コード例 #1
def run_xpcshell(context, **kwargs):
    args = Namespace(**kwargs)
    args.appPath = args.appPath or os.path.dirname(context.firefox_bin)
    args.utility_path = context.bin_dir
    args.testingModulesDir = context.modules_dir

    if not args.xpcshell:
        args.xpcshell = os.path.join(args.appPath, "xpcshell")

    if not args.pluginsPath:
        for path in context.ancestors(args.appPath, depth=2):
            test = os.path.join(path, "plugins")
            if os.path.isdir(test):
                args.pluginsPath = test

    log = mozlog.commandline.setup_logging("XPCShellTests", args,
                                           {"mach": sys.stdout},
                                           {"verbose": True})

    if args.testPaths:
        test_root = os.path.join(context.package_root, "xpcshell", "tests")
        normalize = partial(context.normalize_test_path, test_root)
        # pylint --py3k: W1636
        args.testPaths = list(map(normalize, args.testPaths))

    import runxpcshelltests

    xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=log)
    return xpcshell.runTests(**vars(args))
コード例 #2
    def run(self, metadata):
        tests = self.get_arg("tests", [])
        if len(tests) != 1:
            # for now we support one single test
            raise NotImplementedError(str(tests))

        test = Path(tests[0])
        if not test.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(str(test))

        # let's grab the manifest
        manifest = Path(test.parent, "xpcshell.ini")
        if not manifest.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(str(manifest))

        import runxpcshelltests

        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=self)
        kwargs = {}
        kwargs["testPaths"] = test.name
        kwargs["verbose"] = True
        kwargs["xpcshell"] = self.mach_cmd.get_binary_path("xpcshell")
        kwargs["mozInfo"] = str(Path(self.topobjdir, "mozinfo.json"))
        kwargs["symbolsPath"] = str(Path(self.distdir, "crashreporter-symbols"))
        kwargs["logfiles"] = True
        kwargs["profileName"] = "firefox"
        kwargs["pluginsPath"] = str(Path(self.distdir, "plugins"))
        kwargs["testingModulesDir"] = str(Path(self.topobjdir, "_tests/modules"))
        kwargs["utility_path"] = self.bindir
        kwargs["manifest"] = manifest
        kwargs["totalChunks"] = 1
        cycles = self.get_arg("cycles", 1)
        self.info("Running %d cycles" % cycles)

        for cycle in range(cycles):
            with temp_dir() as tmp, silence():
                kwargs["tempDir"] = tmp
                if not xpcshell.runTests(kwargs):
                    raise XPCShellTestError()
            self.info("Cycle %d" % (cycle + 1))
        self.info("tests done.")

        results = defaultdict(list)
        for m in self.metrics:
            for key, val in m.items():

                "name": test.name,
                "framework": {"name": "xpcshell"},
                "transformer": "mozperftest.test.xpcshell:XPCShellData",
                "results": [
                    {"values": measures, "name": subtest}
                    for subtest, measures in results.items()

        return metadata
コード例 #3
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self, test_dirs=None, manifest=None,
        test_path=None, debug=False, shuffle=False, interactive=False,

        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        dummy_log = StringIO()
        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=dummy_log)

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'xpcshell')
        modules_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')

        args = {
            'xpcshell': os.path.join(self.bindir, 'xpcshell'),
            'mozInfo': os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json'),
            'symbolsPath': os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols'),
            'interactive': interactive,
            'keepGoing': keep_going,
            'logfiles': False,
            'shuffle': shuffle,
            'testsRootDir': tests_dir,
            'testingModulesDir': modules_dir,
            'profileName': 'firefox',
            'verbose': test_path is not None,
            'xunitFilename': os.path.join(self.statedir, 'xpchsell.xunit.xml'),
            'xunitName': 'xpcshell',

        if manifest is not None:
            args['manifest'] = manifest
        elif test_dirs is not None:
            if isinstance(test_dirs, list):
                args['testdirs'] = test_dirs
                args['testdirs'] = [test_dirs]
            raise Exception('One of test_dirs or manifest must be provided.')

