def patch_meta_list_with_chapters(self, metaList=None): """10/24/08: called by ShowQueue.go_through_list() when it's initiated by metaList is sent in from ShowQueue.go_through_list(). it's otherwise None.""" if not metaList: metaList = self.metaList if not metaList: ryw.give_bad_news('patch_meta_list_with_chapters: ' + 'unexpected empty metaList.', logging.critical) return for meta in metaList: objstr = meta['id'] + '#' + str(meta['version']) ryw.db_print2('patch_meta_list_with_chapters: objstr: ' + objstr, 41) if not self.chapterDict.has_key(objstr): continue chapter = self.chapterDict[objstr][2] if chapter: meta['chapter_number'] = chapter ryw.db_print2('patch_meta_list_with_chapters: ' + 'chapter patched: ' + chapter, 41)
def get_file_paths2(objID, version, skipLk=False, searchFile=None, allowNullSearchFile = False): """10/21/08: rewritten to return chapterListFile as well.""" success,dataPath = get_path(objID, version, skipLock = skipLk, searchFile = searchFile, allowNullSearchFile = allowNullSearchFile) if not success: return None name = get_sel_name(dataPath) if not name: ryw.give_bad_news( 'DisplaySelection: failed to get selection file name:<br>'+ dataPath, logging.error) return None rfpath = os.path.join(dataPath, name) chapterListName = get_chapterlist_name(dataPath) chapterListFullName = os.path.join(dataPath, ChapterList.CHAPTER_LIST_NAME) ryw.db_print2('get_file_paths2: full name is: ' + chapterListFullName, 39) return (rfpath, chapterListName, chapterListFullName)
def launchExplorer(path): ryw.db_print2('launchExplorer: path is: ' + path, 59) try: return ryw_bizarro.launch_explorer(path) except: ryw.give_bad_news("Failed to launch Explorer",logging.warning) return False
def initialize_with_meta_list(self, reqList, searchFile, reverseLists): """called by ChapterListForm() to initialize chapter list from the meta data. modeled after ShowQueue.go_through_list(). also called by ChapterListFormHandle().""" success = True if not searchFile or not reverseLists: raise NameError('ChapterList.initialize_with_meta_list:' + 'bad searchFile or bad reverseLists.') metaList = ryw_meta.get_meta_list(reqList, searchFile) searchFile.done() metaList = ryw.sortmeta_chapter_number(metaList) ryw.db_print2('initialize_with_meta_list: done sorting.', 38) numMatches = len(metaList) if numMatches <= 0: ryw.give_news('ChapterList: the selection is empty.<br>', logging.error) success = False else: self.chapterDict = {} self.itemList = [] self.metaList = metaList for meta in metaList: objID = meta['id'] version = meta['version'] objstr = objID + '#' + str(version) self.itemList.append(objstr) title = '' if meta.has_key('title'): title = meta['title'] chapter = None if meta.has_key('chapter_number'): chapter = meta['chapter_number'] alias = None if meta.has_key('content_alias'): alias = meta['content_alias'] self.chapterDict[objstr] = [alias, title, chapter] ryw.db_print2('chapterDict is: ' + repr(self.chapterDict), 41) return success
def flock_lock(flockSelf): fl = flockSelf ryw.db_print2("ryw_linux:flock_lock(): file is: " + fl.file, 56) if fl.type["LOCK_EX"]: lockFlags = portalocker.LOCK_EX else: lockFlags = portalocker.LOCK_SH if fl.type["LOCK_NB"]: lockFlags = lockFlags | portalocker.LOCK_NB portalocker.lock(fl.hfile, lockFlags)
def process_form(self, form): """called by""" selLen = form.getfirst("selection_length", '') if selLen == '': ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterListFormHandle: ' + 'failed to get selection_length', logging.error) return (False, None) selLen = int(selLen) ryw.db_print2('process_form: selection length is: ' + str(selLen), 40) chapterList = {} for i in range(0,selLen): objField = 'item_objstr' + str(i) itemStr = form.getfirst(objField, '') if itemStr: ryw.db_print2('process_form: found objstr: ' + itemStr, 40) else: continue chapterField = 'chapter_number' + str(i) chapterStr = form.getfirst(chapterField, '') chapterStr = chapterStr.strip() if chapterStr: ryw.db_print2('process_form: found chapter: ' + itemStr, 40) else: continue chapterList[itemStr] = chapterStr ryw.db_print2('process_form: ' + itemStr + ' -> ' + chapterStr, 41) self.formEntries = chapterList return (True, chapterList)
def move_stuff(src, dst): """used to be UploadObject.mymove()""" volSrc = win32file.GetVolumePathName(src) volDst = win32file.GetVolumePathName(dst) func = None if volSrc == volDst: # same physical drive func = shutil.move elif os.path.isdir(src): # diff drive, src is dir func = shutil.copytree else: # diff drive, src is file func = shutil.copy func(src,dst) ryw.db_print2('ryw_xp:move_stuff: src is: ' + src + ' ---> dst is: ' + dst, 56)
def matches_disjunction(meta, query): ## query is a list of literals ## at least one of them must match ryw.db_print2('matches_disjunction: query is: ' + repr(query), 53) for literal in query: ryw.db_print2('matches_disjunction: literal is: ' + repr(literal), 53) # # a "literal" is like: # ('all_keys_concatenated', ['contains', 'nocase'], 'lecture') # if matches_literal(meta, literal): return True return False
