def reshape_pop(shape, message): head_shape = ( +, ) message = cs.reshape_head(message, head_shape) codec = codec_from_image_shape(shape) message, symbol = codec.pop(message) return message, symbol
def rvae_variable_known_size_codec(codec_from_image_shape, latent_from_image_shape, image_shapes): image_codecs = [codec_from_image_shape(s) for s in image_shapes] head_shapes = [( +, ) for s in image_shapes] return serial_with_shapes(image_codecs, head_shapes)
def push(message, symbol): """push sizes and array in alternating order""" assert len(symbol.shape) == dimensions codec = codec_from_shape(symbol.shape) head_size = + symbol.shape) message = cs.reshape_head(message, (head_size, )) message = codec.push(message, symbol) message = cs.reshape_head(message, (1, )) message = size_codec.push(message, np.array(symbol.shape)) return message
def pop(message): message, size = size_codec.pop(message) # TODO make codec 0 dimensional: size = np.array(size)[:, 0] assert size.shape == (dimensions, ) size = size.astype( head_size = + codec = codec_from_shape(tuple(size)) message = cs.reshape_head(message, (head_size, )) message, symbol = codec.pop(message) message = cs.reshape_head(message, (1, )) return message, symbol
def run_bbans(hps): from autograd.builtins import tuple as ag_tuple from rvae.resnet_codec import ResNetVAE hps.num_gpus = 1 hps.batch_size = 1 batch_size = hps.batch_size hps.eval_batch_size = batch_size n_flif = hps.n_flif _, datasets = images(hps) datasets = datasets if isinstance(datasets, list) else [datasets] test_images = [ np.array([image]).astype('uint64') for dataset in datasets for image in dataset ] n_batches = len(test_images) // batch_size test_images = [ np.concatenate(test_images[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size], axis=0) for i in range(n_batches) ] flif_images = test_images[:n_flif] vae_images = test_images[n_flif:] num_dims = np.sum([batch.size for batch in test_images]) flif_dims = np.sum([batch.size for batch in flif_images]) if flif_images else 0 prior_precision = 10 obs_precision = 24 q_precision = 18 @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def codec_from_shape(shape): print("Creating codec for shape " + str(shape)) hps.image_size = (shape[2], shape[3]) z_shape = latent_shape(hps) z_size = graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape, 'x') model = CVAE1(hps, "eval", x) stepwise_model = LayerwiseCVAE(model) saver = tf.train.Saver(model.avg_dict) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, intra_op_parallelism_threads=4, inter_op_parallelism_threads=4) sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=graph) saver.restore(sess, restore_path()) run_all_contexts, run_top_prior, runs_down_prior, run_top_posterior, runs_down_posterior, \ run_reconstruction = stepwise_model.get_model_parts_as_numpy_functions(sess) # Setup codecs def vae_view(head): return ag_tuple( (np.reshape(head[:z_size], z_shape), np.reshape(head[z_size:], shape))) obs_codec = lambda h, z1: cs.Logistic_UnifBins(*run_reconstruction( h, z1), obs_precision, bin_prec=8, bin_lb=-0.5, bin_ub=0.5) return cs.substack( ResNetVAE(run_all_contexts, run_top_posterior, runs_down_posterior, run_top_prior, runs_down_prior, obs_codec, prior_precision, q_precision), vae_view) is_fixed = not hps.compression_always_variable and \ (len(set([dataset[0].shape[-2:] for dataset in datasets])) == 1) fixed_size_codec = lambda: cs.repeat(codec_from_shape(vae_images[0].shape), len(vae_images)) variable_codec_including_sizes = lambda: rvae_variable_size_codec( codec_from_shape, latent_from_image_shape=latent_from_image_shape(hps), image_count=len(vae_images), previous_dims=flif_dims) variable_known_sizes_codec = lambda: rvae_variable_known_size_codec( codec_from_image_shape=codec_from_shape, latent_from_image_shape=latent_from_image_shape(hps), shapes=[i.shape for i in vae_images], previous_dims=flif_dims) variable_size_codec = \ variable_known_sizes_codec if hps.compression_exclude_sizes else variable_codec_including_sizes codec = fixed_size_codec if is_fixed else variable_size_codec vae_push, vae_pop = codec() np.seterr(divide='raise') if n_flif: print('Using FLIF to encode initial images...') flif_push, flif_pop = cs.repeat(cs.repeat(FLIF, batch_size), n_flif) message = cs.empty_message((1, )) message = flif_push(message, flif_images) else: print('Creating a random initial message...') message = cs.random_message(hps.initial_bits, (1, )) init_head_shape = ( + if is_fixed else 1, ) message = cs.reshape_head(message, init_head_shape) print("Encoding with VAE...") encode_t0 = time.time() message = vae_push(message, vae_images) encode_t = time.time() - encode_t0 print("All encoded in {:.2f}s".format(encode_t)) flat_message = cs.flatten(message) message_len = 32 * len(flat_message) print("Used {} bits.".format(message_len)) print("This is {:.2f} bits per dim.".format(message_len / num_dims)) if n_flif == 0: extra_bits = message_len - 32 * hps.initial_bits print('Extra bits: {}'.format(extra_bits)) print('This is {:.2f} bits per dim.'