コード例 #1
    def get_shift_and_width_for_coset(self, n):
        Compute the shift and width of coset nr. n.
        if self._shift.has_key(n) and self._width.has_key(n):
            return self._shift[n], self._width[n]
        if not is_squarefree(self._level):
            raise NotImplementedError, "Only square-free levels implemented"
        G = Gamma0(self._level)
        A = self.coset_rep(n)
        a = A[0, 0]
        c = A[1, 0]
        width = G.cusp_width(Cusp(a, c))
        if self._verbose > 0:
            print "width=", width
        Amat = Matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, A.matrix().list())
        h = -1
        for j in range(width):
            Th = Matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [width, -j, 0, 1])
            W = Amat * Th
            if self._verbose > 1:
                print "W=", W

            if self.is_involution(W):
                h = j
        if h < 0:
            raise ArithmeticError, "Could not find shift!"
        self._shift[n] = h
        self._width[n] = width
        return h, width
コード例 #2
def create_counts_table(levels, address, verbose=0):
    QUESTION: What proportion of curves in the database have
    squarefree conductor, as a function of the conductor?

    To answer, make another table ellcurves.counts with documents:

       {'_id':N,  'c':number_of_isogeny_classes_of_curves_of_conductor_N, 'ss':True}

    where 'ss':True is set only if N is squarefree.

    Once we have this table, the rest should be relatively easy.
    db_counts = get_ellcurves(address).counts

    from sage.all import is_squarefree
    i = 0

    for N in levels:
        N = int(N)
        c = ellcurves.find({'level': N, 'number': 1}).count()
        doc = {'_id': N, 'c': c}
        if is_squarefree(N):
            doc['ss'] = True
            db_counts.insert(doc, safe=True)
        except DuplicateKeyError:
            if verbose and i % verbose == 0:
            if verbose and i % verbose == 0:
        i += 1
        import sys
コード例 #3
ファイル: period_polynomials.py プロジェクト: fredstro/psage
 def get_shift_and_width_for_coset(self,n):
     Compute the shift and width of coset nr. n.
     if self._shift.has_key(n) and self._width.has_key(n):
         return self._shift[n],self._width[n]
     if not is_squarefree(self._level):
         raise NotImplementedError,"Only square-free levels implemented"
     G = Gamma0(self._level)
     A = self.coset_rep(n)
     a = A[0,0]; c=A[1,0]
     width = G.cusp_width(Cusp(a,c))
     if self._verbose>0:
         print "width=",width
     Amat = Matrix(ZZ,2,2,A.matrix().list())
     h = -1 
     for j in range(width):
         Th = Matrix(ZZ,2,2,[width,-j,0,1])
         W = Amat*Th
         if self._verbose>1:
             print "W=",W
         if self.is_involution(W):
             h = j
     if h<0:
         raise ArithmeticError,"Could not find shift!"
     return h,width        
コード例 #4
ファイル: queries.py プロジェクト: Alwnikrotikz/purplesage
def create_counts_table(levels, address, verbose=0):
    QUESTION: What proportion of curves in the database have
    squarefree conductor, as a function of the conductor?

    To answer, make another table ellcurves.counts with documents:

       {'_id':N,  'c':number_of_isogeny_classes_of_curves_of_conductor_N, 'ss':True}

    where 'ss':True is set only if N is squarefree.