def read_file(self, fullFileName): """called by read_list_and_merge() below.""" if not os.path.exists(fullFileName): self.chapterList = None return True try: self.chapterList = su.pickload(fullFileName) except: ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterList.read_file: pickload failed: ' + fullFileName, logging.error) return False ryw.db_print2('ChapterList.read_file succes: ' + fullFileName, 41) ryw.db_print2('ChapterList.read_file: ' + repr(self.chapterList), 41) return True
def output_text(outputFile, meta, firstLine=False): """mirrors ryw_view.get_auto_hindi_translation_string().""" f = outputFile count = 0 ryw.db_print_info_browser("\n", 89) for type in ["title", "description"]: if not meta.has_key(type): continue allText = meta[type] textList = ryw.split_content(allText) for text in textList: md5sum = ryw.md5sum(text) # # if it's already in the dictionary, don't bother. # autoDict = google_english2hindi.GOOGLE_AUTO_DICT if autoDict.has_key(md5sum): ryw.db_print_info_browser("already found in dictionary: " + md5sum, 89) continue text = text.replace('"', '\\"') # text = text.replace("^M", "") outputStr = '"' + md5sum + '"' + " => " + '"' + text + '"' try: if not firstLine: f.write(",") f.write("\n") f.write(outputStr) count += 1 ryw.db_print2(outputStr, 89) firstLine = False except: ryw.give_bad_news("output_text: failed to write line: " + outputStr, logging.error) return (False, count) return (True, count)
def process_tricky_attributes(form, meta, filename): """hidden and obscure attributes.""" meta['upload_datetime'] = repr( meta['upload_datetime_real'] = repr( #meta['upload_datetime'] = logging.debug('process_tricky_attributes: ' + repr(meta['upload_datetime'])) if not process_date_time(form, meta): return False objectID = form.getfirst('object_ID', '') if not objectID: try: objectID = objectstore.generateNewObjectID() except: ryw.give_bad_news('fatal_error: unable to obtain new object ID.', logging.critical) return False meta['id'] = objectID path = form.getfirst('path', '') if not path: contentType = form.getfirst('content_type', '') if not contentType: ryw.give_bad_news('fatal_error: unable to determine content type.', logging.critical) return False now = monthStr = now.strftime('%y%m/') dateTimeRand = ryw.date_time_rand() filename = dateTimeRand + '_' + filename path = os.path.join('/upload', monthStr, contentType, filename) meta['path'] = os.path.normpath(path) ryw.db_print2('process_tricky_attributes: path is: ' + meta['path'], 57) return True
def go_through_object_store(objectStoreRoot, reverseLists): ryw.give_news2('go_through_object_store: entered...<BR>', searchFile = reverseLists.searchFile for objID,version in objectstore.objectversioniterator(objectStoreRoot): objstr = objID + '#' + str(version) ryw.db_print2('examining ' + objstr + '...<BR>', 7) success,meta = searchFile.get_meta(objID, version) if not success or not meta: ryw.give_bad_news('go_through_object_store: get_meta2 failed: ' + objstr, logging.warning) continue isList = meta.has_key('sys_attrs') and 'isList' in meta['sys_attrs'] if not isList: ryw.db_print2('go_through_object_store: not a list object: ' + objstr + '<BR>', 6) ryw.give_news2(' . ', continue ryw.db_print2('go_through_object_sotre: found a list.<BR>', 6) containees = ReverseLists.read_container_file( objID, version, searchFile, RepositoryRoot) ryw.db_print2('go_through_object_store: containees are: ' + repr(containees) + '<BR>', 7) if not reverseLists.add(objstr, containees): ryw.give_bad_news('go_through_object_store: ReverseLists.add ' + 'failed: ' + objstr, logging.error) else: ryw.db_print2('go_through_object_store: successfully added.<BR>', 7) alias = 'unnamed' if meta.has_key('content_alias'): alias = meta['content_alias'] ryw.give_news2(objstr + ' ' + alias + ', ', ryw.give_news2('<BR>done.',
def add_queue(meta, searchFile, repositoryRoot): """called by, after saving a selection. returns success.""" objID = meta['id'] version = meta['version']'add_queue: entered: ' + objID) ryw.db_print2('add_queue: entered: ' + objID, 12) success,reverseLists = open_reverse_lists( 'add_queue:', '', '', os.path.join(repositoryRoot, 'ReverseLists'), True, searchFile = searchFile, repositoryRoot = repositoryRoot) if not (success and reverseLists): ryw.give_bad_news('add_queue: failed to open ReverseLists.', logging.critical) if reverseLists: reverseLists.done() return False containees = read_container_file(objID, version, searchFile, repositoryRoot) ryw.db_print2('add_queue: found containees: ' + repr(containees), 12) if not containees or containees == []: return True success = reverseLists.add(objID + '#' + str(version), containees) reverseLists.done() ryw.db_print2('add_queue: finished.', 12) return success
