コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, cartan_type, la, mu):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: K = crystals.KacModule(['A', [2,1]], [2,1], [1])
            sage: TestSuite(K).run()
        self._cartan_type = cartan_type
        self._la = la
        self._mu = mu
        Parent.__init__(self, category=RegularSuperCrystals())
        self._S = CrystalOfOddNegativeRoots(self._cartan_type)
        self._dual = CrystalOfTableaux(['A', self._cartan_type.m], shape=la)
        self._reg = CrystalOfTableaux(['A', self._cartan_type.n], shape=mu)
        data = (self._S.module_generators[0], self._dual.module_generators[0],
        self.module_generators = (self.element_class(self, data), )
コード例 #2
    def example(self):
        Return an example of a quantum group representation as per
        :meth:`Category.example <sage.categories.category.Category.example>`.


            sage: from sage.categories.quantum_group_representations import QuantumGroupRepresentations
            sage: Cat = QuantumGroupRepresentations(ZZ['q'].fraction_field())
            sage: Cat.example()
            V((2, 1, 0))
        from sage.algebras.quantum_groups.representations import AdjointRepresentation
        from sage.combinat.crystals.tensor_product import CrystalOfTableaux
        T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A', 2], shape=[2, 1])
        return AdjointRepresentation(self.base_ring(), T)
コード例 #3
    def _tableaux_isomorphism(self):
        Return the isomorphism from ``self`` to the tableaux model.


            sage: W = WeylGroup(['A',3,1], prefix='s')
            sage: w = W.from_reduced_word([3,2,1])
            sage: B = crystals.AffineFactorization(w,4)
            sage: B._tableaux_isomorphism
            ['A', 3] Crystal morphism:
              From: Crystal on affine factorizations of type A3 associated to s3*s2*s1
              To:   The crystal of tableaux of type ['A', 3] and shape(s) [[3]]

            sage: W = WeylGroup(['A',3,1], prefix='s')
            sage: w = W.from_reduced_word([2,1,3,2])
            sage: B = crystals.AffineFactorization(w,3)
            sage: B._tableaux_isomorphism
            ['A', 2] Crystal morphism:
              From: Crystal on affine factorizations of type A2 associated to s2*s3*s1*s2
              To:   The crystal of tableaux of type ['A', 2] and shape(s) [[2, 2]]
        # Constructing the tableaux crystal
        from sage.combinat.crystals.tensor_product import CrystalOfTableaux

        def mg_to_shape(mg):
            l = list(mg.weight().to_vector())
            while l and l[-1] == 0:
            return l

        sh = [mg_to_shape(mg) for mg in self.highest_weight_vectors()]
        C = CrystalOfTableaux(self.cartan_type(), shapes=sh)
        phi = FactorizationToTableaux(Hom(self, C, category=self.category()))
        return phi
コード例 #4
def HighestWeightCrystal(dominant_weight, model=None):
    Return the highest weight crystal of highest weight ``dominant_weight``
    of the given ``model``.


    - ``dominant_weight`` -- a dominant weight
    - ``model`` -- (optional) if not specified, then we have the following
      default models:

      * types `A_n, B_n, C_n, D_n, G_2` - :class:`tableaux
      * types `E_{6,7}` - :class:`type E finite dimensional crystal
      * all other types - :class:`LS paths

      otherwise can be one of the following:

      * ``'Tableaux'`` - :class:`KN tableaux
      * ``'TypeE'`` - :class:`type E finite dimensional crystal
      * ``'NakajimaMonomials'`` - :class:`Nakajima monomials
      * ``'LSPaths'`` - :class:`LS paths
      * ``'AlcovePaths'`` - :class:`alcove paths
      * ``'GeneralizedYoungWalls'`` - :class:`generalized Young walls
      * ``'RiggedConfigurations'`` - :class:`rigged configurations


        sage: La = RootSystem(['A',2]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[1] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of tableaux of type ['A', 2] and shape(s) [[2, 1]]

        sage: La = RootSystem(['C',2]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = 5*La[1] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of tableaux of type ['C', 2] and shape(s) [[6, 1]]

    Some type `E` examples::

        sage: C = CartanType(['E',6])
        sage: La = C.root_system().weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[1])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[6])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[2])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[4])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[3])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[5])
        sage: T.cardinality()

        sage: C = CartanType(['E',7])
        sage: La = C.root_system().weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[1])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[2])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[3])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[4])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[5])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[6])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[7])
        sage: T.cardinality()

    An example with an affine type::

        sage: C = CartanType(['C',2,1])
        sage: La = C.root_system().weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[1])
        sage: sorted(T.subcrystal(max_depth=3), key=str)
        [(-Lambda[0] + 3*Lambda[1] - Lambda[2] - delta,),
         (-Lambda[0] + Lambda[1] + Lambda[2] - delta,),
         (-Lambda[1] + 2*Lambda[2] - delta,),
         (2*Lambda[0] - Lambda[1],),
         (Lambda[0] + Lambda[1] - Lambda[2],),
         (Lambda[0] - Lambda[1] + Lambda[2],),

