コード例 #1
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: 5g-empower/empower-ryu
def _add_tests():
    import os
    import os.path
    import functools

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    packet_data_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, '../../packet_data')
    json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'json')
    ofvers = [
    cases = set()
    for ver in ofvers:
        pdir = packet_data_dir + '/' + ver
        jdir = json_dir + '/' + ver
        n_added = 0
        for file in os.listdir(pdir):
            if file.endswith('.packet'):
                truncated = None
            elif '.truncated' in file:
                # contents of .truncated files aren't relevant
                s1, s2 = file.split('.truncated')
                    truncated = int(s2)
                except ValueError:
                file = s1 + '.packet'
            wire_msg = open(pdir + '/' + file, 'rb').read()
            if not truncated:
                json_str = open(jdir + '/' + file + '.json', 'r').read()
                json_str = open(jdir + '/' + file +
                                '.truncated%d.json' % truncated, 'r').read()
                wire_msg = wire_msg[:truncated]
            method_name = ('test_' + file).replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
            if truncated:
                method_name += '_truncated%d' % truncated

            def _run(self, name, wire_msg, json_str):
                print('processing %s ...' % name)
                if six.PY3:
                    self._test_msg(self, name, wire_msg, json_str)
                    self._test_msg(name, wire_msg, json_str)
            print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
            f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name, wire_msg=wire_msg,
            test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser, method_name, f)
            n_added += 1
        assert n_added > 0
    assert (cases ==
コード例 #2
def _add_tests_actions(cls):
    for act in cls.act_list:
        method_name = 'test_' + str(cls.ver) + '_' + act["type"] + '_action'

        def _run(self, name, act, cls):
            print('processing %s ...' % name)
            cls_ = Test_ofctl(name)
            cls_._test_actions(act, cls)
        print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
        func = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name, act=act, cls=cls)
        test_lib.add_method(Test_ofctl, method_name, func)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: shinpeimuraoka/ryu
def _add_tests():
    import os
    import os.path
    import functools

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    packet_data_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, "../../packet_data")
    json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, "json")
    ofvers = ["of10", "of12", "of13", "of14", "of15"]
    cases = set()
    for ver in ofvers:
        pdir = packet_data_dir + "/" + ver
        jdir = json_dir + "/" + ver
        n_added = 0
        for file in os.listdir(pdir):
            if file.endswith(".packet"):
                truncated = None
            elif ".truncated" in file:
                # contents of .truncated files aren't relevant
                s1, s2 = file.split(".truncated")
                    truncated = int(s2)
                except ValueError:
                file = s1 + ".packet"
            wire_msg = open(pdir + "/" + file, "rb").read()
            if not truncated:
                json_str = open(jdir + "/" + file + ".json", "r").read()
                json_str = open(jdir + "/" + file + ".truncated%d.json" % truncated, "r").read()
                wire_msg = wire_msg[:truncated]
            method_name = ("test_" + file).replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
            if truncated:
                method_name += "_truncated%d" % truncated

            def _run(self, name, wire_msg, json_str):
                print("processing %s ..." % name)
                if six.PY3:
                    self._test_msg(self, name, wire_msg, json_str)
                    self._test_msg(name, wire_msg, json_str)

            print("adding %s ..." % method_name)
            f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name, wire_msg=wire_msg, json_str=json_str)
            test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser, method_name, f)
            n_added += 1
        assert n_added > 0
    assert cases == set(unittest.defaultTestLoader.getTestCaseNames(Test_Parser))
コード例 #4
def _add_tests_match(cls):
    for attr in cls.attr_list:
        for key, value in attr.items():
            method_name = 'test_' + \
                str(cls.ver) + '_' + key + '_' + str(
                    value) + str(type(value)) + '_match'

            def _run(self, name, attr, cls):
                print('processing %s ...' % name)
                cls_ = Test_ofctl(name)
                cls_._test_match(attr, cls)
            print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
            func = functools.partial(
                _run, name=method_name, attr=attr, cls=cls)
            test_lib.add_method(Test_ofctl, method_name, func)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_parser_compat.py プロジェクト: openvapour/ryu
def _add_tests():
    import functools
    import itertools

    ofpps = [ofproto_v1_2_parser, ofproto_v1_3_parser]
    for ofpp in ofpps:
        mod = ofpp.__name__.split('.')[-1]
        method_name = 'test_' + mod + '_ofpmatch_compat'

        def _run(self, name, ofpp):
            print('processing %s ...' % name)
            self._test(name, ofpp)

        print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
        f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name, ofpp=ofpp)
        test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser_Compat, method_name, f)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_parser_compat.py プロジェクト: AndreiaAB/ryu
def _add_tests():
    import functools
    import itertools

    ofpps = [ofproto_v1_2_parser, ofproto_v1_3_parser]
    for ofpp in ofpps:
        mod = ofpp.__name__.split('.')[-1]
        method_name = 'test_' + mod + '_ofpmatch_compat'

        def _run(self, name, ofpp):
            print('processing %s ...' % name)
            self._test(name, ofpp)
        print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
        f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name,
        test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser_Compat, method_name, f)
コード例 #7
def _add_tests():
    import os
    import os.path
    import fnmatch
    import functools