def create_view_path(values, resources, objectid, version): """create the view path.""" if not values.has_key('path'): ryw.give_bad_news('warning: no view path given.', logging.warning) return (True, None) path = values['path'] ryw.db_print2('create_view_path: path is: ' + path, 57) if not resources.has_key('viewroot'): ryw.give_bad_news('fatal_error: no viewroot in resources file.', logging.critical) return (False, None) viewroot = resources['viewroot'] ryw.db_print2('create_view_path: viewroot is: ' + viewroot, 57) path = os.path.join(viewroot, path) ryw.db_print2('create_view_path: now path is: ' + path, 57) success = ryw_uploadObj.create_view_path(path, objectid, version) return (success, path)
def compare_form_entries_against_meta(self): """compared the chapter numbers entered in a form against what's in the meta. if it's the same as the default contained in meta, then we don't need to write that down in the local chapter list. called by""" formEntries = self.formEntries self.chapterList = copy.copy(formEntries) if self.chapterList == {}: return for objstr,chapterStr in formEntries.iteritems(): # # if the form has nothing for this object, then skip it. # if not formEntries.has_key(objstr): continue else: ryw.db_print2('compare_form_entries_against_meta: ' + 'form entry says: ' + formEntries[objstr], 41) # # if the meta data somehow says it has nothing, # then there's no need to for me delete anything from the # form entry list. # if not self.chapterDict.has_key(objstr): ryw.db_print2('compare_form_entries_against_meta: ' + 'objstr not found in chapterDict: ' + objstr, 41) continue metaChapter = self.chapterDict[objstr][2] if metaChapter: ryw.db_print2('compare_form_entries_against_meta: ' + 'meta chapter is: ' + metaChapter, 41) else: continue # # both the form entry and the metadata says something. # so we should compare them to see if I should omit the form # entry in case they are the same thing. # if (formEntries[objstr] == metaChapter): ryw.db_print2('compare_form_entries_against_meta: ' + 'found to be same: ' + metaChapter, 41) del self.chapterList[objstr] else: ryw.db_print2('compare_form_entries_against_meta: ' + 'found to be different: ' + metaChapter, 41) continue ryw.db_print2('compare_form_entries_against_meta: ' + 'the list to be written is: ' + repr(self.chapterList), 41)
def uploadobject(values, data, auxDir, hasVersion = False, cloneVersion=False): """update metadata file. upload object into object store. create view path.""" logging.debug('UploadObject.uploadobject entered.') ryw.db_print2('uploadobject: values are: ' + repr(values), 57) ################################################## # check attributes. ################################################## success,resources = check_attributes(values) if not success: return False objectid = values['id'] # # not strictly necessary, but I'm doing this to hardwire all # places of gettting objectstoreroot. # #objectstoreroot = values['objectstore'] objectstoreroot = ryw.hard_wired_objectstore_root() logging.debug('uploadobject: passed check_attributes: '+ objectstoreroot + ' ' + objectid) ################################################## # give metadata to the search server. ################################################## success,version = add_to_search_file(values, hasVersion, cloneVersion) if not success: remove_from_search_file(objectid, version) return False else: ryw.db_print_info_browser('uploadobject: ' + objectid + '#' + str(version), 29) ################################################## # put stuff into the object store. ################################################## success,parent,datapath,metapath,auxpath,donepath = \ add_to_object_store(values, data, objectstoreroot, objectid, version, auxDir, cloneVersion) if not success: remove_from_search_file(objectid, version) remove_from_object_store(parent, datapath, metapath, auxpath, donepath) return False ################################################## # create view path. ################################################## if not cloneVersion: success,path = create_view_path(values, resources, objectid, version) #ryw.give_news('uploadobject: introducing error...', logging.debug) #success = False if not success: remove_from_search_file(objectid,version) remove_from_object_store(parent, datapath, metapath, auxpath, donepath) remove_view_path(path) return False # logging.debug('just for testing...') # remove_view_path(path) # return False return True
def add_to_object_store(values, data, objectstoreroot, objectid, version, auxDir, cloneVersion=False): """put (DATA, META, DONE) in the object store.""" ################################################## # check free disk space. ################################################## if not cloneVersion and \ not ryw_uploadObj.check_free_space(values, objectstoreroot): return (False, None, None, None, None, None) ################################################## # acquire prefix. ################################################## try: prefix = objectstore.nameversiontoprefix(objectstoreroot, objectid, version) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: objectstore.nameversiontoprefix() failed.', logging.critical) return (False, None, None, None, None, None) datapath = prefix + '_DATA' metapath = prefix + '_META' donepath = prefix + '_DONE' auxpath = prefix + '_AUXI' ################################################## # create parent directory. ################################################## parent = None try: parent = su.createparentdirpath(prefix) logging.debug('add_to_object_store: created parent dir: ' + parent) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: su.createparentdirpath() failed.', logging.critical) return (False, parent, None, None, None, None) if os.path.exists(donepath): ryw.give_news( 'add_to_object_store: destination object already exists: ' + donepath, logging.warning) return (True, parent, datapath, metapath, auxpath, donepath) datapath = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(datapath)) if (not cloneVersion): data = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(data)) logging.debug('add_to_object_store: ' + datapath + ' ' + metapath + ' ' + donepath + '. source: ' + data) auxpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(auxpath)) ################################################## # move data into the object store. ################################################## if cloneVersion: try: os.mkdir(datapath) ryw.db_print_info_browser('add_to_object_store: mkdir: ' + datapath, 29) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: cloneVersion mkdir: ' + datapath, logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, None, None, None) # # now deal with cloning a list, if necessary. # isList = ryw_meta.isList(values) if isList: baseName = os.path.basename(data) dirName = os.path.dirname(data) ryw.db_print2('UploadObject.add_to_object_store: basename: ' + baseName, 44) ryw.db_print2('UploadObject.add_to_object_store: dirname: ' + dirName, 44) destPath = os.path.join(datapath, baseName) srcChapterPath = os.path.join(dirName, ChapterList.CHAPTER_LIST_NAME) destChapterPath = os.path.join(datapath, ChapterList.CHAPTER_LIST_NAME) try: shutil.copyfile(data, destPath) ryw.db_print_info_browser( 'add_to_object_store: ' + data + ' --> ' + destPath, 36) if os.path.exists(srcChapterPath): shutil.copyfile(srcChapterPath, destChapterPath) ryw.db_print_info_browser( 'UploadObject.add_to_object_store: ' + srcChapterPath + ' --> ' + destChapterPath, 44) else: ryw.db_print_info_browser( 'UploadObject.add_to_object_store: no chapter file.', 44) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'add_to_object_store: failed to copy selection file.', logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, None, None, None) elif os.path.isdir(data): try: mymove(data, datapath) logging.debug('add_to_object_store: moved dir: ' + data + ' ' + datapath) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: move dir failed: ' + data + ' ' + datapath, logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, None, None, None) else: try: os.mkdir(datapath) mymove(data, os.path.join(datapath, os.path.basename(data))) logging.debug('add_to_object_store: moved file: ' + data + ' ' + os.path.join(datapath, os.path.basename(data))) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: move file failed: ' + data + ' ' + datapath, logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, None, None, None) ################################################## # put metadata in the object store. ################################################## try: su.pickdump(values, metapath) logging.debug('add_to_object_store: written metapath: ' + metapath) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: su.pickdump() failed.', logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, metapath, None, None) ################################################## # put aux files in the object store. ################################################## try: if auxDir and os.path.exists(auxDir) and os.path.isdir(auxDir): mymove(auxDir, auxpath) logging.debug('add_to_object_store: moved auxpath: ' + auxpath) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'add_to_object_store: moving aux directory failed: ' + auxDir + ' -> ' + auxpath, logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, metapath, auxpath, None) ################################################## # put DONE flag in the object store. ################################################## try: f = open(donepath, 'w') f.close() logging.debug('add_to_object_store: written donepath: ' + donepath) except: ryw.give_bad_news( 'fatal_error: add_to_object_store: write DONE file failed.', logging.critical) return (False, parent, datapath, metapath, auxpath, donepath) # TODO: In case of ANY failure, upload request copied to a REJECTED folder which can be looked upon later. return (True, parent, datapath, metapath, auxpath, donepath)