    Once we have this table, the rest should be relatively easy.
    db_counts = get_ellcurves(address).counts
    from sage.all import is_squarefree
    i = 0
    for N in levels:
        N = int(N)
        c = ellcurves.find({'level':N, 'number':1}).count()
        doc = {'_id':N, 'c':c}
        if is_squarefree(N):
            doc['ss'] = True
            db_counts.insert(doc, safe=True)
        except DuplicateKeyError:
            if verbose and i%verbose == 0:
                print '[%s]'%N,
            if verbose and i%verbose == 0:
                print N,
        i += 1
        import sys; sys.stdout.flush()
コード例 #5
ファイル: weight_one_half.py プロジェクト: s-opitz/sfqm
def weight_one_half_dim(FQM,
    N = Integer(FQM.level())
    if not N % 4 == 0:
        return 0
    m = Integer(N / Integer(4))
    d = 0
    for l in m.divisors():
        if is_squarefree(m / l):
            if debug > 1: print "l = {0}".format(l)
            TM = FiniteQuadraticModule([2 * l], [-1 / Integer(4 * l)])
            if local:
                dd = [0, 0]  # eigenvalue 1, -1 multiplicity
                for p, n in lcm(FQM.level(), 4 * l).factor():
                    N = None
                    TN = None
                    J = FQM.jordan_decomposition()
                    L = TM.jordan_decomposition()
                    for j in xrange(1, n + 1):
                        C = J.constituent(p**j)[0]
                        D = L.constituent(p**j)[0]
                        if debug > 1: print "C = {0}, D = {1}".format(C, D)
                        if N == None and C.level() != 1:
                            N = C
                        elif C.level() != 1:
                            N = N + C
                        if TN == None and D.level() != 1:
                            TN = D
                        elif D.level() != 1:
                            TN = TN + D
                    dd1 = invariants_eps(N, TN, use_reduction, proof, debug)
                    if debug > 1: print "dd1 = {}".format(dd1)
                    if dd1 == [0, 0]:
                        # the result is multiplicative
                        # a single [0,0] as a local result
                        # yields [0,0] in the end
                        # and we're done here
                        dd = [0, 0]
                    if dd == [0, 0]:
                        # this is the first prime
                        dd = dd1
                        # some basic arithmetic ;-)
                        # 1 = 1*1 = (-1)(-1)
                        # -1 = 1*(-1) = (-1)*1
                        ddtmp = copy(dd)
                        ddtmp[0] = dd[0] * dd1[0] + dd[1] * dd1[1]
                        ddtmp[1] = dd[0] * dd1[1] + dd[1] * dd1[0]
                        dd = ddtmp
                    if debug > 1: print "dd = {0}".format(dd)
                d += dd[0]
                d += invariants_eps(FQM, TM, use_reduction, proof, debug)[0]
    return d
コード例 #6
ファイル: weight_one_half.py プロジェクト: s-opitz/sfqm
def weight_one_half_dim(FQM, use_reduction = True, proof = False, debug = 0, local=True):
    N = Integer(FQM.level())
    if not N % 4 == 0:
        return 0
    m = Integer(N/Integer(4))
    d = 0
    for l in m.divisors():
        if is_squarefree(m/l):
            if debug > 1: print "l = {0}".format(l)
            TM = FiniteQuadraticModule([2*l],[-1/Integer(4*l)])
            if local:
