    lines = []
        for line in runez.readlines(path):
            if source in line:
                line = line.replace(source, destination)
                modified = True


    except Exception:
        return 0  # If binary file, skip

    if not modified:
        return 0

    return runez.write(path, "\n".join(lines), fatal=fatal)
コード例 #10
    def show_lines(cls, content, header=None):
        if hasattr(content, "path"):
            header = header or str(content)
            content = runez.readlines(content.path)

        elif hasattr(content, "splitlines"):
            content = content.splitlines()

        result = []
        for n, line in enumerate(content, start=1):
            line = line.rstrip("\n")
            result.append("%s%s" % (runez.dim("%3s: " % n) if cls.line_numbers else "", line))

        if header:
            print("========  %s  ========" % header)

コード例 #11
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: codrsquad/pickley
    def _locked_by(self):
            (str): CLI args of process holding the lock, if any
        if self.invalid and self.invalid > 0 and not runez.file.is_younger(
                self.lock_path, self.invalid):
            return None  # Lock file does not exist or invalidation age reached

        pid = None
        for line in runez.readlines(self.lock_path):
            if pid is not None:
                return line  # 2nd line hold CLI args process was invoked with

            pid = runez.to_int(line)
            if not runez.check_pid(pid):
                return None  # PID is no longer active
コード例 #12
    def is_clear_for_installation(self):
            (bool): True if we can proceed with installation without needing to uninstall anything
        if self.is_already_installed_by_pickley:
            return True

        target = self.exe_path(self.dashed)
        if not target or not os.path.exists(target):
            return True

        path = os.path.realpath(target)
        if path.startswith(self.cfg.meta.path):
            return True  # Pickley symlink

        if os.path.isfile(target):
            if os.path.getsize(target) == 0 or not runez.is_executable(target):
                return True  # Empty file or not executable

        for line in runez.readlines(target, first=5):
            if PICKLEY in line:
                return True  # Pickley wrapper
コード例 #13
def find_uninstaller(target):
    if not target or not os.path.exists(target):
        # Bogus path, or dangling symlink
        return runez.delete

    path = os.path.realpath(target)
    if path.startswith(os.path.realpath(system.SETTINGS.meta.path)):
        # Pickley symlink, can be simply deleted
        return runez.delete

    if os.path.isfile(target) and os.path.getsize(target) == 0:
        # Empty file
        return runez.delete

    for line in runez.readlines(target, first=10, fatal=False):
        if line.startswith(system.WRAPPER_MARK):
            # pickley's own wrapper also fine to simply delete
            return runez.delete

    brew, name = find_brew_name(target)
    if brew and name:
        return brew_uninstall

    return None
コード例 #14
def test_lock(temp_cfg, logged):
    pspec = PackageSpec(temp_cfg, "foo")
    lock_path = dot_meta("foo.lock")
    with SoftLock(pspec, give_up=600) as lock:
        assert str(lock) == "lock foo"
        assert os.path.exists(lock_path)
            # Try to grab same lock a seconds time, give up after 1 second
            with SoftLock(pspec, give_up=1, invalid=600):
                assert False, "Should not grab same lock twice!"

        except SoftLockException as e:
            assert "giving up" in str(e)

    assert not os.path.exists(lock_path)  # Check that lock was released

    # Check that lock detects bogus (or dead) PID
    runez.write(lock_path, "0\nbar\n")
    with SoftLock(pspec, give_up=600):
        lines = list(runez.readlines(lock_path))
        assert lines[0] == str(
            os.getpid())  # Lock file replaced with correct stuff

    assert not os.path.exists(lock_path)  # Lock released
コード例 #15
def test_bootstrap(cli, monkeypatch):
    with patch("pickley.bstrap.which", side_effect=mocked_which):
        with patch("pickley.bstrap.os.path.expanduser",
                "#!/bin/sh\necho 0.1")  # Pretend we have an old pickley

            with patch("pickley.bstrap.get_python_version",
                       return_value=(3, 6)):  # urllib fails
                monkeypatch.setenv("__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__", "oh apple, why?"
                                   )  # macos oddity env var, should be removed
                cli.run("-n", main=bstrap.main)
                assert cli.succeeded
                assert "__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__" not in os.environ
                assert "Replacing older pickley 0.1" in cli.logged
                assert "Would run: python virtualenv.pyz" in cli.logged
                assert "Would run: .local/bin/.pickley/pickley/pickley-" in cli.logged

            # Simulate multiple base candidates given
            cli.run("-n", "-b", "~/.local/bin:foo/bar", main=bstrap.main)
            assert cli.failed
            assert "not suitable: ~/.local/bin, foo/bar" in cli.logged

