コード例 #1
def test_masur_veech_edge_weight():
    from surface_dynamics.topological_recursion import MasurVeechTR
    from sage.all import PolynomialRing

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 't')
    t = R.gen()
    MV = MasurVeechTR(edge_weight=t)
    for g, n, value in [
        (0, 3, R.one()), (0, 4, t), (0, 5, QQ((4, 9)) * t + QQ((5, 9)) * t**2),
        (0, 6, QQ((8, 27)) * t + QQ((4, 9)) * t**2 + QQ((7, 27)) * t**3),
        (1, 1, t), (1, 2, QQ((5, 9)) * t + QQ((4, 9)) * t**2),
        (1, 3, QQ((4, 9)) * t + QQ((13, 33)) * t**2 + QQ((16, 99)) * t**3),
        (2, 1, QQ((76, 261)) * t + QQ((125, 261)) * t**2 + QQ(
            (440, 2349)) * t**3 + QQ((100, 2349)) * t**4),
        (2, 2, QQ((296, 1011)) * t + QQ((19748, 45495)) * t**2 + QQ(
            (9127, 45495)) * t**3 + QQ((560, 9099)) * t**4 + QQ(
                (100, 9099)) * t**5)
        p = MV.F(g, n, (0, ) * n)
        assert parent(p) is R
        p /= p(1)
        assert p == value, (g, n, p, value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: torus.py プロジェクト: fchapoton/Zeta
class SubvarietyOfTorus:
    def __init__(self, polynomials=None, torus_dim=None):
        if not polynomials:
            if torus_dim is None:
                raise ValueError('Need to specify the dimension')
            self.torus_dim = torus_dim
            self.ring = PolynomialRing(QQ, self.torus_dim, 'x')
            self.polynomials = []

        R = polynomials[0].parent()
        if (torus_dim is not None) and (torus_dim != R.ngens()):
            raise ValueError(
                'Supplied dimension does not match the given polynomials')
        self.torus_dim = R.ngens()
        self.ring = PolynomialRing(QQ, self.torus_dim, 'x')

        if self.torus_dim == 0:
            # Some things like GCDs fail for polynomial rings in 0 variables. *sigh*
            self.polynomials = [self.ring.one()] if any(
                f for f in polynomials) else []

        # Map everything into our 'reference polynomial ring' and normalise.
        theta = R.hom(self.ring.gens())

        def nm(f):
            return normalise_laurent_polynomial(f / f.lc())

        polynomials = list(set([nm(theta(f)) for f in polynomials if f != 0]))
        self.polynomials = [self.ring.one()
                            ] if (1 in polynomials) else polynomials

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not self.torus_dim == other.torus_dim:
            return False
        return sorted(self.polynomials) == sorted(other.polynomials)

    def _solvable_conditions(self):
        Produce all (i,x,g) such that F[i] == 0 is equivalent to x == g;
        here x is one of the defining variables and g is a Laurent polynomial
        which only involves variables != x.

        vars = self.ring.gens()
        F = self.polynomials

        for i in range(len(F)):
            for x in vars:
                terms = terms_of_polynomial(F[i])
                cand = [t for t in terms if x.divides(t)]
                if len(cand) != 1:

                t0 = cand[0]
                if (x**2).divides(t0):

                g = -sum(t for t in terms if t != t0) / (t0 // x)
                logger.debug('[%d] %s == 0 is equivalent to %s == %s' %
                             (i, F[i], x, g))
                yield (i, x, g)

    def _isolated_variables(self):
        Produce all (i,x,u,v) such that
            (1) F[i] == 0 is equivalent to u == v * x,
            (2) x does not occur in u, v, nor in F[j] for i != j.

        F = self.polynomials
        for x in self.ring.gens():
            seen = False
            cand = None

            for i, f in enumerate(F):
                vterms = [
                    t // x for t in terms_of_polynomial(f) if x.divides(t)
                if not vterms:

                if seen or any(x.divides(t) for t in vterms):
                    cand = None

                seen = True
                v = sum(vterms)
                cand = (i, x, v * x - f, v)
            if cand is not None:
                yield cand

    def split_off_torus(self):
        Given non-zero polynomials F defining a a subvariety V of T^n,
        we seek to find polynomials G in d variables such that
        V ~ W * T^(n-d), where W is defined by G. Returns W and T^(n-d).
        The number d is the dimension of the Minkowski sum of the Newton
        polytopes of the polynomials in F.
        G, d, _ = split_off_torus(self.polynomials)
        return SubvarietyOfTorus(
            G, torus_dim=d), SubvarietyOfTorus(torus_dim=self.torus_dim - d)

    def simplify_defining_equations(self):
        F = self.polynomials[:]

        if self.torus_dim == 1:
            F = [gcd(F)]
        F = [squarefree_part(f) for f in F]