                dd = [0,0] # eigenvalue 1, -1 multiplicity
                for p,n in lcm(FQM.level(),4*l).factor():
                    N = None
                    TN = None
                    J = FQM.jordan_decomposition()
                    L = TM.jordan_decomposition()
                    for j in xrange(1,n+1):
                        C = J.constituent(p**j)[0]
                        D = L.constituent(p**j)[0]
                        if debug > 1: print "C = {0}, D = {1}".format(C,D)
                        if N == None and C.level() != 1:
                            N = C
                        elif C.level() != 1:
                            N = N + C
                        if TN == None and D.level() != 1:
                            TN = D
                        elif D.level() != 1:
                            TN = TN + D
                    dd1 = invariants_eps(N, TN, use_reduction, proof, debug)
                    if debug > 1: print "dd1 = {}".format(dd1)
                    if dd1 == [0,0]:
                        # the result is multiplicative
                        # a single [0,0] as a local result
                        # yields [0,0] in the end
                        # and we're done here
                        dd = [0,0]
                    if dd == [0,0]:
                        # this is the first prime
                        dd = dd1
                        # some basic arithmetic ;-)
                        # 1 = 1*1 = (-1)(-1)
                        # -1 = 1*(-1) = (-1)*1
                        ddtmp = copy(dd)
                        ddtmp[0] = dd[0]*dd1[0] + dd[1]*dd1[1]
                        ddtmp[1] = dd[0]*dd1[1] + dd[1]*dd1[0]
                        dd = ddtmp
                    if debug > 1: print "dd = {0}".format(dd)
                d += dd[0]
                d += invariants_eps(FQM, TM, use_reduction, proof, debug)[0]
    return d
コード例 #7
ファイル: simple_modules_graph.py プロジェクト: s-opitz/sfqm
 def compute(self, p=None, cut_nonsimple_aniso=True, fast=1):
     args = list()
     for N in range(1, self._level_limit):
         v2 = Integer(N).valuation(2)
         N2 = 2 ** v2
         if v2 in [0, 1, 2, 3] and is_squarefree(Integer(N) / N2):
             s = anisotropic_symbols(N, self._signature)
             if len(s) == 0:
             args = args + s
     logger.debug('args = {0}'.format(args))
     logger.info('starting with {} anisotropic modules'.format(len(args)))
     self.compute_from_startpoints(args, p, cut_nonsimple_aniso, fast)
     return self._simple
コード例 #8
ファイル: simple_modules_graph.py プロジェクト: s-opitz/sfqm
 def compute(self, p=None, cut_nonsimple_aniso=True, fast=1):
     args = list()
     for N in range(1, self._level_limit):
         v2 = Integer(N).valuation(2)
         N2 = 2**v2
         if v2 in [0, 1, 2, 3] and is_squarefree(Integer(N) / N2):
             s = anisotropic_symbols(N, self._signature)
             if len(s) == 0:
             args = args + s
     logger.debug('args = {0}'.format(args))
     logger.info('starting with {} anisotropic modules'.format(len(args)))
     self.compute_from_startpoints(args, p, cut_nonsimple_aniso, fast)
     return self._simple
コード例 #9
ファイル: emf_core.py プロジェクト: sibilant/lmfdb
def find_inverse_images_of_twists(k, N=1, chi=0, fi=0, prec=10, verbose=0):
    Checks if f is minimal and if not, returns the associated
    minimal form to precision prec.


