def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._special_values = kwargs.pop('special_values', None) initial = kwargs.pop('initial', None) if (initial is not None and self._special_values is None or initial not in self._special_values): initial_td = parse_timedelta(initial) initial_valid = False else: initial_td = None initial_valid = True choices = [] # Rebuild the choices list to ensure that # the value is normalized using timedelta_str for choice in kwargs.pop('choices'): td = None if not (isinstance(choice, list) or isinstance(choice, tuple)): if (self._special_values is None or choice not in self._special_values): td = parse_timedelta(choice) td_str = timedelta_str(td) value = td_str label = td_str else: value = choice label = choice else: (value, label) = choice if (self._special_values is None or value not in self._special_values): td = parse_timedelta(value) value = timedelta_str(td) choice = (value, label) choices.append(choice) if initial_td is not None and initial_td == td: initial = value initial_valid = True kwargs['choices'] = choices logger.debug("Choices: %s" % choices) if not initial_valid: raise KeyError('Initial duration is invalid: %s' % initial) super(DurationField, self).__init__(initial=initial, **kwargs)
def render(self, name, value, attrs): initial_date = attrs.get('initial_date', None) if initial_date: m = re.match("now *- *(.+)", initial_date) if m: secs = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta( initial_date = ( "d = new Date(); d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds()-%d);" \ % secs) else: initial_date = "d = '%s';" % initial_date else: initial_date = "d = new Date();" msg = ''' {0} <span id="datenow_{name}" class="icon-calendar" title="Set date to today"> </span> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#id_{name}").datepicker({{ format: "mm/dd/YY", defaultDate: +2, autoclose: true }}); {initial_date} $("#id_{name}").datepicker("setDate", d); $("#datenow_{name}").click(function() {{ $("#id_{name}").datepicker("setDate", new Date()); }}); </script> ''' return msg.format( super(DateWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs), name=name, initial_date=initial_date )
def render(self, name, value, attrs): initial_time = attrs.get('initial_time', None) if initial_time: m = re.match("now *- *(.+)", initial_time) if m: secs = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta( initial_time = ( "d = new Date(); d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds()-%d);" \ % secs) else: initial_time = "d = '%s';" % initial_time else: initial_time = "d = new Date();" msg = ''' {0} <span id="timenow_{name}" class="icon-time" title="Set time/date to now"> </span> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#id_{name}").timepicker({{ step: 15, scrollDefaultNow:true, timeFormat:"g:i:s a" }}); $("#timenow_{name}").click(function() {{ $("#id_{name}").timepicker("setTime", new Date()); }}); {initial_time} $("#id_{name}").timepicker("setTime", d); </script> ''' #'$("#id_{name}").timepicker("setTime", new Date());' return msg.format( super(TimeWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs), name=name, initial_time=initial_time )
def create(cls, name, groupby, realm, duration, resolution='auto', filterexpr=None, interface=False, **kwargs): logger.debug('Creating ProfilerTable table %s (%s) - %s/%s' % (name, duration, groupby, realm)) options = TableOptions(groupby=groupby, realm=realm, centricity='int' if interface else 'hos') t = Table(name=name, module=__name__, filterexpr=filterexpr, options=options, **kwargs) if resolution != 'auto': if isinstance(resolution, int): res = resolution else: res = int(timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(resolution))) resolution =[res] if isinstance(duration, int): duration = "%d min" % duration fields_add_device_selection(t, keyword='profiler_device', label='Profiler', module='profiler', enabled=True) fields_add_time_selection(t, initial_duration=duration) fields_add_filterexpr(t) fields_add_resolution(t, initial=resolution, resolutions=[('auto', 'Automatic'), '1min', '15min', 'hour', '6hour'], special_values=['auto']) return t
