コード例 #1
ファイル: s_turn_cache.py プロジェクト: gzvulon/IAI2-LOA
class TurnCache():
    def __init__(self):
        self.checkers_left_table = {}
        self.statistics = Statistics()
        self.time_statistics = TimeStatisticsClass()
    def get_wkt(self,current_state, key, fuck_key, func, *args):
        '''  get with key
        Using provided key instead of function name
        @param current_state: state of LinesOfActionState
        @param func: ()->value
        @param key: function name or other id
        def action():
            # return func(args*)
            return self.time_statistics.measure_lambda(func, fuck_key, *args)
        turn_info = self._get_turn_info(current_state)
        if turn_info.has_key(key):
            return turn_info[key]
        func_value, isNew = get_or_set_init(  turn_info, key, action, verbose=True)       
        self.statistics.add(isNew, key)
        return func_value
    def get_wk(self,current_state, key, fuck_key, func, *args):
        '''  get with key
        Using provided key instead of function name
        @param current_state: state of LinesOfActionState
        @param func: ()->value
        @param key: function name or other id
        def action():
            # return func(args*)
            return self.time_statistics.measure_lambda(func, key, *args)
        turn_info = self._get_turn_info(current_state)
        func_value, isNew = get_or_set_init(  turn_info, key, action, verbose=True)       
        self.statistics.add(isNew, key)
        return func_value
        return func_value         
    def get(self,current_state, func, *args):
        return self.get_wk(current_state, func.__name__, func.__name__,   lambda: func(current_state,*args) )
        #return self.get_cached_value(current_state, func, *agrs)
    def get_cached_value(self, current_state, func, *agrs):
        @param current_state: state of LinesOfActionState
        @param func: LinesOfActionState -> value
        def action():
            # return func(args*)
            return self.time_statistics.measure_function(func,current_state,*agrs)
        turn_info = self._get_turn_info(current_state)
        func_value, isNew = get_or_set_init(  turn_info, func.__name__, 
                                              action, verbose=True)
        self.statistics.add(isNew, func.__name__)
        return func_value 

    def clean_up_if_need(self, game_state, next_state):
        '''Removes all states that can't be reached 
           after capture of checker
        (w,b) = (next_state.whites, next_state.blacks)

        if (game_state.whites, next_state.whites) == (w,b):
        d = self.checkers_left_table
        player = game_state.getCurrentPlayer()

        if player == WHITE: # remove all (_,b+1)
            for i in range(w+1): 
                k = (i,b + 1)
                if d.has_key(k):
                    del d[k]
        else: #player == BLACK: remove all (_,b+1)
            for i in range(b+1): 
                k = (w+1, i)
                if d.has_key(k):
                    del d[k]
    def _get_turn_info(self,current_state):
        checkers_left = (current_state.whites, current_state.blacks)
        turn_info_table = get_or_set_init(self.checkers_left_table,checkers_left, lambda: {} )
        turn_info = get_or_set_init(turn_info_table, current_state, lambda: {})
        return turn_info

    def __str__(self):
        res =  "Stat:" + str(self.statistics) + "\n"
        res += "TimeStat:" + str(self.time_statistics) + "\n"
        return res
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
コード例 #2
ファイル: s_turn_cache.py プロジェクト: gzvulon/IAI2-LOA
class TurnCacheCleanable():
    def __init__(self, max_num_of_states):
        self.active_checkers_left_table = {}
        self.passive_checkers_left_table = {}
        self.passive_size = 0
        self.max_passive_size = max_num_of_states /2
        self.statistics = Statistics()
        self.time_statistics = TimeStatisticsClass()
    def swap_and_empty(self):
        del self.active_checkers_left_table
        self.active_checkers_left_table = self.passive_checkers_left_table
        self.passive_checkers_left_table = {}
        self.passive_size = 0
    def _add_to_passive(self,current_state,turn_info):
        checkers_left = (current_state.whites, current_state.blacks)
        turn_info_table = get_or_set_init(self.passive_checkers_left_table,checkers_left, lambda: {} )
        turn_info_table[current_state ] = turn_info
        self.passive_size += 1
        if self.passive_size > self.max_passive_size:
    def get_wkt(self,current_state, key, fuck_key, func, *args):
        '''  get with key
        Using provided key instead of function name
        @param current_state: state of LinesOfActionState
        @param func: ()->value
        @param key: function name or other id
        def action():
            # return func(args*)
            return self.time_statistics.measure_lambda(func, fuck_key, *args)
        turn_info = self._get_turn_info(current_state)
        if turn_info.has_key(key):
            return turn_info[key]
        func_value, isNew = get_or_set_init(  turn_info, key, action, verbose=True)       
        self.statistics.add(isNew, key)
        return func_value
    def get_wk(self,current_state, key, fuck_key, func, *args):
        '''  get with key
        Using provided key instead of function name
        @param current_state: state of LinesOfActionState
        @param func: ()->value
        @param key: function name or other id
        def action():
            # return func(args*)
            return self.time_statistics.measure_lambda(func, key, *args)
        turn_info = self._get_turn_info(current_state)
        func_value, isNew = get_or_set_init(  turn_info, key, action, verbose=True)       
        self.statistics.add(isNew, key)
        return func_value
    def get(self,current_state, func, *args):
        return self.get_wk(current_state, func.__name__, func.__name__,   lambda: func(current_state,*args) )
        #return self.get_cached_value(current_state, func, *agrs)
    def get_cached_value(self, current_state, func, *agrs):
        @param current_state: state of LinesOfActionState
        @param func: LinesOfActionState -> value
        def action():
            # return func(args*)
            return self.time_statistics.measure_function(func,current_state,*agrs)
        turn_info = self._get_turn_info(current_state)
        func_value, isNew = get_or_set_init(  turn_info, func.__name__, 
                                              action, verbose=True)
        self.statistics.add(isNew, func.__name__)
        return func_value 

    def _clean_up(self, d, (w,b) ):
        for (kw,kb) in d.keys():
            if kw > w or kb > b:
                del d[(kw,kb)]