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    packet_data_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, '../../packet_data')
    json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'json')
    ofvers = [
    cases = set()
    for ver in ofvers:
        pdir = packet_data_dir + '/' + ver
        jdir = json_dir + '/' + ver
        n_added = 0
        for file in os.listdir(pdir):
            if not fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.packet'):
            wire_msg = open(pdir + '/' + file, 'rb').read()
            json_str = open(jdir + '/' + file + '.json', 'r').read()
            method_name = ('test_' + file).replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')

            def _run(self, name, wire_msg, json_str):
                print('processing %s ...' % name)
                if six.PY3:
                    self._test_msg(self, name, wire_msg, json_str)
                    self._test_msg(name, wire_msg, json_str)

            print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
            f = functools.partial(_run,
            test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser, method_name, f)
            n_added += 1
        assert n_added > 0
    assert (cases == set(
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: AsmaSwapna/ryu
def _add_tests():
    import os
    import os.path
    import fnmatch
    import functools

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    packet_data_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, '../../packet_data')
    json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'json')
    ofvers = [
    cases = set()
    for ver in ofvers:
        pdir = packet_data_dir + '/' + ver
        jdir = json_dir + '/' + ver
        n_added = 0
        for file in os.listdir(pdir):
            if not fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.packet'):
            wire_msg = open(pdir + '/' + file, 'rb').read()
            json_str = open(jdir + '/' + file + '.json', 'r').read()
            method_name = ('test_' + file).replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')

            def _run(self, name, wire_msg, json_str):
                print('processing %s ...' % name)
                if six.PY3:
                    self._test_msg(self, name, wire_msg, json_str)
                    self._test_msg(name, wire_msg, json_str)
            print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
            f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name, wire_msg=wire_msg,
            test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser, method_name, f)
            n_added += 1
        assert n_added > 0
    assert (cases ==
コード例 #9
def _add_tests():
    _ofp_vers = {
        'of10': ofproto_v1_0.OFP_VERSION,
        'of12': ofproto_v1_2.OFP_VERSION,
        'of13': ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION,
        'of14': ofproto_v1_4.OFP_VERSION,
        'of15': ofproto_v1_5.OFP_VERSION,

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    ofctl_rest_json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'ofctl_rest_json/')

    for ofp_ver in _ofp_vers:
        # read a json file
        json_path = os.path.join(ofctl_rest_json_dir, ofp_ver + '.json')
        if os.path.exists(json_path):
            _test_cases = json.load(open(json_path))
            # print("Skip to load test cases for %s" % ofp_ver)

        # add test
        for test in _test_cases:
            method = test['method']
            path = test['path']
            body = test.get('body', {})

            name = 'test_ofctl_rest_' + method + '_' + ofp_ver + '_' + path
            # print('adding %s ...' % name)
            f = functools.partial(
            test_lib.add_method(Test_ofctl_rest, name, f)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_ofctl_rest.py プロジェクト: Aries-Sushi/ryu
def _add_tests():
    _ofp_vers = {
        'of10': ofproto_v1_0.OFP_VERSION,
        'of12': ofproto_v1_2.OFP_VERSION,
        'of13': ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION,
        'of14': ofproto_v1_4.OFP_VERSION,
        'of15': ofproto_v1_5.OFP_VERSION,

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    ofctl_rest_json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'ofctl_rest_json/')

    for ofp_ver in _ofp_vers.keys():
        # read a json file
        json_path = os.path.join(ofctl_rest_json_dir, ofp_ver + '.json')
        if os.path.exists(json_path):
            _test_cases = json.load(open(json_path))
            print("Skip to load test cases for %s" % ofp_ver)

        # add test
        for test in _test_cases:
            method = test['method']
            path = test['path']
            body = test.get('body', {})

            name = 'test_ofctl_rest_' + method + '_' + ofp_ver + '_' + path
            print('adding %s ...' % name)
            f = functools.partial(
            test_lib.add_method(Test_ofctl_rest, name, f)
コード例 #11
def _add_tests():
    import functools
    import itertools

    class Field(object):
        def generate_mask(cls):
            return list(cls.generate())[1]

    class Int1(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0xff

    class Int2(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x1234
            yield 0xffff

    class Int3(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456
            yield 0xffffff

    class Int4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x12345678
            yield 0xffffffff

    class Int8(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456789abcdef0
            yield 0xffffffffffffffff

    class Mac(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '00:00:00:00:00:00'
            yield 'f2:0b:a4:7d:f8:ea'
            yield 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'