        if test_path is not None:
            args['testPath'] = test_path

        # Python through 2.7.2 has issues with unicode in some of the
        # arguments. Work around that.
        filtered_args = {}
        for k, v in args.items():
            if isinstance(v, unicode_type):
                v = v.encode('utf-8')

            if isinstance(k, unicode_type):
                k = k.encode('utf-8')

            filtered_args[k] = v

        # TODO do something with result.

コード例 #4
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self,

        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        dummy_log = StringIO()
        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=dummy_log)

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'xpcshell')
        modules_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')

        args = {
            'xpcshell': os.path.join(self.bindir, 'xpcshell'),
            'mozInfo': os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json'),
            'symbolsPath': os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols'),
            'logfiles': False,
            'testsRootDir': tests_dir,
            'testingModulesDir': modules_dir,
            'profileName': 'firefox',
            'verbose': test_path is not None,

        if manifest is not None:
            args['manifest'] = manifest
        elif test_dirs is not None:
            if isinstance(test_dirs, list):
                args['testdirs'] = test_dirs
                args['testdirs'] = [test_dirs]
            raise Exception('One of test_dirs or manifest must be provided.')

        if test_path is not None:
            args['testPath'] = test_path

        # TODO do something with result.

コード例 #5
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self,

        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        dummy_log = StringIO()
        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=dummy_log)

        xpcshell_filter = TestStartFilter()

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'xpcshell')
        modules_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')
        # We want output from the test to be written immediately if we are only
        # running a single test.
        verbose_output = (test_path is not None
                          or (manifest and len(manifest.test_paths()) == 1)
                          or verbose)

        # We need to attach the '.exe' extension on Windows for the debugger to
        # work properly.
        xpcsExecutable = 'xpcshell'
        if os.name == 'nt':
            xpcsExecutable += '.exe'

        args = {
            'manifest': manifest,
            'xpcshell': os.path.join(self.bindir, xpcsExecutable),
            'mozInfo': os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json'),
            'symbolsPath': os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols'),
            'interactive': interactive,
            'keepGoing': keep_going,
            'logfiles': False,
            'sequential': sequential,
            'shuffle': shuffle,
            'testsRootDir': tests_dir,
            'testingModulesDir': modules_dir,
            'profileName': 'firefox',
            'verbose': test_path is not None,
            'xunitFilename': os.path.join(self.statedir, 'xpchsell.xunit.xml'),
            'xunitName': 'xpcshell',
            'pluginsPath': os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins'),
            'debugger': debugger,
            'debuggerArgs': debuggerArgs,
            'debuggerInteractive': debuggerInteractive,
            'on_message': (lambda obj, msg: xpcshell.log.info(msg.decode('utf-8', 'replace'))) \
                            if verbose_output else None,

        if test_path is not None:
            args['testPath'] = test_path

        # A failure manifest is written by default. If --rerun-failures is
        # specified and a prior failure manifest is found, the prior manifest
        # will be run. A new failure manifest is always written over any
        # prior failure manifest.
        failure_manifest_path = os.path.join(self.statedir,
        rerun_manifest_path = os.path.join(self.statedir, 'xpcshell.rerun.ini')
        if os.path.exists(failure_manifest_path) and rerun_failures:
            shutil.move(failure_manifest_path, rerun_manifest_path)
            args['manifest'] = rerun_manifest_path
        elif os.path.exists(failure_manifest_path):
        elif rerun_failures:
            print("No failures were found to re-run.")
            return 0
        args['failureManifest'] = failure_manifest_path

        # Python through 2.7.2 has issues with unicode in some of the
        # arguments. Work around that.
        filtered_args = {}
        for k, v in args.items():
            if isinstance(v, unicode_type):
                v = v.encode('utf-8')

            if isinstance(k, unicode_type):
                k = k.encode('utf-8')

            filtered_args[k] = v

        result = xpcshell.runTests(**filtered_args)


        if not result and not xpcshell.sequential:
            print("Tests were run in parallel. Try running with --sequential "
                  "to make sure the failures were not caused by this.")
        return int(not result)
コード例 #6
    def run(self, metadata):
        tests = self.get_arg("tests", [])
        if len(tests) != 1:
            # for now we support one single test
            raise NotImplementedError(str(tests))

        test = Path(tests[0])
        if not test.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(str(test))