    - ''k'' -- positive integer : the weight
    - ''N'' -- positive integer (default 1) : level
    - ''chi'' -- non-neg. integer (default 0) use character nr. chi
    - ''fi'' -- non-neg. integer (default 0) We want to use the element nr. fi f=Newforms(N,k)[fi]
    - ''prec'' -- integer (the number of coefficients to get)
    - ''verbose'' -- integer

    -''[t,l]'' -- tuple of a Bool t and a list l. The list l contains all tuples of forms which twists to the given form.
              The actual minimal one is the first element of this list.


    (t, f) = _get_newform(k, N, chi, fi)

    if (not t):
        return f
    if (is_squarefree(ZZ(N))):
        return [True, f]
    # We need to check all square factors of N
    logger.debug("investigating: %s" % f)
    N_sqfree = squarefree_part(ZZ(N))
    Nsq = ZZ(N / N_sqfree)
    twist_candidates = list()
    KF = f.base_ring()
    # check how many Hecke eigenvalues we need to check
    max_nump = number_of_hecke_to_check(f)
    maxp = max(primes_first_n(max_nump))
    for d in divisors(N):
        # we look at all d such that d^2 divdes N
        if (not ZZ(d**2).divides(ZZ(N))):
        D = DirichletGroup(d)
        # check possible candidates to twist into f
        # g in S_k(M,chi) wit M=N/d^2
        M = ZZ(N / d**2)
        logger.debug("Checking level %s" % M)
        for xig in range(euler_phi(M)):
            (t, glist) = _get_newform(k, M, xig)
            if (not t):
                return glist
            for g in glist:
                logger.debug("Comparing to function %s" % g)
                KG = g.base_ring()
                # we now see if twisting of g by xi in D gives us f
                for xi in D:
                        for p in primes_first_n(max_nump):
                            if (ZZ(p).divides(ZZ(N))):
                            bf = f.q_expansion(maxp + 1)[p]
                            bg = g.q_expansion(maxp + 1)[p]
                            if (bf == 0 and bg == 0):
                            elif (bf == 0 and bg != 0 or bg == 0 and bf != 0):
                                raise StopIteration()
                            if (ZZ(p).divides(xi.conductor())):
                                raise ArithmeticError("")
                            xip = xi(p)
                            # make a preliminary check that the base rings match with respect to being
                            # real or not
                                XF = QQ
                                if (KF != QQ or KG != QQ):
                                    raise StopIteration
                            except TypeError:
                                # we have a  non-rational (i.e. complex) value of the character
                                XF = xip.parent()
                                if ((KF == QQ or KF.is_totally_real()) and
                                    (KG == QQ or KG.is_totally_real())):
                                    raise StopIteration
                            ## it is diffcult to compare elements from diferent rings in general but we make some checcks
                            # is it possible to see if there is a larger ring which everything can be
                            # coerced into?
                            ok = False
                                a = KF(bg / xip)
                                b = KF(bf)
                                ok = True
                                if (a != b):
                                    raise StopIteration()
                            except TypeError:
                                a = KG(bg)
                                b = KG(xip * bf)
                                ok = True
                                if (a != b):
                                    raise StopIteration()
                            except TypeError:
                            if (
                                    not ok
                            ):  # we could coerce and the coefficients were equal
                                return "Could not compare against possible candidates!"
                            # otherwise if we are here we are ok and found a candidate
                        twist_candidates.append([dd, g.q_expansion(prec), xi])
                    except StopIteration:
                        # they are not equal
    # logger.debug("Candidates=%s" % twist_candidates)
    if (len(twist_candidates) == 0):
        return (True, None)
        return (False, twist_candidates)
コード例 #10
ファイル: emf_core.py プロジェクト: arbooker/lmfdb
def find_inverse_images_of_twists(k, N=1, chi=0, fi=0, prec=10, verbose=0):
    Checks if f is minimal and if not, returns the associated
    minimal form to precision prec.


    - ''k'' -- positive integer : the weight
    - ''N'' -- positive integer (default 1) : level
    - ''chi'' -- non-neg. integer (default 0) use character nr. chi
    - ''fi'' -- non-neg. integer (default 0) We want to use the element nr. fi f=Newforms(N,k)[fi]
    - ''prec'' -- integer (the number of coefficients to get)
    - ''verbose'' -- integer

    -''[t,l]'' -- tuple of a Bool t and a list l. The list l contains all tuples of forms which twists to the given form.
              The actual minimal one is the first element of this list.


    (t, f) = _get_newform(k, N, chi, fi)