    class IPv4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield ''
            yield ''
            yield ''

    class IPv6(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '::'
            yield 'fe80::f00b:a4ff:fed0:3f70'
            yield 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'

    class B64(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 'aG9nZWhvZ2U='
            yield 'ZnVnYWZ1Z2E='

    ofpps = [
        ofproto_v1_2_parser, ofproto_v1_3_parser, ofproto_v1_4_parser,
    common = [
        # OpenFlow Basic
        ('in_port', Int4),
        ('in_phy_port', Int4),
        ('metadata', Int8),
        ('eth_dst', Mac),
        ('eth_src', Mac),
        ('eth_type', Int2),
        ('vlan_vid', Int2),
        ('vlan_pcp', Int1),
        ('ip_dscp', Int1),
        ('ip_ecn', Int1),
        ('ip_proto', Int1),
        ('ipv4_src', IPv4),
        ('ipv4_dst', IPv4),
        ('tcp_src', Int2),
        ('tcp_dst', Int2),
        ('udp_src', Int2),
        ('udp_dst', Int2),
        ('sctp_src', Int2),
        ('sctp_dst', Int2),
        ('icmpv4_type', Int1),
        ('icmpv4_code', Int1),
        ('arp_op', Int2),
        ('arp_spa', IPv4),
        ('arp_tpa', IPv4),
        ('arp_sha', Mac),
        ('arp_tha', Mac),
        ('ipv6_src', IPv6),
        ('ipv6_dst', IPv6),
        ('ipv6_flabel', Int4),
        ('icmpv6_type', Int1),
        ('icmpv6_code', Int1),
        ('ipv6_nd_target', IPv6),
        ('ipv6_nd_sll', Mac),
        ('ipv6_nd_tll', Mac),
        ('mpls_label', Int4),
        ('mpls_tc', Int1),
        # Old ONF Experimenter --> OpenFlow Basic (OF1.4+)
        ('pbb_uca', Int1),
        # ONF Experimenter --> OpenFlow Basic (OF1.5+)
        ('tcp_flags', Int2),
        ('actset_output', Int4),
        # Nicira Experimenter
        ('eth_dst_nxm', Mac),
        ('eth_src_nxm', Mac),
        ('tunnel_id_nxm', Int8),
        ('tun_ipv4_src', IPv4),
        ('tun_ipv4_dst', IPv4),
        ('pkt_mark', Int4),
        ('conj_id', Int4),
        ('_dp_hash', Int4),
        ('reg0', Int4),
        ('reg1', Int4),
        ('reg2', Int4),
        ('reg3', Int4),
        ('reg4', Int4),
        ('reg5', Int4),
        ('reg6', Int4),
        ('reg7', Int4),
        # Common Experimenter
        ('field_100', B64),
    L = {}
    L[ofproto_v1_2_parser] = common + [
        # OF1.2 doesn't have OXM_OF_PBB_ISID.
        #    OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC = 0x8000
        #    OXM_OF_PBB_ISID = 37
        #    (OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC << 7) + OXM_OF_PBB_ISID == 4194341
        ('field_4194341', B64),
    L[ofproto_v1_3_parser] = common + [
        # OpenFlow Basic (OF1.3+)
        ('mpls_bos', Int1),
        ('pbb_isid', Int3),
        ('tunnel_id', Int8),
        ('ipv6_exthdr', Int2),
    L[ofproto_v1_4_parser] = L[ofproto_v1_3_parser]
    L[ofproto_v1_5_parser] = L[ofproto_v1_4_parser] + [
        # OpenFlow Basic (OF1.5+)
        ('packet_type', Int4),

    def flatten_one(l, i):
        if isinstance(i, tuple):
            return l + flatten(i)
            return l + [i]

    flatten = lambda l: reduce(flatten_one, l, [])

    for ofpp in ofpps:
        for n in range(1, 3):
            for C in itertools.combinations(L[ofpp], n):
                l = [1]
                keys = []
                clss = []
                for (k, cls) in C:
                    l = itertools.product(l, cls.generate())
                l = [flatten(x)[1:] for x in l]
                for domask in [True, False]:
                    for values in l:
                        if domask:
                            values = [(value, cls.generate_mask())
                                      for (cls, value) in zip(clss, values)]
                        d = dict(zip(keys, values))
                        mod = ofpp.__name__.split('.')[-1]
                        method_name = 'test_' + mod
                        if domask:
                            method_name += '_mask'
                        for k in sorted(dict(d).keys()):
                            method_name += '_' + str(k)
                            method_name += '_' + str(d[k])
                        method_name = method_name.replace(':', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace('.', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace('(', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace(')', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace(',', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace("'", '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace(' ', '_')

                        def _run(self, name, ofpp, d, domask):
                            print('processing %s ...' % name)
                            if six.PY3:
                                self._test(self, name, ofpp, d, domask)
                                self._test(name, ofpp, d, domask)

