コード例 #1
    def ImaseItoh(self, n, d):
        Returns the digraph of Imase and Itoh of order `n` and degree `d`.

        The digraph of Imase and Itoh has been defined in [II83]_. It has vertex
        set `V=\{0, 1,..., n-1\}` and there is an arc from vertex `u \in V` to
        all vertices `v \in V` such that `v \equiv (-u*d-a-1) \mod{n}` with
        `0 \leq a < d`.

        When `n = d^{D}`, the digraph of Imase and Itoh is isomorphic to the de
        Bruijn digraph of degree `d` and diameter `D`. When `n = d^{D-1}(d+1)`,
        the digraph of Imase and Itoh is isomorphic to the Kautz digraph
        [Kautz68]_ of degree `d` and diameter `D`.


        - ``n`` -- is the number of vertices of the digraph

        - ``d`` -- is the degree of the digraph


            sage: II = digraphs.ImaseItoh(8, 2)
            sage: II.is_isomorphic(digraphs.DeBruijn(2, 3), certify = True)
            (True, {0: '010', 1: '011', 2: '000', 3: '001', 4: '110', 5: '111', 6: '100', 7: '101'})

            sage: II = digraphs.ImaseItoh(12, 2)
            sage: II.is_isomorphic(digraphs.Kautz(2, 3), certify = True)
            (True, {0: '010', 1: '012', 2: '021', 3: '020', 4: '202', 5: '201', 6: '210', 7: '212', 8: '121', 9: '120', 10: '102', 11: '101'})


        An exception is raised when the degree is less than one::

            sage: G = digraphs.ImaseItoh(2, 0)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for degree at least one.

        An exception is raised when the order of the graph is less than two::

            sage: G = digraphs.ImaseItoh(1, 2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for at least two vertices.


        .. [II83] M. Imase and M. Itoh. A design for directed graphs with
          minimum diameter, *IEEE Trans. Comput.*, vol. C-32, pp. 782-784, 1983.
        if n < 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for at least two vertices."
        if d < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for degree at least one."

        II = DiGraph(loops=True)
        for u in xrange(n):
            for a in xrange(-u * d - d, -u * d):
                II.add_edge(u, a % n)

        II.name("Imase and Itoh digraph (n=%s, d=%s)" % (n, d))
        return II
コード例 #2
    def DeBruijn(self, k, n, vertices='strings'):
        Returns the De Bruijn digraph with parameters `k,n`.

        The De Bruijn digraph with parameters `k,n` is built upon a set of
        vertices equal to the set of words of length `n` from a dictionary of
        `k` letters.

        In this digraph, there is an arc `w_1w_2` if `w_2` can be obtained from
        `w_1` by removing the leftmost letter and adding a new letter at its
        right end.  For more information, see the
        :wikipedia:`Wikipedia article on De Bruijn graph <De_Bruijn_graph>`.


        - ``k`` -- Two possibilities for this parameter :
              - An integer equal to the cardinality of the alphabet to use, that
                is the degree of the digraph to be produced.
              - An iterable object to be used as the set of letters. The degree
                of the resulting digraph is the cardinality of the set of

        - ``n`` -- An integer equal to the length of words in the De Bruijn
          digraph when ``vertices == 'strings'``, and also to the diameter of
          the digraph.

        - ``vertices`` -- 'strings' (default) or 'integers', specifying whether
          the vertices are words build upon an alphabet or integers.


            sage: db=digraphs.DeBruijn(2,2); db
            De Bruijn digraph (k=2, n=2): Looped digraph on 4 vertices
            sage: db.order()
            sage: db.size()


            sage: digraphs.DeBruijn(5,0)
            De Bruijn digraph (k=5, n=0): Looped multi-digraph on 1 vertex
            sage: digraphs.DeBruijn(0,0)
            De Bruijn digraph (k=0, n=0): Looped multi-digraph on 0 vertices
        from sage.combinat.words.words import Words
        from sage.rings.integer import Integer