    if(not t):
        return f
        return [True, f]
    # We need to check all square factors of N
    logger.debug("investigating: %s" % f)
    N_sqfree = squarefree_part(ZZ(N))
    Nsq = ZZ(N / N_sqfree)
    twist_candidates = list()
    KF = f.base_ring()
    # check how many Hecke eigenvalues we need to check
    max_nump = number_of_hecke_to_check(f)
    maxp = max(primes_first_n(max_nump))
    for d in divisors(N):
        # we look at all d such that d^2 divdes N
        if(not ZZ(d ** 2).divides(ZZ(N))):
        D = DirichletGroup(d)
        # check possible candidates to twist into f
        # g in S_k(M,chi) wit M=N/d^2
        M = ZZ(N / d ** 2)
        logger.debug("Checking level %s" % M)
        for xig in range(euler_phi(M)):
            (t, glist) = _get_newform(k, M, xig)
            if(not t):
                return glist
            for g in glist:
                logger.debug("Comparing to function %s" % g)
                KG = g.base_ring()
                # we now see if twisting of g by xi in D gives us f
                for xi in D:
                        for p in primes_first_n(max_nump):
                            bf = f.q_expansion(maxp + 1)[p]
                            bg = g.q_expansion(maxp + 1)[p]
                            if(bf == 0 and bg == 0):
                            elif(bf == 0 and bg != 0 or bg == 0 and bf != 0):
                                raise StopIteration()
                                raise ArithmeticError("")
                            xip = xi(p)
                            # make a preliminary check that the base rings match with respect to being
                            # real or not
                                XF = QQ
                                if(KF != QQ or KG != QQ):
                                    raise StopIteration
                            except TypeError:
                                # we have a  non-rational (i.e. complex) value of the character
                                XF = xip.parent()
                                if((KF == QQ or KF.is_totally_real()) and (KG == QQ or KG.is_totally_real())):
                                    raise StopIteration
                            ## it is diffcult to compare elements from diferent rings in general but we make some checcks
                            # is it possible to see if there is a larger ring which everything can be
                            # coerced into?
                            ok = False
                                a = KF(bg / xip)
                                b = KF(bf)
                                ok = True
                                if(a != b):
                                    raise StopIteration()
                            except TypeError:
                                a = KG(bg)
                                b = KG(xip * bf)
                                ok = True
                                if(a != b):
                                    raise StopIteration()
                            except TypeError:
                            if(not ok):  # we could coerce and the coefficients were equal
                                return "Could not compare against possible candidates!"
                            # otherwise if we are here we are ok and found a candidate
                        twist_candidates.append([dd, g.q_expansion(prec), xi])
                    except StopIteration:
                        # they are not equal
    # logger.debug("Candidates=%s" % twist_candidates)
    if(len(twist_candidates) == 0):
        return (True, None)
        return (False, twist_candidates)
コード例 #11
    def set_twist_info(self, prec=10,insert_in_db=True):
        Try to find forms of lower level which get twisted into self.

        -''[t,l]'' -- tuple of a Bool t and a list l. The list l contains all tuples of forms which twists to the given form.
        The actual minimal one is the first element of this list.
             t is set to True if self is minimal and False otherwise


        if(len(self._twist_info) > 0):
            return self._twist_info
        N = self.level()
        k = self.weight()
            self._twist_info = [True, None ]
            return [True, None]

        # We need to check all square factors of N
        twist_candidates = list()
        KF = self.base_ring()
        # check how many Hecke eigenvalues we need to check
        max_nump = self._number_of_hecke_eigenvalues_to_check()
        maxp = max(primes_first_n(max_nump))
        for d in divisors(N):
            if(d == 1):
            # we look at all d such that d^2 divdes N
            if(not ZZ(d ** 2).divides(ZZ(N))):
            D = DirichletGroup(d)
            # check possible candidates to twist into f
            # g in S_k(M,chi) wit M=N/d^2
            M = ZZ(N / d ** 2)
            if(self._verbose > 0):
                wmf_logger.debug("Checking level {0}".format(M))
            for xig in range(euler_phi(M)):
                (t, glist) = _get_newform(M,k, xig)
                if(not t):
                    return glist
                for g in glist:
                    if(self._verbose > 1):
                        wmf_logger.debug("Comparing to function {0}".format(g))
                    KG = g.base_ring()
                    # we now see if twisting of g by xi in D gives us f
                    for xi in D:
                            for p in primes_first_n(max_nump):
                                bf = self.as_factor().q_eigenform(maxp + 1, names='x')[p]
                                bg = g.q_expansion(maxp + 1)[p]
                                if(bf == 0 and bg == 0):
                                elif(bf == 0 and bg != 0 or bg == 0 and bf != 0):
                                    raise StopIteration()
                                    raise ArithmeticError("")
                                xip = xi(p)
                                # make a preliminary check that the base rings match with respect to being
                                # real or not
                                    XF = QQ
                                    if(KF != QQ or KG != QQ):
                                        raise StopIteration
                                except TypeError:
                                    # we have a  non-rational (i.e. complex) value of the character
                                    XF = xip.parent()
                                    if((KF.absolute_degree() == 1 or KF.is_totally_real()) and (KG.absolute_degre() == 1 or KG.is_totally_real())):
                                        raise StopIteration
                            ## it is diffcult to compare elements from diferent rings in general but we make some checcks
                            # is it possible to see if there is a larger ring which everything can be
                            # coerced into?
                                ok = False
                                    a = KF(bg / xip)
                                    b = KF(bf)
                                    ok = True
                                    if(a != b):
                                        raise StopIteration()
                                except TypeError:
                                    a = KG(bg)
                                    b = KG(xip * bf)
                                    ok = True
                                    if(a != b):
                                        raise StopIteration()
                                except TypeError:
                                if(not ok):  # we could coerce and the coefficients were equal
                                    return "Could not compare against possible candidates!"
                                # otherwise if we are here we are ok and found a candidate
                            twist_candidates.append([M, g.q_expansion(prec), xi])
                        except StopIteration:
                            # they are not equal
        self._twist_info = (False, twist_candidates)
        if(len(twist_candidates) == 0):
            self._twist_info = [True, None]
            self._twist_info = [False, twist_candidates]
        return self._twist_info
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, f, prec=53, verbose=0, data={}):
        Initialize the period polynomial of f.