                        print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
                        f = functools.partial(_run,
                        test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser_OFPMatch, method_name,
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_parser_ofpstats.py プロジェクト: chenleji/ryu
def _add_tests():
    import functools
    import itertools

    class Field(object):

    class Int1(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0xff

    class Int2(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x1234
            yield 0xffff

    class Int3(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456
            yield 0xffffff

    class Int4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x12345678
            yield 0xffffffff

    class Int4double(Field):
        def generate():
            # Note: If yield value as a tuple, flatten_one() will reduce it
            # into a single value. So the followings avoid this problem by
            # using a list value.
            yield [0, 1]
            yield [0x12345678, 0x23456789]
            yield [0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe]

    class Int8(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456789abcdef0
            yield 0xffffffffffffffff

    class Mac(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '00:00:00:00:00:00'
            yield 'f2:0b:a4:7d:f8:ea'
            yield 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'

    class IPv4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield ''
            yield ''
            yield ''

    class IPv6(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '::'
            yield 'fe80::f00b:a4ff:fed0:3f70'
            yield 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'

    class B64(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 'aG9nZWhvZ2U='
            yield 'ZnVnYWZ1Z2E='

    ofpps = [ofproto_v1_5_parser]
    common = [
        ('duration', Int4double),
        ('idle_time', Int4double),
        ('flow_count', Int4),
        ('packet_count', Int8),
        ('byte_count', Int8),
        ('field_100', B64),
    L = {}
    L[ofproto_v1_5_parser] = common

    def flatten_one(l, i):
        if isinstance(i, tuple):
            return l + flatten(i)
            return l + [i]
    flatten = lambda l: reduce(flatten_one, l, [])

    for ofpp in ofpps:
        for n in range(1, 3):
            for C in itertools.combinations(L[ofpp], n):
                l = [1]
                keys = []
                clss = []
                for (k, cls) in C:
                    l = itertools.product(l, cls.generate())
                l = map(lambda x: flatten(x)[1:], l)
                for values in l:
                    d = dict(zip(keys, values))
                    for n, uv in d.items():
                        if isinstance(uv, list):
                            # XXX
                            # OFPStats returns value as tuple when field is
                            # 'duration' or 'idle_time'. Then convert list
                            # value into tuple here.
                            d[n] = tuple(uv)
                    mod = ofpp.__name__.split('.')[-1]
                    method_name = 'test_' + mod
                    for k in sorted(dict(d).keys()):
                        method_name += '_' + str(k)
                        method_name += '_' + str(d[k])
                    method_name = method_name.replace(':', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace('.', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace('(', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace(')', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace(',', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace("'", '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace(' ', '_')

                    def _run(self, name, ofpp, d):
                        print('processing %s ...' % name)
                        self._test(name, ofpp, d)
                    print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
                    f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name,
                                          ofpp=ofpp, d=d)
                                        method_name, f)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_parser.py プロジェクト: MrCocoaCat/ryu
def _add_tests():
    import os
    import os.path
    import functools

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    packet_data_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, '../../packet_data')
    json_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, 'json')
    ofvers = [
    cases = set()
    for ver in ofvers:
        pdir = packet_data_dir + '/' + ver
        jdir = json_dir + '/' + ver
        n_added = 0
        for file in os.listdir(pdir):
            if file.endswith('.packet'):
                truncated = None
            elif '.truncated' in file:
                # contents of .truncated files aren't relevant
                s1, s2 = file.split('.truncated')
                    truncated = int(s2)
                except ValueError:
                file = s1 + '.packet'
            wire_msg = open(pdir + '/' + file, 'rb').read()
            if not truncated:
                json_str = open(jdir + '/' + file + '.json', 'r').read()
                json_str = open(
                    jdir + '/' + file + '.truncated%d.json' % truncated,
                wire_msg = wire_msg[:truncated]
            method_name = ('test_' + file).replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
            if truncated:
                method_name += '_truncated%d' % truncated

            def _run(self, name, wire_msg, json_str):
                print('processing %s ...' % name)
                if six.PY3:
                    self._test_msg(self, name, wire_msg, json_str)
                    self._test_msg(name, wire_msg, json_str)

            print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
            f = functools.partial(_run,
            test_lib.add_method(Test_Parser, method_name, f)
            n_added += 1
        assert n_added > 0
    assert (cases == set(
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_ofctl.py プロジェクト: ruicao93/ryu-cluster
def _add_tests():
    _ofp_vers = {
        'of10': 0x01,
        'of12': 0x03,
        'of13': 0x04,
        'of14': 0x05,