            # Simulate seeding
            assert cli.succeeded
            assert "Seeding .local/bin/.pickley/config.json with {'pyenv': '~/.pyenv'}" in cli.logged
            assert "Seeding .config/pip/pip.conf with my-mirror" in cli.logged
            assert "pickley version 0.1 is already installed" in cli.logged
            assert list(runez.readlines(".config/pip/pip.conf")) == [
                "[global]", "index-url = my-mirror"
            assert list(
                runez.readlines(".local/bin/.pickley/config.json")) == [
                    "{", '  "pyenv": "~/.pyenv"', "}"

            monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", "foo/bar:%s" % os.environ["PATH"])
            runez.ensure_folder("foo/bar", logger=None)
            cli.run("-n", "-b", "~/.local/bin:foo/bar", main=bstrap.main)
            assert cli.succeeded
            assert "base: foo/bar" in cli.logged

            with patch("pickley.bstrap.which", return_value=None):
                with patch("pickley.bstrap.is_executable", return_value=False):
                    # Simulate no python 3
                    cli.run("-n", main=bstrap.main)
                    assert cli.failed
                    assert "Could not find python3 on this machine" in cli.logged

            with patch("pickley.bstrap.get_python_version",
                       return_value=(3, 9)):  # urllib fails
                cli.run("-n", main=bstrap.main)
                assert cli.succeeded
                assert " -mvenv " in cli.logged
コード例 #16
def dir_contents(path=None):
    path = runez.to_path(path or ".")
    return {f.name: dir_contents(f) if f.is_dir() else list(runez.readlines(f)) for f in runez.ls_dir(path)}
コード例 #17
def test_file_inspection(temp_folder, logged):
    assert runez.touch("sample") == 1
    assert runez.delete("sample") == 1
    assert "Deleted sample" in logged.pop()

    assert runez.ensure_folder("sample") == 1
    assert runez.delete("sample") == 1
    assert "Deleted sample" in logged.pop()

    sample = runez.DEV.tests_path("sample.txt")
    assert len(list(runez.readlines(sample))) == 4
    assert len(list(runez.readlines(sample, first=1))) == 1
    assert not logged

    cc = "%s\n" % "\n".join(runez.readlines(sample))
    assert runez.write("sample", cc, fatal=False, logger=logging.debug) == 1
    cc2 = "%s\n" % "\n".join(runez.readlines("sample"))
    assert cc2 == cc
    assert "bytes to sample" in logged.pop()  # Wrote 13 bytes on linux... but 14 on windows...

    assert list(runez.readlines("sample", first=2)) == ["", "Fred"]
    assert runez.file.is_younger("sample", age=10)
    assert not runez.file.is_younger("sample", age=-1)

    # Verify that readlines() can ignore encoding errors
    with io.open("not-a-text-file", "wb") as fh:
        fh.write(b"\x89 hello\nworld")

    assert list(runez.readlines("not-a-text-file", first=1)) == [" hello"]
    assert not logged

    assert runez.copy("bar", "baz", fatal=False) == -1
    assert "does not exist" in logged.pop()
    assert runez.move("bar", "baz", fatal=False) == -1
    assert "does not exist" in logged.pop()
    assert runez.symlink("bar", "baz", fatal=False) == -1
    assert "does not exist" in logged.pop()

    # Creating dangling symlinks is possible
    assert runez.symlink("s/bar", "s/baz", fatal=False, must_exist=False) == 1
    assert "Symlink s/bar <- s/baz" in logged.pop()
    assert os.path.islink("s/baz")
    assert not os.path.exists("s/baz")
    assert os.path.exists("s/baz")

    assert runez.copy("sample", "x/y/sample") == 1
    assert runez.symlink("sample", "x/y/sample3", fatal=False) == 1

    assert os.path.exists("sample")
    assert runez.move("sample", "x/y/sample2") == 1
    assert not os.path.exists("sample")

    assert runez.copy("x/y", "x/z1") == 1
    assert os.path.exists("x/z1/sample")
    assert os.path.exists("x/z1/sample2")
    assert os.path.exists("x/z1/sample3")
    assert os.path.islink("x/z1/sample3")

    assert runez.copy("x/y", "x/z2", ignore={"sample2"}) == 1
    assert os.path.exists("x/z2/sample")
    assert not os.path.exists("x/z2/sample2")
    assert os.path.exists("x/z2/sample3")
    assert os.path.islink("x/z2/sample3")

    def should_ignore(src, dest):
        if src == "x/y" and "sample3" in dest:
            return {"sample3"}

    assert runez.copy("x/y", "x/z3", ignore=should_ignore) == 1
    assert os.path.exists("x/z3/sample")
    assert os.path.exists("x/z3/sample2")
    assert not os.path.exists("x/z3/sample3")

    assert runez.copy("x/y", "x/z2") == 1
    assert os.path.exists("x/z2/sample2")

    # Copy a folder over an existing file
    assert not os.path.exists("x2/z2/sample2")
    assert runez.copy("x", "x2") == 1
    assert os.path.exists("x2/z2/sample2")