コード例 #1
class Port_Knocking(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {"wsgi": WSGIApplication}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Port_Knocking, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        ## server location
        self.server_known = False  # declares a server has been defined, and addresses set
        self.server_ipv4_address = IPAddress(
        )  # IPv4 address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        self.server_ipv6_address = IPAddress(
        )  # IPv6 address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        self.server_mac_address = '00:00:00:00:00:02'  # MAC address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        # record of server location on each switch
        self.datapaths = {}  # dpid -> datapath object
        self.server_port = {}  # dpid -> port number on switch to reach server

        ## key config
        self.auth_port = 1332  # TCP port to initiate authentication key
        self.active_keys = {
        }  # Keys available to auth on; key_id -> key sequence (seq of decimal numbers)
        self.key_length = 4  # number of packets per key
        self.seq_size = get_seq_len(
        )  # number of bits used for the sequence number (1-8 are valid)

        ## host records
        self.authenticated_hosts = {
        }  # Authorised hosts;    host_ip -> timeleft (time of expiry? time to remove access)
        self.authing_hosts = {
        }  # Hosts currently entering keys; host_ip -> key buffer s.t. key buffer [port0==keyID,port1,port2,port3,..]
        self.blocked_hosts = {
        }  # Hosts who entered incorrect key; host_ip -> timeout ## may not implement atm
        self.default_time = 1800  # seconds till invalid (3600 == one hour)

        # get/register other classes
        self.switching = SimpleHubSwitch()
        wsgi = kwargs['wsgi']
        wsgi.register(Portknock_Server, {'port_knocking': self})

        # testing key
            "value": 1489,
            "seq": 0,
            "port": 1489
        }, {
            "value": 15961,
            "seq": 1,
            "port": 32345
        }, {
            "value": 8637,
            "seq": 2,
            "port": 41405
        }, {
            "value": 2929,
            "seq": 3,
            "port": 52081

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
    def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
        """Runs when switches handshake with controller
          installs a default flow to out:CONTROLLER"""
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath

        self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath


    def set_server_address(self, server_mac, server_ipv4,
                           server_ipv6):  # currently unused
        ''' Selects a server on the network '''

        self.server_mac_address = server_mac
        self.server_ipv4_address = server_ipv4
        self.server_ipv6_address = server_ipv6
        self.server_known = True
        # flush existing flows to for server

    def load_keys_from_file(self, filename):
        """ Loads a list of keys from file
              Keys are separated by line, values by commas """
        print('(AUTH-key file) loading from file')

        def convert_to_key(port_num):
            port_num = int(port_num)
            i, k = port_to_parts(port_num, self.seq_size)
            return {'value': k, 'seq': i, 'port': port_num}

        with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
                self.add_auth_key(map(convert_to_key, line.split(',')))

    def add_auth_key(self, key_list):
        ''' Keys are a given as a list of (seq, key) values, 
              each pair of letters corresponds to a port number 
              first is used as the key's ID
              return true is no key conflict, false if key_id exists  '''
        if len(key_list) != self.key_length:
            print('(AUTH-addkey) invalid key list, too long (%d!=%d)' %
                  (len(key_list), self.key_length))
            return True

        if len(key_list) > 2**self.seq_size:
                '(AUTH-addkey) invalid key, longer than max sequence (%d > %d)'
                % (len(key_list), 2**self.seq_size))
            return True  # to avoid infinite loop

        idx = 0
        for k in key_list:
            # check they're valid and in order
            n = k['seq']
            val = k['value']
            if val > 2**(num_port_bits - self.seq_size):
                    '(AUTH-addkey) invalid value %d at key[%d] -- too large! (>%d)'
                    % (val, n, 2**(num_port_bits - self.seq_size)))
                return True
            idx += 1

        # check key_id doesn't exist already
        if key_list[0]['value'] in self.active_keys:
            return False

        auth_key = []
        auth_ports = []
        for key in key_list:
            # print('%d: %d -> %d' % (key['port'], key['seq'], key['value']))

        self.active_keys[auth_key[0]] = {'key': auth_key, 'port': auth_ports}
        print('(AUTH-addkey) Added key %s' % auth_key)

        return True

    def install_server_blocking_flows(self, datapath):
        ''' Blocking IP access to the server and allowing ARP '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s server block flows' %

        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        action_block = []  # empty == drop

        # install block all to server rule (mac, ipv4, ipv6)
        match_mac = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP,
        match_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP,
        match_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6,

        add_flow(datapath, 1, match_mac, action_block)
        add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv4, action_block)
        add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv6, action_block)

    def install_auth_init_flow(self, datapath):
        '''  Install rule for matching for the TCP auth init packet '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s knock init flows' % datapath.id)
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        action_packet_in = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]

        # send TCP on port self.auth_port to controller
        match_tcp_auth_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP,
        match_tcp_auth_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP,