        W = Words(range(k) if isinstance(k, Integer) else k, n)
        A = Words(range(k) if isinstance(k, Integer) else k, 1)
        g = DiGraph(loops=True)

        if vertices == 'strings':
            if n == 0:
                v = W[0]
                for a in A:
                    g.add_edge(v.string_rep(), v.string_rep(), a.string_rep())
                for w in W:
                    ww = w[1:]
                    for a in A:
                        g.add_edge(w.string_rep(), (ww * a).string_rep(),
            d = W.size_of_alphabet()
            g = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(d**n, d)

        g.name("De Bruijn digraph (k=%s, n=%s)" % (k, n))
        return g
コード例 #3
    def GeneralizedDeBruijn(self, n, d):
        Returns the generalized de Bruijn digraph of order `n` and degree `d`.

        The generalized de Bruijn digraph has been defined in [RPK80]_
        [RPK83]_. It has vertex set `V=\{0, 1,..., n-1\}` and there is an arc
        from vertex `u \in V` to all vertices `v \in V` such that
        `v \equiv (u*d + a) \mod{n}` with `0 \leq a < d`.

        When `n = d^{D}`, the generalized de Bruijn digraph is isomorphic to the
        de Bruijn digraph of degree `d` and diameter `D`.


        - ``n`` -- is the number of vertices of the digraph

        - ``d`` -- is the degree of the digraph

        .. SEEALSO::

            * :meth:`sage.graphs.generic_graph.GenericGraph.is_circulant` --
              checks whether a (di)graph is circulant, and/or returns all
              possible sets of parameters.


            sage: GB = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(8, 2)
            sage: GB.is_isomorphic(digraphs.DeBruijn(2, 3), certify = True)
            (True, {0: '000', 1: '001', 2: '010', 3: '011', 4: '100', 5: '101', 6: '110', 7: '111'})


        An exception is raised when the degree is less than one::

            sage: G = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(2, 0)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for degree at least one.

        An exception is raised when the order of the graph is less than one::

            sage: G = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(0, 2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for at least one vertex.


        .. [RPK80] S. M. Reddy, D. K. Pradhan, and J. Kuhl. Directed graphs with
          minimal diameter and maximal connectivity, School Eng., Oakland Univ.,
          Rochester MI, Tech. Rep., July 1980.

        .. [RPK83] S. Reddy, P. Raghavan, and J. Kuhl. A Class of Graphs for
          Processor Interconnection. *IEEE International Conference on Parallel
          Processing*, pages 154-157, Los Alamitos, Ca., USA, August 1983.
        if n < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for at least one vertex."
        if d < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for degree at least one."

        GB = DiGraph(loops=True)
        for u in xrange(n):
            for a in xrange(u * d, u * d + d):
                GB.add_edge(u, a % n)

        GB.name("Generalized de Bruijn digraph (n=%s, d=%s)" % (n, d))
        return GB
コード例 #4
    def ImaseItoh(self, n, d):
        Returns the digraph of Imase and Itoh of order `n` and degree `d`.

        The digraph of Imase and Itoh has been defined in [II83]_. It has vertex
        set `V=\{0, 1,..., n-1\}` and there is an arc from vertex `u \in V` to
        all vertices `v \in V` such that `v \equiv (-u*d-a-1) \mod{n}` with
        `0 \leq a < d`.

        When `n = d^{D}`, the digraph of Imase and Itoh is isomorphic to the de
        Bruijn digraph of degree `d` and diameter `D`. When `n = d^{D-1}(d+1)`,
        the digraph of Imase and Itoh is isomorphic to the Kautz digraph
        [Kautz68]_ of degree `d` and diameter `D`.


        - ``n`` -- is the number of vertices of the digraph

        - ``d`` -- is the degree of the digraph


            sage: II = digraphs.ImaseItoh(8, 2)
            sage: II.is_isomorphic(digraphs.DeBruijn(2, 3), certify = True)
            (True, {0: '010', 1: '011', 2: '000', 3: '001', 4: '110', 5: '111', 6: '100', 7: '101'})

            sage: II = digraphs.ImaseItoh(12, 2)
            sage: II.is_isomorphic(digraphs.Kautz(2, 3), certify = True)
            (True, {0: '010', 1: '012', 2: '021', 3: '020', 4: '202', 5: '201', 6: '210', 7: '212', 8: '121', 9: '120', 10: '102', 11: '101'})


        An exception is raised when the degree is less than one::

            sage: G = digraphs.ImaseItoh(2, 0)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for degree at least one.

