コード例 #1
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: froydnj/sawbuck-firefox
def _OptimizeChrome(chrome_dir, temp_dir, output_dir, log_files,
                    input_dll=None, input_pdb=None):
  _LOGGER.info('Optimizing Chrome.')
  # Generate the ordering file for chrome.dll.

  cmd = [runner._GetExePath('reorder.exe'),
         '--input-dll=%s' % (input_dll if input_dll
                             else os.path.join(chrome_dir, 'chrome.dll')),
         '--instrumented-dll=%s' % os.path.join(temp_dir,
                                                r'instrumented', 'chrome.dll'),
         '--output-file=%s' % os.path.join(temp_dir, 'chrome.dll-order.json'),]
  ret = _Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError('Failed to generate an ordering for chrome.dll')

  if os.path.isdir(output_dir):
    _LOGGER.info('Removing pre-existing output dir "%s".', output_dir)

  _LOGGER.info('Copying "%s" to output dir "%s".', chrome_dir, output_dir)
  _CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, output_dir, input_dll, input_pdb)
  cmd = [runner._GetExePath('relink.exe'),
         '--input-dll=%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'chrome.dll'),
         '--input-pdb=%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'chrome_dll.pdb'),
         '--output-dll=%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'chrome.dll'),
         '--output-pdb=%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'chrome_dll.pdb'),
         '--order-file=%s' % os.path.join(temp_dir, 'chrome.dll-order.json'),]
  ret = _Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError('Failed to reorder chrome.dll')
コード例 #2
def InstrumentChrome(chrome_dir, output_dir):
  """Makes an instrumented copy of the Chrome files in chrome_dir in

    chrome_dir: the directory containing the input files.
    output_dir: the directory where the output will be generated.

    InstrumentationError if instrumentation fails.
  _LOGGER.info('Copying chrome files from "%s" to "%s".',
  chrome_utils.CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, output_dir)

  # Drop the call-trace client DLL into the temp dir.
  shutil.copy2(runner._GetExePath('call_trace_client.dll'), output_dir)

  for file in _EXECUTABLES:
    _LOGGER.info('Instrumenting "%s".', file)
    src_file = os.path.join(chrome_dir, file)
    dst_file = os.path.join(output_dir, file)
    cmd = [runner._GetExePath('instrument.exe'),
           '--input-dll=%s' % src_file,
           '--output-dll=%s' % dst_file,

    ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
    if ret != 0:
      raise InstrumentationError('Failed to instrument "%s".' % file)
コード例 #3
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: sigurasg/sawbuck
def _OptimizeChrome(chrome_dir, temp_dir, output_dir, log_files):
  _LOGGER.info('Optimizing Chrome.')
  # Generate the ordering file for chrome.dll.

  cmd = [runner._GetExePath('reorder.exe'),
         '--input-image=%s' % os.path.join(chrome_dir, 'chrome.dll'),
         '--instrumented-image=%s' % os.path.join(temp_dir,
         '--output-file=%s' % os.path.join(temp_dir, 'chrome.dll-order.json'),]
  ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError('Failed to generate an ordering for chrome.dll')

  if os.path.isfile(output_dir):
    raise OptimizationError('File present at output dir location: "%s"',

  _LOGGER.info('Copying "%s" to output dir "%s".', chrome_dir, output_dir)
  chrome_utils.CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, output_dir)
  cmd = [runner._GetExePath('relink.exe'),
         '--input-image=%s' % os.path.join(chrome_dir, 'chrome.dll'),
         '--input-pdb=%s' % os.path.join(chrome_dir, 'chrome_dll.pdb'),
         '--output-image=%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'chrome.dll'),
         '--output-pdb=%s' % os.path.join(output_dir, 'chrome_dll.pdb'),
         '--order-file=%s' % os.path.join(temp_dir, 'chrome.dll-order.json'),
  ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError('Failed to reorder chrome.dll')
コード例 #4
ファイル: instrument.py プロジェクト: yanxxd/syzygy
def InstrumentChrome(chrome_dir, output_dir, mode, args):
  """Makes an instrumented copy of the Chrome files in chrome_dir in

    chrome_dir: the directory containing the input files.
    output_dir: the directory where the output will be generated.
    mode: the instrumentation mode to use.
    args: additional arguments for instrument.exe