    _test_cases = {
        'of10': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_0.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '1-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
        'of12': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_desc_stats,
                'request': '3-24-ofp_desc_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-0-ofp_desc_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_stats,
                'request': '3-37-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet1.json',
                'reply': '3-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet2.json',
                'reply': '3-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet3.json',
                'reply': '3-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_config,
                'request': '3-35-ofp_queue_get_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-36-ofp_queue_get_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_flow_stats,
                'request': '3-11-ofp_flow_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-12-ofp_flow_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_aggregate_flow_stats,
                'request': '3-25-ofp_aggregate_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-26-ofp_aggregate_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_table_stats,
                'request': '3-27-ofp_table_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-28-ofp_table_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_port_stats,
                'request': '3-29-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_port_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_stats,
                'request': '3-61-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-62-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-62-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_features,
                'request': '3-31-ofp_group_features_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-32-ofp_group_features_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_desc,
                'request': '3-33-ofp_group_desc_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-34-ofp_group_desc_stats_reply.packet.json'
            # In OpenFlow 1.2, ofp_port_desc is not defined.
            # We use ofp_features_request to get ports description instead.
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_port_desc,
                'request': '3-5-ofp_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-6-ofp_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '3-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.mod_group_entry,
                'request': '3-21-ofp_group_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.mod_port_behavior,
                'request': '3-22-ofp_port_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.send_experimenter,
                'request': '3-16-ofp_experimenter.packet.json',
                'reply': None
        'of13': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_desc_stats,
                'request': '4-24-ofp_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-0-ofp_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_stats,
                'request': '4-37-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet1.json',
                'reply': '4-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet2.json',
                'reply': '4-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet3.json',
                'reply': '4-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_config,
                'request': '4-35-ofp_queue_get_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-36-ofp_queue_get_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_flow_stats,
                'request': '4-11-ofp_flow_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-12-ofp_flow_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_aggregate_flow_stats,
                'request': '4-25-ofp_aggregate_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-26-ofp_aggregate_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_table_stats,
                'request': '4-27-ofp_table_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-28-ofp_table_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_table_features,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_table_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-56-ofp_table_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_port_stats,
                'request': '4-29-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_port_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_stats,
                'request': '4-49-ofp_meter_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-50-ofp_meter_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_meter_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-50-ofp_meter_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_features,
                'request': '4-51-ofp_meter_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-52-ofp_meter_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_config,
                'request': '4-47-ofp_meter_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-48-ofp_meter_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_config,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_meter_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-48-ofp_meter_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_stats,
                'request': '4-57-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-58-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_stats,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-58-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_features,
                'request': '4-31-ofp_group_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-32-ofp_group_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_desc,
                'request': '4-33-ofp_group_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-34-ofp_group_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_port_desc,
                'request': '4-53-ofp_port_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-54-ofp_port_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '4-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_meter_entry,
                'request': '4-45-ofp_meter_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_group_entry,
                'request': '4-21-ofp_group_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_port_behavior,
                'request': '4-22-ofp_port_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.send_experimenter,
                'request': '4-16-ofp_experimenter.packet.json',
                'reply': None
        'of14': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_desc_stats,
                'request': '5-24-ofp_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-0-ofp_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_queue_stats,
                'request': '5-35-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-36-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_queue_desc_stats,
                'request': '5-63-ofp_queue_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-64-ofp_queue_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_flow_stats,
                'request': '5-11-ofp_flow_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-12-ofp_flow_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_aggregate_flow_stats,
                'request': '5-25-ofp_aggregate_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-26-ofp_aggregate_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_table_stats,
                'request': '5-27-ofp_table_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-28-ofp_table_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_table_features,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_table_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-54-ofp_table_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_port_stats,
                'request': '5-29-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_meter_stats,
                'request': '5-47-ofp_meter_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-48-ofp_meter_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_meter_features,
                'request': '5-49-ofp_meter_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-50-ofp_meter_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_meter_config,
                'request': '5-45-ofp_meter_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-46-ofp_meter_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_group_stats,
                'request': '5-55-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-56-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_group_features,
                'request': '5-31-ofp_group_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-32-ofp_group_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_group_desc,
                'request': '5-33-ofp_group_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-34-ofp_group_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.get_port_desc,
                'request': '5-51-ofp_port_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '5-52-ofp_port_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '5-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.mod_meter_entry,
                'request': '5-43-ofp_meter_mod.packet.json',  # flow --> meter
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.mod_group_entry,
                'request': '5-21-ofp_group_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.mod_port_behavior,
                'request': '5-22-ofp_port_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_4.send_experimenter,
                'request': '5-16-ofp_experimenter.packet.json',
                'reply': None

    def _jsonfile_to_msg(datapath, jsonfile):
        return ofproto_parser.ofp_msg_from_jsondict(
            datapath, json.load(open(jsonfile)))