        # add a flow for auth init packet capture
        add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv4, action_packet_in)
        add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv6, action_packet_in)

    def auth_host(self, src_ip, datapath):
        ''' Allows given host to access the server '''

        action_allow_to_server = [

        # add rules for mac to access server
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_allow_to_server)

        print('(AUTH-auth authenticated id:%s on dpid:%s' %
              (src_ip, datapath.id))

    def match_key(self, src_ip, dst_port, datapath):
        ''' Matches the sequence of knocks against buffered key '''

        # TODO no penalty on self.auth_port!

        print('dst port %d' % dst_port)
        idx, key_val = port_to_parts(dst_port, self.seq_size)

        if (idx > self.key_length) or (idx < 0):
            self.invalid_key('Key sequence number out of bounds')

        if len(self.authing_hosts[src_ip]) == 0:
            # first sequence key
            if idx != 0:
                print('key not yet defined, seq #%d received' % idx)
                return  # don't accept anything until key is selected
                key_id = key_val
            key_id = self.authing_hosts[src_ip][0]

        if key_id not in self.active_keys:
            self.invalid_key('Key id not valid %d' % (key_id))

        if self.active_keys[key_id]['key'][idx] != key_val:  # check they match
                'value %d doesn\'t match key idx %d of key %d (%d)' %
                (key_val, idx, key_id, self.active_keys[key_id]['key'][idx]))

        if idx not in self.authing_hosts[src_ip]:
            print('(AUTH-buffered) %s length: %d/%d (%d)' %
                  (src_ip, len(self.authing_hosts[src_ip]) + 1,
                   self.key_length, key_val))
            self.authing_hosts[src_ip][idx] = key_val
            print('duplicate %d->%d' % (idx, key_val))

        if len(self.authing_hosts[src_ip]) == self.key_length:
            # key complete, authorise IP address to access server
            print('(AUTH-seq complete) ip:%s' % src_ip)

            # add host to authenticated hosts
            self.authenticated_hosts[src_ip] = 10000

            # tidy up
            del self.authing_hosts[src_ip]
            del self.active_keys[key_id]
            # self.remove_authing_flows(src_ip) # redundant, is replaced with allow flow

            # install flows to access server
            self.auth_host(src_ip, datapath)

    def invalid_key(self, msg=''):
        # TODO: block for a few seconds
        # TODO: release authing key from host?
        print('(AUTH-invalid key) %s' % msg)

    def remove_key_from(self, src_ip):
        ''' expired keys are disassociated from authing host '''
        del self.authing_hosts[src_ip]

    def initialise_host_auth(self, src_ip, datapath):
        print('(AUTH-auth init) received init from %s' % src_ip)
        self.authing_hosts[src_ip] = {}  # empty key buffer

        # install flow, fwd all tcp to controller
        action_fwd_to_controller = [
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()

        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_fwd_to_controller)

    def remove_auth_flows(self, src_ip):
        """ removes the flows that capture knock sequence 
                (identified with src_ip and priority) """
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()

        for id in self.datapaths:
            delete_flow(self.datapaths[id], 3, match_ipv4)

    def remove_host_access(self, src_ip):
        """ Revokes access to server for an authorised host """

        if src_ip not in self.authenticated_hosts:
            return False

        print('removing %s from auth hosts' % src_ip)
        del self.authenticated_hosts[src_ip]

        return True

    def set_datapath_svr_port(self, dpid, in_port):
        if dpid in self.server_port and self.server_port[dpid] == in_port:
            # already set and no change

        print '(AUTH-packet_in) %d\'s server_port: %d' % (dpid, in_port)
        self.server_port[dpid] = in_port
        self.server_known = True

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def packet_in_handler(self, ev):
        '''Listen for auth packets 
            and server announcement'''

        msg = ev.msg
        dp = msg.datapath
        ofp = dp.ofproto
        parser = dp.ofproto_parser

        pkt = packet.Packet(msg.data)
        eth = pkt.get_protocols(ethernet.ethernet)[0]

        eth_type = eth.ethertype

        # ''' register the server (not implemented) '''
        # if (broadcast and matches server key):
        # set_server_address()
        # set server port for this datapath

        # capture auth packets
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP:
            # if TCP and dst is server
            # ipv4
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv4.ipv4)[0]
            if ip.proto == in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP and ip.dst == str(
                tcp = pkt.get_protocols(TCP.tcp)[0]

                if ip.src in self.authenticated_hosts:  # likely from another switch, so needs to have flow to server installed
                    self.auth_host(ip.src, dp)

                if len(self.active_keys) <= 0:
                    print('no keys active')

                elif ip.src in self.authing_hosts:
                    self.match_key(ip.src, tcp.dst_port, dp)

                elif tcp.dst_port == self.auth_port:
                    # install key matching flows for host
                    self.initialise_host_auth(ip.src, dp)

                return  # avoid installing flow (block TCP traffic to server)
            if ip.dst == str(self.server_ipv4_address):
                # avoids controller forwarding on other IP packets while ALL TO CONTROLLER is active