        # # If the saturated generating set is 'smaller', use that.
        # G = monomial_sat(self.ring.ideal(F)).gens()
        # if sum(len(f.coefficients()) for f in G) < sum(len(f.coefficients()) for f in F):
        #   logger.debug('Using saturated generators.')
        #    F = G

        # 'mu' measures the 'size' of a polynomial for our greedy algorithm.
        def mu(f):
            return len(f.coefficients())

        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False

            for i in range(len(F)):
                if F[i] == 0:
                if F[i] == 1 or F[i].is_monomial():
                    logger.debug('Variety is empty.')
                    return SubvarietyOfTorus(polynomials=[self.ring.one()],

                # Discard multiplicities and monomial factors.
                F[i] = self.ring.prod(f for f, _ in F[i].factor()
                                      if not f.is_monomial())

                for j in range(len(F)):
                    if i == j:

                    if F[j] == 0:

                    # Important invariant: non-zero polynomials in F are monic.

                    # First attempt: Polynomial division.
                    _, r = F[i].quo_rem(F[j])
                    r = squarefree_part(r)

                    if mu(r) < mu(F[i]):
                        logger.debug('(quo/rem) Replacing F[%d]=%s by %s' %
                                     (i, F[i], r))
                        F[i] = r if not r else normalise_laurent_polynomial(
                            r / r.lc())
                        changed = True

                    # Second attempt: reduction.
                    # We try ALL conceivable pairs.
                    reduction_performed = True
                    while reduction_performed:
                        reduction_performed = False
                        for ti in terms_of_polynomial(F[i]):
                            for tj in terms_of_polynomial(F[j]):
                                g = gcd(ti, tj)

                                r = (tj // g) * F[i] - (ti // g) * F[j]
                                r = squarefree_part(r)

                                if mu(r) < mu(F[i]):
                                        '(reduce) Replacing F[%d]=%s by %s' %
                                        (i, F[i], r))
                                        '(reduce) Using term %s of F[%d] and term %s of F[%d]'
                                        % (ti, i, tj, j))
                                    F[i] = r if not r else normalise_laurent_polynomial(
                                        r / r.lc())
                                    changed = True
                                    reduction_performed = True

        F = [f for f in F if f != 0]
        return SubvarietyOfTorus(polynomials=F, torus_dim=self.torus_dim)

    def khovanskii_characteristic(self):
        Given k polytopes P[0], ..., P[k-1] in n-space, compute the sum
        (-1)^(n+k) * n! * MV(P[0], ..., P[0], P[1], ..., P[1], ...)
        over all compositions of n.
        This number is an integer which is equal to the Euler characteristic
        of the subvariety of TT^n defined by sufficiently non-degenerate
        (Laurent) polynomials with Newton polytopes P[0], ..., P[k-1].

        if not self.polynomials:
            return 1 if self.torus_dim == 0 else 0
        elif any(f.is_constant() and f != 0 for f in self.polynomials):
            return 0

        P = [f.newton_polytope() for f in self.polynomials]
        k = len(P)

        n = P[0].ambient_dim()
        if any(q.ambient_dim() != n for q in P):
            raise TypeError(
                'All polytopes must have the same ambient dimension')

        if k > n:
            return 0

        return ((-1)**(n + k) * factorial(n) * sum(
            mixed_volume(chain.from_iterable([q] * a for (q, a) in zip(P, c)))
            for c in MyCompositions(n, length=k)))

    def is_nondegenerate(self):
        if not self.polynomials:
            return True
        from .toric import is_nondegenerate
        return is_nondegenerate(self.polynomials,

    def _count_general(self, level):
        # Levels:
        # -1 - Euler characteristic
        #  0 - polynomial in q
        #  1 - polynomial in q or roots of univariate polynomials
        #  2 - general closed subvarieties of tori

        euler = level < 0  # == only compute euler characteristic
        q = int(1) if euler else var('q')

        logger.debug('Initial polynomials: %s' % self.polynomials)

        V, W = self.simplify_defining_equations().split_off_torus()

        if W.torus_dim > 0:
            logger.debug('Split off torus factor of dimension %d' %

        logger.debug('Simplified polynomials: %s' % self.polynomials)

        if W.torus_dim > 0:
            return 0 if euler else V._count_general(level) * (q -

        V = V.simplify_defining_equations()
        if not V.polynomials:
            return (q - 1)**V.torus_dim  # note: 0**0 == 1
        elif any(f.is_constant() and f != 0 for f in V.polynomials):
            return 0 if euler else SR(0)  # empty set
        elif euler and V.is_nondegenerate():
            logger.debug('The variety is Khovanskii-non-degenerate')
            return V.khovanskii_characteristic()

        if not euler and V.torus_dim == 1:
            assert len(V.polynomials) == 1
            f = V.polynomials[0]
            if len(f.factor()) == f.degree(
            ):  # check if f splits completely over QQ
                return SR(f.degree())
            if level == 0:
                raise CountException(
                    'cannot handle number fields when level == 0')
                return symbolic_variable(V)