def main(): """modeled after This is for displaying a form that allows editing the chapter list.""" name = ShowQueue.init_log() ryw_view.print_header_logo() print '<TITLE>Edit the Chapter List</TITLE>' success,objID,version = ryw.get_obj_str() if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterListForm: failed to get objstr.', logging.critical) DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) success,searchFile,reverseLists = \ ReverseLists.open_searchfile_reverselists( 'DisplaySelection.main:') if not success: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) print '<BR><B>Edit chapter names for this selection:</B><BR><BR>' success = DisplaySelection.print_title(objID, version, name, searchFile) if not success: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) ryw.db_print2('<BR> entered.<BR>', 38) nameTriple = DisplaySelection.get_file_paths2( objID, version, searchFile = searchFile) if not nameTriple: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) rfpath,chapterListPath,chapterFullName = nameTriple if not rfpath: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) reqList = ShowQueue.read_list(rfpath) if not reqList: ryw.give_news('This selection is empty.<BR>', print '<BR>' print_links(objID, version, name) DisplaySelection.exit_now(0) ryw.db_print2(' gotten selection list.', 38) success,chapterList = ChapterList.create_and_initialize( objID + '#' + str(version), reqList, searchFile, reverseLists, chapterFullName) if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterList.create_and_initialize failed: ' + objID + '#' + str(version), logging.error) DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) page = chapterList.make_form_string() print page ryw_view.print_footer() reverseLists.done() searchFile.done()
def main(): """main function processing upload.""" # initialization. name = print_header() form = cgi.FieldStorage() setup_logging() localSuccess, localFound, localFilePath, localIsDir = ryw_upload.check_local_file(form) if not localSuccess: ryw.give_bad_news("check_local_file failed.", logging.error) ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) if not ryw_upload.check_required_fields(form, checkFile=not localFound): ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) if localFound: buf = None else: # just read a tiny bit to see if we have an empty upload file. buf = ryw_upload.attempt_read_uploaded_file(form, "local_filename") if not buf: ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) localExcerptResult = ryw_upload.check_local_file(form, fieldName="local_excerpt_filename") # check aux file uploads: thumbnails, exerpts... success, auxExists, aux = ryw_upload.check_aux_file_uploads(form, localExcerptStuff=localExcerptResult) if not success: ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) tmpdir = attempt_make_tmpdir() if not tmpdir: ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) success, auxDir, auxInfo = ryw_upload.read_aux_files( form, aux, tmpdir, auxExists, localExcerptStuff=localExcerptResult ) if not success: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) filename = ryw_upload.decide_tmp_data_file_name(form, localPath=localFilePath, isLocalDir=localIsDir) if not filename: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) success, found, bytes = ryw_upload.copy_local_file_for_upload( form, tmpdir, filename, localFound, localFilePath, localIsDir ) if not success: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) kB = math.ceil(bytes / 1024.0) if not found: ryw.give_news2("<BR>Copying remote file...", kB, bytes = ryw_upload.read_uploaded_file(form, buf, tmpdir, filename, "local_filename") if kB == 0: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) meta = ryw_upload.try_process_attributes(name, form, filename, kB, bytes) if not meta: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) meta = ryw_upload.add_aux_attributes(meta, auxInfo) if not localIsDir: ryw_ffmpeg.try_exec(RepositoryRoot, meta, tmpdir, filename) success, metafile = ryw_upload.write_tmp_metafile(meta, tmpdir) if not success: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, None, 1) if localIsDir: nameToUpload, extractDir = (os.path.join(tmpdir, filename), None) else: nameToUpload, extractDir = ryw_upload.try_unzip_file(form, tmpdir, filename, kB) if not nameToUpload: ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, extractDir, 1) ryw.give_news2("<BR>Storing the data in the repository...", ryw.db_print2("<BR>" + "meta: " + repr(meta) + "<BR>", 57) ryw.db_print2("nameToUpload: " + nameToUpload + "<BR>", 22) ryw.db_print2("auxDir: " + repr(auxDir) + "<BR>", 22) if not try_upload_object(meta, nameToUpload, auxDir): ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, extractDir, 1) # ryw_view.show_server_object(meta) searchFile = show_one_server_object(meta) searchFile.done() # cgi.print_form(form) ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, extractDir, 0)
def flock_init(flockSelf, file): ryw.db_print2("ryw_linux.flock_init: file is: " + file, 56) fl = flockSelf fl.hfile = open(file, "a+")
def move_stuff(src, dst): """used to be UploadObject.mymove()""" shutil.move(src, dst) ryw.db_print2("ryw_linux:move_stuff: src is: " + src + " ---> dst is: " + dst, 56)