        # ipv6 to server, block from switch
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6:
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv6.ipv6)[0]
            if ip.dst == str(self.server_ipv6_address):

        # if from server, get port_id of server (reply from ARP will trigger this)
        if eth.src == self.server_mac_address:
            self.set_datapath_svr_port(dp.id, msg.match['in_port'])

        # do regular switching
コード例 #2
class Port_Knocking(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {"wsgi":WSGIApplication}
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Port_Knocking, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
        ## server location
        self.server_known = False                                   # declares a server has been defined, and addresses set
        self.server_ipv4_address = IPAddress('')            # IPv4 address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        self.server_ipv6_address = IPAddress('fe80::200:ff:fe00:2') # IPv6 address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        self.server_mac_address  = '00:00:00:00:00:02'              # MAC address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        # record of server location on each switch
        self.datapaths = {}                                         # dpid -> datapath object
        self.server_port = {}                                       # dpid -> port number on switch to reach server
        ## key config
        self.auth_port = 1332     # TCP port to initiate authentication key
        self.active_keys = {}     # Keys available to auth on; key_id -> key sequence (seq of decimal numbers)
        self.key_length = 4       # number of packets per key
        self.seq_size = get_seq_len( self.key_length )     # number of bits used for the sequence number (1-8 are valid)
        ## host records
        self.authenticated_hosts = {}     # Authorised hosts;    host_ip -> timeleft (time of expiry? time to remove access)
        self.authing_hosts = {}   # Hosts currently entering keys; host_ip -> key buffer s.t. key buffer [port0==keyID,port1,port2,port3,..]
        self.blocked_hosts = {}   # Hosts who entered incorrect key; host_ip -> timeout ## may not implement atm
        self.default_time  = 1800 # seconds till invalid (3600 == one hour)
        # get/register other classes
        self.switching = SimpleHubSwitch()
        wsgi = kwargs['wsgi']
        wsgi.register(Portknock_Server, {'port_knocking' : self})
        # testing key
            {"value": 1489, "seq": 0,"port": 1489},
            {"value": 15961,"seq": 1,"port": 32345},
            {"value": 8637, "seq": 2,"port": 41405},
            {"value": 2929, "seq": 3,"port": 52081}])
    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
    def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
        """Runs when switches handshake with controller
          installs a default flow to out:CONTROLLER"""
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath
        self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath
    def set_server_address(self, server_mac, server_ipv4, server_ipv6):  # currently unused
        ''' Selects a server on the network '''
        self.server_mac_address  = server_mac
        self.server_ipv4_address = server_ipv4
        self.server_ipv6_address = server_ipv6
        self.server_known = True
        # flush existing flows to for server
    def load_keys_from_file(self, filename):
        """ Loads a list of keys from file
              Keys are separated by line, values by commas """
        print('(AUTH-key file) loading from file')
        def convert_to_key(port_num):
            port_num = int(port_num)
            i,k = port_to_parts(port_num, self.seq_size)
            return {'value': k, 'seq':i, 'port':port_num}
        with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
                self.add_auth_key(map(convert_to_key, line.split(',')))
    def add_auth_key(self, key_list):
        ''' Keys are a given as a list of (seq, key) values, 
              each pair of letters corresponds to a port number 
              first is used as the key's ID
              return true is no key conflict, false if key_id exists  '''
        if len(key_list) != self.key_length:
            print('(AUTH-addkey) invalid key list, too long (%d!=%d)' % (len(key_list),self.key_length))
            return True
        if len(key_list) > 2**self.seq_size:
            print('(AUTH-addkey) invalid key, longer than max sequence (%d > %d)' % (len(key_list),2**self.seq_size))
            return True # to avoid infinite loop
        idx = 0
        for k in key_list:
            # check they're valid and in order
            n = k['seq']
            val = k['value']
            if val > 2**(num_port_bits - self.seq_size):
                print('(AUTH-addkey) invalid value %d at key[%d] -- too large! (>%d)' % (val,n,2**(num_port_bits - self.seq_size)))
                return True
        # check key_id doesn't exist already
        if key_list[0]['value'] in self.active_keys:
            return False
        auth_key = []
        auth_ports = []
        for key in key_list:
            # print('%d: %d -> %d' % (key['port'], key['seq'], key['value']))
        self.active_keys[auth_key[0]] = {'key': auth_key,'port': auth_ports}
        print('(AUTH-addkey) Added key %s' % auth_key)
        return True
    def install_server_blocking_flows(self, datapath):
        ''' Blocking IP access to the server and allowing ARP '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s server block flows' % datapath.id)
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        action_block = [] # empty == drop
        # install block all to server rule (mac, ipv4, ipv6)
        match_mac = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, eth_dst=self.server_mac_address)
        match_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_dst=self.server_ipv4_address)
        match_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6, ipv6_dst=self.server_ipv6_address)
        add_flow(datapath, 1, match_mac, action_block)
        add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv4, action_block)
        add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv6, action_block)
    def install_auth_init_flow(self, datapath):
        '''  Install rule for matching for the TCP auth init packet '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s knock init flows' % datapath.id)
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        action_packet_in = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
        # send TCP on port self.auth_port to controller
        match_tcp_auth_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(
            eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ip_proto=in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP,
            ipv4_dst= IPAddress(self.server_ipv4_address), tcp_dst= self.auth_port)
        match_tcp_auth_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch( 
            eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ip_proto=in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP, 
            ipv6_dst= IPAddress(self.server_ipv6_address), tcp_dst= self.auth_port)
        # add a flow for auth init packet capture