    InstrumentationError if instrumentation fails.
  if mode not in _MODE_INFO:
    raise InstrumentationError("Unrecognized mode: %s" % mode)

  _LOGGER.info('Copying chrome files from "%s" to "%s".',
  chrome_utils.CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, output_dir)

  # Drop the agent DLL, if any, into the output dir.
  agent_dll = _MODE_INFO[mode]
  if agent_dll:
    shutil.copy2(runner._GetExePath(agent_dll), output_dir)

  for path in EXECUTABLES:
        chrome_dir, output_dir, mode, args, agent_dll, path, False)

        chrome_dir, output_dir, mode, args, agent_dll, path, True)
コード例 #5
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: froydnj/sawbuck-firefox
def _InstrumentChrome(chrome_dir, temp_dir, input_dll=None, input_pdb=None):
  _LOGGER.info('Copying chrome files from "%s" to "%s".', chrome_dir, temp_dir)
  _CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, temp_dir, input_dll, input_pdb)

  # Drop call_trace.dll in the temp dir.
  shutil.copy2(runner._GetExePath('call_trace.dll'), temp_dir)

  for file in _EXECUTABLES:
    _LOGGER.info('Instrumenting "%s".', file)
    src_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, file)
    dst_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, file)
    cmd = [runner._GetExePath('instrument.exe'),
           '--input-dll=%s' % src_file,
           '--output-dll=%s' % dst_file]

    ret = _Subprocess(cmd)
    if ret != 0:
      raise OptimizationError('Failed to instrument "%s".' % file)
コード例 #6
ファイル: instrument.py プロジェクト: sigurasg/sawbuck
def InstrumentChrome(chrome_dir, output_dir, client_dll):
  """Makes an instrumented copy of the Chrome files in chrome_dir in

    chrome_dir: the directory containing the input files.
    output_dir: the directory where the output will be generated.
    client_dll: the DLL implementing the call trace profiler interface

    InstrumentationError if instrumentation fails.
  _LOGGER.info('Copying chrome files from "%s" to "%s".',
  chrome_utils.CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, output_dir)

  # Drop the call-trace client DLL into the temp dir.
  shutil.copy2(runner._GetExePath(client_dll), output_dir)

  for path in _EXECUTABLES:
    _LOGGER.info('Instrumenting "%s".', path)
    src_file = os.path.join(chrome_dir, path)
    dst_file = os.path.join(output_dir, path)
    cmd = [runner._GetExePath('instrument.exe'),
           '--input-image=%s' % src_file,
           '--output-image=%s' % dst_file,
           '--call-trace-client=%s' % client_dll,

    if client_dll == 'profile_client.dll':

    ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
    if ret != 0:
      raise InstrumentationError('Failed to instrument "%s".' % path)
コード例 #7
ファイル: instrument.py プロジェクト: yanxxd/syzygy
def InstrumentExecutable(
    chrome_dir, output_dir, mode, args, agent_dll, executable, optional):
  """Makes an instrumented copy of the Chrome files in |chrome_dir| in

    chrome_dir: the directory containing the input files.
    output_dir: the directory where the output will be generated.
    mode: the instrumentation mode to use.
    args: additional arguments for instrument.exe
    agent_dll: the basename of the agent DLL to use.
    executable: the basename of the executable to instrument.
    optional: if True then this will succeed even if the binary does not
        exist; otherwise, this will fail if the binary does not exist.