        An exception is raised when the order of the graph is less than two::

            sage: G = digraphs.ImaseItoh(1, 2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for at least two vertices.


        .. [II83] M. Imase and M. Itoh. A design for directed graphs with
          minimum diameter, *IEEE Trans. Comput.*, vol. C-32, pp. 782-784, 1983.
        if n < 2:
            raise ValueError("The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for at least two vertices.")
        if d < 1:
            raise ValueError("The digraph of Imase and Itoh is defined for degree at least one.")

        II = DiGraph(loops = True)
        for u in xrange(n):
            for a in xrange(-u*d-d, -u*d):
                II.add_edge(u, a % n)

        II.name( "Imase and Itoh digraph (n=%s, d=%s)"%(n,d) )
        return II
コード例 #5
    def GeneralizedDeBruijn(self, n, d):
        Returns the generalized de Bruijn digraph of order `n` and degree `d`.

        The generalized de Bruijn digraph has been defined in [RPK80]_
        [RPK83]_. It has vertex set `V=\{0, 1,..., n-1\}` and there is an arc
        from vertex `u \in V` to all vertices `v \in V` such that
        `v \equiv (u*d + a) \mod{n}` with `0 \leq a < d`.

        When `n = d^{D}`, the generalized de Bruijn digraph is isomorphic to the
        de Bruijn digraph of degree `d` and diameter `D`.


        - ``n`` -- is the number of vertices of the digraph

        - ``d`` -- is the degree of the digraph

        .. SEEALSO::

            * :meth:`sage.graphs.generic_graph.GenericGraph.is_circulant` --
              checks whether a (di)graph is circulant, and/or returns all
              possible sets of parameters.


            sage: GB = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(8, 2)
            sage: GB.is_isomorphic(digraphs.DeBruijn(2, 3), certify = True)
            (True, {0: '000', 1: '001', 2: '010', 3: '011', 4: '100', 5: '101', 6: '110', 7: '111'})


        An exception is raised when the degree is less than one::

            sage: G = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(2, 0)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for degree at least one.

        An exception is raised when the order of the graph is less than one::

            sage: G = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(0, 2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for at least one vertex.


        .. [RPK80] S. M. Reddy, D. K. Pradhan, and J. Kuhl. Directed graphs with
          minimal diameter and maximal connectivity, School Eng., Oakland Univ.,
          Rochester MI, Tech. Rep., July 1980.

        .. [RPK83] S. Reddy, P. Raghavan, and J. Kuhl. A Class of Graphs for
          Processor Interconnection. *IEEE International Conference on Parallel
          Processing*, pages 154-157, Los Alamitos, Ca., USA, August 1983.
        if n < 1:
            raise ValueError("The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for at least one vertex.")
        if d < 1:
            raise ValueError("The generalized de Bruijn digraph is defined for degree at least one.")

        GB = DiGraph(loops = True)
        for u in xrange(n):
            for a in xrange(u*d, u*d+d):
                GB.add_edge(u, a%n)

        GB.name( "Generalized de Bruijn digraph (n=%s, d=%s)"%(n,d) )
        return GB
コード例 #6
    def DeBruijn(self, k, n, vertices = 'strings'):
        Returns the De Bruijn digraph with parameters `k,n`.

        The De Bruijn digraph with parameters `k,n` is built upon a set of
        vertices equal to the set of words of length `n` from a dictionary of
        `k` letters.

        In this digraph, there is an arc `w_1w_2` if `w_2` can be obtained from
        `w_1` by removing the leftmost letter and adding a new letter at its
        right end.  For more information, see the
        :wikipedia:`Wikipedia article on De Bruijn graph <De_Bruijn_graph>`.