        add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv4, action_packet_in)
        add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv6, action_packet_in)
    def auth_host(self, src_ip, datapath):
        ''' Allows given host to access the server '''
        action_allow_to_server = [ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput(self.server_port[datapath.id])]
        # add rules for mac to access server
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE, ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC, int(IPAddress(src_ip)))
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_DST, int(self.server_ipv4_address))
        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_allow_to_server)
        print ('(AUTH-auth authenticated id:%s on dpid:%s' % (src_ip, datapath.id))
    def match_key(self, src_ip, dst_port, datapath):
        ''' Matches the sequence of knocks against buffered key '''
        # TODO no penalty on self.auth_port!
        print('dst port %d' % dst_port)
        idx, key_val = port_to_parts(dst_port, self.seq_size)
        if (idx > self.key_length) or (idx < 0): 
            self.invalid_key('Key sequence number out of bounds')
        if len(self.authing_hosts[src_ip]) == 0:
            # first sequence key
            if idx != 0: 
                print('key not yet defined, seq #%d received' % idx)
                return  # don't accept anything until key is selected
            else: key_id = key_val
            key_id  = self.authing_hosts[src_ip][0]
        if key_id not in self.active_keys:
            self.invalid_key('Key id not valid %d' % (key_id))
        if self.active_keys[key_id]['key'][idx] != key_val:  # check they match
            self.invalid_key('value %d doesn\'t match key idx %d of key %d (%d)'
                              % (key_val, idx, key_id, self.active_keys[key_id]['key'][idx]))
        if idx not in self.authing_hosts[src_ip]:
            print('(AUTH-buffered) %s length: %d/%d (%d)' % (src_ip, len(self.authing_hosts[src_ip])+1,self.key_length, key_val))
            self.authing_hosts[src_ip][idx] = key_val
            print('duplicate %d->%d' % (idx,key_val))
        if len(self.authing_hosts[src_ip]) == self.key_length:
            # key complete, authorise IP address to access server
            print('(AUTH-seq complete) ip:%s' % src_ip)
            # add host to authenticated hosts
            self.authenticated_hosts[src_ip] = 10000
            # tidy up
            del self.authing_hosts[src_ip]
            del self.active_keys[key_id]
            # self.remove_authing_flows(src_ip) # redundant, is replaced with allow flow
            # install flows to access server
            self.auth_host(src_ip, datapath)
    def invalid_key(self, msg=''):
        # TODO: block for a few seconds
        # TODO: release authing key from host?
        print('(AUTH-invalid key) %s' % msg)
    def remove_key_from(self, src_ip):
        ''' expired keys are disassociated from authing host '''
        del self.authing_hosts[src_ip]
    def initialise_host_auth(self, src_ip, datapath):
        print ('(AUTH-auth init) received init from %s' % src_ip)
        self.authing_hosts[src_ip] = {} # empty key buffer
        # install flow, fwd all tcp to controller
        action_fwd_to_controller = [ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto_v1_3.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE, ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC, int(IPAddress(src_ip)))
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_DST, int(self.server_ipv4_address))
        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_fwd_to_controller)
    def remove_auth_flows(self,src_ip):
        """ removes the flows that capture knock sequence 
                (identified with src_ip and priority) """
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE, ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC, int(IPAddress(src_ip)))
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_DST, int(IPAddress(self.server_ipv4_address)))
        for id in self.datapaths:
            delete_flow(self.datapaths[id], 3, match_ipv4)
    def remove_host_access(self,src_ip):
        """ Revokes access to server for an authorised host """
        if src_ip not in self.authenticated_hosts:
            return False
        print('removing %s from auth hosts' % src_ip)
        del self.authenticated_hosts[src_ip]
        return True
    def set_datapath_svr_port(self, dpid, in_port):
        if dpid in self.server_port and self.server_port[dpid] == in_port:
            # already set and no change
        print '(AUTH-packet_in) %d\'s server_port: %d' % (dpid, in_port)
        self.server_port[dpid] = in_port
        self.server_known = True
    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def packet_in_handler(self, ev):
        '''Listen for auth packets 
            and server announcement'''
        msg = ev.msg
        dp = msg.datapath
        ofp = dp.ofproto
        parser = dp.ofproto_parser
        pkt = packet.Packet(msg.data)
        eth = pkt.get_protocols(ethernet.ethernet)[0]
        eth_type = eth.ethertype
        # ''' register the server (not implemented) '''
        # if (broadcast and matches server key): 
          # set_server_address()
          # set server port for this datapath
        # capture auth packets
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP:
            # if TCP and dst is server
            # ipv4
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv4.ipv4)[0]
            if ip.proto == in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP and ip.dst == str(self.server_ipv4_address):
                tcp = pkt.get_protocols(TCP.tcp)[0]
                if ip.src in self.authenticated_hosts: # likely from another switch, so needs to have flow to server installed
                    self.auth_host(ip.src, dp)
                if len(self.active_keys) <= 0:
                    print('no keys active')
                elif ip.src in self.authing_hosts:
                    self.match_key(ip.src, tcp.dst_port, dp)
                elif tcp.dst_port == self.auth_port:
                    # install key matching flows for host
                    self.initialise_host_auth(ip.src, dp)
                return # avoid installing flow (block TCP traffic to server)
            if ip.dst == str(self.server_ipv4_address):
                # avoids controller forwarding on other IP packets while ALL TO CONTROLLER is active
        # ipv6 to server, block from switch
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6:
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv6.ipv6)[0]
            if ip.dst == str(self.server_ipv6_address):
        # if from server, get port_id of server (reply from ARP will trigger this)
        if eth.src == self.server_mac_address:
            self.set_datapath_svr_port(dp.id, msg.match['in_port'])
        # do regular switching
コード例 #3
class Port_Knocking(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {"wsgi": WSGIApplication}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Port_Knocking, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # record of server location on each switch
        self.datapaths = {}  # dpid -> datapath object
        self.server_port = {}  # dpid -> port number on switch to reach server