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    parser_json_root = os.path.join(this_dir, '../ofproto/json/')
    ofctl_json_root = os.path.join(this_dir, 'ofctl_json/')

    for ofp_ver, tests in _test_cases.items():
        dp = DummyDatapath(_ofp_vers[ofp_ver])
        parser_json_dir = os.path.join(parser_json_root, ofp_ver)
        ofctl_json_dir = os.path.join(ofctl_json_root, ofp_ver)
        for test in tests:
            name = 'test_ofctl_' + ofp_ver + '_' + test['request']
            print('adding %s ...' % name)
            args = {}
            args_json_path = os.path.join(ofctl_json_dir, test['request'])
            if os.path.exists(args_json_path):
                args = json.load(open(args_json_path))
            request = _jsonfile_to_msg(
                dp, os.path.join(parser_json_dir, test['request']))
            reply = None
            expected = None
            if test['reply']:
                reply = _jsonfile_to_msg(
                    dp, os.path.join(parser_json_dir, test['reply']))
                expected = json.load(
                    open(os.path.join(ofctl_json_dir, test['reply'])))
            f = functools.partial(
                Test_ofctl._test, name=name, dp=dp, method=test['method'],
                args=args, request=request, reply=reply, expected=expected)
            test_lib.add_method(Test_ofctl, name, f)
コード例 #15
def _add_tests():
    import functools
    import itertools

    class Field(object):

    class Int1(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0xff

    class Int2(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x1234
            yield 0xffff

    class Int3(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456
            yield 0xffffff

    class Int4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x12345678
            yield 0xffffffff

    class Int4double(Field):
        def generate():
            # Note: If yield value as a tuple, flatten_one() will reduce it
            # into a single value. So the followings avoid this problem by
            # using a list value.
            yield [0, 1]
            yield [0x12345678, 0x23456789]
            yield [0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe]

    class Int8(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456789abcdef0
            yield 0xffffffffffffffff

    class Mac(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '00:00:00:00:00:00'
            yield 'f2:0b:a4:7d:f8:ea'
            yield 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'

    class IPv4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield ''
            yield ''
            yield ''

    class IPv6(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '::'
            yield 'fe80::f00b:a4ff:fed0:3f70'
            yield 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'

    class B64(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 'aG9nZWhvZ2U='
            yield 'ZnVnYWZ1Z2E='

    ofpps = [ofproto_v1_5_parser]
    common = [
        ('duration', Int4double),
        ('idle_time', Int4double),
        ('flow_count', Int4),
        ('packet_count', Int8),
        ('byte_count', Int8),
        ('field_100', B64),
    L = {}
    L[ofproto_v1_5_parser] = common

    def flatten_one(l, i):
        if isinstance(i, tuple):
            return l + flatten(i)
            return l + [i]
    flatten = lambda l: reduce(flatten_one, l, [])

    for ofpp in ofpps:
        for n in range(1, 3):
            for C in itertools.combinations(L[ofpp], n):
                l = [1]
                keys = []
                clss = []
                for (k, cls) in C:
                    l = itertools.product(l, cls.generate())
                l = [flatten(x)[1:] for x in l]
                for values in l:
                    d = dict(zip(keys, values))
                    for n, uv in d.items():
                        if isinstance(uv, list):
                            # XXX
                            # OFPStats returns value as tuple when field is
                            # 'duration' or 'idle_time'. Then convert list
                            # value into tuple here.
                            d[n] = tuple(uv)
                    mod = ofpp.__name__.split('.')[-1]
                    method_name = 'test_' + mod
                    for k in sorted(dict(d).keys()):
                        method_name += '_' + str(k)
                        method_name += '_' + str(d[k])
                    method_name = method_name.replace(':', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace('.', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace('(', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace(')', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace(',', '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace("'", '_')
                    method_name = method_name.replace(' ', '_')

                    def _run(self, name, ofpp, d):
                        print('processing %s ...' % name)
                        if six.PY3:
                            self._test(self, name, ofpp, d)
                            self._test(name, ofpp, d)
                    print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
                    f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name,
                                          ofpp=ofpp, d=d)
                                        method_name, f)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_ofctl.py プロジェクト: HelloZCB/ryu
def _add_tests():
    _ofp_vers = {
        'of10': 0x01,
        'of12': 0x03,
        'of13': 0x04