def main(): """modeled after This is for displaying a form that allows editing the chapter list.""" name = ShowQueue.init_log() ryw_view.print_header_logo() print '<TITLE>Processing the Chapter List</TITLE>' ryw.db_print2('<BR> entered... <BR>', 39) form = cgi.FieldStorage() success,objID,version = ryw.get_obj_str(form = form) if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterListFormHandle: failed to get objstr.', logging.critical) DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) ryw.db_print2('ChapterListFormHandle: objstr is: ' + objID + '#' + str(version), 40) chapterList = ChapterList.ChapterList(objID + '#' + str(version)) success,formEntries = chapterList.process_form(form) if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterListFormHandle: process_form() failed.', logging.error) DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) success,searchFile,reverseLists = \ ReverseLists.open_searchfile_reverselists( 'DisplaySelection.main:') if not success: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) success = DisplaySelection.print_title(objID, version, name, searchFile) if not success: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) ryw.db_print2('<BR> entered.<BR>', 41) nameTriple = DisplaySelection.get_file_paths2( objID, version, searchFile = searchFile) if not nameTriple: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) rfpath,chapterListPath,chapterListFullName = nameTriple if not rfpath: DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) ryw.db_print2('ChapterListFormHandle: chapter list file is: ' + chapterListFullName, 41) reqList = ShowQueue.read_list(rfpath) if not reqList: ryw.give_news('This selection is empty.<BR>', print '<BR>' print_links(objID, version, name) DisplaySelection.exit_now(0) ryw.db_print2(' gotten selection list.', 41) success = chapterList.initialize_with_meta_list( reqList, searchFile, reverseLists) if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterListFormHandle: ' + 'initialize_with_meta_list failed.', logging.error) DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) chapterList.compare_form_entries_against_meta() if not chapterList.write_file(chapterListFullName): ryw.give_bad_news('ChapterListFormHandle: write_file() failed.', logging.error) DisplaySelection.exit_now(1) ryw.give_news('chapter list saved.', ryw_view.print_footer() reverseLists.done() searchFile.done()
def main(): name = print_header() form = cgi.FieldStorage() WebUpload_ryw.setup_logging() # # get objstr. # success,objID,version = ryw.get_obj_str2(form) if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('CloneVersion: failed to get objstr.', logging.critical) ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) message = 'CloneVersion: ' + objID + '#' + str(version) ryw.db_print2("<BR>" + message + "<BR>", 23); # # open search file. # success,searchFile = ryw.open_search_file( 'CloneVerson', os.path.join(RepositoryRoot, 'WWW', 'logs'), 'upload.log', os.path.join(RepositoryRoot, 'SearchFile'), False) if not success: if searchFile: searchFile.done() ryw.give_bad_news('CloneVersion: ' + 'open search file failed. ', logging.critical) ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) else: ryw.db_print2("search file opened." + "<BR>", 23); # # get meta and paths. # success,paths,meta = DisplaySelection.get_all_paths( objID, version, skipLock=False, searchFile=searchFile, allowNullSearchFile=False) if success: ryw.db_print_info_browser('CloneVersion: paths: ' + repr(paths), 24) ryw.db_print_info_browser('CloneVersion: meta: ' + repr(meta), 29) else: ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) if (searchFile): searchFile.done() # # we do want to clone the data if it were a list. # isList = ryw_meta.isList(meta) if isList: dataPath = paths[0] selName = DisplaySelection.get_sel_name(dataPath) if not selName: ryw.give_bad_news( 'CloneVersion: isList but failed to get selection name.', logging.error) ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) selPath = os.path.join(dataPath, selName) else: selPath,selName = None,None # # change meta. # meta = change_meta(meta, name) # # deal with auxi dir. # originalAuxiDir = paths[2] newAuxiDir = None tmpdir = None if os.path.exists(originalAuxiDir): tmpdir = WebUpload_ryw.attempt_make_tmpdir() if not tmpdir: ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) newAuxiDir = os.path.join(tmpdir, '_AUXI') message = 'CloneVersion: shutil.copytree(): ' + \ originalAuxiDir + ' -> ' + newAuxiDir try: shutil.copytree(originalAuxiDir, newAuxiDir) except: ryw.give_bad_news('failed: ' + message, logging.critical) ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) ryw.db_print_info_browser(message, 29) # # Now try to put a new object in the repository. # note that the version number will be incremented. # # "selPath" used to be just None. # when I added cloning list, I'm just using this to pass in the # path name of the selection file. # if not WebUpload_ryw.try_upload_object(meta, selPath, newAuxiDir, cloneVersion=True): ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1) searchFile = WebUpload_ryw.show_one_server_object(meta) searchFile.done() ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 0, successMessage = 'clone version completed.')