        ## server location, MAC address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        self.server_mac_address = [

        ## key config
        self.auth_port = 1332  # TCP port to initiate authentication key
        self.active_keys = {
            "": {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {}
            "": {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {}
        self.active_keys_v6 = {
            str(IPAddress('fe80::200:ff:fe00:2')): {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {},
            str(IPAddress('fe80::200:ff:fe00:3')): {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {},
        ## host records
        self.authing_hosts = {}  # Hosts currently entering keys; host_ip -> key buffer s.t. key buffer [port0==keyID,port1,port2,port3,..]
        self.blocked_hosts = {}  # Hosts who entered incorrect key; host_ip -> timeout ## may not implement atm
        self.default_time = 1800  # seconds till invalid (3600 == one hour)

        # get/register other classes
        self.switching = SimpleHubSwitch()
        wsgi = kwargs['wsgi']
        wsgi.register(Portknock_Server, {'port_knocking': self})

        # testing key TODO
        # self.add_auth_key([
        #     {"value": 1489, "seq": 0, "port": 1489},
        #     {"value": 15961, "seq": 1, "port": 32345},
        #     {"value": 8637, "seq": 2, "port": 41405},
        #     {"value": 2929, "seq": 3, "port": 52081}])
        # self.load_keys_from_file('test_keys.txt')

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
    def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
        """Runs when switches handshake with controller
          installs a default flow to out:CONTROLLER"""
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath

        self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath


    def load_keys_from_file(self, filename):
        """ Loads a list of keys from file
              Keys are separated by line, values by commas """
        print('(AUTH-key file) loading from file')

        def convert_to_key(port_num):
            port_num = int(port_num)
            i, k = port_to_parts(port_num, self.seq_size)
            return {'value': k, 'seq': i, 'port': port_num}

        with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
                self.add_auth_key(map(convert_to_key, line.split(',')))

    def add_auth_key(self, which_host, key_list):
        # TODO
        if self.active_keys.get(which_host) is None:
            self.active_keys[which_host] = {
                "current": "",
                "keys": {}
        self.active_keys[which_host]["keys"][key_list[0]] = key_list

    def install_server_blocking_flows(self, datapath):
        ''' Blocking IP access to the server and allowing ARP '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s server block flows' % datapath.id)

        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        action_block = []  # empty == drop

        # L2 block
        for addr in self.server_mac_address:
            match_mac = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, eth_dst=addr)
            add_flow(datapath, 1, match_mac, action_block)

        # L3 block
        for addr in self.active_keys:
            match_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_dst=IPAddress(addr))
            add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv4, action_block)

        for addr in self.active_keys_v6:
            match_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6, ipv6_dst=IPAddress(addr))
            add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv6, action_block)

    def install_auth_init_flow(self, datapath):
        '''  Install rule for matching for the TCP auth init packet '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s knock init flows' % datapath.id)
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        action_packet_in = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]

        for addr in self.active_keys:
            # send TCP on port self.auth_port to controller
            match_tcp_auth_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(
                    eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ip_proto=in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP,
                    ipv4_dst=IPAddress(addr), tcp_dst=self.auth_port)
            # add a flow for auth init packet capture
            add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv4, action_packet_in)

        for addr in self.active_keys_v6:
            # send TCP on port self.auth_port to controller
            match_tcp_auth_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(
                    eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ip_proto=in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP,
                    ipv6_dst=IPAddress(addr), tcp_dst=self.auth_port)
            # add a flow for auth init packet capture
            add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv6, action_packet_in)

    def auth_host(self, src_ip, dst_ip, datapath):
        ''' Allows given host to access the server '''

        action_allow_to_server = [ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput(self.server_port[datapath.id])]

