コード例 #1
 def cartan_matrix_as_graph(self, q=None):
     from sage.graphs.graph import DiGraph
     G = DiGraph()
     for (e,f),coeff in self.cartan_matrix_as_table(q).iteritems():
         G.add_edge(e,f, None if coeff == 1 else coeff)
     return G
コード例 #2
        def j_poset(self):

            Returns the j-order on the j-classes, as a poset on the
            indices of the j-classes. For two such indices `i` and
            `j`, and `x` and `y` in corresponding J-classes, one has:

               `i \le j  \Leftrightarrow x \in S y S  \Leftrightarrow  S x S \subset S y S`

            In particular, the identity (when it exists) is the unique
            maximal element of this poset.


                sage: S = Semigroups().Finite().example(alphabet=('a','b', 'c'))
                sage: P = S.j_poset(); P
                Finite poset containing 7 elements
                sage: P.cover_relations()    # random (arbitrary choice)
                [['cab', 'ca'], ['cab', 'cb'], ['cab', 'ab'], ['ca', 'c'], ['ca', 'a'], ['cb', 'b'], ['cb', 'c'], ['ab', 'b'], ['ab', 'a']]
                sage: len(P.cover_relations())
            from sage.graphs.graph import DiGraph
            from sage.combinat.posets.posets import Poset
            # This is more or less duplicating what strongly_connected_components_digraph does!!!
            G = DiGraph()
            for (x,y,_) in self.cayley_graph_cached(side="twosided", simple=True).edge_iterator():
                G.add_edge(self.j_class_index(y), self.j_class_index(x))
            return Poset(G)
コード例 #3
 def cartan_matrix_as_graph(self, q=None):
     from sage.graphs.graph import DiGraph
     G = DiGraph()
     for (e,f),coeff in self.cartan_matrix_as_table(q).iteritems():
         G.add_edge(e,f, None if coeff == 1 else coeff)
     return G
コード例 #4
        def quiver(self, edge_labels=True, index=False):
            Returns the quiver of ``self``


             - ``edges_labels`` -- whether to use the quiver element
               as label for the edges between the idempotents; if
               False, this may lead to multiple edges when the monoid
               is not generated by idempotents (default: True)

             - ``index`` -- whether to index the vertices of the graph
               by the indices of the simple modules rather than the
               corresponding idempotents (default: False)

            OUTPUT: the quiver of ``self``, as a graph with the
            idempotents of this monoid as vertices

            .. todo:: should index default to True?

            .. todo:: use a meaningful example


                sage: import sage_semigroups.monoids.catalog as semigroups
                sage: M = semigroups.NDPFMonoidPoset(Posets(3)[3])
                sage: G = M.quiver()
                sage: G
                Digraph on 4 vertices
                sage: G.edges()
                [([1], [2], [3])]
                sage: M.quiver(edge_labels=False).edges()
                [([1], [2], None)]
                sage: M.quiver(index=True).edges()
                [(2, 1, [3])]
                sage: M.quiver(index=True, edge_labels=False).edges()
                [(2, 1, None)]
            from sage.graphs.graph import DiGraph
            res  = DiGraph()
            if index:
                symbol = attrcall("symbol_index")
                symbol = attrcall("symbol")
            for x in self.quiver_elements():
                res.add_edge(symbol(x,"left"), symbol(x, "right"), x if edge_labels else None)
            return res
コード例 #5
        def quiver(self, edge_labels=True, index=False):
            Returns the quiver of ``self``


             - ``edges_labels`` -- whether to use the quiver element
               as label for the edges between the idempotents; if
               False, this may lead to multiple edges when the monoid
               is not generated by idempotents (default: True)

             - ``index`` -- whether to index the vertices of the graph
               by the indices of the simple modules rather than the
               corresponding idempotents (default: False)

            OUTPUT: the quiver of ``self``, as a graph with the
            idempotents of this monoid as vertices

            .. todo:: should index default to True?

            .. todo:: use a meaningful example


                sage: import sage_semigroups.monoids.catalog as semigroups
                sage: M = semigroups.NDPFMonoidPoset(Posets(3)[3])
                sage: G = M.quiver()
                sage: G
                Digraph on 4 vertices
                sage: G.edges()
                [([1], [2], [3])]
                sage: M.quiver(edge_labels=False).edges()
                [([1], [2], None)]
                sage: M.quiver(index=True).edges()
                [(2, 1, [3])]
                sage: M.quiver(index=True, edge_labels=False).edges()
                [(2, 1, None)]
            from sage.graphs.graph import DiGraph
            res  = DiGraph()
            if index:
                symbol = attrcall("symbol_index")
                symbol = attrcall("symbol")
            for x in self.quiver_elements():
                res.add_edge(symbol(x,"left"), symbol(x, "right"), x if edge_labels else None)
            return res