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._special_values = kwargs.pop('special_values', None) initial = kwargs.pop('initial', None) if ((initial is not None) and (self._special_values is None or initial not in self._special_values)): initial_td = parse_timedelta(initial) initial_valid = False else: initial_td = None initial_valid = True choices = [] # Rebuild the choices list to ensure that # the value is normalized using timedelta_str for choice in kwargs.pop('choices'): td = None if not (isinstance(choice, list) or isinstance(choice, tuple)): if (self._special_values is None or choice not in self._special_values): td = parse_timedelta(choice) td_str = timedelta_str(td) value = td_str label = td_str else: value = choice label = choice else: (value, label) = choice if (self._special_values is None or value not in self._special_values): td = parse_timedelta(value) value = timedelta_str(td) choice = (value, label) choices.append(choice) if initial_td is not None and initial_td == td: initial = value initial_valid = True kwargs['choices'] = choices if not initial_valid: raise KeyError('Initial duration is invalid: %s' % initial) super(DurationField, self).__init__(initial=initial, **kwargs)
def to_python(self, value): if value in validators.EMPTY_VALUES: v = None elif self._special_values and value in self._special_values: v = value else: try: v = parse_timedelta(value) except: raise ValidationError('Invalid duration string: %s' % value) return v
def decompress(self, value): if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode): value = timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(value)) if value: m = [v for v in self.choices if v[0] == value] if len(m) == 1: return m[0] else: return [0, '%d min' % (value / 60)] return [None, None]
def to_python(self, value): if value in validators.EMPTY_VALUES: v = None elif self._special_values and value in self._special_values: v = value else: try: v = parse_timedelta(value) except: raise ValidationError('Invalid duration string: %s' % value) logger.debug("DurationField.to_python: %s" % v) return v
def create(cls, name, template_id, duration, resolution='auto', filterexpr=None, **kwargs): """ Create a ProfilerTemplateTable. This queries a Profiler saved report template rather than creating a new report from scratch. `template_id` is a saved-report template ID `duration` is in minutes or a string like '15min' """ logger.debug('Creating ProfilerTemplateTable table %s (%s) - %s/%s' % (name, template_id, duration, resolution)) options = TableOptions(template_id=template_id) t = Table(name=name, module=__name__, filterexpr=filterexpr, options=options, **kwargs) if resolution != 'auto': if isinstance(resolution, int): res = resolution else: res = int(timedelta_total_seconds(parse_timedelta(resolution))) resolution =[res] if isinstance(duration, int): duration = "%d min" % duration fields_add_device_selection(t, keyword='profiler_device', label='Profiler', module='profiler', enabled=True) fields_add_time_selection(t, initial_duration=duration) fields_add_filterexpr(t) fields_add_resolution(t, initial=resolution, resolutions=[('auto', 'Automatic'), '1min', '15min', 'hour', '6hour'], special_values=['auto']) return t
def run(self): # All user entered criteria is available directly from this object. # Values for any fields added to the table will appear as # attributes according to the field keyword. criteria = self.job.criteria # Check that a sample_device was selected if criteria.sample_device == "": logger.debug("%s: No sample device selected" % self.table) self.job.mark_error("No Sample Device Selected") return False sample_device = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.sample_device) # Get the columns for this report columns = self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False) sortcol = None if self.table.sortcol is not None: sortcol = # Time selection is available via criterai.starttime and endtime. # These are both datetime objects. t0 = criteria.starttime t1 = criteria.endtime # Time resolution is a timedelta object resolution = criteria.resolution # Grab the custom min and max criteria cmin = float(criteria.min) cmax = float(criteria.max) # Grab the table options beta = self.table.options.beta # Now, do some computation -- create table with a 'time' column # ranging from t0 to t1 with the defined resolution. Then # for each additional column do some math function on the # data t = t0 rows = [] while t < t1: row = [] for col in columns: if == "time": row.append(t) else: period_td = parse_timedelta(col.options.period) period_secs = timedelta_total_seconds(period_td) alpha = col.options.alpha funcname = col.options.func # seconds since the t0 secs = timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0) rad = (secs / period_secs) * 2 * math.pi funcmap = {"sin": math.sin, "cos": math.cos} # Compute! val = beta + alpha * funcmap[funcname](rad) # Clip by the min/max criteria val = max(cmin, val) val = min(cmax, val) # Add the value to the row row.append(val) # Add the row rows.append(row) # This function runs pretty fast, but this shows how to mark # progress self.job.mark_progress(100 * (timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0) / timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0))) t = t + resolution # Save the result in = rows if self.table.rows > 0: =[: self.table.rows]"Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len( return True
def run(self): # All user entered criteria is available directly from this object. # Values for any fields added to the table will appear as # attributes according to the field keyword. criteria = self.job.criteria # Check that a sample_device was selected if criteria.sample_device == '': logger.debug('%s: No sample device selected' % self.table) self.job.mark_error("No Sample Device Selected") return False sample_device = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.sample_device) # Get the columns for this report columns = self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False) sortcol = None if self.table.sortcol is not None: sortcol = # Time selection is available via criterai.starttime and endtime. # These are both datetime objects. t0 = criteria.starttime t1 = criteria.endtime # Time resolution is a timedelta object resolution = criteria.resolution # Grab the custom min and max criteria cmin = float(criteria.min) cmax = float(criteria.max) # Grab the table options beta = self.table.options.beta # Now, do some computation -- create table with a 'time' column # ranging from t0 to t1 with the defined resolution. Then # for each additional column do some math function on the # data t = t0 rows = [] while t < t1: row = [] for col in columns: if == 'time': row.append(t) else: period_td = parse_timedelta(col.options.period) period_secs = timedelta_total_seconds(period_td) alpha = col.options.alpha funcname = col.options.func # seconds since the t0 secs = timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0) rad = (secs / period_secs) * 2 * math.pi funcmap = { 'sin': math.sin, 'cos': math.cos, } # Compute! val = beta + alpha * funcmap[funcname](rad) # Clip by the min/max criteria val = max(cmin, val) val = min(cmax, val) # Add the value to the row row.append(val) # Add the row rows.append(row) # This function runs pretty fast, but this shows how to mark # progress self.job.mark_progress(100 * (timedelta_total_seconds(t - t0) / timedelta_total_seconds(t1 - t0))) t = t + resolution # Save the result in = rows if self.table.rows > 0: =[:self.table.rows]"Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len( return True
class TableQuery: # Used by Table to actually run a query def __init__(self, table, job): self.table = table self.job = job self.timeseries = False # if key column called 'time' is created self.column_names = [] # Resolution comes in as a time_delta resolution = timedelta_total_seconds(job.criteria.resolution) default_delta = 1000000000 # one second = int(default_delta * resolution) # sample size interval def fake_run(self): import fake_data = fake_data.make_data(self.table, self.job) def run(self): """ Main execution method """ criteria = self.job.criteria if criteria.shark_device == '': logger.debug('%s: No shark device selected' % self.table) self.job.mark_error("No Shark Device Selected") return False #self.fake_run() #return True shark = DeviceManager.get_device(criteria.shark_device) logger.debug("Creating columns for Shark table %d" % # Create Key/Value Columns columns = [] for tc in self.table.get_columns(synthetic=False): tc_options = tc.options if (tc.iskey and == 'time' and tc_options.extractor == 'sample_time'): # don't create column, use the sample time for timeseries self.timeseries = True self.column_names.append('time') continue elif tc.iskey: c = Key(tc_options.extractor, description=tc.label, default_value=tc_options.default_value) else: if