def flock_unlock(flockSelf): fl = flockSelf ryw.db_print2("ryw_linux:flock_unlock(): file is: " + fl.file, 56) portalocker.unlock(fl.hfile) fl.hfile.close()
def generate(self): """Main Browse View function.""" ryw.print_header() self.print_initialHTML() form = cgi.FieldStorage() # setup_logging() viewroot = form.getfirst('viewroot', '') if not viewroot: ryw.give_bad_news('viewroot not found',logging.error) sys.exit(1) ryw.db_print2('Browse.generate: viewroot is: ' + viewroot, 61) if viewroot[-1] == os.sep: viewroot = viewroot[:-1] relpath = form.getfirst('relpath', os.sep) ryw.db_print2('Browse.generate: relpath1: ' + relpath, 61) relpath = ryw_bizarro.fix_browse_rel_path(relpath) ryw.db_print2('Browse.generate: relpath2: ' + relpath, 61) if relpath[0] != os.sep: relpath = os.sep + relpath if relpath[-1] != os.sep: relpath = relpath + os.sep ryw.db_print2('Browse.generate: relpath3: ' + relpath, 61) path = viewroot + relpath self.viewroot = viewroot self.relpath = relpath # path must be a directory if not os.path.exists(path): ryw.give_news('path no longer exists: ' + path, logging.warning) sys.exit(1) ll = os.listdir(path) #success,searchFile = ryw.open_search_file( # self.scriptName + ':', self.logDir, self.logFile, # self.searchFile, False) #if not success: # sys.exit(1) count=0 title = relpath[1:-1] title = title.replace("\\"," » ") #print "<H2>The Digital StudyHall</H2>" ryw_view.print_logo() if title != "": print "<H3> content repository: %s </H3>" % (title,) else: print "<H3> content repository: </H3>" print "<TABLE border=0 width=100%><TR>" for i in ll: if not os.path.isfile(path+i): print '<td width=20%%><A HREF="%s?viewroot=%s&relpath=%s%s"><img src="/icons/folder.gif" border=0><br>%s</A></td>' % (self.scriptName,viewroot,relpath,i,i) count += 1 if (count == 5): print "</TR><TR>" count = 0 while (count < 5): print "<td width=20%> </td>" count += 1 print "</TR></TABLE>" metalist = [] for i in ll: if os.path.isfile(path + i): # get its metadata from server and add option # for 'add to downloadqueue' f = open(path + i) line = f.readline() f.close() if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] objname, version = line.split('#') version = int(version) #success,d = searchFile.get_meta(objname, # version) success,d = ryw.get_meta(self.absObjStoreRoot, objname, version) if not success: logging.warning( self.scriptName + ': get_meta failed: ' + objname + ' ' + str(version)) continue metalist.append(d) metalist = ryw.sortmeta(metalist) success,searchFile,reverseLists = \ ReverseLists.open_searchfile_reverselists( 'Browse.generate:') if not success: sys.exit(1) displayObject = ryw_view.DisplayObject( self.Root, calledByVillageSide = self.calledByVillageSide, missingFileFunc = reqDownloadFunc, searchFile = searchFile, reverseLists = reverseLists) displayObject.begin_print() for i in metalist: #self.generate_row(d) displayObject.show_an_object_compact(i) displayObject.end_print() self.print_footer() searchFile.done() reverseLists.done()
def main(logDir, logFile, searchFile, scriptName, resources = None): """main function processing search request.""" # initialization. name = print_header() form = cgi.FieldStorage() setup_logging(logDir, logFile) ## cgi.print_form(form) ## parse the form to get: query, sorting information, start_index ## to know which subset of matches/results to return, ## search_attributes for the next_page_button query, sort_tuple, start_index, search_attributes, error_message = \ parse_form(form) if query is None: print '<P> ERROR while parsing form and constructing ' + \ 'search query:', error_message sys.exit(1) ## print '<HR>Query:', query ## read index file to get the list of dictionaries: ## one dictionary for each version of each object, contains its meta-data # # used to open search file without read. # because Sobti is doing the read by himself below. # I have to change this because the SearchFile will be passed # onto the ReverseLists module for more later lookups. # this makes it necessary