        # let's grab the manifest
        manifest = Path(test.parent, "xpcshell.ini")
        if not manifest.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(str(manifest))

        nodejs = self.get_arg("nodejs")
        if nodejs is not None:
            os.environ["MOZ_NODE_PATH"] = nodejs

        import runxpcshelltests

        verbose = self.get_arg("verbose")
        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=self)
        kwargs = {}
        kwargs["testPaths"] = test.name
        kwargs["verbose"] = verbose
        binary = self.get_arg("binary")
        if binary is None:
            binary = self.mach_cmd.get_binary_path("xpcshell")
        kwargs["xpcshell"] = binary
        binary = Path(binary)
        mozinfo = self.get_arg("mozinfo")
        if mozinfo is None:
            mozinfo = binary.parent / ".." / "mozinfo.json"
            if not mozinfo.exists():
                mozinfo = Path(self.topobjdir, "mozinfo.json")
            mozinfo = Path(mozinfo)

        kwargs["mozInfo"] = str(mozinfo)
        kwargs["symbolsPath"] = str(Path(self.distdir,
        kwargs["logfiles"] = True
        kwargs["profileName"] = "firefox"
        plugins = binary.parent / "plugins"
        if not plugins.exists():
            plugins = Path(self.distdir, "plugins")
        kwargs["pluginsPath"] = str(plugins)
        modules = binary.parent / "modules"
        if not modules.exists():
            modules = Path(self.topobjdir, "_tests", "modules")
        kwargs["testingModulesDir"] = str(modules)
        kwargs["utility_path"] = self.bindir
        kwargs["manifest"] = str(manifest)
        kwargs["totalChunks"] = 1
        xre_path = self.get_arg("xre-path")
        if xre_path is not None:
            self.info(f"Copying {xre_path} elements to {binary.parent}")
            copy_tree(xre_path, str(binary.parent), update=True)

        http3server = binary.parent / "http3server"
        if http3server.exists():
            kwargs["http3server"] = str(http3server)

        cycles = self.get_arg("cycles", 1)
        self.info("Running %d cycles" % cycles)

        for cycle in range(cycles):
            self.info("Cycle %d" % (cycle + 1))
            with temp_dir() as tmp:
                kwargs["tempDir"] = tmp
                if not xpcshell.runTests(kwargs):
                    raise XPCShellTestError()

        self.info("tests done.")

        results = defaultdict(list)
        for m in self.metrics:
            for key, val in m.items():

            "framework": {
                "name": "mozperftest"
            "results": [{
                "values": measures,
                "name": subtest
            } for subtest, measures in results.items()],

        return metadata
コード例 #7
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self,

        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=log)

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'xpcshell')
        modules_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')
        # We want output from the test to be written immediately if we are only
        # running a single test.
        single_test = (test_path is not None
                       or (manifest and len(manifest.test_paths()) == 1))
        sequential = sequential or single_test

        args = {
            'manifest': manifest,
            'xpcshell': self.get_binary_path('xpcshell'),
            'mozInfo': os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json'),
            'symbolsPath': os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols'),
            'interactive': interactive,
            'keepGoing': keep_going,
            'logfiles': False,
            'sequential': sequential,
            'shuffle': shuffle,
            'testsRootDir': tests_dir,
            'testingModulesDir': modules_dir,
            'profileName': 'firefox',
            'verbose': verbose or single_test,
            'xunitFilename': os.path.join(self.statedir, 'xpchsell.xunit.xml'),
            'xunitName': 'xpcshell',
            'pluginsPath': os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins'),
            'debugger': debugger,
            'debuggerArgs': debuggerArgs,
            'debuggerInteractive': debuggerInteractive,
            'jsDebugger': jsDebugger,
            'jsDebuggerPort': jsDebuggerPort,
            'test_tags': test_tags,
            'utility_path': self.bindir,