tc_options.operation: try: operation = getattr(Operation, tc_options.operation) except AttributeError: operation = Operation.sum print('ERROR: Unknown operation attribute ' '%s for column %s.' % (tc_options.operation, else: operation = Operation.none c = Value(tc_options.extractor, operation, description=tc.label, default_value=tc_options.default_value) self.column_names.append( columns.append(c) # Identify Sort Column sortidx = None if self.table.sortcol is not None: sort_name = self.table.sortcol.options.extractor for i, c in enumerate(columns): if c.field == sort_name: sortidx = i break # Initialize filters criteria = self.job.criteria filters = [] filterexpr = self.job.combine_filterexprs( exprs=criteria.shark_filterexpr, joinstr="&") if filterexpr: filters.append(SharkFilter(filterexpr)) tf = TimeFilter(start=criteria.starttime, end=criteria.endtime) filters.append(tf)"Setting shark table %d timeframe to %s" % (, str(tf))) # Get source type from options try: with lock: source = path_to_class(shark, self.job.criteria.shark_source_name) except RvbdHTTPException, e: source = None raise e resolution = criteria.resolution if resolution.seconds == 1: sampling_time_msec = 1000 elif resolution.microseconds == 1000: sampling_time_msec = 1 if criteria.duration > parse_timedelta('1s'): msg = ("Cannot run a millisecond report with a duration " "longer than 1 second") raise ValueError(msg) else: sampling_time_msec = 1000 # Setup the view if source is not None: with lock: view = shark.create_view(source, columns, filters=filters, sync=False, sampling_time_msec=sampling_time_msec) else: # XXX raise other exception return None done = False logger.debug("Waiting for shark table %d to complete" % while not done: time.sleep(0.5) with lock: s = view.get_progress() self.job.progress = s done = (s == 100) # Retrieve the data with lock: if self.table.options.aggregated: = view.get_data( aggregated=self.table.options.aggregated, sortby=sortidx) else: = view.get_data(, sortby=sortidx) view.close() if self.table.rows > 0: =[:self.table.rows] self.parse_data()"Shark Report %s returned %s rows" % (self.job, len( return True
def run( self, template_id, timefilter=None, resolution="auto", query=None, trafficexpr=None, data_filter=None, sync=True ): """Create the report on Profiler and begin running the report. If the `sync` option is True, periodically poll until the report is complete, otherwise return immediately. `template_id` is the numeric id of the template to use for the report `timefilter` is the range of time to query, a TimeFilter object `resolution` is the data resolution (1min, 15min, etc.), defaults to 'auto' `query` is the query object containing criteria `trafficexpr` is a TrafficFilter object `data_filter` is a deprecated filter to run against report data `sync` if True, poll for status until the report is complete """ self.template_id = template_id self.custom_columns = False if self.template_id != 184: # the columns in this report won't match, use custom columns instead self.custom_columns = True if timefilter is None: self.timefilter = TimeFilter.parse_range("last 5 min") else: self.timefilter = timefilter self.query = query self.trafficexpr = trafficexpr self.data_filter = data_filter = None self.queries = list() self.last_status = None if resolution not in ["auto", "1min", "15min", "hour", "6hour", "day", "week", "month"]: rd = parse_timedelta(resolution) resolution = self.RESOLUTION_MAP[int(timedelta_total_seconds(rd))] self.resolution = resolution start = datetime_to_seconds(self.timefilter.start) end = datetime_to_seconds(self.timefilter.end) # using a RecursiveUpdateDict criteria = RecursiveUpdateDict(**{"time_frame": {"start": int(start), "end": int(end)}}) if self.query is not None: criteria["query"] = self.query if self.resolution != "auto": criteria["time_frame"]["resolution"] = self.resolution if self.data_filter: criteria["deprecated"] = {self.data_filter[0]: self.data_filter[1]} if self.trafficexpr is not None: criteria["traffic_expression"] = self.trafficexpr.filter to_post = {"template_id": self.template_id, "criteria": criteria} logger.debug("Posting JSON: %s" % to_post) response = try: = int(response["id"]) except KeyError: raise ValueError("failed to retrieve report id from report creation response: %s" % response)"Created report %d" % if sync: self.wait_for_complete()