    Using the various models::

        sage: La = RootSystem(['F',4]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[1] + La[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of LS paths of type ['F', 4] and weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='NakajimaMonomials')
        Highest weight crystal of modified Nakajima monomials of
         Cartan type ['F', 4] and highest weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='AlcovePaths')
        Highest weight crystal of alcove paths of type ['F', 4] and weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='RiggedConfigurations')
        Crystal of rigged configurations of type ['F', 4] and weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: La = RootSystem(['A',3,1]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[0] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='GeneralizedYoungWalls')
        Highest weight crystal of generalized Young walls of
         Cartan type ['A', 3, 1] and highest weight Lambda[0] + Lambda[2]
    cartan_type = dominant_weight.parent().cartan_type()
    if model is None:
        if cartan_type.is_finite():
            if cartan_type.type() == 'E':
                model = 'TypeE'
            elif cartan_type.type() in ['A','B','C','D','G']:
                model = 'Tableaux'
                model = 'LSPaths'
            model = 'LSPaths'

    if model == 'Tableaux':
        sh = sum([[i]*c for i,c in dominant_weight], [])
        sh = Partition(reversed(sh))
        return CrystalOfTableaux(cartan_type, shape=sh.conjugate())

    if model == 'TypeE':
        if not cartan_type.is_finite() or cartan_type.type() != 'E':
            raise ValueError("only for finite type E")
        if cartan_type.rank() == 6:
            return FiniteDimensionalHighestWeightCrystal_TypeE6(dominant_weight)
        elif cartan_type.rank() == 7:
            return FiniteDimensionalHighestWeightCrystal_TypeE7(dominant_weight)
        raise NotImplementedError

    if model == 'NakajimaMonomials':
        # Make sure it's in the weight lattice
        P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_lattice()
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i,c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfNakajimaMonomials(cartan_type, wt)

    if model == 'LSPaths':
        # Make sure it's in the (extended) weight space
        if cartan_type.is_affine():
            P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_space(extended=True)
            P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_space()
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i,c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfLSPaths(wt)

    if model == 'AlcovePaths':
        # Make sure it's in the weight space
        P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_space()
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i,c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfAlcovePaths(wt, highest_weight_crystal=True)

    if model == 'GeneralizedYoungWalls':
        if not cartan_type.is_affine():
            raise ValueError("only for affine types")
        if cartan_type.type() != 'A':
            raise NotImplementedError("only for affine type A")
        # Make sure it's in the weight lattice
        P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_lattice(extended=True)
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i,c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfGeneralizedYoungWalls(cartan_type.rank()-1, wt)

    if model == 'RiggedConfigurations':
        # Make sure it's in the weight lattice
        P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_lattice()
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i,c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfRiggedConfigurations(cartan_type, wt)

    raise ValueError("invalid model")
コード例 #5
def HighestWeightCrystal(dominant_weight, model=None):
    Return the highest weight crystal of highest weight ``dominant_weight``
    of the given ``model``.


    - ``dominant_weight`` -- a dominant weight
    - ``model`` -- (optional) if not specified, then we have the following
      default models:

      * types `A_n, B_n, C_n, D_n, G_2` - :class:`tableaux
      * types `E_{6,7}` - :class:`type E finite dimensional crystal
      * all other types - :class:`LS paths

      otherwise can be one of the following:

      * ``'Tableaux'`` - :class:`KN tableaux
      * ``'TypeE'`` - :class:`type E finite dimensional crystal
      * ``'NakajimaMonomials'`` - :class:`Nakajima monomials
      * ``'LSPaths'`` - :class:`LS paths
      * ``'AlcovePaths'`` - :class:`alcove paths
      * ``'GeneralizedYoungWalls'`` - :class:`generalized Young walls
      * ``'RiggedConfigurations'`` - :class:`rigged configurations


        sage: La = RootSystem(['A',2]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[1] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of tableaux of type ['A', 2] and shape(s) [[2, 1]]

        sage: La = RootSystem(['C',2]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = 5*La[1] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of tableaux of type ['C', 2] and shape(s) [[6, 1]]

        sage: La = RootSystem(['B',2]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[1] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of tableaux of type ['B', 2] and shape(s) [[3/2, 1/2]]

    Some type `E` examples::

        sage: C = CartanType(['E',6])
        sage: La = C.root_system().weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[1])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[6])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[2])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[4])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[3])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[5])
        sage: T.cardinality()

        sage: C = CartanType(['E',7])
        sage: La = C.root_system().weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[1])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[2])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[3])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[4])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[5])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[6])
        sage: T.cardinality()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[7])
        sage: T.cardinality()

    An example with an affine type::

        sage: C = CartanType(['C',2,1])
        sage: La = C.root_system().weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: T = crystals.HighestWeight(La[1])
        sage: sorted(T.subcrystal(max_depth=3), key=str)
        [(-Lambda[0] + 3*Lambda[1] - Lambda[2] - delta,),
         (-Lambda[0] + Lambda[1] + Lambda[2] - delta,),
         (-Lambda[1] + 2*Lambda[2] - delta,),
         (2*Lambda[0] - Lambda[1],),
         (Lambda[0] + Lambda[1] - Lambda[2],),
         (Lambda[0] - Lambda[1] + Lambda[2],),