        if test_path is not None:
            args['testPath'] = test_path

        # A failure manifest is written by default. If --rerun-failures is
        # specified and a prior failure manifest is found, the prior manifest
        # will be run. A new failure manifest is always written over any
        # prior failure manifest.
        failure_manifest_path = os.path.join(self.statedir,
        rerun_manifest_path = os.path.join(self.statedir, 'xpcshell.rerun.ini')
        if os.path.exists(failure_manifest_path) and rerun_failures:
            shutil.move(failure_manifest_path, rerun_manifest_path)
            args['manifest'] = rerun_manifest_path
        elif os.path.exists(failure_manifest_path):
        elif rerun_failures:
            print("No failures were found to re-run.")
            return 0
        args['failureManifest'] = failure_manifest_path

        # Python through 2.7.2 has issues with unicode in some of the
        # arguments. Work around that.
        filtered_args = {}
        for k, v in args.items():
            if isinstance(v, unicode_type):
                v = v.encode('utf-8')

            if isinstance(k, unicode_type):
                k = k.encode('utf-8')

            filtered_args[k] = v

        result = xpcshell.runTests(**filtered_args)


        if not result and not xpcshell.sequential:
            print("Tests were run in parallel. Try running with --sequential "
                  "to make sure the failures were not caused by this.")
        return int(not result)
コード例 #8
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self, **kwargs):
        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        log = kwargs.pop("log")

        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=log)

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'xpcshell')
        # We want output from the test to be written immediately if we are only
        # running a single test.
        single_test = (len(kwargs["testPaths"]) == 1
                       and os.path.isfile(kwargs["testPaths"][0])
                       or kwargs["manifest"] and
                       (len(kwargs["manifest"].test_paths()) == 1))

        if single_test:
            kwargs["verbose"] = True

        if kwargs["xpcshell"] is None:
            kwargs["xpcshell"] = self.get_binary_path('xpcshell')

        if kwargs["mozInfo"] is None:
            kwargs["mozInfo"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json')

        if kwargs["symbolsPath"] is None:
            kwargs["symbolsPath"] = os.path.join(self.distdir,

        if kwargs["logfiles"] is None:
            kwargs["logfiles"] = False

        if kwargs["profileName"] is None:
            kwargs["profileName"] = "firefox"

        if kwargs["pluginsPath"] is None:
            kwargs['pluginsPath'] = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins')

        if kwargs["testingModulesDir"] is None:
            kwargs["testingModulesDir"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir,

        if kwargs["utility_path"] is None:
            kwargs['utility_path'] = self.bindir

        if kwargs["manifest"] is None:
            kwargs["manifest"] = os.path.join(tests_dir, "xpcshell.ini")

        if kwargs["failure_manifest"] is None:
            kwargs["failure_manifest"] = os.path.join(self.statedir,

        # Use the object directory for the temp directory to minimize the chance
        # of file scanning. The overhead from e.g. search indexers and anti-virus
        # scanners like Windows Defender can add tons of overhead to test execution.
        # We encourage people to disable these things in the object directory.
        temp_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'temp')
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        kwargs['tempDir'] = temp_dir

        # Python through 2.7.2 has issues with unicode in some of the
        # arguments. Work around that.
        filtered_args = {}
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, unicode_type):
                v = v.encode('utf-8')

            if isinstance(k, unicode_type):
                k = k.encode('utf-8')

            filtered_args[k] = v

        result = xpcshell.runTests(**filtered_args)


        if not result and not xpcshell.sequential:
            print("Tests were run in parallel. Try running with --sequential "
                  "to make sure the failures were not caused by this.")
        return int(not result)
コード例 #9
ファイル: mach_commands.py プロジェクト: hansman/gecko-dev
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self, **kwargs):
        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        log = kwargs.pop("log")

        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=log)