    _test_cases = {
        'of10': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_0.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '1-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
        'of12': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_desc_stats,
                'request': '3-24-ofp_desc_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-0-ofp_desc_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_stats,
                'request': '3-37-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_queue_config,
                'request': '3-35-ofp_queue_get_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-36-ofp_queue_get_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_flow_stats,
                'request': '3-11-ofp_flow_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-12-ofp_flow_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_aggregate_flow_stats,
                'request': '3-25-ofp_aggregate_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-26-ofp_aggregate_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_table_stats,
                'request': '3-27-ofp_table_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-28-ofp_table_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_port_stats,
                'request': '3-29-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_stats,
                'request': '3-61-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-62-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_features,
                'request': '3-31-ofp_group_features_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-32-ofp_group_features_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_group_desc,
                'request': '3-33-ofp_group_desc_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-34-ofp_group_desc_stats_reply.packet.json'
            # In OpenFlow 1.2, ofp_port_desc is not defined.
            # We use ofp_features_request to get ports description instead.
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.get_port_desc,
                'request': '3-5-ofp_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '3-6-ofp_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '3-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.mod_group_entry,
                'request': '3-21-ofp_group_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.mod_port_behavior,
                'request': '3-22-ofp_port_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_2.send_experimenter,
                'request': '3-16-ofp_experimenter.packet.json',
                'reply': None
        'of13': [
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_desc_stats,
                'request': '4-24-ofp_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-0-ofp_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_stats,
                'request': '4-37-ofp_queue_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-38-ofp_queue_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_queue_config,
                'request': '4-35-ofp_queue_get_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-36-ofp_queue_get_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_flow_stats,
                'request': '4-11-ofp_flow_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-12-ofp_flow_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_aggregate_flow_stats,
                'request': '4-25-ofp_aggregate_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-26-ofp_aggregate_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_table_stats,
                'request': '4-27-ofp_table_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-28-ofp_table_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_table_features,
                'request': 'lib-ofctl-ofp_table_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-56-ofp_table_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_port_stats,
                'request': '4-29-ofp_port_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-30-ofp_port_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_stats,
                'request': '4-49-ofp_meter_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-50-ofp_meter_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_features,
                'request': '4-51-ofp_meter_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-52-ofp_meter_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_meter_config,
                'request': '4-47-ofp_meter_config_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-48-ofp_meter_config_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_stats,
                'request': '4-57-ofp_group_stats_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-58-ofp_group_stats_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_features,
                'request': '4-31-ofp_group_features_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-32-ofp_group_features_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_group_desc,
                'request': '4-33-ofp_group_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-34-ofp_group_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.get_port_desc,
                'request': '4-53-ofp_port_desc_request.packet.json',
                'reply': '4-54-ofp_port_desc_reply.packet.json'
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_flow_entry,
                'request': '4-2-ofp_flow_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_meter_entry,
                'request': '4-45-ofp_meter_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_group_entry,
                'request': '4-21-ofp_group_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.mod_port_behavior,
                'request': '4-22-ofp_port_mod.packet.json',
                'reply': None
                'method': ofctl_v1_3.send_experimenter,
                'request': '4-16-ofp_experimenter.packet.json',
                'reply': None

    def _jsonfile_to_msg(datapath, jsonfile):
        return ofproto_parser.ofp_msg_from_jsondict(
            datapath, json.load(open(jsonfile)))

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
    parser_json_root = os.path.join(this_dir, '../ofproto/json/')
    ofctl_json_root = os.path.join(this_dir, 'ofctl_json/')

    for ofp_ver, tests in _test_cases.items():
        dp = DummyDatapath(_ofp_vers[ofp_ver])
        parser_json_dir = os.path.join(parser_json_root, ofp_ver)
        ofctl_json_dir = os.path.join(ofctl_json_root, ofp_ver)
        for test in tests:
            name = 'test_ofctl_' + test['request']
            print('adding %s ...' % name)
            args = {}
            args_json_path = os.path.join(ofctl_json_dir, test['request'])
            if os.path.exists(args_json_path):
                args = json.load(open(args_json_path))
            request = _jsonfile_to_msg(
                dp, os.path.join(parser_json_dir, test['request']))
            reply = None
            expected = None
            if test['reply']:
                reply = _jsonfile_to_msg(
                    dp, os.path.join(parser_json_dir, test['reply']))
                expected = json.load(
                    open(os.path.join(ofctl_json_dir, test['reply'])))
            f = functools.partial(
                Test_ofctl._test, name=name, dp=dp, method=test['method'],
                args=args, request=request, reply=reply, expected=expected)
            test_lib.add_method(Test_ofctl, name, f)
コード例 #17
def _add_tests():
    import functools
    import itertools

    class Field(object):
        def generate_mask(cls):
            return list(cls.generate())[1]

    class Int1(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0xff

    class Int2(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x1234
            yield 0xffff

    class Int3(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456
            yield 0xffffff

    class Int4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x12345678
            yield 0xffffffff

    class Int8(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 0
            yield 0x123456789abcdef0
            yield 0xffffffffffffffff

    class Mac(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '00:00:00:00:00:00'
            yield 'f2:0b:a4:7d:f8:ea'
            yield 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'

    class IPv4(Field):
        def generate():
            yield ''
            yield ''
            yield ''

    class IPv6(Field):
        def generate():
            yield '::'
            yield 'fe80::f00b:a4ff:fed0:3f70'
            yield 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'

    class B64(Field):
        def generate():
            yield 'aG9nZWhvZ2U='
            yield 'ZnVnYWZ1Z2E='

