コード例 #1
    def time_12_384(self):
            sage: import henselization
            sage: from henselization.benchmarks.splitting_fields import SplittingField
            sage: SplittingField().time_12_384() # long time
            Factoring T^12 - 4*T^11 + 2*T^10 + 13*T^8 - 16*T^7 - 36*T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 13 over a field of degree 1 * 1…
            …factors with degrees [12]
            Found totally ramified part of degree 12
            Factoring T^12 - 4*T^11 + 2*T^10 + 13*T^8 - 16*T^7 - 36*T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 13 over a field of degree 1 * 12…
            …factors with degrees [8, 2, 1, 1]
            Found unramified part of degree 2
            Factoring T^12 - 4*T^11 + 2*T^10 + 13*T^8 - 16*T^7 - 36*T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 13 over a field of degree 2 * 1…
            …factors with degrees [12]
            Found totally ramified part of degree 12
            Factoring T^12 - 4*T^11 + 2*T^10 + 13*T^8 - 16*T^7 - 36*T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 13 over a field of degree 2 * 12…
            …factors with degrees [4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            Found totally ramified part of degree 4
            Factoring T^12 - 4*T^11 + 2*T^10 + 13*T^8 - 16*T^7 - 36*T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 13 over a field of degree 2 * 48…
            …factors with degrees [4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            Found totally ramified part of degree 4
            Factoring T^12 - 4*T^11 + 2*T^10 + 13*T^8 - 16*T^7 - 36*T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 13 over a field of degree 2 * 192…
            …factors with degrees [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        K = QQ.henselization(2)
        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'T')
        T = R.gen()
        f = T**12 - 4 * T**11 + 2 * T**10 + 13 * T**8 - 16 * T**7 - 36 * T**6 + 168 * T**5 - 209 * T**4 + 52 * T**3 + 26 * T**2 + 8 * T - 13
コード例 #2
    def time_6_8(self):
            sage: import henselization
            sage: from henselization.benchmarks.splitting_fields import SplittingField
            sage: SplittingField().time_6_8()
            Factoring T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 14 over a field of degree 1 * 1…
            …factors with degrees [4, 1, 1]
            Found totally ramified part of degree 4
            Factoring T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 14 over a field of degree 1 * 4…
            …factors with degrees [2, 1, 1, 1, 1]
            Found totally ramified part of degree 2
            Factoring T^6 + 168*T^5 - 209*T^4 + 52*T^3 + 26*T^2 + 8*T - 14 over a field of degree 1 * 8…
            …factors with degrees [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        K = QQ.henselization(2)
        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'T')
        T = R.gen()
        f = T**6 + 168 * T**5 - 209 * T**4 + 52 * T**3 + 26 * T**2 + 8 * T - 14