        # add rules for mac to access server
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE, ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC, int(IPAddress(src_ip)))
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_DST, int(IPAddress(dst_ip)))
        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_allow_to_server)

        print ('(AUTH-auth authenticated id:%s on dpid:%s' % (src_ip, datapath.id))

    def match_key(self, src_ip, dst_ip, dst_port, datapath):
        ''' Matches the sequence of knocks against buffered key '''

        print('dst port %d' % dst_port)
        key_id = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"]
        idx = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"]

        if key_id == -1:
            # first sequence key
            if dst_port in self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"]:
                self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"] = key_id = dst_port
                self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = idx = 0
                print('key not yet defined')
                return  # don't accept anything until key is selected

        key_val = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"][key_id][idx]
        key_length = len(self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"][key_id])

        if idx > 0:
            key_val_last = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"][key_id][idx - 1]
            key_val_last = -1

        if dst_port == key_val_last:
            print('duplicate %d->%d' % (idx - 1, dst_port))
        elif dst_port != key_val:
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"] = -1
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = -1
            self.invalid_key('value %d doesn\'t match key idx %d of key %d (%d)'
                             % (dst_port, idx + 1, key_length, key_val))

        # dst_port == key_val
        print('(AUTH-buffered) %s -> %s length: %d/%d (%d)' % (src_ip, dst_ip, idx + 1, key_length, key_val))

        if idx + 1 == key_length:
            # key complete, authorise IP address to access server
            print('(AUTH-seq complete) ip:%s' % src_ip)

            # add host to authenticated hosts
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["authenticated_hosts"][src_ip] = 10000

            # tidy up
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"] = -1
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = -1

            # install flows to access server
            self.auth_host(src_ip, dst_ip, datapath)
            self.authing_hosts[src_ip] = {}
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = idx + 1

    def invalid_key(self, msg=''):
        # TODO: block for a few seconds
        # TODO: release authing key from host?
        print('(AUTH-invalid key) %s' % msg)

    def remove_key_from(self, src_ip):
        ''' expired keys are disassociated from authing host '''
        del self.authing_hosts[src_ip]

    def initialise_host_auth(self, src_ip, dst_ip, datapath):
        print ('(AUTH-auth init) received init from %s' % src_ip)
        self.authing_hosts[src_ip] = {}  # empty key buffer

        # install flow, fwd all tcp to controller
        action_fwd_to_controller = [ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto_v1_3.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE, ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC, int(IPAddress(src_ip)))
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_DST, int(IPAddress(dst_ip)))

        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_fwd_to_controller)

    def remove_auth_flows(self, src_ip, dst_ip):
        """ removes the flows that capture knock sequence
                (identified with src_ip and priority) """
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_ETH_TYPE, ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP)
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_SRC, int(IPAddress(src_ip)))
        match_ipv4.append_field(ofproto_v1_3.OXM_OF_IPV4_DST, int(IPAddress(dst_ip)))

        for id in self.datapaths:
            delete_flow(self.datapaths[id], 3, match_ipv4)

    def remove_host_access(self, src_ip, dst_ip):
        """ Revokes access to server for an authorised host """

        if src_ip not in self.active_keys[dst_ip]["authenticated_hosts"]:
            return False

        print('removing %s from auth hosts' % src_ip)
        del self.active_keys[dst_ip]["authenticated_hosts"][src_ip]
        self.remove_auth_flows(src_ip, dst_ip)

        return True

    def set_datapath_svr_port(self, dpid, in_port):
        if dpid in self.server_port and self.server_port[dpid] == in_port:
            # already set and no change

        print '(AUTH-packet_in) %d\'s server_port: %d' % (dpid, in_port)
        self.server_port[dpid] = in_port

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def packet_in_handler(self, ev):
        '''Listen for auth packets
            and server announcement'''

        msg = ev.msg
        dp = msg.datapath
        ofp = dp.ofproto
        parser = dp.ofproto_parser

        pkt = packet.Packet(msg.data)
        eth = pkt.get_protocols(ethernet.ethernet)[0]

        eth_type = eth.ethertype

        # capture auth packets
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP:
            # if TCP and dst is server
            # ipv4
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv4.ipv4)[0]
            if ip.proto == in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP and ip.dst in self.active_keys:
                tcp = pkt.get_protocols(TCP.tcp)[0]

                if ip.src in self.active_keys[ip.dst][
                    "authenticated_hosts"]:  # likely from another switch, so needs to have flow to server installed
                    self.auth_host(ip.src, ip.dst, dp)

                elif ip.src in self.authing_hosts:
                    self.match_key(ip.src, ip.dst, tcp.dst_port, dp)

                elif tcp.dst_port == self.auth_port:
                    # install key matching flows for host
                    self.initialise_host_auth(ip.src, ip.dst, dp)
                return  # avoid installing flow (block TCP traffic to server)

            if ip.dst in self.active_keys:
                # avoids controller forwarding on other IP packets while ALL TO CONTROLLER is active