         - `f` -- Newform
         - ``

        # First elliptic curve

        sage: f=Newforms(11,2)[0]             
        sage: pp=PeriodPolynomial(f,prec=103)
        sage: L=f.cuspform_lseries()
        sage: pp.petersson_norm()
        0.00390834565612459898524738548154 - 5.53300833748482053164300189100e-35*I
        sage: pp.special_value(1)            
        sage: L(1)

        # We can also study rationality of the coefficients of the 
        sage: pp.test_rationality()
        P(f 0)^+/omega_+=1.00000000000000000000000000000
        P(f 0)^-/omega_-=0
        P(f 1)^+/omega_+=-1.00000000000000000000000000000
        P(f 1)^-/omega_-=0
        P(f 2)^+/omega_+=0
        P(f 2)^-/omega_-=1.27412157006452456511355616309e-31 + 1.01489446868406102099789763444e-28*I
        P(f 3)^+/omega_+=-5.00000000000000000000000000133
        P(f 3)^-/omega_-=-1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 + 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f 4)^+/omega_+=-2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 4)^-/omega_-=-3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 + 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f 5)^+/omega_+=2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 5)^-/omega_-=-3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 + 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f 6)^+/omega_+=5.00000000000000000000000000133
        P(f 6)^-/omega_-=1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 - 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f 7)^+/omega_+=5.00000000000000000000000000133
        P(f 7)^-/omega_-=-1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 + 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f 8)^+/omega_+=2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 8)^-/omega_-=3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 - 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f 9)^+/omega_+=-2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 9)^-/omega_-=3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 - 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f10)^-/omega_-=1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 - 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f11)^-/omega_-=-1.27412157006452456511355616309e-31 - 1.01489446868406102099789763444e-28*I
        o1= 0.0404001869188632792144191985239*I
        o2= -1.36955018267536771772869542629e-33 - 0.0967407815209822856536332369020*I

        sage: f=Newforms(5,8,names='a')[0];f
        q - 14*q^2 - 48*q^3 + 68*q^4 + 125*q^5 + O(q^6)
        sage: L=f.cuspform_lseries()  
        sage: pp=PeriodPolynomial(f,prec=103)
        sage: pp.special_value(4)
        -3.34183629241748201816194829811e-29 + 8.45531852674217908762910051272e-60*I
        sage: pp.special_value(3)
        -0.729970592499451187790964533256 + 2.56020879251697431818575640846e-31*I
        sage: L(3)                  
        sage: L(4)