    ofpps = [ofproto_v1_2_parser, ofproto_v1_3_parser,
             ofproto_v1_4_parser, ofproto_v1_5_parser]
    common = [
        # OpenFlow Basic
        ('in_port', Int4),
        ('in_phy_port', Int4),
        ('metadata', Int8),
        ('eth_dst', Mac),
        ('eth_src', Mac),
        ('eth_type', Int2),
        ('vlan_vid', Int2),
        ('vlan_pcp', Int1),
        ('ip_dscp', Int1),
        ('ip_ecn', Int1),
        ('ip_proto', Int1),
        ('ipv4_src', IPv4),
        ('ipv4_dst', IPv4),
        ('tcp_src', Int2),
        ('tcp_dst', Int2),
        ('udp_src', Int2),
        ('udp_dst', Int2),
        ('sctp_src', Int2),
        ('sctp_dst', Int2),
        ('icmpv4_type', Int1),
        ('icmpv4_code', Int1),
        ('arp_op', Int2),
        ('arp_spa', IPv4),
        ('arp_tpa', IPv4),
        ('arp_sha', Mac),
        ('arp_tha', Mac),
        ('ipv6_src', IPv6),
        ('ipv6_dst', IPv6),
        ('ipv6_flabel', Int4),
        ('icmpv6_type', Int1),
        ('icmpv6_code', Int1),
        ('ipv6_nd_target', IPv6),
        ('ipv6_nd_sll', Mac),
        ('ipv6_nd_tll', Mac),
        ('mpls_label', Int4),
        ('mpls_tc', Int1),
        # Old ONF Experimenter --> OpenFlow Basic (OF1.4+)
        ('pbb_uca', Int1),
        # ONF Experimenter --> OpenFlow Basic (OF1.5+)
        ('tcp_flags', Int2),
        ('actset_output', Int4),
        # Nicira Experimenter
        ('eth_dst_nxm', Mac),
        ('eth_src_nxm', Mac),
        ('tunnel_id_nxm', Int8),
        ('tun_ipv4_src', IPv4),
        ('tun_ipv4_dst', IPv4),
        ('pkt_mark', Int4),
        ('conj_id', Int4),
        ('tun_ipv6_src', IPv6),
        ('tun_ipv6_dst', IPv6),
        ('_dp_hash', Int4),
        ('reg0', Int4),
        ('reg1', Int4),
        ('reg2', Int4),
        ('reg3', Int4),
        ('reg4', Int4),
        ('reg5', Int4),
        ('reg6', Int4),
        ('reg7', Int4),
        # Common Experimenter
        ('field_100', B64),
    L = {}
    L[ofproto_v1_2_parser] = common + [
        # OF1.2 doesn't have OXM_OF_PBB_ISID.
        #    OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC = 0x8000
        #    OXM_OF_PBB_ISID = 37
        #    (OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC << 7) + OXM_OF_PBB_ISID == 4194341
        ('field_4194341', B64),
    L[ofproto_v1_3_parser] = common + [
        # OpenFlow Basic (OF1.3+)
        ('mpls_bos', Int1),
        ('pbb_isid', Int3),
        ('tunnel_id', Int8),
        ('ipv6_exthdr', Int2),
    L[ofproto_v1_4_parser] = L[ofproto_v1_3_parser]
    L[ofproto_v1_5_parser] = L[ofproto_v1_4_parser] + [
        # OpenFlow Basic (OF1.5+)
        ('packet_type', Int4),

    def flatten_one(l, i):
        if isinstance(i, tuple):
            return l + flatten(i)
            return l + [i]
    flatten = lambda l: reduce(flatten_one, l, [])

    for ofpp in ofpps:
        for n in range(1, 3):
            for C in itertools.combinations(L[ofpp], n):
                l = [1]
                keys = []
                clss = []
                for (k, cls) in C:
                    l = itertools.product(l, cls.generate())
                l = [flatten(x)[1:] for x in l]
                for domask in [True, False]:
                    for values in l:
                        if domask:
                            values = [(value, cls.generate_mask())
                                      for (cls, value)
                                      in zip(clss, values)]
                        d = dict(zip(keys, values))
                        mod = ofpp.__name__.split('.')[-1]
                        method_name = 'test_' + mod
                        if domask:
                            method_name += '_mask'
                        for k in sorted(dict(d).keys()):
                            method_name += '_' + str(k)
                            method_name += '_' + str(d[k])
                        method_name = method_name.replace(':', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace('.', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace('(', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace(')', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace(',', '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace("'", '_')
                        method_name = method_name.replace(' ', '_')

                        def _run(self, name, ofpp, d, domask):
                            print('processing %s ...' % name)
                            if six.PY3:
                                self._test(self, name, ofpp, d, domask)
                                self._test(name, ofpp, d, domask)
                        print('adding %s ...' % method_name)
                        f = functools.partial(_run, name=method_name,
                                              ofpp=ofpp, d=d, domask=domask)
                                            method_name, f)