        - ``k`` -- Two possibilities for this parameter :
              - An integer equal to the cardinality of the alphabet to use, that
                is the degree of the digraph to be produced.
              - An iterable object to be used as the set of letters. The degree
                of the resulting digraph is the cardinality of the set of

        - ``n`` -- An integer equal to the length of words in the De Bruijn
          digraph when ``vertices == 'strings'``, and also to the diameter of
          the digraph.

        - ``vertices`` -- 'strings' (default) or 'integers', specifying whether
          the vertices are words build upon an alphabet or integers.


            sage: db=digraphs.DeBruijn(2,2); db
            De Bruijn digraph (k=2, n=2): Looped digraph on 4 vertices
            sage: db.order()
            sage: db.size()


            sage: digraphs.DeBruijn(5,0)
            De Bruijn digraph (k=5, n=0): Looped multi-digraph on 1 vertex
            sage: digraphs.DeBruijn(0,0)
            De Bruijn digraph (k=0, n=0): Looped multi-digraph on 0 vertices
        from sage.combinat.words.words import Words
        from sage.rings.integer import Integer

        W = Words(range(k) if isinstance(k, Integer) else k, n)
        A = Words(range(k) if isinstance(k, Integer) else k, 1)
        g = DiGraph(loops=True)

        if vertices == 'strings':
            if n == 0 :
                v = W[0]
                for a in A:
                    g.add_edge(v.string_rep(), v.string_rep(), a.string_rep())
                for w in W:
                    ww = w[1:]
                    for a in A:
                        g.add_edge(w.string_rep(), (ww*a).string_rep(), a.string_rep())
            d = W.size_of_alphabet()
            g = digraphs.GeneralizedDeBruijn(d**n, d)

        g.name( "De Bruijn digraph (k=%s, n=%s)"%(k,n) )
        return g
コード例 #7
    def DeBruijn(self,k,n):
        Returns the De Bruijn diraph with parameters `k,n`.

        The De Bruijn digraph with parameters `k,n` is built
        upon a set of vertices equal to the set of words of
        length `n` from a dictionary of `k` letters.

        In this digraph, there is an arc `w_1w_2` if `w_2`
        can be obtained from `w_1` by removing the leftmost
        letter and adding a new letter at its right end.
        For more information, see the
        `Wikipedia article on De Bruijn graph


        - ``k`` -- Two possibilities for this parameter :
              - an integer equal to the cardinality of the
                alphabet to use.
              - An iterable object to be used as the set
                of letters
        - ``n`` -- An integer equal to the length of words in
          the De Bruijn digraph.


            sage: db=digraphs.DeBruijn(2,2); db
            De Bruijn digraph (k=2, n=2): Looped digraph on 4 vertices
            sage: db.order()
            sage: db.size()


            sage: digraphs.DeBruijn(5,0)
            De Bruijn digraph (k=5, n=0): Looped multi-digraph on 1 vertex
            sage: digraphs.DeBruijn(0,0)
            De Bruijn digraph (k=0, n=0): Looped multi-digraph on 0 vertices

        from sage.combinat.words.words import Words
        from sage.rings.integer import Integer

        W = Words(range(k) if isinstance(k, Integer) else k, n)
        A = Words(range(k) if isinstance(k, Integer) else k, 1)
        g = DiGraph(loops=True)

        if n == 0 :
            v = W[0]
            for a in A:
                g.add_edge(v.string_rep(), v.string_rep(), a.string_rep())
            for w in W:
                ww = w[1:]
                for a in A:
                    g.add_edge(w.string_rep(), (ww*a).string_rep(), a.string_rep())

        g.name( "De Bruijn digraph (k=%s, n=%s)"%(k,n) )
        return g
コード例 #8
    def reduced_rauzy_graph(self, n):
        Returns the reduced Rauzy graph of order `n` of self.


        - ``n`` - non negative integer. Every vertex of a reduced
          Rauzy graph of order `n` is a factor of length `n` of self.