        # ipv6 to server, block from switch
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6:
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv6.ipv6)[0]
            if ip.dst in self.active_keys_v6:

        # if from server, get port_id of server (reply from ARP will trigger this)
        if eth.src in self.server_mac_address:
            self.set_datapath_svr_port(dp.id, msg.match['in_port'])

        # do regular switching
コード例 #4
class Port_Knocking(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {"wsgi": WSGIApplication}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Port_Knocking, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # record of server location on each switch
        self.datapaths = {}  # dpid -> datapath object
        self.server_port = {}  # dpid -> port number on switch to reach server

        ## server location, MAC address that access is restricted to (the 'server')
        self.server_mac_address = ['00:00:00:00:00:02', '00:00:00:00:00:03']

        ## key config
        self.auth_port = 1332  # TCP port to initiate authentication key
        self.active_keys = {
            "": {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {}
            "": {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {}
        self.active_keys_v6 = {
            str(IPAddress('fe80::200:ff:fe00:2')): {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {},
            str(IPAddress('fe80::200:ff:fe00:3')): {
                "current_key": -1,
                "current_seq": -1,
                "keys": {
                    1000: [1000, 1001, 1002],
                    1001: [1001, 1002, 1003]
                "authenticated_hosts": {},
        ## host records
        self.authing_hosts = {
        }  # Hosts currently entering keys; host_ip -> key buffer s.t. key buffer [port0==keyID,port1,port2,port3,..]
        self.blocked_hosts = {
        }  # Hosts who entered incorrect key; host_ip -> timeout ## may not implement atm
        self.default_time = 1800  # seconds till invalid (3600 == one hour)

        # get/register other classes
        self.switching = SimpleHubSwitch()
        wsgi = kwargs['wsgi']
        wsgi.register(Portknock_Server, {'port_knocking': self})

        # testing key TODO
        # self.add_auth_key([
        #     {"value": 1489, "seq": 0, "port": 1489},
        #     {"value": 15961, "seq": 1, "port": 32345},
        #     {"value": 8637, "seq": 2, "port": 41405},
        #     {"value": 2929, "seq": 3, "port": 52081}])
        # self.load_keys_from_file('test_keys.txt')

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
    def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
        """Runs when switches handshake with controller
          installs a default flow to out:CONTROLLER"""
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath

        self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath


    def load_keys_from_file(self, filename):
        """ Loads a list of keys from file
              Keys are separated by line, values by commas """
        print('(AUTH-key file) loading from file')

        def convert_to_key(port_num):
            port_num = int(port_num)
            i, k = port_to_parts(port_num, self.seq_size)
            return {'value': k, 'seq': i, 'port': port_num}

        with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
                self.add_auth_key(map(convert_to_key, line.split(',')))

    def add_auth_key(self, which_host, key_list):
        # TODO
        if self.active_keys.get(which_host) is None:
            self.active_keys[which_host] = {"current": "", "keys": {}}
        self.active_keys[which_host]["keys"][key_list[0]] = key_list

    def install_server_blocking_flows(self, datapath):
        ''' Blocking IP access to the server and allowing ARP '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s server block flows' %

        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        action_block = []  # empty == drop

        # L2 block
        for addr in self.server_mac_address:
            match_mac = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP,
            add_flow(datapath, 1, match_mac, action_block)

        # L3 block
        for addr in self.active_keys:
            match_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP,
            add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv4, action_block)

        for addr in self.active_keys_v6:
            match_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6,
            add_flow(datapath, 1, match_ipv6, action_block)

    def install_auth_init_flow(self, datapath):
        '''  Install rule for matching for the TCP auth init packet '''
        print('(AUTH-install) installing %d\'s knock init flows' % datapath.id)
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser

        action_packet_in = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER)]

        for addr in self.active_keys:
            # send TCP on port self.auth_port to controller
            match_tcp_auth_ipv4 = parser.OFPMatch(
            # add a flow for auth init packet capture
            add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv4, action_packet_in)

        for addr in self.active_keys_v6:
            # send TCP on port self.auth_port to controller
            match_tcp_auth_ipv6 = parser.OFPMatch(
            # add a flow for auth init packet capture
            add_flow(datapath, 2, match_tcp_auth_ipv6, action_packet_in)

    def auth_host(self, src_ip, dst_ip, datapath):
        ''' Allows given host to access the server '''

        action_allow_to_server = [

        # add rules for mac to access server
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()
        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_allow_to_server)

        print('(AUTH-auth authenticated id:%s on dpid:%s' %
              (src_ip, datapath.id))