        self._f = f
        self._level = None
        if data <> {}:
        if self._level == None:
            self._level = f.level()
            self._k = f.weight()
            self._w = self._k - 2
            self._verbose = verbose
            self._polynomials = {}
            self._prec = prec
            self._rks = {}
            self._coset_reps = {}
            self._dim = Gamma0(self._level).index()
            self._coefficients_at_coset = {}
            self._base_coeffs = []
            self._base_coeffs_embedding = []
            self._M = {}
            self._M0 = 0
            self._width = {}
            self._shift = {}
            self._atkin_lehner = {}
            self._integrals = {}
            self._pplus = {}
            self._pminus = {}
            self._peterson_norm = 0
            self._canonical_periods = []
        # Check
        assert is_squarefree(self._level)
        ## Some numerical definitions
        self._RF = RealField(prec)
        self._eps = self._RF(2)**-self._RF(prec)
        self._pi = self._RF.pi()
コード例 #13
ファイル: period_polynomials.py プロジェクト: fredstro/psage
    def __init__(self,f,prec=53,verbose=0,data={}):
        Initialize the period polynomial of f.

         - `f` -- Newform
         - ``

        # First elliptic curve

        sage: f=Newforms(11,2)[0]             
        sage: pp=PeriodPolynomial(f,prec=103)
        sage: L=f.cuspform_lseries()
        sage: pp.petersson_norm()
        0.00390834565612459898524738548154 - 5.53300833748482053164300189100e-35*I
        sage: pp.special_value(1)            
        sage: L(1)

        # We can also study rationality of the coefficients of the 
        sage: pp.test_rationality()
        P(f 0)^+/omega_+=1.00000000000000000000000000000
        P(f 0)^-/omega_-=0
        P(f 1)^+/omega_+=-1.00000000000000000000000000000
        P(f 1)^-/omega_-=0
        P(f 2)^+/omega_+=0
        P(f 2)^-/omega_-=1.27412157006452456511355616309e-31 + 1.01489446868406102099789763444e-28*I
        P(f 3)^+/omega_+=-5.00000000000000000000000000133
        P(f 3)^-/omega_-=-1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 + 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f 4)^+/omega_+=-2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 4)^-/omega_-=-3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 + 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f 5)^+/omega_+=2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 5)^-/omega_-=-3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 + 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f 6)^+/omega_+=5.00000000000000000000000000133
        P(f 6)^-/omega_-=1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 - 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f 7)^+/omega_+=5.00000000000000000000000000133
        P(f 7)^-/omega_-=-1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 + 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f 8)^+/omega_+=2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 8)^-/omega_-=3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 - 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f 9)^+/omega_+=-2.50000000000000000000000000073
        P(f 9)^-/omega_-=3.39765752017206550696948310188e-32 - 2.39999999999999999999999999940*I
        P(f10)^-/omega_-=1.16793587723237638257725820700e-60 - 8.24993716616779655911027615609e-29*I
        P(f11)^-/omega_-=-1.27412157006452456511355616309e-31 - 1.01489446868406102099789763444e-28*I
        o1= 0.0404001869188632792144191985239*I
        o2= -1.36955018267536771772869542629e-33 - 0.0967407815209822856536332369020*I

        sage: f=Newforms(5,8,names='a')[0];f
        q - 14*q^2 - 48*q^3 + 68*q^4 + 125*q^5 + O(q^6)
        sage: L=f.cuspform_lseries()  
        sage: pp=PeriodPolynomial(f,prec=103)
        sage: pp.special_value(4)
        -3.34183629241748201816194829811e-29 + 8.45531852674217908762910051272e-60*I
        sage: pp.special_value(3)
        -0.729970592499451187790964533256 + 2.56020879251697431818575640846e-31*I
        sage: L(3)                  
        sage: L(4)

        self._f = f
        self._level = None
        if data<>{}:
        if self._level==None:
            self._level = f.level()
            self._k = f.weight()
            self._w = self._k - 2
            self._verbose = verbose
            self._polynomials = {}
            self._prec = prec
            self._rks = {}
            self._dim = Gamma0(self._level).index()
            self._coefficients_at_coset = {}
            self._M = {}
            self._M0 = 0
            self._pplus = {}
        # Check
        assert is_squarefree(self._level)
        ## Some numerical definitions
        self._RF = RealField(prec)
        self._eps = self._RF(2)**-self._RF(prec)
        self._pi = self._RF.pi()