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'xpcshell')
        # We want output from the test to be written immediately if we are only
        # running a single test.
        single_test = (len(kwargs["testPaths"]) == 1
                       and os.path.isfile(kwargs["testPaths"][0])
                       or kwargs["manifest"] and
                       (len(kwargs["manifest"].test_paths()) == 1))

        if single_test:
            kwargs["verbose"] = True

        if kwargs["xpcshell"] is None:
            kwargs["xpcshell"] = self.get_binary_path('xpcshell')

        if kwargs["mozInfo"] is None:
            kwargs["mozInfo"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'mozinfo.json')

        if kwargs["symbolsPath"] is None:
            kwargs["symbolsPath"] = os.path.join(self.distdir,

        if kwargs["logfiles"] is None:
            kwargs["logfiles"] = False

        if kwargs["profileName"] is None:
            kwargs["profileName"] = "firefox"

        if kwargs["pluginsPath"] is None:
            kwargs['pluginsPath'] = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins')

        if kwargs["testingModulesDir"] is None:
            kwargs["testingModulesDir"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir,

        if kwargs["utility_path"] is None:
            kwargs['utility_path'] = self.bindir

        if kwargs["manifest"] is None:
            kwargs["manifest"] = os.path.join(tests_dir, "xpcshell.ini")

        if kwargs["failure_manifest"] is None:
            kwargs["failure_manifest"] = os.path.join(self.statedir,

        # Python through 2.7.2 has issues with unicode in some of the
        # arguments. Work around that.
        filtered_args = {}
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, unicode_type):
                v = v.encode('utf-8')

            if isinstance(k, unicode_type):
                k = k.encode('utf-8')

            filtered_args[k] = v

        result = xpcshell.runTests(**filtered_args)


        if not result and not xpcshell.sequential:
            print("Tests were run in parallel. Try running with --sequential "
                  "to make sure the failures were not caused by this.")
        return int(not result)
コード例 #10
    def _run_xpcshell_harness(self, **kwargs):
        # Obtain a reference to the xpcshell test runner.
        import runxpcshelltests

        log = kwargs.pop("log")

        xpcshell = runxpcshelltests.XPCShellTests(log=log)

        tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "_tests", "xpcshell")
        # We want output from the test to be written immediately if we are only
        # running a single test.
        single_test = (len(kwargs["testPaths"]) == 1
                       and os.path.isfile(kwargs["testPaths"][0])
                       or kwargs["manifest"] and
                       (len(kwargs["manifest"].test_paths()) == 1))

        if single_test:
            kwargs["verbose"] = True

        if kwargs["xpcshell"] is None:
                kwargs["xpcshell"] = self.get_binary_path("xpcshell")
            except BinaryNotFoundException as e:
                self.log(logging.ERROR, "xpcshell-test", {"error": str(e)},
                         "ERROR: {error}")
                self.log(logging.INFO, "xpcshell-test", {"help": e.help()},
                return 1

        if kwargs["mozInfo"] is None:
            kwargs["mozInfo"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "mozinfo.json")

        if kwargs["symbolsPath"] is None:
            kwargs["symbolsPath"] = os.path.join(self.distdir,

        if kwargs["logfiles"] is None:
            kwargs["logfiles"] = False

        if kwargs["profileName"] is None:
            kwargs["profileName"] = "firefox"

        if kwargs["pluginsPath"] is None:
            kwargs["pluginsPath"] = os.path.join(self.distdir, "plugins")

        if kwargs["testingModulesDir"] is None:
            kwargs["testingModulesDir"] = os.path.join(self.topobjdir,

        if kwargs["utility_path"] is None:
            kwargs["utility_path"] = self.bindir

        if kwargs["manifest"] is None:
            kwargs["manifest"] = os.path.join(tests_dir, "xpcshell.ini")

        if kwargs["failure_manifest"] is None:
            kwargs["failure_manifest"] = os.path.join(self.statedir,

        # Use the object directory for the temp directory to minimize the chance
        # of file scanning. The overhead from e.g. search indexers and anti-virus
        # scanners like Windows Defender can add tons of overhead to test execution.
        # We encourage people to disable these things in the object directory.
        temp_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "temp")
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        kwargs["tempDir"] = temp_dir

        result = xpcshell.runTests(kwargs)


        if not result and not xpcshell.sequential:
            print("Tests were run in parallel. Try running with --sequential "
                  "to make sure the failures were not caused by this.")
        return int(not result)