    def match_key(self, src_ip, dst_ip, dst_port, datapath):
        ''' Matches the sequence of knocks against buffered key '''

        print('dst port %d' % dst_port)
        key_id = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"]
        idx = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"]

        if key_id == -1:
            # first sequence key
            if dst_port in self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"]:
                self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"] = key_id = dst_port
                self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = idx = 0
                print('key not yet defined')
                return  # don't accept anything until key is selected

        key_val = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"][key_id][idx]
        key_length = len(self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"][key_id])

        if idx > 0:
            key_val_last = self.active_keys[dst_ip]["keys"][key_id][idx - 1]
            key_val_last = -1

        if dst_port == key_val_last:
            print('duplicate %d->%d' % (idx - 1, dst_port))
        elif dst_port != key_val:
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"] = -1
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = -1
                'value %d doesn\'t match key idx %d of key %d (%d)' %
                (dst_port, idx + 1, key_length, key_val))

        # dst_port == key_val
        print('(AUTH-buffered) %s -> %s length: %d/%d (%d)' %
              (src_ip, dst_ip, idx + 1, key_length, key_val))

        if idx + 1 == key_length:
            # key complete, authorise IP address to access server
            print('(AUTH-seq complete) ip:%s' % src_ip)

            # add host to authenticated hosts
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["authenticated_hosts"][src_ip] = 10000

            # tidy up
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_key"] = -1
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = -1

            # install flows to access server
            self.auth_host(src_ip, dst_ip, datapath)
            self.authing_hosts[src_ip] = {}
            self.active_keys[dst_ip]["current_seq"] = idx + 1

    def invalid_key(self, msg=''):
        # TODO: block for a few seconds
        # TODO: release authing key from host?
        print('(AUTH-invalid key) %s' % msg)

    def remove_key_from(self, src_ip):
        ''' expired keys are disassociated from authing host '''
        del self.authing_hosts[src_ip]

    def initialise_host_auth(self, src_ip, dst_ip, datapath):
        print('(AUTH-auth init) received init from %s' % src_ip)
        self.authing_hosts[src_ip] = {}  # empty key buffer

        # install flow, fwd all tcp to controller
        action_fwd_to_controller = [
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()

        add_flow(datapath, 3, match_ipv4, action_fwd_to_controller)

    def remove_auth_flows(self, src_ip, dst_ip):
        """ removes the flows that capture knock sequence
                (identified with src_ip and priority) """
        match_ipv4 = ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch()

        for id in self.datapaths:
            delete_flow(self.datapaths[id], 3, match_ipv4)

    def remove_host_access(self, src_ip, dst_ip):
        """ Revokes access to server for an authorised host """

        if src_ip not in self.active_keys[dst_ip]["authenticated_hosts"]:
            return False

        print('removing %s from auth hosts' % src_ip)
        del self.active_keys[dst_ip]["authenticated_hosts"][src_ip]
        self.remove_auth_flows(src_ip, dst_ip)

        return True

    def set_datapath_svr_port(self, dpid, in_port):
        if dpid in self.server_port and self.server_port[dpid] == in_port:
            # already set and no change

        print '(AUTH-packet_in) %d\'s server_port: %d' % (dpid, in_port)
        self.server_port[dpid] = in_port

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def packet_in_handler(self, ev):
        '''Listen for auth packets
            and server announcement'''

        msg = ev.msg
        dp = msg.datapath
        ofp = dp.ofproto
        parser = dp.ofproto_parser

        pkt = packet.Packet(msg.data)
        eth = pkt.get_protocols(ethernet.ethernet)[0]

        eth_type = eth.ethertype

        # capture auth packets
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP:
            # if TCP and dst is server
            # ipv4
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv4.ipv4)[0]
            if ip.proto == in_proto.IPPROTO_TCP and ip.dst in self.active_keys:
                tcp = pkt.get_protocols(TCP.tcp)[0]

                if ip.src in self.active_keys[ip.dst][
                        "authenticated_hosts"]:  # likely from another switch, so needs to have flow to server installed
                    self.auth_host(ip.src, ip.dst, dp)

                elif ip.src in self.authing_hosts:
                    self.match_key(ip.src, ip.dst, tcp.dst_port, dp)

                elif tcp.dst_port == self.auth_port:
                    # install key matching flows for host
                    self.initialise_host_auth(ip.src, ip.dst, dp)
                return  # avoid installing flow (block TCP traffic to server)

            if ip.dst in self.active_keys:
                # avoids controller forwarding on other IP packets while ALL TO CONTROLLER is active

        # ipv6 to server, block from switch
        if eth_type == ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IPV6:
            ip = pkt.get_protocols(ipv6.ipv6)[0]
            if ip.dst in self.active_keys_v6:

        # if from server, get port_id of server (reply from ARP will trigger this)
        if eth.src in self.server_mac_address:
            self.set_datapath_svr_port(dp.id, msg.match['in_port'])

        # do regular switching