def plot_voltage_curve(hull_entries): """ compute OCV between stable intermediate compositions see ref : """ e_na = -2 # -1.47 voltages = [] voltage_coord = [] for run_1, run_2 in zip(hull_entries[:-1], hull_entries[1:]): d_na = run_2.x_na - run_1.x_na d_e = run_2.energy_per_fu - run_1.energy_per_fu v_1_2 = -(d_e / d_na - e_na) voltages.append(v_1_2) voltage_coord.append([(run_1.x_na, v_1_2), (run_2.x_na, v_1_2)]) plot_title = "Predicted Voltage Curve" fig = plt.figure(plot_title) axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) axe.add_collection(LineCollection(voltages)) axe.set_ylabel('V equilibrium') axe.set_xlabel('Na content') axe.set_ylim([min(voltages) - 1, max(voltages) + 1]) # axe.legend() generic_plot.save_fig(fig, plot_title) return fig
def plot_DOS_graphs(sorted_entries): print("\n==== ELECTRONS IN RECIPROCAL SPACE (DOS) ======\n") if input("plot DOS of some structures ? Y / N : ") == "Y": # param['graph_type']="DOS" fig = plot_DOS(sorted_entries, spin_choice=None, DOS_choice=None) generic_plot.save_fig(fig, "DOS", save_mode=None, folder=None)
def plot_scatter_mesh_cell_shape(struct_list): colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'black'] marks = ['^', 'o', '*', '+'] xtag = "disto" ytag = "x_na" XY = np.array([[d[xtag], d[ytag], d["eform"]] for d in struct_list]) fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) # plot cell params as a function of the distortion and x_na ZABC = np.array([ list(d["structure"].lattice.lengths_and_angles[0]) for d in struct_list ]) for i, direction in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]): color = colors[i] mark = marks[i] ax.scatter(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], ZABC[:, i], zdir='z', c=color, marker=mark, label=direction, s=100) for x, y, z, energy in zip( XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], ZABC[:, i], XY[:, 2]): # plot each point + it's index as text above ax.text(x, y, z, "{:.3f}".format(energy), size=10, zorder=1, color='k') ax.set_xlabel(ytag) ax.set_ylabel(ytag) ax.set_ylabel("cell parameter") fig.legend() # plot V of the cell as a function of the distortion and x_na fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = Axes3D(fig2) ZV = np.array([d["structure"].lattice.volume for d in struct_list]) ax2.scatter(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], ZV, zdir='z', c=color, marker=mark, s=150) ax2.set_xlabel(xtag) ax2.set_ylabel(ytag) ax2.set_zlabel("Volume") # fig2.legend() generic_plot.save_fig(fig, "scatter surface", save_mode=None, folder=None)
def plot_scatter_surface(sorted_entries, xtag="disto", ytag="x_na", ztag="eform"): fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) for d in sorted_entries: d['disto'] = round(d["distortion"]["Mn"]["O:6"], 2) stacking_list = list(set([e["stacking"] for e in sorted_entries])) colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'black'] marks = ['^', 'o', '*', '+'] for i, stacking in enumerate(stacking_list): color = colors[i] mark = marks[i] struct_list = [d for d in sorted_entries if d["stacking"] == stacking] XYZ = np.array([[d[xtag], d[ytag], d[ztag]] for d in struct_list]) ax.scatter(XYZ[:, 0], XYZ[:, 1], XYZ[:, 2], zdir='z', c=color, marker=mark, label=stacking, s=150) ax.set_xlabel(xtag) ax.set_ylabel(ytag) ax.set_zlabel(ztag) fig.legend() generic_plot.save_fig(fig, "scatter surface", save_mode=None, folder=None) return (fig)
def plot_COOP_OO(RunDict_list, sorting="oxidation"): override_sorting = True try: bond_choice = input( "[M]-O // [O]-O // [s]pecific pair // [A]ll: Bond choice ?") if bond_choice in ["O", "o"]: bonds = ["O_O"] # , "O_O" "M_O" elif bond_choice in ["M", "m"]: bonds = ["M_O"] elif bond_choice in ["S", "s"]: bonds = ["specific_pair"] elif bond_choice in ["A", "a"]: bonds = ["M_O", "O_O", "specific_pair"] except Exception: print('bond = M-O') bonds = ["M_O"] # ========= getting the COOP data for v in RunDict_list: v.coop_dict = {} for bond in bonds: v.coop_dict[bond] = get_COOP_from_folder(v.job_folder, bond=bond) plot_dos = True dos_ax = 1 if plot_dos else 0 Emin = -10 Emax = 3 # ========= plotting all bond_COOP per run for v in RunDict_list: valid_coops = { bond: v.coop_dict[bond] for bond in bonds if v.coop_dict[bond] is not None } nb_axes = len(valid_coops) if nb_axes == 0: print("no valid COOP runs for {}".format(v.str_id)) return ([]) nb_axes += dos_ax fig = plt.figure("COOP", figsize=(20, 10)) if nb_axes == 1: axes = [fig.add_subplot(111)] else: axes = fig.subplots(nb_axes, 1, sharex="col") fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) bottom_COOP, top_COOP = [0, 0] i = dos_ax for (bond, coop) in valid_coops.items(): plot_coop(axes[i], coop, Emin, Emax,['efermi'], sorting="all", override_sorting=True, title=bond) bottom_COOP = min(axes[i].get_ylim()[0], bottom_COOP) top_COOP = max(axes[i].get_ylim()[1], top_COOP) i += 1 # for ax in axes[dos_ax:]: # ax.set_ylim([bottom_COOP, top_COOP]) if plot_dos: ax_dos = axes[0] pre_defined_colors = { "O": "xkcd:light red", "Mn": "xkcd:bluish", "Mg": "#20c073", "Na": "xkcd:dandelion" } DOS.plot_DOS_on_axe( ax_dos, v, Emin, Emax, DOS_choice="perElt", spin_choice=0, # 0 = Up & dpwn pre_defined_colors=pre_defined_colors) ax_dos.legend() # (bottom_DOS, top_DOS) = ax_dos.get_ylim() # ax_dos.set_ylim([top_DOS * (bottom_COOP / top_COOP), top_DOS]) # axes[-1].text(-0.05 , 0.5 , "Na {} \nEf={:.4f}".format(v["x_na"],v["vaspRun"].efermi), # weight='bold',size='large', # horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', # multialignment='right', transform=axes[-1].transAxes) generic_plot.save_fig(fig, "COOP_{}".format(v.job_folder.split("/")[-2])) # # ========================= # # for bond in bonds: # # # plot each bond_coop of all runs # for bond in bonds: # fig = plt.figure("COOP by bonds", figsize=(20, 10)) # if len(complete_coop_list) == 1: # axes = [fig.add_subplot(111)] # else: # axes = fig.subplots(len(complete_coop_list), 1, sharex="col") # fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) # runList = COOP_from_runListDict(rundict_list, bond=bond) # valid_coop_runs = [v for v in runList if v.complete_coop is not None] # def plot_coop_list(complete_coop_list, axes=None): # if len(complete_coop_list) == 0: # print("no valid COOP runs to show") # return([]) # if axes is not None: # # for i, v in enumerate(valid_coop_runs): # # COOP = v.complete_coop # # if sorting == "all" or override_sorting: # # key_list = [k for k in COOP.bonds.keys()] # # elif sorting == "distance": # # key_list = sort_key_by_dist(COOP, bond_length_max=3)[0] # # elif sorting == "oxidation": # # key_list = sort_key_by_oxidation(v, COOP, nb_sites=1)[0] # # elif sorting == "OO_pairs": # # key_list = get_OO_pair_keys(v, COOP) return (RunDict_list)
def plot_convex_hull(sorted_entries, coord='x_na'): clean_entries = [d for d in sorted_entries if d.status >= 4] hull_entries = [d for d in sorted_entries if d.status >= 5] # int => stacking string stacking_list = list({e.stacking for e in sorted_entries}) print("stacking set : ", stacking_list) # stacking string => int stacking_index = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(stacking_list)} print("stacking index : ", stacking_index) colors = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'black'] # stacking string => color color_dict = {} for i, stacking in enumerate(stacking_list): color_dict[stacking] = colors[i] print(color_dict) color_dict.update({"P3": "#b700ffff", "O3": "#00baffff"}) plot_title = "Convex Hull" fig = plt.figure(plot_title) # fig.suptitle(hull_entries[-1]["folder"]+"\n" # +hull_entries[-1]["formula"]+"\n" # +plotTitle, # fontsize="large") # plotting dot_size = 40 axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Plot error bar on energies of structures with lowest energy at given x_na # symmetric or not depending if they are (or not) on the convex hull if True: # input("add error bars for ambient temp ? [Y/N] ")=="Y" : thermal_error = 25 # in meV x_e_1 = np.array([[getattr(e, coord), e.eform] for e in clean_entries]) # print(XE1) x_clean = x_e_1[:, 0] e_clean = x_e_1[:, 1] yerr_down = [(thermal_error if (e.status < 4) else 0) for e in clean_entries] yerr_up = thermal_error * np.ones_like(e_clean) # print([yerr_down, yerr_up]) axe.errorbar(x_clean, e_clean, yerr=[yerr_down, yerr_up], fmt='', linestyle="None") # # Plot all entries (hollow circles) [sorted_entries] for entry in sorted_entries: try: print(entry.eform) except Exception as ex: print("Exception raised for {} : {}".format(entry.name_tag, ex)) for stacking in stacking_list: print("current stacking", stacking) x_e = np.array([[getattr(entry, coord), entry.eform] for entry in sorted_entries if entry.stacking == stacking]) print(x_e) axe.scatter(x_e[:, 0], x_e[:, 1], s=dot_size, facecolors='none', edgecolor=color_dict[stacking], label=stacking) # Plot entries with lowest energies (filled circles) [clean_entries] x_e_c = np.array( [[getattr(entry, coord), entry.eform, stacking_index[entry.stacking]] for entry in clean_entries]) print(x_e_c) axe.scatter( x_e_c[:, 0], x_e_c[:, 1], s=dot_size, color=[color_dict[stacking_list[int(index)]] for index in x_e_c[:, 2]], edgecolor='face') # link entries on the convex hull (black line) [hull_entries] x_e = np.array([[getattr(entry, coord), entry.eform] for entry in hull_entries]) print(x_e) axe.plot(x_e[:, 0], x_e[:, 1], "k-") axe.legend() axe.set_ylabel('E total (meV)') axe.set_xlabel('Na content') # X = [getattr(entry, coord) for entry in sorted_entries] if coord == "x_na": axe.invert_xaxis() # axe.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', bottom=True) axe.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(n=2)) # xlim(max(X), min(X)) generic_plot.save_fig(fig, plot_title) return fig