        F = V.polynomials
        I = list(range(len(F)))

        logger.debug('Factoring polynomials')

        # Try to use inclusion-exclusion and a factorisation to count points.
        for i, f in enumerate(F):
            fac = [g for g, _ in f.factor()]  # drop multiplicities
            if len(fac) == 1:

            g = fac[0]
            h = V.ring.prod(fac[1:])

            li = [g if j == i else F[j] for j in range(len(F))]
            xi = [h if j == i else F[j] for j in range(len(F))]
            zi = li + [h]

            U = SubvarietyOfTorus(li, V.torus_dim)
            W = SubvarietyOfTorus(xi, V.torus_dim)
            Z = SubvarietyOfTorus(zi, V.torus_dim)

                res = U._count_general(level) + W._count_general(
                    level) - Z._count_general(level)
            except CountException:
                logger.debug('Successfully used a factorisation.')
                logger.debug('U = %s' % U.polynomials)
                logger.debug('W = %s' % W.polynomials)
                logger.debug('Z = %s' % Z.polynomials)
                return res

        logger.debug('Trying to decompose the variety...')
        for (i, x, g) in V._solvable_conditions():
            # NOTE: We need to specify the number of variables in the following
            # line for otherwise Sage might use a UNIVARIATE polynomial ring;
            # these behave differently.
            S = PolynomialRing(QQ, V.torus_dim - 1,
                               [y for y in V.ring.gens() if y != x])
            li = [
                S(normalise_laurent_polynomial(F[j].subs({x: g}))) for j in I
                if j != i
            U = SubvarietyOfTorus(li, V.torus_dim - 1)
            W = SubvarietyOfTorus([S(normalise_laurent_polynomial(g))] + li)
                res = U._count_general(level) - W._count_general(level)
            except CountException:
                logger.debug('Successfully decomposed variety.')
                logger.debug('Solvable condition: (%d, %s, %s)' % (i, x, g))
                logger.debug('U = %s' % U.polynomials)
                logger.debug('W = %s' % W.polynomials)
                return res

        logger.debug('Trying to isolate a variable...')
        for (i, x, u, v) in V._isolated_variables():
            # When F[i] == 0 is equivalent to x*v==u and x doesn't occur in
            # any other F[j], there are two cases:
            # (1) On the subvariety v==0, x is arbitrary so this part has Euler
            # characteristic zero.
            # (2) On v != 0, x == u/v is completely determined by the
            # remaining variables and the implicit condition u != 0.

            S = PolynomialRing(QQ, V.torus_dim - 1,
                               [y for y in V.ring.gens() if y != x])
            li = [S(F[j]) for j in I if j != i]

            U = SubvarietyOfTorus(li, V.torus_dim - 1)
            Wu = SubvarietyOfTorus([S(u)] + li, V.torus_dim - 1)
            Wv = SubvarietyOfTorus([S(v)] + li, V.torus_dim - 1)
            Z = SubvarietyOfTorus([S(u), S(v)] + li, V.torus_dim - 1)

                res = U._count_general(level) - Wu._count_general(
                    level) - Wv._count_general(
                        level) + q * Z._count_general(level)
            except CountException:
                logger.debug('Succesfully isolated a variable.')
                logger.debug('Isolated variable data: (%d, %s, %s, %s)' %
                             (i, x, u, v))
                logger.debug('U = %s' % U.polynomials)
                logger.debug('Wu = %s' % Wu.polynomials)
                logger.debug('Wv = %s' % Wv.polynomials)
                logger.debug('Z = %s' % Z.polynomials)
                return res

            'SubvarietyOfTorus._count_general failed. Defining polynomials: %s'
            % self.polynomials)

        if level < 2:
            raise CountException(
                'failed to %s' %
                ('compute Euler characteristic' if euler else 'count points'))
            return symbolic_variable(self)

    def euler_characteristic(self):
        return self._count_general(level=-1)

    def count(self):
        for i in ([0, 1, 2] if common.symbolic else [0]):
                return SR(self._count_general(level=i)).expand()
            except CountException:
                logger.debug('count (level=%d) failed: %s' % (i, self))
        raise CountException(
            'Failed to count number of rational points. Try switching to symbolic mode.'

    def __str__(self):
        if self.polynomials:
            return 'Subvariety of %d-dimensional torus defined by %s' % (
                self.torus_dim, self.polynomials)
            return 'Torus of dimension %d' % self.torus_dim

    __repr__ = __str__