    InstrumentationError if instrumentation fails.
  src_file = os.path.join(chrome_dir, executable)
  if not os.path.isfile(src_file):
    if not optional:
      raise InstrumentationError('Missing mandatory "%s".' % executable)
    _LOGGER.info('Not instrumenting missing optional "%s".', executable)

  _LOGGER.info('Instrumenting %s "%s".',
               "optional" if optional else "mandatory",
  dst_file = os.path.join(output_dir, executable)

  # In generating the command-line we place the additional arguments first
  # so that we can subsequently override those arguments we explicitly set.
  cmd = [runner._GetExePath('instrument.exe')]
  cmd += args
  cmd += ['--input-image=%s' % src_file,
          '--output-image=%s' % dst_file,
          '--mode=%s' % mode,

  if agent_dll:
    cmd.append('--agent=%s' % agent_dll)

  if mode == 'profile':

  ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise InstrumentationError('Failed to instrument "%s".' % executable)
コード例 #8
def _ProcessBBEntries(log_files, output_dir):
  """Summarize the basic-block entry counts in @p log_files to a JSON file in
  @p output_dir.

  The file path to the generated JSON file is returned.
  output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'bbentries.json')
  cmd = [
      runner._GetExePath('grinder.exe'),  # pylint: disable=W0212
      '--output-file=%s' % output_file,
  ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError('Failed to process basic-block entries.')
  return output_file
コード例 #9
def _OptimizeChromeBinary(chrome_dir, work_dir, output_dir, log_files,
                          bb_entry_file, basename, optional):
  """Optimizes a single Chrome binary with the given |basename|. The original
  binary in |chrome_dir| will be optimized using the data in the provided
  |log_files|, assuming that they have been generated with respect to the
  instrumented binary in |work_dir|. If |bb_entry_file| is provided then basic
  block optimizations will also be applied.

    chrome_dir: The directory holding the original Chrome binaries.
    work_dir: The work directory containing the instrumented files.
    output_dir: The directory where the optimized binaries will be written.
    log_files: The calltrace log files to be used in generating an order file.
    bb_entry_file: The BB entry counts to be used in optimizing the binary.
    basename: The basename of the binary to optimize.
    optional: If False then the binary must be present and must optimized.
        Otherwise, this will do nothing and silently return if the input
        binary does not exist.
  # Calculate all the path parameters.
  input_image = os.path.join(chrome_dir, basename)

  if not os.path.isfile(input_image):
    if not optional:
      raise OptimizationError('Missing mandatory "%s".' % basename)
    _LOGGER.info('Not instrumenting missing optional "%s".', basename)

  instrumented_image = os.path.join(
      work_dir, 'calltrace', 'instrumented', basename)
  order_file = os.path.join(work_dir, basename + '-order.json')
  output_image = os.path.join(output_dir, basename)

  # Generate the ordering file for the binary.
  _LOGGER.info('Generating ordering file for "%s".', basename)
  cmd = [
      '--input-image=%s' % input_image,
      '--instrumented-image=%s' % instrumented_image,
      '--output-file=%s' % order_file,
  if bb_entry_file:
    cmd.append('--basic_block_entry_counts=%s' % bb_entry_file)
  ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError(
        'Failed to generate an ordering for "%s".' % basename)

  # Populate output_dir with a copy of the original chrome installation.
  _LOGGER.info('Copying "%s" to output dir "%s".', chrome_dir, output_dir)
  if os.path.isfile(output_dir):
    raise OptimizationError('File present at output dir location: "%s"',
  chrome_utils.CopyChromeFiles(chrome_dir, output_dir)

  # Replace the binary in output_dir with an optimized version.
  _LOGGER.info('Optimizing "%s".', basename)
  cmd = [runner._GetExePath('relink.exe'),
         '--input-image=%s' % input_image,
         '--output-image=%s' % output_image,
         '--order-file=%s' % order_file,
  ret = chrome_utils.Subprocess(cmd)
  if ret != 0:
    raise OptimizationError('Failed to relink "%s".' % basename)