    Using the various models::

        sage: La = RootSystem(['F',4]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[1] + La[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt)
        The crystal of LS paths of type ['F', 4] and weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='NakajimaMonomials')
        Highest weight crystal of modified Nakajima monomials of
         Cartan type ['F', 4] and highest weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='AlcovePaths')
        Highest weight crystal of alcove paths of type ['F', 4] and weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='RiggedConfigurations')
        Crystal of rigged configurations of type ['F', 4] and weight Lambda[1] + Lambda[4]
        sage: La = RootSystem(['A',3,1]).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
        sage: wt = La[0] + La[2]
        sage: crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model='GeneralizedYoungWalls')
        Highest weight crystal of generalized Young walls of
         Cartan type ['A', 3, 1] and highest weight Lambda[0] + Lambda[2]


    Check that the correct crystal is constructed for the fundamental weights::

        sage: for ct in CartanType.samples(finite=True, crystallographic=True):
        ....:     L = ct.root_system().weight_lattice()
        ....:     La = L.fundamental_weights()
        ....:     for model in ['Tableaux', 'NakajimaMonomials', 'AlcovePaths', 'RiggedConfigurations']:
        ....:         if model == 'Tableaux' and ct.type() in ["E", "F"]:
        ....:             continue
        ....:         for wt in La:
        ....:             C = crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model=model)
        ....:             assert L.weyl_dimension(wt) == C.cardinality(), "wrong cardinality in %s, weight %s" % (ct, wt)
        ....:             assert C.highest_weight_vector().weight() == wt, "wrong weight in %s, weight %s" % (ct, wt)

    Same thing for weights constructed from the simple roots::

        sage: for ct in CartanType.samples(finite=True, crystallographic=True):
        ....:     L = ct.root_system().root_space()
        ....:     La = L.fundamental_weights_from_simple_roots()
        ....:     for model in ['Tableaux', 'NakajimaMonomials', 'AlcovePaths', 'RiggedConfigurations']:
        ....:         if model == 'Tableaux' and ct.type() in ["E", "F"]:
        ....:             continue
        ....:         for wt in La:
        ....:             C1 = crystals.HighestWeight(wt.to_ambient().to_weight_space(ZZ), model=model)
        ....:             C2 = crystals.HighestWeight(wt, model=model)
        ....:             assert C1 == C2

    cartan_type = dominant_weight.parent().cartan_type()
    if model is None:
        if cartan_type.is_finite():
            if cartan_type.type() == 'E':
                model = 'TypeE'
            elif cartan_type.type() in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'G']:
                model = 'Tableaux'
                model = 'LSPaths'
            model = 'LSPaths'

    # Make sure dominant_weight in the weight space
    if cartan_type.is_finite():
        dominant_weight = dominant_weight.to_ambient().to_weight_space(ZZ)

    if model == 'Tableaux':
        # we rely on the specific choice of positive roots here
        # except in type G_2, the fundamental weights are realized by
        # vectors with weakly decreasing nonnegative integer (or in
        # type B_n and D_n, half-integer) entries
        sh = dominant_weight.to_ambient().to_vector()
        if cartan_type.type() == "G":
            sh = (-sh)[2:0:-1]
        return CrystalOfTableaux(cartan_type, shape=sh)

    if model == 'TypeE':
        if not cartan_type.is_finite() or cartan_type.type() != 'E':
            raise ValueError("only for finite type E")
        if cartan_type.rank() == 6:
            return FiniteDimensionalHighestWeightCrystal_TypeE6(
        elif cartan_type.rank() == 7:
            return FiniteDimensionalHighestWeightCrystal_TypeE7(
        raise NotImplementedError

    if model == 'NakajimaMonomials':
        return CrystalOfNakajimaMonomials(cartan_type, dominant_weight)

    if model == 'LSPaths':
        # Make sure it's in the (extended) weight space
        if cartan_type.is_affine():
            P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_space(
            P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_space()
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i, c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfLSPaths(wt)

    if model == 'AlcovePaths':
        return CrystalOfAlcovePaths(dominant_weight,

    if model == 'GeneralizedYoungWalls':
        if not cartan_type.is_affine():
            raise ValueError("only for affine types")
        if cartan_type.type() != 'A':
            raise NotImplementedError("only for affine type A")
        # Make sure it's in the weight lattice
        P = dominant_weight.parent().root_system.weight_lattice(extended=True)
        wt = P.sum_of_terms((i, c) for i, c in dominant_weight)
        return CrystalOfGeneralizedYoungWalls(cartan_type.rank() - 1, wt)

    if model == 'RiggedConfigurations':
        return CrystalOfRiggedConfigurations(cartan_type, dominant_weight)

    raise ValueError("invalid model")