.format(extra_bits / num_dims)) print('Decoding with VAE...') decode_t0 = time.time() message = cs.unflatten(flat_message, init_head_shape) message, decoded_vae_images = vae_pop(message) message = cs.reshape_head(message, (1, )) decode_t = time.time() - decode_t0 print('All decoded in {:.2f}s'.format(decode_t)) assert len(vae_images) == len(decoded_vae_images), ( len(vae_images), len(decoded_vae_images)) for test_image, decoded_image in zip(vae_images, decoded_vae_images): np.testing.assert_equal(test_image, decoded_image) if n_flif: print('Decoding with FLIF...') message, decoded_flif_images = flif_pop(message) for test_image, decoded_image in zip(flif_images, decoded_flif_images): np.testing.assert_equal(test_image, decoded_image) assert cs.is_empty(message)
def run_bbans(hps): from autograd.builtins import tuple as ag_tuple from rvae.resnet_codec import ResNetVAE hps.num_gpus = 1 batch_size = 1 hps.batch_size = batch_size hps.eval_batch_size = batch_size _, datasets = images(hps) datasets = datasets if isinstance(datasets, list) else [datasets] test_images = [ np.array([image]).astype('uint64') for dataset in datasets for image in dataset ] num_dims = np.sum([batch.size for batch in test_images]) prior_precision = 10 obs_precision = 24 q_precision = 20 @lru_cache() def codec_from_shape(shape): print("Creating codec for shape " + str(shape)) hps.image_size = (shape[2], shape[3]) z_shape = latent_shape(hps) z_size = graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape, 'x') model = CVAE1(hps, "eval", x) stepwise_model = LayerwiseCVAE(model) saver = tf.train.Saver(model.avg_dict) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, intra_op_parallelism_threads=4, inter_op_parallelism_threads=4, device_count={'GPU': 0}) sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=graph) saver.restore(sess, restore_path()) run_all_contexts, run_top_prior, runs_down_prior, run_top_posterior, runs_down_posterior, \ run_reconstruction = stepwise_model.get_model_parts_as_numpy_functions(sess) # Setup codecs def vae_view(head): return ag_tuple( (np.reshape(head[:z_size], z_shape), np.reshape(head[z_size:], shape))) obs_codec = lambda h, z1: codecs.Logistic_UnifBins( *run_reconstruction(h, z1), obs_precision, bin_prec=8) return codecs.substack( ResNetVAE(run_all_contexts, run_top_posterior, runs_down_posterior, run_top_prior, runs_down_prior, obs_codec, prior_precision, q_precision), vae_view) is_fixed = not hps.compression_always_variable and \ (len(set([dataset[0].shape[-2:] for dataset in datasets])) == 1) fixed_size_codec = lambda: codecs.repeat( codec_from_shape(test_images[0].shape), len(test_images)) variable_codec_including_sizes = lambda: rvae_variable_size_codec( codec_from_shape, latent_from_image_shape=latent_from_image_shape(hps), image_count=len(test_images)) variable_known_sizes_codec = lambda: rvae_variable_known_size_codec( codec_from_image_shape=codec_from_shape, latent_from_image_shape=latent_from_image_shape(hps), image_shapes=[i.shape for i in test_images]) variable_size_codec = \ variable_known_sizes_codec if hps.compression_exclude_sizes else variable_codec_including_sizes codec = fixed_size_codec if is_fixed else variable_size_codec vae_append, vae_pop = codec() rng = np.random.RandomState(0) np.seterr(divide='raise') # Codec for adding extra bits to the start of the chain (necessary for bits back). other_bits_count = 100000000 encode_t0 = time.time() init_head_shape = ( + if is_fixed else 1, ) init_message = codecs.random_stack(other_bits_count, init_head_shape, rng) init_len = 32 * other_bits_count print("Encoding...") message = vae_append(init_message, test_images) flat_message = codecs.flatten(message) encode_t = time.time() - encode_t0 print("All encoded in {:.2f}s".format(encode_t)) message_len = 32 * len(flat_message) print("Used {} bits.".format(message_len)) print("This is {:.2f} bits per dim.".format(message_len / num_dims)) print('Extra bits per dim: {:.2f}'.format( (message_len - init_len) / num_dims)) print('Extra bits: {:.2f}'.format(message_len - init_len)) ## Decode decode_t0 = time.time() message = codecs.unflatten(flat_message, init_head_shape) message, images_ = vae_pop(message) decode_t = time.time() - decode_t0 print('All decoded in {:.2f}s'.format(decode_t)) assert len(test_images) == len(images_), (len(test_images), len(images_)) for test_image, image in zip(test_images, images_): np.testing.assert_equal(test_image, image) init_head, init_tail = init_message message = codecs.reshape_head(message, init_head_shape) head, tail = message assert init_head.shape == head.shape, (init_head.shape, head.shape) assert np.all(init_head == head) # use this, or get into recursion issues while init_tail: el, init_tail = init_tail el_, tail = tail assert el == el_