        Looped multi-digraph


        For infinite periodic words (resp. for finite words of type `u^i
        u[0:j]`), the reduced Rauzy graph of order `n` (resp. for `n`
        smaller or equal to `(i-1)|u|+j`) is the directed graph whose
        unique vertex is the prefix `p` of length `n` of self and which has
        an only edge which is a loop on `p` labelled by `w[n+1:|w|] p`
        where `w` is the unique return word to `p`.

        In other cases, it is the directed graph defined as followed.  Let
        `G_n` be the Rauzy graph of order `n` of self. The vertices are the
        vertices of `G_n` that are either special or not prolongable to the
        right or to the left. For each couple (`u`, `v`) of such vertices
        and each directed path in `G_n` from `u` to `v` that contains no
        other vertices that are special, there is an edge from `u` to `v`
        in the reduced Rauzy graph of order `n` whose label is the label of
        the path in `G_n`.
        .. NOTE::

            In the case of infinite recurrent non periodic words, this
            definition correspond to the following one that can be found in
            [1] and [2]  where a simple path is a path that begins with a
            special factor, ends with a special factor and contains no
            other vertices that are special:

            The reduced Rauzy graph of factors of length `n` is obtained
            from `G_n` by replacing each simple path `P=v_1 v_2 ...
            v_{\ell}` with an edge `v_1 v_{\ell}` whose label is the
            concatenation of the labels of the edges of `P`.


            sage: w = Word(range(10)); w
            word: 0123456789
            sage: g = w.reduced_rauzy_graph(3); g
            Looped multi-digraph on 2 vertices
            sage: g.vertices()
            [word: 012, word: 789]
            sage: g.edges()
            [(word: 012, word: 789, word: 3456789)]

        For the Fibonacci word::

            sage: f = words.FibonacciWord()[:100]
            sage: g = f.reduced_rauzy_graph(8);g
            Looped multi-digraph on 2 vertices
            sage: g.vertices()
            [word: 01001010, word: 01010010]
            sage: g.edges()
            [(word: 01001010, word: 01010010, word: 010), (word: 01010010, word: 01001010, word: 01010), (word: 01010010, word: 01001010, word: 10)]

        For periodic words::

            sage: from itertools import cycle
            sage: w = Word(cycle('abcd'))[:100]
            sage: g = w.reduced_rauzy_graph(3)
            sage: g.edges()
            [(word: abc, word: abc, word: dabc)]


            sage: w = Word('111')
            sage: for i in range(5) : w.reduced_rauzy_graph(i)
            Looped digraph on 1 vertex
            Looped digraph on 1 vertex
            Looped digraph on 1 vertex
            Looped multi-digraph on 1 vertex
            Looped multi-digraph on 0 vertices

        For ultimately periodic words::

            sage: sigma = WordMorphism('a->abcd,b->cd,c->cd,d->cd')
            sage: w = sigma.fixed_point('a')[:100]; w
            word: abcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd...
            sage: g = w.reduced_rauzy_graph(5)
            sage: g.vertices()
            [word: abcdc, word: cdcdc]
            sage: g.edges()
            [(word: abcdc, word: cdcdc, word: dc), (word: cdcdc, word: cdcdc, word: dc)]


        Julien Leroy (March 2010): initial version


        - [1] M. Bucci et al.  A. De Luca, A. Glen, L. Q. Zamboni, A
          connection between palindromic and factor complexity using
          return words," Advances in Applied Mathematics 42 (2009) 60-74.

        - [2] L'ubomira Balkova, Edita Pelantova, and Wolfgang Steiner.
          Sequences with constant number of return words. Monatsh. Math,
          155 (2008) 251-263.
        from sage.graphs.all import DiGraph
        from copy import copy
        g = copy(self.rauzy_graph(n))      
        # Otherwise it changes the rauzy_graph function.
        l = [v for v in g if g.in_degree(v)==1 and g.out_degree(v)==1]
        if g.num_verts() !=0 and len(l)==g.num_verts():       
            # In this case, the Rauzy graph is simply a cycle.
            g = DiGraph()
            for v in l:
                [i] = g.neighbors_in(v)
                [o] = g.neighbors_out(v)
        return g