to do a real SearchFile open. # #success,searchFileLock = ryw.open_search_file( # 'Search:', logDir, logFile, searchFile, False, skipRead = True) success,searchFileLock = ryw.open_search_file( 'Search:', logDir, logFile, searchFile, False, skipRead = False) if not success: ryw.give_bad_news('Search: failed to acquire search file lock: ' + searchFile, logging.critical) ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) #else: # # mis-named: it's really not a searchFileLock, but searchFile itself. # #displayObject.set_search_file(searchFileLock) # # this is when Sobti used to do his own read, now replaced by mine. # #metas, error_message = read_index_file_to_get_metas(searchFile) metas = searchFileLock.convert_to_sobti_list() if metas is None: print '<P> ERROR while reading the index file to get ' + \ 'the meta-data dictionaries:', error_message searchFileLock.done() ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) ## build a list of metas that satisfy the given query matches = [] for meta in metas: if not ryw_view.should_show_object(meta, resources): continue if cnf_match.matches_cnf(meta, query): matches.append(meta) ryw.db_print2('Search:main() ' + repr(meta), 53) num_matches = len(matches) ## sort the matches by the given sort tuple matches, error_message = sort_matches(matches, sort_tuple) if matches is None: print '<P> ERROR while sorting matches:', error_message searchFileLock.done() ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) # # save all current search results in a file for # possible inclusion in the current selection. # matchAllName = save_matches(matches) ## Return the start_index..(start_index + N) entries from the top if num_matches == 0 or start_index >= num_matches: num_items = 0 else: start_index = max(0, start_index) assert start_index < num_matches end_index = start_index + NUM_OBJECTS_PER_PAGE - 1 end_index = max(0, end_index) end_index = min(num_matches - 1, end_index) if not (0 <= start_index <= end_index < num_matches): print '<P> ASSERT ERROR: start_index, end_index, ' + \ 'num_matches', start_index, end_index, num_matches searchFileLock.done() ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) num_items = end_index - start_index + 1 ## num_items is the number of items that will actually be displayed ## num_items <= num_matches if num_items == 0: print '<P><H3>No objects to display</H3>' searchFileLock.done() ryw_upload.quick_exit(1) else: #print '<P><H3>%d objects satisfy the search criteria, ' + \ # 'displaying %d of them</H3>' % (num_matches, num_items) print """ <BR><B><FONT SIZE=2>%d object(s) satisfy the search criteria.</FONT></B>""" % \ (num_matches) print """ <BR><B><FONT SIZE=2>displaying matches %d - %d.</FONT></B><BR>""" % \ (start_index + 1, start_index + num_items) print_next_page_button1(search_attributes, end_index + 1, scriptName, num_matches) shownMatches = [] success,reverseLists = ReverseLists.open_reverse_lists( 'Search:', '', '', os.path.join(RepositoryRoot, 'ReverseLists'), True, searchFile = searchFileLock, repositoryRoot = RepositoryRoot) if not (success and reverseLists): ryw.give_bad_news('Search.main: failed to open ReverseLists.', logging.critical) if reverseLists: reverseLists.done() return False displayObject = ryw_view.DisplayObject( RepositoryRoot, calledByVillageSide = False, missingFileFunc=Browse.reqDownloadFunc, searchFile = searchFileLock, reverseLists = reverseLists) displayObject.begin_print() for i in range(start_index, end_index + 1): #display_object(matches[i]) displayObject.show_an_object_compact(matches[i]) shownMatches.append(matches[i]) displayObject.end_print() reverseLists.done() # # save search results on this page in a file for # possible inclusion in the current selection. # matchThisPageName = save_matches(shownMatches) print_selection_links(matchAllName, matchThisPageName) ## Include a next-page button print_next_page_button2(search_attributes, end_index + 1, scriptName, num_matches) searchFileLock.done() ryw_view.print_footer()